Transforming Lives - Academy Transformation Trust
Transforming Lives - Academy Transformation Trust
Transforming Lives Summer 2015 Message from Joyce Hodgetts, Managing Director Transformation can require many things but mostly for us, it needs everyone to play their part. Last summer I met Jack, a pupil from a Trust academy who won an award for his contribution to the transformational change taking place in his academy. Meeting him reminded me of why, what we all do is so important and how its having a really positive impact on the lives of the children we work with. It also reminded me that everyone is important if we are to really make a difference. Academies are about teams working and supporting each other, staff, pupils, parents and the community all has a role, of equal value on the road to outstanding. In our trust, this applies equally even where our group is widespread, with academies sometimes miles apart but always supporting each other to be the best they can be. We have recently held an excellent Governors’ Conference whilst our forums programme enables staff to learn together. In the summer we will hold our third Principals’ Conference as well as our annual House of Commons Awards. This Autumn we will be launching The Trust Pupil Voice and hosting our first Pupil Awards, as well as bringing all our staff together for our inaugural Trust-wide staff training day. Any organisation is only as good as those who are a part of it. We are fortunate to have a staff, pupils and community who see its worth and play their parts exceedingly well. Joyce Hodgetts Ofsted celebrations In this Issue... News from our academies Page 2-3 Engaging our Page 4 staff in The Trust’s future Profiles Page 8 - three ‘goods’ in a row! We are delighted to say we have had three Ofsted ‘goods’ in a row this year. Following inspections at Star Academy, Jubilee Academy and Mildenhall College Academy, all three were graded ‘Good’ across the board – with two having a moved up a category from their previous Ofsted visit. Read more about Star and Jubilee’s transformational journeys on page 9. For further information on the opportunitiesin that your child could benefitacademy? from please visit us at Are you interested becoming a Trust Academy Transformation Trust, Room 501, One Victoria Square, Birmingham, B1 1BD Tel: 0121 632 2340 Email: Follow us: News from our academies Gareth Thomas inspires The Hathaway Academy pupils The Hathaway Academy was delighted to welcome Rugby legend, Gareth Thomas earlier this year when he facilitated two inspirational workshops for Year 9 pupils. Norwich Road Academy celebrates Shakespeare week Pupils at Norwich Road Academy revelled in all things Shakespeare as part of the annual celebration in March that offers primary school children a great first encounter with the bard’s work. Over the week pupils watched plays, acted out scenes and learnt about his life. They also cooked Tudor food and created their own Tudor inspired drawings and paintings. All this hard work culminated in pupils dressing up as a Shakespearean character or person from this era. Dreadlock Alien slams Sutton Community Academy with poetry Poet and Performer, Dreadlock Alien recently visited Sutton Community Academy to speak to pupils and host an X-Factor style ‘Poetry Slam’ where the children acted out their own performance poetry on stage. Throughout the day the pupils worked with the poet to create imaginative poems. In the afternoon, a small group of gifted writers attended a master class on writing. They then performed to a panel of judges and were graded for their originality, performance and speech; with two lucky teams chosen as the day’s best poets. Jubilee Academy pupil wins Walsall writing competition A pupil at Jubilee Academy has been declared the winner of a local writing competition. Gareth is a retired Welsh player, who is currently ranked 12th among international try scorers. During the visit, he shared his life experience and what drove him to be a successful sportsman. The pupils were delighted to be involved and this was reflected in their enthusiastic engagement in the sessions. Rolls-Royce engineering taster for The Dukeries pupils In March, a group of Year 9 pupils from The Dukeries Academy took part in an engineering taster day delivered by RollsRoyce. Split into groups, they had to create a model aeroplane, with Rolls-Royce on hand to offer instructions on the different factors which would affect the flight of their model. Once designed, the models were created in foam and card and took part in head-to-head competitions. Ultimately the winner was a combination of the best design, weight and aerodynamics. Iceni Academy sixth formers win charity challenge Students at Iceni Academy have won a regional charity challenge and helped raise much needed money for disability charity, The Papworth Trust. The group of A-level Business Studies students, who took part in the charity accumulator challenge, netted almost £850 in just 10 weeks. All funds raised have been donated to the charity, which provides essential services for disabled people and their families. Year 5 pupil Bethany wrote a story called ‘The Magical Journey’ which was judged as the best across all