2008 Annual Report
2008 Annual Report
one common unity annual report 07 annual report 2007 who we are... introduction Founded in 2000, One Common Unity (OCU) is a grassroots, member-supported 501(c)3 non-profit organization—an intergenerational community of artists, educators and peace workers who aim to nurture sustainable, caring communities & support socially responsible entrepreneurship through a variety of local and global arts initiatives, omni-media programming, and innovative peace education services. 3 Come together across generational lines as an effective vehicle for artistic-cultural expression Provide support & management for participants in their efforts to sustain themselves as entrepreneurs Promote & produce a variety of positive and uplifting community projects, events, concerts, and public programs. Serve as a bridge between people in need and organizations that meet those needs. Give voice to the progressive spirit of humanity 1 2 4 5 areas of focus 1 objectives OCU has 3 core areas in which it delivers services & projects to fulfill its mission of nurturing sustainable communities: Global Arts; OmniMedia; & Innovative Peace Education. OCU addresses the local and global need for alternatives to violence and peaceful solutions by working with public schools, organizations, and private institutions to develop summer, after-school, and year-round programs, curriculums, seminars, events and workshops that immerse individuals in the principles of personal responsiblity and community consciousness. project update MEDIA SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITIES EDUCATION annual report 2007 ARTS 2 peace education annual report 2007 The Peacemaker Training Institute, developed and sustained by the Fellowship of Reconciliation and the Nonviolent Youth Collective, helps young people become more effective peace and justice activists. The PTI training this year took place from June 13 – 20 at Abram’s Creek, West Virginia. It was co-sponsored by One Common Unity and the Common Fire Foundation and offered 20 participants (ages 18 – 29) from around the nation with: Nonviolent strategies to deal with interpersonal and systematic violence... Opportunities to network with other active youth from diverse cultures... Leadership, communication and conflict resolution skills... Interaction with experienced activists working for peace, equality, and community empowerment... Hope and inspiration for the future... The confidence and ability to make a difference. 3 for more information on our partners visit: www.forusa.org & www.commonfire.org annual report 2007 4 annual report 2007 peace education ShantiSalaam 5 ShantiSalaam is One Common Unity’s first international arts-based peace and conflict resolution initiative. The pilot tour took place from December 2006 to January 2007 a dynamic 8 week journey through India-Kashmir-Pakistan. The ShantiSalaam artists, musicians, and educators performed and facilitated interactive workshops on peace and reconciliation at universities, and made presentations in over 14 cities and reached thousands of people through radio, print, and television about the need for dialogue and coming together across religious, racial, economic, and national borders. Washington DC (Dec. 4-9) New Delhi, India (Dec. 5-13) Dharamsala/Sidhbari, Himachal Pradesh (Dec. 14-18) Srinagar, Kashmir (Dec. 18-22) Amritsar, Punjab (Dec. 22) New Delhi, India (Dec. 22-23) Lahore, Pakistan (Dec. 23-27) Islamabad, Pakistan (Dec. 27-30) Mumbai, Maharashtra (Dec. 30 - Jan. 6) Pune, Maharastra (Jan. 6) Nasik, Maharashtra (Jan. 7-10) Ahmedabad, Gujarat (Jan. 10-14) Jaipur, Rajasthan (Jan. 15-16) London, England (Jan 17-23) Paris, France (Jan. 23-27) Washington DC (Jan 28 - Feb. 3) annual report 2007 Tour Dates: 6 annual report 2007 the arts Young Women’s Drumming Empowerment Project This year the Young Women’s Drumming Empowerment Project (YWDEP) enjoyed its 3rd year of extraordinary success, serving a diverse group of 40 young women, ages 13-18, through the Summer Enrichment Program (SEP) with three committing themselves fully as graduates. YWDEP lists of accomplishment for 2007 include: in d e g a g n ists e t r a oveC m D , l y r a t c lo , poe g n i Eleven m m nce. a u r m d r o g f teachin song, and per ment, 5 The int drumm roduction of La ing int o our t repert in oire ent to s n e m o w g 6 youn women’s A group of A D A B M U B ual enerous g the 4th ann r u o y b eekend drumming w porters p u s r e b m e m annual report 2007 first core r u o f o e n t time, o o the t d e t For the firs a u d a r g s (2005) l ir g f o p YWDEP u o e h gr t g in m o c f by be level of staf dinator. r o o c ip h s r mento performe d drumm ing varying gr oups at o , poetry, moveme nt and so ver 20 ven Empower ng in ues inclu ed Agains ding the W t Violenc the annu omen e (WEAV al DC Te E ) e n A Dating Vio National nnual Ga la; Assembl lence Co y on Sc nference the Tako ; the hool-Bas ma Park ed Healt Annual 4 efit at T hcare; th of Ju HEARC f ly parade or So Ot ; a benhers Mig h t and many Eat (SOM more. E); A draiser n u f y it n u m com successful YWDEP’s goal of empowering young women’s self esteem, raising their voices and bridging cultural and socio-economic gaps was realized once again throughout 2007. 6 annual report 2007 omni-media A Nu View introduces students to alternative career choices where they can draw on their own personal experiences, and use the art of story telling as a creative outlet for change. The program challenges participants to think critically about the world we live in and address issues of vital importance through an artistic medium and nonviolence. A Nu View provides first hand experience in film production from start to finish. For the entire month of July, student participants (ages 15 – 18) met almost everyday and engaged in workshops, with experienced facilitators from Straight, No Chaser Productions and One Common Unity. They learned how to craft their own stories and utilize film and media to create positive social change. As you shall see by watching our first completed film, “A Weigh with Words,” the program allowed the high school students the opportunity to meet, interview, dialogue, and learn from some of the most widely respected scholars, activists, and musicians from around the country. Some of the great personalities who appear in the film, and those the youth interacted with include: Darryl “DMC” McDaniels, Dr. Michael Eric Dyson, Congresswoman Eleanor Holmes Norton, E. Ethelbert Miller, Raheem DeVaughn, Colman McCarthy, Phil Wilson, Tony Medina, Alfreda Davis, Dr. Dorothy Height, and Dr. Celine-Marie Pascale. 7 Funded in part by a grant from the M.K. Gandhi Institute for Non-Violence, the film from this dynamic new initiative was screened on August 22nd, 2007 in Washington, DC, at the Regal Cinemas in Gallery Place Chinatown. During the program’s closing ceremony/film debut, the parents and friends of the students were able to see their tremendous growth over the 2 months time. common folk annual report 2007 One Common Unity introduces the Common Folk Campaign. We recognize organizations, businesses, families, and individuals that aspire to the values of the organization and support programs, services, and opportunities that further the mission as “Common Folk!” One Common Unity’s commitment to “Common Folk,” is to help each person refine and reflect practical applications of peace and serve as a bridge between those in need and organizations that meet their needs. As friends of the world community, OCU supporters assist the ongoing efforts of the organization by providing yearly fiscal contributions and/or actively participating in and promoting our programs & activities. Common Folk celebrate their differences and unite through their commonality. Those who become members of OCU pledge not only to live peace through their words, but in direct day-to-day actions. OCU seeks to remove the anti-war, anti-establishment, blaming “the system” attitude, replacing it with personal responsibility and creative solutions to global, environmental, and economic problems. Inter-personal resolutions to choose love over hate, happiness over misery, wellness over sickness, and knowledge over ignorance are the first steps of establishing and maintaining peace in the world. “I smile at those around me and treat people how I would want to be treated.” -Oyamiwa Walker, Ubutu Village “I make the world a better place by promoting unity in the school where I teach. I teach my students to be the best they can be, and that they can be and do anything.” -Mrs. Tate, Garrison Elementary HOW COMMON FOLK ARE MAKING A DIFFERENCE “I feel that I make a difference by knowing that it’s okay to have a different perspective, to be accepting, to be creative, and to share.” -Harikem Saaku, Art Major at Salisbury State University: “I make a difference by working on being a good listener, and being considerate to others.” -Hip-Hop Producer Jerrod Jackson 8 annual report 2007 testimonials 9 “One Common Unity has been a great inspiration to the diversity of students at Wilson Senior High School in Washington, DC. Their teachings and commitment have created and molded our Peace Program and provided an opportunity for our students to realize their responsibility to one another and the planet. Keep up the great work OCU!” -Dr. Stephen Tarason, Principal, Woodrow Wilson Senior High School “Before this project I really didn’t think much of what I said to people because I’m the typed of person if I have something to say I’m going to say it. In other words, I don’t hold anything back. But now I realize that there’s a certain way to say what you feel and not be rude about it. I think of words like this, “Each word has an emotion attached that’s why we should always watch what we say.” –Calvin Smith (A NU View youth participant, 2007) “It is words and their power that keep me going. Someone said that words are manifestations of our thoughts and ideas and can crystallize into actions. In other words, words are a medium of premium significance… through this documentary, I learned that society is a matrix of interacting people and words can create compassion or conflict within society. I learned that not everyone thinks the same and that different people have different interpretations of words.” -Malick Kebe (A NU View youth participant, 2007) “Through the process of filming this documentary, I have learned a great deal through the people I interacted with, the exploration of film, of words, and as a result, exploration of myself. The film project gave me a wealth of knowledge and experience to put to use in my life. It was an enormous growth opportunity for all of the students, and I feel that I undoubtedly made the most of it. I can take what I have learned on the set and with the crew out into the real world and use the skills I have learned for my own benefit, and those of others.” –Julian Peters (A NU View youth participant, 2007) “BRAVO on the work you do!!! Gorgeous! Wonderful! Your website is soooo beautiful! I LOVE it! I forwarded it on to some people I know... thank you thank you for the hope and the inspiration.” -Jennifer Appel, Filmmaker “My experience with YWDEP was very rewarding, something I will always remember and keep with me. I learned so much, not just with the art but also socially and mentally about growing up and becoming a woman. The program let me express myself to a different audience and socialize with girls from different cultures and backgrounds.” -Jennifer Evans, 15, a graduate of the 2007 YWDEP summer program “Awesome newsletter. I’m very impressed by the work that you’re doing, on so many levels. Please know it is affecting many people!” -Steve Hasse, What is Enlightenment? (Magazine) “OCU! Just want you to know that I love what you’re doing! I was happy to get this year-end report, and especially, to check out the trailer of the Nu View Film by the youth! Looks great! I remember hearing about it when the project was in its early stages, back in the summer when I was up at Abram’s Creek --- it looks really good right now. Glad you’re keeping the fire going! Thanks a lot for your great work. “ -Sabrina Sideris, Univ. of Colorado, Program Director (Community Leadership in Action) “Thanks soooo much for a great show last Friday at Sounds of Hope! Please pass on my gratitude to your volunteers! I already entered and sent a thank you letter to your guests who signed the mailing list. What an amazing, uplifting crowd of folks and supporters. Thank you AGAIN for making Sounds of Hope a great success!” -Mary Shaprio, Potters House “Its been a few weeks since I’ve returned home from my D.C. experience, and I already miss it. If I had to choose one workshop, speaker, or site that was my favorite it would definitely be the One Common Unity program. For years I’ve tried to persuade my friends that peace is a definite conclusion to all situations... but they claim I am only a dreamer. Thank you for showing me that I am not the only ‘dreamer,’ and that it’s possible for this world to become one... thanks for a great program, and greater knowledge that proves people are good at heart. -Ashley, Student, Congressional Youth Leadership Council annual report 2007 “This experience with One Common Unity showed me that words really do affect people. Their reaction may not be immediate, but they will always remember what was said to them. I discovered that I feel good about myself when I use positive words about others, and I feel negative when I say inappropriate words. Hopefully, when other people see this documentary it will affect them the same way it affected me. It caused me to think, and really analyze my world. I’ve learned that although others use words to degrade or uplift people, I have to be responsible for what I say, because the impact of the words I say can be bigger then what I had expected to be. Now that I know my habit with words I’m making an effort to make sure I don’t call anybody an inappropriate name just for the sake of insulting them.” –Lyndsey Newsome (A NU View youth participant, 2007) 1 0 annual report 2007 financial info 1 1 annual report 2007 1 2 our supporters 2007 Supporters of O annual report 2007 The following organizations & businesses have partnered, s 1 3 Abram’s Creek Retreat & Campground, LLC African American Holiday Association (AAHA) American University Bank of America Bar Nun Beautiful Love Ben’s Chili Bowl Black AIDS Institute Black Luv Festival Breakthrough Bus Boys and Poets Center for Teaching Peace Center for Whole Communities Children’s Studio School Chinmaya Organization for Rural Development City First Community Bank Coeus International School Columbia University Coolidge Senior High School (SHS) Co-Op America The Common Fire Foundation DC Commission of Arts & Humanities DC Department of Parks & Recreation District of Columbia Public Access Television (DCTV) Donatelli & Klein Earth Conservation Corps Educational Lyrics Emergence Community Arts Collective (ECAC) Entertainment Education Everlasting Life Georgetown University Genesis Poets, LLC Grove Printing Guerilla Arts, Inc. Howard University Interfaith Youth Corp Invisible Children Java Green Latin American Youth Center Live Green supported, and/or collaborated with OCU projects in 2007. Mama Sita’s Cultural Center McKinley Tech High School Mercy Corps M.K. Gandhi Institute for Non-violence Mocha Hut MOSAICA (Center for Non-profit Development) National Foundation for Teaching Entrepreneurship (NFTE) National Young Leaders Conference (NYLC) National Park Service New York University (NYU) NW Sport and Health Club Olender & Association Law Firm Park Triangle Productions Potter’s House Prayer Vigil for the Earth Quaid-i-Azam University, Pakistan R.O.O.T., Inc. Safeway Sankofa Café School Without Walls High School Solar Publishing Spirit of Truth Foundation St. Stephen’s Church Straight, No Chaser Productions Teaching for Change The Center for Creative Emergence The Everlutionary Trust The Lincoln Theater Uni-Tees University of Jaipur, India Vagabond Productions Whole Foods Market Wholeness for Humanity Woodrow Wilson Senior High School Words Beats & Life, Inc. WPFW 89.3 FM - Pacifica Radio WPGC 95.5 FM WRFG 89.3 FM - Atlanta XM National Satellite Radio Youth Leadership Support Network (YLSN) annual report 2007 One Common Unity, Inc. 1 4 the people of ocu Board of Directors Zaccai Free.....................................................Board Secretary annual report 2007 Dr. Tracee Jamison..........................................Board Member 1 5 Rajeev “HAWAH” Kasat.............................Executive Director Adrienne Noel.................................................Board Treasurer Mikuak Rai..............................................................Board Chair Kenya Hakashamut Stevens...........................Board Member Advisory Council Dr. Sunyatta Amen Founder/ Director MamaSita Cultural Center Nicole Bacon, ESQ. Attorney at Law Shahid Buttar, JD Asscociate Director for Communications and Outreach, American Constitutional Law Society (ACS) Michelle James CEO, Center for Creative Emergence Mr. DJ Kim Founder & Owner, Java Green Colman McCarthy Founding Director, The Center for Teaching Peace Luci Murphy Community Activist, Singer/ Songwriter Jali-D Arts & Education Entrepreneur, Rappercussionist Brenda Pfieffer Architect, Broadening Green Design Kenny Dickerson Assistant Principal, Woodrow Wilson Senior High School Ms. Krishna Roy Board Chair, M.K. Gandhi Institute of Nonviolence Maryrose Dolezal Joel Segal National Program Coordinator, Fellowship Senior Legislative Assistant, U.S. Congress of Reconciliation Andy Shallal Founder & Owner, Bus Boys and Poets HAWAH Executive Director Kari Omara Director of Operations Jacob Forbai Chief Financial Officer Charneice Fox Program Director, A Nu View Kristen Arant Program Director, Young Women’s Drumming Empowerment Project Alexandra Silverthorne Program Assistant, Young Women’s Drumming Empowerment Project Brent Joseph “Munch” Artistic & Project Director, The Movement Open Mic Sessions Andrew Yonki American University Intern Shelly Zhao Georgetown University Intern annual report 2007 Staff, Volunteers, & Interns Liz Mcauliffe Georgetown University Intern Dawn Abate Special Events Coordinator/ Promotions Kai Safran Promotions Helina Metaferia Graphic Design Kiki Joy Sustainable Communities Researcher Jessica “Munirah” Woods Special Events Coordinator 1 6 Nurturing Sustainable, Caring Communities through Innovative Peace Education, Arts and Media One Common Unity, Inc. Global Headquarters 1525 Newton Street, NW Washington, DC 20010 Tel: 202.232.0909 Fax: 202.529.2125 info@onecommonunity.org Design by Eli Yudin