City of Lakewood Hazard Mitigation Plan


City of Lakewood Hazard Mitigation Plan
City of Lakewood
Hazard Mitigation Plan
August 9, 2016
Prepared by:
City of Lakewood Hazard Mitigation Working Group
Michael Aguirre, Accountant
Paolo Beltran, Assistant to the City Manager
Nancy Hitt, Community Services Manager
Paul Kuykendall, AICP, Senior Planner
Toyasha Sebbag, Water Administration Manager
Max Withrow, Assistant Director of Public Works
Kenneth A. Goettel
Goettel & Associates Inc.
1732 Arena Drive
Davis, California 95618
(530) 750-0440
This Hazard Mitigation Plan for the City of Lakewood, California covers each of the major
natural hazards that pose a risk to the City. The primary objectives of this plan are to reduce the
negative impacts of possible future disasters on the community, to save lives and reduce injuries,
minimize damage to buildings and infrastructure (especially critical facilities) and minimize
economic losses. This mitigation plan is a planning document, not a regulatory document.
This Hazard Mitigation Plan meets FEMA’s planning requirements by addressing potential
hazards, vulnerability, risk, and identifying prioritized action items to reduce these risks over
time as funding becomes available. Hazard means the estimated frequency and potential severity
of each different type of potential disaster event. Vulnerability means the value, importance, and
fragility of buildings and infrastructure that may be exposed to each type of hazard. Risk means
the potential threat to people, buildings and infrastructure, taking into account the probabilities of
each type of disaster event. Adoption of a hazard mitigation plan is required for communities to
remain eligible for future FEMA mitigation grant funds.
This document is a living document which is updated periodically. Review comments,
suggestions, corrections and additions are enthusiastically encouraged from all interested parties.
Questions and comments may be sent to:
Sonia Dias Southwell, AICP, Director of Community Development
City of Lakewood
Community Development Department
5050 Clark Avenue
Lakewood, California 90712
(562) 866-9771, extension 2300
Introduction and Overview
Chapter 1:
Chapter 2:
Community Profile
Chapter 3:
Community Involvement and Planning Process
Chapter 4:
Mission Statement, Goals, Objectives, and Action Items
Chapter 5:
Plan Adoption, Maintenance, and Implementation
Hazards and Risk Assessment
Chapter 6:
Chapter 7:
Chapter 8:
Chapter 9:
Chapter 10: Other Hazards
Appendix A: Synopsis of FEMA Grant Programs
Appendix B: Principles of Benefit-Cost Analysis
Appendix C: Community Involvement and Planning Process
1.1 What is a Hazard Mitigation Plan?
The City of Lakewood is subject to a wide range of natural and human-caused hazards, including:
earthquakes, floods, dam failures, windstorms and others. The impact of a hazard event on the
Lakewood community may be minor - a few inches of water in a street - or it may be major - with
significant damage to important buildings and the potential for injuries or deaths.
The impact of a major disaster on a community can be devastating; economic losses, casualties,
disruption, hardship and suffering are often far greater than the physical damages alone.
Furthermore, recovery from major disasters often takes many years, and some heavily impacted
communities may never fully recover. Completely eliminating the risk from future disaster
events in Lakewood is neither technologically possible nor economically feasible. However,
substantially reducing the negative impacts of future disasters in Lakewood is achievable with the
implementation of a pragmatic and effective hazard mitigation plan.
This Hazard Mitigation Plan addresses all of the natural hazards which pose significant risk to
Lakewood. This Hazard Mitigation Plan includes events such as severe weather events and
localized storm water flooding that may happen in some locations almost every year. The Hazard
Mitigation Plan also includes larger hazard events such as major earthquakes that will affect much
or all of the Lakewood community, albeit with much lower probabilities of occurrence in a given
This Hazard Mitigation Plan has several key elements.
1. Each hazard that may impact Lakewood significantly is reviewed to determine the probability
(frequency) and severity of likely hazard events.
2. The vulnerability of Lakewood to each hazard is evaluated to estimate the likely extent of
physical damages, casualties, and economic impacts.
3. A range of mitigation alternatives are evaluated to identify those with the greatest potential to
reduce future damage and loss in Lakewood, to protect facilities deemed critical to the
community’s well being and that are desirable from the City’s political and economic
1.2 Why is Hazard Mitigation Planning Important for Lakewood?
Hazard mitigation simply means actions that reduce the potential for negative impacts from future
disasters. Mitigation actions reduce future damage, losses and casualties. Effective mitigation
planning will help Lakewood deal with natural and human-caused hazards realistically and
rationally. It will help differentiate specific locations in Lakewood where the level of risk varies
per hazard type and identify areas where one or more hazards apply. The Hazard Mitigation Plan
provides guidance in implementing cost effective ways to reduce such risks. Mitigation planning
1.0 Introduction
strikes a pragmatic middle ground between underestimating the potential for major hazard events
on one hand and unnecessarily overreacting to the potential for disasters on the other hand.
The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) requires each local government entity to
adopt a multi-hazard mitigation plan to remain eligible for future pre- or post-disaster FEMA
mitigation funding. Thus, an important objective in developing this plan is to maintain eligibility
for FEMA funding and to enhance Lakewood’s ability to qualify for future FEMA mitigation
FEMA’s mitigation planning requirements for communities are based on the Disaster Mitigation
Act of 2000, which requires every state and local government to prepare a hazard mitigation plan,
which includes the following steps:
1. Conduct an assessment of the natural hazards that pose a threat to the jurisdiction;
2. Determine the potential impact of these hazards;
3. Create a hazard mitigation plan to mitigate these hazards; and
4. Implement the hazard mitigation plan to reduce the impacts of natural disasters.
This Hazard Mitigation Plan is specifically designed to help Lakewood gather the data necessary
to compete successfully for future FEMA funding of mitigation projects. FEMA requires that all
FEMA-funded hazard mitigation projects be “cost-effective” (i.e., the benefits of a project must
exceed the costs). Benefit-cost analysis is thus an important component of mitigation planning,
not only to meet FEMA requirements, but also to help evaluate and prioritize potential hazard
mitigation projects in Lakewood, regardless of whether funding is from FEMA, state or local
government or from private sources. An overview of the current FEMA mitigation grant
programs and the principles of benefit-cost analysis of mitigation projects are included in
Appendices A and B.
Hazard mitigation planning is applicable to the Lakewood community as a whole, including not
only City-owned facilities but also the entire built environment of buildings and infrastructure.
1.3 The Lakewood Hazard Mitigation Plan
This Hazard Mitigation Plan is built upon a quantitative assessment of each of the major hazards
that may impact Lakewood, including their frequency, severity, and areas of the City likely to be
affected. The hazards addressed include:
Floods (including dam failures);
Other Hazards (including extreme temperatures, landslides, wildland/urban interface fires,
subsidence, and volcanic events).
1.0 Introduction
This Hazard Mitigation Plan includes a quantitative assessment of the vulnerability of buildings,
infrastructure, and people to each of these hazards, to the extent possible with existing data. The
Hazard Mitigation Plan also includes an evaluation of the likely magnitude of the impacts of
future disasters in Lakewood.
The review of the hazards and the vulnerability of the City of Lakewood to these hazards are the
foundation of this Hazard Mitigation Plan. From these assessments, situations where buildings,
infrastructure, and/or people may be at high risk from one or more hazards are identified
whenever possible. These high risk situations then become priorities for future mitigation actions
to reduce the negative impacts of future disasters in Lakewood.
This Hazard Mitigation Plan deals with hazards realistically and rationally and also strikes a
balance between suggested physical mitigation measures to eliminate or reduce the negative
impacts of future disasters and enhancements in planning to reduce the potential for negative
impacts of disasters on new development. Finally, the Hazard Mitigation Plan suggests better
emergency planning to help prepare the community to respond to and recover from disasters for
which physical mitigation measures are not possible or not economically feasible.
1.4 Key Concepts and Definitions
The central concept of mitigation planning is that mitigation reduces risk. Risk is defined as the
threat to the built environment posed by the hazards being considered. Risk is the potential for
damages, losses and casualties arising from the impact of hazards on the built environment.
The extent of risk depends on the combination of hazard and exposure as shown in Figure 1.1
Figure 1.1: Hazard and Exposure Combine to Produce Risk
and Severity
of Hazard Events
Value and
of Inventory
Threat to the
Built Environment
Thus, there are four key concepts that govern hazard mitigation planning: hazard, exposure, risk
and mitigation. Each of these key concepts is addressed in turn.
HAZARD refers to natural or human-caused events that potentially may cause damages, losses or
casualties (e.g., earthquakes, floods, windstorms etc.). Hazards are characterized by their
frequency, severity and by the geographic area affected. Each hazard is characterized differently
with appropriate parameters for the specific hazard. For example, tornadoes may be characterized
by the enhanced Fujita Scale. Floods may be characterized by the frequency of flooding, flood
1.0 Introduction
depth, and flood velocity. Earthquakes may be characterized by the severity and duration of
ground motions.
A hazard by itself may not result in any negative impacts on a community. For example, a highly
flood-prone five acre parcel may typically experience several shallow floods per year, with
several feet of water expected in a 50-year flood event, and more than six feet of water expected
in a 100-year flood event. However, the parcel may be wetlands adjacent to a tidal marsh that
floods daily but contains no development (structures or infrastructure) on that parcel. In this case,
the frequent flooding does not have any negative impacts on the community. In such
circumstances, the very frequent flooding (i.e., high hazard) may be beneficial in providing
wildlife habitat.
Hazards do not produce risk, unless there is vulnerable inventory exposed to the hazard. In the
context of mitigation planning, “inventory” means the number of people, buildings, and
infrastructure exposed to damage from one or more natural or manmade hazards.
EXPOSURE is the quantity, value and vulnerability of the built environment (inventory of
buildings and infrastructure) and/or people in a particular location subject to one or more hazards.
Inventory is described by the number, size, type, use, occupancy of buildings, and by the
infrastructure present. Infrastructure includes roads and other transportation systems, and utilities
(potable water, wastewater, storm water, natural gas, electric power, and telecommunications
Inventory varies markedly in its importance to a community and thus varies markedly in its
importance for hazard mitigation planning. Some types of facilities are critical facilities and are
especially important to a community, particularly during disaster situations. Examples of critical
facilities include police and fire stations, hospitals, schools, emergency shelters, and 911 centers.
Critical facilities may also include infrastructure elements that are important links or nodes in
providing service to large numbers of people such as a potable water source, and an electric
power substation. “Links” are elements such as evacuation and emergency access routes, water
pipes, electric power lines, telephone cables that connect portions of utility and transportation
systems. “Nodes” are locations with important functions, such as pumping plants, substations, or
switching offices.
Lakewood’s most critical facilities include major city buildings, major medical facilities, and key
“components of the utility systems which provide water, electric power, and natural gas to the
Hazard mitigation planning inventory requires categorizing by the quantity and value of buildings
or infrastructure present and its vulnerability to each hazard under evaluation. For example, a
given facility may be vulnerable to both flood and earthquake damage, or only to flood damage or
earthquake damage. Depending on the hazard, different measures of vulnerability must be used.
RISK is the threat to the built environment (buildings and infrastructure) and people; the potential
for damage, loss, and casualties arising from hazards. Risk results from the combination of
1.0 Introduction
hazard and exposure. When the geographic areas affected by one or more hazards contain people,
buildings, and infrastructure vulnerable to damage from the hazard(s). For mitigation planning,
evaluation of risk generally emphasizes the built environment and people. However, risk also
includes the potential for environmental damage.
Risk is the potential for future damage, loss, or casualties. A disaster event happens when a
hazard event is combined with a vulnerable inventory (i.e., when a hazard event strikes vulnerable
inventory exposed to the hazard). The highest risk in a community occurs in high-hazard areas
(frequent and/or severe hazard events) with large inventories of vulnerable buildings or
However, high risk can also occur with only moderately high hazard, if there is a large inventory
of highly vulnerable inventory exposed to the hazard. Conversely, a high hazard area can have
relatively low risk if the inventory is resistant to damage (e.g., structures elevated to protect
against flooding or strengthened to minimize earthquake damage).
MITIGATION means actions to reduce the risk due to hazards. Mitigation actions reduce the
potential for damage, loss, and casualties in future disaster events. Repair of buildings or
infrastructure damaged in a disaster is not mitigation because repair simply restores a facility to
its pre-disaster condition and does not reduce the potential for future damage, loss, or casualties.
Hazard mitigation projects may be initiated proactively before a disaster or after a disaster has
already occurred. In either case, the objective of mitigation is always to reduce future damage,
loss, or casualties.
Some of the most common types of mitigation projects are shown below in Table 1.1.
Table 1.1: Common Mitigation Projects
Mitigation Project Examples
Perform structural upgrades of vulnerable buildings
Install non-structural bracing of equipment and contents
Improve levees or storm water drainage systems
Enhance dam safety
Provide backup power for critical facilities
Enhance emergency planning and mutual aid
The mitigation project list above is not comprehensive; and mitigation projects can encompass a
broad range of other actions to reduce future damages, losses, and casualties.
1.5 The Mitigation Process
The key element for all hazard mitigation projects is that they reduce risk. The benefits of a
mitigation project are the reduction in risk (i.e., the avoided damage, loss, and casualties
attributable to the mitigation project). In other words, benefits are simply the difference in
1.0 Introduction
expected damage, loss, and casualties before mitigation (as-is conditions) and after mitigation.
These important concepts are illustrated below in Figure 1-3.
Quantifying the benefits of a proposed mitigation project is an essential step in hazard mitigation
planning and implementation. Only by quantifying benefits is it possible to compare the benefits
and costs of mitigation to determine whether or not a particular project is economically feasible.
Real world mitigation planning almost always involves choosing between a range of possible
alternatives, often with varying costs and varying effectiveness of reducing risk.
Figure 1.3: Mitigation Projects Reduce Risk
Quantitative risk assessment is centrally important to hazard mitigation planning. When the level
of risk is high, the expected levels of damage and loss are likely to be unacceptable, and
mitigation actions have a high priority. Thus, the greater the risk, the greater is the urgency of
undertaking mitigation actions.
Conversely, when risk is moderate, both the urgency and the benefits of undertaking mitigation
are reduced. It is neither technologically possible nor economically feasible to eliminate risk
completely. Therefore, when levels of risk are low and/or the cost of mitigation is high relative to
the level of risk, the risk may be deemed acceptable. Therefore, proposed mitigation projects that
address low levels of risk or where the cost of the mitigation project is high relative to the level of
risk are generally poor candidates for implementation.
The overall mitigation planning process is outlined in Figure 1.4, which outlines the major steps
in the hazard mitigation planning and implementation process.
The first steps are quantitative evaluation of the potential hazards (frequency and severity)
impacting Lakewood and the inventory (people, buildings, and infrastructure) exposed to these
hazards. Together, the hazard and exposure data determine the level of risk for specific locations,
buildings or facilities in Lakewood.
The next key step is to determine whether or not the level of risk posed by each of the hazards
impacting Lakewood is acceptable or tolerable. Only the Lakewood community can make this
1.0 Introduction
determination. If the level of risk is deemed acceptable or at least tolerable, then mitigation
actions are not necessary or at least not a high priority.
On the other hand, if the level of risk is deemed not acceptable or tolerable, then mitigation
actions are indicated. In this case, the mitigation planning process escalates to more detailed
evaluation of specific mitigation alternatives, prioritization, funding and implementation of
mitigation measures. As with the determination of whether or not the level of risk posed by each
hazard is acceptable or not, decisions about which mitigation projects are appropriate can be made
only by the Lakewood City Council.
Figure 1.4: The Mitigation Planning Process
Mitigation Planning Flowchart
Risk Assessment
Quantify the Threat
to the Built Environment
Is Level of Risk
YES: Risk is Acceptable
Mitigation Not Necessary
NO: Risk is Not Acceptable
Mitigation Desired
Identify Mitigation Alternatives
Find Solutions to Risk
Prioritize Mitigation Alternatives
Benefit-Cost Analysis
and Related Tools
Obtain Funding
Implement Mitigation Measures
Reduce Risk
The logic behind the Mitigation Planning Flowchart is illustrated by a simplified example.
Consider two hypothetical unreinforced masonry buildings in Lakewood, both about the same
vintage, size and value, with similar values for their contents. The first building is a warehouse
1.0 Introduction
storing construction materials with very low occupancy, while the second building is city-owned
with substantial occupancy. The seismic hazard level is identical for the two buildings which are
located near each other. The value and vulnerability of the two buildings are also very similar.
The risk, however, is very different for the two buildings. The risk associated with the warehouse
is largely limited to physical damage and economic loss. For the city building, the risk includes
not only physical damage and economic loss but also safety and the risk of loss of essential public
services, including the ability to respond to a disaster event, as well as exposing the City to
potential liability.
For the warehouse, the community may decide that the risk is acceptable and that mitigation is not
necessary or perhaps a much lower priority. This decision does not mean that the building is not
vulnerable or that the risk is zero, but rather that the risk is deemed acceptable because of the very
low occupancy of the building.
For the city-owned building, on the other hand, the community would likely decide that the risk is
not acceptable because of the safety risk to staff and visitors. In this case, mitigation is desired,
and the community might explore several options to reduce the risk, such as: demolish the
building and replace it with a new building, implement various retrofit measures, or use the
building for a low occupancy function and move the building functions to a safer structure. The
selection of a particular mitigation option would likely depend on many factors including
economics, available resources, historical preservation issues, and locally-defined social or
political priorities.
This simplified example illustrates the importance of defining risk explicitly and quantitatively as
the basis for making sound decisions about mitigation.
1.6 The Role of Benefit-Cost Analysis in Mitigation Planning
Communities that are considering whether or not to undertake mitigation projects must answer
questions that do not always have obvious answers, such as:
What is the nature of the hazard?
How frequent and how severe are hazard events?
Do we want to undertake mitigation measures?
What mitigation measures are feasible, appropriate, and affordable?
How do we prioritize among competing mitigation projects?
Are our mitigation projects likely to be eligible for FEMA funding?
Benefit-cost analysis is a powerful tool that can help communities provide solid, defensible
answers to these difficult socio-political-economic-engineering questions. Furthermore, benefitcost analysis is required for all FEMA-funded mitigation projects, under both pre-disaster and
post-disaster mitigation programs. Thus, communities seeking FEMA funding must understand
benefit-cost analysis. Regardless of whether or not FEMA funding is involved, benefit-cost
1.0 Introduction
analysis provides a sound basis for evaluating and prioritizing possible mitigation projects for any
natural hazard.
Benefit-cost analysis software, technical manuals and a wide range of guidance documents are
available from FEMA at no cost to communities. A Benefit-Cost Analysis Toolkit CD is
available from FEMA. The publication What is a Benefit? Draft Guidance for Benefit-Cost
Analysis is particularly recommended as a general reference for benefit-cost analysis. This
publication includes categories of benefits to count for mitigation projects for various types of
buildings, critical facilities, and infrastructure and has simple, standard methods to quantify the
full range of benefits for most types of mitigation projects.
The principles of benefit-cost analysis are briefly summarized in Appendix B.
1.7 Hazard Synopsis
The following is a brief review of the major natural and human-caused hazards that may impact
Lakewood. Some of the hazards, such as windstorms and earthquakes, may affect all of
Lakewood. Other hazards, such as floods, may only affect portions of Lakewood.
Earthquakes. The entire City is at risk from earthquakes, with potential for major damage and
casualties, especially for severe earthquakes with a nearby epicenter. However, the level of risk
for specific buildings or infrastructure varies depending on the design characteristics of each
structure. Earthquake hazards and risks are addressed in Chapter 6.
Floods. Flood risk for the City is generally low because the entire city is included in FEMA
Flood Zone X, which includes areas protected from the 100-year flood by levees and other flood
control structures, and areas where the 100-year flood depth is less than one foot. However, large
portions of the city could be flooded in flood events much larger than the 100-year flood and/or
by dam failures upstream. Flood hazards and risks are addressed in Chapter 7.
Windstorms. The entire City is subject to windstorms from Santa Ana winds, thunderstorms or
other wind events. Windstorm hazards and risks are addressed in Chapter 8.
Drought. The groundwater portion of the City’s water supply is at risk from major prolonged
droughts. Drought hazards and risks are addressed in Chapter 9.
Other Hazards. There are several other hazards which could affect Lakewood including
wildland/urban interface fires, landslides and debris flows, volcanic events (ash falls), subsidence,
and extreme temperatures. For Lakewood, these hazards are generally minor or negligible. Other
hazards and risks are addressed in Chapter 10.
In evaluating these natural hazards, it is important to recognize that the risk to Lakewood (i.e., the
potential for damage, economic loss, and casualties) varies markedly from one hazard to another.
As discussed in Section 1.4, risk depends on the combination of the frequency and severity of
1.0 Introduction
hazard events, and on the value and vulnerability of infrastructure, buildings, and people to each
potential hazard. Risk is thus always probabilistic in nature.
Some hazard events, such as severe weather, may happen every year to at least some extent.
Other hazard events, such as major earthquakes may affect the city very infrequently, with return
periods of several decades. However, the risk from major earthquakes is high, even though the
frequency of occurrence is relatively low, because the consequences (damage, economic loss, and
casualties) may be very high.
The approximate level of relative risk posed to Lakewood by each of the hazards covered in this
mitigation plan is summarized in Table 1.2. This ranking is based on quantitative/qualitative
judgment about the likely long-term average annual damage and loss in Lakewood from each
hazard, taking into account the probability of major hazard events and the severity of damage and
loss when such an event occurs.
Table 1.2: Relative Risk to Lakewood from the Major Hazards
Relative Risk to Lakewood
Very Low
Very Low
Very Low
Very Low
Floods and Dam Failures
Extreme Temperatures
Volcanic Events (ash falls)
Wildland/Urban Interface Fires
The remaining chapters of this hazard mitigation plan include the following:
Chapter 2 provides a brief community profile for Lakewood.
Chapter 3 documents the community involvement and public process involved in developing this
hazard mitigation plan.
Chapter 4 outlines the hazard mitigation plan mission statement, goals, objectives, mitigation
strategies, and action items.
Chapter 5 documents the formal process of plan adoption, implementation, and maintenance.
Chapter 6 addresses earthquakes hazards.
Chapter 7 addresses floods and dam failures.
Chapter 8 addresses windstorms.
1.0 Introduction
Chapter 9 addresses drought.
Chapter 10 addresses other hazards such as wildfires, landslides, and extreme temperatures.
Appendix A: Synopsis of FEMA Mitigation Grant Programs.
Appendix B: Benefit-Cost Analysis.
Appendix C: Further Documentation of Community Involvement and the Planning Process.
Anthropogenic Hazards are human-caused hazards such as dam failures, HAZMAT incidents,
and deliberate malevolent actions such as terrorism or vandalism.
Critical Facilities are buildings or other facilities which are particularly important to Lakewood,
especially in disaster events. Common examples include medical facilities, fire stations and other
emergency response facilities, and lifeline utilities such as water, wastewater and electric power.
Exposure is the quantity, value and vulnerability of the built environment (inventory of buildings
and infrastructure) in a particular location subject to one or more hazards. Inventory is described
by the number, size, type, use, and occupancy of buildings, and by the infrastructure present.
Hazard refers to natural or anthropogenic events that potentially may cause damage, loss, or
casualties (e.g., earthquakes, floods, windstorms, hazardous material spills, etc.).
Inventory, in the context of mitigation planning, means the number of people, the number of
buildings, and the amount of infrastructure exposed to damages from one or more natural or
manmade hazards.
Links and Nodes are used to characterize utility and transportation systems. Links are the
elements such as water pipes, electric power lines, telephone lines, evacuation and emergency
routes which connection portions of utility or transportation systems. Nodes are locations within
such systems that serve important functions such as water treatment plants, electric power
substations, bridges and interchanges.
Mitigation is defined as the actions that reduce the potential for future damage, loss, or
casualties. Common mitigation projects include safe rooms for tornado shelters, seismic retrofits
for buildings, flood control projects, and storm water management projects.
Risk is defined as the threat to the built environment and people. Risk is the potential for
damage, loss, economic impact, and casualties (deaths and injuries) from natural or anthropogenic
1.0 Introduction
hazards. Risk results from the juxtaposition of hazards with an inventory of buildings or
infrastructure which is vulnerable to damage from the hazards. That is, risk results from the
combination of hazard and exposure.
Terrorism is broadly inclusive of all deliberate malevolent actions intended to damage property
(more serious than minor vandalism) or to inflict casualties or to coerce or intimidate into
behavioral or political change.
Vulnerability is a measure of the susceptibility of a building or infrastructure component to
damage from a hazard. For example, unreinforced masonry buildings are highly vulnerable to
earthquake damage.
2.1 Regional Context
The City of Lakewood is located in the greater Los Angeles metropolitan area, approximately 25
miles southeast of the Los Angeles civic center and about ten miles northeast of the Port of Long
Beach. Lakewood is located in the South Coast Air Basin of California, a 6,600 square-mile area
encompassing Orange County and the non-desert portions of Los Angeles, Riverside, and San
Bernardino counties. The South Coast Air Basin is bounded by the Pacific Ocean to the west and
the San Gabriel and San Jacinto Mountains to the north and east. Lakewood, a fully urbanized
city, is contiguous to the jurisdictions of Long Beach, Bellflower, and Cerritos which are to the
north, La Palma and Cypress to the east, Hawaiian Gardens and Long Beach to the south, and
Long Beach to the west. Figure 2-1 illustrates Lakewood's regional location. Lakewood is 9.5
square miles in area. Lakewood’s environment, both locally and regionally, is primarily urban.
Figure 2-1: Lakewood in a Regional Context
Source: City of Lakewood, Community Development Department
2.0 Community Profile
2.2 Community History
The land encompassed by the City of Lakewood was inhabited by the Gabrielino tribes some 200
years ago. In 1769, the first Spanish settlers arrived by ship from the west coast of Mexico. The
expedition eventually settled at the present site of the City of Los Angeles. They named the
settlement Our Lady Queen of the Angels (Nuestra Señora de la Reina de Los Angeles). In 1781,
as part of the Viceroy's efforts to colonize California, 12 families moved to the Los Angeles area
to settle permanently. As a result, Felipe de Neve, the governor at the time, gave the community
official status as the territory's second California pueblo.
When land routes from Mexico City through Sonora to California improved, the number of
travelers coming into California increased. Those settling the land were given land grants under
Spain's authority. This era marked the beginning of the California ranchos.
The area presently occupied by the City of Lakewood was part of the Rancho Los Cerritos Grant.
The land was deeded by the King of Spain through the Viceroy in Mexico City to Manuel Nieto
in 1794. In 1822, Mexico won its independence from Spain, and in 1835, Los Angeles became
the capital of California. In 1848, after the war between Mexico and the United States, California
became part of the United States. During this time period, Juan Temple inherited and purchased
the remainder of Los Cerritos Rancho from the heirs of Manuel Nieto.
In 1866, Juan Temple transferred the Los Cerritos land title to Benjamin Flint, Thomas Flint, and
Llewellyn Bixby. In time, these individuals transferred title of portions of the Rancho Los
Cerritos to various holding companies. In 1895, the entire Rancho came under the ownership of
Bixby Investment Company who sold it to the Cerritos Sugar Company. In 1897, the Bixbys
bought part of the Rancho back and sold 6,979 acres to William A. Clark in the same year. In
1904, a portion of the Los Cerritos Rancho was transferred to Clark's brother, who then registered
it as the Montana Land Company.
In 1930, due to gradual purchases and divisions of land owned by the Montana Land Company,
the area, which was to become the City of Lakewood, began to develop into a residential
community. In 1932, Long Beach City College purchased 30 acres for a college site. Within
three years, the college was operating. In 1933, the Montana Land Company constructed the
Lakewood Country Club.
In 1934, Charles B. Hopper became the exclusive sales agent and subdivider for Montana Land
Company. The first sales office was established on Carson Street where it intersects Lakewood
Boulevard at the site of the present Long Beach Airport. Twenty-seven houses comprised
Lakewood Village by January of 1936, and already a lively community life had begun. A
Chamber of Commerce was organized in June 1937. In September 1937, the first Lakewood
newspaper, the "Lakewood Village Citizen," began circulation and was published jointly by the
Chamber of Commerce, the P.T.A., and the Lakewood Village Church. The Lakewood Village
area was later incorporated into the City of Long Beach.
In the early 1940's, after World War II began, the area received many large defense contracts.
One of these recipients, Douglas Aircraft Company, built a 25 million dollar aircraft plant at the
2.0 Community Profile
corner of Lakewood Boulevard and Carson Street. As a result, thousands of workers moved to
the Lakewood area making Douglas Aircraft Company one of the largest employers in the area.
When World War II ended, Southern California's real estate and business boom was still running
strong. Utilizing GI Bill of Rights loan provisions, developers began subdividing land and
building homes in mass production. Building to specifications of both the Federal Housing
Administration and the Veterans Administration, the builders offered long-term loans with low
down payments. The availability of these affordable housing units attracted thousands of
returning veterans and industry workers to the Los Angeles and Lakewood areas.
In 1939, the largest Lakewood-area developers, Louis H. Boyar, S. Mark Taper, and Ben
Weingart, formed a small corporation. Through FHA guarantees, they secured loans to cover
development costs and began building Lakewood-area housing tracts. On 3,375 acres of farmland
purchased from the Montana Land Company for $8.9 million dollars, the majority of Lakewood
(west of the San Gabriel River) was built. Here, with the assistance of urban planners and
architects, they designed a community of 17,000 homes. This area encompasses the present day
westerly portion of the City of Lakewood and some areas in the adjacent City of Long Beach
(south of Carson Street).
The land encompassing the Lakewood area was historically used for sugar beet farming.
However, with the real estate boom of the 1940s and 1950s, construction crews graded the land
and paved streets as fast as the last crop could be harvested. In an assembly-line fashion new to
the Southern California area, small teams of workers moved down each side of Lakewood's
streets with concrete mixing machinery. Power diggers were used for foundation trenches, precut lumber arrived for each house, and conveyor belts were utilized to carry shingles to roofs.
Lakewood homes were some of the first to be built with new automatic nailing machines and
power door hanging machines. This mass construction of homes was followed by mass sales.
