2010 Annual Report - The Boys and Girls Club of Greater Kansas City


2010 Annual Report - The Boys and Girls Club of Greater Kansas City
n every community, boys and girls are left to find
their own recreation and companionship in the streets. An
increasing number of children are at home with no adult care or
supervision. Young people need to know that someone cares
about them.
The Boys & Girls Clubs offer that and more. Club programs and
services promote and enhance the development of boys and
girls by instilling a sense of competence, usefulness, belonging
and influence.
Boys & Girls Clubs are a safe place to learn and grow – all while
having fun. It is the place where great futures are started each
and every day.
Four key characteristics define the essence of a Boys & Girls
Club and are critical in exerting a positive impact on youth. Clubs
are dedicated spaces, designed solely for youth programs and
activities; are open every day after school and often on weekends; have full-time, trained youth development professionals;
and reach out to all kids, including those who cannot afford
other community programs.
The Boys & Girls Clubs believe every child has the potential to BE GREAT.
In support of this strong conviction, the Clubs strive to build caring, responsible citizens.
The Boys & Girls Clubs family – a community of staff, volunteers, parents, youth and supporters –
work together to create a positive place, full of hope and opportunity, for every child.
Released in 2009, a 30-month study from independent research firm Public/Private
Ventures (PPV) found that the Clubs’ approach to working with teens is effective and that
as safe havens. The study, Making
Every Day Count: Boys & Girls Clubs’
Role in Promoting Positive Outcomes for Teens, also found that the more time teens
spend atA
the Clubs,
the more BE
likely they
to perform wellPERSON.
in school, and become active
in their communities.
Based on research by Louis Harris & Associates, Club alumni have very strong feelings
about their
Club experiences:
• 80% said Club staff helped them learn right from wrong
• 95% indicated the Club was the best thing available
in theirFIT.
• 52% said participating in the Club “saved my life”
lubs are community-based, building-centered,
and led by professional staff. We provide programs during
non-school hours and the summer that meet the unique
interests and needs of young people, ages 5-18.
Boys & Girls Clubs provide young people with:
• A safe place to spend time during non-school hours
and the summer as an alternative to the streets or
being home alone.
• A chance to play, have fun, laugh and learn.
• The ability to build new skills that raise each child’s
belief that he or she can succeed and receive
recognition for personal accomplishments.
• Ongoing relationships with caring adults and
connections to new friends in a positive environment,
reinforcing a sense of belonging, personal
accountability, civility, and civic responsibility.
• Participation in generation-changing programs that
support a commitment to learning, positive values,
healthy habits and high expectations for success
as an adult.
Everything you’ve seen or heard about me began
with lessons I learned to live by at the Club.
—d enzel washington
academy award-winning actor and club alumnus
The “education equation” is more than schools and parents. A crucial factor is the local community
organization, which bridges the gap between academia and home. Youth-serving organizations, such
as Boys & Girls Clubs, often serve as partners to both teachers and parents by providing programs
and resources to bolster schoolwork.
The dropout crisis is not just a school, youth or parent issue – it’s a community and societal issue.
A crisis of this magnitude involves ALL of us.
Boys & Girls Clubs are uniquely positioned to make a difference in turning this
national trend. To do so, Boys & Girls Clubs has made high school graduation a
priority for Club members. To ensure that youth leave the Clubs as well-rounded
individuals with a plan for the future, Clubs are focusing efforts on three key
outcome areas: Academic Success, Good Character and Citizenship, and
Healthy Lifestyles.
BGCA has implemented three strategies to support these outcomes.
1. Every Member, Every Year, BGCA’s graduation strategy, aims to ensure all
Club members progress on time each year to the next grade level.
2. Live Healthy helps educate youth about fitness, nutrition and
smart decisions.
3. Be Engaged provides character, leadership and service learning
opportunities for Club members.
The Well-Rounded Child.
Every day, the Clubs provide a wealth of programs and activities to prepare young people for real-world successes.
By focusing on academics, health and fitness, and leadership and service, the children and youth served by the Clubs will be
better prepared to graduate high school and thrive as adults, contributing to their communities and to their nation.
he Boys & Girls Clubs have made high school graduation a priority for every member
served by the Clubs. Our goal is that every Club member graduates on time, prepared with
a plan for the future. We are focusing our efforts to ensure that Club youth are engaged in
targeted programs in three key outcome areas – academic success, good character and
citizenship, and healthy lifestyles. By encouraging young people to do well in school,
motivating them to serve their community, and charging them to take responsibility for
their well-being, the Clubs are preparing youth for real-world success.
Our graduation strategy – Every Member, Every Year – aims to ensure that all Club members
progress on time each year to the next grade level. Staff do this by discussing the importance
of school and high school graduation; recognizing academic successes, including homework
completion, grade improvement and progression; and implementing educational programming
that teaches members new skills and reinforces those needed to be successful in school.
The Clubs are also working to ensure young people move forward from their Club experience
as well-rounded individuals. To that end, we believe it is important to engage youth in
character, leadership and service-learning. Studies show that young people who engage in
service do better in school, maintain positive relationships with adults and peers, and avoid
risky behaviors. Even more, youth who participate in community involvement programs
demonstrate positive educational outcomes. The effects often center around improving young
people’s engagement in school and increasing the likelihood that they will attend school
regularly and not drop out.
Taken from “Our Nation’s Dropout Crisis Is Everyone’s Problem: Why Boys & Girls Clubs Are Part of the Solution”
distributed by Boys & Girls Clubs of America.
I always go back to lessons learned at the Club. We discovered there was something higher than ourselves,
and that giving back to others was what really mattered.
The Boys & Girls Clubs has a lineup of tested and proven nationally recognized programs that address today’s most pressing youth
issues, teaching young people the skills they need to succeed in life.
Education & Career Development, including the Arts – Serves to enrich the information taught in schools, apply
learning to everyday living, and encourage graduation. Programs like BE GREAT: Graduate, Atomic Blast, Junior Staff,
Money Matters, Project Learn, Goals for Graduation, and Power Hour, help youth create aspirations for the future,
providing opportunities for career exploration and educational enhancement. In addition, young people will develop
creativity and cultural awareness through knowledge and appreciation of the visual arts, crafts, performing arts,
and creative writing.
Technology – Programs like I.AM Tech and NetSmartz help members embrace technology as means to building
successful futures. The framework provides a range of different contexts for learning – both creative and
practical – that draw on important aspects of everyday life and work.
Public Speaking & Leadership – Members learn the basic skills of public speaking and debate
through programs such as Life Coach, Keystone Club, CLUBService, and Youth of the Year. It empowers
youth to positively influence their Club and community through leadership, development of positive
self-image, participation in the democratic process, and respect for others’ cultural identities.
Health & Life Skills – Initiatives such as Passport to Manhood, RBI, SMART Moves, and Triple Play,
help members develop capacity to engage in positive behaviors and set personal goals that nurture
their own well-being and prepare them to live successfully as self-sufficient adults.
Whether you volunteer, mentor, tutor, donate or
educate others about the dropout issue, collectively
it makes a difference.
Find a Club in your community. It is a fun place for
kids and teens to meet friends, enjoy cool activities
and even catch up with homework. Need to learn
more? Stop by and visit a Club.
Boys & Girls Clubs impact the lives of young people in
vital areas such as academic success, good character
and citizenship, and healthy lifestyles. These Club
programs and activities help kids thrive.
In the 2010 graduating class, three out of every 10 young people didn’t
make the grade.1 Yet for African-American, Hispanic/Latino and Native American
populations, this number is dramatically worse with just over half graduating on time.2
Low graduation rates contribute to increases in unemployment, poor health, crime
and drug use. It lowers tax revenue and increases public assistance expenses.
Our young people are future workers, voters and community members. They are our
neighbors. When we fail kids, we fail our communities and ourselves.
It’s time to give our children and our country a better and brighter future.
Editorial Projects in Education, “Diplomas Count 2010: Graduation by the Numbers: Putting Data to Work
for Student Success” Education Week, 29, No. 34 (2010).
Editorial Projects in Education, “Diplomas Count 2009: Broader Horizons: The Challenge of College
Readiness for All Students,” Education Week, 28, No. 34 (2009).
America is facing a crisis: soaring high school dropout rates, low health and fitness
levels in youth, and rising violence. The Boys & Girls Clubs are providing solutions
to this national epidemic through homework help, engaging and fun nutritional tips,
energizing sports and recreational activities, and challenging academic programs.
Throughout the nation, the Clubs are reaching out to a generation at risk by
providing positive guidance and exciting opportunities.
Will you be part of
Be our fan on Facebook: www.facebook.com/
helpkckids. Post your thoughts. It is your online
place to meet other supporters, alumni or staff.
You can also tweet us your thoughts:
Get the latest news when you subscribe to our online
newsletter through our website www.helpKCkids.org.
You will receive regular updates about our
outstanding kids, special events and the importance
of the Clubs. Sign up and stay in touch!
Help us help kids. Give today! Through the support
of caring individuals, we can help Boys & Girls Clubs
provide the life-changing programs and guidance that
make our Clubs successful.
By the Numbers
Ranking among ALL youth organizations in the
Chronicle of Philanthropy’s “Philanthropy 400” report
for the 17th consecutive year
Total number of youth served in 2010
(youth who USED the Clubs in 2010,
whether members or other youth)
More than 30 The percent of U.S.
students who don’t graduate from high school
52 Percent of alumni who said the Club saved
their life (from the Harris Survey of Club Alumni)
75 Cents out of every dollar donated that goes
directly to the Clubs’ local youth programming
2,397 Cost (in dollars) to take care of a kid in the
Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater Kansas City for a year
70,000 Approximate cost (in dollars) to
incarcerate a juvenile offender for a year
Forbes, SmartMoney, Newsweek and U.S. News
& World Report have all ranked BGCA among the
top charitable organizations in America based on
cost-effective use of donor dollars. WORTH
magazine has ranked BGCA as one of America’s
top one hundred charities, based on financial
efficiency, strength of reputation and
program effectiveness.
Our Membership Card
Saves Lives:
• In 2010, the Clubs served over 7,200
youth members
• It costs the Clubs approximately $2,397 to keep a
kid in the Club for one year – yet the Clubs charge
youth only $15 per school year to be members
• 38% of youth served by the Clubs are ages 13-18
• T he average Club member spends ten hours each
week in the Club – 520 hours over the course of
the school year
• T he combined average household income within
a 2 mile radius of our five community Club sites
is $21,729
• 83% of Club youth live in single-parent homes
Like our mission? Then like our fan page and join
others who support what the Boys & Girls Clubs do.
It is your online place to meet other supporters,
alumni or staff and get the latest news on the Clubs!
The Boys & Girls Clubs believe all
kids can find their star potential.
age breakdown
member demographics
African American
59% male • 41% female
83% Youth from single-parent homes
35% Y
outh who qualify for free or
reduced-price school lunch
his list includes just a few of the many items currently needed at the
Clubs. For a more extensive listing of Club Wish List needs, visit our web site at
www.helpKCkids.org. Our in-kind contributors help us by providing budget-relieving
items – and giving more impact to the funding we receive.
friend can create an unbreakable bond with a vulnerable child that will
last throughout his lifetime. ONE day in the life of a child can make a
huge impact on her future. ONE gift from a friend can open the door to a brighter
tomorrow for more of our youth. YOU CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE!
Consider donating to the Boys & Girls Clubs to build a positive future for our local
youth. 100% of your gift stays right here in Kansas City to help us operate our five
local Club sites all year long. Your gift is 100% tax deductible.
Please fill out the following form and return it to:
Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater Kansas City
6301 Rockhill Road, Ste 303
Kansas City, MO 64131
You can also donate securely online anytime at www.helpKCkids.org.
rts and crafts supplies,
especially colored and
construction paper
• Ping pong tables
• Pool tables
Address: __________________________________________________________________
• Fish tanks
City:________________________________________ State:________ Zip: ____________
• Digital cameras
ift cards – movie theater,
restaurant, etc.
• Televisions
• DVD players
• Board games
ideo game systems:
Xbox, Wii, Playstation, etc.
• Exercise equipment
• Like-new furniture
If you have any items you would like to
donate or if you would like to inquire about
purchasing any of our wish list items,
please contact the In-Kind Donation
Coordinator at (816) 361-3600 or
Sponsorship Opportunities
Please accept my gift of the following:
__ $30 2 school-year memberships
__ $60 4 school-year memberships
__ $1001 week of healthy snacks for 100 kids
__ $2501 summer membership
__ $500Field trip transportation for 150 youth
__ $1,000 Full day of college tours for 30 teens
__ $2,500 5 computers and technology software
Please indicate how you would like to fulfill your pledge commitment:
__ Monthly
__ Quarterly
__ Annually
__ One-time
I would also like to:
__ Be a LIFE Coach
__Volunteer at the Clubs
__ Take a tour of a Club
__ Assist with a special project
__ Offer an in-kind service/gift of: _____________________ valued at _____________
__ Check is enclosed (payable to Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater Kansas City)
__ Please bill my credit card:
The Club brought the same kind of love that you find
inside a home.
 American Express
 MasterCard
 Visa
Amount to be charged:___________________
Credit card number:_________________________________________________________
Expiration date:____________________________________CCV Number:_____________
—A . C. Green
Name as it appears on card: ________________________________________________
Thank you for being one friend!
