Early Registration Deadline: June 9, 2014
Early Registration Deadline: June 9, 2014
July 11–13 • Chicago, IL July 11-13, 2014 • Chicago, IL Sheraton Chicago Hotel and Towers AAN.com/view/ConcussionConference Early Registration Deadline: June 9, 2014 THE PREMIER EVENT FOR THE LATEST RESEARCH ON SPORTS CONCUSSION Sports concussion is a major issue in the world of health care and staying up-to-date on the absolute latest research on the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of concussion is critical for any neurology professional. As such, you won’t want to miss The Sports Concussion Conference, brought to you by the world’s leading authority on sports concussion: the American Academy of Neurology (AAN). Planned for July 11-13, 2014, at the Sheraton Chicago Hotel & Towers in Chicago, this truly one-of-a-kind opportunity offers a chance to learn the very latest scientific advances in the world of sports concussion, earn 14 continuing medical education credits in one weekend, and arm yourself with the knowledge necessary to: •• Apply the latest advances in the diagnosis and treatment of sports concussion •• Understand post-concussion syndrome, including neurocognitive testing •• Apply your skills to the professional, collegiate, or high school arenas •• Better understand related controversies, second impact syndrome, and more Because The Sports Concussion Conference is hosted by the AAN, it’s also the ideal destination for face-to-face networking with your peers and a unique chance to get answers to your most pressing questions related to sports concussion from world-class panelists. Visit AAN.com/view/ConcussionConference for more information on abstract submission. The deadline is May 12. The early registration deadline is June 9, 2014, so I encourage you to register today at AAN.com/view/ConcussionConference. I look forward to seeing you in Chicago in July! Sincerely, Jeffrey S. Kutcher, MD Co-Director, The Sports Concussion Conference 2 THE SPORTS CONCUSSION CONFERENCE CME Credits: 14 The Sports Concussion Conference will focus on the science behind concussion and take place over three half-day sessions. EACH SESSION WILL HAVE: •• General theme and keynote address •• Feature presentations by expert faculty •• Panel discussion •• Poster blast session LEARNING OBJECTIVES Participants should be able to accurately and appropriately diagnose concussion; institute appropriate and clinically useful diagnostic tests when indicated; provide state-of-the-art management of concussed athletes and individuals; make safe and appropriate return to play, school, work, and life decisions; and educated athletes, non-health care professionals, and other health care practitioners on key issues related to concussion. RECOMMENDED AUDIENCE Neurologists, Athletic Trainers, Primary Care Physicians, Neuropsychologists, and Sports Medicine Professionals ABSTRACTS The deadline for submission is May 12 An important component of this conference is the opportunity to submit your research for presentation. Topics to be included are concussion, post concussive syndrome, chronic sequelae of brain trauma, and general. Abstracts will be presented as either platform presentations during poster blasts or during the general poster session. Abstracts previously presented at a subspecialty meeting or published in a publication may be submitted. Accepted abstracts will either be presented in oral poster blast sessions or during the lunch poster session. Visit AAN.com/view/ConcusssionConference to learn how to submit your research. SPECIAL INTEREST GROUP (SIG) MEETINGS One-hour meetings focused on neuroimaging, NFL neurologists, and neuropsychologists will offer small groups an opportunity to discuss key issues in their profession. These SIG meetings will be held on: •• Friday, July 11 - 11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. •• Saturday, July 12 - 8:00 a.m. - 9:00 a.m. •• Sunday, July 13 - 8:00 a.m. - 9:00 a.m. If you are interested in coordinating other SIG meetings, contact Kris Fridgen at kfridgen@aan.com. Fast, Easy Registration Online AAN.com/view/ConcussionConference 3 SCHEDULE FRIDAY, JULY 11, 2014 1:00 p.m. Welcome and Day Overview 1:00 p.m.–3:30 p.m. META TOPIC: CONCUSSION Jeffrey Kutcher, MD–Ann Arbor, MI; Christopher Giza, MD–Los Angeles, CA; MODERATORS: Jeffrey Kutcher, MD–Ann Arbor, MI; Tory Lindley, MA, ATC–Chicago, IL; Concussion: History and Epidemiology TBD Basic Pathophysiology Christopher Giza, MD–Los Angeles, CA; Sideline Assessment and Management John DiFiori, MD–Los Angeles, CA; Biomechanics Steve Rowson, Jr., PhD–Blacksburg, VA; Neurocognitive Evaluation Ruben Echemendia, PhD–State College, PA; Return to Participation TBD 3:15 p.m.–3:30 p.m. Questions for the Faculty Panel 3:30 p.m.–3:45 p.m. Break 3:45 p.m.–4:30 p.m. Poster Blast Submit abstracts by May 12 4:30 p.m.–5:00 p.m. Keynote Speaker 5:00 p.m.–5:15 p.m. Summary of Day 1 5:00 p.m.–6:30 p.m. 4 James P. Kelly, MD, FAAN–Bethesda, MD; Jeffrey Kutcher, MD–Ann Arbor, MI; Christopher Giza, MD–Los Angeles, CA; PLEASE JOIN US FOR AN OPENING NIGHT RECEPTION IN THE EXHIBIT HALL All speakers are subject to change. Current as of 03/26/2014. SCHEDULE 8:00 a.m.–9:00 a.m. 9:00 a.m. 9:00 a.m.–11:30 a.m. SATURDAY, JULY 12, 2014 Breakfast and Exhibits Welcome and Day Overview Jeffrey Kutcher, MD –Ann Arbor, MI; Christopher Giza, MD–Los Angeles, CA; META TOPIC: POST-CONCUSSIVE SYNDROME Steven Broglio, PhD, ATC–Ann Arbor, MI; David Dodick, MD–Phoenix, AZ; Definitions and Determinates of PCS Grant Iverson, PhD– Boston, MA; Psychiatric Disorders TBD; Neurocognitive Testing for PCS Michael McCrea, PhD–Milwaukee, WI ; Headaches Tad Dean Seifert, MD–Louisville, KY; Break Sleep Issues Ramon K. Malhotra, MD–St. Louis, MO; Clinical Approach to Patients with PCS Vernon B. Williams, MD–Los Angeles, CA; 11:20 a.m.–11:30 a.m. Questions for the Faculty Panel 11:30 a.m.–12:00 p.m. Poster Blast 11:30 a.m.–1:30 p.m. Lunch and Exhibits 1:30 p.m.–3:00 p.m. Scientific Posters and Town Hall 3:00 p.m.–5:00 p.m. BREAKOUT SESSIONS Kevin E. Crutchfield, MD–Baltimore, MD; Francis Conidi, MD, DO–Port Saint Lucie, FL; Professional Sports ` MODERATOR: TBD PANEL: Jim Ramsay, ATC–New York, NY; Kathy Weber, MD–Chicago, IL; Maria Dennis (NHLPA)–Toronto, ON; Collegiate Sports MODERATOR: John DiFiori, MD–Los Angeles, CA; PANEL: Tory Lindley, MA, ATC–Chicago, IL; Brian Hainline, MD, FAAN–Indianapolis, IN; Kevin Guskiewicz, PhD, ATC–Chapel Hill, NC; High School/Youth MODERATOR: Steven Broglio, PhD, ATC–Ann Arbor, MI; PANEL: Michael McCrea, PhD–Milwaukee, WI; James T. Eckner, MD–Ann Arbor, MI; Tanzid Shams, MD–Boston, MA; 5:00 p.m.–5:15 p.m. Summary of Breakouts and Day 2 Christopher Giza, MD–Los Angeles, CA; Fast, Easy Registration Online AAN.com/view/ConcussionConference 5 SCHEDULE 9:00 a.m. 9:00 a.m.–11:30 a.m. SUNDAY, JULY 13, 2014 Welcome and Day Overview Jeffrey Kutcher, MD–Ann Arbor, MI; Christopher Giza, MD–Los Angeles, CA; META TOPIC: POST-CONCUSSIVE SYNDROME Steven Broglio, PhD, ATC–Ann Arbor, MI; David Dodick, MD–Phoenix, AZ; Overview of Long-term Sequelae Jeffrey Kutcher, MD–Ann Arbor, MI; Pathology of Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy (CTE) Rudolph Castellani, MD–Baltimore, MD; Imaging Gary Small, MD–Los Angeles, CA; Neurological Consequences of Combat Sports Barry D. Jordan, MD–White Plains, NY; Break Depression and Suicide in Athletes Richard Dopp, MD–Ann Arbor, MI; Counseling Patients on Long-term Risks Anthony Alessi, MD, FAAN–Norwich, CT; 6 11:20 a.m.–11:30 a.m. Questions for Faculty Panel 11:30 a.m.– 12:00 p.m. Poster Blast 12:00 p.m.–12:30 p.m. Keynote Speaker 12:30 p.m.–12:45 p.m. Meeting Summary and Adjourn TBD Jeffrey Kutcher, MD–Ann Arbor, MI; VISIT THE EXHIBIT HALL Visit the Exhibit Hall for information on the latest products and services from the sports and neurologic community to assist with sports concussion management and patient care. For information on exhibits or to exhibit, contact Franziska Schwarz at fbschwarz@aan.com. EXHIBIT HALL HOURS Friday 5:00 p.m.–6:30 p.m. Saturday 8:00 a.m.–9:00 a.m. 11:30 a.m.–1:30 p.m. COMPLIMENTARY LUNCH ON SATURDAY WILL BE PROVIDED TO REGISTERED ATTENDEES IN THE EXHIBIT HALL CREDITS AND DISCLOSURES ACCREDITATION: The American Academy of Neurology Institute (AANI), the educational subsidiary of the American Academy of Neurology (AAN), is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) to provide continuing medical education for physicians. AMA CREDIT DESIGNATION: The AANI designates this live activity for a maximum of 14 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit(s)™. Physicians should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity. CERTIFICATES FOR NON-PHYSICIANS: Non-physicians participating in this program will receive an acknowledgement of participation indicating attendance at an activity designated for AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™. ABPN STATEMENT: The American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology (ABPN) has reviewed The Sports Concussion Conference and has approved this product as a part of a comprehensive lifelong learning program which is mandated by the American Board of Medical Specialties (ABMS) as a necessary component of maintenance of certification. EDUCATION DISCLAIMER: The primary purpose of The Sports Concussion Conference is to provide educational programs. Information presented, as well as publications, technologies, products and/or services discussed, are intended to inform attendees about the knowledge, techniques, and experiences of physicians who are willing to share such information with colleagues. A diversity of opinions exists in the medical field, and the view of the program’s faculty is offered solely for educational purposes. Faculty members’ views represent neither those of the AAN/AANI nor constitute endorsement by the AAN/AANI. The AAN/AANI disclaims any and all liability for all claims which may result from the use of information, publications, products, and/or services discussed at The Sports Concussion Conference. FACULTY’S DISCLOSURE OF COMMERCIAL RELATIONSHIPS: Consistent with the AAN/AANI and ACCME policies, faculty must disclose any significant financial or other relationship with the manufacturer(s) discussed in their presentation. This policy is intended to make participants aware of all speakers’ financial or other relationship(s), so that attendees may form their own judgments about material discussed during the educational activity. Full disclosure of faculty’s commercial relationships will appear in the individual program materials. All faculty must sign an AANI letter of agreement stating explicitly that they understand and will adhere to ACCME and AANI Disclosure Statement guidelines that require full disclosure of commercial relationships, unlabeled use of products, and identification of data sources. UNLABELED USE DISCLOSURE: The AANI requires all faculty members to disclose if a product is not labeled for the use being discussed or that the product is still investigational. Such disclosures will appear in the individual program materials. Fast, Easy Registration Online AAN.com/view/ConcussionConference 7 HOTEL INFORMATION HOTEL RESERVATION DEADLINE: MONDAY, JUNE 9, 2014 Sheraton Chicago Hotel and Towers 301 East North Water Street Chicago, IL 60611 RESERVATIONS: (800) 325-3535 RESERVATION DEADLINE: 5:00 p.m. (CST) on Monday, June 9, 2014 8 SPECIAL ROOM RATES: The AAN has negotiated a sleeping room rate of $219.00 single/double, plus tax (additional person charge is $30.00 per night plus tax for more than two occupants). Participants must identify themselves as being with The Sports Concussion Conference to receive the special rate. All reservations must be