The Baton - Kansas City Police Historical Society
The Baton - Kansas City Police Historical Society
Volume 1, Issue 2 April 2009 The Baton T h e K a n s a s 2008 Corporate Sponsors: Fiorella’s Jack Stack Barbecue The Armada Group ING Financial Partners Industrial Services Midway Ford The KCPOA Zona Rosa C i t y Wii 2009 Corporate Sponsor: Wal-Mart Inside this issue: 4th Annual Memorial Luncheon 2 Board of Trustees Elections 2 General Membership Meeting 3 KCPD History Book 4 Museum Effort Update 4 P o l i c e H i s t o r i c a l Bowl-a-thon When it got too late in the year to coordinate a bowl-a-thon of the nature the KCPHS has hosted the past two years, the Board of Trustees was faced with a difficult decision: either skip the 2009 bowling tournament, or look for an alternative event. So, the Trustees agreed an event of a different nature - in the form of a Wii Bowling Tournament - would be more desirable than having no spring event at all. The firstever Nintendo Wii bowling tournament took place on March 8 and 15. Corporate donors for the event included Wal-Mart and the Kansas City Police Credit Union. a S o c i e t y Success system, with a score of 277. Kevin’s son Christopher received the second-place prize, an external hard drive. Noah Lockhart, son of Captain Rich Lockhart of the Media Unit, received the third prize, an iPod Shuffle. Sergeant Carl Abraham, Rob Browning and Jalen Rutherford were some of the other highest scorers. Participants in the 2009 Wii Bowl-a-thon Officer Kevin Gooch of the Vehicular Crimes Section won the tourney, and the Grand prize, a Wii gaming The Board would like to thank everyone who came out to support the KCPHS. KCPHS leaders urge everyone to keep practicing, because they’re making plans for another bowling tournament (either Wii or at the lanes) to occur next year. K C P H S t o H o s t t h e 4 t h A n n u a l M e m o r i a l L u n c h e o n The Historical Society will host the 4th Annual Memorial Luncheon on May 21, 2009. This year’s event will move the location from Fiorella’s Jack Stack Barbecue, where it has been held the last two years, to the Web- ster House. The Webster House, located at 1644 Wyandotte, in the heart of Kansas City’s Crossroads District, will provide a unique and unforgettable dining experience. The decision to change the location was made for several reasons: first, Fiorella’s allowed for limited seating of only 60 people, which prevented us from being able to sell tickets to department members and retirees who wished to (Continued on page 2) The Baton Page 2 KCPHS to Host the 4th Annual Memorial Luncheon (Continued from page 1) attend. Second, the outdoor seating area at Fiorella’s meant we were subject to unpredictable weather patterns that take place in Kansas City in late May. Third, the Webster House provided a wider menu to select from and has seating for approximately 100 people. Tickets for this event will be made available on a first come, first serve basis. Historical Society members will need to purchase their tickets early if they wish to attend. Although the Webster House can seat as many as 100 people in their banquet room, members are reminded that several of those seats will be provided to families of officers who have been killed in the line of duty. So, it is estimated that less than 50 tickets will be available for purchase. Those who wish to attend will need to purchase their tickets as soon as they become available. Look for a special announcement to be made as soon as the tickets are available to purchase. The point of contact for all ticket sales will be Captain Cheri Kelly. You can contact Capt. Kelly at 2345018 or stop by her office on the 6th floor of headquarters. Webster House History: The Webster House is a lovingly restored former schoolhouse that was built in 1885, in the striking Romanesque Revival style. It is believed to be the oldest standing Kansas City public school structure and is on the National Registry of Historical Places. In the 19th Century, Architect Manuel Diaz designed the school in a style quite modern for its time. The design used scientific principles to improve interior arrangements, heating, ventilation, seating and lighting for the children. A Western addition was added in 1888 by William Hackney, the Architect for the Kansas City Public Library. The school closed in 1932, when the neighborhood became completely commercial. It has been a viable part of the community for decades. Proprietor Shirley Bush Helzberg has Webster House will be the location for the 4th Annual Memorial Luncheon on May 21, 2009. now restored the former Daniel Webster School building to its current beauty. It has received numerous awards for its restoration and design. In 2002, this distinctive building became the home of Webster House Antiques and Webster’s Restaurant. B o a r d o f Tr u s t e e s E l e c t i o n s Ta k e P l a c e i n M a y May means it is time for the election of the members of the Board of Trustees. Last year’s election saw the initial changing of the guard, when Sgt. Tony Sanders was elected President, and Civ. Alan Pierce was elected Secretary. By design, the election of the Board of Trustees is staggered with half of the Board being elected one year and the other half be- ing elected the following year. This year’s elections will involve the positions of Vice President, currently held by Officer Don Smarker, and Treasurer, currently held by Captain Cheri Kelly. Officer Smarker has served two terms as Vice President and is ineligible for re-election. Capt. Kelly has served one term as the Treasurer and has been nominated for a second term by Past President Mike Schofield. Anyone interested in seeking a position on the Board of Trustees, or wishing to nominate someone else for a position on the Board, should contact Tony Sanders or Alan Pierce before the end of April. Elections will take place at the upcoming General Membership meeting May 6, 2009. 