All Level 2010 Donors
(*) An asterisk signifies members of the
President’s Circle
Benefactors Society*
$25,000 and Above Donors
The Allstate Foundation
Americorp Missouri
Mary and Alan Atterbury
Boys & Girls Clubs of America
Breidenthal Foundation
Burns & McDonnell Construction Group
Capitol Federal
City of Independence, Missouri
City of Olathe
Louetta M. Cowden Foundation
DST Systems, Inc.
Faultless Starch/Bon Ami Company
Christena and Bill Gautreaux
General Mills Foundation
H&R Block Foundation
Hall Family Foundation
Hallmark Cards, Inc.
Harley-Davidson Motor Co.
Hawthorne Place
Health Care Foundation of Greater Kansas City
Humphrey, Farrington & McClain, P.C.
Bonne and Cliff Illig
Jackson County, Missouri Department of Finance
Kansas City Power & Light
Muriel McBrien Kauffman Foundation
William T. Kemper Foundation
Cassie and Ron LeMay
Missouri Alliance of B & G C, Inc.
QuikTrip Corporation
The Sosland Foundation
Sprint Foundation
State Street
The Courtney S. Turner Charitable Trust
Jill and Thomas Turner, III
United Way of Greater Kansas City
Jean and Don Wagner
Club Patrons*
$10,000 - $24,999 Donors
Jason K. Adam
American Airlines
B.S.C. Holding, Inc.
Bank of America Foundation
Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Kansas City
Carmax Foundation
Carter Broadcast Group, Inc.
CBIZ & Mayer Hoffman McCann P.C.
Children’s Mercy Family Health Partners
Citi Cards
City of Kansas City, Missouri Finance Department
Collective Brands
Michael Douglas
J.E. Dunn Construction Group, Inc.
Bob Firnhaber and Sally Groves
Genesis School, Inc.
Arvin Gottlieb Charitable Foundation
Donald Z. Greinke
Illusions Unlimited Productions, Inc.
Inergy, L.P.
Kansas City Royals Baseball Club
Kansas City Southern
The Kansas City Star
Kansas City University of Medicine
and Biosciences
Kansas Health Foundation
Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation
Kuehn Foundation
R. A. Long Foundation
Belinda and Michael McPherson
Missouri Community Service Commission
Missouri Housing Development Commission
James B. Nutter & Company
Oppenstein Brothers Foundation
Antonio Richardson
Jan and Jim Rose
Karen and John Rose
Carol and R. Brooks Sherman, Jr.
Marny and John Sherman
Sprint Corporation
State Street Foundation
T-Mobile USA, Inc.
Turner Family Foundation
Unilever Bestfoods North America
Unilever United States Foundation, Inc.
United Way of Wyandotte County, Inc.
W.H.O. Foundation
Club Fellows*
$5,000 - $9,999 Donors
American Century Companies Foundation
B.J.N.R. Properties, LLC
Bank of Kansas City
Leslie and Jeb Bayer
Camps For Kids
The Joseph & Diana Carter Foundation
Charitable Trust
Susan and Michael Chesser
Children’s Mercy Hospital & Clinics
Citigroup Business Services
The Coca-Cola Bottling Co. of Mid-America, Inc.
Commerce Bank, N.A.
Angela and Larry Dickinson
General Mills, Inc.
Mark S. Gilman
Global Impact
Janie and Tom Grant
Kay and Jeff Hanes
Patty Hargenrader
Michael Haverty
Heartland Combined Federal Campaign
Hobbs Family Foundation
Huber Family Foundation Fund
Ink Cycle Inc.
Kansas City Chiefs Football Club
Helen & Sam Kaplan Foundation
Kiewit Companies Foundation
Lifetime Fitness Foundation
Lockton Companies, Inc.
Magic Touch Cleaning, Inc.
Mariner Wealth Advisors
MarketSphere Consulting, LLC
The Meredith Corporation Foundation
Miller Nichols Charitable Foundation
Dale Moorman
Muchnic Foundation, Inc.
Margi and Keith Pence
The Procter & Gamble Manufacturing Company
QC Holdings Companies
J.B. Reynolds Foundation
RLS Illumination Fund
Ross Foundation
Victor E. and Carolyn E. Schutte Foundation
Rhea S Schwartz & Paul Martin Wolff Foundation
SeTech Inc.
Vivian & Hymie J. Sosland Charitable Trust
Jennifer and Gregory Spears
Stinson Morrison Hecker LLP
Scott Tanguay
Time Warner Cable
Torosian Foundation
Wells Fargo Advisors
Westport Flea Market
Henry E. Wurst Family Foundation
YRC Worldwide Inc.
Club Sponsors
$2,500 - $4,999 Donors
4 Hats Creative, LLC
A.L. Huber, general contractor
Alcatel-Lucent Technologies
AMC Entertainment
Andrews McMeel Universal Foundation
Atterbury Family Foundation
Gregory Baker
Debby and Gary Ballard
Bank Midwest, N.A.
The George K. Baum Foundation
Molly and Bob Beaham
Block and Company
BlueScope Foundation, North America
Carole and Terry Brummer
Bryan Cave LLP
Colormark, Inc.
Cloud L. Cray Foundation
DeBruce Foundation
Joseph Donnelly
Ernst & Young LLP
Executive Hills, Inc.
Karen and Paul Fenaroli
Doug & Caryn Firebaugh Foundation
Sherry and Gary Forsee
GARMIN International, Inc.
Grasshopper Grounds Maintenance
Greater Kansas City Sports Commission
Husch Blackwell Sanders LLP
The Image Group
Chuck Jeffries
JMA Information Technology Inc.
Kansas City Business Journal
Haley and William Keen
Kirk Foundation
Richard B. and Lynn M. Klein Foundation Fund
Gayle and Bruce Krigel
Law Offices of Krigel & Krigel
Lee Jeans
Chuck Leffler
Meleda and John Lowry
M&I Bank
Liz and Greg Maday
Major Brands
McCown Gordon Construction, LLC
Meara Welch Browne, P.C.
Denise and Richard Mills
Missouri Mavericks
Amy and Mike Naatz
Negro Leagues Baseball Museum
Oddo Development Company, Inc.
Parris Communications Inc.
Roshann Parris and Jeff Dobbs
Petro America Financial Services
Pi Kappa Alpha Fraternity Kappa Epsilon Chapter
Polsinelli Shughart PC
Premier Manufacturing Support Services, Inc.
Providence Medical Center
RED Development, LLC
Janet and Tom Renich
Jan and Edward Riss
Jack D. Rowe
Sanders Management, Inc.
Sealaska Constructors L.L.C.
Ralph L. Smith Foundation
Michelle and David Smith
Sonnenschein Nath & Rosenthal
SpecChem, LLC
Ann and Steven Spletstoser
Karen Stelling
Elaine Feld Stern Charitable Trust
Summit Sportswear, Inc.
Tech Investments, LLC
Think Tank Marketing
Mary Jean and William Thomas
Marilyn Townsend
Trabon Printing
UBS Financial Services
UMB Bank, n.a. Kansas City
Unified Government of Wyandotte County
Mike Vessels
The Don and Jean Wagner Charitable Foundation
Weber Family Foundation
Wells Fargo Community Support Campaign
Wood Family Fund
Nancy and David Yeamans
Club Partners
$1,000 - $2,499 Donors
Sheila and Vincent Abio
Air Tran Airways
Americrown Service Corporation
Traci and Donald Ash
Andy Atterbury and Gwyn Prentice
Kate and David Banks
Bartlett and Company Grain Charitable Foundation
Sheila Berenson
Block Real Estate Services, LLC
Lisa and Ken Block
Boys & Girls Clubs of Manhattan, Inc. Netsmartz
Kate and Peter Brown
Bonnie and Herb Buchbinder
Bullseye International, Incorporated
Jacqueline and Andrew Burczyk
Carsmart Auto Sales LLC
Jenny Caulk
Centerpoint Medical Center
City of Kansas City, Missouri Jackson County Legislator
Valerie and Eric Cobbins
Community of Christ
Compass Minerals
Minnie and Chas Cook
Cosentino Charity Foundation
Country Club Bank
Ellen Darling
Ann Dickinson
Enterprise Holdings Foundation
Warren and Jenny Erdman Charitable Fund
The Examiner
Ferrell Family Fund
Karen A. Ferro
Fidelity Security Life Insurance Co.
Will Forcelledo/Ophelia’s
Mitzi and Mark Foster
Freeland Photography
Frick Family Foundation
Frontier Wealth Management LLC
General Electric
Tricia and Edward Geris
The Gerson Family Foundation
Global Prairie
Brett Gordon
The Greater Kansas City Community Foundation
Nancy and Rick Green, Jr.
Hallbrook Country Club Swim Team
Marquita and Bill Hancock
Hartley Family Foundation
Marilyn and James Hebenstreit
Shirley and Barnett Helzberg Foundation
Bush and Jamie Helzberg Fund
Karen and Michael Herman
Sue and Michael Higgins
Ellen and Irvine Hockaday, Jr.
Sharon and John Hoffman
Anya and Ryan Holmes
Bethany and Trey Humphrey
Hyatt Regency Crown Center
Jack Stack Barbeque
Brodie Johnson
Kansas City Hospice
Kansas City, Missouri Parks & Recreation
Julia Irene Kauffman
Keller & Owens
Patricia and John Kern
Kessinger/Hunter & Company, LC
LANE4 Property Group Inc.
Lon Lane’s Inspired Occasions
Olive Beaham Lansburgh
Beverly and James Leonard
Les Bourgeois Winery
Linda and Dean Loof
M & M Quality Solutions Incorporated
Major League Baseball Properties, Inc.
Mangelsen Images of Nature
Barbara Marshall
Maryville Technologies
McNearney & Associates, LLC.
Stacy and Gil Meche
Microsoft Matching Gifts Program
Morgan Family Foundation
Sherrill Anne Mulhern
Michael Myers
New Theatre Restaurant
Nichols Company Charitable Trust
Nigro Brothers
Gregory J. Orman
Overland Park South Rotary Club
Park Foundation
The Parmelee Foundation, Inc.
Parris Dobbs Spirit of the Heart Fund
Peterson Manufacturing Company
Margo and Joe Posnanski
Bonnie and Mark Prasifka
Mary and Ron Pressman
R.S. Hughes
Victoria and William Reisler
Cathy and Gary Remley
Royals Legacy Brick Fund
Lynn and Steve Sestak
Lilli and Christopher Shank
Sioux Chief Manufacturing Co., Inc.
Scott Slabotsky
The Sloan Agency
Anne and Robert St. Peter
Jack & Martha Steadman Family
Charitable Foundation
Jo and John Stueve
Carol and Thomas Sweeney
Tension Envelope Foundation
Terri and Phil Thomas
The Oakleigh L. Thorne Fund
TLJ Marketing & Sales
Jenny and Michael Torti
Toyota Financial Services
Deborah and Gregory Trempy
Truman Heartland Community Foundation
University of Missouri Kansas City-Athletics
VML Foundation
Walker Towel & Uniform Service
Waterford Property Company LLC
Laurence Wolff
Young Friends of RBI
Wyatt Zucca
Club Advocates
$500 - $999 Donors
Action Delivery
American Family Charities, Inc.
American Inn
American Jazz Museum
Toi and George Ashby
The Barn Bed & Breakfast Inn
Nancy and Gordon Beaham, III
Sharon and Robert Beaird
Jamie and Jeff Berg
R.A. Bloch Cancer Foundation
Margaret and Michael Borkon
Boulevard Brewing Co.
Karen and John Brinker
Lynne and Peter Brown
Richard W. Brown
Brown and Sons
Taft and Clifton Burnes
Kay and John Callison
Brenda and Walter Calvin
Carrel Brothers Colors
Judy and Joel Cerwick
Chai Foundation
Charlie Hooper’s Inc.
Geraldine and Tad Choate
Doris Clark
CLEAR10 Vodka
Colliers International
Ann and James Cooling
Cooling & Herbers, P.C. Attorneys-At-Law
Copaken Family Foundation
Cosentino’s Downtown Market
The Louis and Dorothy Cumonow Foundation
Cynthia Hudson Art
Delta Dental Plan of Kansas
Becky and Jude Dieterman
Larry Downey
Katie Dunn-Fitzgerald and Matthew Fitzgerald
Diann and Bob Eber
Lois and Charles Edwards
Eisterhold & Associates
Enterprise Leasing Company of Kansas
Seanna and Brandon Fergerson
Jim Flack
Amy and John Foley
Elizabeth and Paul Friedman
Samella Gates
Mildred F. and Joseph W. Gilbert Foundation
Calvin Girard
David A. Goldberg
Greater Kansas City Chamber of Commerce
The Greensman, Inc.
Jill and Jeff Greig
Adele and Donald Hall
Brenda G. Hamilton
Joyce and Jack Hayhow
Judy and James A. Heeter
Henkel Chemical Management
His & Her Fitness
Cody Hogan/Lidia’s Kansas City
Marcia and Eugene Hubbard
Jami and Peter Hyde
Independence Young Matrons
Invent Now, Inc.
Niles Jager
Joan and Grant Jordan
Victoria and Mike Kanaley
Kansas City Royals Alumni Foundation
Arthur J. Kennedy
Rosemary Killian
Kiwanis Club of Independence
Julia Klass
Richard Kramer
Sue and Loren Laird
Leahy Chiropractic, P.A.
Jean Loesch and Tyrone Brown
Lawrence MacLachlan
Marlene and Frederic Malek
Kim and Gerald Martincich
Master Pitching Machine Inc.
Matheson Inc.
