West Valley Christian Academy Cougars Chronicle


West Valley Christian Academy Cougars Chronicle
West Valley Christian
Cougars Chronicle
November 2012
Volume 3, Issue 4
! Nov 1 - Picture Re-takes 9am
! Nov 4 – Daylight Savings
! Nov 14 – Awards Chapel
! Nov 12 - No School
Veteran’s Day
! Nov 13th – 15th -
(K-3) Vision Screening
! Nov 14 - Operation Christmas
Child Box Due
! Nov 15 - PTF Meeting 7pm
! Nov 20 – Sports Pictures
3:30 pm
! Nov 21- Early Dismissal-
Report Card Preparation
Free Dress
Principal’s High Five goes to: Natthan
Mendoza, Jeremy Miller, Luke Fielsch,
Evani Gaeta, Alexander Gray, Paula
Akinyemi, Caleb Fisher, Alexis Dunn,
Tucker Hudson, Zachary Chubeck, KarlAnthony Rosete, Jasper Clemente,
Dennison Renderos, Nicholas Frasula,
Alex Calderon & Joshua Case.
All WCC & WVCA students participated in
the Largest Earthquake Drill in U.S.
History on Thursday, October 18th at
10:18am. The Student Council Leadership
Team helped the preschool – 1st grade
students and teachers during the drill.
Reminder: The Cold and Flu season is
here. Please have your child’s first and
last name on their water bottle.
Have a Healthy Thanksgiving! Mrs. Martin
The next PTF Meeting is:
November 15th at 7:00 pm
Thank you to those that attended the
September PTF meeting. All parents are
cordially invited to attend all of our P.T.F.
meetings. It’s a great way to participate in
what is happening at our school, and to
meet other parents and faculty. PTF
Minutes will be posted online or you can
pick up a copy in the office.
The new WVCA Student Council will be
introduced at our next PTF Meeting.
! Nov 22-23 – No School Thanksgiving Break
Daycare is Closed
! Nov 28-30 – Early Dismissal-
Parent/ Teacher Conferences
! Dec 6-7 – Holiday Store
hosted by PTF
! Dec 11 – K-2nd Grade
Christmas Musical 7pm
! Dec 14 – Early Dismissal
Free Dress
! Dec 17 -Jan 1 – No School
Christmas Break
Attention Parents:
We need your help with the parking lot.
Our helpers are volunteers as well as our
student safety patrol. Please be
courteous when driving or walking in the
parking lot. The drop off & pick up lane is
one way. Please stay to the right of the
road and do not exit out of a lane the
wrong way. If we all work together the
drop off & pick up is more efficient and
safer for everyone.
The parking lot in front of the church is
reserved for Church Office Visits Only.
Inside This Issue
Principal’s Corner
No School
Vision Screening Slip
Physical Education
PTF Corner
Gift Cards
Lost & Found
School Cast
Sports News
Student Council
Awards Chapel
Refrain from climbing over and/or
under the chains. Do not leave
valuables in your car and turn your
car off if you are going to enter the
No School Monday the 12th for Veteran’s
Day. No School Thursday the 22nd and
Friday the 23rd for Thanksgiving Break.
Kindergarten through third grade will
have their vision tested on November 13th
– 15th. If you do not want your child to
take part in the vision testing please
mark that on your child’s permission slip.
Holiday Store sponsored by PTF will be on
Thursday, December 6th & Friday,
December 7th. We are in need of volunteers
for this event; you can contact the office if
you are interested in helping.
2012-2013 P.T.F. Presidents:
Hans & Mischelle Fieslch
Vice President: Jennifer Jesser
Place your order early to help with
Holiday shopping. Eating out? Order a
restaurant gift card. You can also use gift
cards for your every day purchases like
groceries, gas & even haircuts.
Some of the gift cards you can place an
order for are: Sees Candies, Game Stop,
ToysRUs, Disney, i’Tunes, AMC, CVS, Rite
Aid, Walgreens, Bath & Body Works,
Staples, Best Buy, Michaels, Old Navy,
Gap, Macy’s, JcPennys, Aeropostale,
Kohl’s, Marshalls, Ross, Sears, Target,
WalMart, Safeway, SaveMart, Raleys,
Chevron, Arco, Best Western, Marriott, &
So Much More… You can also go online at
www.glscrip.com to see all of the gift
cards that are available to purchase.
Although we do have some gift cards on
hand in the office, ordering ensures that
you get the exact gift card you need
when you need it.
Note* Use the SaveMart, Safeway or
Raley’s Scrip & your rewards card
together to give even more back to the
You can also view the Newsletter & Menu online at
Sports News…
Pick up your child’s lost
and found items by the
donation date: November
16th. Make sure to label
all of your child/ren’s
Our Volleyball & Soccer Teams will be ending
their season with their Tournaments on the
8th for Volleyball and the 9th for Soccer. The
teams have had a great season thanks to
their coaches, all of whom have given many
hours of their time to ensure the players
could experience being part of competitive
sports at WVCA. Thank you Coach Cool & Mr.
Santellano for coaching soccer and Mr.
Vierra, Mrs. Markham & Mrs. Maldonado for
coaching volleyball; you are all appreciated
very much.
Show your Cougar Spirit!
Parents are always invited
to our chapel services
every Wednesday. Don’t
forget to send your child
to school in proper chapel
attire EVERY Wednesday.
Kindergarten through 8th
Grade has chapel at 8:459:15. Awards chapel is on
the second Wednesday of
the month.
To hear the School Cast
message replayed call 1866-665-4384. The message
will only replay on the
phone line that it was sent
Cougar Trait
Volleyball Win: 4
Win: 1
Loss: 6
Loss: 5
Middle School Basketball Tryouts:
Monday, Nov. 13th & Tuesday,
Nov. 15th at 3:30 for girls & 4:30
for boys. You must be present
both days.
