

2014 · 2015
univer sidad de l a s a méric a s puebl a
W W W . U D L A P . M X
u n i v e r s i d a d
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Me ss age fr o m the P r e sident
P er tinent
S t udy P r o gr a m s
P r e s tigious Fac ult y
R e se a rc h a nd
A r tis tic C r e ation
E xc elling S t udent s
r e p o r t
o f
a c t i v i t i e s
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UDLA P Ou tr e ac h
A d minis tr ati v e
Effic ienc y
Va ngua r d
Infr a s truc t ur e
A nne x
2014 has been an excellent year for the university: 100%
of the licenciaturas of the Schools of Arts and Humanities,
Social Sciences and Business and Economics are now accred­
ited, with 41 programs now achieving this distinction. This
means that over 85% of our students are now enrolled in an
accredited program. Likewise, the graduate programs have
been recognized by the National Program of Quality Gradu­
ate Studies (PNPC).
Planning has been a recurring exercise at the university, so
a workshop was conducted with about 900 people – faculty,
staff and unionized personnel – to participate with ideas
and proposals to accomplish the mission and vision of the
university. This kind of action reinforces the Continuous
Improvement Program, resulting in greater student satisfac­
tion when they evaluate courses and services.
One of the greatest strengths of the university is the excel­
lence of its faculty, proof of which is the number of full time
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professors who currently belong to CONACYT’s National Sys­
Outreach efforts from the university create spaces so our stu­
tem of Researchers, yielding more research projects, faculty
dents may conduct their professional practices or social ser­
publications and greater international standing. This inter­
vice, as well as an effective Job Search Center. Proof of this is
national recognition has obtained for UDLAP accreditations
an increase of 46% in the number of agreements signed with
such as the one by QS Stars, which gives the university the
different organizations, businesses and public institutions.
maximum possible level in teaching.
As each year, we have generated an investment program
Universidad de las Américas Puebla is an international insti­
aimed to support the teaching-learning process in the insti­
tution. During 2014, more than 160 agreements were reached
tution. In 2014 over 46 million pesos were invested in renew­
with foreign universities, allowing our students the oppor­
ing classrooms, buildings, labs, residential colleges and
tunity to participate in exchanges all over the world and to
sports facilities. In a similar way, the university vehicular cir­
have new experiences that enrich learning. These students
cuit was renovated at a cost of more than 23 million pesos,
are examples of academic quality who display their know­
offering vanguard facilities for UDLAP’s operation.
ledge and are distinguished at national contests.
The characteristic success of Universidad de las Américas
Our students demonstrate their excellence not only in the
Puebla is a result of the effort, cooperation and determi­
academic world: in the sports arena our students have
nation of every community member, who, through actions
repeatedly won championships or been runners up with the
framed by the values we uphold, this year surpassed the lim­
different representative teams.
its of what is possible to achieve. Every end is a new begin­
ning. Let’s continue to advance together!
To fulfill our mission – to educate professionals who are crit­
ical, creative and innovative – there are many venues, so
Thank you very much
our young people are supported in academics and person­
ally, resulting in a very low rate of attrition and an increasing
graduation rate.
Universidad de las Américas Puebla (UDLAP), through its
licenciatura and graduate study programs in campus and
distance modalities, answers timely and pertinently to the
current needs of public and private organizations and to
society, obtaining for this reason national and international
recognition from the main accreditors of institutions of
higher education.
Through a continuous effort, UDLAP remains in the maxi­
mum level of national accreditation granted by the Federal
Secretary of Public Education (SEP) and by the Federation
of Mexican Institutions of Higher Education (FIMPES). And
derived from its international perspective, during this period
UDLAP concentrated its actions in reasserting the accredi­
tation of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools
Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC), delivering a compliance
report in agreement with the requirements established by
this accrediting organization.
Likewise, through an exercise that involved the entire UDLAP
community, a proposal was determined for the Quality
Enhancement Program (QEP), which is a plan to be imple­
mented in the next years to improve the teaching-learning
process for the students at the licenciatura level.
