

March/April 2015
Inside This Issue
Words from the Board ............2
Happenings at Unity ..............
Tithing Corner .......................4
Thoughts of the Season
During this Lenten Season, this time of preparation for the transformation of
the Easter experience, I often find myself pondering…reflecting on the world
around me…and wondering what impact my prayers really have. How can I
better hold that consciousness of prayer so that my world knows itself more
clearly and with great compassion and peace? Charles Fillmore gives us these
words on prayer:
“…prayer is obviously dynamic and actuates the spiritual ethers that interpenetrate all substance. Prayer is related directly to the creative law of God,
and when man adjusts his mind and body in harmony with those laws, his
prayers will always be effective and far-reaching. The activity of the mind
that is named the understanding is essential in righteous prayer. Spirit is
omnipresent, and the individual consciousness gives it a local habitation and
a name.”
Healing Ministry Musings ......5
Music Appreciation ...............6
Prayer Chaplain Thoughts .......
Youth Ed News ......................7
Equinox Celebration ...............9
Bible Interpretation .............. 10
Ellen Bass has given us a poem entitled Pray for Peace that, for me, shows the
many ways individual consciousness can give a name and local habitation to
Spirit. My prayer is that each of us finds our unique expression of Spirit as we
walk through our day…
Pray for Peace
Charley Thweatt Concert......
..... 12
Illuminate Frederick ............. 13
by Ellen Bass
Pray to whomever you kneel down to:
Jesus nailed to his wooden or plastic cross,
his suffering face bent to kiss you,
Buddha still under the bo tree in scorching heat,
Adonai, Allah. Raise your arms to Mary
that she may lay her palm on our brows,
to Shekhina, Queen of Heaven and Earth,
to Inanna in her stripped descent.
Then pray to the bus driver who takes you to work.
On the bus, pray for everyone riding that bus,
for everyone riding buses all over the world.
Drop some silver and pray.
1 West 9th Street
Frederick, MD 21701
Waiting in line for the movies, for the ATM,
for your latte and croissant, offer your plea.
Make your eating and drinking a supplication.
Make your slicing of carrots a holy act,
each translucent layer of the onion, a deeper prayer.
… continued on page 8
Unity in Frederick
A Spiritual Community
is much more than just a Sunday kind of place!
Unity in Frederick
A Spiritual Community
1 West 9th Street
Frederick, MD 21701
Sunday Celebration Service
and Children’s Sunday School
11:00 am
Office Hours
8:00 am - 3:00 pm
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday
Office Closed on Monday & Friday
Rev. Toni Fish
Spiritual Leader
Terri Miner
Office Administrator
& Newsletter Editor
Board of Trustees
Cassie Simpson
Vice President
Debbie Scott
Pauline Cilladi-Rehrer
Kandi Austin
Member at Large
Carolyn Rocha
Connecting is the official newsletter
of Unity in Frederick and is published
bi-monthly. Submit articles to
by the 15th of the month prior
to the next issue.
For the most up to date and detailed
information, see our website:
Words from the Board
Dear Unity Congregants and Members!
I feel so blessed to have our Unity Church as my second home. When I
walk in the door I am greeted by a smiling, welcoming friend. I receive a
hug and a “How are you today” from a good listener, maybe some laughs,
a kind word or two or three, and sometimes even an affirmation to get me
back on track from my week. I feel safe and accepted. No matter how
little or big a challenge in my life, I begin to feel and know Spirit is working in my life and the challenges seem more manageable. I don’t feel so
alone. How many of us would have loved to have this as a young child?
As a teenager? As a young adult?
Rev. Toni has a heartfelt, passionate, and intellectual lesson to share for
you to contemplate and maybe, something to practice for the week or
month. Pay attention, because she may ask you a question or you may lose
track of where she is going to make her point. So, drink your coffee, wake
up, get to know people, discuss the lesson, and ask questions. Come to
classes before service, on Tuesday mornings, and/or Thursday nights so
you can learn the lessons to help you learn more about yourself. With
awareness and some love, comes acceptance. During all this, you can
share your stories, your challenges, your lessons, and your gifts. You open
to Spirit and delight in who you are. I see you greeting me next Sunday or
soon, I see you reading the Daily Word, I see you sharing a talent, I see
you being grateful, I see you coloring with the children, I see you sharing
your favorite recipe, I see Spirit expressing through you! Your energy
flows; your creativity flows. You’re ZEALOUS! It’s contagious!
