January / February Newsletter


January / February Newsletter
January / February 2012
Mailing address:
P.O. Box 10742
South Lake Tahoe, CA
Unity at the Lake
current Office / Sacred Space
Star Tahoe Building 2489
Suite 27
Lake Tahoe Blvd. SLT, CA
Our new sanctuary & annex
is located at:
1195 Rufus Allen Blvd.
South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150
Our office phone # will
remain as (530) 544-2266.
We’re on the Web!
Visit us at:
~ Stew submitted an article which will be published in the March/April
issue of Unity Magazine !
~ ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING: In the annex, approximately noon on Sunday,
January 22 . After our service in the Senior Center and our ceremonial “walk-over” to the new
sanctuary, we’ll stay there for our annual meeting, as we joyously review 2011 and share our huge
vision for 2012. We’ll also be voting in our 2 new Trustees to our Council. All are welcome,
though only members may vote. The Council is honored to provide a homemade lunch.
~ HONOR YOURSELF AND/OR SOMEONE YOU LOVE: We received a $10,000 interestfree loan to help fund the building of our new Sanctuary and Annex. In order to help repay this
loan, we are offering the opportunity to adopt 1or more chairs. For $75.00/chair you can honor
yourself and/or someone else (“in memory of”…”in celebration of”…”in gratitude for”, etc.) and we
will prominently display all the name(s) on a beautiful group plaque. You will be blessed with the
knowing that you have contributed immensely to the manifestation of UATL’s dreams.
~ “NEW” NEWSLETTER: As you can see, we are trying out a different newsletter layout. Please
provide feedback via email or verbally to Council members, namely Sherry. Thanks!
 SUNDAY, JANUARY 29th, 2012 
At this point, we will be in the old office at least through January 15th. Please stay tuned to future email updates, or call the
office or the Bittmans @530-318-2374 (or check our website) to make sure of location for events.
Wednesdays, NOON-12:45, in the office (for now) PRAYER/MEDITATION CIRCLE is the best 45 minute God vacation/spa
package you can give yourself. As with everything in Unity, we start with ourselves, sitting to align with the Divine Presence of
Love we are in Truth. From that consciousness we are able to hold a new perspective of hope, clarity and well-being,
grounded in wholeness, for ourselves, everyone in our prayer list and the entire world.
Awakening Wednesdays: Every Wednesday evening, 6:45-8:15pm IN THE ANNEX OF OUR NEW BUILDING, A time where
we can take the principles we talk about and bring them deeper into our understanding. Through meditation, circle sharing,
book studies and shared tools we create a fun and inspiring time to share and grow together. Please join us! Our book study
on Ernest Holmes’, “How to Change Your Life” continues for now…please join us anytime even if you haven’t read
the book or attended prior classes. After we conclude this one we’re considering studying the newest book by
Conversations with God’s author, Neale Donald Walsch, entitled The Storm before the Calm.
Jan uar y 22 : *** After service , we’ll do a ceremonial “walk-over” to our new sanctuary and bless it. ***
Febru ar y 5 th : The Power of Strength ( we ar spring gre en)
UATL will have a guest speaker on February 26th as the Bittmans will be
taking a well-deserved break in Hawaii courtesy of the Morses. 
UATL Newsletter
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Greeter: If you enjoy smiling and giving hugs,
and it is important to you that everyone is
lovingly welcomed who walks through the doors
on a Sunday morning, you are the perfect person
to be a greeter. Join the team regularly or just
once in a while.
Ken & Dory working hard at our
Sacred Space. Thanks for all your
hard work guys.
Youth Empowerment Program: We are
pleased to announce that Carol Zajic is now
our YEP Coordinator. She will be going
through our vast supply of books and
materials and organize it all for our YEP
teachers. She will also be researching a
curriculum that will work for our program so
that the teachers can be consistent with each
other and have something to use as a guide.
We excitedly anticipate a huge increase in
the number of families and children in our
spiritual community. Please let us know if
you are called to contribute to that vision in
any way!
Flowers for Sunday celebration service: Signup or just bring some!
Special thanks:
to all our building angels, some
of whom have been there a lot!
These guided meditations, accompanied by
beautiful, uplifting music, were recorded live
during our 2010 Unity at the Lake Sunday
Celebration Services. Captured within that sacred
energy, they will bless your day with inspiration
and peace.
Available now for a love offering.
Did you know the following ministries are open
to all interested parties?
*Fun(d)raising: We are so appreciative of our
terrific funraising team. They will be looking to
expand on all the very successful events we have
done in the past, which have included some
bowling and bunco, as well as the Murder
Mystery Dinner and Harvesting Our Dreams.
*Public Relations: As we get ready to move into
our sacred space, we are also ready to make sure
everyone in town knows about UATL, who we
are, where we are, what we do and that we’re
celebrating and inspiring a positive spiritual life!
2012 Pledge Program: We have begun our annual
pledge drive. We “do” everything at Unity at the
Lake in alignment with universal spiritual principles
and the Law of Circulation is one of them…we tithe
10% of every dollar we receive to places that feed us
spiritually and all of our classes and workshops are
given on a love offering basis. Our pledge drive is
your opportunity to give in order to learn and
experience more of the givingness of God within
you; to contribute to your own spiritual growth while
also contributing to the unfolding vision of our
spiritual community. Making this intention will help
you to regularly claim your divine inheritance. We
ask that you take some time in the silence, ask for
guidance and then fill out one of the blue or yellow
“Faith in Action” forms (you’ll find them at Sunday
services) by year’s end with your pledge intention
for 2012. You can also call the office for a pledge
form or to let us know what your pledge is.
Bless you all!
As of 12/28/11, our bank balances are as follows:
Bank of the West Checking: $8034.53 (covers everyday
spending and bills)
Bank of the West Savings (2012 Hands and Hearts for
Christmas fund): $132.53
Everbank Checking (general reserve fund): $16,280 (of
which $1383 constitutes the Ministerial fund)
Everbank Money Market (building fund): $13,406.36
We joyfully affirmed and celebrated our
abundance thru tithing to the following during
November/December, 2011:
* Silent Unity * Jeff Kirkwood * Seeds of
Peace * Unity in the Community
* Donna Janaczek * United Centers for
Spiritual Living * Unity Institute
We also made special year-end donations to
Christmas Cheer and the Bijou Family Resource
Center (through our Adopt-a-Family program
[Hands & Hearts]); the SLT Women’s Center
(from Harvesting Our Dreams), Lake Tahoe
Cancer League, UATL’s Prayer Chaplains and
UATL’s Hands and Hearts Fund
DID YOU KNOW?? You can make donations (for regular tithes, building fund, Minister’s Fund and Hands and
Hearts) and purchase all of OneVoice’s CDs, Stew and Hillary’s meditation CD Journeys to the Heart, plus
CDs of Sunday celebration services, directly from the website via PayPal or credit card.
UATL Newsletter
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Our Sunday talks are now available on our website, beginning shortly after each
Sunday service. Tell your friends!
This is a wonderful way to introduce other folks to the Unity message.
Also, take a few minutes to peak at our online photo gallery:
Of course our Spiritual Leaders,
Hillary & Stew, are ALWAYS
available and eager to meet with you
(except Sundays or Mondays, unless an
emergency) during the week for
spiritual counseling and/or prayer, to
talk over the Sunday talk or Unity
principles… or just to chat. Feel free to
call the office anytime and make a
date with them.
Right now our office is in a state of
dishabille as we are preparing to move.
We are always thrilled to see you,
please excuse our mess!
a fun bio sketch
to know more about
Sherry Stofko
Council of Trustees Secretary
Hobbies/interests: Camping & Roadtripping, Skiing (all types), Padlleboarding &
Kayaking, Any Outdoor Adventuring, International Travel w/ Cultural Immersion,
Donating my hair to Locks of Love, Burning Man, Gifting Hugs and Smiles
Occupation: Registered Nurse, specialty certifications in Emergency Nursing
Favorite music: The Grateful Dead, Bob Marley, Led Zeppelin, Janis Joplin… Almost all
my favorite musical people are dead now. Locally, I enjoy The Dead Winter Carpenters
and Sol Jibe.
Favorite movie: Airplane! (1980)
Greatest influence on your life & why: my college boyfriend Tony. He taught me to just
chill and not worry until it’s time to worry. He also influenced my musical and
recreational interests. He told me to be nice to the people who are not nice to me.
Best advice you were ever given: to become a nurse
Describe yourself in 5 words: childlike enthusiasm with a smile
Happy New Year
As I write this, Christmas is just a week away. Yesterday we warmed our new
sacred space with a joyful gathering. There is much to be grateful for as this
year comes to an end and a new one prepares to begin. What are your dreams
and visions for the year ahead?
Many people make resolutions, usually with a
negative focus, to STOP something (smoking, drinking, eating junk food, etc) or to
LOSE something (weight). I prefer that my resolutions take the form of creation, of
adding something or increasing something that is already there (prosperity, peace,
joy). I invite you to do the same. What do you want to add or increase in your
already blessed life? Unity principles teach us to act “as if”, thanking God for that
which we want. It is already there, simply needing to be acknowledged and
claimed. A good way to live this reality is by using “I AM” statements. I AM
prosperous (prosperity). I AM peaceful (peace). I AM joyful (joy). Say it even
when (especially when) your self-talk tells you otherwise. Express gratitude. Thank
you God for my prosperity. Thank you God for my peace. Thank you God for my
joy. As we give thanks for the wonderful things we have we find that those
wonderful things increase. See it, feel it, embrace it. It is God’s great pleasure
to prosper each and every one of us. It is our human journey to accept that we
deserve God’s great blessings, give thanks, and claim them. Make a list. Prepare
a vision board. Pray with gratitude. Exercise your faith. What you want is here
right now. 2012 is a year without limits. Live it. Love it. You deserve it. Happy
New Year!
Janice Eastburn, President, Council of Trustees
“It is our
to accept
that we
and claim
By the time you read this, our beautiful blue planet will have reached that arbitrary point in its journey around the sun when the Western world
proclaims a new year as begun. In other words, happy New Year!
Many people believe that 2012 will be a particularly significant year, based on the idea that it contains the last date on the Mayan calendar. Some
predict a cataclysmic apocalypse of one form or another; some herald the year as a new beginning, ushering in a new world of love, cooperation and direct
communion with God. I vote for the latter, though I believe the process of creating this new world has been happening for a long time. I believe that we
each have a significant role to play in the unfolding of that vision, that we are not victims. I also believe that there is no need to wait for any kind of
auspicious date or time to begin contributing to that vision, whether it’s 11-11-11, a new moon, 12-21-12 or when Mercury comes out of retrograde.
I do not mean to deny that these cosmic events and conditions carry particular types of energies that affect all of us on some level, nor do I presume to
understand any of it. I have no idea exactly what the Mayans foresaw. For me, the important thing is to remember that Truth (universal, timeless, spiritual)
principles always apply, in every moment, “auspicious” or otherwise. We are holding the vision of a new paradigm at UATL that can be summarized as,
“Right here and right now is the perfect time to unfold more Love into our awareness, our life and this world.” When we remember that, it can always help
us prepare for this now moment as well as for any possible future eventuality.
It seemed perfect, for instance, that our new building might be ready to go with the start of the New Year, and we found ourselves forcing things,
rushing things, and stressing about things in order to make that happen. Well, everyone and everything else had other ideas. And as soon as we finally
made a decision to set a realistic date, both Hillary and I noticed we were breathing a lot more easily. Undoubtedly, not only will we be able to handle the
details of the move from a more centered and peaceful place, we’ll also be able to focus more of our time and energy on other things that are ours to do
in order to unfold more Love into our consciousness’ and into this ministry. All of us can always do that, right where we are, right now, regardless of
circumstances. As a ministry, we can continue to embody the Truth of our being, even at the Senior Center!
So, obviously January 29th is the most perfect and auspicious date to have our first service in our beautiful new sanctuary, because that’s the date it will
No matter what we might believe about ancient prophesies, the New Year for me is always an opportunity to reflect, take stock, release what no longer
serves and get clear on my intentions. This year all my intentions revolve around becoming more of the expression of Love that I already am in Truth. The
New Year is a time to quicken my Powers of Zeal and Imagination so I can light a fire under those intentions and see them manifesting vividly and in detail.
It’s a time to appreciate myself for holding these grand visions for me, for UATL and for the world. It’s a time to give thanks for the Faith and
Understanding to KNOW that since I can see it, I have everything I need within me to do it. And it’s a time to rejoice in remembering that I’m far from alone
in seeing and doing all of these things.
So as the planet continues on its journey, oblivious of the date on the calendar, I am feeling tremendously rich and blessed to be sharing my journey
with all of you.
    
“Right here and right now is the perfect time to unfold more Love into our awareness, our life and this world.”
P.O. Box 10742
South Lake Tahoe, CA
~ Stew
Sent with love to:
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