the SCOOP From the President… - Lakewood Early Childhood PTA


the SCOOP From the President… - Lakewood Early Childhood PTA
Lakewood Early Childhood
PTA Newsletter
From the President…
I am a part of two really awesome playgroups. One group is for my
daughter Jordan and it has been together for over two years. The other
formed earlier this school year with my son Dawson. Because these groups
consist of such wonderful and down to earth ladies, no topic is off limits. I
have to say in both groups over half of the conversations invariably turn to
muffin tops, love handles, and saggy breasts. Did you ever imagine at this
stage of our lives that we would still be so consumed with body issues? It’s
crazy! I’m sure my mother had these issues, and I am reasonably certain
that she probably shared her concerns with her friends. But, as a young girl I
never remembered a celebrity who just had a child walking down a runway
eight weeks later in nothing but her skivvies. Plus, if I hear Denise Richards
claim that her stint in Playboy only four months after having her second child
was to show the world that moms can still be sexy one more time, I am going to punch someone.
Logically, I know that the aforementioned examples are unrealistic for
most of the population. I am almost certain that if I had a couple of nannies,
a nutritionist, a personal trainer, a personal chef, and an endless supply of
Botox, I too, could look like that. However, I can’t help but wonder as I look
around the YMCA at all of the fellow moms if we are doing this to be healthy,
or are we succumbing to grown up peer pressure? I
suppose it’s not just about our bodies either. I know INSIDE THIS ISSUE:
that as a mother I am constantly wondering if I am
measuring up. We all know the super perfect Mom in Membership
our children’s classes who has managed to start a Member-O-Bilia! 3-4
business, make four dozen cup cakes, join half a
dozen community groups, and still manages to run a LECPTA Business 5-6
5K on the weekend. I go to bed five out of seven Adult Activities 7-9
nights of the week reflecting on all of the ways I have Member Columns 10-13
let my family down or all of the things I was unable to
Bulletin Board
cross off my never ending list.
Honestly, at what age or stage in my life am I go- Fundraising
ing to not let outside influences dictate how I feel
about myself? I’m thinking sixty-five. But, by that time Who’s Who
and knowing my luck, I am sure Denise Richards will Kid’s Activities
be making her fifth appearance in Playboy talking
February Calendar 39
about how grandmas can still be sexy.
Until all the madness stops, I still have my playgroups. Plus, this isn’t the craziness I want to pass on
to my own girls. My daughter Payton looked in the mir- the SCOOP
10 issues published
ror the other day and declared she was beautiful. I
monthly by LECPTA
have to agree one hundred percent. I think I will take a
July/Aug - May/June
cue from her.
I hope everyone has a wonderful Valentine’s Day. EDITOR: Amy Walworth
May your husbands and/or special companions
remember the day and shower you with a ton
of praise and chocolate.
Kara Goeller, President
LECPTA Website:
Open House Thank You!
Thank you to everyone who helped to make our Open House a success.
From the planning committee to the members who distributed fliers to
those who worked the night of the event. Big thanks to Patricia Barley,
Ann Bischof-Bockbrader, Laura George, Delaney Gilliland, Kara Goeller,
Lisa Horton, Rani Johnson, Lisa Majeski, Katie Markling, Sharon O’Donnell and Christine Smith.
New Members!
Joining LECPTA this month
Angela & Even Hammersmith
Michelle & Jared Shapiro
Lisa & David Sierk
Michele & Michael Smith
Please say hello to our newest
LECPTA families! If you meet
them along they way, be sure
to give them a warm reception.
This months referral winner is
Isaac Barley, who receives a
gift certificate to Breadsmith. If
you are a current member who
refers a new family to LECPTA,
you will be entered into the
monthly drawing for a gift certificate to a local business.
Are you receiving e-mails from
LECPTA? It is an important way to
keep up-to-date on LECPTA happenings between Scoop printings.
Please contact me to add your email to the list. Also, if you move,
please give us your new street address. Since The Scoop is 3rd class
bulk mail, it is not forwarded along
with a USPS change of address
form. We might be wasting valuable
resources sending snail mail to the
trash! You do not need to reside in
Lakewood to be part of our organization, but we do need to know
where you live to get your Scoop to
Elizabeth O’Brien
Membership Chair
Do you know someone who would be a fascinating feature to
Member-o-Bilia? How about you?? Get your 15-minutes of fame!
Please contact Patricia Barley at 216-221-1507 or for more information.
Name: Lisa Horton
Birthplace: Rocky River, OH
Astrological Sign: Sagittarius
Family Status: Married to Greg for 6 years. We have a daughter,
Alex, who will be 4 on Sunday! We also have a son, Eddie, who will
be 3 in March!
How did you come to join LECPTA? I heard about the organization
through the Lakewood Family Room.
Something interesting about you: I was pregnant with both children
while in Graduate school.
Three things you couldn’t live without: Family, friends and coffee.
Five words that your best friend would use to describe you:
Kind, loyal, silly, thoughtful and generous.
Drink of choice: Coffee
Dream Job: Executive Director of a nonprofit organization.
Prized Possession: Photo albums
Your ideal date: Dinner and a movie
Secret Crush: Nick Cave (lead singer of Nick Cave and the Bad
Guilty pleasures you hate to admit: I love reality shows.
What is your favorite place on earth? Charleston, South Carolina.
If you could do anything (adventure) what would it be:
Go through a rainforest in South America.
If you could travel anywhere (no budget) where would you go?
I would travel around the world.
A fashion trend you loath: Men wearing sandals. It is just gross!
A fashion trend you love: Jeans
Assuming you had time to sit and read a magazine, which one
would you pick? People
Favorite Novel: To Kill a Mockingbird.
Favorite Children’s Book: I love all of Eric Carle’s books.
Your most favorite thing about being a parent: Hearing, “I love
you Mommy.”
Your least favorite thing about being a parent: Temper tantrums.
Your favorite restaurant in Lakewood: Italian Creations, I LOVE
their pizza!
Why you live in Lakewood and what you like about it: It is a great
place to raise a family.
Do you have any “hidden gems” in Cleveland you can share with
other members? We are so fortunate to be right by Lake Erie. I love
all of the parks that are on the lake. We are also fortunate to have all
of the fantastic Museums in University Circle. Cleveland is great for
arts and culture.