same age pupils in Walsall. Her story was praised for its originality, the characters used and the ability to create an exciting plot within a 450 word limit. News from our academies Mark Hall Academy pupils train at Borussia Dortmund Iceni’s Dragons’ Den advertising challenge The Easter holidays were more exciting than usual for a group of Mark Hall Academy pupils when they visited leading German football team, Borussia Dortmund. Year 7 pupils at Iceni Academy recently took part in a ‘Dragons’ Den’ style business challenge that focused on real world marketing and advertising. The Years 9 and 10 spent four days at the first team training facility taking part in football sessions led by Borussia Dortmund coaches and visiting Signal Iduna Park, the team’s home ground. The trip also included a guided stadium tour and sampling some of the Dortmund culture by visiting local shops and restaurants. Mildenhall pupils make the National Enterprise Challenge final Working in groups of four, they each took an ‘employee’ role within their company and were tasked with marketing a number of different household products. The challenge included inventing a new product name; designing packaging, posters and planning a TV commercial, as well as ‘pitching’ to a panel of judges. Everyone involved worked hard and produced some impressive advertising campaigns, so much so that the judges were forced to award a joint third prize! Election fever hits TNHA Shortly before the General Election, local political candidates visited The Nicholas Hamond Academy sixth form to offer them the chance to quiz those standing for election. A group of enterprising Business Studies pupils from Mildenhall College Academy have made it through to the finals for the National Enterprise Challenge, a UK-wide competition for schools, involving ‘real life’ business challenges. Candidates from Labour, UKIP and the Green Party visited to offer their views and answer questions on education, employment, health and democracy. Students had the opportunity to ask questions on the things that mattered most to them in order to get a clearer understanding of the potential benefits offered by each party. Earlier this year, pupils took part in the one day programme which saw them planning and presenting their ideas for a new rollercoaster ride at Alton Towers Theme Park. Bristnall Hall Academy’s staff and pupils have helped raise £1,000 for a local charity in memory of a former pupil. Nine teams took part in the challenge and the winning team, ‘The Unanswered’, will be off to the national finals next month, taking place at The Alton Towers Resort. Good luck! Star shines at European education conference Nicky Broomhall and Liz Broadhurst, Principal and Vice Principal at Star Academy Sandyford, recently represented the UK at the international VoiceS training conference in Portugal. Joining teachers from across Europe, Nicky and Liz were the only UK teachers selected to take part in the sessions. Taking place during the Easter holidays, the four days focused on identity and diversity in schools, collaborative learning projects and included school visits to see digital tools and learning in action. Going forward, Nicky and her team will participate in a joint project with schools in four countries to focus on raising the European identity within their pupils. Bristnall Hall Academy’s charity Snowdon climb Tragically Adam Hancox, 25, was killed in a car accident last year while raising money for the Society of Parents of Children with Cancer who, support children treated at Birmingham Children’s Hospital suffering with cancer and their families. This April, a group of Adam’s family and friends, including Bristnall Hall employees, climbed Snowdon as an emotional tribute to Adam. In addition, there was a variety of fundraising activities carried out by staff, Governors and pupils across the academy. Spotlight on... Engaging our staff in The Trust’s future At The Trust, we never underestimate the value of face-to-face interaction and the importance of bringing our staff together to share their experiences and expertise. Our termly forums demonstrate this ongoing commitment to ensuring that our staff are able to carry out their roles efficiently and effectively, and most of all are involved in the formulation of The Trust’s future. These forums cover a wide range of topics and functional areas and are run at no extra cost to our academies. By coming together to discuss future strategies, common issues and provide solutions, we can maximise innovative and valuable practices being used across The Trust; reinforcing the message that we are one organisation. For instance, our Business Managers (BM) forum enables us to bring together colleagues so they can play a part in shaping the financial service we offer. This helps us to target the services and support to meet each academy’s needs, both now and in the future. At a recent BM forum, attendees participated in a benchmarking exercise that has helped develop our procurement plan including the centralising of some services. By involving BMs in the process, we could benefit from the vast experience and knowledge within the wider team. This helped to ensure that there was consensus