We have something special here at Unity. Let’s share it! We want to share
with all ages especially the youth. The youth is the future of Unity! The
doors and walls are bursting at the seams. Our families need space, more
space to effectively teach different age groups in age-appropriate ways the
Unity message and the principles. The youth is the future of Unity!
Moving forward with love, joy and zeal!
Debbie Scott
Vice-President, Board of Trustees
Happenings at Unity in Frederick
Services & Sunday School
Sunday, March 1
8:50 Metaphysical Bible Study
11:00am - Sunday School
11:00am - Celebraon Service
6:00 - Meditaon Service
Sunday, March 8
8:50 Metaphysical Bible Study
11:00am - Sunday School
11:00am - Celebraon Service
6:00 - Meditaon Service
Sunday, March 15
8:50 Metaphysical Bible Study
11:00am - Sunday School
11:00am - Celebraon Service
6:00 - Meditaon Service
6:45 - Healing Service
Sunday, March 22
8:50 Metaphysical Bible Study
11:00am - Sunday School
11:00am - Celebraon Service
6:00 - Meditaon Service
Sunday, March 29 -- Palm Sunday
8:50 Metaphysical Bible Study
11:00am - Sunday School
11:00am - Celebraon Service
6:00 - Meditaon Service
Sunday, April 5 -- Easter
6:?? - Sunrise Service at Gambrill
1:00am - Sunday School
11:00am - Celebraon Service
6:00 - Meditaon Service
Sunday, April 12
8:50 Metaphysical Bible Study
11:00am - Sunday School
11:00am - Celebraon Service
6:00 - Meditaon Service
Sunday, April 19
8:50 Metaphysical Bible Study
11:00am - Sunday School
11:00am - Celebraon Service
6:00 - Meditaon Service
6:45 - Healing Service
Sunday, April 26
8:50 Metaphysical Bible Study
11:00am - Sunday School
11:00am - Celebraon Service
6:00 - Meditaon Service
Classes, Workshops & Mee$ngs
6:00pm - Candlelight Yoga
March 2, 9, 16, 23, 30, April 6,13, 20, 27
9:30am - 4T Prosperity Class
March 3, 10, 17, 24, 31 ???
6:30pm - Healing Circle
March 4, April 1
6:30pm - Journey of Radiant Health (off-site)
March 25, April 22
7:00pm - 4T Prosperity Class
March 5, 12, 19, 26, April 2 ???
10:30am - Spiritual Yoga
March 6, 13, 20, 27, April 3, 10, 17, 24
12:00 noon - Book & Bag Discussion
March 6, 13, 20, 27, April 3, 10, 17, 24
7:30pm - Charley Thwea8 Concert
March 13
5:30pm - Youth Group
March 20, April 17
6:30pm - Equinox Celebraon
March 20
5:00pm - Bible Interpretaon of the Hebrew Scriptures
March 27
8:30 am - Staff & Ministry Leader Meeng
March 7, April 4
11:30am - Intuion and Healing
with Wanda Lasseter-Lundy
March 14, April 11
7pm - Service in Spirit Speakers
March 28, April 25
6:30pm - Drumming Circle
March 28, April 25
7:00pm - Dances of Universal Peace
March 7, April 4
9:00am- Bible Interpretaon of the Hebrew Scriptures
March 28
6:45pm - Healing Service
March 15, April 19
4:00pm - Unity in Frederick Serving the Soup Kitchen
March 22
Ministry Team Leaders
for Unity in Frederick
If you are called to serve on one of
these teams, contact the Team Leader.
Board of Trustees
Cassie Simpson
Book & Bag
Debra Spotts
Building Maintenance
Jude Oyler
Celebration Service Coordinator
Rev Toni Fish
Community Outreach
Rev Toni Fish
Rosalind Jack
Patty Holcombe
& Robert Abdinoor
Linda Irvine
Kandi Austin
Media (includes A/V)
Jude Oyler
Music Director
Patty Progecene
Prayer Chaplains
Debbie Scott
Debra Spotts
Youth Education Director
Jamie Haney
Tithing Corner
From Charles Fillmore’s Dynamics for Living:
“It is necessary to let go of old thoughts and conditions after they have served
their purpose. One should lay hold of new ideas and create new conditions to
meet one’s requirements. We cannot lay hold of new ideas and make the new
conditions until we have made room for them by eliminating the old.
Things are never so bad as you think. Never allow yourself to be burdened with
the thought that you are having a hard time. You do not want a soul structure of
that kind and should not build it with those thoughts. You are living in a new age.