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A QEP named «Experienti@ UDLAP» has as its fundamental
purpose to strengthen the licenciatura students’ abilities to
link theory with practice – demonstrated by identifying and
solving real life problems – making them aware of their own
skills, as well as reflecting on the impact of those solutions
on the environment and on themselves.
Similarly, and aiming to accredit internationally the Civil,
Industrial, Mechanical and Mechatronic Engineering study
programs, an initial document was submitted to ABET, an
organism that has accredited the excellence of programs in
28 countries; once the accreditation is granted, the quality
standards to educate students in these areas is guaranteed.
Currently, the university has 41 licenciaturas accredited by
the Accreditation Council for Higher Education (COPAES),
which means that 85% of licenciatura students are enrolled
in accredited study programs. All of programs of the Schools
of Arts and Humanities, Business and Economics and Social
Sciences are thus accredited.
During this period the following programs were recognized:
»» Licenciatura in Clinical Biochemistry
»» Licenciatura in Political Science
»» Licenciatura in International Relations
»» Licenciatura in Languages
»» Licenciatura in Economics
»» Licenciatura in Finance and Accounting
»» Licenciatura in Physics
As for graduate programs, the Master in Biotechnology and in Food
Science are accredited by the National Council for Science and Tech­
nology (CONACYT); the doctorates in Food Science and Computer Sci­
ence are recognized by the National Roll of Quality Graduate Programs
(PNPC). This organism distinguished the Doctorate in Creation and
Theory of Culture as a “Doctorate in Development” (2014-2017) within
the National Program of Quality Graduate Programs.
Finally, it must be stressed that the university received the interna­
tional 2014 Blackboard Catalyst Award, in the category of “Innovative
Blended Learning” obtained by implementing the Blended Learning
modality in redesigning the Quantitative Reasoning course.
National and International
UDLAP’s academic quality is acknowledged nation­
ally and internationally by remaining in the best
positions in the national rankings during 2014. Proof
of this is the ranking of the best Mexican universi­
ties made by El Universal newspaper; for the third
time UDLAP was ranked as the best private univer­
sity in the country. In a similar way, the maga­zine
América Economía classified it as the fourth private
university among the best ones.
At a regional level, the ranking published by
Reforma newspaper placed the licenciaturas in
Business Administration, Architecture, Communi­
cation Sciences, Information Design, Psychology,
Computer Systems Engineering, Industrial Engi­
neering and Law among the best.
As for the graduate programs, the ranking con­
ducted by Expansión magazine placed the Mas­
ter in Business Administration in 5th place in Mexico. And in the classification of the best business
schools in Latin America, América Economía placed
the business programs in 18th place.
The QS Latin America Ranking placed UDLAP among
the best fifty universities in Latin America, occupy­
ing the best position in the region, whereas the QS
World Ranking placed it among the best 700 of the
3000 being considered.
The guidelines referring to prestigious faculty, established in
do research stays at other universities in exchange for pro­
UDLAP´s strategic planning, implies strengthening the fac­
fessors from other universities who collaborate in research
ulty with professors who are renowned in the country and
and teaching at UDLAP.
abroad, when considering their academic credentials, pro­
fessional development, teaching experience and research or
An UDLAP Education Diploma was designed and taught with
artistic creations.
the purpose of developing and strengthening a prestigious
faculty, as well as to fulfill the “Plan for Training in Educa­
Through a continuous effort to maintain quality education
tional Abilities and Professional Updating”, which, being
and to bolster the professor-student bonds, the university
flexible and open, allows for participation through virtual
increased its faculty to 564 professors, 52% of which are full
learning, tending to the institutional and particular needs
time; of these, 96% have graduate degrees, 70% have doc­
(pedagogical-didactic-technological) of the faculty mem­
torates and 29% belong to the National System of Research­
bers. Likewise, 84 courses were offered in 2014, with 895
ers (SNI).
professors participating:
Aiming to enrich the courses with an international faculty,
the participation of visiting scholars on campus and guest
professors who teach distance courses has increased. A Vis­
iting Professor Program began in 2014, allowing our faculty to
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A Teaching Assistant (TA) Program was put in place
aiming to elevate the academic standards of the
licenciatura courses, especially those of the com­
mon core, through the academic support that the
TA will give the professor in charge of the course,
so this latter may dedicate more time to the teach­
ing-learning process.