guaranteed with a deposit equal to one night’s room rate plus tax and taken at the time the reservation is made. All credit cards used for deposits will be charged when the reservation is made. Check in time is 3:00 p.m. and check out time is 12:00 p.m. CANCELLATION POLICY: Hotel allows individual attendees to cancel their room reservation without penalty up to 72 hours prior to the attendee’s scheduled arrival date. Hotel will charge one (1) night guaranteed guest room rate plus tax for cancellation within 72 hours of the scheduled arrival date or failure of the individual to check in on the scheduled arrival date. Fast, Easy Registration Online AAN.com/view/ConcussionConference 9 REGISTRATION IS QUICK AND EASY, CHOOSE BETWEEN: ONLINE PHONE FAX MAIL AAN.com/view/ConcussionConference Telephone (800) 676-4226 (US/Canada) or (415) 979-2283 Fax (415) 293-4071 Attn: AAN/CMR Registration 33 New Montgomery, Suite 1100 San Francisco, CA 94105 REGISTRATION DEADLINE: Registration will open on February 19, 2014. The deadline for advance registration rates is June 9, 2014. Registrations received after this date will be charged an additional $100.00 fee. CANCELLATION AND REFUND POLICY: Programs are subject to cancellation if enrollment is insufficient. The AAN is not responsible for airfare, hotel, or other costs incurred by participants in the event of cancellation. All cancellations must be submitted in writing to aanscreg@cmrus.com or (415) 293-4071. No shows will not receive a refund. The AAN will assess a $50.00 administrative fee for cancellations received on or before Friday, June 9, 2014. Refunds will not be issued for cancellations received after that date. SPECIAL ACCOMMODATION: If you require special accommodations, contact Laurie Dixon at ldixon@aan.com or (612) 928-6154. ON-SITE REGISTRATION DETAILS: Attendees can register and pick up their conference materials on-site at The Sports Concussion Conference registration booth. Additional details will be included in your registration confirmation. ON-SITE REGISTRATION HOURS: •• Friday, July 11, 2014, 11:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m. •• Saturday, July 12, 2014, 8:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m. •• Sunday, July 13, 2014, 8:00 a.m.–10:00 a.m. 10 SIGN UP BEFORE THE JUNE 9 EARLY REGISTRATION DEADLINE AND SAVE $100! AAN ID Number Degree First Name Last Name Address 1 Address 2 (optional) City State Phone Zip Country Fax Email THREE EASY REGISTRATION STEPS 1. Select your registration. AANJunior and Non-neurologist Members Student, Intern, Junior, Business Administrator, Research Scientist, Research Scientist Fellow, Research Coordinators, and Non-neurologist Clinician AAN Members Honorary, Senior, Fellow, Active, and Associate Nonmembers EARLY REGISTRATION ON-SITE/LATE REGISTRATION $299 /person $399 /person $499 /person $599 /person $699 /person $799 /person $ TOTAL 2. Register and pay one of four ways: See page 10. 3. Method of payment: Full payment in US funds must accompany registration form. Include credit card information or enclose a check made payable to the American Academy of Neurology Institute (AANI). Registrations will be processed according to date of receipt. Registrations received after June 9 will be processed at on-site rates. I authorize the AANI to charge the amount determined by the AANI as registration fees on my credit card. Credit Card Type: Visa MasterCard American Express Diner’s Club Name on Card CREDIT CARD NUMBER EXPIRATION (MMYY) SECURITY CODE QUESTIONS? EMAIL AANSCREG@CMRUS.COM Fast, Easy Registration Online AAN.com/view/ConcussionConference 11 Y RL EA 00 $1 July 11-13, 2014 • Chicago, IL Sheraton Chicago Hotel and Towers AAN.com/view/ConcussionConference July 11–13 • Chicago, IL E E 9 AV UN D S J N E TH NE A E I OR DL EF EA B D UP ON I N T SIG TRA S I G RE 201 Chicago Avenue Minneapolis, MN 55415
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