Mazzarese Designers of Fine Jewelry
Cindy and Kenneth McClain
Anne McLyli
Meagan and Aaron Mesmer
Pennie Mesmer
Midwest Airlines
Sandy and Fred Mills
Missouri Bank & Trust
James R. Mobley
Connie and Donald Moritz
Michelle and James Naus
Kelsey and Kevin Nichols
Kristina Nissen
Jan and Tom O’Rourke
Overland Limousine
Constance and Daniel Owen
Chris Painter
Tina Parsley Hughes
Party Personnel
Sarah Pence
Liz and Bruce Pendleton
Pepsi Beverages Company
Katy and Joe Platt
PRP Wine International
Lisa and Timothy Ramaekers
Jerome Rayhons
Max R. Ridings
Shannon and Gary Rixson
Cheryl and Joseph Rizk
Amanda and James Rodgers
Lisa and Robert Rohlf
Alma and Marvin Rollison
Dorothea and Hortense Sanders
Peggy and Dennis Schupp
Silverstein Eye Centers
Bobby Smith Blues Band
Tim Southwell
Southwest Airlines
Jason Spalitto
Courtney Stalcup
Angie Stanland
Martha D. Stanley
Brent Stewart
Strauss Peyton Portraiture
Shawn Thomas
Tivol, Inc.
U.S. Engineering
United Way Campaign JC Penney
Employee Giving
Vanguard Charitable Endowment Program
Eugene Vigil
Wal-Mart Foundation
Walt Disney World Company
Cindy Weiner
Katie and Clyde Wendel
Michael T. White
Wilk Family Fund
Susan and John Wilson
Terry Wilson
WireCo World Group
Kimberly and Phil Witt
Marcia and Robert Wolff
Toma and Andrew Wolff
Worlds of Fun
Bob Zeldin
Gerson Zweifach
Friends Society
$100 - $499 Donors
Maria and Joseph Accurso
Acupuncture & Herbs For Pets
Ellen and John Aisenbrey
Ben Aken
Constantine Alexander
Andrea Allison-Putman and Andre Putman
Allstate Giving Campaign
Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc./
Beta Omega Chapter
Alpha Omega Geotech
Deborah and Paget Alves
Mithra Amaran
American Food & Vending Corporation
American Heartland Theatre
Nina and Ira Anders
Julie Anderson
Lois and Gerry Anderson
Sean Anderson
Scott Aripoli
Armoires & More
Jeanne and Wayne Armstrong
Kim and Jeff Armstrong
Mary Ann and James Arnett
Susan and Scott Asner
Assured Management
Carolee and Russell Atha, Jr.
Atlantic Asset Management, L.L.C.
B2G LLC DBA Pizzabella
Ellen and Lon Babby
Bag & Baggage
Balls Price Chopper Super Food
Ann and James Balquist
Bank of Prairie Village
Mila Banks
Stanley E. Banks
Yoli Barbosa
BARKLEY Kansas City
Erin and Paul Barrett
Silvia Barrios
Katherine Barton
Linda and Roy Bash
Brett M. Bates
Jeanne M. Bates
Tricia and David Beaham
Beauty Brands
Bella Napoli
Samuel Bennett
Berbiglia Wine & Spirits
Best Buy
Kathleen and James Betterman
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Greater Kansas City
Adam Blake
Ronda Blatt
Sonci Bleckinger
David Block
Blue Bird Bistro
Blue Springs Harley-Davidson
Kim Blystone
Lawrence Bold
Ellen and Dan Bolen
Bolero Salon & Spa
Terri and Jack Bonar
Ruth Anne Booth
Susan and Douglas Borge
Barbara J. Borkowski
Mike Boston
Ben F. Boyd, Jr. & Associates
Alexandra and Jonathan Braatz
Jeff Brand
Shawsie Branton
Amy Brent
Vicki and Alan Bronfman
Brookside & Midtown Pet Sitting
Brookside Jewelry
Valerie and Jimmy Brown
Corey Brown Photography
Nicky and Lew Bunch
Mandy Burditt
Sandra and Fred Burry
Kathryn and Gary Bussing
Cafe Europa
David Caldarelli
California Closets
Mary Kay and Bob Camarena
The Capital Grille
Phyllis J. Capps
Ginger and Scott Cassidy
Korine Caton
Irene Caudillo
The Dess L. Caylor Charitable Trust
Jeffri W. Chadiha
Karen Chaikin
Brent Chapman
Patricia A. Chasnoff Fund
Jane Clarke
Esther and Clay Coburn, Jr.
Martha and Richard Cockerell
Barbara and Sanford Cohn
Timothy P. Cole
The College Basketball Experience
Arthur Collins, Jr.
Comfort Suites
Communities in Schools of KCK
Wyandotte County
Cindy Compton
Ann Conover
Antoinette and James Coopersmith
Luis M. Cordova
Cornerstone CPA Group, PA
The Coterie Theatre
Fred N. Coulson, III
John W. Covington
Kimberly and Austin Cowan
Lynn and Chad Craghead
Ben Craig, Jr.
Bruce Cramer
Cross Fit Results
CST Industries, Inc.
Marilyn Daffer
E. Leon Daggett
The Daily Show with Jon Stewart
Dave Daley
Stacey Daniels-Young and Lawrence Young
Kevin Davidson
James Davies
Davis Safety Supply Company
Louise and Woody Davis
Cori and Jon Day
Jill and Marshall Dean, Jr.
Ellen and Joel Deboer
Deck the Walls
Lawrence Delangis
Martinez M. Denmon
DERMAdoctor Inc.
The Deuce at The National
DH Pace Overhead Door
Erika and David Dickey
Beth and David Dollase
Charles Dorfman
JC Dresslaer
Jill and Lee Driver
Drumm Farm Golf Club
David J. Dude
R.J. Dutton, Incorporated
Dynamic Dialog
Education Market Resources
Gregory Egan
Marc Elkins
Anthony G. Ell
Entercom Broadcasting
John Escalada
Especially Jewelry
Events Set Apart, L.L.C.
Marita Favreau
Federal Capital Partners
The Fiddly Fig Legg Florist
Phyllis and Joseph Fiedler
Shelly and Robert Finuf
First Federal Bank
Christy and Robert Fish
Barbara and Wayne Fordham
Ryan Forster
Carole and Jerome Forte
Edward Foster
Fox TV
Geri and David Frantze
Jill and Mike Freeland
Laura A. Frick
Linda and Victor Frost
Courtney Fuchs
Sue Gaddy
Janea Gadelman
Gail and Hires W. Gage
Gregory Gallo
Everett Gardner
Paul Gardner
David Garrett
Gaslight Grill
Gates Bar-B-Que
Barbara and Peter Gattermeir
John Gaughan, Jr.
Ann and Douglas Ghertner
Bruce Gibbs
Sherry Lou and Joe Gibson
Patty and Mark Gilgus
James L. Girardeau
Michelle Girardin
Stan Gleason
Bob Glick
Gloria Rudd Advertising LLC
Stanley L. & Geraldine Goldberg Family Fund
Carol and Bill Golden
Michael Golden
Sara and Scott Goldstein
David L. Goodwin
Fred Goodwin, Jr.
Google Matching Gifts Program
Rosemary Gordon
Donald Gorske
Carol and Robert Gould
Graham Family Fund
The Granfalloon
Eric Grannemann
Great Southern Bank
Great Wolf Lodge
Green Mountain Coffee
Laura Greenbaum
Alan G. Greer
Joseph K. Gregg
Carol and Michael Grimaldi
Lisa and Robert Groves
Tony Guy
Stephen Hadley
Michael Hall
Gene Hallinan
Hallmark Corporate Foundation
Randy Halsey
Howard Handler
Sharon E. Hannah
Happy Hour
Nora and Gary Hard
Edward Harder
Mike Harmon
Harriman-Jewell Series
Fay and Carter Harrison, Jr.
JoAnne and Robert Hayes
Paula and Robert Hayworth
Howard Head
HealthCare USA
Healthy Meals Inc.
Shannon and Patrick Healy
Heart of America Wing,
Commemorative Air Force
Heartland Men’s Chorus
Joey and Josh Heinrich
Janis and Curt Heinz
Shirley and Barnett Helzberg, Jr.
Melissa and Timothy Hendricks
Betty Henson
Hilton Garden Inn
Hilton President Hotel
Harlene J. Hipsh
Eric Hirschhorn
HMC Enterprise Corp.
Laura Hockaday
Eunice Holmes
Holy-Field Vineyard & Winery
Kourtney and Rick Honan
James W. Hopkins
Mary House
Heidi Hubbard
Roberta Huddleston
Betty and Douglas Hughes
Kristen Hughes
Robert Hughes
Hunter Drape
Ice Midwest
InterContinental Kansas City
International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers
Irish Crystal Company
J Hathaway Shoe Boutique
Judy Jackson and Cecil Hester
James Printing
Jasper’s Restaurant
JCP Logistics
Maria Jenks
Anna and Ron Jennings
Johnson County Community College Performing Arts Series
Linda and Bryan Johnson
McGregor Johnson
Linda and Topper Johntz
Kevin Jones
Susan Jones
Timothy Jones
Amy and Jeff Jurgensmeyer
Sonya and Scott Jury
K. C. Northeast Foursquare Church
George Kaiser
Ann and Edward Kander
Brandon Kane
Lisa and Thomas Kane
Kansas City Explorers
Kansas City Marriott Downtown
Kansas City Repertory Theatre
Stanley Kanter
Joy and Jerry Kaplan
Kauffman Scholars, Inc.
KCFitnessLink LLC
Jill and Allan Kells
Catherine Kelly
Laurence Kelly
Julie Kempker
Carla A. King
Sondra King
Jennifer Kisser
Patricia and Michael Kleinman
Bill Koenigsdorf and Kay Johnson
Carol Kowalski
Bryan Krantz
Natalie and Jeff Kranz
Andrea and Joel Krasnow
David Krull
Susan and Gregory Kuhn
Patricia and John Kurtz
Sanders Ray Lambert, Jr.
Erika Laney
Rick Langtry
Audrey and A.C. Langworthy
Natalie Smart Larrabee
Danuta Oktawiec Larson
LE Dance Company
Nancy Leamond
Leawood Fine Art
Lee’s Summit Honda
Patricia and Mark Lester
Lewis Block & Supply Company
David Lewis
Jamie Lewis
Liberty Fruit Company Inc.
Lied Center of Kansas
Marilyn Locke
Doug Logsdon
Tami and Patrick Louiselle
Chris Loveall
Lucky Strike Lanes
Susan and Tom Lynn
Peggy and Bill Lyons
Lyric Opera of Kansas City
Nancy and Paul MacCready
Beth and Michael Magerl
The Majestic Restaurant
Sandy and Gary Manderfeld
Manheim Kansas City
T. Nelson Mann
LaDonna and John Marietti
Hazael Matteson Evans
Sandra and Albert Mauro
Maya Yoga
Ron Mayer
Andrew McCaskill
Angela and Roger McCoy
Jennifer McCoy
Joshua McCulloch
McDaniel Hazley Group, Inc
Erica and Jeffery McDaniels
Donald R. McDonald
Jane and Bob McDonald
Martha Jane and Ted McGrade
Michael McGrade
Don McGuire
Brian McKee
Brian McMaster
McQuaid Brothers Remodeling Company, Inc.
Medical Transportation Mgmt, Inc.
Cordell D. Meeks, III
Metropolitan Community Colleges
Metzler Brothers Insurance
Steve Meyers
Michael Shae Salon & Day Spa
Paul Midtbo
Lou Ann and John Millard
Ted Miller Agency, Inc.
William L. Miller
Missouri Care - Aetna Health Plan
Mistler Family Foundation
James Mnookin
Virginia and James Moffett
Paul Mogin
Elise Monneyham
Karen and Olen Monsees
Doris and Anthony Moore, Sr.
Jenna Morris
Mary and Jeff Morris
Yvette and Leo Morton
Bree and David Moseley
Frances and Don Motley, Sr.
Daphne Nan Muchnic
Thomas S. Murray
Judith and Irvin Nathan
Natural Accents Outdoor Lighting Design
Marc Naughton
Neal’s Gallery & Custom Framing
The Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art
Sandra S. Nelson
Margaret and Jerome Nerman
Philanthropic Fund
New Directions Behavioral Health
Cara and Henry Newell
Catherine and Charles Newell
Stephanie Newkirk
Jeannette Nichols
Elizabeth and Robert Novellano
Hal Novicoff
Rebecca and Corbin Novotny
Lawrence Nussdorf
Sonya and James Nutter
Dan Oas
Barbara and David Odegard
Keegan Odle
Darcy and Jim O’Keefe
Joan and James O’Keefe
Orchard Hill Bed & Breakfast
Julie O’Rourke
Oshkosh B’Gosh
Overland Park Lodge No. 2395
Overland Park Sheraton
Panache Chocolatier
Stacy and Joseph Parelman
Sharon E. Parker
Pamela and John Peck
Brenda Pelofsky
Lisa Pelofsky
Millie and Robert Peltzman
Karen and Howard Penrod
Mildred and Barry Picker
John Pierson, Jr.
Pilates 1901
Piper Middle School
Janet and Kevin Pistilli
Pizza Shoppe
David Porter
Susan and Stephen Porter
Cappy and Peter Powell
Diane and John Power
Brad Price
MiUndrae Prince
Protiviti Inc.
Helen and David Pudlin
Duane Pumphery
Deborah and Jeff Quast
R. Chace Ramey
Emily Rand
Judi and Merle Rasmussen
Ann and John Readey, III
Sara and Ross Reda
Karen and David Redlich
Leisa and Ralph Reid
Candy and Chuck Reskin
Carla and Scott Revare
Munro Richardson
Regina Roach
The Roasterie, Inc.