Name: Judy Wright
Birthplace: Cleveland, Ohio
Astrological Sign: Aries
Family Status: Married, two kids (Lila is 3 ½, Iris is 18 mo)
How did you come to join LECPTA? A neighbor recommended it
Something interesting about you: I grew up in Las Vegas
Three things you couldn’t live without: dark chocolate, friends,
Five words that your best friend would use to describe you:
warm, friendly, fun, spontaneous, smart (my husband gave me these)
Drink of choice: water
Dream Job: still trying to figure that out
Prized Possession: old photos
Your ideal date: delicious dinner with a great view
Secret Crush: Paul Rudd
Guilty pleasures you hate to admit: Facebook, People magazine,
What is your favorite place on earth? Redrock Canyon
If you could do anything (adventure) what would it be: Move to
Mexico with my family
If you could travel anywhere (no budget) where would you go?
All of South America
A fashion trend you loath: skinny jeans
A fashion trend you love: scarves
Assuming you had time to sit and read a magazine, which one
would you pick? The Sun
Favorite Novel: can’t narrow it down
Favorite Children’s Book: The Red Fish
Your most favorite thing about being a parent: the neverending
supply of cuddles
Your least favorite thing about being a parent: whining and waking up early every day.
Your favorite restaurant in Lakewood: Three Birds or India Garden
Why you live in Lakewood and what you like about it: Good
neighbors, good restaurants, good local shops, good parks, good library – it’s got it all!
Do you have any “hidden gems” in Cleveland you can share with
other members? Thai Kitchen on Madison, landing at the end of Wagar Rd, yoga class at Franklin Circle Church.
Our general meeting this month will be held on Monday, February 23rd.
The business portion will begin at 7:00 pm. The program portion will
start at 7:45 pm. It will take place at Harding Middle School’s cafetorium. The school is located at 16601 Madison (the corner of Wagar and
Madison). You should park behind the school, go in the main entrance, turn
left, and the school’s cafetorium will be down the hall on the right.
Our program for the evening will be a presentation by Joe Degaurdis, also
known as “The Coupon Guy”. You've seen him on TV and in the newspaper.
He has been honing his shopping skills in Northeast Ohio area for many
years. Now let Joe teach you how to wisely spend money for your family!
Break bad habits, learn new shopping techniques, and find out easy ways to
save money while shopping. Joe will show us how to find the best deals online, explain ways to save up to 70% on groceries and more by using coupons and rebates, and tell us where to find clearance deals, restaurant
deals, gas savings, and more!
As with all of our programs, this presentation is free and open to the public
so feel free to invite anyone you know who may be interested! For information regarding childcare at the meeting, please see Jeanine Gergel’s article
(page 6) in this issue of The Scoop.
Thank you again to Jennifer Hanselman for sharing her advice and stories
about raising sextuplets at last month’s meeting! It was an informative and
entertaining program. My appreciation also extends to Rani Johnson for
coordinating the refreshments for the night.
Jill Carson, 1st VP-Programs
The Nominating Committee has met
and proposed the slate of officers for
the 2009-2010 year. Please do note
that while this is the slate that we
have proposed, it is not definite
until it is voted on at the March
General Meeting. As a result, if you
would like to put your name in for one
of these positions or would like to
nominate somebody else, you may
still do that. If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact
me at or at
227-0565. Thanks so much!
Proposed Slate
1st VP, Programs
2nd VP, Tours
3rd VP, Ways & Means
Auction Co-Chair
BBB Co-Chair
Flower Sale Co-Chair
Recording Secretary
Corresponding Sec ‗y
PTA Council Delegate
PTA Council Alternate
Christine Smith
Kara Goeller
Regina Westlake
Elizabeth O‘Brien
Tricia Barney
Delany Gilliland
Margo Bondar
Emily Marvin
Jen Williams
Casey Salo
Lisa Majeski
Sheri Buckingham
Katie Markling
Tara Sweeny-Funk
Lauren Fegely
Stacy Hunter
Margie Hoelker
Sarah Pierce
Childcare Available at February General Meeting
We will be offering childcare at our general meeting on February 23. To
make a reservation for your child/children, please call or email Jeanine
Gergel no later than 6 pm on Thursday, February 19. I can be reached at
216-221-1433 or via email at Please provide
the following information in your voice mail or email message:
 Your name.
 The number of children you are requesting child
care for, their names and ages.
 Any special needs or food allergies your child/
children may have.
Some notes:
Cost is $2.25 per child per meeting, payable in cash the night of the
 Only walking/toddling children will be allowed in child care. Lap
children (e.g., those unable to walk or toddle) are welcome and encouraged to stay with their parent in the meeting room for the duration of
the meeting and program.
Please review our LECPTA Meeting Child Care Policies in their entirety
before making a reservation. The Child Care Policies are available on
the “Members” page of the LECPTA website,
Thank you!
Jeanine Gergel, Childcare Chair
Just a quick note offering my sincere thanks to Elizabeth O’Brien and
Melissa Page who labeled and mailed out the newsletters for December.
I am so appreciative especially since it made my holidays a little less
hectic. They both have also volunteered to help me out preceding and
following the birth of my second son, who will be here before I know it!
So, in case I forget in all the excitement, I just want to thank you both
again. Also, thank you to everyone who has offered to help me out in any
way I may need it, including watching my son, during these last weeks.
It’s so great to know I have friends I can count on should I need them at
a moments notice. You ladies are the best and I really feel fortunate to
have you as friends.
Did someone say Valentines Day?
Chocolate is the first word that comes to my mind!
So let's go to the Melting Pot on February 13th for
their awesome chocolate dessert fondue!!
We will be meeting at the Melting Pot at 8:15 pm.
I am collecting $10.00 per person that will cover
your chocolate dessert fondue (taxes, tip etc.) drinks of course are available on your own.
Please make the check payable to:
Kim Neeper
2618 Westmoor Road
Rocky River, 44116
(Funds for adult socials can not go through the PTA's account).
The price is based on sets of four, so I need to try to get our count as close to
a multiple of four as possible. You would help me out a lot if you would
RSVP as soon as possible so I can recruit more people if needed to get the
numbers to work out. Thanks for your help!!
Adult Social at The Melting Pot: February 13 at 8:15 pm
Name __________________________________________________________
Phone Number: __________________________________________________
Amount of Adults attending ______________ X $10.00 = _______________
Mail Check (Payable to Kim Neeper) to:
2618 Westmoor Road, Rocky River 44116
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Memoirs of a Geisha
by Arthur Golden
Memoirs of a Geisha by Arthur Golden follows 9-year-old Chiyo, who is sold
to a Kyoto geisha house. Chiyo endures harsh treatment from the owners
and head geisha Hatsumomo, who's envious of Chiyo's stunning beauty.