Yesterday is gone forever. Today is here forever. Something grander is now
unfolding. Put yourself in line with the progress of thought in the new age and go
Nothing is too great for you to accomplish, nor is anything too trivial for you to
handle with perfection and dispatch. The Spirit will guide you in perfect ways,
even in the minute details of your life, if you will let it do so. You must will to do
its will and trust it in all your ways. It will lead you unfailingly when you follow it.
To give up all anxiety and trust in the Lord does not mean to sit down and do
nothing. We are to work as God works. To work with God as a son follows the
occupation of his father, we are to form what God has created. The anxious
thought must be eliminated. The perfect abandon of the child of nature must be
The tithes for Unity in Frederick in January and February were given to the
following in recognition of their service and their ability to spiritually feed our
Unity Worldwide Ministries
Eastern Region – Unity Worldwide Ministries
Unity in Hagerstown
Religious Coalition
Erin McGaughan
Jim Goldstein
Jennifer Holder
4T Prosperity
If you have a suggestion about where our tithes might be given, please talk with
Rev. Toni or a member of the Board.
Spiritual Yoga
Healing Ministry Reflections
A Moving Meditaon
Candlelight Spiritual Yoga
Monday Nights, 6:00 - 7:15 pm
Spiritual Yoga
Friday Mornings, 10:30 - 11:45 am
Yoga suitable for everyone,
including beginners.
$10 per class
Yoga supplies are available
to borrow in the Bookstore.
I will begin with the Daily Word from February 2, 2015:
“I am renewed in the light of God”
“Spring buds are preparing to blossom and fill the landscape with beautiful colors. My mind, body, and soul are also ready for new vitality and
radiance. The light of God warms me, and I am renewed.
Just as each blossom opens to the light of day, I open myself to the
light of God. As I lean into that light, I am invigorated, healed, and
renewed. I experience new strength, new vision, and a new sense of
purpose. I am divinely guided toward my good. With a renewed quickening, I celebrate the presence of God’s light in the world.
I look forward to spring with joy and enthusiasm. As Spirit renews me,
I radiate my light to everyone around me. I live in gratitude for the
blessings of God for us all.”
I invite you to enhance and support your healing and renewal by attending
the Healing Circle at Unity every first Wednesday at 6:30 and the Healing
Service on the third Sunday every month at 6:45 following the 6:00
Meditation. Come and feel the peaceful presence of Divine healing energy
which can be felt through our healers and by just being there.
Book & Bag
Bring a lunch and join us on
Fridays at noon for an interesting discussion about the book
we are currently reading. No
need to purchase the book and
there is no advance reading!
Current Book:
“Living Your Yoga: Finding
the Spiritual in Everyday Life”
by Judith Lasater
Please contact me at if you have any questions
and if you would be interested in becoming part of the Healing Ministry.
With Much Love in the Light,
“I already possess the ability to heal and thrive. It is
my Divine nature.”
--Louise Hay
We always knew music made us feel
better. Now science is catching up.
In an article by Jill Suttie entitled “Five
Ways Music Can Make You Healthier,”
she states that “new studies are suggesting
that music can be more powerful than
Neuroscientists have discovered that
listening to music heightens positive
emotion through the reward centers of
our brain, stimulating hits of dopamine
that can make us feel good, or even elated.
Listening to music also lights up other
areas of the brain—in fact, almost no
brain center is left untouched—suggesting
more widespread effects and potential
uses for music.
Music’s neurological reach, and its historic
role in healing and cultural rituals, has led
researchers to consider ways music may
improve our health and wellbeing. In
particular, researchers have looked for
applications in health-care—for example,
helping patients during post-surgery recovery or improving outcomes for people
with Alzheimer’s. In some cases, music’s
positive impacts on health have been
more powerful than medication.”
Five ways that music seems to impact our
health and wellbeing include: reducing
stress and anxiety, decreasing pain,
improving immune functioning, aiding
memory, and helping us exercise.
The complete article can be found on The
Greater Good Science Center website at
Lots of Great Music coming...
March 13 - Charley Thweatt “Love
Remains” Concert
March 15 - Unity Singers will perform
at the Celebration Service and there
will be a song from the Children
March 22 - Soulpajama will provide the
music for the Service
March 29 - Multi-Generational Service
with a performance from our children
April 5 - Unity Singers will perform at
the Easter Celebration Service
April 19 - Soupajama is back for the
Celebration Service
April 26 -- Special Music for the
Celebration Service
Unity Singers Schedule:
Practice every Tuesday at 6pm
Always looking for people to share
their musical talent at Sunday’s
Prayer Chaplain Thoughts
While growing up, Lent was a time of “giving up” something we liked
(chocolate) and not eating meat on Fridays. Even if it was a sacrifice, it
was temporary and not very meaningful. Unity embraces a more spiritual
meaning for Lent.