Roberts Dairy
John Roberts
Dennis Rocheleau
Karen and Ricky Rodenbeck
Eden and Jeremy Rogers
Kathleen and Robert Rogers
Tiffany and Mark Rogers
Judith and Stephen Roling
Rooms That Bloom
Chuck Rosley
Mark Ross
Christina and Jason Roth
Michael J. Rutherford
Janet Ryan
Caroline and Daniel Saferstein
Patrick Sallee
Dawn and John Sawle
Scandinavia Place
Mary and Gary Schanzer
Schlitterbahn Kansas City Waterpark
Karen and Phil Schoettlin
Howard Schultz
Betty and Thomas Scott
Diane Scott
Harriet and Donald Sebert
Seigfreid, Bingham, Levy, Selzer & Gee
Lonnie J. Shalton
Shampagne Beauty & Spa
Shamrock Tire Company Incorporated
Mary Jo Shaney
John Sharp and Michelle Williams
Shatto Milk Company
Julie and Stuart Shaw
Michael Sheehan and Anne Clarke
Mary Pat Shelledy
Lara and Tyler Shelton
Sheridan Sechter & Associates
Shook, Hardy & Bacon L.L.P.
Shop Beautiful
Candice Shores
David Sides
Linda and Andrew Sigler
Silver Dollar City, Inc.
Bette Silver
Mark Simcosky
Lisa and Taylor Simmerman
Beth and Barry Simon
Tara Simon
Forrest Simpson
Sisters of Charity of Leavenworth Health System
Skyline Downtown Salon
Kathy and Michael Smid
Eve and William Smith
Holly and Kevin Smith
Nancy Smith
Oleva Smith
Phil Smith
Stephen W. Smith
SNAP photography
Sole Patch Barbershop
Megan and David Sopher
South & Associates, P.C.
Michael Spector
SPIN Neapolitan Pizza
Vania G. Spoerre
Tina and Herb Sprinkle
Sprint Center
J. Harlan Stamper
Stanford & Sons Comedy Club
Star Ventures LLC
Starlight Theatre
Starmaker Salon
John Stawarz
John Stephens
Ann and Edward Stevens
Stewardship Capital, LTD.
Steven Joseph Streen P.C. Attorney At Law
Style & Grace
Lila and Brendan Sullivan
Tonya Sullivan
Whitney and John Sweeney
Vana Sweetland
Linda H. Talbott
Denise and David Talley
Zachary Taylor
Terracon Consultants SE, Inc.
Heidi L. Terry
Sally and Steve Theesen
Valorie Thomas
Sharon Thum
Tiffany Greens Golf Club
Lori and John Top
Sally T. Tranin
Nathan Tritsch
Truman Medical Centers
Fern and James Truschke
UMKC Conservatory of Music and Dance
United States Construction, Inc.
United Way AT&T Employee Giving Campaign
United Way Campaign Bank of America
Employee Giving
United Way Campaign Target Corporation
United Way Campaign UPS Employee Giving
United Way of Greater Los Angeles
Barb Upton-Garvin
US Bank
US Bank Employee Matching Gift Program
Nancy Vaught
Kyle Vena
Heather and Thomas Vrabac
Christopher W. Wagner
Tamekia L. Wakefield
Waldo Pizza
Suzanne Wallace
Wal-Mart Independence, Missouri
Kathy and Fred Walters
Melissa and Perry Warhurst
Kim and Mal Warrick
Waterway Carwash
Michael Weaver
Jane and Claude Webb, Jr.
Richard Weiland
Beth and Michael Weishaar
Pam and Harry Wheeler
Elizabeth Whitaker
Curtis White
Steve White
Jerry R. Wiley
Maria I. Will
Daryl A. Williams
Tim Williams
Gwendolyn and Timothy Wills, Jr.
Mary and Jack Winne
John Winnett
Mary Pat Wohlford-Wessels
Kimberly A. Wolf
Susie and Chad Wollard
Kathy and Tony Woltjen
Gerald Woods
Linda and Peter Woodsmall
Lorraine Wright
Pat and R. Wright
Nancy and Jay Yedlin
Joanne Zicarelli
Wendy and Charles Zoog
Julie and Joe Zwillenberg
Linda and Morris Zwillenberg
Club Supporters
$99 and Below Donors
3 Women and an Oven
Chris Abrams
Accessorize Yourself Boutique
Alice and David Achtenberg
Steve Adams
Beth and Scott Agre
Alissa’s Flowers & Interiors
Dionne Allen
Alliance Fire Protection, LLC
Altofonte International Ltd.
Kristin and William Amend
Janice Anderson
Joseph Anderson
Jeff Anthony
Antiques on the Square
Jennifer and Ryan Anwander
Jennifer Armstrong
Monica and Julian Arredondo
Mary Ascher
Barbara and Richard Atlas
Terri Austenfeld
Melissa Avants
Baby Cakes
Fern Badzin
Baja 600
Janet and Bruce Baker
John P. Baker
Eugene Balloun
Wade Banks, Jr.
Janis and Edward Barash
William C. Barr
Brant S. Barrier
BD’s Mongolian Barbeque
Kevin Bear
Robert Beckers
Avory and Brian Beggs
Elizabeth and Bruce Belanger
Ben’s Lawn & Garden Center
Nancy and Gregory Bentz
Merilyn and Loren Berenbom
Aaron Berger
Sue Blackman
Brian Bloss
Blue Chip Cookies
Eva Blum
Jeff Blystone
Chriss and Mike Blystone
Patricia Bounds
Maggie and John Boyd
Nancy D. Bramley
Anne Bray
Rita and Terry Brecheisen
Rebecca Breneman
Linda and W. A. Breytspraak
BRGR Restaurant & Bar
Mary Breed Brink
Brinker International
Kate Briseno
Bristol Seafood Grill
Christine Brower
Ashley Brown
Beth Brown
Jeanne and Scott Brown
John Bucher
Build-A-Bear Workshop
Joseph Butler
Thelma Byers
Cafe Provence
John W. Calkins
Cantina del Ray
Caribou Coffee Company, Inc.
Carlo’s Copa Room
Carlo’s Italian Restaurant
Carrabba’s Italian Grill
Sharon and Scott Carter
Amy J. Caulk
CEC Entertainment
Patricia and Don Chadwick
Karen Chaplin
Madeline and Paul Chapman
Jennifer and Jeff Chastain
Sandra and Micheal Chism
Beverly and Thomas Christopher
Clarion Research, Inc.
Mary Lynn and Gerald Clark
Lakeisha Clay
Jane and Thomas Cochran
Byron C. Cohen Trust
Lynne and Robert Cohen
Natalie and Donald Cohen
Lynn and Terrence Coleman
Jack Combs
James Compton
Nancy Comtois
Concorde Career Colleges, Inc.
Dionne L. Cook
Nicole Cook
Michael Cooper
Katie and Doug Cowan
Alesia L. Cox
Victoria and Brian Crawley
Emily and Steven Creal
Angie Crist
Tanya and Thurston Cromwell
John Todd Crum Living Trust
Curious Sofa
Kristina Daggett
Dave & Buster’s, Inc.
Diane Davidner
N. June and Leodis Davis
Darryck Dean
Spencer Dean
Patrick Debold
Delta Dental of Missouri
Florence DeWitt
Sarah Dickers-Jennings
Sandra K. Dickerson
Dickinson Theatres
DK Specialities
Mary and William Dodson
Rochelle L. Donald
Donnell’s Motorcycles
Doug Dresslaer
Jane and Robert Druten
DST Output Technology Solutions
Dosie Duffy
Lisa and Mike Dusselier
Shannon and Andrew Dvorak
Christine and Robert Dyer
Heidi and James Earl
Catherine Eaton
Marc E. Eden
Ellen and Stuart Eisen
Carole and Morton Ellin
Alice and Alexander Ellison
Steve Erickson
Kelly and Chad Esslinger
Hazel and Paul Evans
Vivian Eveloff
Jodi and Craig Everet
Sandra J. Ewens
Family Golf Park
Family Tree Nursery
Farm to Market Bread Company
Brian Fatula
Pamela Feingold
Renee and Robert Ferguson
Vanessa and Kenneth Ferguson
Edward Fields
Tiffany L. Fields
Financial Advisory Service, Inc.
Finishings for Her
First Watch
Allison L. Fisher
Marlene and Michael Fishman
Cheryl and Larry Follick
The Folly Theater
Susan and William Ford
Edwina Forke
Zella and Donald Forsythe
Clara Fox
Foxy Nails & Spa
Hannah and Steve Francis
Frankie & Jules
Alvin Franks
Nancy Franks
Fritz’s Railroad Restaurant
Robin and Robert Frost
Marlene and George Fry
Function Junction
Funky Mama Music, LLC
Rachel Gaffney
David Gale
Garozzo’s Inc.
Andrew W. Gatchell
Gates Bar-B-Q
Donna Genette
Daniel Gerstenkorn
Matthew R. Gibbs
Kimberly M. Gillette
Jeannine Glore
Gloria Jean’s
Sandra and Stephen Goceljak
Kim and Ron Goetz
Matt Good
Abram Goteiner
Margaret and Roger Gould
Thomas W. Gray, P.C.
Greater Horizons
Mrs. Ted Greene
S. Renee Grissom
Erin and Richard Gross
Gail and Allen Gutovitz
Lloyd Hall
Halls Crown Center
Liz Halmarson
Jeff Hannawald
Phil Hanson
Susan and Michael Harreld
Judith and Robert Harris
Nancy and John Harris
Clay Hartman
Vicky and Greg Hasselwander
Joseph Haugh
Havana Moon
Charles S. Haviland
Dana Hawkinson
Heart of America Shakespeare Festival
Lisa Henak
Beverly M. Henry
Beverly and Billie Henry
Patricia L. Henshaw
Hereford House
Nicola R. Heskett
Linda and Jim Hess
Catherine and Joseph Hiersteiner
Eugene Higgins
Katherine Hoggard
Laurel Holland
Joe Holloway
Kathryn E. Holmboe
Ryan Horton
Patricia and Robert Hovey
Darcy A. Howe
Hub Cycle Shop
Fred Huse
Jennifer and John Isenberg
Jack Gage American Tavern
David Jackson
Anne and Michael Jacobs
Arlene Jacobs
Jaegers Paintball
Jaegerz Lasertag
Jean and Otis James, Jr.
Tamara and G. Edgar James
Diana Jenks
Jewish Commuity Federation of Louisville, Inc.
JJ’s Restaurant
Sally and James Job
Jerilyn Jones
Susan and Russell Jones, Jr.
Tamara Jones
Jose Peppers
Vicky Joyce
Judy and Charles Kahn
Jackie Kamin
Joel Kammeyer
Thomas J. Kanaley
Shawn Kane
Kansas City Ballet
Kansas City Chamber Orchestra
Kansas City Steak Company
Kansas City Symphony
Kansas City T-Bones Baseball Club, LLC
William S. Kanter
Harvey Kaplan
Donna and Ward Katz
Linda and Barry Katz
Christian Kee
Ann and John Kenney, III
Barbara and Michael King
Penney L. King
Sharon and Steven Klein
Gene Klotz
Steve Knight
Lynne G. Knott
Alexander J. Koch
Rico Kolster
Nancy T. Koppel
Vikki L. Kortsen
William Kosar
Jane Kress
Mariame and Robert Kretchmer
Lynn and James Lagermann
Kallie and Steve Lampone
Barbara K. Langley
Helene Langner
Barbara Larson
Latte Land Espresso and Tea
Le Fou Frog
Marilyn and Gerald Lee
Kevin S. Leek
Legends 14 Theatres
Theresa and Darryl Levings
Larry Lewis, Jr.
Vanessa Lewis
Lew’s Grill & Bar and The Well
Teresa and James Lodes
Longhorn Steakhouse
Lorman Education Services
Deborah and Jay Lubin
Kathy Lyerla
Becky Mack
Michelle and William Mahood
Mary and Robert Malley
Sharon and Gary Mannering
Elizabeth and Billy Mansell
Jeff Marks
Anna Martin
Christina A. Martin
Joanna and John Martin
Ainette Martinez
Meri Ann Mason
Robin L. Massenberg
Linda and Alfred Mathuran
Steven Mauer
Larry Max
Andrew Maxwell
McCormick & Schmick’s Seafood Restaurant
Lizanne McElhaney
Beth McGinley
Sean McGuire
Bronwyn McLain
Carol Ann and Donald McLaughlin
Elizabeth McMurray
Cynthia and Mike Mense
Terry L. Meyer
Aubrey M. Mickey
Midwest Aquatics
Sharon and Michael Milens
Stacy and Jason Miles
Ann F. Miller
Gail and Robert Miller
Susan Miller
Virginia Miller
Nancy and Thomas Mills
Miriam Garvey
Sharon and Stephen Mohler
J.D. Moore
Jeffrey Moore
Roxanne L. Moore
Stephen J. Moore
Tyrone Moore
Jessica Moppin
Matt Moran
Ana Morgan
Thomas L. Mountenay
Trevor Moyer
Mr. Goodcents Subs & Pastas
Jackie Murphy
Laura L. Muther
My Favorite Things
National World War I Museum
Natural Body Spa and Shop
Sandra M. Naylor
Sharon M. Nelson
Sue and Lewis Nerman
Doc Netterville, IV
Barbara and Michael Newbold
Jennifer Nicol
Tiffany L. Nixon
Tawna and Thomas Noftzger
Matreena Noland
Mark J. Nora
Nuts & Bolts True Value Hardware
Jackie Older-Hefner
Olive Garden
Jane and Charles Olsen
Omaha Steaks
Omaha’s Henry Doorly Zoo
One80 Lounge & Bistro
Kim and Robert Osborne
Outback Steakhouse
Outlaw Cigar Co.
