March 2016 Pave Your Spiritual Path with Spiritual Leader, Rev


March 2016 Pave Your Spiritual Path with Spiritual Leader, Rev
March 2016
Pave Your Spiritual Path
with Spiritual Leader, Rev. Temple Hayes
Thank you for being part of First Unity Spiritual
Campus. We are excited about giving you
experiences to build your spiritual path.
Why First Unity Spiritual Campus Gives
The services and classes are always amazing!!! It's such a blessing to be part
of such a great spiritual community!!!
- Danielle C
I met Temple today, this lady is one of a kind! The good energy and power
within that she has is a unique vibe...
I also walked the campus in a company of my awesome friend. I was very
impressed with everything that I saw and experienced. Thanks Temple for
having me there with you and sharing our thoughts. Namaste!
- Miriam R.
We recently moved to the area and were looking for a spiritual community that
aligned with who we are... We found the community online & immediately felt
at home on our first visit to this very vibrant & dynamic community!
- L. Blake
I love this place. I offer gratitude that words can’t express!! I can go to Church
and feel peace and unconditional love! I look forward to going to a place that I
can just BE without explaining how I feel.
- G. Wright
Mission | Vision
First Unity
Rev. Temple Hayes, Spiritual Leader |
“We inspire, ignite and invigorate ourselves to
pave our spiritual path.”
“We envision a world that gives, embraces,
embodies and expresses Unity.”
9:30am & 11:30am
Seducing Life into a Living Work of Art
Dr. Rev. Julie Moret
Sunday, March 6
First Unity welcomes back Dr. Rev. Julie
Moret. Rev. Julie is an Agape International
Spiritual Center speaker. Julie will also be
hosting a book-signing after both services to
showcase her new book “What’s Your What?” Special guest
musician, Sue Rikkard.
I’m Moved, Now What?
Rev. Temple Hayes
Sunday, March 13
How will you put into place the things that
have inspired you as we pave our path?
Miracles start with a decision to take the first
Platform Leaders
Raihan Alam
Lynda Lyday
Catarina DeHoyos
Robinette Wilson
Come join us on Palm Sunday to hear the
inspirational talk from Dr. Dennis Merritt Jones.
Joining Dennis is musical guest Erin Abu.
** Rev. Temple will be visiting Unity of Harlem, NY ordaining Rev. Carol
Hunt. Safe travels Rev. Temple!
Easter Sunrise Service
Rev. Helen Hornaday
Sunday, March 27, 6am
Sunday Inspirational Services
I’ll Meet You in the Garden
Dr. Dennis Merritt Jones
Sunday, March 20, Palm Sunday**
Rise up with the sun and start your Easter Day
surrounded by the beauty of St. Petersburg at North Straub Park. Special
vocal talents by Jennifer Real. Please dress for the weather as you will be
outside. Bring chairs.
Easter Service
Rev. Temple Hayes
& Dr. Dennis Merritt Jones
Sunday, March 27
Come share in a special Easter Service led by Rev. Temple Hayes & Dr.
Dennis Merritt Jones. Uplifting music and inspirational talks. Arrive early to
get your seat.
subscribe to: First
Unity Spiritual
First Unity Gives to
Our Children & Youth
A place to be inspired, ignited &
March Theme: Peace
March 6:
“Peace Comes From God”
Creative Expression: “Designing personal peace symbol”
March 13:
“Praying/Talking to God Brings Peace”
Creative Expression: “Making prayer boxes”
March 20:
“Music Brings Me Peace!”
Creative Expression: “Making musical instruments”
March 27:
“Listening to God Brings Me Peace!”
Creative Expression: “Meditation from different faiths”
To give your child this
opportunity, enroll
them into the Youth &
Family Program.
