June 2015
June 2015
June 2015 January 2012 - 1 CONTENTS Welcome Letter 4 Retailer in the Spotlight 5 New Exclusive Summer Patterns 6 We Catch Up with Georgia Farrell 8 Liberty London 10 Free Pattern 11 Rowan Loves…Once Upon A Time 12 Debbie Abrahams Bead Club 2015 14 Rowan Weekend Workshop 15 Arena Travel Workshops 16 2 - June 2015 Argentine by Martin Storey using Summerlite 4ply Summerlite 4ply June 2015 - 3 Hello and welcome to the June issue of the newsletter. As we move towards the lazy days of the summer months, we are excited to bring you some new exclusive patterns in our Pattern Store; perfect for those sunny evenings. We also show you our brand new space in the famous Liberty store in London, tell you about an exciting Arena holiday to Iceland and meet designer Georgia Farrell. Don’t forget to keep us updated with your crochet along progress on our social media pages, there will be a special announcement about this in July’s enewsletter! We hope you enjoy your new edition. The Rowan team Front Cover: Snapdragon by Marie Wallin Creative Linen Simple Shapes Creative Linen Keep in touch with us on social media… 4 - May 2015 Click on the symbol where it appears for a link to further information Retailer in the Spotlight… Pippicalzelunghe Pippi Longstocking Rome - Italy Pippicalzelunghe is a fabulous online outlet based in Rome, offering inspirational knit cafés and knitting groups, alongside other initiatives. They also offer a helpful EORJZKHUH\RXFDQÀQGWLSVDQGDGYLFH on all matter of subjects. Knit cafés at Pippicalzelunghe 3LSSLFDO]HOXQJKH·V SURJUDPPH RI .QLW Cafés is held in a beautifully tranquil, countryside setting just outside Rome. 3HRSOH PHHW WR NQLW WRJHWKHU ÀQG QHZ friends, exchange ideas or simply chat whilst enjoying pastries and coffees. Bring along your work in progress and join in the fun! Cuore di Maglia The pro-active retailer is also getting involved in the Cuore di Maglia project, http://cuoredimagliablog.blogspot.it/, where people can send in hand crafted blankets, scarves and hats intended for premature babies and hospital patients. Find out more and be inspired by visiting their website: PPCALZELUNGHE .COM June 2015 - 5 New Exclusive Summer Patterns New to our Pattern Store is a stunning collection of six designs for women using our three new yarns from the Spring Summer 2015 season; Summerlite 4ply, Tetra Cotton and Cotton Lustre. You can purchase the patterns individually, or buy all six patterns as an entire collection. Crocus By Grace Melville Summerlite 4ply CLICK TO PURCHASE 6 - June 2015 J sm Ja min ne B Lis By isa Ri Ricch char ards dson ds n Tetr Te tra C tr Co ott t on o Verv Ve rvai aine ai ne By Lis isa sa Ri Rich c arrds ch dson o Tetr Te tra Co tr Cott tton o CLICK TO PURCHASE CLICK TO PURCHASE Petu t nia By Mar By arti tin in Stor o ey SSu umm umm mmer erlliite te 4ply CLICK TO PURCHASE SSu uito ittop opi By Sarah By aah h Hattton C tton Co on n Lus ustr tree tr CLICK TO PURCHASE Suissen By Sarah By arah ar h Hat a to ton Cottt tton Lus ustrre CLICK TO PURCHASE June 2015 - 7 CLICK TO DOWNLOAD 8 - June 2015 We catch up with… Georgia Farrell Tell us about your design background I studied Textile design at University, graduated in 2013 and have been IUHHODQFLQJHYHUVLQFHEXWLWZDVQ·WXQWLO, graduated that I really got into hand knitting in a big way. Last year, I showed some RIP\ZRUNDW7KH.QLWWLQJDQG6WLWFKLQJ VKRZ DV SDUW RI WKH 8.+.