P.F. Chang’s China Bistro
Paciugo Gelato
Joyce and Louis Pack
Florence Pack
Charlotte L. Padek
Kristen and Kevin Page
Michelle Paige
Janell L. Pallanich
Joshua Palmer
Panera Bread
Pappy’s Barber Shop
Paradise Park
Jana and Myron Paris
Park Lanes
Martha and Richard Pastcan
Paul Mesner Puppets Inc.
Alison A. Pearse
Dorothy Peltzman
Diane and Bud Perrin
Donald Perrin
Stephanie and Sheldon Pessin
Diane and Curtis Peterman
Michelle and Doug Pierce
Sam Polise
Ponak’s Mexican Kitchen & Bar
Powell Gardens
PowerPlay Entertainment Center
Virginia Powers
Harvenia Price
Janet and Harold Price
Prime Rib Grill
Richard Prudenti
Quality Hill Playhouse
Cindy and Kurt Raedle
Jan L. Rase
Peggy and Robert Ratcheson
Redemption Plus
Idella Reed
Page and Bruce Reed
Jo Reimal
Charles Remley
JP Rey
Michele M. Reznicek
Anne and Charles Rhoades
Rimann Liquors
Melanie and Jim Rine
George Rishmany
Deborah Ross
Doug Roth
Arlene and John Rubenstein
Jane Rubenstein
Rumors Steakhouse
Mary Jane and Anthony Rupp
Rhoda S. Russell
Marjorie Sackin
The Sak
Salon Marc
Sam’s Club
Cathy and Tom Saputo
Elizabeth and Dennis Savidge
Marcia Schoenfeld
Margaret H. Schoenfeld
Julie Schonhoff
Margaret V. Schroeder
Pat Schudy
Caryl and Jim Schultz
Cathy and Michael Schultz
Anthony Schumacher
Gail M. Sciacchetano
Suzy Scott
Alana Seelig
Faith and Robert Shaff
Leo Shalinsky
Charles P. Sheets
Margo and Michael Shepard
Matt Shepherd
Paula and Rick Shteamer
Merna and Sylvan Siegler
Thomas K. Sight
Katherine and Michael Sinatra
Adam Sipe
Six Flags Friends
Marjorie and Barry Skikne
Marilyn and John Slauter
Jared E. Sloan
Anne and Antwaun Smith
Beth Smith
Lorene Smith
Ruby Smith
Sandra and Gregory Smith
Smokehouse BBQ Inc.
Snow Creek
Gordon Snyder
Soho 119
Shari and Michael Sokol
Sonic Restaurants, Inc.
Blanche and Neil Sosland
Southmoreland on the Plaza
Kenneth Spieckerman
Kelli and Christopher Springer
St. James Winery
James M. and Jane H. Stacy Charitable Fund
Esther and Stewart Stein
Bernice and Sam Steinman
Nicole Stevens
Jan Stewart Ross
Lorraine Stiffelman
Jerry Stolov
Sue Stonefield
Arthur H. Stoup
Nan and Steven Streen
Alice and Eric Stueve
Sturgis Materials, Inc.
Brian P. Sulley
Deborah and Terrance Summer
Sunflower Hills Golf Course
Rhonda and Mark Swade
Donald J. Swartz
Susan Swartz
Charlotte and Willard Swoffer
Judi and Joseph Tauber
Stephanie Terrono
Toni and John Thornton
Tiffany Town
Tivoli Cinemas
Tower Dry Cleaners
Tower Properties Co.
Toy & Miniature Museum of Kansas City
Amy N. Trentadue
April and Matthew Troxel
Harry S. Truman Pres. Library & Museum
Susan Tullock
Unbelievable Memorabilia
Under the Palm Tree - A Lilly Pulitzer Store
Unicorn Theatre
United Way Campaign Costco Employee Giving
United Way Campaign General Electric Company
Employee Giving
United Way of Central and
Northeastern Connecticut
United Way of Southeastern Pennsylvania
Kristine and Barry Usry
Mark Van Blaricum
Ingrid and Robert Vanbiber
Allen H. Voor Vart
Chris Wadinton
Melissa and Blake Wagner
Conner Ward
Barbara A. Wash
Kenneth Watley
Sherri L. Wattenbarger
Catherine Wear
Webster House
Chris Wellington
Sally Wengrover
Westport Land & Management Company
Elinor and Paul White
Barbara and Gary Widmar
Roberta and Clarence Wiedenmann
Lauren A. Wiedt
Bob Williams
Amanda Wiltse
Wines by Jennifer
Mary Lu and Joe Winters
Charles Wittig
Brian A. Wolf
Kathy and Edward Wollmuth
William Woodson
World’s Largest Toy Museum
Erin Wormsley
Jennifer and Jeff Wright
Yard House
N.R. Yetman
Julie A. Yoder
Evelyn and Abe Yodler
Yoga Fix Studio
George Young
Zafar Salon, Spa and Boutique
Deana Zahnd
Janet and James Zerbe
Zest Restaurant
Base Ball Donors
4 Hats Creative, LLC
A.L. Huber, general contractor
Sheila and Vincent Abio
Maria and Joseph Accurso
Steve Adams
Ellen and John Aisenbrey
AMC Entertainment
American Jazz Museum
Sean Anderson
Mary Ann and James Arnett
Assured Management
Andy Atterbury and Gwyn Prentice
B.S.C. Holding, Inc.
Gregory Baker
Kate and David Banks
William C. Barr
Brant S. Barrier
Leslie and Jeb Bayer
Bella Napoli
Jamie and Jeff Berg
Aaron Berger
Lisa and Ken Block
Block Real Estate Services, LLC
Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Kansas City
Susan and Douglas Borge
Boulevard Brewing Co.
BRGR Restaurant & Bar
Brookside & Midtown Pet Sitting
Lynne and Peter Brown
Brown and Sons
Carole and Terry Brummer
Bonnie and Herb Buchbinder
Cafe Europa
Kay and John Callison
Cantina del Ray
The Capital Grille
Carlo’s Copa Room
Ginger and Scott Cassidy
Jenny Caulk
Citi Cards
CLEAR10 Vodka
The Coca-Cola Bottling Co. of Mid-America, Inc.
Colormark, Inc.
Commerce Bank, N.A.
Cosentino’s Downtown Market
Country Club Bank
Bruce Cramer
Jill and Marshall Dean
The Deuce at The National
Erika and David Dickey
Ann Dickinson
DST Systems, Inc.
Dosie Duffy
R.J. Dutton, Incorporated
Eisterhold & Associates
Warren and Jenny Erdman Charitable Fund
Kelly and Chad Esslinger
Faultless Starch/Bon Ami Company
Karen A. Ferro
The Fiddly Fig Legg Florist
Fidelity Security Life Insurance Co.
Allison L. Fisher
Ryan Forster
Edward Foster
Mitzi and Mark Foster
Fox TV
Andrew W. Gatchell
General Mills, Inc.
Ann and Douglas Ghertner
Matthew R. Gibbs
Kim and Ron Goetz
Sara and Scott Goldstein
Matt Good
Arvin Gottlieb Charitable Foundation
The Granfalloon
Janie and Thomas Grant
Great Wolf Lodge
Greater Kansas City Chamber of Commerce
Joseph K. Gregg
Randy Halsey
Brenda G. Hamilton
Jeff Hannawald
Harley-Davidson Motor Co.
Havana Moon
Dana Hawkinson
JoAnne and Robert Hayes
Paula and Robert Hayworth
Heart of America Shakespeare Festival
Judy and James A. Heeter
Joey and Josh Heinrich
Bush and Jamie Helzberg Fund
Melissa and Timothy Hendricks
Karen and Michael Herman
Sharon and John Hoffman
Anya and Ryan Holmes
Kourtney and Rick Honan
Ryan Horton
Bethany and Trey Humphrey
Hyatt Regency Crown Center
Jami and Peter Hyde
Illusions Unlimited Productions, Inc.
InterContinental Kansas City
David Jackson
Judy Jackson and Cecil Hester
Niles Jager
Jasper’s Restaurant
JJ’s Restaurant
Brodie Johnson
McGregor Johnson
Joan and Grant Jordan
Victoria and Mike Kanaley
Brandon Kane
Kansas City Chiefs Football Club
Kansas City Marriott Downtown
Kansas City Power & Light
Kansas City Royals Baseball Club
Kansas City, Missouri Parks & Recreation
Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation
Muriel McBrien Kauffman Foundation
Julia Irene Kauffman
Christian Kee
Kessinger/Hunter & Company, LC
Bill Koenigsdorf and Kay Johnson
Gayle and Bruce Krigel
Patricia and John Kurtz
Kallie and Steve Lampone
Cassie and Ron LeMay
Les Bourgeois Winery
Lew’s Grill & Bar and The Well
Liberty Fruit Company Inc.
Lockton Companies, Inc.
Meleda and John Lowry
Susan and Tom Lynn
Liz and Greg Maday
The Majestic Restaurant
Major Brands
Master Pitching Machine Inc.
Maya Yoga
Mazzarese Designers of Fine Jewelry
McCormick & Schmick’s Seafood Restaurant
Michael McGrade
Sean McGuire
Anne McLyli
McNearney & Associates, LLC.
Cynthia and Mike Mense
Meagan and Aaron Mesmer
Pennie Mesmer
Stacy and Jason Miles
Virginia and James Moffett
Karen and Olen Monsees
Jeffrey Moore
Mary and Jeff Morris
National World War I Museum
Negro Leagues Baseball Museum
New Theatre Restaurant
Catherine and Charles Newell
Jennifer Nicol
Barbara and David Odegard
Darcy and Jim O’Keefe
Outlaw Cigar Co.
Overland Park Sheraton
Janell L. Pallanich
Stacy and Joseph Parelman
Parris Communications Inc.
Party Personnel
Brenda Pelofsky
Lisa Pelofsky
Margi and Keith Pence
Pizza Shoppe
Katy and Joe Platt
QuikTrip Corporation
Sara and Ross Reda
Redemption Plus
Page and Bruce Reed
Victoria and William Reisler
Charles Remley
Janet and Tom Renich
Rimann Liquors
Shannon and Gary Rixson
The Roasterie, Inc.
Roberts Dairy
Jan and Jim Rose
Karen and John Rose
Caroline and Daniel Saferstein
Salon Marc
Mary and Gary Schanzer
Schlitterbahn Kansas City Waterpark
Faith and Robert Shaff
Shampagne Beauty & Spa
Lilli and Christopher Shank
John Sharp and Michelle Williams
Mary Pat Shelledy
Lara and Tyler Shelton
Lisa and Taylor Simmerman
The Sloan Agency
Sole Patch Barbershop
Jason Spalitto
Jennifer and Gregory Spears
SPIN Neapolitan Pizza
Sprint Center
Sprint Corporation
St. James Winery
Starmaker Salon
Steven Joseph Streen P.C. Attorney At Law
Brian P. Sulley
Tech Investments, LLC
Toni and John Thornton
Tivol, Inc.
Torosian Foundation
Fern and James Truschke
Jill and Thomas Turner, III
UMB Bank, n.a. Kansas City
University of Missouri Kansas City - Athletics
Jean and Don Wagner
Kathy and Fred Walters
Catherine Wear
Westport Flea Market
Lauren A. Wiedt
John Winnett
Susie and Chad Wollard
Nancy and Jay Yedlin
Young Friends of RBI
YRC Worldwide Inc.
Bob Zeldin
Linda and Morris Zwillenberg
Dinner on Ice Donors
Accessorize Yourself Boutique
Alissa’s Flowers & Interiors
American Inn
Nina and Ira Anders
Antiques on the Square
Jennifer Armstrong
B.S.C. Holding, Inc.
Leslie and Jeb Bayer
BD’s Mongolian Barbeque
Sharon and Robert Beaird
Best Buy
Sonci Bleckinger
Chriss and Mike Blystone
Kim Blystone
Bolero Salon & Spa
Karen and John Brinker
Corey Brown Photography
Bryan Cave LLP
John Bucher
Carrabba’s Italian Grill
Centerpoint Medical Center
Geraldine and Tad Choate
City of Independence, Missouri
Jane and Thomas Cochran
Martha and Richard Cockerell
Jack Combs
Comfort Suites
Commerce Bank, N.A.
Cosentino Charity Foundation
E. Leon Daggett
Cori and Jon Day
Deck the Walls
Drumm Farm Golf Club
Shannon and Andrew Dvorak
Steve Erickson
Especially Jewelry
Hazel and Paul Evans
The Examiner
Family Golf Park
Phyllis and Joseph Fiedler
Bob Firnhaber and Sally Groves
First Watch
Will Forcelledo/Ophelia’s
Foxy Nails & Spa
Hannah and Steve Francis
Alvin Franks
Jill and Mike Freeland
Freeland Photography
Gates Bar-B-Q
General Mills, Inc.
Michelle Girardin
Gloria Jean’s
Gene Hallinan
Phil Hanson
Happy Hour
Mike Harmon
Healthy Meals Inc.
