The Fort Worth Japanese Society Newsletter
The Fort Worth Japanese Society Newsletter
The Fort Worth Japanese Society Newsletter Mar. – Apr. 2015 th Mar 15th “Kodomo “Kodomo no Hi” Luncheon with “mochi” and and “oyakodonburi” Our Mission: To foster understanding between Japanese and Americans by providing an opportunity to learn about Japan, it’s people, language and culture. March Luncheon – Kodomo No Hi Sunday Mar. 15th, from 12:30PM at Yamagata Center We’ll celebrate “Kodomo No Hi” (combines “Tango no Sekku” – Boys Day – and “Hinamatsuri” – Girls Day or Dolls Festival). We will demonstrate mochi making as well as give you a chance to make your own mochi, and of course, eat it. The food will be “Oyako Donburi” (chicken and egg over rice) prepared by Chef Julia and the society’s Events Committee. $12 for adults, $8.00 for children 8 – 12, children 7 and under are free. Baking mochi Making daifuku mochi -2- Spring Festival in the Japanese Garden Sat. Apr. 25th – Sun. Apr. 26th Volunteers Needed Place your name on the sign-up sheets at the Yamagata Center or contact the lead person for each activity below: Origami – Irene Koscal: 817-294-4633 Calligraphy – Wes Noles 817-847-5821 Japanese Games – Elishia Flowers 817-534-6236 Kimono Dress-up – Haruko Herness 817-560-8761 Kamishibai- William Winston 817-370-2343 -3- SOCIETY NEWS - RECENT EVENTS Shinbokukai (Dinner Get-Together) Twenty-four of us enjoyed our get-together at Hanabi Ramen & Izakaya. Chef Ito Takao came out to be sure we were all taken care of well. Having small helpings of various dishes in the “izakaya” style works great in a social setting where we can all talk and dine in a leisurely fashion. Hanabi is located at 3204 Camp Bowie Blvd. February Luncheon Our “sukiyaki” luncheon was again well attended with 37 members, some of whom had never had sukiyaki before, so it was quite a treat. Chef Julia Dunaway will provide some background information and cooking directions. One diner at each of the tables was selected to be the main cook, and even though at least one person had never made sukiyaki before, it came out great and everyone enjoyed the experience. Bingo immediately followed lunch. All set to enjoy suikiyaki Legends of Women Throughout Time Elaine Yamagata, one of our society’s founders, was honored on Friday, March 6th by the Friendship Force of Fort Worth at their “Legends of Women” event. As many of you know, Elaine was a very successful business woman as president of the international trading division of Tandy Corporation and on boards of numerous cultural and philanthropic organizations. The Friendship Force is involved in many home-stay exchanges internationally as well as domestically. Elaine Yamagata recently celebrated her 93rd Birthday -4- Society News – continued UPCOMING EVENTS March Luncheon – Sunday Mar. 15th, from 12:30PM at Yamagata Center We’ll celebrate “Kodomo No Hi” (combines “Tango no Sekku” – Boys Day – and “Hinamatsuri” – Girls Day or Dolls Festival). We will demonstrate mochi making as well as give you a chance to make your own mochi, and of course, eat it. The food will be “Oyako Donburi” (chicken and egg over rice) prepared by Chef Julia and the society’s Events Committee. Nobuko Foshee will prepare the otsukemono (pickled vegetables). $12 for adults, $8.00 for children 8 – 12, children 7 and under are free. You should have received a phone call or email regarding this event already. If you have notyet done so, please RSVP by Wednesday March 11th (at latest, March 12th) to Nobuko Foshee at (817) 738-4524 or Harvey Yamagata at (817) 737-9166 or email to or Discover Japan – Sunday Mar. 22nd We are again hosting an educational session for Fort Worth Students who will be visiting Nagaoka, Japan, this coming summer. This program, conducted by Sister Cities International of Fort Worth, enables many Fort Worth students to live with a Japanese family for two to three weeks. Fort Worth families, in turn, host many Nagaoka students. The Fort Worth students attend our session