Lakewood's homes sold well because of the development's attractive wide streets and concrete
curbs, parks and recreation facilities, and other amenities.
The majority of Lakewood's home building activity continued well into the 1950s. During this
time, Lakewood was one of the largest real estate projects built in southern California. Most of
Lakewood's current housing stock was built by the late 1960s.
On April 16, 1954, Lakewood was incorporated. Immediately, numerous decisions were made by
the newly elected City Council. In particular, providing municipal services such as police, fire,
sewer, water, and street maintenance was the primary task at hand. To accomplish these goals,
Lakewood's decision-makers decided on an innovative technique called the "contract system for
municipal services," which has since been known as "The Lakewood Plan." By contracting with
the county for many of its municipal services, "The Lakewood Plan" saved, and continues to save,
the City thousands of dollars in annual operating expenses. Special county assessment districts
fund other municipal services, such as fire and library services. By utilizing existing county
service capabilities, staff, and equipment, the City obtains superior municipal services without the
pitfalls and expense commonly associated with smaller City-owned and -operated services. Since
its inception in 1954, "The Lakewood Plan" has served as a model for many cities throughout Los
Angeles County and the State.
2.0 Community Profile
2.3 Population and Demographics
Lakewood is the 23rd largest city in Los Angeles County, ranked by population. According to the
State of California Department of Finance’s Demographic Unit, the population of the City of
Lakewood was 81,601 as of January 1, 2015 which is an increase of 1,553 persons from the 2010
population level of 80,048, and an increase of 2,256 persons from the 2000 population level of
Lakewood is 9.5 square miles in area. Using the 2010 population figure, there was on average
8,426 persons per square mile. Lakewood’s population grew rapidly from the time of
incorporation in 1954 to approximately 83,000 people in 1970. After 1970, population growth
patterns started to shift. As presented below, between 1970 and 1980, the City’s population
experienced a decline in growth, which continued through to 1990. However, since 1990, the
population has again been increasing. During this period though, the number of housing units in
the City continued to increase, from 24,208 in 1970 to 27,310 in 2000.
Table 2-1 and Figure 2-2 below illustrate Lakewood’s population and housing unit trends. In
addition to the over 9,169 dwelling units added to the housing stock over a 50-year period
between 1960 and 2010, there has been considerable investment by homeowners upgrading their
homes with additional bedrooms and other living spaces to achieve their desire for a larger home.
This indicates that, in the future, the current housing stock may accommodate a higher population
than it currently does. Further, with the City's current land use and density designations, the City
may accommodate the projected population growth through the construction of additional housing
units if the characteristics of population growth generate a need for additional housing.
Table 2-1: Lakewood’s Population, 1960 to 2000 with Future Projections
80,500 (projected)
80,600 (projected)
Population Density (1)
10.99 persons/acre
13.59 persons/acre
12.22 persons/acre
12.01 persons/acre
12.99 persons/acre
13.11 persons/acre
13.18 persons/acre
13.20 persons/acre
Housing Units
Source: U.S. Census (1960-2010), SCAG 2012-35 RTP/SCS (*).
Note: 2020 and 2035 housing unit projections are derived from household projections assuming the 01/2011
vacancy rate of 1.67%.
Note: (1) Lakewood is 6,106.76 acres in area.
2.0 Community Profile
Figure 2-2: Lakewood Population and Housing Units Trends and Projections
Source: U.S. Census (1960-2010), SCAG 2012-35 RTP/SCS (*).
Note: 2020 and 2035 housing unit projections are derived from household projections assuming the 01/2011
vacancy rate of 1.67%.
The decrease in population during the 1970's does not correlate with a decrease in housing units.
The number of housing units gradually increased over several decades, due to new construction
and annexations. At the same time, the reduction in population was due to a decrease in
household size. Many of the young couples that moved to Lakewood between 1940 and 1960 to
raise their families reverted back to one and two person households as their children moved out of
the home. This demographic transition is reflected in the statistics of the average household size,
which declined from 3.67 persons in 1960 to 2.91 persons in 2010.
The local population increase projected for the next 20 years will come from an increase in the
number of persons per household as more young families move into the City as well as a
population increase as some Multiple Family Residential (M-F-R) zoned properties developed
with single-family homes are replaced by multiple-family developments.
The population increase in Lakewood could result in more Lakewood residents being exposed to
the effects of natural hazards. In the 1987 publication, Fire Following Earthquake issued by the
All Industry Research Advisory Council, Charles Scawthorn explains how a post-earthquake
urban conflagration could develop. In an urban context, a conflagration may generally be defined
as a large uncontrolled fire which spreads well beyond a single building or property. A
conflagration could be started by fires resulting from earthquake damage but made much worse
by the loss of water pressure in water mains, caused by either lack of electricity to power water
infrastructure pumps, and/or loss of water pressure resulting from broken water mains. Higher
population densities and other physical impediments may also affect risk. For example, a higher
ratio of residents to emergency responders dilutes emergency resources, and narrower roads are
more difficult for emergency vehicles to navigate thereby slowing response times.
2.0 Community Profile
As Lakewood continues to experience continued in-fill development, there will be increases in
population density and increased demand for public services such as roads, water supply, sewer
and storm drain systems. Natural hazards do not discriminate, but the impacts in terms of
vulnerability and the ability to recover vary greatly among the population. Much of the burden of
post-disaster response and recovery is incurred by residents, especially in the first 72 hours after a
major disaster. Thus, individual disaster preparation is an essential complement to disaster
preparation by public agencies. Special needs populations, including elderly, children, disabled,
and individuals for which English is not their native language, are often disproportionately
affected by disasters. Special attention to such groups is often included in emergency planning by
public agencies.
The 2010 Census data presented in Table 2-2 indicates that 41% of the total Lakewood residents
are considered Non-Hispanic White. The remaining ethnic composition of the City includes
30.1% Hispanic or Latino of any race, 16% Asian, and 8.3% Black or African American. Over
3% of the City residents are of two or more races. The race and ethnic composition of Los
Angeles County was 47.7% Hispanic, 27.8% Non-Hispanic White, 13.5% Asian, and 8.3% Black
or African American. The percentage of the Non-Hispanic Whites population in the City
continues to decline as the percentage of other ethnic groups continues to increase.
Table 2-2: Race and Ethnicity, 2010
Non-Hispanic White
Hispanic or Latino (of any race)
Black or African American
American Indian and Alaskan Native
Native Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander
Some other race
Two or more races
Total Population
Los Angeles County
Source: U.S. Census (2010)
Note: Hispanic/Latino is an ethnicity and can include members of any race. The data presented here reflect the
non-Hispanic population of each race.
Vulnerable populations, including seniors, disabled citizens, women, and children, as well as
those people living in poverty, may be disproportionately impacted by natural hazards.
Examining the reach of hazard mitigation policies to special needs populations may assist in
increasing access to services and programs. FEMA's Office of Equal Rights addresses this need
by encouraging agencies and organizations planning for natural disasters to identify special needs
populations, make recovery centers more accessible, and review practices and procedures to
remedy any discrimination in relief application or assistance.
The cost of natural hazards recovery may place an unequal financial responsibility on the general
population when only a small proportion may benefit from governmental funds used to rebuild
private structures. Discussions about natural hazards that include local citizen groups, insurance
2.0 Community Profile
companies, and other public and private sector organizations may help ensure that all stakeholders
of the City’s population are a part of the decision-making processes.
2.4 Land and Development
Development in Southern California from the earliest days was a cycle of boom and bust. The
Second World War, however, dramatically changed that cycle as military personnel and defense
workers came to Southern California to fill the logistical needs created by the war effort. The
available housing was rapidly exhausted, and existing commercial centers proved inadequate for
the influx of people.
Immediately after the war, construction began on the freeway system, permanently changing the
face of Southern California and where people chose to live and work. Homes and shopping
centers were developed throughout the Los Angeles basin, and within a few decades much of the
area was nearly built out. As the Los Angeles basin reached saturation, new development
continued to be built around the urban fringe, reaching further and further away from the urban
In accordance with Government Code Section 65300, each city in California is required to
prepare and adopt a "comprehensive, long-term general plan for the physical development of the
city." The General Plan expresses community development goals and embodies public policy
relating to future land development, integration of land uses, identification of safety issues (e.g.,
seismic safety planning), preservation of open space, and public services planning. The General
Plan is an important tool used to address environmental challenges relating to transportation and
air quality; growth management; conservation of natural resources; clean water, and open space.
Lakewood’s physical characteristics are nearly identical with that of adjacent cities, and the
transition from one city to another is often seamless to most people. Likewise, the threat of
exposure to certain natural hazards may also be seamless from one municipality to another.
Lakewood is nearly 100% built-out. Thus, future development/construction will be mostly
limited to replacements of existing buildings with newer buildings. All new construction will be
fully compliant with National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) floodplain requirements and in
full compliance with the seismic provisions in the current (or future) building codes. Thus, the
risks from natural hazards will be minimal for future construction.
2.5 Housing and Community Development
As is the case with much of Southern California, the demand for housing in the City of Lakewood
exceeds the available supply. During the recent recession, there has not been a significant number
of new housing units built, although during the past two years new development proposals have
increased sharply. The City of Lakewood’s Housing Element was updated and certified by the
California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) on October 9, 2013.
The Housing Element addressed and established existing and projected housing needs of all
economic segments in the community and established goals, policies, objectives, and actions
necessary to meet those needs. It also identifies adequate sites for housing production.
2.0 Community Profile
HCD makes a periodic evaluation of statewide housing needs based on population trends,
demographic changes, migration patterns, etc. The Southern California Association of
Governments (SCAG) most recent Regional Housing Needs Assessment (RHNA) for Lakewood
quantified the housing needs between 2014 and 2021. The RHNA does not necessarily encourage
or promote growth, but rather requires communities to anticipate growth. The RHNA produces
information on number of households and housing units, households paying over 30% of income
for housing, and projections of future needs.
The regional growth allocation process begins with the California Department of Finance
Demographic Unit (DOF) projecting the state population by age group. The projections are used
by the HCD to compute the statewide housing demand for an eight-year planning period. In the
Southern California region, SCAG’s RHNA allocates to each jurisdiction its “fair share” of the
future regional housing need. The 2014-2021 housing need allocation for the City of Lakewood
is shown in Table 2-3 below. During this planning period, the City is expected to accommodate
403 housing units. Approximately 26.6% of these units should accommodate very low-income
future households. Very low-income households earn less than 50% of the median income of the
geographic region being analyzed. The policies and programs identified in Lakewood’s Housing
Element focus on reaching this future demand for housing.
Table 2-3: RHNA Future Housing Needs, 2014-2021
RHNA Allocation
Housing Units
Very Low Income
<50% of Median
Low Income
of Median
of Median
Above Moderate
of Median
Breakdown of Very Low Income Allocation into Number of Extremely Low and Very Low Housing Units
Existing Number
Number of
Income Category
of Households
Housing Units
Extremely Low Income
<30% of Median
Very Low Income
30%-50% of Median
Source: SCAG Existing Housing Needs Data Report (2012), Regional Housing Needs Assessment for 5th Cycle
Housing Element Update. The allocation of Very Low Income housing units was further broken down by calculating
the percentage of existing Extremely Low- and Very Low Income Households and applying that percentage to the
Very Low Income RHNA allocation.
As part of the Housing Element update, Lakewood conducted an inventory of its dwelling units.
Locations of vacant and underutilized properties were also identified to determine the potential
net gain of dwelling units. Table 2-4 below shows existing and build-out figures for dwelling
units by Census Tract. The City’s housing stock could increase as a result of new development
on existing vacant land, recycling of existing poorly maintained parcels and increasing densities
on M-F-R-zoned land. Table 2-4 reflects the total potential increase in housing units in the City.
It assumes a housing density of five units per acre on R-1 zoned land. For the M-F-R zone, the
realistic density is 20 units per acre on lots less than 12,500 square feet, 22 units per acres on lots
12,500 to 25,000 square feet and up to 25 units per acre on recycled sites greater than 25,000
2.0 Community Profile
square feet. Densities up to 30 units per acre are allowed on vacant lots greater than 25,000
square feet, although there have not been any proposals of such high density projects since the
Housing Element was adopted. As Table 2-4 indicates, the total new units on vacant land (194
units), recycled land (112 units), underutilized church sites (126 units), increasing the density on
underutilized M-F-R-zoned parcels (432 units), and potential second units in the R-1 and R-A
zones (280 units) could result in a potential net gain of 1,144 units, which would exceed the
RHNA allocation for the City of 403 units during the 2014-2021 period.
Table 2-4: Existing and Potential Dwelling Units by Zone
Appendix D
Net Gain
of Units
Less than 12,500 s.f.
12,500 - 25,000 s.f.
Over 25,000 s.f.
Less than 12,500 s.f.
12,500 - 25,000 s.f.
Over 25,000 s.f.
Net Underutilized
Parcel Units
Appendix C
Church Site
Appendix C
Source: Lakewood 2013-2021 Housing Element, Lakewood Community Development Department, March 2013.
The Lakewood Municipal Code allows up to ten (10) mobile homes per acre in Lakewood’s
Mobile Home Park (MHP) zone. There are 7.9 acres of MHP zoned property in Lakewood and,
based on the maximum density allowed under the City’s current zoning regulations, up to 79 units
are allowed. There are 85 mobile home and/or trailers located in the MHP zone, which exceeds
the approved density by six units. Table 2-5 below shows the estimated difference between
owner occupied and renter occupied dwelling units in 2000.
Table 2-5: Tenure of Occupied Housing Units, 2010
Owner Occupied
Renter Occupied
No. of Dwelling Units
Percentage of Dwelling Units
Source: 2010 U.S. Census, Lakewood 2013-2021 Housing Element
The better condition of Lakewood’s housing stock and quality of life are important factors that
homebuyers take into consideration when purchasing in Lakewood as demonstrated by the City’s
consistently low vacancy rates. Being generally located in the middle of a large metropolitan
area, Lakewood’s home prices are partially influenced by the cost of housing in the region.
Following the recession of the 1990’s, median home prices continued to rise along with home
prices throughout the region, county, and state. In 1996, the year of the General Plan update, the
2.0 Community Profile
median home price in Lakewood was approximately $159,000 when the General Plan was
updated and continued to rise until its peak in July 2006 at $550,000. By 2011, Lakewood’s
median home price had dropped to a low of $352,500. As of December 2015, the median home
price in Lakewood had risen to $490,000. Lakewood’s residential vacancy rate has generally
remained stable at 3.4% over the past three years. Lakewood’s residential vacancy rates and
median home prices are shown in Table 2-6 below.
Table 2-6: Vacancy Rates and Median Home Prices in Lakewood as of December 2015
January 1997
January 1998
January 1999
January 2000
January 2001
January 2002
February 2003
May 2004
July 2005
February 2006
February 2007
January 2008
January 2009
January 2010
January 2011
January 2012
January 2013
January 2014
December 2014
December 2015
Vacancy Rate (1)
Median Home Price (2)
268,957 (3)
456,000 (4)
438,000 (5)
490,000 (5)
Sources: (1) State of California, Department of Finance, E-5 Population and Housing Estimates for Cities, Counties
and the State — January 1, 2011- 2015. Sacramento, California, May 2015. Years previous to current year are DOF
historical data. (2) California Association of Realtors. (3) Average provided by GRC Associates study, October 21,
2002. (4) DQ News, December 2014. (5) CoreLogic (Dataquick merged with Corelogic)
To ensure that homes and neighborhoods are maintained in acceptable condition, Lakewood
engages in activities that promote the quality of life for its citizens. The “Neighborhood
Preservation Program” includes community conservation, housing rehabilitation, fix up paint up,
and scattered lot acquisition programs. Community Conservation, or code enforcement is
dedicated to preserving and improving the environmental quality of the City.
Lakewood’s Housing Rehabilitation Program provides deferred loans to qualified low to
moderate-income homeowners to make health and safety repairs to their homes. The Fix-Up
Paint-Up Grant provides grants to qualified homeowners to paint the exterior of the home and to
make other minor exterior repairs. The City of Lakewood uses Community Development Block
2.0 Community Profile
Grant funds to provide public service programs for seniors, youth, and physically challenged
persons, improvements to public facilities, and community conservation.
The economic recession of the early 1990s contributed to the employment decline in Southern
California; but by the mid-1990s, the regional economy began to recover. As shown in Table 2-7
below, SCAG estimated the City’s 2003 employment total at 16,700 and increasing to 17,000 jobs
in 2005 and to 15,700 in 2008. Due in part to the economic downturn following the “housing
bubble,” the City’s employment total is projected to be 16,800 by 2020, and in 2035, it is
projected to be 17,800. This is a projected increase of 6.6 percent between 2003 and 2035.
During the same period, the Gateway Cities Subregion is projected to increase by 38 percent and
countywide by 10.8 percent.
Table 2-7: Total Employment
% Growth 2003-2035*
Gateway Cities Subregion**
Los Angeles County
Source: SCAG 2007 Regional Transportation Plan & SCAG 2012-2035 RTP/Sustainable Communities Strategy
growth forecast. Note (*): These rows are based on the growth forecast. Note (**): The Gateway Cities Subregion
includes 27 cities in southeastern Los Angeles County, including the City of Lakewood.
As shown in Table 2-8, an examination of the City's income statistics shows that Lakewood's
median household income has been consistently above the county median income.
Table 2-8: Median Household Income, 1970-2010
City of Lakewood
Los Angeles County
Percent Difference between
Lakewood and L.A. County
Source: U.S. Census (1970-2000), Lakewood Community Development Department, Claritas Inc., 2010 figure is
from 2005-2009 American Community Survey 5-Year Estimates. Note: These figures are expressed in dollars for the
year indicated without inflation adjustment. The 2010 figure is expressed in 2009 dollars.
Lakewood has seen a continuous increase in per capita income since 1989. Per capita income is
an estimate of total personal income divided by the total population of the geographic area. While
this estimate may be used to compare economic areas as a whole, it does not necessarily reflect
how income is distributed among residents of the area. In comparison with Los Angeles County
and the United States, Lakewood’s per capita income has been greater in 1989, 1999, and 2009.
Over the past several years, however, Lakewood’s per capita income has been slightly less than
the overall per capita income of California as shown in Table 2-9 below.
2.0 Community Profile
Table 2-9: Per Capita Income
City of Lakewood
Los Angeles County
State of California
United States
Source: U.S. Census 2005-2009 American Community Survey 5-Year Estimates
Subtle but very measurable changes constantly occur in communities that may result in an
increase of potential losses in the event of a major disaster. There are a number of factors that
contribute to this increasing loss potential. First, populations continue to increase, placing more
people at risk within a defined geographic space. Second, inflation constantly increases the worth
of real property and permanent improvements. Third, the amount of property owned per capita
increases over time. The preceding information indicates that Lakewood exhibits all of these
factors: increased population density, increased median home prices, and continued growth in per
capita income.
2.6 Employment and Industry
Lakewood has approximately 370 acres of commercially zoned property. This represents about
6% of Lakewood’s total land area. In comparison, about 12% of Long Beach is commercially
zoned, Bellflower is 13%, and Cerritos is 15%. This disproportionate share of commercially
zoned land represents a significant challenge to Lakewood, as sales tax revenues are a significant
funding source for providing municipal services. Lakewood's principal employment activities are
related to retail sales and personal services. According to 2010-2014 American Community
Survey Five-Year Estimates, there were 39,551 Lakewood residents that were employed which
was approximately 48.9% of the City’s 2014 population.
2.7 Transportation Systems
The City of Lakewood is approximately 9.5 square miles in area. Continued population growth in
the greater Los Angeles basin directly impacts the demand on the region’s transportation systems.
Private automobiles are the dominant means of transportation in Southern California and in the
City of Lakewood.
The City of Lakewood's regional access is provided from several major and secondary arterials
and the regional network of freeways. The City of Lakewood is served directly by the I-605
freeway and via major arterials to the SR-91, I-405, and I-710 freeways, which connect
Lakewood to the rest of Los Angeles County. The north/south arterials, Cherry Avenue,
Paramount Boulevard, Lakewood Boulevard, Bellflower Boulevard, and Pioneer Boulevard,
connect with interchanges on the SR-91 and I-405 Freeways. Lakewood’s major east/west
arterial roadways are South Street, Del Amo Boulevard, and Carson Street. Access to the I-605
Freeway is provided by all three of these streets, and access to the I-710 Freeway is available
directly from Del Amo Boulevard.
2.0 Community Profile
The City's road system is comprised of a hierarchical system of major arterial roadways, minor
arterial roadways, collector streets, and local streets. Local streets provide direct access to
properties and are typically designed to discourage through traffic. Localized flooding may
render roads unusable. A severe winter storm has the potential to disrupt the daily driving routine
throughout Lakewood and surrounding areas. Natural hazards may disrupt automobile traffic and
shut down local and regional transit systems.
The major arterial roadways within Lakewood are shown below in Figure 2.3.
2.0 Community Profile
Figure 2.3 – Lakewood’s Major Arterial Roadways
Lakewood meets its public transportation needs through a mixture of regional transit systems.
Public transportation in the City of Lakewood is offered by three public transit providers: Long
Beach Transit District, Metro, and Orange County Transportation Authority (OCTA). In
addition, the City offers a free shuttle for seniors and disabled persons called "Dependable,
Accessible, Senior and Handicapped Transportation" (DASH). DASH travels within and outside
the City's boundaries. Dial-a-Lift is a fee-for-service transit system subsidized by the City to
provide affordable transportation for seniors and disabled residents.
Currently, there is no light rail, heavy rail, or railroad passenger service provided to Lakewood.
The nearest Amtrak station is located about 12 miles to the east, in the City of Fullerton. The
Fullerton station is also utilized by Metrolink commuter trains. A closer Metrolink station is
about six miles to the north, in the City of Santa Fe Springs. The closest Metro Green Line light
rail station is approximately three miles to the north in the City of Downey, and the closest Metro
Blue Line light rail station is approximately 2.5 miles to the west, in the City of Long Beach.
The City’s General Plan identifies the location of bicycle routes and the classification of such
routes (ie. bike route, bike lane, and bike path) within Lakewood and the relation of those routes
with the regional bikeway system.
The City of Lakewood's air travel needs are primarily served by three area airports: Los Angeles
International Airport, Long Beach Airport, and John Wayne/Orange County Airport. Los
Angeles International Airport provides international air-carrier service, while the Long Beach and
John Wayne/Orange County Airports provide less-extensive air-carrier, air taxi, and air-charter
Two active Union Pacific Railroad lines traverse the western portion of the City in a north/south
direction. One line traverses the northwest corner of the City diagonally and operates several
times during the course of a 24-hour period, based on customer needs. The second line is a spur
line that normally operates a few times a week and connects with the aforementioned line just
north of Candlewood Street. An unused rail line passes a corner of the City near Del Amo
Boulevard and the Los Angeles/Orange County line. This rail line was once part of the Pacific
Electric system and was later a Southern Pacific Railroad branch line. Metro now owns the rightof-way and is evaluating a potential new transit system connecting southeast Los Angeles County
to downtown Los Angeles. This project is known as the West Santa Ana Branch Corridor and
stretches about 20 miles from downtown Los Angeles to the City of Artesia. The project is
funded in part by Measure R, a one-half cent sales tax approved by Los Angeles County voters in
November 2008. The project is contained in Metro’s 2009 Long Range Transportation Plan
(LRTP) and is expected to start operation in 2027.
2.8 Climate
The City of Lakewood is located in the South Coast Air Basin of California, a 6,600 square-mile
area encompassing Orange County and the non-desert portions of Los Angeles, Riverside, and
San Bernardino counties. Bounded by the Pacific Ocean to the west and the San Gabriel and San
Jacinto mountains to the north and east, the South Coast Basin is an area of high air pollution
potential. The climate of the larger Los Angeles area, including the City of Lakewood, is
generally classified as "Mediterranean;" mild, sunny winters with occasional rain and warm, dry
summers. The strength and location of a semi-permanent, subtropical high pressure cell over the
eastern Pacific Ocean primarily controls the climate of the basin, along with the moderating
effects of the nearby oceanic heat reservoir. The coastal mountain ranges lying along the north
and east sides of the Los Angeles coastal basin act as a buffer against the extremes of summer
heat and winter cold occurring in desert and plateau regions in the interior. Warm summers, mild
winters, infrequent rainfall, moderate daytime onshore breezes, and moderate humidity
characterize local climatic conditions.
The terrain features of the Basin make it possible for various microclimates to exist within the
Los Angeles region. The pattern of mountains and hills is primarily responsible for the wide
variations of rainfall, temperatures, and localized winds that occur throughout the region.
Temperature fluctuations have an important influence on basin wind-flow, dispersion along
mountain ridges, vertical mixing, and photochemistry. Due to the moderating marine influence
that decreases with distance from the ocean, monthly and annual spreads between temperatures
are greatest inland and smallest along the coastline. Precipitation is highly variable seasonally.
Summers are often dry. There are frequent periods of four to five months without rain. In the
winter an occasional storm from the high latitudes sweeps across the coast bringing rain. Annual
rainfall is lowest in the coastal plain and inland valleys, higher in the foothills, and highest in the
mountains. Because the metropolitan basin is largely built out, water originating in higher
elevation communities may have a sudden impact on adjoining communities that are at lower
The microclimate regime of the basin that influences Lakewood is primarily semi-marine.
Although Lakewood is generally beyond the fog belt, it is still under the influence of the ocean
most of the time. Annual average daytime temperatures range from 83.8 degrees Fahrenheit in
the summer to 66 degrees in the winter. Winters are seldom cold. Frost is rare, and temperatures
generally do not fall below 28 degrees Fahrenheit. Mornings in the spring and summer are often
cloudy due to the presence of high fog with clear and breezy afternoons. Summers in Lakewood
are warmer with less fog than along the coast. The entire area is affected by sea breezes and is
seldom extremely hot. The City has lower winter temperatures than the coast. The humidity
tends to be lower than coastal areas. Average annual precipitation for Lakewood is 11.54 inches
and occurs almost exclusively from late October to early April.
Winds across the Lakewood area are an important meteorological parameter since they control
both the initial rate of dilution of locally generated air pollutant emissions as well as their regional
trajectory. Predominant wind patterns for the Lakewood area generally follow those of the Basin.
During the day, effects of a sea breeze reach inland. During the night, surface radiation cools the
air in the mountains and hills, and it flows into the valleys and meanders to the coast producing a
gentle "land breeze."
In Lakewood, daytime winds normally occur from the south-southwest as onshore flow from the
Pacific finds its way across the coast around either side of the Palos Verdes Peninsula. Average
daytime maximum wind speed is approximately 5.7 miles per hour (mph) in the summer,
decreasing to 4.7 mph during winter. This directional flow is most dominant in summer and
spring. Nighttime predominant wind patterns generally find an east-northeasterly flow from the
general offshore flow enhanced by the regional mountain/valley drainage. This directional flow
is also most dominant in fall and winter. Average nighttime speeds range between 2.5 mph in the
winter to 1.7 mph in summer. This general flow for the area is interrupted by occasional winter
storms and the Santa Ana winds, which may bring much stronger winds to the area in varying
2.9 Lakewood’s Geology and Soils
The City of Lakewood is located in an area that is geologically recent. The surface consists of
deposits of unconsolidated silt, gravel and sand of fluvial and marine origin. Under this is a thick
sequence of Quaternary and Tertiary sedimentary rocks deposited on a basement of metamorphic
and crystalline rocks of pre-Tertiary age sometimes referred to as the Catalina schist. In the broad
syncline underlying this area, the depth of these sediments has been estimated at 15,000 to 20,000
These formations are of water-bearing character. The areas near the San Gabriel River have large
deposits of sand and gravel, especially in the lower two-thirds of the formations. The remaining
upper layers are silt, clay, and fine sand. This water-bearing zone is 800 to 8,000 feet below sea
level. This fresh water aquifer is contained between layers of silt and clay. The water-bearing
sediments are largely of marine origin. They supply many industrial and municipal wells with
individual yields up to 4,000 gallons per minute. Consolidated rock of Pliocene and Miocene age
underlies the Quaternary deposits in nearly all the area. The Pliocene is comprised of the Pico
formation above and the Repetto formation below it. The lower 600 to 1,000 feet of the upper
division of the Pico formation includes several sand layers that are water bearing, but of unknown
The middle and lower divisions of the Pico formation, the Repetto formation and the Miocene
layers are largely siltstone and shale with low permeability. Sand layers at this depth contain
saline water, which varies from about 50 to 100% of the salinity of ocean water. These beds are
far below the areas normally penetrated by water wells.
The broad synclinal depression beneath the coastal plain includes several local structural features
whose axes are roughly parallel and trend to a northwest orientation. The most extensive of these
is the Newport-Inglewood Fault Zone, which is a composite belt of anticlinal folds and echelon
faults. Some of the warping and deformation has taken place comparatively recently in late
Pleistocene or Recent time. The Norwalk Fault and the Cherry Hill Fault, both part of the
Newport-Inglewood Fault Zone are within two miles (3.2 kilometers) northeast and southwest of
the City, respectively. The Los Alamitos Fault is approximated to cross a corner of the City near
the northeast of the intersection of Bellflower Boulevard and Carson Street.
The soils of the Lakewood area are mostly alluvial in nature and were deposited by the San
Gabriel River and its tributaries during the recent geologic past. Composition is generally clay
and silt loams of various classifications. The soils are relatively impermeable, which causes some
subsurface drainage problems and show some heavy concentrations of alkali.
According to the City of Lakewood General Plan Technical Background Report, there are four
main soil associations in the City: Ramona-Placentia Soils, Chino Soils, Hanford Soils, and
Foster Soils. See Figure 2.4 below for the general location of these soil types. Soil-type
information contained in the Lakewood Seismic Safety Element is based upon soil-type
interpretation for soils at a depth of five feet or less for the Lakewood area. The data is
sufficiently accurate for planning purposes but not for projects involving detailed soil map
analyses. This information is summarized as follows:
Ramona-Placentia Association Soils:
The Ramona-Placentia Association soils are primarily located in the western portion (westerly of
Lakewood Boulevard) of the City. These soils, along with the Chino Association soils, are
known for their expansive characteristics, which in many cases, may result in differential settling
of the soil. Consequently, new construction in these areas is required to have stronger
foundations and other modifications. The Ramona-Placentia Association soils are as follows:
Ramona Loam: The surface soil consists of 12 to 24 inches of light-textured loam. The subsoil
is a compact clay loam or clay. The subsoil may extend to a depth of six feet or more, is semicemented in places, closely approaching a hardpan. In such places, it absorbs water slowly,
especially after dry periods, but once wet, it softens considerably and retains moisture well.