Hereford House
Hilton Garden Inn
Mary House
Marcia and Eugene Hubbard
Betty and Douglas Hughes
Shawn Kane
Kansas City Chiefs Football Club
Kansas City Power & Light
Kansas City Royals Baseball Club
Penney L. King
Sondra King
Gene Klotz
Rico Kolster
Natalie and Jeff Kranz
Barbara K. Langley
Lee’s Summit Honda
Cassie and Ron LeMay
Beverly and James Leonard
Longhorn Steakhouse
M&I Bank
Joanna and John Martin
Hazael Matteson Evans
Steven Mauer
Lizanne McElhaney
Elizabeth McMurray
Metzler Brothers Insurance
Nancy and Thomas Mills
Sandy and Fred Mills
Missouri Mavericks
J.D. Moore
Tyrone Moore
Thomas S. Murray
Tawna Noftzger
Matreena Noland
Dan Oas
Olive Garden
Kim and Robert Osborne
Outback Steakhouse
Pappy’s Barber Shop
Jana and Myron Paris
Tina Parsley Hughes
Karen and Howard Penrod
Pilates 1901
Carol and Peter Powell
Diane and John Power
Harvenia Price
Jan L. Rase
Judi and Merle Rasmussen
Jo Reimal
Max R. Ridings
John Roberts
Eden and Jeremy Rogers
Jan and Jim Rose
Rumors Steakhouse
Sam’s Club
Cathy and Tom Saputo
Scandinavia Place
Caryl and Jim Schultz
Anthony Schumacher
Peggy and Dennis Schupp
Shamrock Tire Company Incorporated
Silverstein Eye Centers
Mark Simcosky
Tara Simon
Smokehouse BBQ Inc.
Megan and David Sopher
Jennifer and Gregory Spears
Ann and Steven Spletstoser
Martha D. Stanley
John Stephens
Nicole Stevens
Stewardship Capital, LTD.
Alice and Eric Stueve
Jo and John Stueve
Carol and Thomas Sweeney
Charlotte and Willard Swoffer
Truman Heartland Community Foundation
Unilever Bestfoods North America
Chris Wadinton
Wal-Mart Independence, Missouri
Cindy Weiner
Wells Fargo Advisors
Steve White
Terry Wilson
Amanda Wiltse
Erin Wormsley
Wyatt Zucca
Dreams to Reality Donors
(includes all donors through 12/31/10)
A.L. Huber, general contractor
American Century Investments Foundation
Andrews McMeel Universal Foundation
Andy Atterbury and Gwyn Prentice
Mary and Alan Atterbury
Janel and Charles Atwell
B.J.N.R. Properties, LLC
John Ballard, III
Bank of Kansas City
Kate and David Banks
Jeanne M. Bates
Leslie and Jeb Bayer
Molly and Bob Beaham
Patricia and Ronald Benjamin
Betty Brookfield Berol
BlueScope Foundation, North America
Ellen and Dan Bolen
Suzanne and David Bradley
Valerie and Mark Brandmeyer
William and Kelly Brandmeyer Family Foundation
Charles R. Brookfield
Candy and John Brown
Kate and Peter Brown
Bonnie and Herb Buchbinder
Brenda and Walter Calvin
Linda Campbell
Capital Steel Service, LLC
Capitol Federal
Citigroup Business Services
City of Kansas City, Missouri
Minnie and Chas Cook
James W. Copeland
Crowley Furniture, Inc.
Mason L. Dean Trust
Angela and Larry Dickinson
Barbara and Gerard Dipoto
DST Systems, Inc.
Becky and Pat Dunn
J.E. Dunn Construction Group, Inc.
R.J. Dutton, Incorporated
Ann and Howard Elsberry
Faultless Starch/Bon Ami Company
Doug & Caryn Firebaugh Foundation
Bob Firnhaber and Sally Groves
Francis Family Foundation
Frontier Wealth Management LLC
Gail and Hires Gage
General Mills Foundation
Mark S. Gilman
The Goppert Foundation
Arvin Gottlieb Charitable Foundation
Janie and Tom Grant
Lisa and Robert Groves
H&R Block Foundation
Adele and Donald Hall
Jill and Don Hall
Laura and David Hall
Hall Family Foundation
Hallmark Cards, Inc.
Joyce and Jack Hayhow
The Hearst Foundations
Marilyn and James Hebenstreit
Hobbs Family Foundation
Robert Hoehn
Huber Family Foundation Fund
Inergy, L.P.
Robert L. Jackson, Jr.
Shelle and Daniel Jensen
Jill and James Kanatzar
Kansas City Power & Light
Helen & Sam Kaplan Foundation
William T. Kemper Foundation
J. Martin Kerr
Gayle and Bruce Krigel
Kuehn Foundation
LANE4 Property Group Inc.
Joyce and Jack Letts
Locke Equipment Sales Co., Inc.
Lockton Companies, Inc.
Jean Loesch and Tyrone Brown
Meleda and John Lowry
Lynn Elliott Co. KC
The J.E. and L.E. Mabee Foundation, Inc.
Carla Mabry
Mariner Wealth Advisors
Donald R. McDonald
Starlette R. McHale
Belinda and Michael McPherson
Miller Nichols Charitable Foundation
Dale Moorman
Patricia and Gary Nickle
Oppenstein Brothers Foundation
Gregory J. Orman
Margi and Keith Pence
Liz and Bruce Pendleton
Morgan and Larry Pfeiffer
Mary and Ron Pressman
The Procter & Gamble Manufacturing Company
Shirley and Fred Pryor
QuikTrip Corporation
Lana Rainen-Yunker
Cathy and Gary Remley
Jan and Edward Riss
Lisa and Robert Rohlf
Alma and Marvin Rollison
Jan and Jim Rose
Karen and John Rose
Debbie and Gregg Sadler
Charles & Elizabeth Schellhorn Private Foundation
David J. Schwartz
Lynn and Steve Sestak
John and Marny Donnelly Sherman Family
Myra E. Siegel Trust
The Children of Beth and Ed Smith
Michelle and David Smith
Ralph L. Smith Foundation
Victor E. Speas Foundation
State Street
Ed Stevens and Jenny Atterbury Stevens
Arthur H. Stoup
Sturgeon Electric
The Sunderland Foundation
Kristina and Gregory Swetnam
Scott Tanguay
Terracon Consultants SE, Inc.
Mary Jean and William Thomas
Eden and David Thorne
Jenny and Michael Torti
Mary and John Turner
US Bank
Vanguard Charitable Endowment Program
Jean and Don Wagner
Dennis R. Waits Attorney-At-Law
Weber Family Foundation
John R. Weisenfels
Kent and Judy Whittaker Fund
Lisa M. Williams
Susan and John Wilson
Pat and R. Wright
Zimmer Companies, Inc.
Honoraraium Gifts
Honoring Scott Green
Kimberly A. Wolf
Honoring David Gressgott
Brian Fatula
Honoring Jeff Hanes
UMB Bank, n.a. Kansas City
Honoring John Hoffman
Laura Greenbaum
Honoring Michael Kanaley
Thomas J. Kanaley
Honoring Ruth Marie Lemley
The Oakleigh L. Thorne Fund
Honoring Beverly Leonard
Jan L. Rase
Honoring The May Family
Chris Wellington
Honoring Sue McClure
BARKLEY Kansas City
Honoring Olen Monsees
Star Ventures LLC
Honoring Roshann Parris
Jewish Community Federation of Louisville, Inc.
Honoring Cappy and Peter Powell
B.S.C. Holding, Inc.
Bank of Prairie Village
Honoring Antonio Richardson
Mark Ross
In-Kind Donors
3 Women and an Oven
4 Hats Creative, LLC
Sheila and Vincent Abio
Accessorize Yourself Boutique
Action Delivery
Air Tran Airways
Alissa’s Flowers & Interiors
Dawn Allman Advertising Design
Alpha Omega Geotech
AMC Entertainment
American Airlines
American Heartland Theatre
American Inn
American Jazz Museum
Antiques on the Square
Armoires & More
Assured Management
Andy Atterbury and Gwyn Prentice
Baby Cakes
Bag & Baggage
Baja 600
Gregory Baker
Kate and David Banks
The Barn Bed & Breakfast Inn
Leslie and Jeb Bayer
BD’s Mongolian Barbeque
Beauty Brands
Bella Napoli
Ben’s Lawn & Garden Center
Berbiglia Wine & Spirits
Best Buy
Blue Bird Bistro
Blue Chip Cookies
Blue Springs Harley-Davidson
Bolero Salon and Spa
Boulevard Brewing Co.
BRGR Restaurant & Bar
Brinker International
Bristol Seafood Grill
Brookside Jewelry
Brookside & Midtown Pet Sitting
Brown and Sons
Corey Brown Photography
Carole and Terry Brummer
Build-A-Bear Workshop
Cafe Europa
Cafe Provence
California Closets
Cantina del Ray
The Capital Grille
Caribou Coffee Company, Inc.
Carlo’s Italian Restaurant
Carlo’s Copa Room
Carrabba’s Italian Grill
Carter Broadcast Group, Inc.
CBIZ & Mayer Hoffman McCann P.C.
Brent Chapman
CLEAR10 Vodka
The Coca-Cola Bottling Co. of Mid-America, Inc.
Lynne and Robert Cohen
The College Basketball Experience
Colormark, Inc.
Comfort Suites
Cosentino’s Downtown Market
The Coterie Theatre
Curious Sofa
Cynthia Hudson Art
The Daily Show with Jon Stewart
Dave & Buster’s, Inc.
Deck the Walls
DERMAdoctor Inc.
The Deuce at The National
Erika and David Dickey
Dickinson Theatres
Donnell’s Motorcycles
Drumm Farm Golf Club
DST Output Technology Solutions
Eisterhold & Associates
Entercom Broadcasting
Especially Jewelry
Events Set Apart, L.L.C.
The Examiner
Family Golf Park
Family Tree Nursery
Farm to Market Bread Company
The Fiddly Fig Legg Florist
Finishings for Her
First Watch
Jim Flack
The Folly Theater
Will Forcelledo/Ophelia’s
Fox TV
Foxy Nails & Spa
Frankie & Jules
Freeland Photography
Fritz’s Railroad Restaurant
Function Junction
Funky Mama Music, LLC
Sue Gaddy
Rachel Gaffney
Gates Bar-B-Q
General Mills, Inc.
Gloria Jean’s
Kim and Ron Goetz
David A. Goldberg
Brett Gordon
The Granfalloon
Janie and Thomas Grant
Grasshopper Grounds Maintenance
Great Southern Bank
Great Wolf Lodge
Green Mountain Coffee
The Greensman, Inc.
Stephen Hadley
Hallbrook Country Club Swim Team
Halls Crown Center
Randy Halsey
Happy Hour
Edward Harder
Harley-Davidson Motor Co.
Harriman-Jewell Series
Havana Moon
Paula and Robert Hayworth
Healthy Meals Inc.
Heart of America Shakespeare Festival
Heart of America Wing,
Commemorative Air Force
Heartland Men’s Chorus
Joey and Josh Heinrich
Hereford House
Hilton Garden Inn
Hilton President Hotel
His & Her Fitness
Sharon and John Hoffman
Cody Hogan/Lidia’s Kansas City
Holy-Field Vineyard & Winery
Hub Cycle Shop
Bethany and Trey Humphrey
Hyatt Regency Crown Center
Ice Midwest
Illusions Unlimited Productions, Inc.
The Image Group
InterContinental Kansas City
International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers
Irish Crystal Company
J Hathaway Shoe Boutique
Jack Gage American Tavern
Jaegers Paintball
Jaegerz Lasertag
Jasper’s Restaurant
JJ’s Restaurant
Brodie Johnson
Johnson County Community College Performing Arts Series
Jose Peppers
Kansas City Ballet
Kansas City Chamber Orchestra
Kansas City Chiefs Football Club
Kansas City Explorers
Kansas City Marriott Downtown
Kansas City Power & Light
Kansas City Repertory Theatre
Kansas City Royals Baseball Club
The Kansas City Star
Kansas City Steak Company
Kansas City Symphony
Kansas City T-Bones Baseball Club, LLC
Julia Irene Kauffman
KCFitnessLink LLC
Carla A. King
Steve Knight
Andrea and Joel Krasnow
Gayle and Bruce Krigel
Kallie and Steve Lampone
Lon Lane’s Inspired Occasions
Rick Langtry
Latte Land Espresso and Tea
LE Dance Company
Le Fou Frog
Leawood Fine Art
Lee’s Summit Honda
Legends 14 Theatres
Beverly and James Leonard
Les Bourgeois Winery
David Lewis
Lew’s Grill & Bar and The Well
Liberty Fruit Company Inc.
Lied Center of Kansas
Longhorn Steakhouse
Linda and Dean Loof
Lucky Strike Lanes
Lyric Opera of Kansas City
Lawrence MacLachlan
Liz and Greg Maday
Magic Touch Cleaning, Inc.
The Majestic Restaurant
Major Brands
Mangelsen Images of Nature
Manheim Kansas City
Jeff Marks
Master Pitching Machine Inc.