In the Foreword to Charles Fillmore’s Keep a True Lent, Georgiana Tree
West provides an excellent summary of the meaning of Lent, “the season
of prayer and fasting that precedes the joyous festivity of Easter.” She
reminds us, “… Moses, Elijah, and Jesus Himself … observed a forty-day
period of prayer and fasting as a preparation for spiritual work. …
Jesus began His great spiritual ministry at the close of His fast in the
“When we consider Lent as a … ‘completed’ season of retreat from the
things of the world for the cleansing of the mind and the recollection of
the things of Spirit, it becomes a true season of preparation … for the
resurrection of the mind … ”
“Jesus revealed that fasting, like prayer, is a matter between man and his
Maker. … Prayer and fasting, then, are matters of communion with God,
not matters of public display. … In abstinence from worldly things the
mind must be filled with thoughts of God, else there is no spiritual value
in fasting.”
“…we must learn to fast from all unworthy thought and feast on the
good and the true. … we must fast from criticism and condemnation and
feast in brotherly love; fast from false beliefs in sickness and weakness
and feast on the truth of God’s omnipresent, perfect life; fast from false
beliefs in lack and limitation and feast on the truth of God’s bountiful
good will.”
“…Now is the time to affirm the power of the Christ Spirit indwelling in
all men everywhere and influencing their thoughts, words, and actions to
work for the good of the whole. We all want to be of some influence in
establishing world peace. … When we withdraw our attention, interest,
and support from the false and the unworthy, this is true fasting. When
we give that same attention, interest, and support to the enduring good,
we are feasting on the things of the Spirit, and this is true prayer.”
One does not have to start this spiritual practice on Ash Wednesday.
Moses, Elijah and Jesus did not. The ancient Hebrew writers used the
number forty “to indicate a completed preparation for something to follow.” Rev. Toni tells us forty means, “as long as it takes.” We can start
anytime and use as many days as we need to prepare for our own resurrection into the light of spiritual understanding.
We affirm joy for you this Easter season.
Love, Light and Peace to All,
Chris Kraus (
Kandi Austin (
Carole M. Kirby (
Debbie Scott (
Carolyn Rocha (
Theresa Wyatt (
Nancy Ahr (
Happy Birthday!
1 - Susan Kierson
2 - Yvonne Wallem
3 - Camilla Ayala
6 - Peter Shubiak
8 - Victoria Ayala
10 - Steve Poole
14 - Peter Scott
20 - Breck Hines
24 - Charleene Novic
24 - Trista McAleavy
25 - Scott Righter
28 - Linda Irvine
Youth Ed News
Thank you to every one who donated food and items to the Loving Hearts Cafe!
It was a wonderful time and the kids enjoyed showing “love in action.” It is a
yearly tradition that adults and children alike love!
Our Youth Group Gatherings are continuing on every 3rd Friday of each
month. UniTeens and You’s are invited to come and enjoy food and fellowship.
In January, we had Naomi Davis come and talk to the group about intuition. We
enjoyed the exercises on how to tune into our intuition.
The coats we collected for Advocates for Homeless Families were delivered at
the end of January. Two of the children, Cyrus and Odhin, helped deliver them.
Thank you to every one who donated coats and other winter items. We had
several large boxes of items to drop off.
Mark your calendar!!! On Friday, March 20th, we will be having a MulticulturalMultigenerational Equinox Celebration . Every one at Unity, as well as friends
and family, are invited to come and be a part of the celebration. Please bring a
dish to share from a country/culture that interests you . We will enjoy the service
and eat together. There will be a silent auction and a 50/50 raffle. The money
raised will go to Youth Education at Unity of Frederick.
It is not too early to start thinking about Sprit Camp! This year, Spirit Camp is
June 22-June 26. Children ages 5-10 are invited to come enjoy a week of lessons,
crafts, yoga, singing, dancing, and many more fun activities. If your child is a
UniTeen or YOU they are invited to come and be a helper. We will also be in
need of adults to help. If you are interested, please let me know.
1 - Toni Fish
11 - Victor Ayala
12 - Nicole Felton
19 - Lynda Sowbel
20 - Irene Sears
23 - Brady Love
29 - Sandy Morrell
29 - Barbara Boden
Our Sunday lessons on the Virtue’s Project continue. We have already covered
many of the virtues but still have a lot more to cover!