Ramona Clay Loam: This soil-type exists to a depth of eight to 24 inches and consists of lighttextured clay loam. The soil is heavier in the more gently sloping or nearly level situations. It
absorbs water slowly when dry, but once wet is permeable and quite retentive. The subsoil is
heavy, compact clay loam or clay. The subsoil rests at four to six feet upon a variably textured
substratum of loam or clay loam. The substratum usually is more permeable than the subsoil but
is generally quite compact. This type as a whole is higher in organic matter than the Ramona
Loam, but there usually is not sufficient organic matter to prevent puddling and the formation of
clods if the soil is handled when wet or is irrigated by flooding. This type occurs mainly on old
alluvial fans and foot slopes. The dense subsoil retards the absorption of moisture, and much of
the rainfall is lost in the run-off. The soil is refractory when dry, but when wet, it is permeable
and quite retentive of moisture.
Altamont Clay Loam: This soil type consists of 12 to 18 inches of friable, micaceous clay loam,
relatively high in silt. The subsoil has stratified layers of clay, silt, or fine sand, and the material
is saturated at depths ranging from three to six feet. Both soil and subsoil are generally free from
gravel or coarse, gritty material, and are in well-drained areas that are free from alkali and are
readily penetrated by roots.
Organic Soils: This peaty organic soil type is located in Bouton Lake. The lake floor was filled
with compacted sandy loam during the construction of the Lakewood golf course. The present
day Bouton Lake floor now has a thin layer of organic-rich soil, over a layer of compacted sandy
silt. Below this is a thin layer of unknown depth of original organic-rich lake floor sediments.
Chino Association Soils:
The northwestern portion of Lakewood contains soils of the Chino Association. This soil-type,
like the Ramona-Placentia Association soils, is known for its expansive qualities, and some
special construction requirements (e.g., stronger foundations, etc.) are required.
Chino Silt Loam: This soil-type consists of a friable, micaceous silt loam at a depth varying from
one to six feet. Generally below 12 to 18 inches, the subsoil consists of strata of silt, clay, and
fine sand. This soil-type contains a moderate to large amount of organic matter. Its silt content
prevents cracking to a large extent. The soil absorbs and holds moisture well.
Figure 2.4 – Lakewood Soil Types
Hanford Association Soils:
The Hanford Association Soils are generally found in most of Lakewood between Lakewood
Boulevard and Pioneer Boulevard. These soils characteristics are described as follows:
Hanford Fine Sandy Loam: This soil-type consists of relatively light-textured, micaceous fine
sandy loam, open and friable in structure, and contains only a moderate proportion of organic
matter. The subsoil generally encountered at 12 to 15 inches, consists of variably stratified
deposits of sand, silt, and gravel, and has high infiltration capability. The texture of this type is
subject to great variation near streamways. In such places, small patches or very narrow strips of
sand, fine gravel, fine sand, or silt loam may be included. Gravelly substrata frequently occur.
Several of the areas forming level to gently sloping flood plains of the rivers are very large.
Nearly all of this type occurs in rather low positions and generally has a relatively shallow water
table lying four to ten feet below the surface. A large proportion of this soil type contains alkali
in harmful amounts.
Hanford Loam: This soil-type exists to a depth varying from 12 to 72 inches or more and
consists of a friable, light-textured, micaceous loam over the flatter alluvial fans and flood plains.
The material below 12 inches frequently consists of stratified beds of sand, silt, or gravel. The
Hanford loam is generally low in organic matter. The soil and subsoil are open, which absorbs
and retains moisture well, except where the subsoil and substratum are loose and porous. Tillage
is not difficult at any time. There are no obstructions to deep root development except in low
spots where a high water table occurs. Some of the lower-lying portions have a high water table.
This is particularly true in the area to the east of the San Gabriel River, north of the City
boundary, and south of 212th Street. Where this condition exists and some alkali has
accumulated, the liberal use of organic matter and good tillage will remedy the situation.
Foster Association Soils:
Foster Association soils are primarily found in the easterly portion of the City. Foster soils are
usually over 60 inches deep, poorly drained, and have moderate subsoil permeability. They have
gray or grayish-brown sandy loam surface layers underlain by similar substratum, which may be
thinly stratified with variable textures. They are usually mottled and calcareous in the lower part.
Some areas have a high water table, which restricts rooting depth. Foster soils have moderate
fertility. These soils are used extensively for residential construction.
3.1 Historical Overview
Lakewood has always taken potential hazards into consideration as part of various planning
activities. These activities include the General Plan safety element, zoning, capital improvement
planning, and updates to the building and safety codes. On August 9, 2011, the Lakewood City
Council adopted Resolution No. 2011-52 thereby adopting the City of Lakewood Hazard
Mitigation Plan and directing staff to submit the Hazard Mitigation Plan to FEMA for review
and approval. FEMA approved the Lakewood Hazard Mitigation Plan on August 15, 2011 and
found it to be in conformance with Title 44 of the Code of Federal Regulations pertaining to
hazard mitigation plans. FEMA’s approval of the plan is valid for five years. Lakewood began
the process of updating the Hazard Mitigation Plan in April 2015. The plan update process is
described in greater detail below.
3.2 Lakewood Hazard Mitigation Planning Process
The Lakewood Hazard Mitigation Plan was developed in three stages:
• June 2015 – January 2016: Develop Plan Budget, form working group, and select consultant
• January 2016 – August 2016: Seek public input, conduct workshops, update plan, and
approve draft plan.
• August 2016: Submit plan for approval
The Lakewood Hazard Mitigation Plan is the product of the input and development by the
following contributors:
City Council
Council Member Steve Croft
Council Member Diane DuBois
Council Member Todd Rogers
Council Member Jeff Wood
Mayor Ron Piazza
Executive Management
Howard L. Chambers, City Manager
Lisa Novotny, Assistant City Manager
Community Development
Sonia Dias Southwell, AICP, Director of Community Development
Working Group
Administration – Paolo Beltran, Assistant to the City Manager, extension 2129
Administrative Services – Michael Aguirre, extension 2605
Community Development – Paul Kuykendall, Senior Planner, extension 2344
Public Works – Max Withrow, Assistant Director of Public Works, extension 2502
Recreation and Community Services – Nancy Hitt, Community Services Manager, extension
Water Resources – Toyasha Sebbag, Water Administration Manager, extension 2702
Dr. Kenneth Goettel, Goettel & Associates, Inc.
Phone (530) 750-0440,
The roles, responsibilities and contributions by the above people to the Lakewood Hazard
Mitigation Plan are summarized below.
City Council
The Lakewood City Council approved the contract between the City and Goettel &
Associates, Inc. for the update to the Hazard Mitigation Plan as part of the budget process.
The City Council also adopts the Plan and authorizes the Plan to be submitted to FEMA for
Executive Management
City Manager, Howard Chambers, ensured that the director of each City department assigned
a staff member from that department to sit on the Working Group and represent that
department during the preparation of the Hazard Mitigation Plan update. Executive
Management performed as a conduit between the hazard mitigation planning process and the
City Council so that communication to and from staff remained clear.
Community Development
Sonia Southwell, AICP, is Lakewood’s Director of Community Development. Ms. Southwell
provided direction to staff in the following areas: organized the Hazard Mitigation Team,
participated in the consultant selection process, developing the contract with the consultant,
and provided general guidance in preparation of the Plan.
Working Group
In November 2015, each department was asked to appoint a representative to serve on the
Working Group for the Hazard Mitigation Plan update. The Working Group was responsible for
identifying hazard vulnerabilities, methods by which those hazards may be mitigated (action
items), estimating timelines for each action item, and prioritizing the action items by the
economic feasibility of implementing them.
Dr. Kenneth Goettel, Goettel & Associates, Inc., provided guidance to staff for updating the
Hazard Mitigation Plan. Dr. Goettel reviewed the vulnerability and risk assessments included in
the Hazard Mitigation Plan and provided technical support to the Working Group throughout the
planning process including changes of federal requirements that have taken place since approval
of the 2011 Hazard Mitigation Plan.
Working Group Meeting #1: December 15, 2015
The update planning process began on December 15, 2015 with a planning start-up meeting.
The agenda for this meeting begins on the following page. Attendees at this meeting included:
Administration – Paolo Beltran, Assistant to the City Manager
Community Development – Paul Kuykendall, AICP, Senior Planner
Public Works – Max Withrow, Assistant Director of Public Works
Recreation and Community Services – Nancy Hitt, Community Services Manager
Water Resources – Toyasha Sebbag, Water Administration Manager
The following is a summary of the first meeting.
Lakewood Hazard Mitigation Plan 2016
Hazard Mitigation Plan Working Group Meeting #1
December 15, 2015, 4:00 PM – 5:00 PM
Pan Am Room, Lakewood City Hall
1. Hazard Mitigation Plan FAQs
What is a Hazard Mitigation Plan (HMP)?
A HMP identifies potential hazards such as earthquakes, floods and dam failures,
windstorms, drought, and other hazards. The HMP assesses the risk level for each
hazard and assigns action items to reduce potential damage from such hazards.
Why do we need a HMP?
Having a HMP is a federal requirement. Congress adopted the Robert T. Stafford
Act by passing the Disaster Mitigation Act of 2000 (DMA 2000), which requires
local agencies (states, counties, cities, school districts, and other public agencies)
to prepare updated HMPs every five years. The Act was a result of repetitive
claims (i.e. flood insurance claims) in areas where the same disaster happens over
and over and because no mitigation was required in the rebuilding process to
reduce damages from future disasters.
What does a HMP contain?
Lakewood’s HMP is built upon an assessment of each of the major hazards, such
as earthquakes, that may impact Lakewood, including their frequency, severity,
and areas of the City likely to be affected.
The HMP includes a quantitative assessment of the vulnerability of buildings,
infrastructure, and people to each of these hazards, to the extent possible with
existing data.
The plan includes an evaluation of the likely magnitude of the impacts of future
disasters on Lakewood. The review of the hazards and the vulnerability of the
City to these hazards are the foundation of this mitigation plan.
From these assessments, situations where buildings, infrastructure, and/or people
may be at high risk from one or more hazards are identified whenever possible.
These high risk situations then become priorities for future mitigation actions to
reduce the negative impacts of future disasters on Lakewood.
Does Lakewood have a HMP?
Yes. Our HMP was adopted by the City Council on August 9, 2011 and was
approved by FEMA on August 15, 2015. The five-year update is due on August
15, 2016.
2. Lakewood Working Group
The HMP Working Group consists of:
Administration – Paolo Beltran, Assistant to the City Manager
Administrative Services – Michael Aguirre
Community Development – Paul Kuykendall, Senior Planner
Public Works – Max Withrow, Assistant Director of Public Works
Recreation and Community Services – Nancy Hitt, Community Services Manager
Water Resources – Toyasha Sebbag, Water Administration Manager
3. Working Group Responsibilities.
Most of the work is already done because:
- We are updating an existing plan.
- Most of the HMP contents came or will come from existing documents, such
as our emergency response plan and the general plan.
- We have enlisted the assistance of consultant Ken Goettel and Associates and
expect to have an agreement signed before the end of the year with Ken Goettel &
Associates, who helped prepare our first HMP. This company has demonstrated
expertise in this area as well as knowledge of FEMA HMP requirements and
participated in the preparation of our current HMP.
Working group members will help with the plan update by providing data specific
to their department, analyzing potential impacts from hazards, identifying ways to
reduce those impacts, reviewing and updating the mitigation goals, objectives and
action items in the HMP.
There are four main tasks that the City will do in updating the HMP:
1. Document the planning process: committee meetings, public meetings, postings
on websites, e-mail notifications. FEMA has added requirements in this category
broadening the scope of the outreach. FEMA wants to see that all stakeholders
were notified, although it is not necessary that they respond or participate (See the
Mitigation Plan Review Tool for a summary and FEMA's Local Mitigation Plan
Review Guide starting on page 15 for the details).
Generate a comprehensive e-mail list of the stakeholders in the FEMA specified
categories and send them; notice of starting the update, solicitation of participants,
notices of public meetings and agendas, brief synopses of the results of the
meetings. Maintain records of such outreach efforts for inclusion in the plan or
2. Review and update the mitigation goals, objectives and action items. The goals
and objectives may remain unchanged if appropriate. The action items shall be
updated to reflect current priorities. FEMA also requires a summary table
identifying the status of the 2011 Action Items - Completed, Partially Completed,
or Not Completed with a stated reason for only partial completion or noncompletion. The reasons can include: No longer necessary or lack of funding
3. Document with brief narratives any hazard events that have impacted the city
since 2011 - if none, state accordingly.
4. Update the hazard data and maps where necessary. Community Development
and our consultant will handle most of this work.
4. HMP Development Schedule
Discussion of a draft calendar ensued.
Working Group Meeting #2: March 9, 2016
Meeting #2 focused on reviewing the Plan’s Action Items in terms of completion. Action Items
from the previous HMP were reviewed to identify whether each Action Item was a) completed,
b) partially completed, or c) not completed. Working Group members were asked to prepare a
brief statement on the status of each Action Item for their respective departments. Working
Group members were also encouraged to suggest new Action Items or changes to current Action
Items. Meeting #2 was conducted via e-mail among the following Working Group members:
Administration – Paolo Beltran, Assistant to the City Manager
Community Development – Paul Kuykendall, AICP, Senior Planner
Public Works – Max Withrow, Assistant Director of Public Works
Recreation and Community Services – Nancy Hitt, Community Services Manager
Water Resources – Toyasha Sebbag, Water Administration Manager
Working Group Meeting #3: July 27, 2016
Meeting #3 focused on the status of reviewing the update, modifications to language in the Goals
and Objectives sections, changes to Action Items, and that certain maps and graphics were
updated with improved versions. Lastly, next steps for the HMP update process were discussed.
Administration – Paolo Beltran, Assistant to the City Manager
Community Development – Paul Kuykendall, AICP, Senior Planner
Public Works – Max Withrow, Assistant Director of Public Works
Recreation and Community Services – Nancy Hitt, Community Services Manager
Water Resources – Toyasha Sebbag, Water Administration Manager
3.3 Lakewood Hazard Mitigation Plan Community Involvement Process
Public participation and community involvement is a key component to the hazard mitigation
planning processes. Citizen participation offers citizens the chance to voice their ideas, interests,
knowledge, and opinions. The Federal Emergency Management Agency also requires public
input during the development of mitigation plans.
The City of Lakewood Hazard Mitigation Plan integrates a cross-section of citizen input
throughout the planning process. To accomplish this goal, a three-pronged public participation
process was developed with the following components: (1) develop a working group comprised
of knowledgeable individuals representing various City departments; (2) provide the public with
opportunities to review and comment on the hazard mitigation planning process and to identify
common concerns and ideas regarding hazard mitigation and to discuss specific goals and
actions of the mitigation plans. This was achieved by posting the draft document on the City’s
website, conducting two public workshops, and mailing notice of the draft documents
availability to other governmental entities and other interested organizations; and (3) obtain
support from the Lakewood City Council by adopting a Resolution approving the draft Hazard
Mitigation Plan.
The City of Lakewood is dedicated to involving the public directly in the continual review and
updates of the HMP. The HMP will be made available at City Hall for public review, and the
public will be afforded opportunity to contribute to future revisions of this Plan. The draft 2016
HMP is also posted on the City’s website at:
Two community workshops were held in 2016. Notices for both workshops were posted online,
at the entrance to Lakewood City Hall, in the City Clerk’s office, and at two public parks, and
notices were mailed to various public and private organizations. Copies of the community
workshop notices as well as the mailing labels are contained in Appendix C. The first
community workshop was held on Monday, May 9, 2016 at the Centre at Sycamore Plaza.
Notices of this community workshop were posted online, at the entrance to Lakewood City Hall,
in the City Clerk’s office, and at two public parks.
Despite notification of this community workshop, no members of the public or persons
representing interested agencies attended. A second community workshop was held on Tuesday
August 2, 2016 at the Centre at Sycamore Plaza. Notices of this community workshop were also
posted online, at the entrance to Lakewood City Hall, in the City Clerk’s office, and at two
public parks. Copies of the community workshop notices as well as the mailing labels notices
are contained in Appendix C.
The HMP was placed on the agenda for the August 9, 2016 City Council meeting.
4.1 Overview
The purpose of this Hazard Mitigation Plan is to reduce the impacts of future disasters in
Lakewood and to make the City more disaster resistant and disaster resilient by reducing the
vulnerability to disasters and enhancing the capability of the City and its citizens to respond
effectively to, and recover quickly from, future disasters.
Completely eliminating the risk of all future disasters is neither technologically possible nor
economically feasible. However, substantially reducing the negative impacts of future disasters
is achievable with the adoption of this Hazard Mitigation Plan and ongoing implementation of
risk-reducing action items.
Incorporating risk-reduction strategies and action items into Lakewood’s existing programs and
decision-making processes will facilitate moving Lakewood toward a safer and more disaster
resistant future. This mitigation plan provides the framework and guidance for both short- and
long-term proactive steps that can be taken to:
Protect life safety;
Reduce property damage;
Minimize economic losses and disruption; and
Shorten the recovery period from future disasters.
In addition, the Lakewood Hazard Mitigation Plan is intended to meet FEMA’s (Federal
Emergency Management Agency) mitigation planning requirements so that Lakewood remains
eligible for pre- and post-disaster mitigation funding from FEMA.
The Lakewood Hazard Mitigation Plan is based on a four-step framework that is designed to
help focus attention and action on successful mitigation strategies: Mission Statement, Goals,
Objectives and Action Items.
Mission Statement. The Mission Statement states the purpose and defines the primary
function of the Lakewood Hazard Mitigation Plan. The Mission Statement is an actionoriented summary that answers the question, “Why develop a hazard mitigation plan?”
Goals. Goals identify priorities and specify the direction for reducing the risks from
natural and human-caused hazards. The Goals represent the guiding principles, which
direct, the community’s efforts. The Goals provide focus for recommendations, specific
issues, and actions addressed in Objectives and Action Items.
Objectives. Each Goal has Objectives which outline the method, processes, or steps
necessary to accomplish the Plan’s Goals. Objectives then lead directly to specific
Action Items.
Action Items. Action items are specific well-defined activities or projects that work to
reduce risk. That is, the Action Items represent the steps necessary to achieve the
Mission Statement, Goals and Objectives.
4.2 Mission Statement
The mission of the Lakewood Hazard Mitigation Plan is to:
Proactively facilitate and support community-wide policies, practices, and
programs that make Lakewood more disaster resistant and disaster resilient.
Making Lakewood more disaster resistant and disaster resilient requires proactive steps and
actions that will:
Protect life safety,
Reduce property damage,
Minimize economic losses and disruption, and
Shorten the recovery period from future disasters.
This Hazard Mitigation Plan documents Lakewood’s commitment to promote sound public
policies designed to protect citizens, critical facilities, infrastructure, private property and the
environment from natural hazards by increasing public awareness, identifying resources for risk
assessment, risk reduction and loss reduction, and identifying specific activities to help make
Lakewood more disaster resistant and disaster resilient.
4.3 Mitigation Plan Goals and Objectives
Mitigation plan goals and objectives guide the direction of future policies and activities aimed at
reducing risk and preventing loss from disaster events. The goals and objectives listed here serve
as guideposts and checklists as the City, other agencies, businesses and individuals begin
implementing mitigation action items within Lakewood.
Lakewood’s mitigation plan goals and objectives are consistent with the goals established by the
State of California Hazard Mitigation Plan. However, the priorities are specific to Lakewood.
These goals were developed with extensive input and priority setting by the Lakewood Hazard
Mitigation Plan Working Group and the stakeholders and citizens of Lakewood.
Goal 1: Reduce the Threat to Life Safety
A. Enhance life safety by minimizing the potential for deaths and injuries in future
disaster events.
B. Enhance life safety by improving public awareness of earthquakes and other
natural hazards posing life safety risk to the Lakewood community.
Goal 2: Reduce the Threats to Lakewood Buildings, Facilities and Infrastructure
A. Identify buildings, facilities, bridges, and other infrastructure that may be at risk
from one or more hazards addressed in the Hazard Mitigation Plan.
B. Conduct risk assessments for at-risk buildings, facilities, bridges, and other
infrastructure to determine cost effective mitigation actions to eliminate or reduce
C. Implement mitigation measures for buildings, facilities, bridges, and other
infrastructure, which pose an unacceptable level of risk.
D. Ensure that new buildings, facilities, bridges, and other infrastructure in
Lakewood are adequately designed and located to minimize damages in future
disaster events.
Goal 3: Enhance Emergency Response Capability, Emergency Planning and Post-Disaster
A. Ensure that critical buildings, facilities, bridges, and infrastructure are capable of
withstanding disaster events with minimal damage and loss of function.
B. Enhance emergency planning to facilitate effective response and recovery from
future disaster events.
C. Increase collaboration and coordination among Lakewood, nearby communities,
utilities, businesses and citizens to ensure the availability of adequate emergency
and essential services for the Lakewood community during and after disaster
Goal 4: Vigorously Seek Funding Sources for Mitigation Actions
A. Prioritize and fund action items with the specific objective of maximizing
mitigation, response and recovery resources.
B. Explore both public (local, state and federal) funding and private sources for
mitigation actions.
Goal 5: Increase Public Awareness of Natural Hazards and Enhance Education and
Outreach Efforts
A. Develop and implement education and outreach programs to increase public
awareness of the risks from natural hazards.
B. Provide information on resources, tools, partnership opportunities and funding
sources to assist the community in implementing mitigation activities.
C. Strengthen communication and coordinate participation in public agencies, nonprofit organizations, businesses, industry, and the public to encourage and
facilitate mitigation actions.
Goal 6: Incorporate Mitigation Planning into Natural Resource Management and Land
Use Planning
A. Balance natural resource management, land use planning, and natural hazard
mitigation to protect life, property and the environment.
B. Preserve, rehabilitate, and enhance natural systems and habitats, and serve natural
hazard mitigation functions.
4.4 Lakewood Hazard Mitigation Plan Action Items
The Mission Statement, Goals and Objectives for Lakewood, as outlined above, are achieved
through the implementation of specific mitigation action items. Action items may include the
refinement of policies, data collection to better characterize hazards or risk, education, outreach
or partnership-building activities, as well as specific engineering or construction measures to
reduce risk from one or more hazards to specific buildings, facilities, bridges, and other
infrastructure in Lakewood. Many of the high priority action items focus on facilities which are
critical or essential for Lakewood. Critical facilities are necessary for emergency response,
public safety, recovery activities, and hospitals. Protection of essential utility services such as
electric power, water and wastewater is also extremely important to communities, especially
after a disaster. Such utilities are often characterized as “lifeline” utilities because they are
critical to a community for life safety (e.g., services to hospitals) and for the economic recovery
after a disaster.
Lakewood has designated the following facilities as critical facilities as shown in Figure 4-1:
– Lakewood City Hall;
– Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Lakewood Station;
– Three Los Angeles County Fire Department stations located in Lakewood; and
– Lakewood Regional Medical Center.
Lakewood has designated the following facilities as essential facilities which are vital to the
continued delivery of key government programs or services which may significantly affect the
community’s ability to recover from a disaster event. The City-owned essential facilities are
shown in Figure 4-2:
- Nixon Yard (Lakewood’s public works maintenance facility);
- Arbor Yard (Lakewood’s water resources maintenance yard);
- Plant #13 (Lakewood’s water resources storage facility); and
- Plant #22 (Lakewood’s water resources storage facility).
Other City-owned essential facilities include all potable production wells, interconnections with
other water agencies, and all related pipelines, pumps, treatment and storage facilities. In
addition, non-city owned utility infrastructure, especially the electric substations providing
power to Lakewood and Golden State Water Company wells, storage, and treatment facilities are
also essential to the Lakewood community.
Figure 4-1: Critical Facilities
Figure 4-2: Essential Facilities
Action Items identified and prioritized during the development of the Lakewood Hazard
Mitigation Plan are summarized in the tables on the following pages. Individual Action Items
may address a single hazard (such as floods, or earthquakes) or they may address two or more
hazards concurrently. The first group of Action Items relates to multi-hazard items that address
more than one hazard, the remaining groups of Action Items for each of the hazards considered
in this plan, which are addressed in more detail in Chapters 6 through 10.
The prioritization of mitigation action items has been based on a multi-level assessment process,
The technical evaluation of the severity of each natural hazards, the vulnerability of the
city’s built environment (buildings and infrastructure) to each hazard, and the level of
risk from each hazard for the city’s people, buildings and infrastructure.
The Mission Statement, Goals and Objectives summarized previously in this chapter.
Qualitative consideration of the likely benefits and costs for each action item.
The STAPLE/E (Social, Technical, Administrative, Political, Legal, Economic,
Environmental) presented in Chapter 5.
Based on the technical evaluation of hazards, vulnerability and risk, earthquakes pose the
greatest threat to Lakewood’s people, buildings and infrastructure. Furthermore, the risks from
earthquake appear substantially greater than those from the other natural hazards. Thus, the
earthquake hazard mitigation actions have the highest priority.
The high priority for earthquake mitigation actions is reinforced by the highest priority goals:
Goal 1: Reduce the Threat to Life Safety,
Goal 2: Reduce the Threats to Lakewood’s Buildings, Facilities and Infrastructure, and
Goal 3: Enhance Emergency Response Capability, Emergency Planning, as well as PostDisaster Recovery.
Earthquakes pose the greatest threats to life safety and to Lakewood’s buildings, facilities and
infrastructure as well as being the most likely major disaster requiring City-wide emergency
response and post-disaster recovery operations.
Based on this analysis, the priorities for mitigation action items were determined to be:
Windstorms, and
The Action Items for floods, windstorms and drought are definitely worthwhile, but have lower
priorities because the risks posed by these hazards to Lakewood are progressively lower. The
Action Items for a given natural hazard and for the Multi-Hazard Action Items have been
prioritized in large part on their perceived effectiveness in reducing risk.
The City of Lakewood recognizes the importance of benefit-cost analysis in evaluating and
prioritizing many types of physical mitigation measures such as structural or nonstructural
seismic retrofits, flood mitigation projects and wind mitigation projects. Benefit-cost analyses
may be conducted later, once the specific mitigation projects are defined with enough detail,
including preliminary designs, cost estimates, and effectiveness in reducing damages and
casualties, to enable benefit-cost analyses to be done. Benefit-cost analysis is not applicable to
the Action Items which are comprised of studies, planning or education/outreach activities.
The STAPLE/E approach, as outlined in Chapter 5, was used as an important screening tool to
ensure that each proposed Action Item passed these criteria. However, STAPLE/E was not used
to prioritize between the Action Items which passed this screening.
Table 4-1:
Multi-Hazard Mitigation Action Items
Seek Mitigation
Funding Sources
Public Awareness
and Outreach
Action Item
Protect Property
Life Safety
Mitigation Plan Goals Addressed
Purchasing, Recreation &
Community Services
City Manager's Office, Los
Angeles County
Multi-Hazard Mitigation Action Items
Conduct risk assessments for important city
buildings and infrastructure, develop and
implement mitigation measures as necessary.
Public Works
Identify and pursue funding opportunities to
develop and implement local and City
mitigation activities.
Community Development,
Recreation and Community
Develop and/or maintain public and private
sector partnerships to foster hazard mitigation
Supporting inter-agency communication
improvements used by public safety provides
during disasters or other emergencies.
5.1 Overview
For a hazard mitigation plan to be effective, it has to be implemented gradually over time as
resources become available, continually evaluated, and periodically updated. Only through the
development of a systematic approach to analyze the impact of hazards and the implementation
of cost-effective mitigation measures will the City be able to accomplish the mitigation action
items in this Plan. The following sections outline how Lakewood adopted the process and the
plan to implement and maintain the vitality of the Lakewood Hazard Mitigation Plan.
5.2 Plan Adoption
The draft Lakewood Hazard Mitigation Plan was adopted by the Lakewood City Council on
August 9, 2016, and the final version of the Hazard Mitigation Plan was adopted on _______.
That adoption resolution is included on the following page. This later adoption date is the
effective date of Lakewood’s Hazard Mitigation Plan. Approval by FEMA means that
Lakewood’s Hazard Mitigation Plan meets national standards and that Lakewood will be eligible
for hazard mitigation funding from FEMA’s Hazard Mitigation Grant Program, the Pre-Disaster
Mitigation Program, and other FEMA grant programs.
Lakewood has the necessary human resources to ensure this Plan continues to be an active
planning document. City staff will work forward in integrating the plan into Lakewood’s
emergency planning, natural resource planning, land use planning, building code programs, and
capital improvement programs. Through this linkage, the plan will be kept active and will be an
ongoing working document.
Recent major high-profile disasters, including hurricanes on the Gulf Coast, the 2008 earthquake
in China and the 1994 Northridge earthquake, have raised awareness about disasters. These
events and the growing understanding of the threats posed to Lakewood from various natural and
anthropogenic hazards have raised the interest in hazard mitigation planning and implementation
in Lakewood both in the public and private sectors.
Insert Final City Council Adoption Resolution Here
5.3 Implementation
Coordinating Body
The City of Lakewood Hazard Mitigation Plan Working Group will be responsible for
coordinating implementation of action items and undertaking the formal review process. In order
to make this committee as broad and useful as possible, the Working Group will coordinate with
other relevant organizations and agencies in carrying out hazard mitigation activities. The current
membership of the Working Group is listed below:
Michael Aguirre - Administrative Services Department,
Paolo Beltran - Administration,
Nancy Hitt - Recreation and Community Services,
Paul Kuykendall, AICP - Community Development,
Toyasha Sebbag - Department of Water Resources,
Max Withrow - Public Works ,
The Working Group will meet at least once a year from the date following Plan acceptance by
FEMA. These periodic meetings will provide an opportunity to discuss the progress of the action
items, maintain the partnerships that are essential for the sustainability of the Plan and provide a
forum for discussion of threats not previously identified by the Plan. Plan implementation and
evaluation will be a shared responsibility among all members.