Finally, professors were trained to design online
courses following the model of UDLAP Distance
Education, using didactic and methodological
innovative strategies to create educational experi­
ences, using the technological tools of the Black­
board educational platform.
Educational Activities
The student-professor ratio, which was 19 stu­
dents per professor and 22 students per section in
Spring 2015, is one mark of the educational quality
at UDLAP. As can be seen in the next table, the rank
of 11 to 20 students per section is where most of the
students enrolled in Spring 2015 are:
The actions that have allowed UDLAP to remain
in the ranks of excellence are part of the Continu­
ous Improvement Program, which is strengthened
by integrating the evaluations of courses that the
students are taking, evaluating the levels of satis­
faction, establishing improvement strategies, and
the programs to honor and acknowledge the fac­
ulty. At the end of Spring 2014, 1,788 courses were
evaluated, representing 92% of the total, with a
68% response. And at the end of Fall 2014, 2,030
courses, representing 96% of the total, were eval­
uated, with 72% responding and an evaluation
average of 4.46, on a scale of 1 to 5, 5 being the best.
4.46, ON A SCALE OF 1 TO 5, 5
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In 2014, faculty members were honored with the
medal “Compromiso con la Educación UDLAP”
(UDLAP Commitment to Education), which is granted
to the best evaluated professors by students, con­
sidering also their peers’ opinions, the opinion of
the head of the academic department, as well as the
participation of the candidates in research, exten­
sion, consulting and community support activi­
ties. In 2014, this distinction was for the following
Commitment to Education Medal 2014
Carlos Arias Vicuña
School of Arts and Humanities
Dr. Guillermo Aurelio Romero Meléndez
School of Science
Dr. Marco Aurelio Fernando Carlos Almazán St. Hill
School of Social Sciences
Ignacio Bernal Carreño
School of Engineering
Marco Antonio Morales Castro
School of Business and Economics
The university is proud of the achievements of its faculty, in all areas of
knowledge and in the national and international sphere, and of their
commitment to educate critical, creative and innovative individuals.
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UDLAP Publications
The university participates in societal development when shar­
»» Jerónimo García Guzmán, laboratory professor of the
ing through its publications the knowledge generated by its
Department of Chemical and Biological Sciences and Jesús
faculty. The following publications were issued during 2014:
Hernández Castán, director of the Ethno-botanical Garden,
with external collaboration, presented the book Las aves
»» Dr. Luis Felipe Luna Reyes, professor of the Department of
de Cholula.
Business Administration and external collaborators, com­
piled the book Estrategias de negocios: diversos casos de
»» Jesús Hernández Castán, director of the Ethno-botanical
estudio. He also coordinated the publication of the book
Garden, the student illustrator María Clarissa Martínez
De la teoría a la práctica: memorias del primer Congreso
Ames and other authors presented the book Los anfibios
de Administración CREA 2013.
y reptiles de Cholula.
»» Dr. Guillermo Einar Moreno Quezada, professor of the
»» Professor Laurence LeBouhellec Guyomar of the Depart­
Department of Economics, Marco Antonio Morales Castro,
ment of Literature, Humanities and Art History and Marie
Dr. Juana Cecilia Trujillo Reyes and Dr. Isis Olimpia Gutié-
France Desdier Fuentes, director of Cultural Spaces and
rrez Martínez, professors of the Department of Business
Art Collection, collaborated in presenting the Commemo­
Administration, published the book Gestión del talento.
rative Catalogue of UDLAP’s Art Collection.
»» Francisco Javier Calleja Bernal, professor of the Depart­
»» Ray Eliot Schwartz, professor of the Dance Depart­
ment of Finance and Accounting, presented the book
ment, published the article El espacio entre la Danza y
Contabilidad administrativa.
la Somática in the Interdanza magazine of the National
Institute of Fine Arts.