2009 Board of Trustees Elections to take place at the May 6, 2009 General Membership Meeting Volume 1, Issue 2 F i r s t Page 3 A n n u a l Shortly after the elections last year, newly elected President Tony Sanders made the decision to change the general membership meeting from a monthly meeting to an annual meeting. This was largely due to the poor attendance at the monthly meetings. The 1st Annual General Membership meeting will take place on May 6, 2009, at 1400 hours G e n e r a l at the Kansas City Police Credit Union, located at 2800 E. 14th Street. Tony Sanders will present his “State of the Historical Society” address, a brief presentation about the Historical Society’s current and ongoing efforts to preserve the history of the police department. Refreshments will be provided, merchandise will be for sale with special pric- M e m b e r s h i p M e e t i n g ing available on all items, and door prizes will be raffled off during the meeting. So, mark your calendars! Any questions regarding the General Membership meeting should be directed to Sgt. Tony Sanders. You can contact Sgt. Sanders at 234-5171 or by stopping by his office on the 6th floor of headquarters. New Merchandise Coming: KCPD History Book The KCPHS is in the beginning stage of compiling a KCPD history book featuring rarely seen items from its collection to include KCPD photographs, uniforms, mounted patrol, antique saddle, badges, and other items. ested in having a pictorial record of the long and varied history of the department. In an effort not to duplicate the last department book published in 2001 (of which copies are no longer available) this one is designed to be a coffee table style history The idea of the book comes book, non-biographical in from numerous requests by nature with full color piccurrent and former department members who are inter- tures and artwork. The new book will focus more on pictures and stories related to department origin and history. The 2001 book was done is black and white and was created prior to the establishment of the collection of the KCPHS. If KCPHS members have any items of historical sig- nificance they would suggest be included in the book, they are encouraged to contact any KCPHS Board member. Profits from the sale of the book will benefit the KCPHS and its effort to establish a permanent Kansas City Police Museum. KCPHS is exploring the possibility of publishing a new book about the history of the police department. WE’RE ON THE WEB! VISIT US AT WWW.KCPHS.ORG K a n s a s C i t y P o l i c e H i s t o r i c a l S o c i e t y P.O. Box 15351 Kansas City, Missouri 64106 Phone: 816-234-5171 E-mail: Preserving our past, Protecting our future. Museum “What’s the latest on the museum effort?” This is a question members of the Board of Trustees get frequently. In an effort to keep everyone up to date on the efforts to establish a museum exhibit dedicated to the law enforcement history of Kansas City, the KCPHS will be posting updates in the Baton each quarter. So, look for updates with each new issue of the Baton. To answer the question, not much has changed in the last quarter. On December 18, 2008, the Board at Union Station Kansas City, announced they had hired a new CEO, Mr. George M. Guastello II. Mr. Guastello replaced the previous CEO Mr. Andi Udris, whom the The Kansas City Police Historical Society was founded in October 2004 as a grassroots effort to preserve the history of the Kansas City Missouri Police Department. In May 2005, the Kansas City Board of Police Commissioners recognized the Historical Society as the official repository of Kansas City Police history and artifacts. The following month, June 2005, the Kansas City Police Historical Society was incorporated with the Secretary of State of Missouri as a public charity 170 (B)(1)(A) (VI) fraternal and social organization comprised of law enforcement and civilian employees, both active and retired, from the Kansas City Missouri Police Department. This makes the Historical Society exempt from Federal taxes under IRS tax code 501 (c)3. Effort Update KCPHS Board had been negotiating with for almost two years. As a result of this change the KCPHS Board made the decision to wait a few months and allow the new CEO, Mr. Guastello, time to get acclimated in his new job, before contacting him about the negotiations to open a law enforcement exhibit. As recently as last week, Mr. Guastello’s secretary contacted KCPHS President Tony Sanders to request a meeting. So, the KCPHS Board remains hopeful that a lasting partnership can be established between USKC and the KSPHS. Details of the meeting will be released in the July issue of the Baton. Union Station Kansas City Circa 1920’s