May - Messiah Evangelical Lutheran Church
May - Messiah Evangelical Lutheran Church
Messiah Evangelical Lutheran Church Messiah Messenger Volume 2016, Issue 5 May Notice: Pastors Lisa and Matthew will be on vacation from April 25th to May 14th. During this time Pastor Nathan Baker-Trinity will be on-call to care for pastoral needs. Pr. Baker-Trinity can be reached at: (570) 6582001 [Beaver Lutheran] or (218) 280-8210 [cell]. Inside this issue: Changing Flags at the cemetery Worship Leaders 2 Schedule Flags will be changed on Sunday, May 22nd during the Sunday School hour. Everyone is welcome to come help! Prayer List 3 Council meeting - May 19 Pastor’s Article 4 Council will have its monthly meeting on Thursday, May 19th at 7:00pm. News and Notes 6 Birthdays and Anniversaries 8 VBS - June 6th - 10th Youth page 13 You will find the registration form in the back of the newsletter, page 14. Calendar 16 Newsletter Deadline - May 24th The Deadline for June’s Newsletter is Tuesday, May 24th. Messiah Messenger From the Pastor Pastor’s Office Hours: Tues & Thurs: 9 am - 2 p.m.; Wed: 10 a.m. - 8 p.m.; Fri: OFF Please call the office before coming to the church to be sure that I am available. If you have an emergency please contact me immediately via my cell phone: 717-357-3475. Worship Leader Schedule for May Altar Guild - Kathy Bingman and 29 Lisa Mitchell Donna Zechman Assisting Minister - Shana Klingler Communion Leaders 01 Ken Kreamer Greeters 08 Ken Kreamer 01 Alma & Myron Mitchell 15 Josh Weiser 08 Elgarda & Charles Mitchell 22 Steve & Katrina Erb 15 Shana & Corey Klingler 29 Elgarda Mitchell 22 Lisa & Dan Mitchell 29 Cailey & Morgan Klinepeter Offering Leaders 01 Elgarda & Charles Mitchell Acolytes 08 Scott & Wendy Rager 01 Morgan Klinepeter and Jarrett Erb 15 Bob & Sandy Bickhart 08 Carlie and Haley Lepley 22 Shana & Corey Klingler 15 Trevor, Michael, Carlie, Dylan and Haley 29 Wendy Romig 22 Carlie, Haley, Morgan, Dylan and Jarrett 29 Trevor Harris Counting Helper 01 Carla Kreamer Lector 08 Trina Klinepeter 01 Rodney Master 15 Trina Klinepeter 08 Lisa Mitchell 22 Dan Mitchell 15 Brittany Folk 29 Wendy Romig 22 Kathy Bingman Page 2 Volume 2016, Issue 5 A Note from the Secretary My office hours are going to be varied for the next few months. Deadlines will be the same. Make sure to have any information for the bulletins turned into me by Monday. The deadline for May’s newsletter is Tuesday, May 24, 2016. You can reach me via my cell or at Do not leave things on the desk for me, as I am not guaranteed to get them; put all items for me in my mailbox. People enjoy seeing what is happening at Messiah! If you are at an event please take some pictures or write up a little something about the event that I can then share in the next newsletter. Thanks, and God Bless! Mary Ellen Prayer List Neil Bilger, Dale Bingaman, Tony Bowersox, Dolores Bressler, Lori Ciccolini, Gary Cutler, Sr., Lori Davis, Betty Drumheller, Donald Ellis, Jean Ewig, Rod Ewig, Ronnie Ewig, Dave Folk, Dana Hauck, Dennis Herbster, Arlene Keister, Isabel Kline, Tonya Kline, Amy Kratzer, Mildred Krick, Mildred Landis, Mary Lauver, Denny Manhart, Peg Mattern, Cindy McCarrick, Jeanne McGlauglin, Jess Morris, Phyllis Moyer, Bill Reynolds, Kim Rigel, Raymond Stumpf, Karen Swab, Rose Marie Swanger, Melissa Swartzlander, Elwood Trutt, Robert Walter, Marvin & Judy Wagner, Joe White, Donnie Wilhour, Dale Wright, Joshua Wright Our Servicemen Brent Burdge, Kogan Mitchell, Aaron Moyer, Zach Moyer, Cory Troxell First Responders Lucas Bingman, Katrina Erb, George Hohman, Ross Mitchell, Brandt Zimmerman Page 3 Messiah Messenger Coming of Age Sunday, May 15, is the Festival of Pentecost. On this Day the Church commemorates and celebrates the gift of the Holy Spirit, whom God poured out upon Jesus’ disciples fifty days after He was raised from the dead, thereby establishing the Church of Jesus Christ and enabling the disciples to witness to the crucified and risen Lord. Sunday, May 15, is also the day on which Haley Lepley and Morgan Klinepeter, Messiah’s current Confirmation students, will undergo the Rite of Confirmation and be confirmed in the Christian faith. The Day of Pentecost