across the group regarding how to provide the best for all our pupils. In addition to this a number of them also took part in the tendering process for new budgeting software in order to ensure it best addressed their needs. Likewise in an ever changing education landscape, it is important that staff know What’s happening across The Trust? The Trust are aware of their concerns, not least the budget challenges ahead, and are planning for the future. By bringing BMs together, we have been able to inform them of the strategic direction of The Trust and utilise their local knowledge to help shape the plans. The BM forum also offers us an opportunity to introduce new products and services, provide training and gain valuable feedback. At the March event, the new budget software, Orvoia and property management system, TES Foundation were presented to the group, which also brought together our Estate Managers on this occasion. This gave us the chance to showcase the tools we are bringing into our academies that improve efficiencies and allow for smarter decision making – both at a Trust level and in each academy. We’ve recently welcomed new members of staff to The Trust: Sarah Moore is our new Payroll and HR Officer Rena Saggu is joining us as an Improvement Director We have also said goodbye to Jo Ryder, Principal at Norwich Road Academy and we wish her well for the future. Isobel Barron, Principal at Kingsmoor Academy will be leaving us in July for pastures new. At head office, Sarah-Jane Dean is leaving The Trust in early June. News from The Trust Sharing our experiences at our Governors’ Conference Governors from across our family of academies came together in late March at our highly successful annual Governors’ Conference. Around 40 Governors attended the conference which focused on providing consistently good governance across all our academies and sharing best practice. Taking place in Coventry, it included speakers from The Trust as well as a keynote speech from the British Council. Pete Bishop, Head of Governance said, “It was great to see so many of our Governors come together to share their experiences. We should never underestimate the value of face-to-face interaction and it is important to bring our Governors together to share experiences and new ideas.” Trust academies secure Priority School Building Programme funding We are delighted that four of our academies have been successful in securing essential funds from the Government’s Priority School Building Programme. The full plans won’t be finalised until the Autumn, however here is how we aim to use the money: • Mark Hall Academy – £1.2 million for significant improvements to a number of teaching blocks and classrooms Mandarin competition winner Following on from our highly enjoyable Mandarin lessons and Chinese New Year workshops, pupils have taken part in a ‘chengyu’ competition where they had to research and enter their favourite four character idioms from the Chinese language. The winning entry came from Year 7 pupil, Ellie Bultitude at Westbourne Academy who chose the Mandarin phrase - “It’s not a shame to ask questions” because this shows questions are important and an essential thing. After all, without questions, there would be no answers. Ellie is now the proud owner of a beautiful Chinese calligraphy set. Parliamentary Education Portfolio magazine We were recently selected to appear in the first Parliamentary Education Portfolio magazine, which showcases organisations that are providing education excellence, alongside highlighting best practice and thought leadership. Our two-page feature focuses on the benefits, opportunities and protection a multi-academy trust can bring for schools. As well as including ministerial contributions, this influential magazine also acts as an essential reference for government departments, senior civil servants and MPs. We look forward to seeing the final publication shortly and it will be available on our website. • Mildenhall College Academy – £1.5 million to carry out extensive repairs and improvements of two teaching blocks • Norwich Road Academy – £240,000 to build a new building to replace two temporary post WW2 buildings that have fallen into disrepair • The Nicholas Hamond Academy – a new build sports hall is planned with the £1.2 million bid, to be developed in partnership with Norfolk County Council and Breckland Council We hope that these enhancements will assist these academies in going from strength-to-strength. Coming together with St John’s Primary Academy Recently, we have helped set up the new Future Generations Trust, a multi academy trust that sponsors St John’s Primary Academy in Staffordshire. Moving forward, we will be working with St John’s to provide support and access to education experts and exemplary business and administrative support in key areas such as finance, estates and marketing. Stuart Ayres, Headteacher at St John’s Primary Academy said: “We’re looking forward to this exciting new chapter in our school’s history and are pleased to be working in partnership with The Trust. We may already be ‘Outstanding’ but we are determined to continue improving the academy and always aim for excellence in all areas.” Ian Cleland, Chief