Rescued by Hatsumomo's rival, Chiyo blooms in her role as a geisha, but
World War II threatens to change her privileged life forever.
Come join us for a delightful dinner at The Thai Hut, 13359 Madison Ave. in
Lakewood (228-0110). Bring a friend and enjoy food and conversation on
Memoirs of a Geisha by Arthur Golden.
Join us on Tuesday, February 17, at 7:30 for a fun night out among friends.
Coming up in March,
Bel Canto by Ann Pachett
Regina S. Westlake, Book Club Organizer
Lakewood City Schools is beginning preparations for next year’s incoming
kindergarteners. The registration date has not yet been determined. Once
decided, the date will be published through school publications, the District’s
web site (, and the local media.
If you or someone you know will have a child in kindergarten next year and
would like to receive a packet of information before registration, please call
529-4203 to make that request.
Congenital Heart Defect Awareness Week: February 7-14
by Kara Goeller
The very sage Oprah Winfrey often says on her show, “When you know
better, you do better.” It is so true and when it comes to heart disease, I
guess the world is starting to get the message. In Glamour magazine’s February issue, it is reported that the CDC said that there was a 10% decrease
in heart related deaths in women between 2000 and 2005. This is great
news and probably due to the American Heart Association’s Go Red! campaign and other efforts to increase women’s knowledge about this number
one killer.
The knowledge of our daughter Jordan’s heart defect has completely
transformed our lives. As my husband Corey stated in his speech at the Go
Red! for Women Expo last February, “Jordan has taught us all a great lesson: Heart health starts, the minute you are born.”
Jordan is coping with all of this way better than Corey and I. What
seems like a normal routine for Jordan has been life altering for us. We have
been painstakingly breaking lifetime habits to try and be role models for our
children. I am a self-proclaimed fast food junkie, and Corey inhaled DoubleStuf Oreos like there was no tomorrow. Cutting back on both has been very
difficult. Finding time to exercise with three kids has been even worse.
It is kind of ironic. Without the discovery of Jordan’s heart defect, Corey
and I probably wouldn’t have changed a thing. What some may look at as a
set back, we look at as a gift. Knowledge of heart defects and heart disease
has given us the power to manage the situation. Thanks to Jordan’s doctors,
we are constantly monitoring the progress of her condition. Yes, she has
higher blood pressure then most four year olds and just this December her
cardiologist informed us that her condition is “progressing”, but we have the
benefit of knowing (and thus a team of doctors looking out for her and helping us along our path). Without this, who knows what could have happened
to her.
It has been four years since Corey and I have established the Jordan’s
Family Foundation. We are grateful for all of the community support and we
hope that everyone knows that if you have any questions, we would be
happy to help. We also like to think that the money we have raised for congenital heart disease research (that is being done right here in Cleveland)
will one day supply more knowledge for those who really need it most.
Facts about Congenital Heart Defects:
- It is estimated that 1 in 125 babies are born with a congenital heart defect.
- Approximately 35,000 babies a year will be born in the U.S. with a CHD.
- Nearly twice as many children die from congenital heart defects in the U.S.
each year as die from all forms of childhood cancers combined.
- Less than 1% of money spent on medical research is spent on the research
of congenital heard defects despite the rate of occurrence.
Two Exercises To Help Moms & Dads Can Keep Up
With Their Fitness Resolutions
By Liz Donnelly, Personal Trainer & IYCA Youth Fitness Specialist-1/Mother of Three
Just because it's February doesn't mean that your New Year’s resolution (to
be more physically active and eat better) isn't falling by the wayside.
Right? You haven't given it up yet, have you?
Well, my purpose here is to gently remind you that your fitness goals don't
have to die this quickly. In fact, instead of thinking of them as dying, why not
just say that you've taken a break and are now officially back on track? I am
going to arm you with some knowledge that will help you return or add to a
solid exercise program.
Keep in mind, however, that these are general recommendations and I cannot take into consideration any limitations you have regarding joint problems, faulty movement patterns, medical conditions, etc. That said, have a
medical professional or physical therapist evaluate you for exercise readiness if you have any concerns.
If you haven't read the November 2008 Scoop, then it tells you ways to fit
exercise into your busy life. But here follows two tried and true exercises
that you can put into action today!
For an official copy of the details with pictures (and more exercises), then I
encourage you to receive a free download of my "Top 5 Exercises for Moms
& Dads" when you subscribe to my newsletter (free) at http:// This will have pictures and descriptions.
A. For excellent leg, hip/core strength do the squat.
1. For a beginner, stand against the wall and bend at the knees with your
feet out as though you're about to sit in a chair.
2. Keep your back pressed against the wall and lower your body a bit so
that your knees are close to 90-degrees (this depends on you so go only as
low as you can maintain your form). Make sure your knees align over your
toes and that they don't buckle inward or bow outward.
3. Try to hold this position for 30 seconds to 1 minute. Repeat 3-4 times
after a little break in between. Oh yeah, it's tough. Don't let the wall fool you.
B. For a strong upper body, do the reverse push-up.
1. If you can do a military style (on your toes instead of your knees without
sagging your low back or drooping your head down), then you can try it that
way. Otherwise, perform this on your knees and set up your body on all
fours first, then bring your knees further behind you until your abdominal
muscles start to tighten. Make sure your hands are directly under your
shoulders or slightly wider.
2. Now, take a breath inward as you slowly lower down to the floor, keeping
your head in alignment with your back.
3. Exhale as you quickly go back to the starting position. Keep your rearend tightened as well to help you perform the movement and engage more
muscles/burn more calories.
4. Repeat up to 15, rest for a minute (stretch or go on to another exercise)
and perform 2 more sets.
There are more details on the downloads at, but
this will help you put a couple fun things in your arsenal to get you back on
track with your workouts. You deserve time to develop your strength, so
start planning some times (2-3 days weekly) when you can add some muscle-building workouts to your life. It's well worth the trouble and you'll be
able to keep up with kids a lot better and rev up your metabolism!