To give your Spirit an
opportunity to serve or
donate to the Youth &
Family Ministry contact
Linda McLeod
YFM Director
To those of you who are called to participate in our Stewardship or
Dedicated Giver Program or Volunteer your time and talents, please know
that First Unity simply could not do this without you. And it is because of
you that we will be able to sustain the mission and vision of First Unity in our
community and throughout the world. Our spiritual campus is indeed a body
of people, and you are a vital part of that body. How can you get
involved? Complete the Stewardship Sign-up form that can be found
online at or stop in the Administration Office. If you already
have participated, please hang your leaf on the tree in the Administration
Friendship Sunday
March 6, Campus Wide
On the first Sunday of each month, we have
developed a tradition at First Unity. It’s called
“Friendship Sunday” because we encourage
congregants to especially reach out to family and
friends to invite them to Church. After Service, join
us in Friendship Hall for good fellowship and purchase a delicious brunch
provided by Spice Routes Café. Take a walk around our campus and
explore all the hot spots - The Meditation Garden, The Labyrinth, The Rose
Garden, Encore Boutique & Encore Too, The Playground, The Healing
Room, The Youth Department and Wings Bookstore & Coffee Bar. See you
on Sunday!
Wednesday Meditation & Healing Service
Wednesdays, 6 pm
Sanctuary, Love Offering
Join us each Wednesday for our Guided
Meditation and Healing Service. Enjoy the
sounds of the crystal bowls. Love offering - all
proceeds go to support First Unity Spiritual Campus.
First Unity’s Pet Ministry
Paul Solan
Sundays, after services, Friendship Hall
First Unity's Pet Ministry is looking for
foster/adoptive parents. If you have a love of animals, why not adopt a cute
dog/puppy and/or cat/kitten. Adoptions take place every Sunday in
Friendship Hall. Stop by and take a look at these cute pets that are in need
of a loving home. Over 123 pets have been adopted!
“What’s Your What? Ignite Your Unique
Brand”, Rev. Julie Moret
Sunday, March 6 after both services, Lobby
Travel Ministry Meeting
James & Liz
Tuesday, March 8, 7pm
Friendship Hall
Explore with us the many captivating sites of Northern Italy. Designed
for any budget. The Travel Ministry meets every 2nd Tuesday of the
month. For more information contact Liz at or call
Time Management
Melanie Turner
Thursday, March 10, 6:30pm
Friendship Hall, $40
Melanie will help you master skills to be more effective with your time by
recognizing the need to focus on the important things in life; battle the Time
Bandits; and effectively prioritize and schedule your time. Register at
Workshops | Classes | Events
Dr. Rev. Moret is an Agape International Spiritual
Center speaker and member of the Executive
Leadership Board. After services, Julie will be hosting a book signing for
her newly released book What’s Your What? How to Ignite Your Unique
Brand (available for purchase at Wings Bookstore).
“Bass Clef Bliss: Terrance’s Path”
Movie Showing & Discussion
Friday, March 11, 7pm
Sanctuary, Love Offering
The true story of Terrence Partridge, about a young man
at the intersection of Autism, hope and music. We follow the journey of
Terrence, who learned to live with an often challenging disability to find a
window to the world through his love of music. 48 minutes (non-rated).
There will be a post-screening Q & A with the filmmaker, Patrick Scott.
First Unity’s 5K PEACE Walk
Linda McLeod
Saturday, March 12, $15/pp
7:30am registration | 8am walk begins
Courtyard to Crescent Lake Park
The purpose of this walk is to come together as ONE and to celebrate the
64 days of peace campaign. We will join together under the green tent in the
courtyard. We will begin our journey down 4th street to Crescent Lake Park
then return to campus. Registration is at 7:30am; peace walk begins at
8am. For more information contact Linda McLeod at
New Member Induction
Sunday, March 13, 9:30am & 11:30am
All new Members of First Unity Spiritual Campus will
be received by the congregation at both services on
Sunday, March 13. Inductees register with Pat O’Connor, or call 727.527.2222 x100.