Jamie Haney
Youth Education Director
Unity in Frederick Serving
If we missed someone’s birthday,
please let us know so that we
can update our list!
Sunday, March 22nd, 4:00-8:00 PM
More Information and Sign-up Sheets
are on the Community Bulletin Board in the foyer.
Unity weather-related closings and
delays follow Frederick County
Public Schools. Please check the
website or the phone recording
for delays and closings for office
hours, classes and events.
...Thoughts of the Season, continued from Page 1
To Hawk or Wolf, or the Great Whale, pray.
Bow down to terriers and shepherds and Siamese cats.
Fields of artichokes and elegant strawberries.
Make the brushing of your hair
a prayer, every strand its own voice,
singing in the choir on your head.
As you wash your face, the water slipping
through your fingers, a prayer: Water,
softest thing on earth, gentleness
that wears away rock.
Making love, of course, is already prayer.
Skin, and open mouths worshipping that skin,
the fragile cases we are poured into.
If you’re hungry, pray. If you’re tired.
Pray to Gandhi and Dorothy Day.
Shakespeare. Sappho. Sojourner Truth.
Daylight Savings Time
begins at 2am
on Sunday, March 8th
When you walk to your car, to the mailbox,
to the video store, let each step
be a prayer that we all keep our legs,
that we do not blow off anyone else’s legs.
Or crush their skulls.
And if you are riding on a bicycle
or a skateboard, in a wheelchair, each revolution
of the wheels a prayer as the earth revolves:
less harm, less harm, less harm.
And as you work, typing with a new manicure,
a tiny palm tree painted on one pearlescent nail
or delivering soda or drawing good blood
into rubber-capped vials, writing on a blackboard
with yellow chalk, twirling pizzas—
With each breath in, take in the faith of those
who have believed when belief seemed foolish,
who persevered. With each breath out, cherish.
Pull weeds for peace, turn over in your sleep for peace,
feed the birds, each shiny seed
that spills onto the earth, another second of peace.
Wash your dishes, call your mother, drink wine.
Shovel leaves or snow or trash from your sidewalk.
Make a path. Fold a photo of a dead child
around your VISA card. Scoop your holy water
from the gutter. Gnaw your crust.
Mumble along like a crazy person, stumbling
your prayer through the streets.
“Pray for Peace” by Ellen Bass, from The Human Line
(Copper Canyon Press, 2007)
Text as presented on the poet’s website.
Join Us for a
Multicultural - Multigenerational
Equinox Celebration
Friday, March 20
6:30 pm
Qing Ming
Bring a dish to share from a country
or culture that interests you.
Silent Auction & 50/50 Raffle
to raise money for Youth Education
We are looking for donations for the Silent Auction
(contact Jamie Haney at
Please sign-up in the Fellowship Hall
or call the office.
Drumming Circle
Please join us for this fun, group
music making event! Everyone
(young and young at heart) is
invited to participate -- playing a
drum, tambourine, maracas, rain
stick or other percussion instrument. Drum, dance, or listen as
vibrations fill the room, the body
and the spirit!
If you have drums or percussion
instruments, please bring them.
We have a few drums, shakers,
and tambourines to lend.
4th Saturdays at 6:30 pm
What Is Unity?
Unity is a worldwide, non-denominational spiritual organization that
emphasizes the divine potential within every person. It teaches that,
through a spiritual understanding and
the practical application of what Jesus
taught, every person can realize and
express his or her divine potential for
a happier, fuller and more successful
Five Basic Unity Principles
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by Donna Miesbach
Can you hear the sun rise?
1. There is only one Presence and
one Power active as the universe
and as my life, God the Good.
Can you feel it in your heart
2. Our essence is of God; therefore,
we are inherently good. This God
essence was fully expressed in
Jesus, the Christ.
Shining where it’s dark
3. We are co-creators with God,
creating reality through thoughts
held in mind.
Of joy where there was fear
4. Through prayer and meditation,
we align our heart-mind with God.
Denials and affirmations are tools
we use.
5. Through thoughts, words and
actions, we live the Truth we
Chasing out the shadows
Leaving tiny traces
Showing by its presence
That love is always here?
Oh listen to the sunrise,
Listen to it sing
And you will hear its echo
In every lovely thing!
From: Daily Word, March/April 2015
Vision Statement
Unity in Frederick is a vibrant and inclusive
spiritual community, centered in God, making a
difference by living and sharing the empowering
principles of love, peace, and prosperity through
the expression of the Christ within.