Maya Yoga
Mazzarese Designers of Fine Jewelry
McCormick & Schmick’s Seafood Restaurant
Jennifer McCoy
Don McGuire
Stacy and Gil Meche
Cynthia and Mike Mense
Pennie Mesmer
Michael Shae Salon & Day Spa
Midwest Airlines
Midwest Aquatics
Miriam Garvey
Mr. Goodcents Subs & Pastas
My Favorite Things
Michael Myers
Amy and Mike Naatz
National World War I Museum
Natural Accents Outdoor Lighting Design
Natural Body Spa and Shop
Neal’s Gallery & Custom Framing
Negro Leagues Baseball Museum
The Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art
Sandra S. Nelson
New Theatre Restaurant
Nigro Brothers
Nuts & Bolts True Value Hardware
Darcy and Jim O’Keefe
Olive Garden
Omaha Steaks
Omaha’s Henry Doorly Zoo
One80 Lounge & Bistro
Orchard Hill Bed & Breakfast
Oshkosh B’Gosh
Outback Steakhouse
Outlaw Cigar Co.
Overland Limousine
Overland Park Sheraton
Constance and Daniel Owen
P.F. Chang’s China Bistro
Paciugo Gelato
Panache Chocolatier
Panera Bread
Pappy’s Barber Shop
Paradise Park
Park Lanes
Party Personnel
Paul Mesner Puppets Inc.
Pilates 1901
Pizza Shoppe
Katy and Joe Platt
Ponak’s Mexican Kitchen & Bar
Powell Gardens
PowerPlay Entertainment Center
Brad Price
Prime Rib Grill
PRP Wine International
Quality Hill Playhouse
Jerome Rayhons
Redemption Plus
Victoria and William Reisler
Rimann Liquors
Jan and Edward Riss
The Roasterie, Inc.
Roberts Dairy
Rooms That Bloom
Jan and Jim Rose
Karen and John Rose
Jack D. Rowe
Rumors Steakhouse
Caroline and Daniel Saferstein
The Sak
Salon Marc
Sam’s Club
Sanders Management, Inc.
Scandinavia Place
Schlitterbahn Kansas City Waterpark
Shampagne Beauty & Spa
Shamrock Tire Company Incorporated
Lara and Tyler Shelton
Shop Beautiful
Silver Dollar City, Inc.
Silverstein Eye Centers
Six Flags Friends
Skyline Downtown Salon
Bobby Smith Blues Band
Smokehouse BBQ Inc.
SNAP photography
Snow Creek
Soho 119
Sole Patch Barbershop
Southmoreland on the Plaza
Southwest Airlines
SPIN Neapolitan Pizza
Sprint Center
Sprint Corporation
St. James Winery
Stanford & Sons Comedy Club
Starlight Theatre
Starmaker Salon
Strauss Peyton Portraiture
Style & Grace
Summit Sportswear, Inc.
Sunflower Hills Golf Course
Tiffany Greens Golf Club
Tiffany Town
Tivol, Inc.
Tivoli Cinemas
TLJ Marketing & Sales
Tower Dry Cleaners
Toy & Miniature Museum of Kansas City
Toyota Financial Services
Trabon Printing
Deborah and Gregory Trempy
Harry S. Truman Pres. Library & Museum
Jill and Thomas Turner, III
UMKC Conservatory of Music and Dance
Unbelievable Memorabilia
Under the Palm Tree - A Lilly Pulitzer Store
Unicorn Theatre
Mark Van Blaricum
Jean and Don Wagner
Waldo Pizza
Wal-Mart Independence, Missouri
Walt Disney World Company
Conner Ward
Waterway Carwash
Webster House
Richard Weiland
Westport Flea Market
Wines by Jennifer
John Winnett
Kathy and Tony Woltjen
World’s Largest Toy Museum
Yard House
Yoga Fix Studio
YRC Worldwide Inc.
Zafar Salon, Spa and Boutique
Bob Zeldin
Zest Restaurant
Kids Night Out Donors
3 Women and an Oven
Action Delivery
Air Tran Airways
Alcatel-Lucent Technologies
Andrea Allison-Putman and Andre Putman
Mithra Amaran
AMC Entertainment
American Airlines
American Food & Vending Corporation
American Heartland Theatre
Julie Anderson
Armoires & More
Jeanne and Wayne Armstrong
Kim and Jeff Armstrong
Atlantic Asset Management, L.L.C.
Terri Austenfeld
B.S.C. Holding, Inc.
Baby Cakes
Bag & Baggage
Baja 600
Debby and Gary Ballard
James and Ann Balquist
Bank Midwest, N.A.
Bank of Kansas City
Yoli Barbosa
The Barn Bed & Breakfast Inn
Jeanne M. Bates
Leslie and Jeb Bayer
Molly and Bob Beaham
Nancy and Gordon Beaham, III
Tricia and David Beaham
Beauty Brands
Samuel Bennett
Berbiglia Wine & Spirits
Ronda Blatt
David Block
Block and Company
Blue Bird Bistro
Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Kansas City
Blue Chip Cookies
Bolero Salon and Spa
Margaret and Michael Borkon
Jeff Brand
Shawsie Branton
Brinker International
Karen and John Brinker
Bristol Seafood Grill
Brookside Jewelry
Beth Brown
Build-A-Bear Workshop
Bullseye International, Incorporated
Nicky and Lew Bunch
Jacqueline and Andrew Burczyk
Mandy Burditt
Taft and Clifton Burnes
Burns & McDonnell Construction Group
Sandra and Fred Burry
Cafe Provence
California Closets
Mary Kay and Bob Camarena
Caribou Coffee Company, Inc.
Carlo’s Italian Restaurant
Carrel Brothers Colors
Carter Broadcast Group
The Joseph & Diana Carter Foundation
Charitable Trust
Korine Caton
CBIZ & Mayer Hoffman McCann P.C.
Joel and Judy Cerwick
Brent Chapman
Susan and Michael Chesser
Children’s Mercy Family Health Partners
Children’s Mercy Hospital & Clinics
Citi Cards
City of Kansas City, Missouri
Valerie and Eric Cobbins
The Coca-Cola Bottling Co. of Mid-America, Inc.
Collective Brands
The College Basketball Experience
Commerce Bank, N.A.
Compass Minerals
Cooling & Herbers, P.C. Attorneys-At-Law
Ann and James Cooling
The Coterie Theatre
Lynn and Chad Craghead
Victoria and Brian Crawley
CST Industries, Inc.
Curious Sofa
Cynthia Hudson Art
The Daily Show with Jon Stewart
Stacey Daniels-Young and Lawrence Young
Dave & Buster’s, Inc.
James Davies
Ellen and Joel Deboer
DeBruce Foundation
Lawrence Delangis
Delta Dental Plan of Kansas
DERMAdoctor Inc.
Erika and David Dickey
Dickinson Theatres
Becky and Jude Dieterman
Beth and David Dollase
Joseph Donnelly
Michael Douglas
JC Dresslaer
Jill and Lee Driver
DST Systems, Inc.
Katie Dunn-Fitzgerald and Matthew Fitzgerald
Diann and Bob Eber
Marc Elkins
Warren and Jenny Erdman Charitable Fund
Ernst & Young LLP
John Escalada
Entercom Broadcasting
Family Tree Nursery
Farm to Market Bread Company
Faultless Starch/Bon Ami Company
Karen and Paul Fenaroli
Seanna and Brandon Fergerson
Finishings for Her
Bob Firnhaber and Sally Groves
Christy and Robert Fish
Amy and John Foley
The Folly Theater
Sherry and Gary Forsee
Frankie & Jules
Fritz’s Railroad Restaurant
Function Junction
Funky Mama Music, LLC
GARMIN International, Inc.
David Garrett
General Mills, Inc.
Tricia and Edward Geris
Patty and Mark Gilgus
Calvin Girard
Carol and Robert Gould
Graham Family Fund
Janie and Thomas Grant
Green Mountain Coffee
The Greensman, Inc.
Jill and Jeff Greig
Adele and Donald Hall
Hallmark Cards, Inc.
Halls Crown Center
Marquita and Bill Hancock
Nora and Gary Hard
Patty Hargenrader
Harley-Davidson Motor Co.
Harriman-Jewell Series
Michael Haverty
Howard Head
Heart of America Wing,
Commemorative Air Force
Heartland Men’s Chorus
Judy and James A. Heeter
Janis and Curt Heinz
Shirley and Barnett Helzberg Foundation
Hen House Markets
Henkel Chemical Management
Betty Henson
Sue and Michael Higgins
Hilton President Hotel
His & Her Fitness
Cody Hogan/Lidia’s Kansas City
Holy-Field Vineyard & Winery
James W. Hopkins
Bethany and Trey Humphrey
Husch Blackwell Sanders LLP
Hyatt Regency Crown Center
Ice Midwest
Bonne and Cliff Illig
The Image Group
Ink Cycle Inc.
Irish Crystal Company
J Hathaway Shoe Boutique
Jack Gage American Tavern
Jaegers Paintball
Jaegerz Lasertag
Maria Jenks
JMA Information Technology Inc.
Johnson County Community College Performing Arts Series
Jose Peppers
Amy and Jeff Jurgensmeyer
Sonya and Scott Jury
George Kaiser
Kansas City Ballet
Kansas City Chamber Orchestra
Kansas City Chiefs Football Club
Kansas City Explorers
Kansas City Power & Light
Kansas City Repertory Theatre
Kansas City Royals Baseball Club
Kansas City Southern
The Kansas City Star
Kansas City Steak Company
Kansas City Symphony
Kansas City T-Bones Baseball Club, LLC
Kansas City University of Medicine
and Biosciences
Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation
KCFitnessLink LLC
Haley and William Keen
Keller & Owens
Jill and Allan Kells
Catherine Kelly
Laurence Kelly
Julie Kempker
Arthur J. Kennedy
Carla A. King
Jennifer Kisser
Julia Klass
Andrea and Joel Krasnow
Gayle and Bruce Krigel
Susan and Gregory Kuhn
Lon Lane’s Inspired Occasions
Latte Land Espresso and Tea
LE Dance Company
Le Fou Frog
Leawood Fine Art
Lee Jeans
Legends 14 Theatres
Beverly and James Leonard
Jamie Lewis
Lied Center of Kansas
Doug Logsdon
Chris Loveall
Meleda and John Lowry
Lucky Strike Lanes
Lyric Opera of Kansas City
M & M Quality Solutions Incorporated
Nancy and Paul MacCready
Beth and Michael Magerl
Magic Touch Cleaning, Inc.
Mangelsen Images of Nature
T. Nelson Mann
MarketSphere Consulting, LLC
Kim and Gerald Martincich
Maryville Technologies
Matheson Inc.
Andrew McCaskill
Angela and Roger McCoy
Brian McMaster
Michael Shae Salon & Day Spa
Paul Midtbo
Midwest Airlines
Midwest Aquatics
William L. Miller
Denise and Richard Mills
Miriam Garvey
Missouri Bank & Trust
Mr. Goodcents Subs & Pastas
My Favorite Things
National World War I Museum
Natural Accents Outdoor Lighting Design
Natural Body Spa and Shop
Marc Naughton
Michelle and James Naus
The Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art
Kelsey and Kevin Nichols
Nigro Brothers
Kristina Nissen
Elizabeth and Robert Novellano
Rebecca and Corbin Novotny
Dan Oas
Keegan Odle
Omaha Steaks
Omaha’s Henry Doorly Zoo
One80 Lounge & Bistro
Orchard Hill Bed & Breakfast
Jan and Tom O’Rourke
Oshkosh B’Gosh
Overland Limousine
P.F. Chang’s China Bistro
Paciugo Gelato
Chris Painter
Panache Chocolatier
Panera Bread
Paradise Park
Park Lanes
Sharon E. Parker
Parris Communications Inc.
Roshann Parris and Jeff Dobbs
Paul Mesner Puppets Inc.
Margi and Keith Pence
Sarah Pence
Pepsi Beverages Company
Peterson Manufacturing Company
Petro America Financial Services
Mildred and Barry Picker
Pilates 1901
Polsinelli Shughart PC
Ponak’s Mexican Kitchen & Bar
Powell Gardens
PowerPlay Entertainment Center
Bonnie and Mark Prasifka
Premier Manufacturing Support Services, Inc.
Prime Rib Grill
Protiviti Inc.
Providence Medical Center
PRP Wine International
Duane Pumphery
QC Holdings Companies
Quality Hill Playhouse
Deborah and Jeff Quast
R.S. Hughes
Ann and John Readey, III
Karen and David Redlich
Carla and Scott Revare
JP Rey
Cheryl and Joseph Rizk
Regina Roach
The Roasterie, Inc.
Amanda and James Rodgers
Kathleen and Robert Rogers
Tiffany and Mark Rogers
Lisa and Robert Rohlf
Alma and Marvin Rollison
Rooms That Bloom
Jan and Jim Rose
Chuck Rosley
The Sak
Patrick Sallee
Dawn and John Sawle
Schlitterbahn Kansas City Waterpark
Peggy and Dennis Schupp
Diane Scott
Seigfreid, Bingham, Levy, Selzer & Gee
Lynn and Steve Sestak
SeTech Inc.
Julie and Stuart Shaw
Sheridan Sechter & Associates
Shop Beautiful
David Sides
Silver Dollar City, Inc.
Sioux Chief Manufacturing Co., Inc.