First Unity’s Community Pot-Luck
Tuesday, March 15, 6pm
Friendship Hall
It's time to keep aside work and indulge in
scrumptious delicacies. Join us for our First Unity Community Pot-Luck
Dinner! Please bring a DISH-TO-SHARE. Sign up at
Usher | Greeter Training
Lisa Salvi
Tuesday, March 15, 7pm
An Usher/Greeter is the Spiritual Ambassador for our community. They
serve as the “first representative” of service. If you are interested in joining
the Usher/Greeter Ministry, join us for a training session on Tuesday, March
15 at 7pm (after the Community Pot Luck Dinner). See what this very
important ministry is all about and learn how you can be of service. For
more information contact Lisa Salvi at
The Pearl in the Hogwaller Concert
A solo cabaret with Becca McCoy & James
Weaver on piano
Saturday, March 19, 8pm
Sanctuary, $15/pp
Becca McCoy went from being a working actor in
Chicago to a stay at home mom in Palatka,
Florida, and lived to tell the tale, as a
cabaret. This hour-long solo-show weaves
together an eclectic mix of songs, Becca's Facebook statuses, and personal
writings. The universal story of ‘blooming where you’re planted’ gets a fresh
and engaging treatment in THE PEARL IN THE HOGWALLER, whose title
comes from Palatka’s wildly popular and best-known attraction: a
mudbog. THE PEARL IN THE HOGWALLER comes to First Unity after
sold-out runs at American Stage, and inclusion in the SaraSOLO Festival, at
which it was awarded the Bill Bowers Award of Excellence for
2016. Purchase tickets online at
Breakthrough Performance Concert
Mick & Tess Pulver AND Cast
Sunday, March 20, 7pm
Sanctuary, $15
Come be uplifted, inspired and entertained by this
experience of deeply moving performances as these courageous stars
(supported by the Breakthrough Band) celebrate the culmination of their
Breakthrough performance workshop journey. Give yourself the gift of this
heartfelt evening of unique creativity, fully expressed singing, courage and a
triumph of the human spirit. The Proceeds will benefit "Women with
Purpose", a nonprofit supporting cancer families. For more info visit
Raise Your Voice Interactive Seminar
Mick & Tess Pulver
Monday, March 21, 6:30-9:30pm
Friendship Hall, Love Offering
Come discover how to heal, feel, and be real through singing, moving, and
expressing. This unique and uplifting seminar includes group singing and
chanting, sound healing, dynamic voice body expression and more.
Mick and Tess Pulver, from Breakthrough Performance Workshop have lead
life changing programs for 20 years in San Francisco, San Diego, Los
Angeles, Honolulu, Boulder and now in St Pete. More info at
Effective Communication
Melanie Turner
Tuesday, March 22, 6:30pm
Friendship Hall, $40
Communication is critical! Have you ever
said something to someone and they looked at you like you had three eyes
and you could not understand what happened? Remember there is more
than just verbal communication. If you would like to better understand your
communication style and how to effectively communicate with others, please
join us in the transformational workshop. Register online at
Stress Management
Melanie Turner
Thursday, March 24, 6:30pm
Friendship Hall, $25
Do you wish for a simpler life with less stress? Are you feeling pulled in
many directions? Would you like to learn techniques to manage your
stress? Then join us to explore sources and consequences of stress; learn
strategies to reduce your negative stress levels and set personal goals for
self-care. Register at
Spring Equinox
Temple Hayes, Barbara Bertucci
Friday, March 25, 7pm
Courtyard, Love Offering
Welcome Spring Equinox and New Beginnings! The
Spring Equinox is the launching of new beginnings
and the birthing of a new you or a new project. Come and celebrate this
wonderful event with drumming and rattling. This is a family-friendly event
and children are welcome.
Isha Kriya Meditation
Noelle Morris
Monday, March 28, 6pm
Friendship Hall, Free
Come to this informational class about Isha
Kriya Meditation. Learn about this 12-minute
a-day meditation/yoga that will help change how you feel. During this
information class, you will be doing a guided meditation. For more
information and to register, contact Noelle Morris at 727-458-3405.
Overcoming Your Fears
Melanie Turner
Tuesday, March 29, 6:30pm
Friendship Hall, $30
Are you fearful of not being perfect? Do you wear a mask to hide your true
self around others? If so, come and learn about how fears can hold you
back from achieving your highest potential. Learn to step over your fears
and outside of your self-limiting box of boundaries to truly start living.
Register at
Posi Concert
Sue Riley
Sunday, April 3, 7pm
Sanctuary, $20
Harold Payne, Faith Rivera, Denise Rosier and Sue
Riley join together in a unique musical conversation. Each concert is full of
"one of a kind" magic! Artists perform in a round robin format, engaging in
banter, sharing how songs were written, and creating impromptu
arrangements. Free CD giveaways, laughter, and empowering Positive
Music! Come spend an evening in creativity and joy.
SCIONS Suncoast Community Institute of
Noetic Sciences, Douglas Bonar
Sunday, April 3, 6-8:30pm
Friendship Hall, $10
You are invited to explore “inner space” with other likeminded, like-hearted pioneers on the path of
transformation. To learn more about SCIONS visit or call Douglas Bonar at 727.482.4319.
The Art of Being on Purpose
Dr. Dennis Merritt Jones
Tuesdays, April 5 – May 10, 7-9pm
Friendship Hall, $90 if paid in full by March 21
Join Dr. Dennis for this 6-week experiential class
based on his award winning book, “The Art of Being – 101 Ways to Practice
Purpose in Your Life”, and you will discover how amazingly powerful a life
lived “on purpose” can be. Book can be purchased at Wings Bookstore.
TUTITION: $90 if paid in full by March 21; $120 at door; $25 per individual
class. For more information about Dr. Dennis visit To register visit
The Camino Trail Film Showing
Friday, April 8, 7pm
Friendship Hall, Love Offering
Join us for our 3rd Social Activism Cinema
showing of The Camino Trail. The film
honors the Camino de Santiago and
promotes the spiritual journey that pilgrims
of all faiths and backgrounds have traversed for over a thousand years.
After the film, Rev. Diane Clevenger-Scribner will join us for a Q & A
The Love Never Dies Live Workshop is calling you…
 If you wish to say farewell to the physical body of a loved one who
was suddenly taken.
 If you are a child who lost a parent or a parent who lost a child.
 If you wish to obtain guidance from any being in spirit.
 If you are elderly and do not wish to form another primary
 If you need to heal any unfinished business that remains between
you and any spirit being.
 If you wish to become one of Dr. Turndorf’s certified TransDimensional grief therapy coaches.
 Perfect the skills needed to reconnect with those in spirit without
the assistance of a medium, channeler or psychic.
 Discover how to tune to the “spirit channel” in your brain so that
you are able to send and receive energetic signals to and from
those in spirit.
 Practice Dr. Turndorf’s meditations for creating “Pockets of Peace”
and a specific breathing exercise that allows spirit to come through.
 Learn how to Dialogue with the Departed using Earthly Props in the
form of human and animal Open Vessels as well as electronic
 Experience direct dialogues with your loved ones in spirit. Using Dr.
Turndorf’s Dialoguing with the Departed technique we will
communicate with your loved ones in spirit to obtain guidance
and/or resolve any unfinished business that remains.
about Dr. Turndorft, visit
John of God Pilgrimage
Robinette Wilson
Abadania, Brazil
August 29 through September 10
Join Robinette Wilson on a Pilgrimage to Abadania, Brazil this August to the
famous grounds of John of God. João Teixeira de Faria, internationally
known as John of God, is arguably the most powerful unconscious medium
alive today and possibly the best-known healer of the past 2000 years. The
medium Joao Teixeira has no formal medical training. Instead he gives over
his consciousness and incorporates the spirits of past doctors and saints.
These entities give talks, examine the waiting masses and conduct the
visible and invisible operations. It is estimated that he has treated, either
directly or indirectly, up to 15 million people during the past 40 years.
A Work In Progress - Thursdays at 10am in Room 301. AA book study
Curb Your Sugar – Thursday, March 10 at 7pm in Administration lobby. Join
Barbara and Linda as you discover how to boost your metabolism and promote
healthy brain function while naturally eliminating toxins from your body.
Crystal Bed - Cleanse, balance and align your energies with the healing power
of the Crystal Bed. Call or email today for appointment 727-527-2222 x100 or
Darshan Meditation - Sundays from 1:30 – 4 pm in Room 301. Come meditate
and learn about readings from sacred writings.
Ongoing Classes & Meetings
Come and experience this life-changing trip with Robinette. The cost is
$2,000 (plus airfare) with a deposit of $500 to be paid to First Unity Spiritual
Campus by May 1, 2016. The total price will be all inclusive (hotel, meals,
taxi service, sacred waterfall). To learn more contact Robinette at
Free Being Meditation with Troy Hostetler - Mondays from 7 - 8:30 pm, Room
401. The group offers guided Yoga Nidra meditations. Dress comfortably and feel
free to bring additional seated support if you desire. For more information contact
Troy at 727.215.1367 or
LGBT Unity Meets between Sunday Services each week in Friendship Hall. LGBT
Unity is the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender group at First Unity of St.
Petersburg. Friends and family are welcome. For more information contact Toddy
at 414.702.9203 or email:
Networking at Unity - Every 3rd Tuesday from 12 - 1:30 pm in Friendship Hall.
First Unity hosts a business networking meeting to help you grow your referral base
and business income. Please RSVP to Kathy Perry at if
Silent Unity Prayer Meeting Silent Unity is the international prayer ministry of
Unity. Come pray with us each Wednesday, 12:10 pm, Conference Room,
Administration Offices.
Sober Spirits. Alcoholics Anonymous - Wednesdays, 7:30-8:30 pm, Room 200.
Sunday Meditation - Every Sunday join us at 11 am for meditation in Room 301.
Facilitated by Licensed Unity Teachers.
Unity’s Women Group 2nd & 4th Tuesday, 7 pm in Room 301. Meet with other
women leaders, entrepreneurs and executives and share cutting-edge strategies,
topics and explore transformative ideas that will inspire you to live your best life yet.
For more information email Lorna Blake at Love offering.
First Unity Spiritual Campus has opened the doors to
Encore, a unique new to you thrift boutique that is filled
with upscale clothing, accessories and more. Around
the corner at Encore Too you will find hidden treasures
of gently used furniture, collectables and other home
decor. Encore Too needs gently used furniture such
as antiques lamps, pictures and frames, home decor items and books (hard back
and paper) and art pieces. We do not accept any furniture with material such as,
bed frames, and mattresses/foundations or electronic items.
Hours: Wed-Sat, 10am to 6pm, Sun 10:30am - 2 pm, closed Monday and
Tuesday. Want to volunteer? If so, we need you! Email or
call April Taylor 727.459.9466 (Encore)
4500 4th Street North
(727) 522-6657 |
Store Hours:
Monday thru Thursday 9am – 7pm
Friday, Saturday, Sunday 9am – 5pm
Introduction to A Course in Miracles
Every Tuesday 7:15-8:30pm
Love Offering
Come and enjoy a comprehensive yet simplified introduction to A
Course In Miracles. Definitely one of the most impactful spiritual
teachings of our time.
A Course in Miracles
Wednesday, March 2, 16 & 30, 7:30pm
Love Donation
Join like-minded students of A Course in Miracles for a casual exploration and
discussion of the teachings that it embodies. This is a study group designed to
support a true understanding and application of the Course's message.
Reiki Share
Thursday, March 3, 7-8:30pm
Love Offering
JananTalafar, Reiki Master, along with other Reiki
practitioners will share with you one of the most natural and
simple ways to achieve healing at all levels - physical, emotional, mental and
spiritual. Arrive early as seating is limited.
Wings After-Hours
Intro to Evolutionary Astrology Course with Imsara
March 5, 12, 19 & 26, 10am-2pm
$40.00 a class/4 class registration discount:
$145.00 (includes Natal chart and handouts)
This is a foundational course that will ground you thoroughly in the key archetypes
of the signs, planets, houses and aspects. Registering for all four classes will also
give you the bonus of your natal chart and thus you will be empowered to work with
it in a way that will enlighten and inspire you. Once registered for the 4 class series,
please email Dr. Imsara with birth date, time and place (
Recommended reading: Deva Green: Evolutionary Astrology: Pluto and your
Karmic Mission
Healing Music Concert with Eluv
Saturday, March 5, 6:30-8:30pm
First Unity Sanctuary, $25 advance/$30 at door
Healing music for relaxation, healing and joy. Eluv acts
as a channel between divine realms, combining her
vocals, crystal singing bowls and angel harps to deeply
relax and balance your whole being. Her singing is truly
unique, blending exotic mantras and healing songs customized for the audience.
The ethereal pure tones generated by the Crystal Bowls are some of the purest and
most powerful healing tones in existence. Each concert is one of a kind, deeply
healing and transformational. Eluv’s concerts have been described as “inspirational
& healing on the deepest levels”, “an experience of inner peace and pure love”.
Astrolabe with Imsara
Sunday, March 6 & 20, 1-5pm
Room 401, $40
Evolutionary Astrology ASTROLABE for advanced students.
Also, Sundays, March 6, March 20th from1:00-4:00pm
Power of the Other Hand with Mary Beth Jones
Monday, March 7, 7-8:30pm, $10
How can we map out the changes we would like to see in our
lives? Stilling the mental chatter, and then, distracting the
Left Brain by writing with our Other Hand is a fun way. We
know where we want to get, and our creative strategies
become clear, down to the nitty gritty details, when we write with the Other Hand.
Nei Gong with Marty Keane
Wednesday, March 9, 7-8:30pm, $10
Nei Gong is the spiritual side of Qi Gong, and a methodical
technique of developing and exploring the energetic body,
focusing on the integration of the mind and body gestalt.
Martin Keane is an Acupuncture Physician, Classical
Homeopath and Qi Gong healer, and he holds a doctorate in medical Qi Gong and
has practiced in St. Petersburg for 25 years.
Consciousness Cuisine Book Club: Food for
Thought, Douglas Bonar
Friday, March 11, 7-9:30pm, Love Offering
So, what’s on YOUR nightstand? Perfect! That’s the
book to bring to the Consciousness Cuisine Book Club!
Share with others about the book and/or the author, and especially about your
passion. What inspires you may well indeed inspire others!
Open Mic Night
Saturday, March 12, 7-9:30pm, Love
Come on out for a fun and exciting evening of
connection through the creative vulnerability of the heart and spirit! All ages and
forms of creativity are welcome: singing, musical instruments, poetry, or other. We
can't wait to see you there! If you would like to participate, please contact Pat
Colacchio 727-776-9330 or
Introduction to Chakras & Healing with Kristin Eubanks
Monday, March 14, 7-9pm
Suggested Love Offering $30
In this workshop you will gain a basic understanding of the chakra
system and how it relates to your overall health. You will also learn
remedies for imbalances such as essential oils, crystals and
mantras. Kristin Eubanks is a model and Holistic Life Coach. She
believes in the full connection of mind, body, spirit to make a person
whole. Kristin also has her Masters in Spiritual Awareness and Masters in
Clair Senses with Liza Wolf
Friday, March 17, 6:30-8:30pm, $10
Join Liza as she explores your 5 senses, and the
corresponding "Clair" senses and how you can use
them to understand your intuition. When we are
more aware of our physical senses, and the "Clair"
senses that overlay them, we have a better connection to our intuition. Through this
better connection we are able to form our own personal line of communication, thus
being better able to listen to and trust our intuition.
Awaken to a New Way of Being with Omaji
Monday, March 21, 7-8:30pm
Expression of Abundance
Ride the wave of expansion! What if you could abide in the
knowing that you are a perfect extension of Source? Are you
ready for the weight of false perceptions to be lifted? Are you
ready to experience lightness as a way of being? Will you allow The Divine to
expand and align you with the Truth of you? Each session is Divinely Guided for
those present and will be facilitated by Omaji with the intention of aligning you with
your True Self.