is a particularly appropriate day for Confirmation to take place because on this Day when we thank God for the gift of His Spirit, we also ask for His same Spirit to fill anew the Confirmands, as exemplified in this prayer from the Rite: Father in heaven, for Jesus’ sake, stir up in ________ the gift of Your Holy Spirit; confirm her faith, guide her life, empower her in her serving, give her patience in suffering, and bring her to everlasting life. Amen. Why this emphasis on the Spirit within the Rite of Confirmation? Lutheran Christians believe that the Holy Spirit is bestowed upon a person through the Sacrament of Baptism. We believe that the Spirit comes to dwell with every baptized person, and that the Spirit is the One who is responsible for creating faith within that person…no matter that person’s age. This is why Lutherans practice infant Baptism. Yet we also believe that, since infants and other very young children do not possess the cognitive capability to grasp the basic tenets of the Christian faith and consequently to consciously live as disciples of Jesus in the world, parents and other responsible adults must, in a very real sense, live the faith for them. At the time of Baptism parents and sponsors promise to ‘faithfully bring the child to the services of God’s house, and teach them the Lord’s Prayer, the Creeds, and the Ten Commandments,’ and, ‘as they grow in years […] to place in their hands the Holy Scriptures and provide for their instruction in the Christian faith, that, living in the covenant of their Baptism and in communion with the Church, they may lead godly lives until the day of Jesus Christ.’ By doing so, parents and guardians and Baptismal sponsors allow the Holy Spirit, working through His chosen means of God’s Word and Sacraments, to produce faith within the baptized child. It is at the time of Confirmation, however, that our young Christians take on the responsibility for nurturing their faith relationship with God. This is why the Rite of Confirmation—also known as Affirmation of Baptism—begins with these words: Congregational President: These young people— Morgan Klinepeter and Haley Lepley— have been instructed in the Christian faith and desire to make public affirmation of their Baptism. Page 4 Volume 2016, Issue 5 Page 5 Messiah Messenger News and Notes The Choir is no longer meeting due to lack of singers. If you are interested in serving in this vital ministry, please contact Michelle Bixler. The Women of the ELCA are looking for new members. If you are interested in joining contact Elgarda Mitchell. The container in the Narthex is to collect soda can tabs which are donated to the Ronald McDonald House. Members, please make sure you are filling out your Communion record cards! To the Members of Messiah Evangelical Lutheran Church, Thank you so much for your prayers and also the beautiful planter of pansies. Also thank you for the monetary gift. Both were greatly appreciated. Cathy Dippery, Dover, PA Good Stewards of the Month Morgan Klinepeter and Haley Lepley have been nominated to be the “Good Stewards of the Month” for May. The girls were selected because of the outstanding job they did in producing and directing the children’s program for Easter this year at Messiah. The idea for this project came up in catechism class, as a possible way for them to demonstrate leadership as well as stewardship and to accommodate the number and ages of our children. They even came up with some unique ideas for the music that was presented, changing the words from a song to suit the program, all of which was very well done and very much enjoyed by all who attended. Thank you Haley and Morgan for your willingness to serve in this capacity and maybe this is just the beginning of your directing careers! Page 6 Volume 2016, Issue 5 Marriage Encounter Weekends 2016 Attention Married Couples: So you’ve done maintenance for your car—how about your marriage? Make 2016 the year you decide to attend a Lutheran Marriage Encounter Weekend to learn how to make your marriage a more intimate, loving, Christian union. Lutheran Marriage Encounter Weekends run from Friday night at 8 PM to Sunday around 4 PM