Unity Spirit Newsletter - February - March 2016


Unity Spirit Newsletter - February - March 2016
Unity of Bandon’s Newsletter
Minister: Rev. Robin Har una
Music Director: Sue Whitmor e
President: J ane Schepmoes
Vice-President: Laura Graham
Treasurer: Doug F roman
Director: Betty Ketsdever
Director: Kris McCradic
Director: Amy Wilhite
Alternate: Myron Leis
Sec’y (Non-Board): Suzanne Leis:
Activities Director: Doug F roman
Youth Education: Pam Bate
Bookkeeping/Finance Reports:
Bill Smedley & Doug Froman
Prayer Chaplains: Dorothy
Tharsing (trainer); Doug Froman,
Laura Graham, Jane Schepmoes,
Barbara Simpson
Care Team: Amy Wilhite, Robin
Carpenter, Suzanne Leis,
Louise Rodgers
Historian: Elma Champneys
Library: Kimberly J onas
Peace Rocks Project: Amy Wilhite
Sound Technician: Jason Wilhite
Websites: Takashi Haruna
Office open Wednesday—
Sunday by appointment
Phone: 541-347-4696
EMAIL: revrobin@haruna.com
50211 Hwy 101
P.O. Box 518
Bandon, OR 97411
February/March 2016
Reverend Robin’s Reflections
Another year has come and gone—how did that happen?
Each year, as we review all our activities and accomplishments, I am amazed at the growth and depth our spiritual
community has experienced. I will be sharing some highlights of 2015 during the Sunday service on Annual Meeting day, February 14. We will share a potluck lunch and
move into the business portion of our meeting, reviewing
our finances and sharing goals for the year.
Here is a preview of where we are headed in 2016:
Unity of Bandon’s 2016 Focus is to actively practice our core spiritual
values of love, compassion, and integrity.
The goals of this focus are to:
Explore fully the possibilities as we create our right and perfect church
home. Spirit guides and directs us in the effortless creation of a comfortable, effective and welcoming space that meets our needs.
Formulate an updated Mission statement that effectively encompasses and
articulates the expansion of Unity of Bandon’s values, goals, and purpose.
We are open to Divine guidance as we discover what we are being called to
be and to do.
Increase communication and ownership throughout our spiritual family.
We acknowledge that each individual is a valued member of this spiritual
community, and we encourage active participation in all areas of the ministry
to which individuals are called to serve and share.
Cultivate opportunities to live our core values and purpose within our spiritual community, the South Coast, and the world-at-large. We recognize our
connection with others is a catalyst for inner growth and healing. It is our intention to be of service to others.
As you read these words over, hold them gently in your heart and listen for
the whisper of Spirit guiding you as to what is yours to be and to do in the
unfolding of this focus. Hold our community in prayer, knowing that we are
always on the path to the best and highest good for all involved. Surround
our leadership - minister, board, prayer chaplains, and care team with appreciation and support. And remember to be kind to yourself for you are a beautiful light in this world. Shine this light for all to see and experience the divine
presence within.
This is your spiritual community, your home, your “tribe”. Everyone has a
voice and we welcome your ideas, input, and participation. We are cocreating this entity we call Unity of Bandon—and what a beautiful creation it
With Love, Reverend Robin
Gratitude is a quality similar to electricity: it must be produced and
discharged and used up in order to exist at all. ~William Faulkner
Thanksgiving Breakfast—great friends and food!
Our gratitude tree was filled with
expressions of gratitude.
Bring “no utensils required” finger
foods, snacks, desserts. Also bring a
wrapped “white elephant” gift—
something you have around the house
that you don’t want any longer. White
elephants gifts are often humorous but
do not need to be!
Be sure to join us on February 14 for our Annual Congregational Celebration, Business Meeting & Potluck Luncheon. We will be sharing
information about Unity of Bandon, our financial reports & accomplishments for 2015, and our focus for 2016. There are so many exciting happenings on our horizon in this new year. We will also be electing new members to our board of directors. Nominees for the two expiring 3-year positions are Jane Schepmoes and Barbara Simpson.
Whether you are a member or not—please plan to attend—this is your
opportunity to learn more about the operation of your spiritual community and to ask any questions or express any concerns. Your participation is vital to our creating the spiritual community that we all call
“home”. We sincerely care about your input, thoughts and feelings!!
Please bring a dish to share for the Potluck Lunch
during the meeting.
Visioning Abundance
Sunday mornings:
9:05—9:20 AM In the Office
All are welcome!
Choir meets on
Fridays at 11 AM
and anyone is welcome
to join us. We would
love some extra voices!