Liz Donnelly is a proud member of National Association of Professional
Women, International Youth Conditioning Association, Lakewood Early
Childhood PTA and Junior Women's Club of Lakewood, single mother of
three, and IYCA Youth Fitness Specialist and Owner of Training by Liz,
LLC. She can be reached for comment at is a blog dedicated to family fitness.
Money Saving Tips
By Kara Goeller
Hello fellow thrifty shoppers. I received the following great money saving tips
from our own Buffy DeWitt. Here is what she submitted: has special e-offer coupons that you won't get elsewhere
for certain products. Just register at their site with your Giant Eagle card (you
need to remember your name and address from when you first got your card
to get signed up - that was a challenge for me since I moved several times
and got married after obtaining my Giant Eagle card) and go to the E-Offers
part of the site.
- We called our satellite provider and asked them if they had any deals going
or should we start shopping. They reduced our bill by $10 / month for the
next 12 months and gave us HBO for free for 3 months.
- We did a similar thing with AT&T for our phone/internet bill and saved $40.
- The PUCO has Apples to Apples comparison charts out there for natural
gas and electric suppliers. I took a look at the chart for Dominion East Ohio
Gas and reduced our base rate to $9.99/mcf for the next year.
The multi-talented Laura Whitkofski and I were talking recently and we both
realized that not all Targets are created equally. It turns out that my favorite
shopping venue will discount items differently at each location. For example,
Laura told me that the Target in North Olmsted had an item she was looking
at the Fairview Target and it had been significantly discounted. Also, the very
lovely Katie Markling gave me the skinny on the Steelyard Commons Target.
She told me that they had terrific deals. Skeptical, I drove out there with my
very unwilling son. She was absolutely right!
Brigette Dineen (
February in Cleveland – if you can make it through this, you can make it
through anything! Here are some suggestions of things to do with the kids to
help keep your sanity.
February 6: "Lullaby Concert for Children" -7 pm
Church of the Ascension, 13216 Detroit Ave.
Features Lakewood High School orchestra, a storyteller, puppets and singing - followed by milk and cookies! Free public
event with donations accepted. Kids are invited to wear PJ’s and
bring blankets to sit upon! To learn more, call 216-521-8727.
February 8: Princess Tea Party-1:30-3:30 pm
Joseph-Beth Booksellers (
24519 Cedar Rd., Lyndhurst , 216-691-7000
All girls are encouraged to dress up in their princess best as
they learn basic etiquette and snack on tea and treats! Activities
will include story time, nail painting, bracelet-making and fancy
hat decorating. Tickets are on sale now at Joseph-Beth. $12.95
per adult and $6.95 per child. Seating is limited and available
on a first-come, first-serve basis.
February 14: Valentines Day - How about a "date" with
your sweeties… your kids! Suggested locations: Malleys,
Dewey's Pizza…anywhere you don’t have to cook!
Bounce City (
14767 Pearl Rd., Strongsville, 440-846-0110
Tues, Weds, Thurs, Sun: noon - 8pm; Fri: noon - 9pm; Sat: 10am - 9pm
$9/child weekdays; $12/child weekends
Playground World
1014 Jaycox Road, Avon, 440-937-5760
Open Play: Mon. & Thurs. 11am- noon; Fri. 10am – 11am
Pat Catans
12775 Berea Rd., Cleveland, 216-476-1190
Mon-Sat: 9am - 9pm; Sun: 11am - 6pm
Daily drop-in craft projects - FREE!
Don't forget about the Eagle's Nest child watch room at the W.117th Giant
Eagle. Kids 3 - 12 years old are welcome there to play and do crafts while
you shop. The ladies that work there are so nice and really good with the
kids (we love Ms. Lorna). They probably frown on you signing in your kids
and then chilling in the cafeteria for an hour, though you could give it a try –
and let me know if it flies! :-)
Jordan’s Family Foundation Fourth Annual Wine Tasting
Jordan’s Family Foundation will be holding its 4th annual wine tasting. JFF is
a 501(c)3 and works to raise awareness and much needed funds for research dealing with congenital heart defects. The tasting will be held at
Rozi’s Wine House on Thursday, February 12th from 6:00 pm until 9:00 pm.
Matt Harlan, from Lolita’s will be the chef that evening and a winemaker
from Rutherford Ranch will be on hand to discuss the wine selection. It’s a
chance for a fun night out and it supports a great cause!
Preschool Gymnastics Program
Combat cabin fever with one of Cleveland's best kept secrets! Sokol Ceska
Sin has been offering gymnastics programs for all ages for over a hundred
years in the Cleveland area. The Sokol gym is conveniently located just 10
minutes from Lakewood off I-90 at West 44th and Clark. The preschool
class meets on Tuesdays from 6:30 pm - 7:15 pm and is designed for children ages 3-6. The children work out on a variety of gymnastics equipment
in a fun and safe environment. Developing balance, listening skills, body
awareness, strength and co-ordination are the focus of class activities. Winter session begins in February and runs through May. Contact Willow Kotlan at 216-832-6319 for more information.
Spring BBB: Baby Bargain Bonanza – April 4th, 2009
Hello Everyone, Margo Bondar here…your BBB Co-Chair! Well it is that
time again to get things rolling for the Spring BBB. To start we are going to
have BBB at Harding Middle School again. We were able to sell a lot more
tables and had a lot more room and therefore raised more money for
LECPTA. So it is going to be an exciting time and you wouldn’t want to miss
out on this adventure.
I am looking for people to join the BBB committee. We will have our 1 st
meeting Monday, February 2nd, 7:00 pm at the Starbucks in Rocky River. I
also need people to sign up to help out the night before and the day of the
sale. If you are interested please call or email me. We will be doing the
LECPTA table again this spring if you have any thing (clothes, toys, etc.)
please put aside. I will provide information where to drop closer to the date of
the sale. We will also be having the fantastic bake sale. All proceeds will go
to the LECPTA.
Also, if you are interested in buying a table you will find the form attached
to this Scoop. If you would like to sell a BIG item only, you can do so for a
fee of $5, just contact me and I will set you up. The tables are selling fast, so
if you are thinking you want to sell, I would get your registration form in
ASAP (see page 17). This is always a fun time and is a large fundraiser for
LECPTA… plus volunteering to help goes towards your service hours. Hope
to hear from you soon!
Margo Bondar - BBB Co-Chair
Saturday, April 4, 2009
9 am—1pm
Harding Middle School
16601 Madison Avenue
Sponsored by: Lakewood Early Childhood PTA
Gently Used Items Include:
 Baby & youth clothing & accessories (birth to size 14/16)
 Toys
 Baby/youth furniture
 Maternity clothes & more
Don’t forget the Bake Sale for your favorite homemade
treats plus Panera, Breadsmith, and Caribou Coffee!
$5.00 from 9am-10am
$1.00 from 10am-1pm
Proceeds from this sale will support programs of the
Lakewood Early Childhood PTA.
To learn more about shopping or selling at the Baby Bargain Bonanza,
Visit or call or email Margo Bondar at
216-227-8372 —
Seller Information & Policy
Baby Bargain Bonanza
Fall Sale Saturday April 4th, 2009
Baby Bargain Bonanza has a long-standing reputation of being a quality resale of gently used baby and children’s items. We do require that Sellers be sure to quality check
their items and only sell the following items:
 Gently used baby/children clothing sizes newborn–14/16, which are not faded
& free of tears, stains, or a pilly texture.
 Clean toys, books, puzzles that have all of their pieces and no broken parts.
Please do not sell stuffed animals.
 Gently used baby furniture, strollers, highchairs, cribs/beds, bouncy seats, etc.
Bedding should be clean.
 No car seat Sales due to Liabilities.
*Please adhere to the above criteria so that we may maintain the positive
reputation we have acquired as a great kids sale.
$25.00 per 6ft table when provided by the LECPTA
$20.00 per table if the Seller provides the table (must be no larger than 6ft.)
$15.00 per table for LECPTA members in good standing whether the LECPTA* or
Seller provides the 6ft table.
*Please note: we are limited in the amount of available provided tables, you
may be asked to supply your own.
Each Seller will have and 8ft. wide and 6ft deep space. Spaces will be taped
off to assure fairness to each Seller. If you need more space you may buy more tables.
Each Seller is allowed 2 items in the “Big Item Room”. Cribs and Beds cannot be assembled. The Baby Bargain Bonanza committee will assign sellers their table location. Assignments will be handed out beginning at 7:00 am. Assignments are final. Sellers may
pack up any unwanted items into garbage bags for charities at the end of the sale.
Tables are first come, first serve. There is no limit on the amount of tables a
Seller can purchase. Once we sell out of spaces we will allow for a waiting list. Seller
tables are not reserved until the check and contract is received. Once the table(s) is
reserved there are NO REFUNDS for any reason. Sellers price and sell their own items
and keep all of the profits. Please bring enough change for the entire day. LECPTA will
not provide change. You might consider offering bags to your buyers. Please arrange
for childcare for your children. Confirmations will be emailed or mailed out to each
Harding Middle School 16601 Madison Avenue Lakewood, Ohio 44107
9am-1pm, Seller set-up starts at 7:00am
Early Shopping for the public is at 9am ($5.00 admission)
General Shopping for the public 10am-1pm ($1.00 admission)
All vehicles must be parked and away from the entrance by 8:30am. Seller set
-up is from 7:00 am-9am. The sale begins at 9am and ends at 1pm. Tables must be
manned at all times, and must be set-up until 1pm. At 1pm Sellers may begin to pack
up, but not before the sale ends. This policy must be adhered to in all fairness to the
buyers attending the sale. If you begin to pack your table prior to 1:00pm you will be
asked to stop.
*Keep this part for your records
SATURDAY, April 4th, 2009
DEADLINE IS March 4th, 2009
Other Seller(s):______________________________________________________________________
(Include name of Sellers sharing the table so that we may provide a name badge and
lunch form for each participating Seller)
Email Address*:(please write legibly)________________________________________________
*This is how you will receive your confirmation and future mailings from the Baby
Bargain Bonanza Committee. If you do not have an email address please send your
registration with a self-addressed stamped envelope so that we may mail out your
confirmation via mail
P L E A S E C H O O S E A C A T E G O R Y:
Number of tables to be provided by LECPTA:
Circle One:
Number of Tables x $25.00 = $_________
Number of Tables x $20.00 = $_________
Number of tables I will provide:
Circle One:
Number of tables–LECPTA MEMBER:
Circle One:
Number of Tables x $15.00 = $_________
Circle One:
Please provide me with tables
I will provide my own tables
**Please note: we are limited in the amount of available provided tables, you may
be asked to supply your own.
Please provide a summary of merchandise you plan to sell. Include gender and size
Please Make Checks
out to:
Lakewood Early
Childhood PTA
Mail Check, Registration &
Contract Form to:
Lakewood Early Childhood
PO Box 771624
Lakewood, Ohio 44107
For More information:
Please email:
Margo Bondar at
*Remember to supply a self-addressed stamped envelope if you do not have an email address.
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As promised, here is the final list of all the companies that contributed to our
successful 2008 LECPTA Auction. Please be sure to patronize them and
make sure you thank the management for their support. We could not do it
without their help!
Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You!
Akron Aeros
Akron Civic Theatre
Akron Symphony Orchestra
Ally's Salon of Lakewood
American Limousine Service
Alpine Valley
Around the Corner
Artist for a Day
Matthew Auck
Aut-O-Rama Twin Drive-In Theatre
B. A. Sweetie Candy Company Inc.
BabbaCo by Jessica Kim
Barnes & Noble
Bay Arts
Beck Center for the Arts
Beran's Studio
Bonne Bell
Breadsmith of Lakewood
Brown Aveda Institute
Build a Bear Workshop
Carnegie Science Center
Casey's Irish Imports
Cassidy Theatre
Century Cycles
Charles Scott Salon & Spa
Chuck E. Cheese
Cici's Pizza
Cincinnati Zoo and Botanical Garden
Cinemark USA
Cleveland Botanical Garden
Cleveland Browns
Cleveland Cavaliers
Cleveland Institute of Music
Cleveland Magazine
Cleveland Metroparks
Cleveland Metroparks Zoo
The Cleveland Orchestra
Cleveland Public Theatre
Conner Prairie
Cookies By Design
Cooking Thyme
Cord Camera
COSI Columbus
Cox Communications
Cravings Café
Creekwood Golf Course
Curry Copy Center
Curves of Lakewood
Cuyahoga Valley Scenic Railroad
Danny Boy's
Dean's Greenhouse & Flower Shop
Dick's Sporting Goods
Elements Hair Studio
Elmwood Bakery
Emerald Woods Golf Courses
Entertainment Publications Operating
Erie Shores Golf Course
Fairview Cycle & Skateboard
Fairview Lanes
First Watch
Fish Furniture
Firefly's Minigolf
Fitness Edge
Gale's Garden Center
Gingercare Massotherapy
Goddess Blessed
Great Lakes Brewing Company
Great Lakes Science Center
Gymboree Play and Music Center of
Hampton Inn
Henkel Consumer Adhesives Inc.
Highlights for Children
Holcomb's Education Resource
Holiday Inn Cleveland West
Horizons, Inc
IHOP Corp. Restaurant Support Center
Indianapolis Zoo
Ingersoll Hardware
Inn the Doghouse
Inner Bliss Yoga
John G. Shedd Aquarium
Kalahari Resorts
Kiddie Kandids
Kids Kuts
Lake County Captains
Lake Erie Monsters
Lake Erie Nature & Science Center
Lake Metroparks
Lakewood Dairy Queen
Lakewood City Schools Community
Recreation & Education Department
Lakewood Furnace Company
Lakewood Massotherapy
Lakewood Soccer Association
Learning RX
The Little Gym of Westgate
Lost Nation Aviation
Mayor Ed Fitzgerald
Memphis Entertainment Group
Memphis Kiddie Park
Miller Boat Line
Mitchell's Ice Cream
Mitred Construction
Mix 106.5 Brian & Joe Morning Show
Monro Muffler Brake
National Aviary
New Detroit Science Center
Norris Family Chiropractic
Northfield Park
Ohio City Pasta
Ohio Wine Producers Association
Olive Garden
Oreck Clean Home Center
Orlando Baking Company
Optimal Wellness
Pat Catan's Craft Centers
Pickwick & Frolic Restaurant and
Club, Home to Hilarities 4th Street
Pine Ridge Country Club
Pittsburgh Pirates
Pittsburgh Zoo & PPG Aquarium
Players on Madison
Playground World
Pro Football Hall of Fame
Put-In-Bay: Lakewood
The Ranger Shop
Reehorst Cleaners
River Therapeutic Massage
Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and Museum
Stamper's Grill Pub
Studio South Photographers
Super Suppers
The Andy Warhol Museum
The Cleaning Authority
The Cleveland Play House
The Dog House
The Improv Comedy Club & Restaurant
The Toledo Mud Hens
Thomas & Thomas Photography
Training by Liz
Tremont Scoops Ice Cream
Trolley Tours of Cleveland
Winestyles #270
President: Kara Goeller
Children’s Activities/Parties: Christine Smith
1st VP, Programs: Jill Carson
Community Service: Christine Walton-Siley
2nd VP, Tours: Lisa Majeski
Craft Days: Sheri Buckingham
3rd VP, Ways & Means: Susan Jarecke
Family Room Liaison: Naila Jones
Auction Co-Chair: Tricia Barney
Green Committee: Cindy Bischof-Steinbrick
BBB Co-Chair: Margo Bondar
Health, Safety, Welfare: **OPEN**
Flower Sale Co-Chair: Maggie Donahue
Helping Hands: Sharon O’Donnell
Recording Secretary: Jen Williams
Hospitality: Rani Johnson
Corresponding Secretary: Melissa Page
Meet the Trucks: Julie Derrick
Treasurer: Caron Viglianco
Parade: Regina Westlake
Membership: Elizabeth O’Brien
Parent Education: **OPEN**
PTA Council Delegate: Katie Markling
PTA Council Alternate: Regina Westlake
Clerks: Marjorie Hoelker, Amy Papp, Sarah
Pierce & Tara Sweeney-Funk
Adopt-A-Spot: Laura Whitkofski
Adult Activities: Kim Neeper
Amblyopia Screenings: Cindy Bischof-Steinbrick
Baby & Toddler: Amanda Ferry
Book Club: Regina Westlake
Bylaws/Legislation: Melissa Page
Playgroups: Meghann Bass
Public Relations: Delaney Gilliland
Reflections: Sheri Buckingham
Scoop Editor: Amy Walworth
Horace Mann (Northwest): Joy Krankowski
Hayes (Southwest): Marjorie Hoelker
Lincoln (North central): Casey Salo
Grant (Central): Naila Jones
Roosevelt (South central): Brigette Dineen
Emerson (Northeast): Heather Daniels
AND Tami Fitz-Patrick
Harrison (Southeast): Caitlin Magner
Please join us for the last Bounce Off the Walls of the year!
Join us to blow off some energy and have a great time. We will have
some great crafts and of course, balls galore!
Please join us at:
Harrison Elementary School Cafeteria and Gym
Friday, February 20 from 6:00-8:00 pm
LECPTA will provide pizza and drinks, however please bring a snack
to share. As always, RSVP’s are vital so that I know how much pizza
to order and how many crafts to have on hand.
Please RSVP by Friday, February 13th to Christine Smith at or 216-227-0565.
A side note: The goal of the LECPTA Children’s Parties Chair & Committee is to make
sure that all of your children have a wonderful time at every party. While there can easily be enough for everyone, it is imperative that everyone RSVP for these events so that
all parents and children can be accomodated.
Thanks so much for your understanding.
Please join us for a tour
Is your child thrilled at
of Lakewood
the sight of a fire truck?
Police Station.
Would they love to see the inside
The children will have
of Lakewood’s largest fire station?
an opportunity to walk
through the station and see the difPlease join us for a tour at Lakeferent areas that the police use for
wood’s Fire Station No. 1
their work and training as well as
(corner of Madison & Warren
their cruisers. The tour will be held
Ave.) on Friday March 6 at 10 am.
Friday, February 13 at 10 am
This tour can accommodate
This tour is limited to
approximately 20 people.
approximately 15 children
Please RSVP to Katie Markling
so please RSVP to Katie Markling
at 216-521-7508 or
at 216-521-7508 or
Baby & Toddler Valentine's Day Reiki Workshop
What better way to show your child how much you love them this
Valentine's Day than through Reiki or "hands on healing"!
Linda Kean-Lorman will teach what Reiki is and how to use Reiki/
Hands on healing to help calm yourself and your child. The workshop will be limited to 8 moms or dads and their children. Please
bring a yoga mat or blanket for you and your child to sit on during
class. The cost is $5.00 for each child.
It will be held:
Saturday, February 14th at 11:00 am
Goddess Blessed
15729 Madison Avenue
(at the Madison/Hilliard split)
Lakewood, Ohio 44107
Please RSVP with your payment by Wednesday, Feb 11th
Amanda Ferry
1657 Blossom Park
Lakewood, Ohio 44107
(216) 221-0680
Please include the bottom portion with your payment.