to get a taste of Japan and to learn some basic Japanese language skills so they can enjoy their visit to the fullest. Several of our members volunteer their time to provide this program. Spring Festival in the Japanese Garden – Sat. Apr. 25th to Sun. Apr. 26th It’s time again for the Japanese Garden Festival. Volunteer sheets will be on the front table in the Yamagata Center and this time, John Pickett will work to enable people to volunteer via the FWJS website. Put these dates on your calendars so you won’t miss the fun in volunteering for our various cultural demonstrations in calligraphy, origami, tea ceremony, taiko drumming, Japanese games, Kamishibai, kimono dress-up, etc. May Luncheon – Sunday May 17th, from 12:30PM at Yamagata Center From time to time, we are honored to have the Consul General of Japan in Houston visit us at one of our luncheons. The honorable Nozomu Takaoka graduated from Tokyo University and studied at Oxford University in England. He has served in various positions internationally, including Italy, Sweden and most recently in Iran before coming to the U.S. He and his wife have a son and a daughter. The food will be pot luck so please bring your favorite food to share with us and the Consul General. -5- 日本人会会報—最近の出来事 親睦会 花火&ラーメン居酒屋で行われた親睦 会に24名が出席しました。シェフの 伊藤たかお氏が万事うまくいっている か確認しにテーブルまで来てくれまし た。居酒屋スタイルで、様々な料理を 囲んでみんながのんびりと楽しく食事 をするのはとてもよかったです。 2月の定例ランチョン 2度目のすき焼きランチョンは37名 もの出席者、中にはすき焼きが初めて と言う人もいたので、かなりのご馳走 となりました。シェフのジュリアダナ ウェイさんはすき焼きの背景、また作 り方を説明してくれました。各テーブ ルに一つの鍋、メインのコックが選ば れました。テーブルに最低ひとりはす き焼きを作ったことがなかったので、 それはとても美味しくでき、誰もが楽 しみました。その後すぐにビンゴが行 われました。 Legends of Women Throughout Time フォートワース日本人会の創立者のひとりである山縣イレインさんは3月 6日(金)フォートワースのフレンドシップフォースから「リジェンドオ ブウーマン」のイベントで表彰されました。みなさんご存知のように、イ レインさんはタンディ・コーポレーションの国際貿易部門の社長として、 数多くの文化や社会奉仕団体のボード上で非常に成功したビジネスウーマ ンでした。フレンドシップフォースは、屋内外で多くのホームスティ交流 に関与しています。 -6- 予定されているイベント 月例ランチョン:3月15日(日)午後12時半から 山縣センター 「子供の日」をお祝いしましょう。ひな祭り(3月3日と子供の日 (端午の節句)5月5日を合わせて祝います。)お餅作りのデモンス トレーション、ご自分で好きなお餅を作ります。食事はシェフジュリ アダナウェイさんが用意する親子どんぶり(ご飯の上に鶏肉とたま ご)。大人12ドル、8歳から12歳の子供は8ドル、7歳以下の子供 は無料です。すでに電話かEメールでこのランチョンについて連絡が いっていると思います。もしまだ連絡がなかった場合、3月11日 (水)までに(遅くとも12日)信子フォッシーさん(817) 738−4524、またはハービー山縣さん(817)737−9166 またはEメール or までお願いし ます。 ディスカバージャパン 3月22日(日) 今年の夏、日本の長岡を訪問するフォートワースの学生のために、再 び教育セッションを主催します。フォートワースの国際姉妹都市協会 が行っているプログラムは、多くのフォートワースの学生が日本の家 族と2、3週間過ごせるようにします。このセッションに参加する学 生たちは最大限に日本の訪問を楽しむことができるよう、日本の味を 経験し、基本的な日本語能力を学びます。何人かのメンバーが時間を 割いて奉仕してくださいます。 日本庭園での春祭り:4月25日(土)、4月26日(日) 日本庭園でのお祭りがまたやってきました。ボランティア表は山縣セ ンターのフロントテーブルにあります。そして今回ジョンピケット氏 が日本人会のウェブサイトからボランティアを書き込めるようにして くださっています。書道、折り紙、茶道、太鼓、日本のゲーム、紙芝 居、着物ドレスアップなどで様々な日本文化のデモンストレーション のボランティアを楽しむチャンスを逃さないように、カレンダーに書 き込んでください。 -7- 日本語クラスニュースレター 春の運動会 3月9日 Spring Sports Festival ( March 9th ) The festival held inside the building due to bad weather. However, All students had a great time with laughter and tears!! ご協力くださいました、ご父兄、並びに日本人会、ボランティアの方々にお礼申し上げます。ありがとうございました。 -8- Scenes From Our Sukiyaki Luncheon Chef Julia adding a generous portion of sake into her sauce A cornucopia of fresh vegetables Ian tries cooking sukiyaki (look at that beautifully sliced beef!) Julia talks about sukiyaki cooking Kazuko Hales cooks at her table, and the deliciously laid out food below shows that she’s done this before John and Julia Yoon cooking their first sukiyaki while Rick, Sandra, Mike and Wes eagerly await. -9- Society Activities Drummers with Fort Worth Mayor Price and Nagaoka Mayor Mori at July 4th Celebration. Dondoko Taiko (Drum Group) This group performs at many metroplex festivals and special events. Practice every Sunday 6:00 to 8:30 PM. Contact: Asako Cosby Japanese Language Class Adult classes Mondays 6:00-7:30pm. (There may be other evenings, depending on class size.) Children’s classes Mondays 4:45-5:30pm (must be over 3 years old). Very reasonable tuition. Visit our website at Contact: Harumi Sharp. Students practicing calligraphy at our language school demonstration Classical Japanese Dance This is a relatively small group meeting at the Society every Monday morning from 11:00am to 1:00pm. The instructor is Mrs. Keio Miyamoto, an accredited master of Fujima School. If anyone is interested in Japanese dances, please come and join us. The group enjoys dancing with other Fort Worthians at the spring and autumn Japanese Festival. Contact: Teruko Green Kurumi Ningyo This group makes Japanese crafts and meets from 10:00am to 2:00pm every other Wednesday. Contact: Nobuko Foshee - 10 - Join the Fort Worth Japanese Society MEMBERSHIP FORM for 2015 Tel: 817-294-5004 Date ____________ Name _____________________________________ Born/Raised _________________________ City/State/Country Name _____________________________________ Born/Raised _________________________ City/State/Country Current Address: No. & Street _____________________________________________________ City, State, Zip _________________________________________________________________ Tel. No. Home ______________________________ Work _____________________________ Email ________________________________________________________________________ I would like to receive my newsletter by (check one): Mail eMail I would like to be notified of coming events by (check one): Telephone eMail If you will let us know what activities are of interest to you, such as Japanese Dance, volunteer at our the Fall and Spring Japanese Garden Festival, etc., let us know. Also, if you wish, let us know your age range and we will let you know what activities might be of interest to you. Your comments: ___________________ ________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ Annual Membership Dues (please mark (x) in front of the classification you are joining). ____ Family Membership $40.00 ____ Single Membership $30.00 ____ Associate Membership (Students) $20.00 Make check payable to Fort Worth Japanese Society. Mail to: Fort Worth Japanese Society c/o Harvey Yamagata 4220 Ridgehaven Road Fort Worth, TX 76116 Optional: Membership dues do not cover all expenses such as maintaining our building which facilitates all our activities. These expenses are augmented by donations and fund raising events. If you wish to make a donation at this time, please mark (X) in front of the level of donation. ___ Maple $10.00 - $49.99 ___ Ginko $50.00 - $99.99 ___ Sakura $100 and over. Donations will be recognized in our newsletter. The Fort Worth Japanese Society is a not-for-profit organization and contributions are tax deductible. - 11 - Local Business Supporters Arigato Gozaimasu Natsuko E Piano Studio 3209 Lawndale Ave. Fort Worth, TX 76133 Tel. (818) 481-1384 Piano lessons for all ages and levels. Over 10 years of teaching experience. 5121 Pershing Ave Fort Worth, TX 76107 (817) 737-8568 Would you like to advertise in our Newsletter? Contact Harvey Yamagata at - 12 - Fort Worth Japanese Society 3608 Park Lake Fort Worth, TX 76133 SAVE THE DATE March Luncheon – Sunday Mar. 15th, from 12:30PM at Yamagata Center We’ll celebrate “Kodomo No Hi” (combines “Tango no Sekku” – Boys Day – and “Hinamatsuri” – Girls Day or Dolls Festival). Eating and making mochi as well “Oyako Donburi” (chicken and egg over rice).$12 for adults, $8.00 for children 8 – 12, children 7 and under are free. RSVP by Wednesday March 11th (at latest, March 12th) to Nobuko Foshee at (817) 738-4524 or Harvey Yamagata at (817) 737-9166 or email to or Spring Festival in the Japanese Garden – Sat. Apr. 25th to Sun. Apr. 26th Volunteer sheets will be on the front table in the Yamagata Center and this time. See inside for persons to contact directly to demonstrate calligraphy, origami, Japanese games, Kamishibai and kimono dress-up. May Luncheon – Sunday May 17th, from 12:30PM at Yamagata Center Consul General of Japan in Houston, the honorable Nozomu Takaoka will be our guest speaker. He has served in various positions internationally, including Italy. The food will be pot luck so please bring your favorite food to share with us and the Consul General. Fort Worth Japanese Society Tel: 817-294-5004 . 3608 Park Lake Drive Fort Worth, TX 76133