Six Flags Friends
Skyline Downtown Salon
Scott Slabotsky
Eve and William Smith
Michelle and David Smith
Oleva Smith
Bobby Smith Blues Band
SNAP photography
Snow Creek
Craig Sole
The Sosland Foundation
Southmoreland on the Plaza
Southwest Airlines
Jennifer and Gregory Spears
Tina and Herb Sprinkle
Sprint Corporation
Sprint Foundation
Anne and Robert St. Peter
Courtney Stalcup
Stanford & Sons Comedy Club
Angie Stanland
Martha D. Stanley
Starlight Theatre
State Street
Karen Stelling
Brent Stewart
Strauss Peyton Portraiture
Jo and John Stueve
Style & Grace
Tonya Sullivan
Sunflower Hills Golf Course
Carol and Thomas Sweeney
Whitney and John Sweeney
Vana Sweetland
Linda H. Talbott
Heidi L. Terry
Sally and Steve Theesen
Shawn Thomas
Terri and Phil Thomas
Valorie Thomas
Sharon Thum
Tiffany Greens Golf Club
Tiffany Town
Tivoli Cinemas
Lori and John Top
Jenny and Michael Torti
Tower Dry Cleaners
Marilyn Townsend
Toy & Miniature Museum of Kansas City
Trabon Printing
Harry S. Truman Pres. Library & Museum
Jill and Thomas Turner, III
U.S. Engineering
UBS Financial Services
UMB Bank, n.a. Kansas City
UMKC Conservatory of Music and Dance
Under the Palm Tree - A Lilly Pulitzer Store
Unicorn Theatre
United Way of Greater Kansas City
Ingrid and Robert Vanbiber
Eugene Vigil
VML Foundation
Christopher W. Wagner
Jean and Don Wagner
Tamekia L. Wakefield
Waldo Pizza
Walker Towel & Uniform Service
Suzanne Wallace
Walt Disney World Company
Kathy and Roy Walters
Kim and Mal Warrick
Waterway Carwash
Webster House
Cindy Weiner
Wells Fargo Advisors
Pam and Harry Wheeler
Curtis White
Michael T. White
Maria I. Will
Terry Wilson
Wines by Jennifer
WireCo World Group
Kimberly and Phil Witt
Mary Pat Wohlford-Wessels
Gerald Woods
Worlds of Fun
World’s Largest Toy Museum
Yard House
Nancy and David Yeamans
Yoga Fix Studio
YRC Worldwide Inc.
Zafar Salon, Spa and Boutique
Zest Restaurant
Memorial Gifts
In Memory of Hortense Brozman
Acupuncture & Herbs For Pets
Mary Ascher
B.J.N.R. Properties, LLC
Merilyn and Loren Berenbom
Alexandra and Jonathan Braatz
Rita and Terry Brecheisen
Lynne and Peter Brown
Thelma Byers
Patricia A. Chasnoff Fund
Sandra and Micheal Chism
Jane Clarke
Lynne and Robert Cohen
Timothy P. Cole
Lynn and Terrence Coleman
Cindy Compton
Concorde Career Colleges, Inc.
Cornerstone CPA Group, PA
Dave Daley
Diane Davidner
Patrick Debold
Jane and Robert Druten
Carole and Morton Ellin
Financial Advisory Service, Inc.
Paul Gardner
Barbara and Peter Gattermeir
Mrs. Ted Greene
Judith and Robert Harris
Shannon and Patrick Healy
Shirley and Barnett Helzberg Foundation
Laura Hockaday
Laurel Holland
Jennifer and John Isenberg
Anne and Michael Jacobs
Arlene Jacobs
Diana Jenks
Donna and Ward Katz
Vikki L. Kortsen
Carol Kowalski
Gayle and Bruce Krigel
Sanders Ray Lambert, Jr.
Deborah and Jay Lubin
Linda and Alfred Mathuran
Sharon and Michael Milens
Susan Miller
Barbara and Michael Newbold
Charlotte L. Padek
Alison A. Pearse
Arlene and John Rubenstein
Jane Rubenstein
Marjorie Sackin
Margaret H. Schoenfeld
Betty and Thomas Scott
Paula and Rick Shteamer
Nancy Smith
Sandra and Gregory Smith
Gordon Snyder
Kelli and Christopher Springer
Lorraine Stiffelman
Sturgis Materials, Inc.
Kathy and Edward Wollmuth
In Memory of Dr. William H. Clark
Doris Clark
In Memory of Anthony Conner
Mary and William Dodson
In Memory of Harry Johnson
Lisa Henak
In Memory of Evelyn R. Martucci
Eugene Balloun
Madeline and Paul Chapman
Erin and Richard Gross
Sharon and Stephen Mohler
Kristen and Kevin Page
Gail M. Sciacchetano
Shook, Hardy & Bacon L.L.P.
Merna and Sylvan Siegler
Katherine and Michael Sinatra
Holly and Kevin Smith
In Memory of Thomas Howard Talbott
Linda H. Talbott
Roberta and Clarence Wiedenmann
In Memory of David Wolff
Constantine Alexander
Barbara and Richard Atlas
Ellen and Lon Babby
Janis and Edward Barash
Merilyn and Loren Berenbom
Sue Blackman
Eva Blum
Lawrence Bold
Nancy D. Bramley
Vicki and Alan Bronfman
David Caldarelli
Jennifer and Jeff Chastain
Natalie and Donald Cohen
Diane Davidner
Charles Dorfman
Marc E. Eden
Lois and Charles Edwards
Ellen and Stuart Eisen
Vivian Eveloff
Renee and Robert Ferguson
Marlene and Michael Fishman
Clara Fox
Linda and Victor Frost
Robin and Robert Frost
Marlene and George Fry
Gregory Gallo
Michael Golden
Abram Goteiner
Margaret and Roger Gould
Liz Halmarson
Susan and Michael Harreld
Nancy and John Harris
Shirley and Barnett Helzberg, Jr.
Catherine and Joseph Hiersteiner
Eric Hirschhorn
Heidi Hubbard
Jennifer and John Isenberg
Anne and Michael Jacobs
Vicky Joyce
Jackie Kamin
Stanley Kanter
William S. Kanter
Donna and Ward Katz
Barbara and Michael King
Sharon and Steven Klein
Richard B. and Lynn M. Klein Foundation Fund
Nancy T. Koppel
Audrey and A.C. Langworthy
Marlene and Frederic Malek
Laura L. Muther
Sue and Lewis Nerman
Lawrence Nussdorf
Dorothy Peltzman
Susan and Stephen Porter
Janet and Harold Price
Helen and David Pudlin
Peggy and Robert Ratcheson
Anne and Charles Rhoades
Dennis Rocheleau
Marcia Schoenfeld
Cathy and Michael Schultz
Howard Schultz
Alana Seelig
Leo Shalinsky
Michael Sheehan and Anne Clarke
Beth and Barry Simon
Esther and Stewart Stein
Jerry Stolov
Sue Stonefield
Lila and Brendan Sullivan
Judi and Joseph Tauber
Sally T. Tranin
UMB Bank, n.a. Kansas City
Kenneth Watley
Wilk Family Fund
Rhea S Schwartz & Paul Martin
Wolff Foundation
Julie A. Yoder
Evelyn and Abe Yodler
Gerson Zweifach
RBI Donors
Sheila and Vincent Abio
Chris Abrams
Ben Aken
Andrews McMeel Universal Foundation
Scott Aripoli
Atterbury Family Foundation
Bank of America Foundation
Brett M. Bates
The George K. Baum Foundation
Leslie and Jeb Bayer
Molly and Bob Beaham
Avory and Brian Beggs
Nancy and Gregory Bentz
R.A. Bloch Cancer Foundation
Terri and Jack Bonar
Carole and Terry Brummer
Bryan Cave LLP
Nicky and Lew Bunch
Jacqueline and Andrew Burczyk
Jenny Caulk
Children’s Mercy Family Health Partners
Children’s Mercy Hospital & Clinics
City of Independence, Missouri
Lakeisha Clay
Esther and Clay Coburn, Jr.
Colliers International
Tanya and Thurston Cromwell
Jill and Marshall Dean, Jr.
Larry Downey
Jill and Lee Driver
Enterprise Holdings Foundation
Enterprise Leasing Company of Kansas
Executive Hills, Inc.
Seanna and Brandon Fergerson
Shelly and Robert Finuf
Bob Firnhaber and Sally Groves
Susan and William Ford
Ryan Forster
Geri and David Frantze
Ann and Douglas Ghertner
Global Prairie
Eric Grannemann
Thomas W. Gray, P.C.
Joseph K. Gregg
Carol and Michael Grimaldi
Charles S. Haviland
Joey and Josh Heinrich
Sharon and John Hoffman
Patricia and Robert Hovey
JCP Logistics
Chuck Jeffries
Linda and Bryan Johnson
Thomas J. Kanaley
Victoria and Mike Kanaley
Kansas City Royals Alumni Foundation
Kansas City Southern
Bryan Krantz
Gayle and Bruce Krigel
Law Offices of Krigel & Krigel
Erika Laney
Kevin S. Leek
Chuck Leffler
Larry Lewis, Jr.
Vanessa Lewis
Lockton Companies, Inc.
Teresa and James Lodes
Liz and Greg Maday
Michelle and William Mahood
Major League Baseball Properties, Inc.
MarketSphere Consulting, LLC
McCown Gordon Construction, LLC
Martha Jane and Ted McGrade
Meara Welch Browne, P.C.
Meagan and Aaron Mesmer
Aubrey M. Mickey
Mistler Family Foundation
Karen and Olen Monsees
Tyrone Moore
Frances and Don Motley, Sr.
James B. Nutter & Company
Oddo Development Company, Inc.
Joan and James O’Keefe
Margo and Joe Posnanski
Emily Rand
Janet and Tom Renich
Alma and Marvin Rollison
Jan and Jim Rose
Deborah Ross
Royals Legacy Brick Fund
Victor E. and Carolyn E. Schutte Foundation
Sealaska Constructors L.L.C.
Lynn and Steve Sestak
Margo A. Shepard
Candice Shores
Adam Sipe
Michelle and David Smith
Stephen W. Smith
Sonnenschein Nath & Rosenthal
Tim Southwell
SpecChem, LLC
Star Ventures LLC
Stinson Morrison Hecker LLP
Jo and John Stueve
Think Tank Marketing
Mary Jean and William Thomas
Nathan Tritsch
Matthew and April Troxel
Jill and Thomas Turner, III
Allen H. Voor Vart
Jean and Don Wagner
The Don and Jean Wagner Charitable Foundation
Weber Family Foundation
Westport Flea Market
Brian A. Wolf
Kimberly A. Wolf
Marcia and Robert Wolff
Toma and Andrew Wolff
Julie and Joe Zwillenberg
2010 Operating Support and Revenue
Contributions (41%)
Other (23%)
Special Events (15%)
United Way (11%)
Government Grants (10%)
*Per GAP requirements, 2010 Support & Revenue include pledges for future years.
Schlitterbahn Last Blast Donors
Dionne Allen
Traci and Donald Ash
Erin and Paul Barrett
Kevin Bear
Ruth Anne Booth
Kate Briseno
Brenda and Walter Calvin
Irene Caudillo
Communities in Schools of KCK
Wyandotte County
Kristina Daggett
Dynamic Dialog
Gregory Egan
General Mills, Inc.
HMC Enterprise Corp.
Eunice Holmes
Susan Jones
William Kosar
Sue and Loren Laird
Barbara Larson
Marilyn Locke
Larry Max
Cordell D. Meeks, III
Elise Monneyham
Connie and Donald Moritz
Jackie Murphy
Providence Medical Center
Karen and Ricky Rodenbeck
Jan and Jim Rose
Suzy Scott
Lynn and Steve Sestak
Jenny and Michael Torti
Barb Upton-Garvin
Tim Williams
Lorraine Wright
Every attempt is made to ensure the accuracy
of the donor listings. If we have incorrectly
listed your name or inadvertently omitted it,
please contact the Development Office at
(816) 361-3600.
2010 Operating Expenses
Fundraising (9%)
Administration (15%)
Youth Development (76%)
**Excluding depreciation.
PERMIT N0. 6334
6301 Rockhill Road, Suite 303
Kansas City, MO 64131
he mission of the Boys & Girls Clubs of
Greater Kansas City is to promote the development
of self-esteem, values and skills for boys and girls,
ages 5-18, with special emphasis on youth from
disadvantaged circumstances.
iting our
ws and updates by vis
Get the latest Club ne
website: www.helpKCk
Board of Directors:
Steve Sestak, Chairman
Jeb Bayer
Bob Beaham
Andy Burczyk
Bob Firnhaber
Jo Anne Gabbert
Joyce Hayhow
Trey Humphrey
Dave Janus
Whitey Kuhn
Mark Larrabee
Siobhan McLaughlin Lesley
Jean Loesch
Jack Moore
Roshann Parris
Keith Pence
Cappy Powell
Ralph Reid
Tony Richardson
Bob Rohlf
Marvin Rollison
John Rose
Marty Stanley
Jo Stueve
Scott Tanguay
Mike Torti
Marilyn Townsend
Debbie Welsh
Steve Wiggins
Terry Wilson
Ex Officio Members:
Sue Laird
Bev Leonard
Dave Smith
Tom Turner
This annual report is published by
The Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater
Kansas City. All comments regarding the
publication should be directed to the
editor at the Administrative Office, 6301
Rockhill Road, Suite 303, Kansas City,
MO 64131 or 816-361-3600.
Design by Dawn Allman
Administrative Office
Hawthorne Unit
J & D Wagner Unit
Leslie Unit
John Thornberry Unit
Wyandotte County Unit
6301 Rockhill Road, Ste 303
16995 Dover Lane
2405 Elmwood
315 South Leslie
3831 East 43rd Street
1240 Troup
Kansas City, MO 64131
Independence, MO 64056
Kansas City, MO 64127
Independence, MO 64050
Kansas City, MO 64130
Kansas City, KS 66102
(816) 361-3600
(816) 257-7010
(816) 241-5252
(816) 461-1422
(816) 861-6300
(913) 621-3260