Make checks payable to LECPTA.
Baby & Toddler Valentine's Day Reiki Workshop
Saturday, February 14 at 11 am
Number of Children _________ x $5.00 per child ___________
Your Child's name ___________________________________
Your Name __________________________________________________
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Serpentini Arena At Winterhurst
14740 Lakewood Heights Boulevard  216-529-4400 
Join fellow LECPTA members for a discounted rate skating session at the newly
renovated Serpentini Arena at Winterhurst. The cost will be $2 per person
(regularly $4) when reservation and payment is received by 02/03/09. You can
enter at any time during the day and stay until the end of open skating at 3:30
PM. This activity is recommended for ages 3 and older. Skate rental is additional
and payable directly to Winterhurst.
Friday, February 6, 2009
9:00 AM to 3:30 PM
Cost: $2 per person (Skate rental additional)
Make checks payable to LECPTA and mail to:
Elizabeth O'Brien ◊ 17716 Riverway Drive ◊ Lakewood, OH 44107
216-221-3194 ◊
Come to The Little Gym at Westgate Mall!
Join us Thursday, February 19 at 2:45 pm at The Westgate Mall
Cost: $5 per active participant for a 45 minute class,
ages 19-30 months.
Please RSVP to Cassandra at
no later than February 14, 2009.
Baby and Toddler Time at the Lakewood Library!
The Lakewood Library's
"Family Weekend Wonders" programs feature
stories, activities, music and crafts. The program's
theme will be "Who's In The Bathtub?" and will
begin at 2:00 pm on Saturday, February 21.
We will meet in the Library's play area in the
Children's Room at 1:45 for some play time.
There is no charge for this outing however,
please RSVP by Sat. February 14th as this program
is also open to the public and space may be limited.
Lakewood Public Library - Main Branch
15425 Detroit Avenue, Lakewood
RSVP Amanda Ferry at 221-0680
Notes & Other Important Info...
Hear and Touch the Music
Instructor Tara Griest
At The Beck Center for the Arts,
17801 Detroit Ave., Lakewood - The Amory Building
Thursdays 9:30-10:00 AM or 11:00-11:30 AM
Each program will feature a demonstration and narration about the
instrument of the day, meeting and hearing a professional musician,
and hands-on experience with that instrument or a "Hear & Touch"
experience with a special topic spotlight. In addition, there will be
singing, dancing, instrument playing, and an activity sheet for each
participant to take home.
Please note: One adult for every five children. All children in attendance 6 and under must be registered for the class. Children 12
months and under are welcome to attend with older siblings free of
charge. Adults are free. Register today so you don’t miss out on the
We need a minimum of 10 children for each date to receive this discounted rate (pay at the door, if space is available, is $8.00).
LECPTA will give a class list to the Beck Center so check in when
you arrive.
Reservations and payment are due by: February 4th, 2009
Lisa Majeski ◊15911 Lake Ave ◊ Lakewood, OH 44107◊ ◊ 216-227-0442
Feb 12
Mar 12
Apr 9
May 15
# Children_____X$5.00=______
# Children_____X$5.00=______
# Children_____X$5.00=______
# Children_____X$5.00=______
Child(ren) Name(s):_______________________________________
Phone#:__________________ Email:_________________________
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Playhouse Square Presents
“When Elmo Grows Up”
Elmo and his Sesame friends think about
what they will be when they grow up. Can
Elmo make up his mind during this musical
We have tickets to two performances:
Thursday, February 19th @ 7:00 pm
Friday, February 20th @ 10:30 am
$15.00 per person
$11.00 per person
**Everyone attending needs a ticket**
RSVP BY February 10th, 2009 to:
Lisa Majeski ◊ 15911 Lake Ave ◊ Lakewood, OH 44107
216.227.0442 ◊
Please include the bottom portion with your payment. Make checks
payable to LECPTA.
Phone: _______________Email: _______________________
Tickets for 2/19/09 _______ X $15.00ea =
$ ________
Tickets for 2/20/09 _______ X $11.00ea =
$ ________
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Musical Rainbow at Reinberger Chamber Hall
The Fantastic Flute
Mary Kay Fink on Flute,
Laura Silverman on Piano
Maryann Nagel, Host
The 30-minute Musical Rainbow concerts are a fun, interactive way for children ages 3-6 to learn about the instruments of the orchestra through musical
demonstrations. Most concerts are performed by Cleveland Orchestra musicians, and all are hosted by local actress and singer Maryann Nagel with accompaniment by pianist Laura Silverman. Children have the chance to sing,
clap, and move to the music during these engaging, interactive programs.
Cost is $5.00 per ticket for all children and adults.
Everyone needs a ticket.
Date: Friday, February 20, 2009 at 10:00 am
***** Deadline for tickets is Friday, February 13, 2009 *****
Please make checks payable to LECPTA.
Enclose payment with a self-addressed stamped envelope.
Mail/drop off to:
Regina Westlake
2137 Richland Ave. * Lakewood, OH 44107
216-228-3954 *
EVENT: Musical Rainbow: The Fantastic Flute
DATE: Friday, February 20, 2009 at 10:00 am
Name: ____________________________________________________________
Phone: _________________________ Email: _________________________
# of Tickets __________
X $5.00 each = $____________
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radKIDS Personal Safety and Empowerment
(resisting aggression defensively)
Program Description for 3 ½ - 5 year olds
Enrollment is limited so please register early!
Have you ever wondered how to teach your children - without scaring them - about
strangers, predator tricks, uncomfortable touch, teasing and bullying, or aggressive
dogs? Don Hallowell is a Rocky River father who asked himself this very question
despite having over 20 years of experience in the security, safety, and law enforcement fields. While researching child safety programs for his son, he found the radKIDS Personal Empowerment and Safety Education Program based in South Dennis, Massachusetts.
As featured on CNN, CBS News, and Good Morning America, radKIDS provides
children with skills to recognize, avoid, and escape dangerous situations or harm.