Sports pictures will be Tuesday,
November 20th at 3:30 pm.
Remember to bring your sports
Reminder: Your child cannot return to
school if it hasn’t been 24 hours since
vomiting, having diarrhea or fever free.
The day following an absence each student
must stop by the office before returning to
class to receive an admit slip. Please send a
note with your child to explain why the child
was out.
Recognizing and
doing what
needs to be done
I am asked.
“Work with
enthusiasm, as
The Middle School Leadership Conference is
designed to help students discover and
develop their talents as a leader. Everyone
has the potential to lead, and every day
provides you with opportunities and
possibilities to lead. Instead of just sitting
and taking notes, this conference allowed
our council to learn about leadership by
getting involved in activities, engaging in
group discussions, writing their thoughts,
and setting goals to act on. Fun and
interesting sessions helped them improve
skills to become an effective leader and
allowed them to have a great time. Thank
you, to West Valley Christian Academy, for
providing us this opportunity to grow and
develop as leaders. ~ Mrs. C. Smith and the
2012-2013 Student Council
Mrs. Llorente: Katherine Perez &
Allyson Wu
Mrs. Guardanapo: Collin Varvell, Kyla Vieira
& Makenna Zuro
Mrs. Rose: Alexander Gray & Giselle Wirya
Mrs. Lennier: Samantha Chacon & Gabriel
Mrs. Cool: Giovanna Chukwuma, Jake Jones
& Joshua Marroquin
Mr. Shaffer: Alexis Melo & Tiffany Lutan
Mrs. Anderson: Ammiel Clemente & Vernon
Mrs. Crivello: Lance Le, Matthew Penner &
David Wirtley
Mrs. Bedrosian: Kendall Bobo & Caleb Fisher
Mr. Teyshak: Joshua Moore, Kayla Naldo,
Michael Pearson, Dennisen Renderos, Grace
Voress & Ajay Walia
Mrs. Smith: Abraham Canafe, Logan Le &
Alexander Sia
Mrs. Fairbrace: Aleena Duarte-Contreras,
Sondra Montague & Alyssa Santellano
WATCH D.O.G.S. – There are still days to fill
this year. If you are interested in
volunteering and have not signed up yet, you
can fill out the registration form in the
office. If you would like more information
about the program contact Matt Laiolo at
We would like to thank the following men
for dedicating a day or more on the WVCA
Campus as a WATCH D.O.G.:
Matt Laiolo, Hans Fielsch, Antwan Graves,
Harry Laiolo, James Santellano, Carlos
Trejos, Victor Esquillo, Arnie Monize, Jerrod
Jesser, Parris Butler, Rey Muli, James
Santellano, Tony Leanos, Gary Yamada,
Dwight Hasbrouck, Steven Brooks,
The staff & students are grateful for your
commitment. Your presence makes a big
difference to the level of safety and
security we feel. Thank You!
Payments are due by the 10th of each
month, August through May.
The Payment Drop Box is located in the
front office for your convenience. All Cash
payments require a receipt. Please do not
place cash in the drop box. We accept
Discover, MasterCard, & Visa Credit Card
payments for Tuition Only. There is a
$5.00 transaction fee per transaction.
Cougar’s Den is Open on Fridays 9 – 11 am for students
Purchase a $20 Cougar Club Card from Student Store & receive an extra $2 FREE on the
card! Excludes all apparel purchases.
All apparel orders are processed through the office
All Apparel orders must be placed on the New Apparel Order Form available in the
office or online. All orders are processed in the order they are received. Unless items are
in stock, orders will take a minimum of 2 weeks or more to process depending when the
next order is placed. No refunds. Call the office to set up an appointment to check sizing.
A few Clearance items are still available!
Tyson A+ Program – If you use Tyson products just cut out the label & turn it into your child’s teacher. Each label is
worth 24¢ for the school.
Box Tops for Education – Look for Box Tops on many participating products. Before turning in your Box Tops to your
child’s teacher; cut them out on the dotted lines and write your child’s name on the back of each one. We have drawings
throughout the school year for a variety of prizes. boxtops4education.com has many more opportunities to help the school
earn money.
2Ways2Earn –When you register it will link to your Safeway card and you can earn eBoxTops for the school. You can sign
up online at 2ways2earn.com or for an additional bonus for the school have friends or the office refer you. Once you are
signed up you will receive an email that explains how the program works.
Target – If you currently have a Target Credit card or are considering getting one, the school can earn money through your
purchases. Sign up with Target so every day purchases can help the school earn money.
Raley’s – has changed their rewards program. Log on to www.somethingextra.com and click join or log in and follow the
prompts. Once enrolled into the Something Extra Program, to the right of the screen click on manage your account, then to
the right of the screen click on Extra Credit and follow the prompts. Make sure to select West Valley Christian Academy as
your organization and remember to add the percentage in. Remember to have family members or friends sign up as well.
The Quality of Life Program ended as of September 26th and was replaced with the Extra Credit Program.
Safeway – Register your Safeway Club card online through eScrip, choose WVCA as your school of choice. If you are
already registered your Safeway card, make sure to renew each year by November 1st. All of your every day purchases will
help earn money for the school.
SaveMart – S.H.A.R.E.S. cards are available in the school office. No need to register this card, just use it along with your
purchases and the school gets a percentage back.
Script – Gift Cards are available to order! Place your order for a gift card/certificate through our scrip order form. Order
forms are available in the office & are sent home periodically throughout the year. There is a limited selection of gift cards
in the office, pre-order to guarantee you get the gift card(s) you need. This is a great way for our school to earn money with
no additional cost to you. GREAT FOR HOLIDAYS!!!