We would also love to have more
of you step up and provide special music during a Sunday service. See Sue Whitmore for more
Nov/Dec Income = $14,419.18
Nov/Dec Expenses = $10,410.42
Nov/Dec Income/Expenses = $4,008.76 Thank You GOD!
CHECKING ACCOUNT BALANCE as of 12/31/15 = $7,849.93
SAVINGS ACCOUNT BALANCE as of 12/31/15= $1,136.17
INVESTMENTS/GROWTH FUND BALANCE as of 12/31/15 = $24,890.81
BEQUESTS BALANCE as of 12/31/15 = $82,849.84
Tithes were shared with: Bandon Minister ial Association, Unity
Worldwide Ministries, the Adams & Harrington Family Medical Funds,
and Puppies Behind Bars
Easter Celebration Services March 27 at 6:30 & 11:00 AM
Join in the Community Sunrise Easter Service at 6:30 at the Port Amphitheatre glass
building and then join us for our Unity Easter Flower Celebration at 11:00. Remember, there will be no class this Sunday. Note: There will be no lilies this year in order
to accommodate those with allergies. We will still have the small flower seedlings.
2016 Save the Dates…
March 11—Spring Women’s Gathering
April 24—Earth Day Celebration: Service
Day & Highway Cleanup after service
June 10 _ Women’s Summer Gathering
August 14—Picnic, Service & Blessing of
Animals at Bullards
September 10—Cranberry Parade
Unity Board January 2015
February 2
March 1
at 7:00 PM
Come paint peace rocks and give them away for
Valentine’s Day!
We also continue to assemble
“A Box of Peace”
These boxes, filled with peace rocks, are all
ready to be sent to people who are a blessing to
the world or have shared some small act of
kindness along the way. They can be sent wherever there is some challenge, illness, natural disaster, or violence. We have sent peace rocks to
places such as Umpqua Community College,
following school shootings and to Ruthie
McSurdy–Wong who is hospitalized and lost
her home in a fire.
Pick up A Box of Peace and send it out to bless
the world. The cost is just $6.00 (the cost of a
flat rate postage box).
Welcome to the Family
Pam Bate, Dennis Kelleher, Lorna Pearson,
Steven Robb, Sue Robb, Gail Small,
Kylyn Small, and Sarah Wood
We’re glad that you have come to
share your life with us!
Sunday Morning Classes 9:30—10:30
The Heart of Unity—we continue our exploration
into the heart of Unity teachings through March 6 or
13. We’ve had some great discussions—join in any
time! It’s a great way to get to know people (and
yourself!) better.
3rd Annual Unity Women’s Retreat
Building plans and information will be available
for your review on February 7 and 14. We are asking that you write
down your questions, visions, suggestions, etc.
so they can be addressed at a special meeting
on March 6 immediately following Sunday
service. Some of your questions will likely be
addressed at the Annual Meeting on February
14 as well. The March 6 meeting will be your
opportunity to fully discuss and share your ideas. Every effort is being made to ensure that
every voice is heard.
You are the heart, the hands, the voice…
And our hearts are filled with gratitude
Unity of Bandon is so blessed to have an incredible group of people who pitch in
and help wherever and whenever it is needed. You are God’s Love in Action!
Special thanks go to:
-Our platform assistants and greeters: Harmony Harrison, Jane Schepmoes, Kris
McCradic, Dorothy Tharsing (remember anyone is welcome to serve as platform
assistant or greeter—we would love to see some new faces!);
-Laura, Kris, Skip, Suzanne, Sue, Bill for Thanksgiving setup; for all who helped with cooking and
cleanup as well as everyone who brought such wonderful food to share;
-Jane and Amy for assistance when it was Unity’s turn to host community Advent Study
-Readers and Greeters for the Christmas Eve Candle Lighting service: Laura Graham, Jane Schepmoes, Doug Froman, Donna Lewis, Bill Smedley, Kris McCradic, Amy Wilhite; Dante Haruna for
the beautiful rendition of O Holy Night;
-Olivia and Jason for decorating our Christmas tree; Jane, Amy, and Ellen Blankenheim for assistance in taking it down and going through old files;
-Pam Bate for stepping in to work with the children -such a wonderful model of joyful commitment;
-Suzanne Lies for acting as secretary for our board meetings;
-Our Prayer Chaplains—Dorothy, Doug, Barbara, Jane, and Laura—for holding sacred space;
-Ellen Blankenheim for donation of the rosemary “trees” and helping out wherever needed;
-Dennis Beetham for Building Committee presentation and his continued work on this project;
-Bill Smedley who is constantly behind the scenes doing whatever needs to be done for the smooth
and efficient running of our spiritual community and Sunday services;
-the amazing group that gathers each Wednesday at 11 to “hold the high watch” and send love and
light to the world and hold our spiritual community in their hearts. Come join the circle!