and have been enriching marriages of couples of all ages for 40 years! In addition to the $100 per couple registration fee, you will be given an opportunity near the end of the weekend to make a confidential contribution of whatever amount you wish toward the continuation of the program. Two nights lodging, 5 meals for each of you, and all supplies are included. The 2016 Pennsylvania Weekends are: September 16-18, 2016 at Spruce Lake Retreat Center, Canadensis, PA, a new, hotelstyle facility on Spruce Lake in the heart of the Pocono Mountains – an hour north of Allentown October 21-23, 2016 at Olmsted Retreat Center, Ludlow, PA, a stunning, hotel-style retreat center adjacent to the Olmsted Mansion situated on a hillside in the Allegheny National Forest, an hour north of DuBois Registrations are limited, so act today to ensure that you can attend the Weekend of your choice. To sign up online, go to: and pay the registration fee using your credit card, or mark the option to mail in a check. For questions, or if you would like a brochure mailed to you, contact Pennsylvania Directors of Lutheran Marriage Encounter, Fred & Julie Schamber, at 724-325-3166 or email: Page 7 Messiah Messenger May Birthdays 02 Michelle Krick Pastor Matthew 05 Lauryn Everly 14 Ben Moyer 15 Gayle Bowersox 17 Kina Lepley May Anniversaries 02 Wendy & James Romig 24 Judy & Dennis Snook 11 Frona & Myron Mitchell (69) 28 Elgarda & Charles Mitchell (50) Trina & Mike Klinepeter 14 Lisa & Dan Mitchell 15 Shana & Corey Klingler 20 Donna Zechman 20 Lisa & Matthew Schuster (10) 28 Gary Cutler, Jr 21 Crystal & Steven Kuhns 31 Michael Harris Coming of Age Pastor: Dear sisters in Christ, we rejoice that you now desire to make public profession of your faith and assume greater responsibility in the life of our Christian community and its ministry in the world. Or, in other words, when our students are confirmed, they have ‘grown up.’ They are adults in the Church, and now take on their own shoulders the promises which their parents made in their stead on the long-ago day of their Baptism into Christ. I feel reasonably confident that Morgan and Haley will make good on their affirmation of their baptismal promises, and will continue to cultivate their relationship with God through private devotion, acts of service, and regular participation in our corporate worship. If nothing else, these two fine young people have over the two years of Confirmation instruction shown themselves to be eager to share Jesus with others; Confirmation ministry for them, therefore, has in large part entailed gaining a deeper understanding of a long-held faith, heretofore dimly grasped, for the sake of sharing that faith. This is well and good for our Confirmands, and I thank God for them, as I do for all of our young people. Yet, I must ask: what of our adults? Sadly, we have a number of members who, while adults chronologically, are by no means grown-ups in the faith. By and large I am not thinking here of our active membership. Instead, I refer to those who have let things that really are of little or no consequence interfere with their primary calling in this world, which is to witness to God’s goodness as He has revealed Himself in Jesus Christ. Many make all manner of excuses for not following in the way of our Lord and Savior which—after all—is the way of the Cross. They come to church only infrequently, if at all, and when they do come they limit their participation in our shared life in Christ to time spent in corporate worship. And so for those largely inactive-by-choice members, I wonder if perhaps it is high time for them to take a page from our Confirmation students’ faith lives, and grow up. Page 8 Volume 2016, Issue 5 Council Meeting Minutes for March March 17, 2016 Present: Craig Bingman; Mary Ellen Bingman; Michelle Bixler; Barb Bowersox Brittany Folk; Barb Fultz; Shana Klingler; Karen Lauver; Josh Mosteller; Ben Moyer; Josh Weiser; Pastor Matthew Absent: Tara Rau Devotions: Shana Klingler, focused on St. Patrick, followed by a prayer President Michelle Bixler opened the meeting OFFICERS REPORTS: Secretary – passed as given Treasurer – passed as given Pastor – (2/19/16-3/17/16) passed as given Christian Education: 02/21, 28; 03/13 Confirmation instruction 03/13 Led adult Sunday school 02/24; 03/02, 09, 16 Led Lenten DVD study Meetings: 03/03 Middlecreek Valley Ministerium 03/13 Worship and Music Other Ministry: 03/09 Presided at funeral and committal of Pauline Margaret Narehood 03/02 Mitchell-Hohman premarital preparation Ongoing: Support of local married couples Visits Made: In Care Facilities: 13 In Homes: 5 In Hospitals: 4 Visits Received: 1 Total: 23 Mileage 494 / Amount to reimburse: $247 Page 9 Messiah Messenger Council Meeting Minutes continued MINISTRY REPORTS: Property: Josh Weiser, Chairperson ●Women’s restroom sink to be done. ●Light in basement nearly completed. ●Josh W. and Josh M. looked at outside basement doors and determined they will need to be overhauled, but are not totally useless as of yet. ●Josh W and Ben will service the mowers. ●Changed light bulbs in sanctuary. Worship and Music: Mary Ellen Bingman, Chairperson ●The palms are here. ●There will be no organ playing during Palm Sunday procession due to difficulty hearing and trying to keep up with the music playing. ●Communion ware is done except common cup which needs redone due to shape. ●Michelle will now be working every fifth Sunday and needs someone to play piano to lead music during service. Christian Education: Barb Bowersox, Chairperson The Easter egg hunt will take place again at the Mosteller’s farm. Sexton: Barb Bowersox The painting in the narthex is done. Social: Barb Fultz, Chairperson Ham / dandelion dinner: Flyers are out. The newspaper announcement is done. Sign up sheets are posted. The dinner is 4/2. Stewardship: Karen Lauver, Chairperson No report. Page 10 Volume 2016, Issue 5 Council Minutes Finance: Craig Bingman, Chairperson On 3/13/16 Lucas Bingman, Kina Lepley, Marcus Klingler, along with Josh Mosteller and Craig Bingman present, conducted the audit. Inreach/Outreach: Brittany Folk, Chairperson ●Held meeting 3/6/16. ●Carla, Kina and Brittany will deliver Easter flowers to shut-ins. ●Will be matching the funds raised through red sack collection. ●One thank you card sent. Youth Group: Shana Klingler, Reporter No report. Middlecreek Council of Churches: Barb Bowersox and Pastor Matthew ●Good Friday service to be held at old St. Peters church. ●Palm walk will be in McClure on Palm Sunday. ●Lenten breakfast served 80+ people. ●Benefit dinner upcoming 4/28 for Glenn Camp, Jr. ●MACC dinner show to be held 4/23 with Recreation performing. ●The balance for MCVCC is low ($200.55). Ben Moyer made a motion to accept all ministry reports. Mary Ellen Bingman seconded. Motion carried. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: ●Carpet update: Pastor Matthew will check with Bill Harris about using his uncle’s storage trailer for the pews. Estimate includes moving all sanctuary items, including piano and organ, as this will cover any possible damages. Page 11 Messiah Messenger Council Minutes continued ●New computer: Mary Ellen reported the cost of a new back up system is $60. Two prospective desktops included a HP for $349 and a Dell for $299. The HP is faster and has more memory. Josh Weiser moved to buy the HP for $349. Barb Fultz seconded the motion. Josh Mosteller moved to amend the motion to add the back up system for $60. Ben Moyer seconded the motion. Josh Mosteller discussed the lack of finances for the church and the low balance of the checking account. He suggested utilizing “item specific” fundraising for purchases needed for the church. He also stated that the current computer works, and therefore we could just purchase an updated version of Windows 7 for $50 and the back up system for $60. Josh Mosteller amended the motion to buy the back up system only for now at $60 and no new computer. Barb Fultz seconded. Discussion: Craig Bingman pointed out that the computer was already agreed upon to be purchased, but maybe do item-specific fundraising in the future. Pastor Matthew stated that he thinks a new computer is needed. NEW BUSINESS: ●Josh Mosteller will give a temple talk on 5/15/16 regarding the church’s financial status. Moving forward, some suggestions made by Josh are: 1) E-payment and how this works for a more consistent income than the envelopes. 2) Item-specific fundraising. 3) Cut budget expenses (as of now Christmas bonuses, and look into cutting our benevolence to the Synod). ●Need voting members for the June 16-17, 2016, Synod Assembly at SU. Page 12 Volume 2016, Issue 5 Council meeting minutes continued Barb Bowersox made a motion to adjourn. Karen Lauver seconded. Motion carried. Respectfully submitted by Shana Klingler, Council Secretary Next Meeting April 21,2016. Devotions: Michelle Youth Page 13 MESSIAH’S VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL REGISTRATION (One form per child, please) *Student First Name: _________________________________________________________ *Student Last Name: _________________________________________________________ Nick Name: _________________________________ Age: ______________________________________ Gender: Male Female Grade entering: _____________________________ T-Shirt Size (youth): ___________________________ Home Church (if applicable): ___________________________________________________ Allergies: __________________________________________________________________ Medical Issues or Special Needs: ________________________________________________ It would be nice if my child is placed in same group as (child's name): __________________ *Parent Name: ______________________________________________________________ *Address: ________________________________________________________________________ *City: _____________________________________________________________________ *State:__________________________________________________________________________ *Zip: ______________________________________________________________________ *Email: ____________________________________________________________________ *Home Phone Number:_______________________________________________________ Cell Phone Number:__________________________________________________________ Other Phone Number: _______________________________________________________ Emergency Contact: _________________________________________________________ Emergency Phone: __________________________________________________________ Alternate Pickup Name: ______________________________________________________ Alternate Pickup Phone: ______________________________________________________ General Information: ________________________________________________________ Medical Release: I give my permission for the VBS staff to administer basic first aid to my child (named above) in the event of an injury. I understand that the VBS staff will contact emergency services in the event of a significant injury and all expenses for such emergency services will be paid by me. Photo Release: I hereby grant the above named church permission to copyright and use photographs/videos taken at VBS of the minor designated above in any manner or form for any purpose lawful at any time. I waive any right that I may have to inspect or approve the finished product or written copy, that may be used in conjunction therewith, or the use to which it may be applied. Permission to Attend: I give permission for my child (named above) to attend the Vacation Bible School (VBS) listed above. I understand that the information I give for this registration will only be used by the VBS hosting church, and that all registration information will be removed from the hosting site by December 31 of this year. ________________________________________________________ Parent Signature Date May 2016 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 6:30pm Social Committee meeting 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Pastors Matthew and Lisa return from vacation 15 16 17 18 19 7:00pm Council meeting 20 21 22 Changing of Flags at cemetery during SS 23 24 Deadline for newsletter 25 26 27 28 29 30 11:00am Memorial Day Service at Troxelville Cemetery 31 Messiah Evangelical Lutheran Church 8994 Rte. 235 Beavertown, PA 17813 Phone: 570-658-9175 “When the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all the truth. John 16:13 Worship with us Sundays at 8:45 am, Sunday School 10:15am We are back on the Web! Check us out at