Executive Academy Transformation Trust commented: “We are pleased and eager to work with St John’s Primary Academy. Both sides bring experts and wide ranging experience to this partnership, as well offering us the opportunity to gain first-hand knowledge from this ‘Outstanding’ school.” Ian Cleland TBC Chief Executive Officer Director of Education Joyce Hodgetts Lisa Crausby Managing Director Senior Academy Improvement Dir l.crausby@academytransformation Karen Robson Earl Richards PA to Chief Executive Officer Senior Academy Improvement Dir e.richards@academytransformatio Bernie Edwards Pat Hunt PA to Managing Director Senior Academy Improvement Dir p.hunt@academytransformation.c Karen Jones Academy Improvement Director (1 k.jones@academytransformation.c Claire Pritchard Director of Resources Edward Thomas Estates Director TBC HR Director Sarah Moore Payroll & HR Officer Amy Hodgkins Resources Administrator TBC Academy Improvement Director (P Lisa Barton Academy Improvement Director (I l.barton@academytransformation. Peter Bishop Academy Improvement Director (G p.bishop@academytransformation Rena Saggu Academy Improvement Director (G r.saggu@academytransformation.c Mark Larigo Data Analyst Manager m.larigo@academytransformation Catherine Pollard Project & Governance Manager c.pollard@academytransformation Pat Howell Governance Officer p.howell@academytransformation Karen Smith PA to Director of Education k.smith@academytransformation.c Key rector (Secondary) rector (Primary) rector (SEND & Safeguarding) 14-19) Mike Giddings Director of Finance Rick van Driel Academies Accountant Lakhpreet Bains Finance Manager Raj Kaur Finance Officer TBC Procurement Manager Primary) ICT & Data) Governance, Recruitment & Retention) Simon Martin Director of Further Education & Communities Liz Barrett Deputy Director of Further Education & Communities Gifted & Talented) Sarah Donovan Head of Marketing & Communications Jonathan Driver Marketing Officer TBC Communications Officer Profiles Fatima Rodrigues Fatima has been teaching French and Spanish for more than 20 years and joined Academy Transformation Trust just over a year ago as Vice Principal of The Hathaway Academy. Due to unforeseen circumstance, she quickly had to step into the role of Acting Principal and led the academy through the latter part of the summer term. In this role she looked to lend stability to both pupils and staff, allowing everyone at the academy to continue to focus on driving the academy forward and making improvements. Fatima said: “I believe we can make a real difference to our pupils’ lives by ensuring they receive the best quality education. By coming to work for The Trust, I feel I have been given the opportunity to make this difference at The Hathaway Academy. “I passionately believe that language learning is crucial when our pupils are competing on a global scale with their foreign counterparts for ever evolving jobs.” Outside of work, Fatima enjoys reading and often has two or three books on the go at the same time. She confesses to loving the smell of new books and is not a ‘kindle’ convert! She also likes baking and is a music lover with what she describes as ‘truly eclectic’ tastes - ranging from Joaquin Cortes and flamenco to Jay-Z and hip hop. Chris MacKinnon Chris MacKinnon has had the pleasure of working in not one but two Trust academies, first Iceni Academy and now Diamond Academy. He is currently Vice Principal at Diamond but will be taking over as Principal from September. Chris said: “Working with The Trust means I am working with colleagues that share similar values and principles; a team that is totally dedicated to improving the lives of the children in our care. “Its senior team is focused on supporting and nurturing the staff in the organisation, as I know from personal experience having been seconded to Diamond Academy prior to being developed into a future Principal.” On his academy, Chris said: “I am fortunate to be taking the helm of an academy that is in much better shape than it was at conversion. However no academy can stand still and we are looking to further develop the use of learning technologies as a catalyst for engagement and achievement. “As cliché as it sounds, every day is a joy at Diamond - it really is a great place to work. Our pupils are so fantastic that they deserve our renewed efforts to engage our academy and local communities.” Outside of work, Chris has previously been a local councillor, part of a local amateur dramatic society and an Emergency Ambulance crew member for the British Red Cross and St John Ambulance. More recently his personal time has mostly been taken up with his young family, Gus who is nearly 5 and Fliss who is 3, and engaging them in fun activities that worry his wife – such as climbing a bit too high in trees! Case study The transformational journey from RI to Good We were delighted with the overwhelming endorsement we received from Ofsted earlier this year when they rated three of our academies as ‘Good’. This now means that five of our inspected academies are now a step closer to being transformed to be judged as ‘Outstanding’. Here we look at the journey of two of these academies – Star Academy Sandyford and Jubilee Academy