Integration of the Hazard Mitigation Plan into Ongoing Programs, Policies, and Practices
The mission statement, objectives, goals and action items outlined in Chapter 4 of the Lakewood
Hazard Mitigation Plan provide a strong framework and guidance for the identified mitigation
priorities for Lakewood. However, the Mitigation Plan is a guidance document, not a regulatory
document. Implementation of the objectives, goals and action items will be accomplished by
integrating the goals and objectives into ongoing City-wide programs, policies, and practices.
Lakewood addresses statewide planning goals and legislative requirements through its General
Plan, Public Works projects, and Municipal Code. The Lakewood Hazard Mitigation Plan
provides a series of recommendations; many of which are closely related to the goals and
objectives of existing programs. The City of Lakewood will implement recommended mitigation
action items through existing programs and procedures. For example, the Community
Development Department is responsible for administering the Building and Zoning Codes, which
include the review, development, and implementation of Building and Zoning Codes that are
adequate to mitigate damage by natural hazards. This is to ensure that safety criteria are met for
new construction.
Lakewood is nearly 100% built-out. Thus, future development/construction will be mostly
limited to replacements of existing buildings with newer buildings. All new construction will be
fully compliant with NFIP floodplain requirements and in full compliance with the seismic
provisions in the current (or future) building codes. Thus, the risks from natural hazards will be
minimal for future construction.
In the course of developing new buildings and facilities, staff examines projects to determine
compliance with applicable building and zoning codes. Lakewood contracts with various
agencies including the Los Angeles County for a variety of services, including building plan
check and inspection services, and fire protection services. This relationship also provides for
review against other codes and regulations, such as those pertaining to mechanical, plumbing, and
electrical codes, storm water runoff, air quality, health department regulations, and fire
department requirements.
Section 8100 of the Lakewood Municipal Code, by reference, adopted the County of Los Angeles
2014 Building Code, incorporating the California Building Code.
Section 8200 of the Lakewood Municipal Code, by reference, adopted the County of Los Angeles
2014 Plumbing Code, which adopts by reference the California Plumbing Code.
Section 8300 of the Lakewood Municipal Code, by reference, adopted the County of Los Angeles
2014 Electrical Code, which adopts by reference the California Electrical Code.
Section 8300 of the Lakewood Municipal Code, by reference, adopted the County of Los Angeles
2014 Mechanical Code, which adopts by reference the California Mechanical Code.
Section 8600 of the Lakewood Municipal Code is the City’s Water Conservation in Landscaping
ordinance. In response to ongoing drought conditions, Governor Brown issued Executive Order
B-29-15 on April 1, 2015, which directed the California Department of Water Resources (DWR)
to update the State’s Model Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance. The California Water
Commission approved the revised Model Ordinance on July 15, 2015. The updated Model
Ordinance requires increased water efficiency standards for certain landscapes through practices
such as more efficient irrigation systems. The City reviews new and rehabilitated landscape plans
in accordance with the revised Model Ordinance.
Existing water conservation measures, recycling and reuse practices will be continued for any
new development. With continued conservation measures, no expansion of the capacity of
Lakewood’s existing potable water supply system is anticipated to be necessary. The goals and
action items in the Plan will also be achieved through activities carried out in various projects
implemented by Lakewood’s Public Works Department and Water Resources Department.
Various City departments regularly participate in the planning of such projects. The Working
Group will coordinate with the appropriate City departments in identifying areas where the
Mitigation Plan action items may be consistent with CIP goals and integrate those action items as
Another important aspect of implementation of the Hazard Mitigation Plan is the coordination
between hazard mitigation planning and emergency planning. The Hazard Mitigation Plan’s
synopses of hazards, vulnerability, risk and potential impacts of major disasters will help to
ensure that Lakewood’s emergency planning is based on realistic scenarios for future disaster
events affecting Lakewood.
Lakewood’s General Plan Technical Background Report contains a wealth of information that
was used throughout the Hazard Mitigation Plan. For example, Section 2.2 of the Hazard
Mitigation Plan provides a community history of Lakewood which was extracted directly from
Section 1.4 of the General Plan Technical Background Report. This narrative highlights the
geographical, historical, and early beginnings of the Lakewood area and provides the Hazard
Mitigation Team and others with a historical primer of Lakewood and a geographical
understanding of the area prior to early development in the region. The General Plan Technical
Background Report is broken down into various sections and subsections to facilitate direct
access to information based on the desired topic.
Another example of how information in the General Plan Technical Background Report was
incorporated into the Hazard Mitigation Plan is shown in Section 5.2 of the Technical
Background Report. This Section provides an in-depth examination of the geological features
beneath Lakewood and the potential hazards (liquefaction, landslides, surface rupture, tsunamis,
seiches, and dam failures) that are often associated with seismic activity. This information was
incorporated into Chapter 6 (Earthquakes) of the Hazard Mitigation Plan.
Starting on Page 5-11 the Table of Contents General Plan Technical Background Report is
reproduced at the end of this Chapter to demonstrate its contents and the ease by which certain
topics may be located within the document.
Another document used in preparation of the Hazard Mitigation Plan is Lakewood’s Housing
Element which is part of Lakewood’s General Plan. Together with U.S. Census data, the Housing
Element includes demographic, economic, and housing data which was incorporated into Chapter 2
of the Hazard Mitigation Plan. Some of this information is used in the Hazard Mitigation Plan to
distinguish various vulnerabilities among neighborhoods.
“Fire Follows Earthquakes” is the name of a 1987 publication produced by the All-Industry
Research Advisory Council. This document explains how fires in urban areas, ignited due to an
earthquake, may spread and form conflagrations that would be difficult to extinguish. A more
recent study, “Fire Following Earthquake” prepared by SPA Risk, LLC, provides a scenario-based
examination of this danger and what conditions exist that would allow a conflagration to occur.
Those conditions were considered by the Hazard Mitigation Working Group while analyzing the
vulnerabilities of the City’s various facilities. The General Plan also includes lists and maps of all
city-owned facilities, as well as Los Angeles County Facilities located within Lakewood. The
Hazard Mitigation Working Group reviewed the location, size, and function of each facility in
determining which facilities would be classified as critical facilities and essential facilities for
hazard mitigation planning purposes.
References to Lakewood’s zoning ordinance and the building code are made throughout the
Hazard Mitigation Plan. In many instances, the standards currently found in the zoning
ordinance and the building code are written to protect life and property and serve as examples of
how certain projects are already reviewed to reduce or eliminate vulnerability to natural hazards.
Current and future capital improvement plans are evaluated to determine their vulnerability to
various hazards. Capital improvement plans are evaluated pursuant to the California
Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). The Initial Study/Environmental Checklists for CEQA
projects already include exposure and impact factors as found in the Hazard Mitigation Plan.
Projects are evaluated, and mitigation measures assigned as appropriate, for each factor with
respect to hazard vulnerability.
A hazard mitigation plan is only useful if it is implemented. The broader Lakewood community
must be engaged in the implementation of the mitigation actions identified in the Plan. Some
projects may be carried out by City staff or at the volunteer level, while others will require
specialized technical expertise, such as the engineering design of seismic mitigation projects.
The stakeholders in the planning process will become project partners on specific items.
Lakewood has a proven history of involving multiple partners in planning and mitigation work.
These partnerships with private industry, local, state, and federal partners have resulted in
comprehensive plans and projects that could not have been completed by any agency alone. This
cooperation is also demonstrated by the broad-based makeup of the Hazard Mitigation Working
Cost Effectiveness of Mitigation Projects
As Lakewood considers the implementation of specific mitigation projects, the following
questions must be answered:
What is the nature of the hazard?
How frequent and how severe are such hazard events?
Does the City want to undertake mitigation measures?
What mitigation measures are feasible, appropriate, and affordable?
How does the City prioritize between competing mitigation projects?
Are the City’s mitigation projects likely to qualify for FEMA funding?
Benefit-cost analysis is a powerful tool that can help communities provide solid, defensible
answers to these difficult socio-political-economic-engineering questions. Benefit-cost analysis
is required for all FEMA-funded mitigation projects under both pre-disaster and post-disaster
mitigation programs. Benefit-cost analysis provides a sound basis for evaluating and prioritizing
possible mitigation projects for any natural hazard. Lakewood will use benefit-cost analysis and
related economic tools, such as cost-effectiveness evaluation, to the extent practicable in
prioritizing and implementing mitigation actions. See Appendix B for details on the Benefit-cost
analysis process. Lakewood may also use the STAPLE/E methodology, which facilitates quick
evaluation of mitigation activities in a systematic fashion based on the Social, Technical,
Administrative, Political, Legal, Economic, and Environmental (STAPLE/E) considerations.
The following statements are examples of the process for examining each aspect of the
STAPLE/E approach.
• Is the proposed action socially acceptable to the community?
• Are there equity issues involved that would mean that one segment of the community is
treated unfairly? (Or one segment more favorably?)
• Will the action cause social disruption?
• Will the proposed action work?
• Will it create more problems than it solves?
• Does it solve a problem or only a symptom?
• Is it the most useful action in light of other goals?
• Is the action implementable?
• Is there someone to coordinate and lead the effort?
• Is there sufficient funding, staff, and technical support available?
• Are there ongoing administrative requirements that need to be met?
• Is the action politically acceptable?
• Is there public support to implement and to maintain the project?
• Who is authorized to implement the proposed action?
• Is there a clear legal basis or precedent for this activity?
• Are there legal side effects? Could the activity be construed as a “taking?”
• Is the proposed action allowed by the comprehensive plan, or must the comprehensive plan
be amended to allow the proposed action?
• Could the City be held liable for action or lack of action?
• Could the activity be challenged?
• What are the costs and benefits of this action?
• Do the benefits exceed the costs?
• Are initial, maintenance, and administrative costs taken into account?
• Has funding been secured for the proposed action? If not, what are the potential funding
sources (public, non-profit, and private)?
• How will this action affect the fiscal capability of the city?
• Does the action contribute to other goals, such as capital improvements or improved
functionality of facilities?
• What benefits will the action provide?
• How will the action impact the environment?
• Will the action require environmental regulatory approvals?
• Will it meet local and state regulatory requirements?
• Are endangered or threatened species likely to be affected?
5.4 Plan Maintenance and Updating
This Hazard Mitigation Plan is a living document that reflects the City’s ongoing hazard
mitigation activities. The implementation timeframe of this Hazard Mitigation Plan and the
multi-departmental oversight involved in such implementation requires periodic coordination,
evaluation, and refinement. Accordingly, the process of monitoring, evaluating, and updating
the Plan is critical to the effectiveness of hazard mitigation. The Hazard Mitigation Plan
Working Group will be responsible for the formal updates to this Plan every five (5) years.
5.4.1 Monitoring the Plan
To ensure that this Hazard Mitigation Plan is implemented, it is necessary that it be monitored
and evaluated annually. As Lakewood gradually implements the action items within this Plan,
remaining action items may evolve or priorities may change. The hazards that exist in
Lakewood will continue to exist, but the conditions within the community, such as the building
stock and infrastructure, will undoubtedly continue to change. Local, state and federal agencies
will conduct or refine studies that may lead to new or better information on specific hazards. For
example, flood plan maps are periodically updated, and our understanding of earthquake hazards
improves with time. The new information will need to be incorporated not only into this Plan
but also into other City planning documents.
The Hazard Mitigation Plan Working Group will be led by the Community Development
Department. The Committee will meet at least once a year from the most recent date that this
Plan is approved by FEMA.
Members of the Hazard Mitigation Plan Working Group will be responsible for monitoring and
reporting on the status of implementation of the mitigation action items as they relate to each of
the City’s represented departments. The meetings will also allow Committee members to
introduce new information relating to hazards facing Lakewood, to identify resources that will
aid the City in implementing this Plan, and to seek opportunities to apply for grants that may be
used in carrying out mitigation action items.
The central task for plan monitoring, as distinct from plan evaluation, which is covered in the
following section, is to document the progress made in achieving mitigation goals and objectives
and implementing mitigation action items.
5.4.2 Evaluating the Plan
Hazard Mitigation Plan Working Group meetings that fall on the anniversary of the approval of
this Plan will focus on evaluating this Plan. These meetings will provide opportunity to
incorporate new information, remove outdated information, and highlight completed action items
in future plan updates. The Hazard Mitigation Plan Working Group will evaluate the annual
progress of this Plan by means of the following criteria:
1. Do the plans goals, objectives and action items continue to address current and future
expected conditions?
2. Do the mitigation action items accurately reflect Lakewood’s current conditions and
mitigation priorities?
3. Have the technical hazard, vulnerability and risk data been updated or revised?
4. Are current resources adequate for implanting Lakewood’s Hazard Mitigation Plan? If
not, are there other resources that may be available?
5. Are there any problems or impediments to implementation? If so, what are the solutions?
6. Have other agencies, partners, and the public participated as anticipated? If not, what
measures can be taken to facilitate participation?
7. Have there been changes in federal and/or state laws pertaining to hazard mitigation in
8. Have the FEMA requirements for the maintenance and updating of hazard mitigation
plans changed?
9. What can Lakewood learn from declared federal and/or state hazard events in
communities that share similar characteristics, such as population, geographical area, land
use mix, and hazard vulnerability?
10. How have previously implemented mitigation measures performed in recent hazard
events? This may include assessment of mitigation action items similar to those contained
in this Plan but where hazard events occurred outside of Lakewood.
The results of said evaluation will be considered in formulating recommended revisions which
may be used to prioritize funding or to retain new or additional resources in support of the
approved goals and mitigation action items. Recommendations may also be made for changes in
policy, goals, and other areas requiring discretionary approval for the next update of this Plan.
These recommendations will be presented in report form to the City Manager and/or his
5.4.3 Updating the Plan
The Hazard Mitigation Plan Working Group will be responsible for updating this Plan within
five years of the effective date of the current Lakewood Hazard Mitigation Plan. The annual
monitoring and evaluation reports, as summarized above, will provide a solid foundation for
updating the Lakewood Hazard Mitigation Plan.
The formal update process will be initiated by the Hazard Mitigation Plan Working Group three
years from the effective date of the current Lakewood Hazard Mitigation Plan; that is, two years
from the expiration date of the current plan. Once the formal plan update is initiated, the
Committee will meet quarterly for the first year and then monthly during the final year of plan
5.4.4 Continued Public Participation
During the plan update process, Lakewood will continue to maintain a transparent planning
process which includes soliciting comments from other agencies and the public on this Plan. To
this end, the Hazard Mitigation Plan Working Group will host at least two (2) public workshops
as part of the update process. Notice of said workshops will be posted in not less than three (3)
public places in addition to the City’s website. Workshops will allow the public to be involved
by providing important feedback relating to hazards, goals, and mitigation action items. Copies
of the approved Hazard Mitigation Plan will be made available on the City’s website and at the
Community Development Department. Copies of the in-process draft updates of the mitigation
plan will be similarly made available to the public during the update process.
There are several important purposes for facilitating continued public involvement in the
maintenance and updating of Lakewood’s Hazard Mitigation Plan, including:
Continue to solicit public input on mitigation actions and priorities,
Continue and improve education/outreach efforts to raise awareness of natural hazards
and the benefits of mitigation, and
Encourage implementation of mitigation measures by residents and businesses.
INTRODUCTION ............................................................................. 1.1-1
Purpose of the Technical Background Report .................................. 1.1-1
The General Plan ............................................................................... 1.2-1
Lakewood's Location and Regional Setting...................................... 1.3-1
The City of Lakewood's Early Beginnings ....................................... 1.4-1
COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ................................................... 2.1-1
Land Use and Zoning ........................................................................ 2.1-1
2.1.1 Existing Land Use ................................................................... 2.1-1
2.1.2 M-F-R Study of Underutilized Parcels
Eastern Lakewood Area, June 1992 ...................................... 2.1-21
2.1.3 Existing Zoning ..................................................................... 2.1-32
2.1.4 General Plan ........................................................................... 2.1-37 General Plan/Zoning Consistency...................................... 2.1-37 General Plan Inconsistency Study...................................... 2.1-40
Community Design ............................................................................ 2.2-1
2.2.1 Redevelopment ........................................................................ 2.2-1
2.2.2 "Lakewood Beautiful" Programs ............................................ 2.2-7
Population, Housing, and Employment Characteristics ................... 2.3-1
Population and Household Characteristics ............................. 2.3-1
Age Characteristics .................................................................. 2.3-3
Ethnic Characteristics .............................................................. 2.3-8
Housing Sales and Price Trends ............................................ 2.3-10
Housing Statistics .................................................................. 2.3-13
Age and Condition of Housing Stock ................................... 2.3-18
Employment Trends .............................................................. 2.3-19
Lakewood's Economic Profile ........................................................... 2.4-1
2.4.1 The Budgetary Process ............................................................ 2.4-1
2.4.2 Assessed Valuation and Tax Collections ................................ 2.4-4
2.4.3 Economic Characteristics of Lakewood's Population ............ 2.4-5
INFRASTRUCTURE ........................................................................ 3.1-1
Circulation and Traffic ...................................................................... 3.1-1
Regional Setting....................................................................... 3.1-1
Existing Traffic Conditions ..................................................... 3.1-1
Accidents ............................................................................... 3.1-10
Bikeway Plan ......................................................................... 3.1-12
Public Transportation ............................................................ 3.1-13
Ridership Trends.................................................................... 3.1-14
Streetscape ............................................................................. 3.1-15
Utilities ............................................................................................... 3.2-1 Water Supply ........................................................................ 3.2-1 City of Lakewood Water Resource Management
Strategic Plan ........................................................................ 3.2-6 Capital Improvements .......................................................... 3.2-8
3.2.2 Sewer...................................................................................... 3.2-11
3.2.3 Storm Drains .......................................................................... 3.2-11
3.2.4 Electric ................................................................................... 3.2-15
3.2.5 Natural Gas ............................................................................ 3.2-18
3.2.6 Solid Waste Disposal ............................................................. 3.2-19
3.2.7 Telecommunications.............................................................. 3.2-22 Cable Television ................................................................. 3.2-22 Channel 31 - The Lakewood Cable Network .................... 3.2-22 Fiber Optics Transmission ................................................. 3.2-23 Telephone Service .............................................................. 3.2-23
Petroleum Pipelines ........................................................................... 3.3-1
Public Safety ...................................................................................... 3.4-1
3.4.1 Law Enforcement .................................................................... 3.4-1
3.4.2 Fire Protection ......................................................................... 3.4-4
NATURAL RESOURCES................................................................ 4.1-1
Lakewood's Natural Environment ..................................................... 4.1-1
Vegetation and Wildlife .......................................................... 4.1-1
Water Resources ...................................................................... 4.1-2
Climate and Air Quality .......................................................... 4.1-2
Topography .............................................................................. 4.1-5
Energy and Conservation ........................................................ 4.1-6
Geographic Setting .................................................................. 4.1-8
Geology .................................................................................... 4.1-8
Soils .......................................................................................... 4.1-9
Tracts with Sulfate Ground Conditions ................................ 4.1-12
HAZARDS ......................................................................................... 5.1-1
Fire, Utility, and Wind Carried Hazards ........................................... 5.1-1
Fire Hazards ............................................................................. 5.1-1
Utility Hazards ......................................................................... 5.1-3
Natural Gas Hazards ................................................................ 5.1-3
Electrical Power Transmission Line Hazards ......................... 5.1-4
Petroleum Pipeline Hazards .................................................... 5.1-5
Wind-Carried Hazards ............................................................. 5.1-6
Geologic Hazards............................................................................... 5.2-1
5.2.1 Slope Instability ....................................................................... 5.2-1
5.2.2 Subsidence ............................................................................... 5.2-1
5.2.3 Erosion ..................................................................................... 5.2-1
Emergency Procedures ............................................................ 5.3-1
5.3.1 Road Widths ............................................................................ 5.3-1
5.3.2 Building Clearances................................................................. 5.3-2
5.3.3 Fire Flows ................................................................................ 5.3-3
5.3.4 Evacuation Routes and Centers ............................................... 5.3-4
Seismic Hazards ................................................................................. 5.4-1
5.4.1 Seismic Safety Element of the City of Lakewood
General Plan, Prepared March 17, 1975 ................................. 5.4-1
5.4.2 Geologic and Seismic Setting ................................................. 5.4-1
5.4.3 Potential Geologic Hazards ..................................................... 5.4-8
5.4.4 Utility Failure Hazards .......................................................... 5.4-11
5.4.5 Earthquake Preparedness ....................................................... 5.4-15
Flooding ............................................................................................. 5.5-1
5.5.1 Localized Drainage Problems ................................................. 5.5-3
Noise .................................................................................................. 5.6-1
Planning and Noise Element Guidelines ................................ 5.6-1
Noise Characteristics ............................................................... 5.6-2
Noise Criteria ........................................................................... 5.6-7
Existing Noise Environment ................................................... 5.6-8
COMMUNITY SERVICES .............................................................. 6.1-1
Educational Facilities......................................................................... 6.1-1
Parks and Recreation ......................................................................... 6.2-1
6.2.1 Recreation and Leisure Activities ........................................... 6.2-1
6.2.2 Park Facilities .......................................................................... 6.2-2
Human Services ................................................................................. 6.3-1
6.3.1 A Decade of Lakewood's Human Services Programs ............ 6.3-1
6.3.2 Other Human Services Programs Supported and/or
Operated by the City of Lakewood ................................................. 6.3-10
Health Care ........................................................................................ 6.4-1
6.4.1 Health Care Services ............................................................... 6.4-1
The Southern California area, including Lakewood, is one of the most seismically active areas in the
United States. This area is subject to large earthquakes on the San Andreas Fault and numerous other
related faults. Based on the historical records of the past 200+ years, the area has experienced dozens
of earthquakes large enough to cause significant damage. The most significant earthquakes in terms of
magnitude (M), damages, and/or proximity to Lakewood include:
1857 Fort Tejon earthquake (M7.9) on the San Andreas fault
1933 Long Beach earthquake (M6.4)
1971 San Fernando (Sylmar) earthquake (M6.6)
1987 Whittier Narrows earthquake (M5.9)
1991 Landers earthquake (M7.3)
1994 Northridge earthquake (M6.7)
The City of Lakewood has not felt the full effect of damaging earthquakes because the most
significant earthquakes either happened before Lakewood had significant development or occurred a
considerable distance from Lakewood. The following is a brief earthquake “primer” that reviews
some basic earthquake concepts and terms.
Contents of Chapter 6
6.1 Earthquake Primer ....................................................................................................................6-1
6.2 Seismic Hazards for Lakewood................................................................................................6-3
6.3 Other Aspects of Seismic Hazards for Lakewood....................................................................6-8
6.4 Earthquake Vulnerability and Risk Assessment for Lakewood .............................................6-12
6.5 Earthquake Mitigation Projects and Action Items .................................................................6-17
6.6 Earthquake Resource Directory..............................................................................................6-18
6.1 Earthquake Primer
In the popular press, earthquakes are most often described by their Richter Magnitude (M), which is a
measure of the total energy released by an earthquake. In addition to Richter magnitude, there are
several other measures of earthquake magnitude used by seismologists, but such technical details are
beyond the scope of this discussion.
It is important to recognize that the Richter Magnitude scale is not linear, but rather logarithmic. A
M8 earthquake is not twice as powerful as a M4, but rather thousands of times more powerful. A M7
earthquake releases about 30 times more energy that a M6, and a M8 releases about 30 times more
energy than a M7 and so on. Thus, great M8 earthquakes may release thousands of times as much
energy as do moderate earthquakes in the M5 or M6 range.
The public often assumes that the larger the magnitude of an earthquake, the “worse” the earthquake.
Thus, the “big one” is the M8 or M9 earthquake, and smaller earthquakes (M6 or M7) are not the “big
one.” However, this is true only in very general terms. Larger magnitude earthquakes affect larger
geographic areas, with much more widespread damage than smaller magnitude earthquakes. However,
for a given site, the magnitude of an earthquake is not a good measure of the severity of the
earthquake at that site. Rather, the intensity of ground shaking at the site depends on the magnitude of
the earthquake, the distance from the site to the earthquake, geologic composition, and on the depth of
the earthquake.
An earthquake is located by its epicenter; the location on the earth’s surface directly above the point
of origin of the earthquake. Earthquake ground shaking diminishes (attenuates) with distance from
the epicenter and with the depth of the earthquake. Thus, any given earthquake will produce the
strongest ground motions near the earthquake with the intensity of ground motions diminishing with
increasing distance from the epicenter.
Thus, for a given site, a smaller earthquake (such as a M6.5) which is very close to the site could
cause greater damage than a much larger earthquake (such as a M8) which is quite far away from the
particular site. For example, the 1933 Long Beach M6.4 earthquake and the 1994 Northridge M6.7
earthquake were moderately sized earthquakes, but caused major damage and casualties because they
occurred directly beneath heavily urbanized areas.
Earthquakes at or below M5 are not likely to cause significant damage, even near the epicenter.
Earthquakes between M5 and M6 are likely to cause relatively minor damage very near the epicenter.
Earthquakes of M6.5 or greater can cause major damage usually concentrated near the epicenter (e.g.,
the Northridge earthquake). Larger earthquakes of M7+ may cause damage over a wide geographic
area with the potential for severe levels of damage near the epicenter. Great earthquakes with M8+
may cause major damage over wide geographic areas.
The intensity of ground shaking varies not only as a function of M and distance but also depends on
soil types. Soft soils may amplify ground motions and increase the level of damage. Thus, for any
given earthquake, there will be contours of varying intensity of ground shaking. The intensity will
generally decrease with distance from the earthquake epicenter, but often in an irregular pattern,
reflecting soil conditions (amplification) and direction of the dispersion of the earthquake’s energy.
There are many measures of the severity or intensity of earthquake ground motions. An older, but
still sometimes used scale is the Modified Mercalli Intensity scale (MMI), which is a descriptive,
qualitative scale that relates severity of ground motions to types of damage experienced. MMI ranges
from I to XII.
Modern intensity scales use terms that can be physically measured with seismometers, such as the
acceleration, velocity, or displacement (movement) of the ground. The most common physical
measure, and the one used in the Lakewood Mitigation Plan, is Peak Ground Acceleration or PGA.
PGA is a measure of the intensity of shaking relative to the acceleration of gravity (g). For example, a
PGA of 1.0 g in an earthquake (an extremely strong ground motion) means that objects accelerate
sideways at the same rate as if they had been dropped from the ceiling. A PGA of 0.1 g means that
the ground acceleration is 10% that of gravity. Damage levels experienced in an earthquake vary with
the intensity and duration of ground shaking and with the seismic capacity of structures. Ground
motions of only 1% or 2% g are widely felt by people, hanging plants and lamps swing strongly, but
damage levels are minimal. Ground motions below 10% g usually cause only slight damage. Ground
motions between about 10% g and 30% g may cause minor to moderate damage in well-designed
buildings with this level of ground shaking and more damage in poorly designed buildings. Only
unusually poor buildings would be subject to potential collapse. Ground motions above about 30% g
may cause significant damage in well-designed buildings and very high levels of damage, including
collapse, in poorly designed buildings. Ground motions above 50% g may cause high levels of
damage in most buildings even those designed to resist seismic forces.
6.2 Seismic Hazards for Lakewood
The level of seismic hazard for Lakewood is based on the probability and severity of earthquakes that
could affect Lakewood. Earthquakes occur predominantly because of plate tectonics; the relative
movement of plates of oceanic and continental rocks that make up the rocky surface of the earth.
The level of seismic hazard for Lakewood is high. Southern California, including Lakewood, is one
of the most seismically active areas in the United States. Figure 6-1 shows some of the significant
earthquakes affecting southern California since the 19th century. As shown in this figure, there have
been numerous large earthquakes in this area.
Figure 6-1: Historical Earthquakes in Southern California (M > 6.0)
Source: Southern California Earthquake Data Center (
Figure 6-1 is from the Southern California Earthquake Data Center interactive website. For clarity,
only events with a magnitude of at least 6.0 are shown. Clicking on a given earthquake point on the
website brings up information about the event name, magnitude, date and time, depth, and latitude
and longitude for each earthquake event. As shown on the above map, there have been several
significant earthquakes in Southern California, but none with an epicenter within Lakewood.
There are numerous identified earthquake faults in Southern California as shown on the Figure 6-2.
However, earthquakes may occur almost anywhere in Southern California on previously unknown
faults. As shown on the above map, there have been many significant earthquakes near Lakewood,
but none with an epicenter in the City.
There are numerous identified earthquake faults in Southern California as shown on the Figure 6-2.
However, earthquakes may occur almost anywhere in Southern California on previously unknown
faults. The major active fault nearest to Lakewood is the Newport-Inglewood Fault, which is about
three miles southwest of Lakewood (shown in lime green on Figure 6-2). In addition, the Los
Alamitos Fault extends into Lakewood in the vicinity of Bellflower Boulevard and Carson Street.
The Los Alamitos Fault is potentially active, but geologic evidence suggests that it has not been active
for at least 10,000 years. The recently discovered Puente Hills Fault, located northeast of Lakewood,
has a probable return period of about 3,000 years but is not shown on Figure 6-2.
Figure 6-2: Southern California Earthquake Faults
Source: 2014 U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) National Seismic Hazard Maps
It is not possible to predict when or where the next earthquake affecting Lakewood will occur.
Rather, the current state of knowledge can predict earthquakes only probabilistically. The most recent
(2014) National Seismic Hazard Maps, prepared by the United States Geological Survey show
contours of earthquake ground motions with various probabilities.
Peak ground acceleration (PGA) is equal to the largest rate of ground acceleration reached during an
earthquake at a given location. PGA is typically used to measure the maximum force a building
experiences during an earthquake. PGA is measured horizontally and vertically, but peak horizontal
acceleration is most commonly used in seismic engineering for buildings. PGA depends on the length
of the fault, the magnitude of the event, the depth and distance from the measurement site to the
epicenter, duration of the earthquake, and the underlying geology. The various PGA measurements
may be shown graphically in the form of a map. These maps are not probability maps, rather they
illustrate the peak acceleration as a given level of probability within a given time frame (such as 50
The following two figures show the 2014 USGS earthquake ground motions (PGA, as a percentage of
g) with 10% and 2% chances of exceedance within a 50-year time period. These USGS maps show
ground motions for rock sites. For soil such as those found in Lakewood, ground motions are higher
for low to moderate values of PGA but not for high values of PGA.
Figure 6-3: USGS 2014 Seismic Hazard Map - 10% Chance of Exceedance in 50 Years
Peak Ground Acceleration (PGA) as a Percentage of Gravity (g)
Figure 6-4: USGS 2014 Seismic Hazard Map - 2% Chance of Exceedance in 50 Years
Peak Ground Acceleration (PGA) as a Percentage of Gravity (g)
A given site is characterized as a rock, firm soil or soft soil site by the type of rock or soil in the top
100 feet below the ground surface. The USGS national seismic hazard data indicate that the
probabilistic earthquake ground motions - for a rock site - at Lakewood's location would be 32% g
with a 10% chance of being exceeded in 50 years and 68% g with a 2% chance of being exceeded in
50 years. Taking the firm soil conditions in Lakewood into account, the ground motion with a 10%
chance of being exceeded in 50 years increases to 37% g, but the ground motion with a 2% chance of
being exceeded in 50 years does not increase. Firm soil sites generally amplify earthquake ground
motions but not at very high levels of ground shaking. The fact that Lakewood has firm soil is much
better than having soft soils which would further amplify ground motions and increase the likelihood
of liquefaction. Lakewood has a lower probability of liquefaction because of the firm soils compared
to communities with softer soils.
Figure 6-5 shows the seismic hazard curve for Lakewood. It shows the annual exceedance probability
as a function of ground motion. This graph shows the cumulative seismic hazard for Lakewood from
possible earthquakes on all of the faults in Southern California, weighted by the probability of
earthquakes of various magnitudes on each fault. This hazard curve is calculated based on a firm soil
site, which represents most of Lakewood. Figure 6-5 shows the annual probability of earthquake
ground motions exceeding various levels of shaking, expressed as Peak Ground Acceleration (PGA)
relative to the acceleration of gravity, g. For example, there is an annual probability of 0.01 (1%) of
ground motions of approximately 0.16 g or higher and an annual probability of 0.001 (0.1%) of
ground motions of approximately 0.40 g or higher in Lakewood.
Figure 6-5: USGS 2014 Seismic Hazard Curve for Lakewood
Seismic design requirements in building codes are based on the USGS seismic hazard data shown in
the maps and figures above. Historically, under the Uniform Building Code (UBC), seismic design
was based on the 10% in 50 years ground motions, which were grouped into seismic zones. For
Lakewood, Seismic Zone 4, the design ground motion was 40% of g. Under the current International
Building Code (IBC), the seismic design basis is 2/3rds of the 2% in 50 years ground motion, which
for Lakewood is also about 40% g. Considering the margin of safety inherent in seismic design, the
IBC is designed to provide life safety for new buildings constructed under this code up to the full 2%
in 50 years ground motion, or about 60% g for Lakewood.
Seismic hazards for Lakewood can also be characterized by examining the probabilities of
earthquakes on specific faults. The 2014 Working Group on California Earthquake Probabilities
(WGCEP) is a multi-disciplinary collaboration of leading experts in the field and was led by the U.S.
Geological Survey, the Southern California Earthquake Center, and the California Geological Survey.
The WGCEP recently completed The Third Uniform California Earthquake Rupture Forecast
(UCERF3), which is an update of earthquake probabilities on specific faults in California.
Compared to previous forecasts, the estimated likelihood of moderate-sized earthquakes (magnitude
6.5 to 7.5) is lower, whereas that of larger earthquakes is higher. This change is because of the
inclusion of multi-fault ruptures, where earthquakes are not confined to separate individual faults, but
can occasionally rupture multiple faults simultaneously. The estimated probabilities of earthquakes of
magnitudes equal or greater than 6.7, 7.5 and 8.0 are shown in Table 6-1.
Table 6-1: Estimated Probabilities of M > 6.7 Earthquakes Over the Next 30 Years
San Jacinto
San Andreas
M > 6.7
M > 7.5
M > 8.0
< 0.1%
The above results must be interpreted cautiously. The two faults with the highest probabilities, the
Southern San Andreas and the San Jacinto Fault, are located a considerable distance from Lakewood
(approximately 50 to 60 miles). Thus, the level of ground shaking (and damage) would be less than
those resulting from earthquakes on faults such as the Palos Verdes or Newport-Inglewood Faults,
which are much closer to Lakewood.
The two faults nearest to Lakewood, the Los Alamitos Fault and the Puente Hills Fault, have probable
return periods of >10,000 years and about 3,000 years, respectively. Thus, the corresponding
probabilities of earthquakes within the next 30 years are <0.3% and about 1%, for the Los Alamitos
Fault and Puente Hills Fault, respectively.
6.3 Other Aspects of Seismic Hazards in Lakewood
Much of the damage in earthquakes occurs directly because of ground shaking which affects buildings
and infrastructure. However, there are several other aspects of earthquakes that can result in very high
levels of damage in some locations, including liquefaction, landslides, surface rupture, tsunamis,
seiches, and dam failures.
6.3.1 Liquefaction, Settlement, Lateral Spreading, Amplification
Liquefaction is a process where loose, wet sediments lose strength during an earthquake and behave
similarly to a liquid. Once a soil liquefies, it will tend to settle and/or spread laterally. With even
very slight slopes, liquefied soils tend to move sideways downhill (lateral spreading). Settling or
lateral spreading can cause major damage to buildings and buried infrastructure such as pipes.
Figure 6-6 on the following page shows areas in Lakewood where soil conditions suggest the potential
for liquefaction, settlement, lateral spreading and/or amplification of earthquake ground motions.
These areas of greater earthquake hazard cover most of the City of Lakewood.
6.3.2 Landslides
Earthquakes can also induce landslides, especially if an earthquake occurs during the rainy season and
soils are saturated with water. The areas prone to earthquake-induced landslides are largely the same
as those areas prone to landslides in general. Areas of steep slopes with loose rock or soils are the
most prone to earthquake-induced landslides. Lakewood’s topography is flat with no areas of steep
slopes. Thus, the potential for earthquake-induced landslides in Lakewood is negligible.
6.3.3 Surface Rupture
Surface rupture occurs when the fault plane upon which movement occurs during an earthquake
reaches the surface. Surface ruptures may involve lateral movements, vertical movements or both.
Lateral movements may be several feet in earthquakes with magnitudes of 6.5 to 7.0 and 15 feet or
more for great earthquakes with magnitudes near or above 8.0. Similarly, vertical movements can be
several feet or more.
The occurrence of surface ruptures during an earthquake typically results in very high levels of
damage to buildings or infrastructure, with the damage often being so severe that the facility must be
demolished and replaced.
In California, areas known to be subject to surface ruptures are designed as Alquist-Priolo Special
Study Zones (A-P Zones) and are deemed high risk locations. A-P Zones are subject to strict limits
on future construction. There are no designated A-P Zones in Lakewood. The nearest A-P Zone is
associated with the Newport-Inglewood Fault Zone, which is approximately three miles southwest of
Lakewood. An earthquake on the Los Alamitos Fault could conceivably result in surface rupture.
However, given no evidence for any significant earthquakes on this fault for at least 10,000 years, this
possibility appears remote. Therefore, the level of earthquake hazard from surface rupture in
Lakewood appears negligible.
Figure 6-6: Areas with Potential Liquefaction in Major Earthquakes
Liquefaction and/or lateral spreading do not necessarily occur in all such areas or in all earthquakes.
However, in larger earthquakes with strong ground shaking and long duration shaking, liquefaction,
and/or lateral spreading may occur in some of the areas shown on maps as being subject to
liquefaction. Settlements of a few inches or more and lateral spreads of a few inches to several feet
are possible. Even a few inches of settlement or lateral spreading are likely to cause significant to
major damage to affected buildings or infrastructure.
6.3.4 Tsunamis and Seiches
Tsunamis, which are often incorrectly referred to as “tidal waves,” result from earthquakes which
cause a sudden rise or fall of part of the ocean floor. Such movements may produce tsunami waves,
which have nothing to do with the ordinary ocean tides. Tsunami waves may be only a few inches
high in the deep open ocean waters, far from land, and thus be virtually undetectable except by special
monitoring instruments. These waves travel across the ocean at speeds of several hundred miles per
hour. When such waves reach shallow water near the coastline, they slow down and can gain great
However, the hazard from tsunamis appears negligible for Lakewood because at its closest point the
City is located approximately 3.92 miles from the Pacific Ocean at ground elevations ranging from
about 35 feet to 70 feet.
Seiches are another effect of earthquakes which is somewhat analogous to tsunamis. Seiches are the
sloshing of inland bodies of water; lakes, rivers, or reservoirs. Large seiches may damage waterfront
buildings or infrastructure. Seiches in water reservoirs may be sufficient to result in damage to the
facility. Roof damage is the most common. In extreme cases, seiches could cause a reservoir to fail
completely. Thus, the water storage reservoirs in Lakewood may be subject to damage from future
earthquake induced seiches.
6.3.4 Dam Failures
Earthquakes can also cause dam failures. The most common mode of earthquake-induced dam failure
is slumping or settlement of earthfill dams where the fill has not been properly compacted. If the
slumping occurs when the dam is full, then overtopping of the dam, with rapid erosion leading to dam
failure is possible. Concrete dams may also fail as a result of strong ground motions. In a few cases,
earthquake-induced landslides into reservoirs have caused dam failures.
Inundation from dam failures is addressed in Chapter 7 Floods, which includes worst case scenario
inundation maps for the two major dams upstream of Lakewood, the Hansen Dam and the Whittier
Narrows Dam. Failure of these dams from earthquakes is unlikely, but not impossible, especially if a
major earthquake near the dams were to occur when the reservoir was full or nearly full. For
Lakewood, the probability of earthquake-induced dam failures appears low, albeit not zero.
6.4 Earthquake Vulnerability and Risk Assessment for Lakewood
To date, Lakewood has not experienced heavy earthquake damage because historical earthquakes
were either a significant distance from Lakewood (e.g., 1994 Northridge earthquake) or predated
much of the development of Lakewood (e.g., 1933 Long Beach earthquake). The scarcity of historical
earthquake damage in Lakewood does not mean that the potential for future damage is low. Rather,
given the high level of seismicity in Southern California, the level of earthquake risk for Lakewood is
high. There is a significant potential from high levels of damage in Lakewood from earthquakes on
the Newport-Inglewood Fault as well as from numerous other active faults in the vicinity of
6.4.1 Historical Earthquakes Affecting Lakewood
The historical record of earthquake damage in Lakewood is very sparse. Prior to the 1950s,
Lakewood was predominantly agricultural with limited development. The most significant
earthquakes affecting the surrounding area were the M6.6 1971 San Fernando earthquake and the
M6.7 1994 Northridge earthquake. The epicenters of these earthquakes were about 39 miles and 36
miles from Lakewood, respectively.
Recorded damage in Lakewood caused by the San Fernando and Northridge earthquakes was
minimal; some broken windows, minor nonstructural damage (items falling from shelves) and
cracking or toppling of a few poorly built masonry property line walls. Structural damage to buildings
and damage to infrastructure was negligible.
As summarized above, Lakewood does not have a history of significant earthquake damage.
Nevertheless, the risk of future earthquake damage remains high for Lakewood.
6.4.2 Seismic Vulnerability of Lakewood’s Buildings and Infrastructure
The probable impacts of major earthquakes on Lakewood vary markedly with the magnitude and
location of the earthquake. However, the entire City would be affected by a major earthquake,
including the entire inventory of buildings and infrastructure. For any major earthquake affecting
Lakewood, the levels of damage will likely be somewhat higher in the liquefaction potential areas.
As shown in Figure 6-6, most of Lakewood is in the zone of potential liquefaction. However, it is
important to note that, for any given earthquake, liquefaction effects may or may not be significant
and are not likely to occur in the entire area potentially subject to liquefaction.
The vulnerability of buildings depends on their structural systems and on the extent to which seismic
design was incorporated into the building.
Most wood frame buildings perform relatively well in earthquakes. Damage to wood frame buildings
will be concentrated in the most vulnerable types; older buildings with sill plates that are not bolted to
the foundation or buildings with cripple-wall foundations. US Census data (Selected Housing
Characteristics, 2005-2007, American Community Survey) indicate that 2.4% of Lakewood’s housing
units pre-date 1940 and thus may be of these vulnerable structure types. An additional 12.2% of
Lakewood’s housing units were built in the 1940s and may also be vulnerable to earthquake damage.
Overall, perhaps 5% of the City’s wood frame residential buildings may be subject to greater than
typical damage in future earthquakes.
Other building types likely to experience higher levels of damage include:
Unreinforced or lightly reinforced masonry buildings,
Older pre-cast, tilt-up and concrete frame buildings,
Concrete and steel frame buildings with unreinforced masonry infill walls, and
Buildings of any structural system with soft first stories.
Given the 1950s or later vintage of the vast majority of Lakewood’s building stock, there are likely to
be very few unreinforced masonry buildings or concrete and steel frame buildings with unreinforced
masonry infill walls. However, there appears to be a significant inventory of 1950s to 1970s public,
commercial, and industrial buildings which likely includes more vulnerable tilt-up and concrete frame
buildings. Buildings where the first story is significantly taller than upper stories and/or the first story
has more or larger window openings than upper stories are described as “soft-story” buildings. This
type of structure may be more prone to significant earthquake damage than buildings without soft first
stories. Some retail and office buildings in Lakewood are soft story.
A sidewalk survey of several important public buildings and several infrastructure facilities was
conducted in July 2016. The facilities examined are summarized in Table 6-2. This brief sidewalk
survey did not include examination of structural drawings or engineering analysis of seismic
Given that all are or appear to be at least 20 years old, none of these buildings were designed to
current or recent seismic codes. Because of the vintage of the buildings and because many of the
buildings have significant configurational irregularities in the horizontal and/or vertical planes, many
of these buildings may have significant seismic deficiencies. Thus, a rigorous seismic vulnerability
assessment is strongly suggested.
Table 6-2: Public Building Sidewalk Survey, July 2016
Water Yard (Water buildings)
Plant #22
LA County Fire Station 45
LA County Library - Iacaboni
Centre at Sycamore Plaza
City Hall
1960’s and later
1958, 1984 remodel
and expansion
1959, 2008 addition
1960’s and later
Square Feet Address
25,000 +/5812 Arbor Road
3310 Candlewood Street
4020 Candlewood Street
4990 Clark Avenue
5000 Clark Avenue
5050 Clark Avenue
LA County Sheriff’s Station
Burns Community Center
Mayfair Park Swim Pavilion
Biscailuz Park building
Biscailuz Park snack bar
Park shelter
Biscailuz Park building addition
LA County Library - Nye
Mae Boyar Park
Biscailuz Park activity building
Biscailuz Park control building
LA County Fire Station 122
Nixon Yard (Public Works
22,000 +/buildings)
Jose San Martin Park
Weingart Senior Center
Plant #13
Bloomfield Park activity building
LA County Fire Station 94
Youth Center
1957, 1960 addition 5,600
Palms Park Building
Source: City of Lakewood, Community Development Department
5130 Clark Avenue
5510 Clark Avenue
5720 Clark Avenue
3300 Del Amo Boulevard
6600 Del Amo Boulevard
6701 Del Amo Boulevard
2601 Dollar Street
2600 Greenmeadow Road
6929 Nixon Street
5231 Ocana Avenue
5220 Oliva Avenue
4964-75 Palo Verde Avenue
21420 Pioneer Boulevard
6321 Turnergrove Avenue
4658 Woodruff Avenue
12305 207th Street
Utility and transportation infrastructure is also subject to major damage and loss of service in
earthquakes, including:
• Water and wastewater systems – damage to treatment plants and pipe breaks (especially in soft
soil areas). Service outages may be widespread and long in duration.
• Natural gas systems – pipe breaks (especially in soft soil areas) but typically less damage than for
water or wastewater systems. Service outages may be widespread and long in duration.
• Electric power – damage to substation equipment is common. Service outages may be widespread
but typically shorter in duration than other utility systems.
• Bridges – damage to older bridges, especially multi-span bridges, may be extensive with
disruption of surface transportation routes. Bridges built before the mid-1970s may have a
significantly higher risk of suffering structural damage during a moderate to large earthquake
compared with those built after 1980 when design improvements were made. Much of the region’s
interstate highway system was built in the mid to late 1960's. There are 33 City-owned bridges in
Lakewood. Roads crossing the 605 freeway or that are crossed by the 605 freeway are owned by the
State of California. Caltrans has retrofitted most bridges on the freeway systems, however, there may
be some bridges maintained by Los Angeles County Department of Public Works that have not been
retrofitted. A Union Pacific Railroad bridge crosses Cherry Avenue between Del Amo Boulevard and
Market Street.
• Dams, especially older dams designed according to lower than current seismic standards, are
subject to damage or even complete failure in earthquakes. The worst case consequences include
inundation of downstream areas. See Chapter 7 Floods for more details of potential dam failures
affecting Lakewood.
Summary of Earthquake Vulnerability for Lakewood
Overall, the vulnerability of the building stock in Lakewood is lower than for many other older
communities. Most buildings in Lakewood are post-1940 wood frame residential buildings which
generally perform fairly well during an earthquake. There appear to be few profoundly vulnerable
building types (such as unreinforced masonry). However, there is a substantial inventory of pre-1980
public, commercial and industrial buildings, which are among the more vulnerable structural types.
Lakewood’s water and wastewater systems will likely suffer significant numbers of pipeline breaks in
a major earthquake and there will also likely be gas line breaks, although fewer than the number of
breaks in the water and wastewater systems. Depending on the level of ground shaking (i.e., the
location and magnitude of a future earthquake) and the extent to which liquefaction effects occur,
utility outages could range from several hours to several weeks. Damage to the transportation system
may include damage to older city- or county-owned bridges.
More quantitative estimates of expected damage to buildings and contents, estimates of casualties,
displaced persons, debris amounts, and other consequences of earthquake for one or more scenario
earthquakes can be made using FEMA’s HAZUS loss estimation software. The accuracy of such
HAZUS loss estimates would be improved by using Lakewood-specific inventory data whenever
More quantitative estimates of expected damage to utility and transportation systems (especially
bridges) would require specific system-wide risk assessments.
6.5 Significant Earthquake Events Since 2011
According to the Southern California Earthquake Data Center, there have been no significant
earthquakes (> M5.5) since adoption of Lakewood’s previous Hazard Mitigation in 2011. There are
no reports of damage in Lakewood from any other earthquakes.
6.6 Earthquake Mitigation Projects and Action Items
There is a wide variety of possible hazard mitigation projects for earthquakes. The most common
projects include: structural retrofit of buildings, non-structural bracing and anchoring of equipment
and contents, and strengthening of utility systems, bridges, dams and other infrastructure components.
The seismic hazard (frequency and severity of earthquakes) is high in Lakewood. However, the risk
(potential for damage and casualties) is not uniformly distributed through the inventory of buildings
and infrastructure in Lakewood. Rather, risk is concentrated in the most vulnerable buildings and
Structural retrofit of buildings should not focus on typical buildings, but rather on buildings that are
most vulnerable to seismic damage. Priorities should include buildings on soft soil sites subject to
amplification of ground motion and/or liquefaction and especially on critical service facilities such as
hospitals, fire and police stations, emergency shelters, and schools.
Non-structural bracing of equipment and contents is often the most cost-effective type of seismic
mitigation project. Inexpensive bracing and anchoring may protect very expensive equipment and/or
equipment whose function is critical such as medical diagnostic equipment in hospitals, computers,
and communication equipment for police and fire services. For utilities, bracing of control
equipment, pumps, generators, battery racks and other critical components can be very effective in
reducing the impact of earthquakes on system performance. Such measures should almost always be
undertaken before considering large-scale structural mitigation projects.
The strategy for strengthening bridges and other infrastructure follows the same principles as
discussed above for buildings. The targets for mitigation should not be typical infrastructure but
rather specific infrastructure elements that have been identified as being unusually vulnerable and/or
are critical links in the lifeline system. For example, vulnerable overpasses on major highways would
have a much higher priority than overpasses on lightly traveled secondary streets.
Earthquake mitigation action items from the master mitigation action items table in Chapter 4 are
shown below in Table 6-3.
Table 6-3: Earthquake Mitigation Action Items
Life Safety
Protect Property
Emergency Planning
Seek Mitigation
Funding Sources
Public Awareness
and Outreach
Mitigation Plan Goals Addressed
Secure important nonstructural components, such as
communications and IT equipment, building electrical,
mechanical and HVAC equipment and building contents
(file cabinets, bookcases, shelves) in City buildings to
minimize damage, disruption and potential life safety
Administrative Services,
Public Works
1-3 Years
Continue to enhance public education activities, including
an earthquake preparedness segment for Lakewood City
TV Channel 21, add earthquake preparedness materials
to Lakewood Online and distribute materials by mail at
City Hall and the Library, and secure a booth at
Lakewood's annual Pan American Festival.
Recreation & Community
1-3 Years
Complete HAZUS Scenario Earthquake Loss Estimates
for several of the earthquake events most likely to
substantially impact Lakewood.
Community Development
1-3 Years
Community Development
Public Works
Action Item
Earthquake Mitigation Action Items
Encourage and facilitate retrofitting of vulnerable
residential and commercial buildings, including low
income and elderly housing.
Conduct seismic risk assessments for important Cityowned buildings, bridges, water system and wastewater
collection system to identify vulnerabilities, prioritize
retrofits, and facilitate retrofitting or replacement of
vulnerable structures.
6.6 Earthquake Resource Directory
Local and Regional Resources
Los Angeles County Public Works Department
900 S. Fremont Avenue
Alhambra, CA 91803
Phone: (626) 458-5100
The Los Angeles County Department of Public Works protects property and promotes public safety
through Flood Control, Water Conservation, Road Maintenance, Bridges, Buses and Bicycle Trails,
Building and Safety, Land Development, Waterworks, Sewers, Engineering, Capital Projects and
Southern California Earthquake Center (SCEC)
3651 Trousdale Parkway, Suite 169
Los Angeles, CA 90089-0742
Phone: (213) 740-5843
Fax: (213) 740-0011
The Southern California Earthquake Center (SCEC) gathers new information about earthquakes in
Southern California, integrates this information into a comprehensive and predictive understanding of
earthquake phenomena, and communicates this understanding to end-users and the general public in
order to increase earthquake awareness, reduce economic losses, and save lives.
State Resources
California Department of Transportation (CalTrans)
120 S. Spring Street
Los Angeles, CA 90012
Phone: (213) 897-3656
CalTrans is responsible for the design, construction, maintenance, and operation of the California
State Highway System, as well as that portion of the Interstate Highway System within the state's
boundaries. Alone and in partnership with Amtrak, CalTrans is also involved in the support of
intercity passenger rail service in California.
California Resources Agency
1416 Ninth Street, Suite 1311
Sacramento, CA 95814
Phone: (916) 653-5656
The California Resources Agency restores, protects and manages the state's natural, historical and
cultural resources for current and future generations using solutions based on science, collaboration
and respect for all the communities and interests involved.
California Geological Survey
801 K Street, MS 12-30
Sacramento, CA 95814
Phone: (916) 445-1825
Fax: (916) 445-5718
The California Geological Survey develops and disseminates technical information and advice on
California’s geology, geologic hazards, and mineral resources.
California Department of Conservation: Southern California Regional Office
655 S. Hope Street, #700
Los Angeles, CA 90017-2321
Phone: (213) 239-0878
Fax: (213) 239-0984
The Department of Conservation provides services and information that promote environmental
health, economic vitality, informed land-use decisions and sound management of our state's natural
California Emergency Management Agency
3650 Schriever Avenue
Mather, California 95655
Phone: (916) 845-8510
Fax: (916) 845- 8511
The California Emergency Management Agency coordinates overall state agency response to major
disasters in support of local government. The office is responsible for assuring the state's readiness to
respond to and recover from natural, manmade, and war-caused emergencies, and for assisting local
governments in their emergency preparedness, response and recovery efforts.
Federal and National Resources
Building Seismic Safety Council (BSSC)
1090 Vermont Avenue, NW
Suite 700
Washington, DC 20005
Phone: (202) 289-7800
Fax: (202) 289-1092
The Building Seismic Safety Council (BSSC) develops and promotes building earthquake risk
mitigation regulatory provisions for the nation.
Federal Emergency Management Agency, Region IX
1111 Broadway, Suite 1200
Oakland, CA 94607
Phone: (510) 627-7100
Fax: (510) 627-7112
The Federal Emergency Management Agency is tasked with responding to, planning for, recovering
from and mitigating against disasters.
Federal Emergency Management Agency, Mitigation Division
500 C Street, S.W.
Washington, D.C. 20472
Phone: (202) 566-1600
The Mitigation Division manages the National Flood Insurance Program and oversees FEMA's
mitigation programs. It has a number of programs and activities, which provide citizens protection,
with flood insurance, prevention with mitigation measures, and partnerships with communities
throughout the country.
United States Geological Survey
345 Middlefield Road
Menlo Park, CA 94025
Phone: (650) 853-8300
The USGS provides reliable scientific information to describe and understand the earth, minimize loss
of life and property from natural disasters, manage water, biological, energy, and mineral resources,
and enhance and protect the quality of life.
Western States Seismic Policy Council (WSSPC)
125 California Avenue, Suite D201, #1
Palo Alto, CA 94306
Phone: (650) 330-1101
Fax: (650) 326-1769
WSSPC serves as a resource for information on earthquakes. It is a regional earthquake consortium
funded primarily by FEMA. The WSSPC website contains information related to: policy,
engineering, and education.
Institute for Business & Home Safety
4775 E. Fowler Avenue
Tampa, FL 33617
Phone: (813) 286-3400
Fax: (813) 286-9960
The Institute for Business & Home Safety (IBHS) is a nonprofit association that engages in
communication, education, engineering and research to reduce deaths, injuries, property damage,
economic losses and human suffering caused by natural disasters.
Land Use Planning for Earthquake Hazard Mitigation: Handbook for Planners. Wolfe, Myer R. et.
aI., (1986) University of Colorado, Institute of Behavioral Science, National Science Foundation.
This handbook provides techniques that planners and others may utilize to help mitigate for seismic
hazards. It provides information on the effects of earthquakes, sources on risk assessment, and effects
of earthquakes on the built environment. The handbook also gives examples on application and
implementation of planning techniques to be used by local communities.
Public Assistance Debris Management Guide. FEMA (July 2000), Washington D.C.
The Debris Management Guide assists local officials in planning, mobilizing, organizing, and
controlling large-scale debris clearance, removal, and disposal operations. Debris management is
generally associated with post-disaster recovery. While it should be compliant with local and county
emergency operations plans, developing strategies to ensure strong debris management is a way to
integrate debris management within mitigation activities. The “Public Assistance Debris
Management Guide” is available in hard copy or on the FEMA website.
FEMA defines a flood as a general and temporary condition of partial or complete inundation of
two or more acres of normally dry land area or of two or more properties from:
- Overflow of inland or tidal waters; or
- Unusual and rapid accumulation or runoff of surface waters from any source; or
- Mudflow; or
- Collapse of subsidence of land along the shore of a lake or similar body of water as a result of
erosion or undermining caused by waves for currents of water exceeding anticipated cyclical
levels that result in a flood as defined above.
The City of Lakewood is subject to flooding from three distinct flood sources, including:
- Over-bank flooding from the Los Angeles River, San Gabriel River, Coyote Creek and their
- Local storm water drainage flooding, and
- Dam failures.
Overall, the level of flood risk for the City of Lakewood is low, in large part because of the
extensive flood control measures which have been implemented on the rivers and streams posing
flood risks for Lakewood. The City of Lakewood is situated on the coastal plain which is
gradually sloped from the foothills of the San Gabriel Mountains upstream of the City to the
Pacific Ocean south of the City. Major flooding events in the greater Los Angeles area occur
during winter storms with intense rainfall (December through March). Flooding may sometimes
be exacerbated by snow-melt runoff from mountain elevations.
Contents of Chapter 7
7.1 Flood History ...........................................................................................................................7-1
7.2 Flood Hazards within FEMA-Mapped Floodplains.................................................................7-2
7.3 Other Flood Hazards: Not Mapped by FEMA ........................................................................7-6
7.4 Vulnerability to Flooding from Dam and Reservoir Failures ..................................................7-7
7.5 Flood Risk Analysis for Lakewood .......................................................................................7-11
7.6 Flood Insurance Data .............................................................................................................7-14
7.7 Flood Mitigation Action Items ...............................................................................................7-16
7.8 Flood Resource Directory ......................................................................................................7-18
7.1 Flood History
The current FEMA Flood Insurance Study for Los Angeles County (September 26, 2008)
documents the long history of flooding throughout the County.
7.1.1 Los Angeles County
Los Angeles County suffered major floods in 1811, 1815, 1825, 1832, 1861, 1862, 1867, 1876,
1888, 1899, 1890, 1891, 1914, 1921 and 1927. Similar, better-documented floods occurred in
1934, 1938, 1941, 1943, 1952, 1956, 1969, 1978, 1979, 1980, 1983, 1992 and 1994. Construction
of dikes and other flood control measures began in the 19th century and continued into the early
20th century.
Many flood control projects were constructed after the January 1934 and March 1938 flood
events, each of which caused more than 100 deaths and widespread property damage. A complex
drainage system has been constructed to alleviate flooding in Los Angeles County. The major
components of the flood control system are the Los Angeles River, the San Gabriel River, Rio
Hondo, Ballona Creek, and Dominguez Channel. In addition, a vast network of storm drains,
channels, and debris basins have been constructed by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, local
agencies and private developers. The Los Angeles County Flood Control District is responsible
for maintaining the majority of this flood control system. Many of the larger drainage systems
listed above were designed to contain the 1% annual chance flood. However, not all system
elements meet the current requirements for certification by providing this level of flood
7.1.2 City of Lakewood
The Los Angeles River is the primary flood threat to the City of Lakewood because the flood
control measures for the Los Angeles River provide a lower level of flood protection than those
on the San Gabriel River or Coyote Creek. The Los Angeles River originates at the west end of
the San Fernando Valley, flows east to Glendale and then south to the Pacific Ocean. The reach
of the Los Angeles River which poses risk to Lakewood runs approximately parallel to the 710
Freeway north and west of Lakewood.