$·V .QLWWHG Textile Awards, which was an amazing experience and since then I have started writing more and more knitting patterns as well as designing, creating and making. What is your greatest inspiration at the moment? I have always been really fascinated by mathematics and geometry and this FRQWLQXHV WR EH D PDVVLYH LQÁXHQFH RQ my work and style. In terms of inspiration, PRUH DQG PRUH , ÀQG P\VHOI GUDZLQJ RQ modern architecture for shape, line and colour when designing. For example, my $UURZ+DWDQG6QRRGDUHLQVSLUHGE\WKH shapes and details of The Leadenhall Building in the City of London. into the most beautifully soft and drapey fabric when you wash it. Picking my favourite winter yarn is much harder for me as I am a real winter knitter, but at the moment I would have to go with &RFRRQ ,W·V VXFK D YHUVDWLOH \DUQ JUHDW for accessories, chunky jumpers and cardigans as well as home accessories. ,W·V EHDXWLIXOO\ VRIW DQG WKH PRKDLU JLYHV it a real edge on texture. The colour palette also works amazingly with my architectural inspiration, lots of greys and blues. Tell us something interesting about yourself Whilst I was in sixth form and throughout my university studies, I worked part time LQDORFDOÁRULVWDQG,FRPSOHWHO\IHOOLQORYH ZLWKÁRZHUV,DFWXDOO\UHDOO\PLVVJHWWLQJ to make bouquets and arrangements HYHU\ ZHHN 6SULQJ ÁRZHUV OLNH WXOLSV hyacinths and anemones are some of my favourites to work with. Do you have any design trends tips for Which Rowan yarn is your favourite AW15? and why? 7KLV ZLQWHU ZH·OO VHH ELJ FRV\ WH[WXUDO 7KDWLVDQXQEHOLHYDEO\GLIÀFXOWTXHVWLRQ, knits in neutral tones or winter brights, love them all! The best I can do is narrow VR5RZDQ·V&RFRRQ$OSDFD&KXQN\DQG it down to one summer yarn and one Big Wool will be perfect! Think cables and winter yarn. My favourite summer yarn honeycomb or looped fringing. Roll necks LV GHÀQLWHO\ WKH 3XUH /LQHQ LW·V VXFK DQ will also be really popular. unusual yarn that completely transforms @GeorgiaLfarrell June 2015 - 9 New Location in Liberty, London We have moved! Last month, the beautiful Rowan and haberdashery area in Liberty, London relocated to a new, larger area. We hope you will agree that this is certainly a space which inspires creativity – why not pop in to see all the latest yarns and collections in a new light! MORE INFO 10 - June 2015 EXCLUSIVE Alessandra by Gemma Atkinson Kidsilk Haze & Fine Lace DOWNLOAD For this and hundreds of FREE patterns exclusive to members, click the button below: June 2015 - 11 R O W A N Loves… Once Upon A Time :H DGRUH 0DULH :DOOLQ·V ODWHVW book Once Upon A Time; this time a beautiful collection of vintage inspired childrens designs. Using Felted Tweed and Cocoon, Marie has created some stunning fairisle and embellishment effects, photographed at the Great Central Railway in Leicestershire. Allice Cocoon 12 - June 2015 Lu L ucy Felteed Felt ed Tw weeed DK Albe Al b rtt be Felt Fe lted Tw weeed DK Fred Fr eddi ed die die Feelt Felt lted e Twe ed w ed e DK Eva Ev Feelt lted e Twe w edd DK June 2015 - 13 Debbie Abrahams’ Bead Club 2015 7KLV\HDUVHHVWKHODXQFKRI'HEELH$EUDKDPV·IRXUWK%HDG&OXEVRLI\RXKDYHQ·W tried knitting with beads before you might want to consider signing up. The Bead Club enables knitters to sample a selection of Debbie Abrahams Beads through a collection of exclusive knitting projects, all using Rowan yarns, of course! The patterns and beads are posted straight to your door, so all you need to do it sort out the yarn for each project and you are ready to start knitting. This year, Debbie has designed four knitted accessory projects using Rowan yarns for the Bead Club: “All Occasion Bunting”: includes the English alphabet A-Z and numbers 0-9 so you can personalise your own message “Floret Bag”: a useful drawstring bag knitted in an all-over slip-stitch pattern with EHDGHGÁRUDOGHWDLOV “Glacier Scarf”: knitted in a pretty lace and bead stitch with a soft mohair stripe and cabled edges “Nowell Christmas Stocking”: a bright, colourful and fun project for the festive VHDVRQZLWKEHDGHGVQRZÁDNHV For more information visit the news area of our website. NEWS AREA 14 - June 2015 Rowan Weekend Workshop Professional Finishing for your Knitting with Jem Weston 27th / 28th June :HDOOORYHNQLWWLQJEXWPDQ\VWUXJJOHZLWKWKHÀQLVKLQJSURFHVV/HDUQWRORYHPDNLQJ up as well with this 2 day course, which will revolutionise your knitting skills. We put D ORW RI WLPH LQ WR NQLWWLQJ RXU JDUPHQWV DQG VR RQ WKH ÀUVW GD\ ZH ZLOO FRYHU PDQ\ essential techniques, including professional buttonholes, picking up stitches, sewing up using mattress stitch, pressing and blocking and short row shaping. Day two will WDNH\RXUÀQLVKLQJVNLOOVWRWKHQH[WOHYHO We will cover some very exciting techniques, including how to create a tubular cast on for use with single rib and how to make horizontal pockets. You will also create a facing for a neat hem with no rib and learn how to graft two SLHFHVRINQLWWLQJXVLQJ.LWFKHQHU6WLWFK<RXUNQLWWLQJZLOOQHYHUKDYHEHHQEHWWHU For further details and to book a place, contact our Customer Services team on 01484 681881 or click the button below. MORE INFO June 2015 - 15 Arena Travel Workshops Faroe Islands, 3rd – 7th August 2015 /HDGLQJ8.NQLWWLQJGHVLJQHUDXWKRUDQGWXWRU Carol Meldrum, will be leading the holiday, from Monday 3 August - Friday 7 August 2015. This exciting trip will give knitting enthusiasts the opportunity to visit the shop of renowned Faroese knitting designers, Guðrun & Guðrun GHVLJQHUVRI6DUDK/XQG·VIDPRXVMXPSHUIURP “The Killing”), visit wool producers Snældan and Navia and enjoy knitting workshops with Carol. This tour is priced from £1,799 per person, which includes four nights, half board accommodation and travel. MORE INFO Knitting In Iceland with experts Helene Magnusson or Nicki Trench )URP²2FWREHU+pOqQH0DJQ~VVRQ or 25 – 30 October 2015 (with Nicki Trench) Price: £1,849 Single supplement: +£125 Join Arena on a knitting holiday to Iceland, including a Reykjavik city knitting tour, a visit to ,VWH[DQGDIXOOGD\.QLWWLQJ&LUFOH7RXUZLWKORFDO NQLWWLQJJXLGH+pOqQH0DJQ~VVRQRUH[SHUW1LFNL Trench. A complimentary knitting kit is included with both tours. Click here to see more information: Helene Magnusson 16 - June 2015 Nicki Trench Stockists 5P mOE ZPVS MPDBM TUPDLJTU WJFX PVS store locator at www.knitrowan.com by clicking the button below STORE LOCATOR Workshops To view a full list of workshop dates visit www.knitrowan.com by clicking the button below WORKSHOPS All right reserved. Reproduction in whole or any part of all material, including illustrations, in this publication is strictly forbidden. No part may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic, electrostatic, magnetic tape, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without prior permission of the copyright owners having been given in writing. The designs in this publication are copyrighted and must not be knitted for re-sale. Reproduction of this publication is protected by copyright and is sold on the condition that it is used for non commercial purposes. Yarn quantities are approximate as they are based on average requirements. Colour reproduction is as close as printing will allow. First published in Great Britain 2015 by Coats Crafts UK LTD Green Lane Mill, Holmfirth, West Yorkshire, England, HD9 2DX E-mail: mail@knitrowan.com Web: www.knitrowan.com © Copyright Rowan 2015 June 2015 - 17 Fia by Amy Herzog using Truesilk Knitting & Crochet Magazine 57