Mossley. “The whole academy community is very positive about the direction the school is taking”, Ofsted. Star Academy Sandyford in Stoke-OnTrent has been on a true voyage of transformational discovery since it joined our family of academies in April 2013. In its previous existence, the school had deep rooted problems leading to it becoming one of the worst performing schools in the city. It was put into special measures in 2011 when none of its pupils achieved a Level 4 in maths in their SATs exams. Here are some of the initiatives introduced at the academy to aid its improvement: • Creating a ‘Star Team’ to combat an all-time low in staff morale and confidence. This included developing a set of staff values and a team mission was created in order to regain stability and belief “Parents and carers are welcomed as partners in their children’s learning”, Ofsted. Like a number of our academies, Jubilee Academy Mossley had a history of children joining them with very low starting points. Shortly after conversion, Ofsted rated the academy as ‘Requires Improvement’ with several areas identified as needing improvement. Following this, the immediate challenge was raising staff morale whilst raising achievement and addressing Ofsted priorities. This was done through a number of strategies including: • A more focused and detailed action plan was created with The Trust, and shared with all staff and Governors • A structured approach to behaviour was initiated, providing consistency at all ages. Behaviour was a significant problem with the school once being dubbed a ‘zoo’ • Work was undertaken to look at lessons, alongside research into expectations for good and outstanding teaching, leading to a focus on Assessment for Learning • A more inspiring curriculum for pupils and trialing new and exciting projects. The has led the academy to forge strong links with the Royal Shakespeare Company, the Royal College of Engineering and learning technology partner, Gaia Technologies • A more rigorous cycle of monitoring, feedback and support was put into place focusing on what was being planned, taught and assessed. Ensuring this triangle matched to children’s and curriculum needs • A distributed leadership that has created a transparent approach to transformational improvements. Stringent weekly monitoring through the academy improvement plan has strategically developed the leadership, and focuses on rigorous pupil progress, tracking of data and a more honest self-evaluation • A fortnightly ‘outstanding teaching’ focus has provided a drive in personal professional development for staff to further their own pedagogical approaches • To aid the historically low parental engagement, a wide variety of communication streams were introduced and activities where families could work together, which fostered positive relationships. Further education for the community is the next phase in empowering our families The academy’s Ofsted inspection in January 2015 highlighted the key achievements and strengths as a result of these strategies. This included the improvements in teaching that led to a significant rise in pupils’ achievements. • New parent engagement workshops were successfully introduced, with open invitations to parents to attend a workshop along with their children. This has huge benefits for pupils and has brought significant improvements • Subject leaders have attended Trust-led forums which have helped build relationships across other academies and aided the sharing of good practice • Working with other Trust Principals has provided much needed morale support throughout challenging times, particularly the sharing of Ofsted inspection experiences Their Ofsted inspection in March highlighted how embedded within everyday practice these changes have become. Staff confidence has grown enormously in their own abilities, as well as that of the children and in the newly formed Senior Leadership Team. In addition, these varied approaches have helped move Jubilee pupils’ achievements forward each year since conversion and they are now in line with national averages. Trust FE showcased in government consultation Our Further Education (Sutton Campus) team has been showcased in a government consultation on the future of the adult education sector within the UK. The government document details the work the team is doing to deliver adult learning ‘for the community, in the community’. The best practice case study highlights the engagement with the local community to ensure the courses we offer reflect what they need; alongside our commitment to deliver accessible learning by running courses at a range of venues on public transport routes to make classes easily accessible. It goes on to celebrate that these approaches are helping The Trust to “break down barriers to learning delivery of high quality vocational education and training for adult learners”. Liberal Democrats President visits FE at Sutton Community Academy Tim Farron MP, President of Liberal Democrats and their Spokesperson for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs, visited our FE team at the Sutton Campus earlier this year. During a busy and invigorating evening, Tim visited several classes and spoke at length