The radKIDS program has been taught to over 150,000 children throughout North
America. Since 1998, they have 52 documented saves from predatory abduction
and has been endorsed by the National Sheriff‘s Association. According to Hallowell, radKIDS is unique because it provides children with options and choices they
will not get in other safety programs. In fact, it is a program that child advocate and
America‘s Most Wanted host John Walsh has called, ―A great program and valuable
tool in the fight to protect our children.‖
-The class will be for children ages 3½ - 5 and will consist of seven sessions,
each lasting approximately 1hour and 15 minutes. A parent or guardian MUST
attend the entire time with their child.
-Thursdays at 3:45 to 5:00 PM starting February 26 and concluding April 9 with
their graduation.
- Meeting in the New Gym at Lincoln Elementary School, 15615 Clifton Blvd.
-The class will include activity sheets for the kids, personalized graduation certificate, radKIDS wrist band, stickers, and a parent safety manual.
-The fee is $50 for all seven classes and all materials.
Questions? Please contact Elizabeth O’Brien at 216-221-3194,
Or check out
Registration form on reverse —>
radKIDS Personal Safety and Empowerment
Thursdays, February 26 to April 9, 2009
Parent Name
Child(ren)‘s names & ages
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Registration/payment deadline 02/16/09
Make checks payable to LECPTA and
mail to Elizabeth O'Brien, 17716 Riverway Drive, Lakewood, OH 44107
Testimonials - radKIDS
"Excellent course! Very impressed with Don's ability to bring difficult topics down to their level without
scaring the students. Very empowering!" -Christine B.
Instructor did a fabulous job teaching and motivating the kids- super energetic, informative, and supportive." -Maureen J.
"Great class, the whole family learned something." -Laura W.
"This class was so beneficial and important... (our daughter) felt comfortable with Don, a great instructor, who empowered our whole family. Thank you!!" -Marie B
"Very informative with an excellent instructor." -Eldon G.
"Excellent program and instruction! Your positive attitude and enthusiasm really affect the kids in a great
way!" –Sheryl M.
"I have recommended it to everyone I know!" -Laurel K.
"Would love to see it mandatory in the schools." -Tom N.
"This was an amazing class. I can't wait until our youngest son is old enough to take it too." -Anne V.
"My child loved this class." -Nora W.
"Absolutely great class... Don is so good with the children- they are comfortable with him and he keeps
them interested. He handled behavior problems expertly. You can tell he really cares." -Maureen
"This was a terrific course...would recommend it for everyone" -Mary W.
"Awesome...we really enjoyed this class." -Wendy P.
"This class was so great." -Sara C.
"Don is such an excellent instructor. Serious, yet interesting. This is a wonderful program. We would
love to see you do this program at all of the schools..." -Sally D.
"(Our community) should make this class mandatory for all children." -Sue H.
"This was an excellent course! My boys learned a lot and loved learning it. It has prompted many discussions at home as well. This program should be included in all school systems! Don is an excellent instructor- he relates well with the kids,
and makes them feel comfortable and safe when talking about difficult topics." -Peggy B.
"I wish this course could be part of phys-ed in schools!!" -Anette S.
"I was very impressed. I think every child should take this course." -Michael P.
"Terrific class- I have recommended it to everyone I know!" -Laurel K
Please join us at
Pump It Up
1758 Moore Road in Avon
to burn off some post-holiday energy! We will have the arena full of
inflatables reserved for LECPTA for an hour and a half of jumping. This
activity is recommended for children over the age of two. This is a
jointly sponsored event by the Tours Committee and Community Service Committee.
Date: Thursday, February 26, 2009 from 3:20 pm until 5:00 pm.
Please arrive on time to complete the waiver form and watch the short safety
video prior to entering the arena.
Cost: $2 and a package of diapers per child. The diapers will be
donated to the Lakewood Family Room.
There is a need for larger size diapers (sizes 2-5).
RSVP by mailing payment and completed form to:
Amy Papp
384 Bates Drive
Bay Village, OH 44140.
Space is limited for this event.
Any Questions?
Please call Amy at 440-250-2759 or email:
Please include the bottom portion with your payment.
Make checks payable to LECPTA.
Date: February 26, 2009 Time: 3:20 pm – 5:00 pm
Name: _______________________________________________________
Phone: _________________________ Email: _______________________
# of Children (Age 2 or older) __________ X $2 each = $ __________
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Come and explore the
Cleveland Museum of Natural
Sunday, March 1st, 2009 at 12:30 pm
Satisfy that natural curiosity at the museum
where you can meet dinosaurs like Jane, a
young T-Rex, check out the hands on discovery center, the outdoor
animal habitats, enjoy the crystals, and more.
Our group’s admission fees are
$7 per Adult, $5 per Child age 7-18, $4 per child age 3-6
Age 2 and younger are FREE
Please RSVP by Saturday, February 21st, 2009
Lisa Majeski ◊ 15911 Lake Ave ◊ Lakewood, OH 44107
216-227-0442 ◊
Please include the bottom portion with your payment and self-addressed stamped
envelope. Make checks payable to LECPTA.
TOUR: Natural History Museum
DATE: March 1st, 2009
Name: _______________________________________________________
Phone: __________________________ Email: ______________________
# of Adults
______ X $7.00 each =
# of Kids (6+yr) ______ X $5.00 each =
# of Kids (3-6yr) ______ X $4.00 each =
Total =
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LECPTA General Meeting
Harding Middle School –7:00 pm
radKids Registration & Pymnt Due
BBB Committee Mtg—7 pm
Starbucks in Rocky River
Book Club
7:30 pm at The Thai Hut
March Scoop Articles Due
Sesame Live RSVP Due
B&T Reiki Workshop RSVP Due
February 2009
Pump It Up
3:20 pm—Avon
radKids Sessions Begin (1 of 7)
3:45 pm—Lincoln Elem.
The Little Gym
2:45 pm at Westgate
Sesame Street Live
7 pm at Playhouse Square
Hear & Touch: Guitar
Beck Center
Musical Rainbow
10 am—Reinberger Hall
Sesame Street Live
10:30 am at Playhouse Square
Bounce Off The Walls Party
6:00 pm at Harrison Elementary
B&T Storytime
2:00 pm at Lkwd Library Main Br.
B&T Reiki Workshop
11 am at Goddess Blessed
Little Gym RSVP Due
Police Station Tour—10 am
Adult Social at The Melting Pot
Westgate—8:15 pm
BOW Children’s Party RSVP Due
Musical Rainbow RSVP Due
Ice Skating at Winterhurst
9 am—3:30 pm
Lakewood Preschool PTA
c/o 1470 Warren Road
Lakewood OH 44107