How Can an Animal Communicator Help
with Judie Herman, Animal
First Unity's Friendship Hall
Saturday, March 26, 10am-4pm, $95
Judie Herman, Animal Communicator, will help
you create an even closer partnership with your animal companion. You will learn
to trust what you are "hearing" from your animal and understand their point of view.
By practicing on other animals in the class you will get validation that each of you
were born with this ability and that you can relearn it.
Spirit Speaks with Emily Andrews
Monday, M, 7-8:30pm, $22
Join Emily Rivera Andrews, inspirational speaker, intuitive
guide and energy healer for an evening filled with
enlightened messages from beyond. During this powerful
seminar, Emily will make direct connection with Spirit.
Emily will demonstrate her ability to channel messages from Angels, Guides,
Masters and loved ones by answering questions from the audience.
Meet Your Spirit Guide
Group Discussion and Guided
Friday, April 1, 7-8:30pm
$15 Adv. registration recommended
Jennifer Farmer returns to Wings for her monthly group meditation and discussion.
Are you ready to meet your Spirit guides? This is the perfect place to experience the
loving embrace of your Spirit team. During this informative discussion, Jennifer will
share tips and information about working with the Spirit World and your Spirit
guides. She will also lead the group in a guided meditation practice to meet your
Spirit guide(s). This is a wonderful evening to ask questions, discuss experiences
and practice with the group. All levels welcome. Arrive early to ensure entry and to
honor sacred space during the session.
An Evening of Messages from the Spirit
Saturday April 2, 6:30-8:30pm,
First Unity Sanctuary, $25
*First 20 tickets sold before March 7 will receive priority seating
Experience the healing power of the Spirit World with psychic medium Jennifer
Farmer as she brings the Spirit World closer to you. During this unique and
enlightening evening in the First Unity Sanctuary, she will lead the group in a
healing grief meditation and share insights about our friends and loved ones in the
Spirit World.
Once the energy in the room is set, she will link up with friends and loved ones in
the Spirit World and share evidential messages from the Spirit World with members
of the audience. As a member of the group, you can experience the love and
embrace from the Spirit World. Attendance does not guarantee a message. This is
a special evening that can be shared with your family and friends. Advanced
registration is recommended. Arrive early to ensure entry and to honor sacred
space. Visit for more information about Jennifer.
For more information on all Wings events visit
Art Ministry
spiritual seekers
and divine
artists. Join the
Art Ministry
known as I AM
Our Chaplains are
here to pray with
you, listen to
you, and hold
what they hear in
Dedicated to the
upkeep of our
sacred spaces.
Counselors &
If you need
support, we
have the
Healing Ministry
Our Crystal Bed
combines the
power of color,
light & crystal
Our LGBT has
activities &
throughout the
First Unity Gives
Music Ministry
An amazing
group of people
dedicated to
spiritual growth
through the art
of music
Check out the
ways we live
our mission.
Share your
strength &
hope at our
weekly ongoing
Our Spiritual
Leader is on the
Council for the
Assoc. of Global
New Thought.
Pet Ministry
the love of
Unity in all
beings. Pet
every Sunday
Travel Ministry
Keep your bags
packed for
around the
Give with our team and VOLUNTEER. For more
information email:
For advertising opportunities, please contact
Robinette Wilson
Unity Prayer
The Light of God surrounds us,
The love of God enfolds us,
The power of God protects us,
The presence of God watches over us,
Wherever we are,
God is – and all is well!
Join First Unity Spiritual Campus
for a special
Led by Rev. Helen Hornaday & musical talents of Jennifer Real
Please bring your chairs and dress for weather.
MARCH 27, 9:30 & 11:30AM
Led by Rev. Temple Hayes & Dr. Dennis Merritt Jones
Arrive early to get your seat!
PAVE Your Spiritual Path
 I am responsible for my Spiritual Path, because
I am the Power.
 I am aware of what First Unity Spiritual Campus
gives and I am willing to Discover My
 I am evolving and thriving because I give.
Givers atrract more Givers.
What I am Participating in this month is:
What I am Giving as a Steward this month is:

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