with learners about their courses. He then met with Simon Martin and Liz Barrett, Director and Deputy Director of FE and Communities respectively, along with Sutton Community Academy Principal, Tim Croft for a discussion about the future of the sector. The President enjoyed the visit greatly and was impressed by the scale and quality of the adult learning opportunities that The Trust offers. He has promised to return and bring other senior colleagues to see what we deliver in this exciting field. The Department for Business, Innovation & Skills consultation, ‘A dual mandate for adult vocational education’, is available on the BIS website – Staff development with our FE team In addition to high quality communityfocused courses, our Further Education team offers bespoke in-house CPD and staff training at no cost to our academies. This includes up skilling existing staff through apprenticeships and bespoke assessment, training and certification. Topics include: literacy, numeracy and IT, as well as Business Administration, Customer Service, Classroom Assistants and Maintenance Operations amongst others. If you would like more information please contact us: attfe@ Tim Farron visits Sutton Community Academy FE helps secure jobs for local people Early this year, our Sutton Campus FE team helped secure employment for a dozen local people by working in partnership with the local Jobcentre and retail company, The Range. Our FE team was approached by the Sutton Jobcentre Plus, who were looking to secure a sector-based work academy to help local people on benefits secure employment at The Range, a new store opening in the town. In total 62 jobs were on offer including office staff, warehouse, retail assistants, customer service and Cleaners. All learners who took part in the training attended a five day course, which included a visit to a Range store in Chesterfield. Topics covered included: • Communication skills • Updating CVs • Team building • Customer service • Presentation & interview skills • Confidence building Feedback from the Jobcentre said The Range staff felt the candidates received excellent training and they were impressed with all of the applicants; the standard was one they had not seen before when opening a new store. Following on from the training, The Range also held their induction sessions for successful applicants at Sutton Community Academy, so the team were able to see who had been appointed. From the 60 people who attended the sessions, 12 learners were offered jobs and a further 13 were on the reserve list. There are also 8 more doing work experience with the possibility of a job at the end. FE apprentice wins top local award Natasha Price, an apprentice working for our FE team at the Sutton Campus has won the Young Apprentice of the Year at this year’s Mansfield 2020 Awards. She was presented with the achievement award at a fabulous evening event in May, which was shared with her family and colleagues. Liz Barrett, Deputy Director of FE and Communities commented: “Natasha truly deserves to be recognised for all of her hard work, skill and contribution over the past few years. She really does symbolize what can be achieved by engaging in an Apprenticeship and has recently been employed on a full time permanent contract by The Trust FE.” ‘Picture Your Academy’ Competition Winners Last term we ran our ‘Picture Your Academy’ competition asking pupils to put together a design which captured their academy. Iceni Primary Winner We had a number of great entries and after much deliberation we finally decided on a primary and a secondary winner. Congratulations to Acer, from Iceni Academy (Primary) and to Jack and Jiyed for their joint entry, who are both from The Hathaway Academy. All three pupils will receive certificates and book vouchers. Both entries will now take pride of place in our training room at Diamond Academy. Thanks to all those who sent in some fantastic artwork! n o i tit e p Com s u l l Te tory! as in our d e v l o v n ion! upils i t p i t r e u p o y m o Get story c t r o h s g for: first lookin less rds or at o w 0 0 h 5 topic t . y n a on ts them interes for the Prizes pupils g winnin demy! a and ac We’re nality • Origi ting plot ci on • An ex aracterisati h c d a u ge • Goo of lang e s u t a read • Gre joyable • An en / n at s o i u t r a t n m for atio More in ytransform m e acad itions 2015 t : 10 July e t a d g compe Closin Hathaway Secondary Winner We’re always looking for stories for our newsletter, so get in touch if you have ideas or suggestions. You can email us at Gallery - World Book Day 2015 across The Trust Admirals Academy Kingsmoor Academy Star Academy Diamond Academy Jubilee Academy Mark Hall Academy Sutton Community Academy Mildenhall College Academy The Nicholas Hamond Academy Our Further Education Skills 4 Independent Living learners at the Sutton Campus also made a short film about World Book Day as part of a filmmaking course. You can see it on YouTube: For further information on the opportunitiesin that your child could benefitacademy? from please visit us at Are you interested becoming a Trust Academy Transformation Trust, Room 501, One Victoria Square, Birmingham, B1 1BD Tel: 0121 632 2340 Email: Follow us: