Victorinox The global spirit of the «Swiss Army Knife


Victorinox The global spirit of the «Swiss Army Knife
The global spirit of the «Swiss Army Knife»
Preparing a world-famous brand for the global market
Preparing a world-famous brand for the global market
The starting point
As a consequence of the new strategy,
the brand design has to be revised and
implemented in numerous brand design
programs, which meet the premium
requirements of the brand. The design
principles are recorded in a brand design
The Victorinox brand is closely associated
with the legendary «Swiss Army Knife»,
which has its origins in the Swiss
«Officer’s and Sport Knife» of the year
1897. Nowadays, Victorinox is a globally
operating company (Europe, North and
South America, Asia / Pacific) with
headquarters in Ibach-Schwyz. Victorinox
manufactures and distributes worldwide
unique quality products with practical
uses in various areas of life: «Swiss Army
Knives», househould and professional
knives, watches, luggage, clothing and
perfume. As a consequence to this
diversification, an overstretching of the
brand has taken place: Thus, the brand
comprises different positionings from
«Outdoor Adventure» to «Urban Lifestyle». A stringent brand management is
hardly possible based on this positioning.
Victorinox entrusts Brandpulse with a
market analysis focusing on the brand
positioning and the brand structure
(Swiss Army, Victorinox Swiss Army and
Victorinox) in a first step. As a result, the
international brand strategy is developed
and derived from this, the brand design
of the Victorinox brand is revised.
Afterwards, instruments of corporate
communications such as PR guidelines as
well as media documentations are
The solution
As a basis for the analysis of the brand
strategy, Brandpulse conducts an
international brand perception study in
cooperation with a market research
institute and, based on the findings of this
study, works out a global brand strategy.
The new brand strategy for Victorinox
facilitates the determination of a clear
positioning that is based on the connecting core values «iconic design»,
«Swiss quality», «functionality» and
«innovation». After that, Brandpulse
defines a well thought out brand personality and closes the circle to the common
origin: the functional geniality of the
«Original Swiss Army Knife». In order to
integrate the brand strategy into the
corporate strategy, Brandpulse conducts
workshops with the Victorinox general
management to work out strategic
corporate core values and afterwards
formulates the brand’s strategic positions
of success.
prepared. In order to ensure a continuous
active brand management, Brandpulse
introduces a brand manager, who
supervises and further develops the global
brand management in cooperation with
the branding managers of the individual
product divisions.
Tasks of Brandpulse
Brand analysis, analysis of brand architecture, development of brand strategy,
brand positioning, brand design program
with revision of logo and design basic
elements, preparation of corporate
stationery, labeling, brand design manual,
standardization of corporate literature,
application in shops, labeling, exhibition
design, sales promotion and point of sale
design, communication measures for the
flagship store opening in London.
The Victorinox Travel Gear collections include a large range of luggage, business
cases, lifestyle bags, backpacks, travel accessories and personal leather goods. Each
piece is designed to handle the heavy demands of intensive travel and stands out for
its highly developed technology, functionality and durability.
Victorinox Travel Gear
Das Sortiment der Victorinox Swiss Army Knives umfasst über 360 verschiedene
Modelle mit bis zu 80 Funktionen. Für den Privatgebrauch und für Profiküchen bietet
Victorinox rund 540 verschiedene Haushalt- und Berufsmesser an. Hinzu kommen
Besteck- und Küchengarnituren, Universalmesserblöcke und weitere Schneidgeräte
für unterschiedliche Verwendungszwecke.
Victorinox Swiss Army Knives
Das Museum of Modern Art in
New York und das Staatliche Museum
für angewandte Kunst in München
haben ein Modell des «Original Swiss
Army Knife» von Victorinox aus
eigener Initiative in ihre Sammlungen
Über Victorinox
Taschenmesser, Haushalt- und Berufsmesser
Victorinox Taschenmesser und Multi-Tools geniessen rund um den Globus einen
ausgezeichneten Ruf und erfreuen sich bei Menschen jeder Altersgruppe und aller
Nationalitäten grösster Beliebtheit. Seinen Ursprung hat das heutige breite Sortiment
in einem Soldatenmesser, das der Firmengründer Karl Elsener im Jahre 1891 zum
ersten Mal an die Schweizer Armee lieferte. Etwas später entwickelte Karl Elsener das
«Original Swiss Army Knife». Dieses war leichter und eleganter als das offizielle
Soldatenmesser und umfasste bereits sechs praktische Werkzeuge. Die Idee des MultiTools war geboren. Offiziere der Schweizer Armee kauften das vielseitige Taschenwerkzeug privat im Fachhandel und schon in kurzer Zeit fand das revolutionäre Produkt
bei immer breiteren Abnehmerkreisen Anklang. Zunehmend entwickelte sich die
Nachfrage auch im Ausland. Nach dem zweiten Weltkrieg verkauften die PX-Läden
der US-Army, der Marine und der Luftwaffe das «Original Swiss Army Knife» an ihre
Offiziere und Soldaten.
Victorinox Travel Gear is available in more than 86 countries throughout the world
and includes twelve collections ranging from classic luggage to travel and briefcases
to fashionable lifestyle accessories.
Continual innovation
TRG Group does everything it can to maintain the highest standards in quality in
each collection while continuously introducing new and ground-breaking features.
Each model unmistakably embodies the spirit of the “Original Swiss Army Knife”
and links functionality with quality and design. With inventiveness and the application
of the latest technology, TRG Group succeeds time and again in implementing new
ideas and maintaining its position as the leading innovator in the market. This is
underscored by its 73 registered or pending patents, including the ergonomic, curved
monopole handle system and unique 360° rotating swivel handle. TRG Group has
received many awards for innovative market performance, including the 2007
Innovation Award from the Travel Gear Association and the “Year’s Best Gear 2008”
from the national outdoor publication “Outside”.
Im Laufe der Jahre wurde das multifunktionelle Taschenmesser durch weitere Werkzeuge und Funktionen erweitert. Heute ist das ursprüngliche «Original Swiss Army
Knife» in über 100 Variationen und Kombinationen ab Lager lieferbar. Herausragende
Entwicklungen in der Kollektion sind beispielsweise das Topmodell SwissChamp
mit 33 Funktionen, das SwissFlash® USB Taschenmesser mit bis zu 16 GB Speicherkapazität, das Taschenmesser mit dem kleinsten Laser Pointer der Welt oder das
auch von Rettungs- und Sicherheitsdiensten geschätzte Victorinox Rescue Tool.
Facts & Figures
Victorinox Travel Gear is manufactured under license in the USA by TRG Group,
with headquarters in St. Louis, Missouri. This specialized company has produced a
comprehensive range of all types of luggage and bags for Victorinox since 1999.
Victorinox Travel Gear is home to a Swiss tradition that is more than 100 years old
and brings together innovation, functionality and durability in a single concept.
With models for various activities, lifestyles and tastes, the product range covers a
broad spectrum of needs. The Mobilizer NXT® Collection, launched in 1999,
remains a world-famous luggage line and still sets the standard in the industry for
classic design, rugged durability and multi-functionality.
Brandpulse AG
Sempacherstrasse 15
CH - 8032 Zürich
T +41 44 360 46 46
F +41 44 360 46 47
The brand as a strategic success factor
Brandpulse creates strong brands
Brandpulse’s competencies
The 21st century will be the century of
the brand. The growing globalization of
competition is leading to increased competitive pressure. With increasingly similar
service quality and falling margins, brands
worldwide face the challenge of competing
successfully in their market environment.
Brandpulse is one of the leading Swiss
marketing agencies, with competencies in
brand strategy consulting, brand concept,
3D design and corporate communications
Brandpulse offers customers a wide
range of services during the strategy,
design and implementation phases as
befits a full-service agency.
Brandpulse works for regional, national
and international companies and brands in
Switzerland, Germany and Austria.
ic a
t i on
ect Managemen
Interior Design
Retail Concepts
Product Design
• Naming
• Corporate Design
and Brand Design
• Packaging
• Digital Media
• Target Group
• Brand and Market
• Brand Hierarchy
• Brand Positioning
Campaigning/Digital PR
Social Responsibility
Internal Branding
Personal Branding
Brandpulse develops new brands,
revitalizes existing brands, and creates
individual or integrated design and communications solutions for both. We have the
expertise to give your brand the necessary strength so that it becomes a strategic
success factor.
We employ strategic advisers, brand
consultants, corporate communications
consultants, digital media consultants, brand
designers, digital designers, art directors,
architectural and product designers as well
as project managers, all of whom have many
years of experience.
The challenge therefore lies in the creation of differentiating brands, and their
consistent and integrated implementation
via design and communication with the aim
of creating recognition and trust.
design“ and „corporate communications“,
the Brandpulse Group offers its customers,
according to needs, individual solutions
within the respective core competencies or
holistic, integrated brands and communication solutions.
or a
tegic brand management, many brands
do not succeed in clearly distinguishing
themselves from their competitors. Undifferentiated marketing and woolly communication are often the cause of high brand
substitutability. Many providers too often
rely on generic „me-too concepts“, thereby
destroying distinguishing brand values.
In times of crisis, however, only strong
brands can compete successfully, because
customers - whether in the B2C or B2B
area - are increasingly turning towards
differentiating brands with high credibility.
C or p
Despite the increasing importance of stra-
Consisting of three companies which specialize in the disciplines of „brand strategy
and design“, „3D architecture and product
In addition to strategic and conceptual know-how, we also have extensive
experience in the regional, national and
international deployment of brand, design
and communication solutions.
Competencies Brand Strategy
• Analyses of competitors
and target groups
• Brand and Market Analyses
• Brand Structure
• Positioning of Brands
• Brand Strategy Consultation
Competencies Brand Concept
• Naming
• Brand Design Concepts
• Packaging
• Claiming
• Company and Product Literature
• Digital Media
• Guidelines/Application Principles
• Communications Strategy
• Integrated Communications Concepts
• Company Anniversaries
Competencies - 3D Design
• Interior Design
• Retail Concepts
• Exhibition Design
• Product Design
Competencies Corporate Communications
• Campaigning & Transmediality
• PR & Digital PR
• Corporate Social Responsibility
• Preparedness & Crisis Management
• Personal Branding
• Reputation Management
• Internal Branding
• Corporate Publishing