The documented flood history for Lakewood is very limited. The area now occupied by
Lakewood was probably affected by many of the 19th century and early 20th century flood events.
However, the area was almost entirely agricultural or undeveloped during this time period. There
are few historical records that document the effects of these floods on the area now occupied by
the City of Lakewood. The City of Lakewood was incorporated in 1954. Thus, significant
development in Lakewood has occurred almost entirely since the construction of major flood
control projects along the Los Angeles River and the other rivers and streams which historically
posed flood risk for Lakewood. Since development began in Lakewood, there is almost no
history of documented flood events that resulted in significant damages. Flood events have
typically been only minor stormwater drainage issues, including flooding in 1953 which is briefly
described by D.J. Waldie in his 1997 book (Holy Land: A Suburban Memoir).
The level of flood risk to Lakewood is low, but it is not zero. Lakewood is subject to flooding
from events larger than the level of protection provided by flood control projects. There is also
flood risk from failures of flood control infrastructure in flood events smaller than their design
basis, such as levee failures from underseepage. In addition, there is flood risk from local storm
water drainage problems and dam failure events, although the probability of such an occurrence is
7.1.3 Flood Events Since Adoption of the 2011 Hazard Mitigation Plan
There have been no dam failures since the adoption of the 2011 Hazard Mitigation Plan that
would have otherwise resulted in catastrophic flooding. There have been no significant instances
of localized flooding since the adoption of the 2011 Hazard Mitigation Plan, and the El Nino
weather patterns during the winter of 2016 did not bring excessive rain to the Lakewood area as
7.2 Flood Hazards: Within FEMA-Mapped Floodplains
7.2.1 Overview
FEMA’s current floodplain mapping for Lakewood is documented in the Flood Insurance Study
(FIS) for Los Angeles County (September 26, 2008) which includes three Flood Insurance Rate
Maps (FIRMs). The FIRM panel numbers covering Lakewood are Panels 1960, 1980 and 2000
of the 2,350 panels that cover Los Angeles County. Nearly all of Lakewood is designated as
Zone X. A very small portion of Lakewood, located entirely within the banks of the San Gabriel
River, is designed as Zone A; an area subject to inundation in the 1% annual chance flood.
FEMA’s flood zone classification has two subcategories for Zone X:
1. Zone X (shaded on FIRM): Areas of 0.2% annual chance flood; areas of 1% annual flood
with average depths less than one foot or with drainage areas less than one square mile;
and areas protected by levees from 1% annual flood.
2. Zone X (unshaded on FIRM): Areas determined to be outside the 0.2% annual flood.
The areas of Lakewood designated by FEMA as Zone X (shaded on FIRM) and Zone X
(unshaded on FIRM) are shown in Figure 7-1.
The 1% annual chance flood, which is also known as the 100-year flood, means that there is a 1%
chance each year of a flood of this severity or greater. Statistically, a 1% annual chance flood has
about a 26% chance of occurring in a 30-year time period. The 0.2% annual flood, which is also
known as the 500-year flood, means that there is a 0.2% chance each year of a flood of this
severity or greater. Statistically, a 0.2% annual chance flood has nearly a 6% chance of occurring
in a 30-year time period. The Zone X (shaded) area includes almost the entire city, except for a
small area in the southwest corner of the city, which is designated as Zone X (unshaded) and the
area within the banks of the San Gabriel River (Zone A). The Zone X (unshaded) area is in the
vicinity of the Lakewood Golf Course and covers approximately two-thirds of the area south of
Del Amo Boulevard and west of the portion of Long Beach which extends into Lakewood as far
as Del Amo Boulevard.
Based on the FEMA floodplain maps, Lakewood’s vulnerability to flooding is relatively low:
The 100-year floodplain is confined within the levees of the San Gabriel River.
Much of Lakewood is within the Zone X (shaded) flood hazard areas which include
areas within the 500-year (0.2% chance per year) floodplain and/or areas within the
100-year floodplain with flood depths of one foot or less. Given the topography of
Lakewood, such flood events would be widespread but predominantly limited to
flooding of streets and yards. Some low elevation structures might be inundated but
only with very shallow water depths.
Figure 7-1: 2008 FEMA Floodplain Designations for Lakewood
7.2.2 Interpretation of FEMA’s Floodplain Mapping for Lakewood
There are several important caveats for the interpretation of FEMA’s floodplain mapping. In
October 2009, Los Angeles County submitted a levee certification package to FEMA. On April
29, 2014 FEMA provided a letter stating that the key levees providing flood protection for
Lakewood are currently certified as fully accredited by FEMA. These levees include those along
the Los Angeles River, San Gabriel River and Coyote Creek. This certification will allow
Lakewood to enjoy the benefits of reduced flood risk and to avoid flood insurance costs which
would otherwise economically impair many Lakewood households. As long as the levees are
maintained as outlined in 44 CFR 65.10, the levees will remain accredited.
7.2.3 History of FEMA Floodplain Mapping and Regulation for Lakewood
The complexity of FEMA floodplain regulations is illustrated by the following synopsis of FEMA
floodplain and mapping prior to the most recent (2008) updated maps.
Prior to 1992, Lakewood was officially designated by the Federal Insurance Administration (FIA) as
a "Zone C" community or a city of minimal flood hazard. This designation of Zone C is equivalent
to the current designation of Zone X (unshaded on FIRM). However, as a result of a 1987 Army
Corps of Engineers study (the "Los Angeles County Drainage Area [LACDA] Study"), it was
determined that the Los Angeles and Rio Hondo River channels provided insufficient protection
against a 100-year flood.
In particular, the LACDA Study found that 47 percent of Lakewood's land area could have been
impacted by floodwaters resulting from a breakdown of the Los Angeles River during a 100-year
storm. The remaining area of the City, which had not been designated as flood-prone was identified
as a "Zone C" under FIA standards.
The LACDA Study proposed improvements to the Los Angeles and Rio Hondo Rivers to mitigate
identified flooding problems. In addition, new federal Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRM) were
prepared for Lakewood along with a requirement that owners of designated flood-prone properties
purchase flood insurance. Another result of the new FIRM's would have required the adoption of
new building code criteria and restrictions for flood-prone properties.
During the latter part of 1991, cities in southeast Los Angeles County concerned about the economic
impact of the mandatory flood plain management regulations, formed the "LACDA Alliance." Cities
in the Alliance included: Lakewood, Downey, Paramount, Pico Rivera, Bellflower, Carson, and
Long Beach. The Alliance worked jointly to obtain Congressional support for both the construction
of Los Angeles and Rio Hondo Rivers improvements and relief from the FIRM requirements. In
October 1994, the LACDA Alliance's efforts resulted in the establishment of an interim rule to
accompany and govern implementation of a new flood zone called “Zone AR,” which was applied
only to existing urbanized areas such as the LACDA area.
The final rule for the Zone AR greatly modified regulations that would have otherwise limited room
additions to homes located in the flood zone because of floor elevation requirements. The final rule
also provided a discounted rate on flood insurance. Homeowners in the flood zone were allowed to
purchase flood insurance for nearly half the normal cost, provided that those insurance policies were
purchased before the final maps were published by FEMA in June 1998. Improvements to properties
in the Zone AR allowed room additions to existing homes to maintain existing first floor elevations.
Without this designation, some properties would have required that new room additions be built two
to four feet above existing first floor elevations. The Zone AR and accompanying rules established a
grace period of ten (10) years in which to make necessary improvements to the LACDA flood
control system and to thereby eliminate the potential 100-year flood hazard threat. The Zone AR
acted as a temporary overlay flood zone for potential flood hazard areas, which would have
otherwise received an AE or AO flood zone designation. The required flood control improvements
included raising the access roads adjacent to the levees by up to four feet, constructing parapet walls
along the tops of existing flood control channel levees, modifying traffic, railroad, utility, and
pedestrian bridges, and armoring the backside of the levees along some portions.
The LACDA project was completed and the formal application for a Letter of Map Revision
(LOMR) was submitted by the Los Angeles County Department of Public Works to the Federal
Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) for approval. Approval of the LOMR on January 11,
2002 changed the Zone AR areas to Zone X (see Figure 2-2 for the Flood Zone Map). Properties
with the Zone X designation are considered to be in an area of minimal flood risk. Consequently,
property owners in the new Zone X could voluntarily purchase flood insurance but homeowners
with federally-backed mortgages were no longer required to purchase flood insurance by federal
Lakewood’s Zone X designation will continue until a determination concerning the Provisionally
Accredited Levees has been made.
The FEMA Flood Insurance Study and Flood Insurance Rate Maps for Lakewood include a large
number of terms and acronyms. A glossary of the terms used in flood hazard mapping is
available on the FEMA website at:
7.3 Other Flood Hazards: Not Mapped by FEMA
Many areas of the United States outside of mapped floodplains are subject to repetitive, damaging
floods from local storm water drainage. Nationwide more than 25% of flood damage occurs
outside of FEMA-mapped floodplains.
The FEMA mapped floodplains for Lakewood do not include consideration of local storm water
drainage or very small streams. Thus, it is possible for a given location outside of the FEMA
mapped floodplain entirely or within the Zone X low risk area to have high flood risk due to flood
sources not considered in the FEMA mapping. In most cities, storm water drainage systems are
designed to handle only small to moderate size rainfall events. Storm water systems are
sometimes designed to handle only two-year or five-year flood events and are rarely designed to
handle rainfall events greater than 10-year or 15-year events.
For local rainfall events that exceed the collection and conveyance capacities of the storm water
drainage system, some level of flooding commonly occurs. In many cases, local storm water
drainage systems are designed to allow minor street flooding to carry off storm waters that exceed
the capacity of the storm water drainage system. In larger rainfall events, flooding may extend
beyond streets to include yards. In major rainfall events, local storm water drainage flooding may
also affect buildings. In extreme cases, local storm water drainage flooding may sometimes result
in several feet of water in buildings, resulting in high damage levels.
Heavy rains may result in minor nuisance flooding, but there is no history of significant localized
flooding from storm water drainage problems in Lakewood. However, such flooding could occur
from unusually heavy rainfall events.
7.4 Vulnerability to Flooding from Dam and Reservoir Failures
The FEMA mapped floodplains discussed above do not consider dam failures. Dam failures are
very unlikely to occur for modern, well-engineered dams. However, the probability of failure is
not zero. Dam failures are possible in extreme flood events and in major earthquakes. In these
situations, the design capacity of a dam may not withstand the flood or seismic forces. The two
most catastrophic dam failures in the greater Los Angeles area were the failures of the Saint
Francis Dam in 1928 and the Baldwin Hills Dam in 1963.
The Saint Francis Dam, located near Santa Clarita, was built in 1926. It was 180 feet high and
600 feet long. The dam failed in March 1928 because of the sudden failure of the foundation.
Over 500 people died, and damage estimates exceeded $20 million (1928 dollars). In 2009
dollars, the damage would be approximately $250 million, before factoring the enormous increase
in development since 1928. Considering the increase in development in the region, an equivalent
disaster in 2009 would likely result in the deaths of thousands of people and billions of dollars of
The Baldwin Hills Dam, an earthen dam that was located in the West Hollywood Hills,
impounded a 19-acre reservoir for water supply. A small crack in the dam quickly widened to a
75-foot wide gash. The reservoir emptied in a little more than one hour. The break caused five
deaths, destroyed 65 houses, and damaged 210 houses and apartments. In 2011 dollars, the
damage to homes and apartments would likely be above $100 million.
There are two dams upstream of Lakewood that could pose an inundation hazard for portions of
Lakewood in the event of catastrophic failure: Hansen Dam and Whittier Narrows Dam. The
inundation maps predicting the areas of inundation following a failure of these dams are shown in
Figures 7-2 and 7-3. These inundation maps predict worst case scenarios with complete failure of
the dams and release of impounded water in a short time period. Failures when dams are less than
full or failures which occur more gradually, with time to reduce the volume of impounded water,
would result in inundation of smaller areas than those shown on the inundation maps.
The inundation area for failure of the Hansen Dam includes approximately 12 blocks at the
extreme northwest corner of Lakewood (Figure 7-2). In this scenario, water depth at the fringe of
the inundation area would be shallow, perhaps only one foot or less, and flow velocities would be
low. Thus, the expected level of damage within Lakewood for the failure of Hansen Dam would
be fairly low. A less catastrophic failure of Hansen Dam would probably not affect Lakewood.
The inundation area for failure of the Whittier Narrows dam includes about 80% of Lakewood.
Only the southwest corner of the City is excluded from inundation in this scenario (Figure 7-3).
The inundation map does not include water depth or velocity information. However, topography
and flow conditions indicate that water depths and velocities would be highest near the San
Gabriel River and decrease to zero at the mapped inundation area boundary. In a worst case
scenario, the catastrophic failure of the Whittier Narrows Dam, damages in Lakewood would be
extremely high with a potential for loss of life.
There is no history of any dam failures affecting Lakewood and no reports of any damage.
However, as discussed in the preceding paragraphs, failure of the Hansen Dam or the Whittier
Narrows Dam, which have low probabilities of occurring, would result in damage in Lakewood.
For the failure of the Hansen Dam, damage would be minor and would be limited to about 12
blocks in the extreme northwest corner of Lakewood.
The worst case scenario would be catastrophic failure of the Whittier Narrows dam which could
result in inundation of about 80% of Lakewood, if the dam were to fail suddenly when full. For
more realistic failures, less of Lakewood would be inundated. However, in the worst case
scenario, damage would be widespread, probably reaching into the hundreds of millions of dollars
with potential for loss of life. The impacts of this worst case scenario would be widespread
damage to buildings and temporary closures of most of the highways (including I-605 and
Highway 91), arterials and secondary streets in Lakewood.
Figure 7-2: Hansen Dam Inundation Map
Hansen Dam, Emergency Plan, Inundation Map, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, July 1986.
Figure 7-3: Whittier Narrows Dam Inundation Map
Whittier Narrows Dam, Emergency Plan, Inundation Map, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1985.
Localized flooding can also result from failures of water storage reservoirs. Flood risk from
reservoir failures is highest for large volume tanks and especially in areas where flows from failed
reservoirs flow into a relatively narrow channel with buildings. The City of Lakewood water
system includes three water storage facilities which include seven welded steel tanks, one
partially buried concrete reservoir, and one partially buried pre-stressed concrete reservoir. The
Golden State Water Company has two welded steel tanks in Lakewood. The risk of serious
flooding from failures of reservoirs is low in Lakewood because of the relatively small size of the
reservoirs and due to the flat topography. None of the outflows from potential reservoir failures
would flow into narrow channels with buildings.
Furthermore, the probability of reservoir failures in Lakewood has been substantially reduced by
seismic retrofits of the reservoirs, which include modification of overflow drains and the
installation of flexible couplings for the inlet/outlet pipes.
7.5 Risk Analysis for Lakewood
Risk is defined as threats to property and life-safety; the potential for damage and casualties from
hazard events. The level of flood risk for Lakewood is low as documented by the FEMA FIRM
maps for the City. However, sufficient data does not exist to facilitate quantitative calculation of
the level of risk. Because Lakewood is in Zone X, the quantitative flood hazard data necessary to
compute the probability of flooding of various depths as function of location within the City is not
Since additional quantitative flood hazard data is unavailable, the risk analysis for Lakewood is
limited to the following semi-quantitative observations.
100-Year Flood Event
A 100-year flood event is defined as a 1% annual chance of a flood of this severity or greater each
year. Over a 30-year time period, this type of flood event has about a 26% chance of occurring.
According to the FEMA Flood Insurance Study and Flood Insurance Rate Maps for Lakewood,
the entire City is within Zone X (shaded or unshaded) which indicates that none of the City is
expected to flood in a 100-year flood event.
500-Year Flood Event and Other Flood Events Exceeding the Capacity of the Flood Control
A 500-year flood event means that there is a 0.2% annual chance of a flood of this severity or
greater each year. Over a 30-year time period, this type of flood event has nearly a 6% chance of
occurring. According to the FEMA floodplain map, most of the City is within the 500-year
floodplain, with the exception of a small area (Zone X unshaded) in the southwest portion of the
City. During a 500-year flood event, the volume of water (stream discharge) and flood elevations
in the channels would exceed the capacity of all of the flood control channels servicing
Lakewood: the Los Angeles River, the San Gabriel River, and Coyote Creek.
This type of flood event would cause overtopping of the channels and could result in complete
breaches of the channel/levee walls. For the Los Angeles River, the peak discharge for a 500-year
event is 143,000 cubic feet per second (about five acre-feet per second). Because the Los Angeles
River (as well as the San Gabriel River and Coyote Creek) is a deeply incised, concrete-lined
channel, most of the flow would remain confined within the channel if the walls were overtopped
by extreme floods. Even if the walls were breached, much of the flow would remain within the
channel because it is deeply incised below the surrounding land.
Flood depth would be low and extend over broad areas due to the coastal plain on which
Lakewood and surrounding cities are situated. This area covers hundreds of square miles and is
rather flat and gently sloping to the south. Similarly, the low slopes would cause low flow
velocities except in the immediate vicinity of an overtopping or levee breach. Thus, for a 500year event or any other flood event which exceeds the capacity of the flood control systems,
flooding is expected to be widespread but relatively shallow. The area affected would likely be
somewhat less than the inundation area for failure of the Whittier Narrows Dam (Figure 7-3).
The most likely scenario for Lakewood would be widespread flooding of streets and yards, but
with flood levels likely not reaching most structures. Flood depths with the potential for damages
to homes and other buildings would be highest in the immediate vicinity of levee overtoppings or
breaches, near the San Gabriel River or Coyote Creek because of natural drainage patterns, and in
other topographic low spots.
Hansen Dam Failure
The inundation zone for catastrophic failure of the Hansen Dam includes about a dozen blocks in
the extreme northwest corner of Lakewood (Figure 7-2). Because this area is at the fringe of the
inundation area, water depths and velocities would be low and flooding would likely only affect
streets and yards, with perhaps minor damage to buildings at the lowest elevations in this area.
Whittier Narrows Dam Failure
The inundation zone for catastrophic failure of the Whittier Narrows Dam includes approximately
80% of the City. Due to the absence of detailed dam failure, modeling data including warning
times (arrival of flood surge after dam failure), flow depths and velocities, quantitative estimates
of damage and casualties cannot be made. However, given the area of the City inundated and the
potential for high velocity flows, especially near the San Gabriel River, there is potential for high
levels of damage and casualties. Catastrophic failure of the Whittier Narrows Dam appears to be
the worst case flood scenario for Lakewood.
The location of critical and essential facilities within the inundation areas for dam failures is
shown in Figure 7-4. The critical facilities within the inundation areas include the Lakewood
Regional Medical Center, two fire stations, the Sheriff station, City Hall, the Nixon yard and the
Water yard. The highest level of risk is for the Water yard and one fire station, both of which are
located nearest to the San Gabriel River and thus subject to the greatest flow depths and velocities
from failures of the Whittier Narrows Dam. The level of risk for the other facilities is probably
low. Flow depths and velocities would probably be too low to cause major damage to the
remaining City facilities.
Figure 7-4: Critical and Essential Facilities within Dam Failure Inundation Areas
7.6 Flood Insurance Data
The City of Lakewood participates in the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP), with 338
flood insurance policies in force. FEMA maintains a nationwide database of flood insurance
polices and repetitive loss properties. NFIP insured properties are often given high priority for
flood mitigation actions such as elevation or acquisitions (which are always voluntary at the
discretion of the owner). However, flood risk for most properties in Lakewood appears too low to
justify such flood mitigation actions.
Insurance Summary
NFIP information (current as of August 1, 2016) shows the following policy information
for Lakewood:
• Number of polices: 338
• Insurance in force: $104,466,000
• NFIP claims paid: 5
• Total claims amount: $19,091.00
• Number of repetitive loss buildings: None
Structures at Risk
• The entire city of Lakewood has 100-year or greater flood protection from levees.
Thus, there are no structures within the FEMA-mapped 100-year floodplain (A Zones).
• However, the entire City of Lakewood is within the FEMA-mapped Zone X (shaded or
unshaded; see Section 7.2 above). The Zone X shaded areas, which include areas
protected from the 100-year flood by levees and areas within the 500-year floodplain,
comprise about 90% of the structures in Lakewood. The remaining 10% of structures
are in the Zone X (unshaded) area and are thus outside of the 500-year floodplain.
Staff Resources
• Lakewood’s Community Development Director is the designated floodplain manager.
• At present, there is not a certified floodplain manager on staff. Lakewood recognizes
that certification is desirable and may be obtained in the future when staff time and
resources for training become available.
• The floodplain manager reviews all permits for development within the 100-year
floodplain and coordinates with GIS staff to provide information about floodplain
management on the City’s website.
• There are no known barriers to effective floodplain management in Lakewood, and the
City is in full compliance with NFIP requirements.
Compliance History
• Lakewood is in good standing with the NFIP.
• Current violations: NONE
• Last Community Assistance Visit: October 1, 2001
• None are planned because there are no buildable areas within the FEMA-mapped
floodplain 100-year floodplain (A-Zones).
• Lakewood entered the NFIP in 1979. Community Number is 060130.
• The effective date of the latest FIS and FIRM is September 26, 2008.
• FIRMS are digital.
• Lakewood’s Floodplain Management Ordinance was adopted by the City Council on
May 26, 1998 (Ordinance No. 98-5). The Floodplain Management Ordinance added
Sections 8030 through 8037 to the Lakewood Municipal Code and governs the
permitting process. The Floodplain Management Ordinance met NFIP standards when
Community Rating System (CRS)
• Lakewood is not yet participating in the Community Rating System.
• NFIP Continued Compliance Actions: Not applicable.
• Lakewood has adopted the latest FIS and FIRM.
Flood Risk Maps
• The existing flood maps accurately reflect flood risk in Lakewood.
Community Outreach Activities
• Continuous activities include:
o Letters to property owners and residents, and articles when changes are proposed that
affect flood zone boundaries or flood insurance requirements.
o Flood-related brochures are available at the Community Development Department at
Lakewood City Hall, 5050 Clark Avenue, Lakewood, California 90712.
o The City of Lakewood website ( has Flood Insurance Rate
Maps, Letter of Map Revision, information on floodplain development, links to
FEMA’s website, and an on-line information request form to obtain more detail
7.7 Common Flood Mitigation Projects
Potential mitigation projects to reduce the potential for future flood losses cover a wide range of
possibilities, including:
Improving flood control systems,
Enhancing storm water drainage systems,
Construction of berms or floodwalls to protect critical facilities,
Elevation or acquisition of highly flood-prone structures, and
Elevation of utilities and other critical building components or contents.
The following table includes flood mitigation action items from the master Action Items table in
Chapter 4.
Table 7.4
Flood Mitigation Action Items
Finance, City Manager's
Office, HMP Committee
City Manager's Office, HMP
Community Development
Public Awareness
and Outreach
Coordinating Departments
Protect Property
Action Item
Life Safety
Seek Mitigation
Funding Sources
Mitigation Plan Goals
Flood Mitigation Action Items
Develop better understanding of the level of
risk posed by dam failures, including warning
times, flood depths and velocities.
Evaluate and improve notification,
evacuation and response planning for dam
Track and map localized flooding events to
reduce property damage.
Evaluate critical city water and wastewater
infrastructure such as motor control cabinets
and pumps to minimize flood losses.
Dept. of Water Resources,
Public Works
5 years
Ensure that future critical facilities are at high
enough elevations to avoid damage from
floods or dam failures.
HMP Committee
7.8 Flood Resource Directory
County Resources
Los Angeles County Public Works Department
900 S. Fremont Avenue
Alhambra, California 91803
Phone: (626) 458-5100
Sanitation Districts of Los Angeles County
1955 Workman Mill Road
Whittier, California 90607
Phone: (562) 699-7411, x2301
State Resources
California Emergency Management Agency
3650 Schriever Avenue
Mather, California 95655
Phone: (916) 845-8510
Fax: (916) 845- 8511
California Resources Agency
1416 Ninth Street, Suite 1311
Sacramento, California 95814
Phone: (916) 653-5656
California Department of Water Resources (DWR)
1416 9th Street
Sacramento, California 95814
Phone: (916) 653-6192
California Department of Conservation: Southern California Regional Office
655 S. Hope Street, #700
Los Angeles, California 90017-2321
Phone: (213) 239-0878
Fax: (213) 239-0984
Federal Resources and Programs
Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)
FEMA provides maps of flood hazard areas, various publications related to flood mitigation,
funding for flood mitigation projects, and technical assistance. FEMA also operates the National
Flood Insurance Program. FEMA's mission is to reduce loss of life and property and protect the
nation’s critical infrastructure from all types of hazards through a comprehensive, risk-based,
emergency management program of mitigation, preparedness, response, and recovery.
Federal Emergency Management Agency, Region IX
1111 Broadway, Suite 1200
Oakland, California 94607
Phone: (510) 627-7100
Fax: (510) 627-7112
Federal Emergency Management Agency, Mitigation Division
500 C Street, S.W.
Washington, D.C. 20472
Phone: (202) 566-1600
FEMA's List of Flood Related Websites
This site contains a long list of flood related Internet sites from “American Heritage Rivers" to
"The Weather Channel" and is a good starting point for flood information on the Internet.
Contact: Federal Emergency Management Agency, Phone: (800) 480-2520
National Floodplain Insurance Program (NFIP)
500 C Street, S.W.
Washington, D.C. 20472
Phone: (202) 566-1600
The Floodplain Management Association
P.O. Box 50891
Sparks, Nevada 89435-0891
Phone: (775) 626-6389
Fax: (775) 626-6389
The Floodplain Management website was established by the Floodplain Management Association
(FMA) to serve the entire floodplain management community. It includes full-text articles, a
calendar of upcoming events, a list of positions available, an index of publications available free
or at nominal cost, a list of associations, a list of firms and consultants in floodplain management,
an index of newsletters dealing with flood issues (with hypertext links if available), a section on
the basics of floodplain management, a list of frequently asked questions (FAQs) about the
Website, and a catalog of Web links.
The Association of State Floodplain Managers
2809 Fish Hatchery Road
Madison, Wisconsin 53713
Phone: (608) 274-0123
The Association of State Floodplain Managers is an organization of professionals involved in
floodplain management, flood hazard mitigation, the National Flood Insurance Program, and
flood preparedness, warning, and recovery. ASFPM fosters communication among those
responsible for flood hazard activities, provides technical advice to governments and other entities
about proposed actions or policies that will affect flood hazards, and encourages flood hazard
research, education, and training. The ASFPM website includes information on how to become a
member, the organization’s constitution and bylaws, directories of officers and committees, a
publications list, upcoming conference information, association history, and other information.
National Weather Service
520 North Elevar Street
Oxnard, California 93030
Phone: (805) 988- 6615
National Weather Service
Office of Hydrologic Development
1325 East West Highway, SSMC2
Silver Spring, Maryland 20910
Phone: (301) 713-1658
Fax: (301) 713-0963
The National Weather Service Office of Hydrology (OH) and its Hydrological Information Center
offer information on floods and other aquatic disasters. This site offers current and historical data
including an archive of past flood summaries, information on current hydrologic conditions, water
supply outlooks, an Automated Local Flood Warning Systems Handbook, Natural Disaster
Survey Reports, and other scientific publications on hydrology and flooding.
National Resources Conservation Service
14th and Independence Ave., SW, Room 5105-A
Washington, DC 20250
Phone: (202) 720-7246
Fax: (202) 720-7690
National Resources Conservation Service (NRCS), US Department of Agriculture provides a
suite of federal programs designed to assist state and local governments and landowners in
mitigating the impact of flood events. The Watershed Surveys and Planning Program and the
Small Watershed Program provide technical and financial assistance to help participants solve
natural resource and related economic problems within a watershed area. The Wetlands Reserve
Program and the Flood Risk Reduction Program provide financial incentives to landowners to set
aside land that can serve as a wetland resource or that experiences frequent flooding. The
Emergency Watershed Protection Program (EWP) provides technical and financial assistance to
clear debris from clogged waterways, restore vegetation, and stabilizing riverbanks. The
measures taken under EWP must be environmentally and economically sound and generally
benefit more than one property.
USGS Water Resources
6000 J Street, Placer Hall
Sacramento, California 95819-6129
Phone: (916) 278-3000
Fax: (916) 278-3070
The USGS web page offers current US water news, extensive current and historical water data,
fact sheets and other publications, various technical resources, descriptions of ongoing water
survey programs, local water information, and connections to other sources of water information.
Bureau of Reclamation
Mid Pacific Regional Office
Federal Office Building
2800 Cottage Way
Sacramento California 95825-1898
Phone: (916) 978-5000
Fax (916) 978-5599
The mission of the Bureau of Reclamation is to manage, develop, and protect water and related
resources in an environmentally and economically sound manner in the interest of the American
public. The Bureau provides leadership and technical expertise in water resources development
and in water efficiency through initiatives including conservation, reuse, and research. It protects
the public and the environment through the adequate maintenance and appropriate operation of
Reclamation's facilities, manages Reclamation's facilities to fulfill water user contracts, and
protects and/or enhances conditions for fish, wildlife, land, and cultural resources.
US Army Corps of Engineers
P.O. Box 532711
Los Angeles, California 90053-2325
Phone: (213) 452- 3921
The Corps of Engineers administers a permit program to ensure that the nation’s waterways are
used in the public interest. Any person, firm, or agency planning to work in waters of the United
States must first obtain a permit from the Army Corps of Engineers. The Corps is responsible for
the protection and development of the nation’s water resources, including navigation, flood
control, energy production through hydropower management, water supply storage and
Other National Resources
American Public Works Association
2345 Grand Boulevard, Suite 500
Kansas City, Missouri 64108-2641
Phone: (816) 472-6100
Fax: (816) 472-1610
NFIP Community Rating System Coordinator’s Manual
This publication explains the Community Rating System (CRS) and its benefits. It explains the
CRS point system, and what activities communities may pursue to earn points. These points then
add up to the "rating" for the community. Flood insurance premium discounts are calculated
based upon the "rating." The publication also provides a table on the percent discount realized for
each rating (scored 1-10). Application instructions for becoming a CRS community are also
Contact: NFIP Community Rating System
Phone: (800) 480-2520 or (317) 848-2898
Floodplain Management: A Local Floodplain Administrator’s Guide to the NFIP
This document discusses floodplain processes and terminology. It contains floodplain
management and mitigation strategies, as well as information on the NFIP, CRS, Community
Assistance Visits, and floodplain development standards.
Contact: National Flood Insurance Program Phone: (800) 480-2520
Flood Hazard Mitigation Planning: A Community Guide, (June 1997).
Massachusetts Department of Environmental Management.
This guide offers a 10-step process for successful flood hazard mitigation. Steps include:
mapping hazards, determining potential damage areas, taking an inventory of facilities in the
flood zone, determining current actions regarding flooding, identifying gaps in protection,
determining feasible actions, coordinating with others, prioritizing actions, developing strategies
for implementation, and adopting and monitoring the Plan.
Contact: Massachusetts Flood Hazard Management Program Phone: (617) 626-1250
Reducing Losses in High Risk Flood Hazard Areas: A Guidebook for Local Officials, (February
1987), FEMA-116.
This guidebook offers a table on actions that communities may take to reduce flood losses. It also
offers a table with sources for floodplain mapping assistance for the various types of flooding
hazards, information on various types of flood hazards with regard to existing mitigation efforts,
and options for action (policy and programs, mapping, regulatory, non-regulatory).
Contact: Federal Emergency Management Agency Phone: (800) 480-2520
The City of Lakewood is subject to several types of damaging windstorms, including Santa Ana
Winds, severe thunderstorms (including downbursts), tornadoes, and tropical storms. The most
common effects of windstorm events in Southern California and Lakewood in particular are tree
falls, which may result in damage to above-ground utility lines and property. Some windstorm
events cause damage directly from wind forces. Deaths and injuries are not common but do occur
most often from tree falls.
Contents of Chapter 8
8.1 Wind Hazards for Lakewood ...................................................................................................8-1
8.2 Windstorm Vulnerability and Risk Assessment ......................................................................8-5
8.3 Windstorm Mitigation Action Items ........................................................................................8-7
8.4 References ................................................................................................................................8-6
8.5 Windstorm Resource Directory................................................................................................8-8
8.1 Wind Hazards for Lakewood
The 2014 County of Los Angeles Building Code Section 1609 covers the application of wind
loads to buildings and other structures. The Building Code references ASCE 7-10 (American
Society of Civil Engineers, Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures)
Chapter 26 which specifies that buildings and structures must withstand a minimum wind
speed (3-second gust for the United States) as 110 miles per hour. However, the portion of
Los Angeles County generally known as the Los Angeles Basin is designated as a “special
wind region.” This area is south of the Santa Monica and San Gabriel Mountains and west of
the Santa Ana Mountains. The Los Angeles Basin often experiences higher winds than
elsewhere, due to the occurrence of Santa Ana winds.
Lakewood is located in the Los Angeles Basin. This special wind region specifies a wind
speed (three-second gust) as 100 miles per hour, unless a site-specific wind study by a wind
engineer or meteorologist is performed to justify a lower wind speed. The wind hazard curve
for Lakewood, based on the design wind speed of 100 mph and the consensus probability
relationships used in ASCE 7-10, is shown below in Figure 8-1. The design wind speed of 100
mph has a 50-year return period, which means that there is a 2% chance a year that winds will
reach or exceed this speed.
As shown in Figure 8-1, the 50-year return period wind speed for Lakewood is estimated to be
100 mph. For reference, the 10-year and 100-year return period wind speeds are
approximately 84 mph and 108 mph respectively. All of these wind speeds are three-second
gusts which are typically about 30% higher than sustained wind speeds. Thus, for example, a
three-second gust of 100 mph corresponds to a sustained wind speed of about 77 mph.
Figure 8-1: Wind Hazard Curve for Lakewood
3-Second Gust (mph)
Return Period (years)
8.1.1 Santa Ana Winds
The most significant windstorm events in the greater Los Angeles area are generated from Santa
Ana winds. Santa Ana winds are dry down-slope winds that result from high pressure in the highaltitude Great Basin between the Sierra Nevada and the Rocky Mountains. When upper level
winds are favorable, the air mass spills out of the Great Basin and is accelerated gravitationally
towards the Southern California coast in generall. Wind gusts of 50 to 60 knots (about 57 to 70
mph) are common, and wind speeds can exceed 100 mph in narrow canyons, especially the Santa
Ana Canyon, for which the winds are named.
Santa Ana winds often occur during autumn or early spring. The strongest Santa Ana winds
typically occur in the autumn and are characterized by very hot, dry conditions. Many of the most
serious wildfires in Southern California occur during periods of Santa Ana winds.
To some extent, Santa Ana winds occur every year. The NOAA National Climatic Data Center
lists 377 Thunderstorm and High Wind reported events for Los Angeles County for the period
from 1950 through March 2016. About 313 of these events are characterized as “high wind”
events. These events combined resulted in one death, 10 injuries, and $55,000 in property
damage. The property damage was mostly to roofs and fallen trees.
In Lakewood, there have been five distinct storm events over the past five years. Those storm
events generated 69 service requests to Lakewood. The service requests were primarily related to
fallen trees and limbs. The estimated response cost per tree is $460 with about two hours spent at
each tree location. The City lost approximately 28 trees during the 2015-2016 El Nino storm
season. Replacement costs for those trees are estimated at $5,621 or $200.75 per tree.
8.1.2 Thunderstorms
Thunderstorms typically occur several times a year in Lakewood. The Western Regional Climate
Center collects data on the average number of days of thunderstorms per year for three locations
near Lakewood: Long Beach, Los Angeles, and the Los Angeles International Airport. As of
June 2016, the data shows four, six, and four days of thunderstorms per year, respectively.
Thunderstorms may include locally heavy rains and high winds. Winds associated with severe
thunderstorms may be high enough to result in tree falls resulting in damage to above ground
utility lines and other property. Thunderstorms may also include downbursts, which are instances
of downward moving air near the core of thunderstorms. Downbursts are further characterized as
“microbursts” or “macrobursts” depending on the scale of the downbursts. Downbursts are
defined as straightline winds in excess of 39 mph, which are caused by small-scale strong
downdrafts from the base of convective thunderstorms.
Downbursts have been blamed for airline crashes and locally heavy damage; sometimes
mimicking the damages caused by small tornadoes. A severe microburst event occurred near
Lakewood in the City of Paramount on April 18, 2000. This microburst event was originally
characterized as a small tornado and damaged about 30 mobile homes and two industrial
buildings, uprooted trees, and resulted in loss of electric power for about 17,000 customers.
8.1.3 Tornadoes
Tornadoes are not common in California. Tornado data compiled by the NOAA National
Climatic Data Center lists 44 tornadoes in Los Angeles County from 1950 to 2014, which is less
than one tornado per year. The actual number of tornadoes might be somewhat lower than
suggested by NOAA data. Some historical events characterized as small tornadoes may have
been intense microburst events rather than tornadoes.
The intensity and wind speed of tornadoes is measured using the Enhanced Fujita Scale
(previously known as the Fujita Scale). The estimated wind speeds for the Enhanced Fujita Scale
are shown in Table 8-1. The wind speeds shown in Table 8-1 are consensus estimates, based on
engineering analysis, rather than direct measurements. In 2004, revisions to the Enhanced Fujita
Scale lowered the estimated wind speeds indicated in the original Fujita Scale.
Table 8-1: Fujita and Enhanced Fujita Scales for Tornadoes
Enhanced Fujita Scale (2007)
65-85 mph winds
86-110 mph
111-135 mph
136-165 mph
166-200 mph
>200 mph
About 89% of the reported tornadoes in Los Angeles County are categorized as small F0 or F1
tornadoes. Only about 11% of the tornadoes in Los Angeles County are classified as F2
tornadoes. There have been no reported F3 or greater tornadoes in Los Angeles County.
Lakewood experienced an EF-0 “mini-tornado” on March 19, 1991 which resulted in minor
damage to several roofs, one building façade and one unreinforced block wall. The path of this
wind event and a photograph of roof damage are shown below in Figures 8-2 and 8-3.
Figure 8-2: Path of Wind Damage, March 19, 1991.
Figure 8-3: Roof Damage from 1991 “Mini-Tornado”
Given the above historical data on the number of tornadoes for Los Angeles County, the relative
areas of Los Angeles County and Lakewood, and the average size of the impact area for small
tornadoes (much less than one square mile), the return period for a tornado anywhere in
Lakewood is probably several thousand years.
8.1.4 Tropical Storms
There are no recorded hurricanes that have hit California, although an 1858 hurricane evidently
passed offshore, bringing hurricane force and gale winds to an area stretching from San Diego to
Los Angeles (
Hurricanes rarely occur north of Central Baja because water temperatures are usually too cold to
support hurricanes. The cold waters are caused by the north to south moving California current.
Furthermore, upper level winds typically move hurricanes off Mexico to the west or northwest
away from California.
However, remnants of tropical storms or hurricanes do reach Southern California. These storms
may result in significant rainfalls but only rarely include substantial winds. However, since 1900,
there have been four tropical cyclones which brought gale force winds (39 mph or higher) to
Southern California: an unnamed tropical storm that made land fall near San Pedro in 1930, the
remnants of Hurricane Joanne in 1972, the remnants of Hurricane Kathleen in 1976 and the
remnants of Hurricane Nora in 1997. Some of these tropical cyclone events included heavy rains
with flooding that caused significant damages and some casualties. The 1939 tropical storm had
wind speeds of approximately 50 mph and nearly twelve inches of rain. It resulted in 48 deaths at
sea and 45 deaths from flooding on land.
The impact of tropical cyclones to Lakewood would most likely be limited to localized flooding
from heavy rains.
8.2 Vulnerability and Windstorm Risk Assessment
The level of risk to Lakewood from windstorms (high winds) is low to moderate. The most likely
consequence of wind events (Santa Ana winds, thunderstorms (including downbursts, tornadoes,
or tropical cyclones) are to above ground utility systems, especially electric power. Most such
impacts arise from tree falls; however, in severe events, direct failures of utility lines/poles may
also occur.
In addition, falling trees may damage vehicles or buildings, with some such events resulting in
casualties (injuries or deaths), as well as property damage. Modern well-built structures typically
have little or no damage resulting from wind speeds up to about 100 mph.
Mobile homes and light steel industrial buildings may suffer significant damage at much lower
wind speeds. According to Lakewood’s 2013-2021Housing Element, there are 88 mobile homes
and trailers used for residential purposes within the City, which accounts for 0.3% of Lakewood’s
housing units. There are also several light steel industrial buildings in the City, including seven
such buildings at the Nixon Yard (Lakewood Public Works).
Thus, windstorms affecting Lakewood are most likely to result in localized or widespread power
outages, with generally isolated damages to a few buildings and/or vehicles, from either falling
trees or direct wind forces. Fatalities or injuries are unlikely, but are possible, especially in more
severe windstorm events with large numbers of falling trees.
8.3 Windstorm Events Since Adoption of the 2011 Hazard Mitigation Plan
NOAA reports that there have been 116 windstorm events in Los Angeles County and 42
windstorm events in Orange County since March 1, 2011. However, there have been no
windstorms in Lakewood since the 2011 Hazard Mitigation Plan was adopted.
8.4 Windstorm Mitigation Action Items
The most common mitigation measure for windstorms is the enhancement of tree trimming efforts
to reduce future damage to above-ground utility lines. In some cases, especially for critical lines,
upgrading and/or relocating utility poles or lines may be undertaken to reduce their vulnerability
to wind damage.
Undergrounding of utility lines provides nearly complete protection against windstorms, although
there is a potential for damage caused by uprooting of trees. There are two drawbacks to
undergrounding: 1) costs and 2) serviceability. Utility industry data indicate that failures of
underground lines are typically much less common than for above ground lines, but repair time
and repair costs are typically much higher. Over the lifetime of utility lines, underground lines
may or may not have lower total costs and total outage times depending on local conditions and
Localized or widespread power outages are the most common effect of windstorm damage.
Adequate reserve power supplies for all critical facilities is an important mitigation measure for
windstorms and other natural or human-caused events that result in the loss of grid power.
Lakewood’s mitigation action items for windstorms are summarized in Table 8-2.
8.4 References
Fujita, T.T. (1971), Proposed Characterization of Tornadoes and Hurricanes by Area and
Intensity, SMRP Research Paper No. 91, The University of Chicago.
Texas Tech University (2004), Wind Science and Engineering Center, Enhanced Fujita Scale
Table 8-2:
Windstorm Mitigation Action Items
Action Item
Life Safety
Protect Property
Seek Mitigation
Funding Sources
Public Awareness
and Outreach
Mitigation Plan Goals Addressed
Continue to encourage Southern California
Edison to maintain vigorous tree trimming
programs and encourage building owners to trim
vegetation endangering service drops.
Public Works
Gather, publicize, and distribute windstorm
preparedness and mitigation brochures from
FEMA, California Public Utilities Commission,
County of Los Angeles Department of Public
Works and Southern California Edison.
City Manager's Office,
Public Information Officer
Create a City-wide database of windstorm
damages, including service request codes and
GIS layers.
Community Development
1-2 Years
Wind Storm Mitigation Action Items
8.5 Windstorm Resource Directory
Federal Resources and Programs
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
National Centers for Environmental Information
Federal Building
151 Patton Avenue
Asheville, NC 28801-5001
National Weather Service
Los Angeles/Oxnard Weather Forecast Office
520 North Elevar Street
Oxnard, CA 93030
Forecast and weather info: (805) 988-6610
Administrative issues: (805) 988-6615
State Resources
California Division of Forestry & Fire Protection
1416 9th Street
PO Box 944246
Sacramento, CA 94244-2460
Phone: (916) 653-5123
Additional Resources
International Society of Arboriculture
P.O. Box 3129
Champaign, IL 61826-3129
Phone: (217) 355-9411
Fax: (217) 355-9516
The City of Lakewood’s potable water supply system depends predominantly on groundwater,
although surface water supply is also available. Lakewood’s potable water supply is essential for
the viability of the community. Reductions in water supply and/or interruptions of water supply
could have profound impact on the residents, the community, and the economy. Water supplies
from both groundwater and surface water are subject to reduction during periods of prolonged
droughts. Lakewood’s climate is arid with average annual precipitation of about 12 inches.
Precipitation data for the nearest weather station (Montana Ranch - Lakewood) is available on the
Los Angeles County Department of Public Works website:
For the approximately 45-year period of record, the mean annual precipitation is 11.31 inches,
ranging from a low of 2.27 inches (2002) to a high of 32.9 inches (1998). However, climate
change may influence future precipitation patterns and amounts may differ from the historical
norms. Most models of climate change suggest that California may be drier in future, which may
increase the potential for severe droughts.
Contents of Chapter 9
9.1 Lakewood’s Water Supply System .............................................................................................. 9-1
9.2 Effects of Drought on Water Supply ........................................................................................... 9-3
9.3 Vulnerability and Risk Assessment for Drought ......................................................................... 9-6
9.4 Mitigation Measures for Drought ................................................................................................ 9-7
9.1 Lakewood’s Water Supply System
The City of Lakewood is served by two potable water systems. The City of Lakewood generally
provides water to areas west of the San Gabriel River, and the Golden State Water Company, a
privately held company regulated by the California Public Utilities, provides water to areas east of
the San Gabriel River.
9.1.1 Water Supply Customers
The City of Lakewood and the Golden State Water Company provide service to approximately
20,339 and 4,078 accounts, respectively. The City of Lakewood water system accounts are
divided as shown in Table 9.1 below.
Table 9.1: Water Accounts by Customer Type
Lakewood Water
Golden State Water
Customer Type
Accounts (1) Percent
Accounts (2) Percent
Residential Single Family
Residential Multiple Family
Landscape Irrigation
Other (incl. recycled)
2 0.05%
(1) City of Lakewood’s DRAFT 2015 UWMP Update (April 2016)
(2) Data provided by City of Lakewood. Residential accounts are all shown under single
family but include some multi-family units. Landscape accounts include nine private fire
protection meters.
9.1.2 Water Supply Sources
The City of Lakewood water system has four sources of water supply to meet customer needs:
Imported treated surface water,
Recycled water, and
Emergency interconnections with other water retailers.
The City of Lakewood currently relies on groundwater for 100% of its potable water supply.
Prior to 1991, the Water Resources Department met peak demand for potable water supply with
imported water from Metropolitan Water District of Southern California (MWD). The City
purchased this supply through two Central Basin Municipal Water District (CBMWD)
connections. The installation of the recycled water system for irrigation purposes reduced the use
of potable water supply and made the City less dependent on imported surface water.
The City of Lakewood draws groundwater from the Central Groundwater Basin which has been
adjudicated by the Los Angeles County Superior Court since 1966. The third Central Basin
Judgment Amendment was entered by the Los Angeles Superior Court on December 23, 2013. In
it, the Court allows the water rights holders to have direct input into how the Judgment is
administered and enforced. The Judgment confirms the State of California Department of Water
Resources retirement as the Court appointed Watermaster. Under the new Judgment, the
Watermaster is composed of three bodies; one of which is the Water Rights Panel (Panel), the
second is the Administrative Body (WRD) to accept pumping reports and summarize records for
review by the Panel, and the third body is the Storage Panel which consists of the Water Rights
Panel plus the WRD Board of Directors.
The City owns 9,423 acre-feet of groundwater extraction rights and pumped an average of 7,770
acre-feet from 2011 to 2015. Annual water use varies based on weather conditions and
implementation of emergency conservation regulation. Recently, average water use has
decreased 14 percent as a result of water conservation regulation implementation started in
summer 2014. However, historically more water is consumed during dry years than during years
with average or above average rainfall.
The City of Lakewood maintains 10 potable production wells to meet average and peak water
demand. As of 2015, average daily potable water demand is about 5.5 million gallons, or about
93 gallons per person per day. Recycled water demand is about 8% of total water demand, or
about 450,000 gallons per day.
Total water demand in Lakewood has been stable for many years, reflecting the predominantly
residential nature of the City and the fact that the City has been nearly built-out for many years.
The DRAFT 2015 Urban Water Management Plan projects an increase in water demand of 14%
from 2015 through 2035. The projected level of water demand can be met with the City’s current
groundwater rights.
In addition to its primary groundwater source, the City of Lakewood has three additional water
sources; imported treated surface water, recycled water, and emergency interconnections with
other retailers.
The City maintains two Central Basin Municipal Water District (CBMWD) connections which
can supply Metropolitan Water District (MWD) water to Lakewood. Each connection has a
capacity of 15 cubic feet per second; the combined capacity is about 19 million gallons per day or
somewhat more than double Lakewood’s average daily demand. Thus, in principle, there is
sufficient treated surface water supply available to meet 100% of Lakewood’s demand.
However, relying on treated surface water has two major drawbacks; price and the possibility that
the water supply may be interrupted. CBMWD’s current price for treated water is $923 per acrefoot which is more than 3 times Water Replenishment District’s (WRD) adjudicated pumping
allocation rate of $268 per acre-foot in 2015.
CBMWD/MWD treated surface water is also potentially interruptible because of major disasters
such as an earthquake or a major flood.
The current production of recycled water is 502 acre-feet per year. The use of water is limited to
irrigation, which reduces demand for potable water. Without infrastructure expansion, recycled
water use will remain about 8% of total water demand.
Finally, the City of Lakewood maintains three emergency water interconnections with the Cities
of Long Beach and Cerritos, and Golden State Water Company.
These emergency
interconnections could provide supplemental water to Lakewood for events such as a major water
main failure that only affected Lakewood. However, these emergency connections are not
reliable sources of water for major natural disasters (i.e., a major earthquake) which damage water
systems regionally or during periods of prolonged drought. Such events would almost certainly
curtail the availability of water for Lakewood and surrounding water purveyors.
9.2 Effects of Drought on Lakewood’s Water Supply
Prolonged droughts, lasting more than five consecutive years would negatively affect Lakewood’s
water supply from both groundwater and surface water sources.
9.2.1 Groundwater Supply
The annual water rights allocation from the Central Groundwater Basin is 217,367 acre-feet for
all Central Basin water rights holders. Lakewood’s portion is 9,432 acre-feet. This level of water
extraction is sustainable if adequate recharge is maintained. Recharge of the Central Groundwater
Basin is accomplished through facilities maintained by the Los Angeles County Department of
Public Works (LACDPW). LACDPW operates two spreading grounds in the Central Basin: Rio
Honda and San Gabriel River. There are three sources of recharge water for the Central
Groundwater Basin:
Imported surface water from the Metropolitan Water District,
Local supplies from storm flows and underground flows from the Upper San Gabriel
Groundwater Basin, and
Recycled water from the Los Angeles County Sanitation Districts.
Extraction of the total annual allocated rights from the Central Groundwater Basin may become
challenged during periods of prolonged drought due to reductions in available surface water and
reduction in local supplies for groundwater recharge.
9.2.2 Surface Water Supply
Surface water supply is critical for Lakewood, even though Lakewood has not drawn directly on
surface water supply since 1991. Surface water supply is an essential part of recharging the
Central Groundwater Basin and is also Lakewood’s primary backup water source if sufficient
supplies from groundwater were unavailable. For the purposes of this discussion, surface water
supply does not include rivers and lakes within the City.
The California Department of Water Resources (DWR) document titled California’s Groundwater
Update 2013 – South Coast Hydrologic Region provides summary data on water supplies for the
greater Los Angeles Area 1. From 2005 to 2010, average annual water supply met by groundwater
for the Los Angeles planning area were nearly 636,000 acre-feet. Of this, about 3,000 acre-feet
(0.53%) were from surface water supplies.
There are four surface water supply sources for the greater Los Angeles area:
Local surface water,
Los Angeles Aqueduct,
Colorado River Aqueduct, and
State Water Project.
The local surface water sources are reservoirs in the San Gabriel Mountains. The Los Angeles
Aqueduct which provides water from the Mono Basin and Owens Valley serves only the City of
Los Angeles. The Colorado Aqueduct provides water from the Colorado River. The State Water
Project provides water from the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta.
These four surface water supply sources are subject to curtailment during periods of prolonged
drought. In addition, environmental concerns and regulations affect the proportion of total water
that can be used for potable water supply in any given year.
These four surface water supply sources are subject to curtailment during periods of prolonged
drought. In addition, environmental concerns and regulations affect the proportion of total water
that can be used for potable water supply in any given year.
9.2.3 Drought Events Following Adoption of the 2011 Hazard Mitigation Plan
Since adoption of the 2011 Hazard Mitigation Plan, the State of California has been in an
exceptional drought. The drought began in 2012 and since then, the California State Water
Resources Control Board (State Water Board) has implemented numerous updates and revisions
to statewide drought emergency water conservation regulations. The following outlines the
Governor’s role to curtail water shortages:
On January 17, 2014, the Governor issued a proclamation of a state of
emergency under the California Emergency Services Act based on drought conditions;
On April 25, 2014, the Governor issued a proclamation of a continued state of
emergency under the California Emergency Services Act based on continued drought
On April 1, 2015, the Governor issued an Executive Order that, in part, directs
the State Water Board to impose restrictions on water suppliers to achieve a statewide 25
percent reduction in potable urban usage through February, 2016; require commercial,
industrial, and institutional users to implement water efficiency measures; prohibit irrigation
with potable water of ornamental turf in public street medians; and prohibit irrigation with
potable water outside newly constructed homes and buildings that is not delivered by drip or
microspray systems;
On November 13, 2015, the Governor issued an Executive Order that directs
the State Water Board to, if drought conditions persist through January 2016, extend until
October 31, 2016 restrictions to achieve a statewide reduction in potable usage; and
On May 9, 2016, the Governor issued an Executive Order that directs the State
Water Board to adjust and extend its emergency water conservation regulations through the
end of January 2017 in recognition of the differing water supply conditions for many
communities. 2
As a result of the Governor’s April 1, 2015 mandate to reduce statewide water use, the City of
Lakewood was given a 20% conservation reduction as compared to the same months in 2013.
Therefore, on May 26, 2015, the City Council adopted Urgency Ordinance 2015-6 implementing
the State Water Conservation Regulations in conformance with State Water Board’s watering
restrictions and implemented Phase III of the city’s outdoor water conservation restrictions. By
the end of 2015, Lakewood exceeded the State’s conservation mandate by achieving a 26%
cumulative conservation savings as compared to the same seven months in 2013.
DRAFT California Code of Regulations. Article 22.5 Drought Emergency Water Conservation, Section
863. Findings of Drought Emergency
More recently, winter 2016 saw improved hydrologic conditions in parts of California. More rain
and snow fell in Northern California and due to California’s water storage and conveyance
systems, state concerns over supply reliability have eased. However, the unprecedented
mandatory state-driven conservation standards in place over the past months have since
transitioned to conservation standards based on supply reliability considerations at the local level.
9.3 Drought impacts on the water supply
Lakewood is in a semi-arid region and experiences a Mediterranean climate. Accordingly,
Lakewood relies primarily on well water from subsurface aquifers and surface water, rather than
Future prolonged droughts would affect the availability of both groundwater and imported water
supplies for Lakewood. Climate change may affect water supply statewide through changes in
precipitation and volume of surface runoff. These changes include1:
Increasing temperatures, especially in the summer;
Changes in surface runoff timing, including volume and form; and
Declining Sierra Nevada snowpack, with reduced spring snowmelt and increased winter
In addition to the above direct effects on water supply, several other factors may indirectly
compound the problem including:
Increased agricultural demand for water from higher evapotranspiration, and
Increased water storage to maintain habitat for aquatic species during the dry season.
Climate change appears likely to exacerbate the effects of future droughts and result in reductions
in total water supply for California. The extent to which future droughts might impact
Lakewood’s water supply is difficult to estimate quantitatively. However, a reduction of even a
few percentage points is possible during extreme droughts.
As noted above, Urgency Ordinance 2015-6 implemented Phase III of the city’s outdoor water
conservation restrictions and by the end of 2015 Lakewood exceeded the State’s conservation
mandate by achieving a 26% cumulative conservation savings as compared to the same seven
months in 2013. The conservation restrictions combined with heavy winter storms in Northern
California decreased the threat from drought.
In mid-May 2016, the state water board reduced the amount of conservation that communities
need to achieve in the months ahead. Because of Lakewood’s past conservation success and
because Lakewood’s water supplies are in good shape with at least a three-year supply on hand,
the Lakewood Water Resources Department recommended that specific limits be lifted on the
days and amount of time that customers can water. The Lakewood City Council approved that
recommendation at its meeting on May 24, 2016. The new rules went into effect on June 1, 2016.
The new rules allow customers to water any day of the week and for any length of time, providing
there is not significant water run-off from the property on to hardscaping. Under state-mandates,
hosing down driveways, sidewalks and other hardscaping is still prohibited, as is washing a car
unless a bucket or hose with a shut-off nozzle is used, and irrigating within 48 hours after
measurable rain. Customers are still encouraged to use high-efficiency rotor sprinklers, drip
irrigation, and a hose with a shut-off nozzle.
9.3.1 Vulnerability to Drought
The vulnerability to drought is shared uniformly among properties served by the Lakewood Water
Resources Department as they are connected to the same water system. However, water that is
used for public safety and health purposes could be considered to be more important or sensitive
than water used for ornamental or recreational purposes.
Some examples of how water is used for public safety and health purposes include fire hydrants
and fire sprinklers, hospitals and medical offices, and sanitation (sanitation includes dish washing,
bathing, effluent). Examples of water used for ornamental or recreational purposes include
landscape irrigation, swimming pools, and washing cars.
Table 9.2: Drought Vulnerability to Drought
Water Use
Sensitivity to Drought
Fire Hydrants and Fire Sprinklers
Hospital and Medical Offices
Landscape Irrigation
Swimming Pools, Water Slides, Spas
Washing cars, cleaning hardscaping
9.3.2 Risks Assessment of Drought
The City’s 2015 Urban Water Management Plan’s Water Conservation Plan contains six phases
of action based on water supply conditions: voluntary phase, which remains in effect during
normal supply conditions, to Phase 5 for shortages up to 50 percent. The Water Conservation
Plan categorizes the shortages into stages and outlines the conditions for declaration of each
stage. The Lakewood City Council can declare a water supply emergency by holding a public
hearing and adopting a resolution. The resolution indicates the reason for the water supply
emergency and the phase to be implemented. As a result of the recent drought, in 2015 the City
Adopted an Emergency Drought Regulation to reduce water use by 20% from June 2015 till
October 2016. The City surpassed its State mandated water use with a cumulative water savings
of 26%.
Table 9.3: Stages of Water Shortage Contingency Plan
% Supply
Water Supply Condition
Declaration of Drought by State or Regional Agency Calling for 10% Reduction
Declaration of Drought by State or Regional Agency Calling for 20% Reduction
Declaration of Drought by State or Regional Agency Calling for 30% Reduction
Halt of artificial recharge of groundwater basin over 3 year period
Halt of artificial recharge of groundwater basin over 5 year period
The 2015 Urban Water Management Plan notes that the City Council adopted general water use
prohibitions in 1991, and amended the provisions in 2009. Some of these provisions are in effect
regardless of water supply conditions. The table below indicates the type of water waste
provisions contained in the City’s water conservation ordinance and summarizes the prohibitions
imposed during the stages of water supply shortages.
Table 8-2: Restrictions and Prohibitions on End Use
Prohibited Water Use
Use of Potable Water for Street Sweeping
Uncorrected Plumbing Leaks
Operating Decorative Fountains without Recirculating Water System
Installation of Single Pass Cooling Systems Prohibited
Installation of Car Wash without Recirculating Water System
Serving Water at Public Eating Establishments Upon Request Only
Construction or remodeling (50% or more) a commercial kitchen
without water conserving spray valves
Lodging Establishments serving customers without an opt out of daily
linen service program
Overspray Caused by Irrigation
Stage When Prohibition
Becomes Mandatory
At discretion of City Council
Normal Water Supply
Normal Water Supply
Normal Water Supply
Normal Water Supply
Normal Water Supply
Normal Water Supply
Normal Water Supply
Phase 1
Street/Sidewalk Cleaning
Phase 1 (Limits Use)
Washing Cars
Phase 1 (Limits Use)
Watering Lawns/Landscape
Phase 1 (Limits Use)
Non-permanent Agriculture
Phase 3 (Limits Use)
As shown in the tables above, water that is used for public safety and health purposes would
remain protected due to declarations and required reductions in water consumption. Therefore the
overall risk to high sensitive users would remain relatively low because sufficient regulations are
in place to prevent water shortages from affecting those users.
9.4 Mitigation Measures for Droughts
9.4.1 Mitigation Concepts
The California Department of Water Resources California Water Plan Update 2013 (Volume 3
Regional Reports, Chapter 5 South Coast Hydrologic Region) lists six emerging strategies for
meeting future water demands 3:
1) Water transfers. Water transfer is the development of water transfer and exchange agreements
among water agencies within and outside of the region. Water transfer does not increase total
water supply but does provide for the efficient use of existing supplies.
California Water Plan Update 2013, Investing in Innovation & Infrastructure
2) Water Conservation Act of 2009 (SB X7-7). The Act requires each urban retail agency to
establish provisions in its urban water management (UWMP) to reduce daily per capita water
use 20% by 2020. This is accomplished by implementing water demand measures and best
management practices that reduce water use.
3) Conjunctive management and groundwater storage. Conjunctive management refers to the
coordinated and planned use and management of both surface water and groundwater
resources to maximize the availability and reliability of water supplies in a region to meet
various management objectives. Surface water and groundwater resources typically differ
significantly in their availability, quality, management needs, and development and use costs.
Managing both resources together, rather than in isolation, allows water managers to use the
advantages of both resources for maximum benefit.
4) Recycled municipal water. Currently, recycled water is being used for not only irrigation but
also to recharge the Central Groundwater Basin via the county flood control district’s
spreading grounds and seawater barrier injection wells. Additionally, the Los Angeles
Regional Water Quality Control Board adopted Non-Irrigation General Water Reuse (Order
No. R4-2009-0049) that allows for non-irrigation uses of recycled water, such as industrial
cooling or dust control during construction.
5) Desalination (Brackish and Sea Water). Desalination has the potential to be a significant
source of surface water for California. This supply alternative is unique in that ocean water
does not depend on the hydrologic cycle and can be treated to produce fresh water reliably,
even during the more frequent and longer droughts projected to be caused by climate change
(Committee on Advancing Desalination Technology 2008). However, desalination still
remains one of the most expensive options for water supply with a projected cost ranging
from $1,600 to $3,000 per acre-foot.
6) Urban runoff management. Urban runoff management primarily addresses management of
runoff quantity and water quality, but enhanced management could also increase groundwater
recharge and thus increase water supplies.
9.4.2 Lakewood Mitigation Strategies and Action Items
The drought mitigation strategies listed above are potentially available to Lakewood. Some of
these strategies are possible for Lakewood to implement directly (e.g., conservation or water
transfers). However, implementation of many of these strategies would require multijurisdictional cooperation. The City of Lakewood’s DRAFT 2015 Urban Water Management
Plan Update (April 2016) has full details of Lakewood’s contingency planning for water
Enhanced conservation would reduce the need for additional water supplies and/or minimize the
effects of future reductions in available water supply. The City of Lakewood’s DRAFT 2015
Urban Water Management Plan Update (April 2016) has details of Lakewood’s existing and
potential future water conservation efforts and programs.
Enhancing water transfers and conjunctive water management would enhance the effective use of
existing regional water supplies. Enhanced recycling of municipal water and enhanced urban
runoff management would increase total water supply availability.
Each of the above measures could provide significant or substantial improvements in the
adequacy of future water supplies for Lakewood. The further treatment of waste water could
increase the supply for replenishment. In a worst case scenario where extreme drought periods or
profound climate change reduces availability of current water supply sources, desalination is a
more costly but reliable solution. Lakewood’s mitigation action items for drought are shown in
Table 9.4.
Table 9.4
Drought Mitigation Action Items
Seek Mitigation
Funding Sources
Public Awareness
and Outreach
Continue to enhance Lakewood's
existing water conservation
measures and programs.
Dept. of Water Resources
1-3 Years
Continue existing water transfer
agreements with neighboring water
Dept. of Water Resources
1-3 Years
Evaluate options for increased use of
recycled water.
Dept. of Water Resources
Continue to work with regional water
agencies to improve conjunctive
water management and urban runoff
water management.
Dept. of Water Resources
Action Item
Coordinating Departments
Protect Property
Life Safety
Mitigation Plan Goals Addressed
The four hazards addressed in the previous chapters – earthquake, flood, windstorms, and drought
– are the predominant natural hazards which pose threats to Lakewood.
However, there are other natural hazards which pose less significant threats to Lakewood,
including: wildland/urban interface fires, landslides or debris flows, volcanic events (ash falls),
subsidence, and extreme temperatures. The level of risk from these hazards is negligible, so no
action items to mitigate risk are deemed necessary. These potential hazards are evaluated in this
Contents of Chapter 10
10.1 Other Natural Hazards..........................................................................................................10-1
10.2 Risk Assessment for Other Natural Hazards ........................................................................10-5
10.3 Mitigation Action Items for Other Natural Hazards ............................................................10-5
10.1 Other Natural Hazards
10.1.1 Wildland/Urban Interface Fires
Wildland/urban interface fires pose substantial threats for certain communities in Southern
California. The risk of wildland/urban fires is high when developed areas are contiguous with
wildland areas containing high vegetative fuel loads. Risk is substantially exacerbated by steep
topography, which may facilitate rapid fire growth uphill and limit access by fire suppression
personnel. Risk is also substantially exacerbated by narrow streets which impede egress by
residents during fire events and impede access by fire suppression personnel and apparatus, and
by limited water supplies, which are common in low-density developed areas. The City of
Lakewood has none of these risk factors for wildland/urban interface fires:
Lakewood is 99.5% developed. The remaining vacant parcels have little or no vegetation and
are surrounded by urban land uses with no direct connection to any wildlands.
There are no high vegetative fuel load wildland areas within the City limits, adjacent to the
City boundaries, or neighboring communities.
There are no areas of steep slopes or narrow streets which limit egress and access, and no lowdensity developed areas with limited water supplies for fire suppression.
The risk of wildland/urban interface fires in Lakewood is nonexistent.
10.1.2 Landslides and Debris Flows
Landslides and/or debris flows are possible in areas with steep slopes and unstable soils or rock or
loose surficial debris. The topography of Lakewood is essentially flat with gentle slopes.
Lakewood has no steep slopes, unstable soils or rock, or loose surficial debris. Thus, the risk of
landslides or debris flows in Lakewood is negligible.
10.1.3 Volcanic Events (Ash Falls)
There are many active or potentially active areas of volcanic activity in California. These
volcanic areas are generally located in the northern part of the state, the Sierra mountain range,
and the eastern desert portions of the state. These volcanoes pose threats ranging from low to
very high, although Lakewood is unlikely to be impacted from such eruptions because there are
no volcanic areas that extend to Lakewood. Figure 10-1 shows the location and threat level from
future volcanic eruptions in California.
The hazard areas nearest to Lakewood include the Salton Buttes in Imperial County and the
Amboy Crater in the Lavic Lake Volcanic Field. Each of these areas is over 100 miles from
Lakewood. Volcanoes in Eastern California include the Coso Volcanic Field, the Ubehebe Craters
in Death Valley and Long Valley near Mono Lake. The time intervals for volcanic activity in
these areas ranges from about 250 years (Mono Lake – Long Valley), to about 10,000 years
(Amboy Crater – Lavic Lake), to about 16,000 years (Salton Buttes) and to about one million
years (Owens Valley – Death Valley).
The Mono Lake – Long Valley area is the most active area, but this area is located about 300
miles from Lakewood. The most recent (last few hundred or few thousand years) volcanic
activity in this area was relatively small scale. The Long Valley area had a massive eruption with
an estimated volume of about 600 cubic kilometers, about 250 times larger than the 1980 Mount
Saint Helens eruption in Oregon about 160,000 years ago. Such massive eruptions could occur
again, albeit with an extremely low annual probability. The average return period for such an
eruption is presumably several hundred thousand years or longer.
Possible impacts on Lakewood from eruptions in any of these areas would be the result of ash
fall. Eruptions in any of these volcanic hazard areas would have essentially no significant
impacts on Lakewood unless wind direction is from north to south. As shown in Figure 10-2,
85% of the time the prevailing wind direction is toward the east. Wind direction from the
moderate to high volcanic areas south towards Lakewood occurs only 5% of the time. For
Lakewood to be directly impacted by ash fall, wind direction during an eruption event would need
to be towards the south and the eruption would need to be powerful enough to deposit ash some
270 miles away. Even in this worst case scenario, there would be only small amounts of ash fall
in Lakewood. Overall, the risk from volcanic events in Lakewood is limited to possible ash falls
with an extremely low probability and negligible risk.
Figure 10-1: Volcanoes in California
Source: USGS Fact Sheet Fact Sheet 2014-3120: The California Volcano Observatory – Monitoring the State’s
Restless Volcanoes, Page 1.
Figure 10-2: Volcanoes in California
Source: U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 1847–Potential Hazard from Future Volcanic Eruptions in California. Pg 12.
10.1.4 Subsidence
In parts of California, most notably in parts of the Santa Clara and San Joaquin Valleys and in the
Sacramento – San Joaquin Delta, ground subsidence has been significant. In most cases,
subsidence arises from excessive water extraction from compressible aquifer layers. As water is
extracted and not replenished naturally or by recharge, layers settle and ground subsidence occurs.
In the Delta, subsidence arises from oxidation of peat and wind erosion.
In parts of the Central Valley, subsidence has been over 10 feet since the early 20th century. In
most cases, such subsidence occurs gradually over large areas and may not result in significant
damage to building foundations or buried utility lines. However, buildings and buried utility lines
are subject to damage when subsidence amounts are discontinuous over short distances.
In Lakewood, there are no known areas where subsidence is occurring. Although water
purveyors in Southeast Los Angeles County, including Lakewood, have been pumping water
from underground aquifers for decades, groundwater levels have remained relatively unchanged
over the past 50 years. Groundwater levels have been sustained due to natural recharge as well as
artificial recharges (using imported and recycled waters) since the 1960s. Thus, subsidence risk
in Lakewood appears negligible.
10.1.5 Extreme Temperatures
Although Long Beach Daugherty Field is in the city of Long Beach, temperature information is
listed here as this weather station is adjacent to Lakewood. According to the National Weather
Service, the mean monthly high temperatures range from 84o in August to 67o in January. Mean
monthly low temperatures range from 65o in August to a low of 46 o in December.
Prolonged periods of extreme heat have several negative impacts. Demand for electricity may
exceed capacity resulting in brownouts or blackouts. The combination of very high demand and
high temperatures results in an increased number of equipment failures (especially lines and
transformers), which increase the number of service outages.
Prolonged hot spells also pose health risk for elderly or otherwise frail residents. The greatest risk
is to lower income residents without air conditioning or those who have lost air conditioning due
to power outages.
Extreme cold periods may also impact the community. Sub-freezing temperatures may result in
freezing of domestic water pipes or irrigation lines. Extreme cold spells also may result in
damage to buried water distribution pipes. Prolonged cold spells may also pose health risks to
those individuals without adequate heating.
Lakewood is subject to extreme heat periods. However, public response to extreme heat
situations is for emergency responders and public health staff. There are no obvious mitigation
action items to reduce the impacts of extreme heat on the residents of Lakewood. Mitigation
measures considered under previous hazard chapters to ensure reserve power supplies for critical
facilities under disaster or other emergency conditions would also be beneficial during extreme
heat conditions, which often include localized or widespread power outages.
Lakewood is only marginally susceptible to extreme cold periods. Sub-freezing temperatures
may result in generally minor water damage, but given Lakewood’s climate, extreme events
appear nearly impossible. There are no obvious mitigation action items needed to reduce the
impacts of extreme cold on the residents of Lakewood.
10.2 Risk Assessment for Other Natural Hazards
Section 10.1 above reviewed hazard data for five other natural hazards:
Wildland/urban interface fires,
Landslides and debris flow,
Volcanic hazards (ash falls),
Subsidence, and
Extreme temperatures.
For most of these hazards, the level of risk posed to Lakewood is negligible. For extreme heat
periods, there may be health concerns for some Lakewood residents. However, public responses
to extreme heat events fall to emergency responders and public health officials, not to the
mitigation planning process. There are no obvious mitigation action items indicated to reduce the
impacts of extreme heat on the residents of Lakewood.
Therefore, these other natural hazards are not considered further in the Lakewood Hazard
Mitigation plan.
10.3 Other Hazard Events Since Adoption of the Mitigation Plan in 2011
There have been no significant events affecting Lakewood for any of the hazards listed in this
chapter since 2011.
10.3 Mitigation Action Items for Other Natural Hazards
Given the low level of risk posed by these natural hazards, no mitigation action items are
recommended for these hazards.
For public entities, such as the City of Lakewood, funding from the Federal Emergency
Management Agency (FEMA) falls into two main categories:
The post-disaster Public Assistance Program which covers not less than 75% of eligible
emergency response and restoration costs for public entities whose facilities suffer damages in
a presidential-declared disaster. The Public Assistance Program may also fund mitigation
projects for facilities damaged in the declared event.
Mitigation grant programs either pre-disaster or post-disaster, which typically cover up to
75% of mitigation costs.
FEMA Public Assistance Program
The objective of the Federal Emergency Management Agency's (FEMA) Public Assistance (PA)
Grant Program is to provide funding so that communities can quickly respond to and recover from
major disasters or emergencies declared by the President. The PA program is sometimes referred
to as the 406 program because it is authorized under Section 406 of the Stafford Act which
established FEMA’s disaster programs.
Through the PA Program, FEMA provides supplemental Federal disaster grant assistance for
debris removal, emergency protective measures, and the repair, replacement, or restoration of
disaster-damaged, publicly-owned facilities and the facilities of certain private non-profit (PNP)
organizations. PA funding for Lakewood will become available when:
• There is a presidentially-declared disaster in California,
• Los Angeles County included in the disaster declaration, and
• Public buildings or infrastructure in Lakewood have damage in the declared disaster event.
The PA Program also encourages protection of these damaged facilities from future events by
providing assistance for hazard mitigation measures during the recovery process. The PA
Program’s distinction between repairs and mitigation is important:
• Repairs restore a damaged facility to its pre-disaster condition, with the possible addition
of code-mandated upgrades.
• Mitigation measures go beyond repairs to make the facility more resistant to damage in
future disaster events.
Under the PA Program, FEMA funding for repairs of damaged facilities and for the other
categories of PA assistance are largely automatic, subject only to FEMA’s eligibility criteria.
However, mitigation measures under the PA Program are at the discretion of FEMA and are not
automatically funded. Mitigation measures under PA have to meet eligibility criteria very similar
to those for the other FEMA mitigation grant programs, including having a benefit-cost ratio
greater than 1.0. However, Public Assistance mitigation projects are automatically determined to
be cost effective and a project-specific benefit-cost analysis is not required if the cost of
mitigation is no more than the following percentages of the repair costs:
• 15% of the repair costs for any PA-eligible mitigation project, or
• 100% of the repair costs for categories of mitigation projects defined in the March 30,
2010 version of FEMA Recovery Policy RP9526.1 Hazard Mitigation Funding under
Section 406 (Stafford Act).
Further details of FEMA’s PA programs are available on FEMA’s website at:
FEMA Mitigation Funding Sources
The FEMA has several mitigation grant programs, which provide federal funds to supplement
local funds for specified types of mitigation activities. The FEMA grant programs typically
provide 75% funding with 25% local match required. In very limited cases, FEMA grant
programs may provide 90% or 100% funding.
FEMA grant programs have specific eligibility requirements and application deadlines. All
mitigation projects (but not planning projects or risk assessments) must be cost-effective, which
means that a benefit-cost analysis using FEMA software and following FEMA guidance must
demonstrate a benefit-cost ratio >1.0.
In 2016, FEMA has three mitigation grant programs:
• Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP) which is a post-disaster program for which
mitigation grants are available for any natural hazard.
• PreDisaster Mitigation (PDM), which is an annual grant program for which mitigation grants
are available for any natural hazard.
• Flood Mitigation Assistance (FMA), which is annual grant program for which only flood
mitigation measures are eligible.
These grant programs are not entitlement programs, but rather are competitive grant programs,
which require strict adherence to the eligibility, application, and documentation requirements.
Documentation is especially critical for the PDM and FMA grant programs, which are nationally
Hazard Mitigation Grant Program
The Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP) is a post-disaster grant program. HMGP funds
are generated following a Presidential Disaster Declaration for a given state. The amount of
funding is a percentage of total FEMA spending for various other FEMA programs, such as the
Individual and Family Assistance and Public Assistance programs. FEMA regulations allow
HMGP funds to be spent on any mitigation project in the state, for any hazard regardless of
whether or not an applicant was located in a declared county for a specific presidentially-declared
HMGP funds are limited to a given state. Each state manages the HMGP process, including
setting state priorities. In California, Cal-OES selects the projects to be submitted to FEMA.
FEMA reviews applications only to ensure that selected projects meet all of FEMA’s eligibility
requirements. HMGP is a flexible grant program. Grant funds may be used for any natural
hazard and may include hazard mitigation planning, risk assessments, and physical mitigation
The amount of HMGP funding in a given disaster can range from less than $100,000 to more than
$1 billion for large disasters (e.g., the Northridge earthquake or Hurricane Katrina). Declared
disasters in California are relatively common with several declarations issued each year for
wildland/urban interface fires, floods, earthquakes or other disasters. Thus, the total amount of
HMGP mitigation funds available to the state will vary from year to year and disaster event to
disaster event. HMGP mitigation grants do not have pre-set maximums on grant sizes.
Pre-Disaster Mitigation Program
The Pre-Disaster Mitigation (PDM) grant program is a broad program which includes mitigation
projects for any natural hazard as well as mitigation planning grants which must result in the
development of a Local Hazard Mitigation Plan. PDM is a nationally-competitive annual
program. Funding levels in future years will be set by congressional appropriations.
PDM grants cover 75% of the costs of mitigation projects up to a maximum federal share of
$3,000,000 per project.
Flood Mitigation Assistance Program
The Flood Mitigation Assistance (FMA) grant program is limited to flood mitigation projects
only. The emphasis is on protecting buildings that are insured through the National Flood
Insurance Program (NFIP), with a special emphasis on buildings on FEMA’s severe repetitive
loss list.
Given the generally low flood risk for properties in Lakewood, the likelihood of receiving a Flood
Mitigation Assistance grant appears low. Absent any properties on FEMA’s national repetitive
loss list, Lakewood would not be eligible for either of FEMA’s repetitive flood loss grant
program. Thus, none of FEMA’s flood mitigation grant programs appear to be good candidates
for Lakewood mitigation grant applications.
Mitigation Grant Guidance and Requirements
FEMA’s detailed program guidance and the specific requirements for each of the three grant
programs are posted on the FEMA website ( Hazard Mitigation Assistance
Guidance, February 27, 2015).
Mitigation Project Grant Applications
All of FEMA’s mitigation grant programs are competitive within a given state or nationally.
Thus, successful grant applications must be complete and well-documented. The key elements
for successful mitigation project grant applications include:
• Project locations within high hazard areas.
• Project facilities which have major vulnerabilities which pose substantial risk of damage,
economic impact, and (especially for seismic projects) deaths or injuries.
• For utility mitigation projects, the majority of benefits often stem from reductions in the
calculated economic impacts (using FEMA standard methodologies) of the loss of utility
• Mitigation project scope and budget must be well-documented.
• The benefits of the project are carefully documented using FEMA benefit-cost software. A
benefit-cost analysis meeting FEMA’s requirements is very often the most critical step in
determining a mitigation project’s eligibility and competitiveness for FEMA grants.
A further eligibility requirement for mitigation project grants is that the local applicant must have
a FEMA approved local hazard mitigation plan. Lakewood will be continue to be eligible to
apply for FEMA mitigation grants once FEMA approves Lakewood’s updated Hazard Mitigation
Principles of Benefit-Cost Analysis
Benefit-cost analysis is the tool that provides answers to a central question for hazard mitigation
projects: “Is it worth it?” If hazard mitigation were free, individuals and communities would
undertake mitigation projects with enthusiasm, and the risks from hazards would soon be greatly
reduced. Unfortunately, mitigation is not free and is often expensive. A community must
consider the following: Is the investment in mitigation justified? Is it in the best economic
interest of the owner (public or private) to accept the risk or invest now in mitigation to reduce
future damage? Benefit-cost analysis is used by communities to answer these difficult questions.
In the complicated real world of mitigation projects, there are many factors which determine
whether or not a mitigation project is worth the expense and how to determine priorities for
multiple mitigation projects. Consider a town which has two flood prone neighborhoods and each
neighborhood desires a mitigation project. The two neighborhoods have different numbers of
houses, different value of houses, different frequencies and severity of flooding. The first
neighborhood proposes storm water drainage improvements at a cost of $3 million. The second
neighborhood wants to elevate houses at a cost of $3 million. Which of these projects should be
completed? Both? One or the Other? Neither? Which project should be completed first if there
is only funding for one? Are there alternative mitigation projects which are more sensible or
more cost-effective than the proposed projects?
Such complex socio-political-economic-engineering questions are nearly impossible to answer
without completing the type of quantitative flood risk assessment and benefit-cost analysis
discussed below.
To determine the value of a given mitigation project, the level of risk exposure without mitigation
must be determined.
Consider a hypothetical $1,000,000 mitigation project.
implementation depends on the level of risk before mitigation and on the effectiveness of the
project in reducing risk. For example, if the before mitigation risk is low (e.g. a subdivision street
has a few inches of water on the street every couple of years or a soccer field in a city park floods
every five years), the answer is different than if the before mitigation risk is high (e.g. 100 or
more houses are expected to have flooding above the first floor every 10 years or a critical facility
is expected to be closed because of flood damages once every five years).
A well-designed mitigation project reduces risk. A poorly designed project may increase risk or
transfer risk from one community to another. However, just because a mitigation project reduces
risk, does not make it a good project. A $1,000,000 project that avoids an average of $100 per
year in flood damages is not cost effective, while the same project that avoids an average of
$200,000 per year in flood damages is cost effective.
The principles of benefit-cost analysis are briefly summarized here. The benefits of a hazard
mitigation project are the reduction in future damage and loss, that is, the avoided damage and
loss that are attributable to a mitigation project. To conduct benefit-cost analysis of a specific
mitigation project, the risk of damages and losses must be evaluated twice: before mitigation and
after mitigation. The benefit is the difference between the two.
The benefit of a hazard mitigation project is the avoidance of future damage and loss
because a mitigation action was implemented.
Because the benefits of a hazard mitigation project accrue in the future, it is impossible to
determine the exact benefit. For example, we do not know when a flood will occur or its severity.
We do know, however, the probability of future floods. Therefore, the benefits of mitigation
projects must be evaluated probabilistically and expressed as the difference between annualized
damages before and after mitigation. The following simplified example illustrates the principles
of benefit-cost analysis.
To illustrate the principles of benefit-cost analysis, consider a hypothetical single family home
located on the banks of a creek. The home is a one story, 1,500 square foot structure, on a post
foundation, with a replacement value of $60/square feet (total replacement value is $90,000). The
flood hazard data for the adjacent creek (stream discharge and flood elevation data) and elevation
data for the first floor of the house can be used to calculate the annual probability of flooding in
one-foot increments as shown in Table B-1.1 below.
Table B-1.1: Damages Before Mitigation
Flood Depth
Annual Probability
of Flooding
Scenario Damages and
Losses Per Flood Event
Annualized Flood
Damages and Losses
Total Expected Annual (Annualized) Damages and Losses
Flood depths shown in Table B-1.1 are in one-foot increments of water depth above the lowest
floor elevation. For example, a three-foot flood means all floods between 2.5 feet and 3.5 feet of
water depth above the floor. A 0-foot flood can also cause damage, because this flood depth
means water within plus or minus six inches of the floor. Flood levels a few inches below the
first floor may still damage flooring and other building elements because of wicking of water.
The scenario (per flood event) damages and losses include expected damages to the building,
content and displacement costs if occupants have to move to temporary quarters.
The annualized damages and losses are calculated as the product of the flood probability times the
scenario damage. For example, a four-foot flood has slightly less than a 1% chance per year of
occurring. If it does occur, about $32,100 in damage and loss is expected. Averaged over time,
four-foot floods are thus expected to cause an average of about $315 per year in flood damage.
Note that the smaller floods, which cause less damage per flood event, actually cause higher
average annual damage because the probability of smaller floods is so much higher than that for
larger floods. Based on this data, the house is expected to average $6,312 per year in flood
damage. This expected annual or “annualized” damage estimate does not mean that the house
will incur this much damage every year. Rather, in most years there will be no floods, but over
time the cumulative damages and losses from a mix of relatively frequent smaller floods and less
frequent larger floods is calculated to average $6,312 per year.
The calculated results in Table B-1.1 are the flood risk assessment for this house for the as-is,
before mitigation situation. Table B-1.1 shows the expected levels of damages and losses for
scenario floods of various depths and also the annualized damages and losses.
The risk assessment shown in Table B-1.2 reflects a high flood risk, with frequent severe flooding
which the owner deems unacceptable. Therefore, the owner explores mitigation alternatives to
reduce the risk. The example below is to elevate the house four feet.
Table B-1.2: Damages After Mitigation
Flood Depth
Annual Probability
of Flooding
Scenario Damages and
Losses Per Flood Event
Annualized Flood
Damages and Losses
Total Expected Annual (Annualized) Damages and Losses
By elevating the house four feet, the owner has reduced the expected annual (annualized)
damages from $6,312 to $112 (98% reduction) and greatly reduced the probability or frequency
of flooding affecting the house. The annualized benefits are the difference in the annualized
damages and losses before and after mitigation or $6,312 - $112 = $6,200.
Is this mitigation project worth doing? Common sense says yes, because the flood risk appears
high since the annualized damage before mitigation is high ($6,312). The benefit-cost analysis
for this project will determine the quantitative answer to this question. One key factor is the cost
of mitigation. A mitigation project that is worth doing at one cost may not be worth doing at a
higher cost. Although the cost to raise the home is $20,000, this cost occurs once, up front, in the
year that the elevation project is completed. The benefits, however, accrue statistically over the
lifetime of the mitigation project. Following FEMA convention, we assume that a residential
mitigation project has a useful lifetime of 30 years. Money (benefits) received in the future has
less value than money received today because of the time value of money. To take the time value
of money into account, we need to do what is known as a present value calculation. We compare
the present value of the anticipated benefits over 30 years in the future to the up-front out-ofpocket cost of the mitigation project.
A present value calculation depends on the lifetime of the mitigation project and on what is
known as the discount rate. The discount rate may be viewed simply as the interest rate you
might earn on the cost of the project if you didn’t spend the money on the mitigation project.
Let’s assume that this mitigation project is to be funded by FEMA, which uses a 7% discount rate
to evaluate hazard mitigation projects. With a 30-year lifetime and a 7% discount rate, the
“present value coefficient” which is the value today of $1.00 per year in benefits over the lifetime
of the mitigation project is 12.41. That is, each $1.00 per year in benefits over 30 years is worth
$12.41 now. The benefit-cost results are shown in Table B-1.3.
Table B-1.3: Benefit-Cost Results
Annualized Benefits
Present Value Coefficient
Net Present Value of Future Benefits
Mitigation Project Cost
Benefit-Cost Ratio
These results indicate a benefit-cost ratio of 3.85. This mitigation project would be cost-effective
and eligible for FEMA funding. Taking into account the time value of money, which is essential
for a correct economic calculation, results in lower benefits than if we simply multiplied the
annual benefits by the 30-year project useful lifetime.
The above discussion of benefit-cost analysis of a flood hazard mitigation project is intended to
illustrate the basic concepts. Very similar principles apply to mitigation projects for earthquakes
or any other natural hazards. However, for earthquake projects more engineering input is
typically required to evaluate vulnerability, design (at least to the conceptual stage) an appropriate
retrofit and generation of a realistic engineering cost estimate.
The role of benefit-cost analysis in prioritizing and implementing mitigation projects in
Lakewood is addressed in Chapter 4 (Goals, Objectives, and Action Items) and in Chapter 5 (Plan
Adoption, Maintenance and Implementation).
Mitigation Plan Development
Participation is a key component to the strategic planning process. Citizen participation offers
citizens the chance to voice their ideas, interests, and opinions. The Federal Emergency
Management Agency also requires public input during the development of a hazard mitigation
The City of Lakewood Hazard Mitigation Plan integrates a cross-section of citizen input
throughout the planning process. To accomplish this goal, a public participation process was
developed with three components: (1) develop a steering committee comprised of knowledgeable
individuals representing various City departments; (2) conduct two public workshops to identify
common concerns and ideas regarding hazard mitigation and to discuss specific goals and actions
of the mitigation plans; and (3) obtain support from the City to prepare this Plan.
Two community workshops were held in 2016. Notices for both workshops were posted online,
in the City Clerk’s office, at two public parks, and notices were mailed to various public and
private organizations. Copies of the community workshop notices as well as the mailing labels
for the notices are contained in this appendix. The community workshops were held on Monday,
May 9, 2016 and on Tuesday, August 2, 2016. Both workshops were held at the Centre at
Sycamore Plaza. Despite notification of these community workshops, no members of the public
or persons representing interested agencies attended. Notice was also given for the August 9,
2016 City Council meeting at which consideration of this Plan took place.
The City of Lakewood is dedicated to involving the public directly in the continual review
and updates of the Plan. The Plan will be made available at City Hall for public review. The
public will be afforded opportunity to contribute to future revisions of the Plan.
Below are the mailing labels from the distribution list for the Community Workshops:
Below are the Community Workshop Notices:
Below are the minutes from the Hazard Mitigation Plan meetings and community workshops:
Minutes of Tuesday, December 15, 2015
Minutes of Wednesday, March 9, 2016 4:00 PM
Minutes of Wednesday, March 9, 2016 4:00 PM – continued
Minutes of Wednesday, July 27, 2016
City Council Agenda of Tuesday, August 9, 2016
City Council Resolution Approving Draft Hazard Mitigation Plan