»» Dr. Juan Manuel San Martín Reyna, director of UDLAP
Consulting, presented the book Recomendaciones para
la reflexión estratégica en PYMES.
»» Dr. Erick Roberto Bandala González, professor of the
Department of Chemical, Food and Environmental Engi­
neering; Dr. Benito Corona Vásquez, head of the Depart­
»» Dr. Raúl Bringas Nostti, professor of the Department of
ment of Civil and Environmental Engineering; Dr. Eugenio
International Business Administration, presented the
Sánchez Arreola and Dr. Luis Ricardo Hernández Molina,
book Antihistoria de México.
professors of the Chemical and Biological Sciences; and
Dr. José Daniel Lozada, head of the same department,
»» Dr. Claudia Estrella Castillo Ramírez, Dr. Arturo Lorenzo
Valdés and Dr. Rocío Durán Vázquez, professors of the
participated in publishing the book Energy and Environment Nowadays.
Department of Finance and Accounting, and external
co-authors, wrote the book Teoría económica: un panorama contemporáneo.
»» Dr. José Alfredo Sánchez Huitrón, professor of the Depart­
ment of Computing, Electronic and Mechatronic, with
external collaborators, presented the book La interacción
»» Dr. Miguel Ángel Méndez Rojas, professor of the Depart­
humano-computadora en México.
ment of Chemical and Biological Sciences, presented the
book Ciencias sin complicaciones.
»» Silvestre Javier López Portillo, professor of the Depart­
ment of Communication Sciences, presented the book Los
»» Dr. María Teresa Jiménez Munguía and Dr. María Eugenia
top 10 del cine.
Bárcenas Pozos of the Department of Chemical, Food and
Environmental Engineering, with support of students,
compiled the Revista TSIA, volumes 7 and 8.
»» Dr. Bertha Salinas Amescua, professor and researcher in
the Department of Educational Sciences, was the general
coordinator of the book Educación, desigualdad y alternativas de inclusión 2002-2011.
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»» Editorial UDLAP published the book Patio de los Azulejos
by Dr. María Teresa Cordero Arce, director of the Patrimo­
nial Conservation of the Puebla State Government
»» Carlos Mesa Gisbert, Bolivia’s former president, published
the book Soliloquio del Conquistador in Editorial UDLAP
and EDAF.
»» UDLAP presented the book Flora y fauna de Cholula in the
International Reading Fair (FILEC.)
»» Alumni of the Young Indigenous Leaders Program worked
in publishing the memoirs of the program.
The stu­
dents of the Licenciatura in Information Design Alexan­
der James Tadlock González, Enrique Hizpeter Aguilar and
Alejandra Arroyo Díaz collaborated as illustrators.
»» Aliona Starostenko Sokolov, of Grupo Proactivo Sustenta,
compiled a Recetario para la sustentabilidad.
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UDLAP is immersed in a continuous evaluation process,
which demands actions that allow pertinent research.
Developing research or artistic creation projects aims to
generate cutting-edge knowledge to impact the education
of high-level human resources, whose results and/or prod­
ucts are presented, exhibited and published in different
forums. Because of this, the university has determined to
consolidate the graduate offer and the research doctorates.
In Fall 2014, three new graduate programs, geared towards
research, became operational: Intelligent Systems, Water
Sciences and Food Science doctorates.
One of the criteria to define an outstanding doctorate is a rigorous selection of its students; with this premise, a stringent
acceptance mechanism was put in place, including an oral
exam before an admitting committee from the doctoral fac­
ulty of each study program. Only nine students were admit­
ted to the programs in 2014 and all were awarded an UDLAP
Research Academic Scholarship. This scholarship allows stu­
dents to be dedicated full time to research, yielding presen­
tations and publications in international meetings.
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At present, close to 30% of full time professors are
included by CONACYT in the National Researchers
System (SNI), as can be seen in the following table.
It is also important to mention that the number of
professors belonging to the aforementioned sys­
tem has increased 45% since 2012.
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In 2014, faculty members were encouraged to join the Mexi­
can Academy of Science. The professors accepted as regular
members are:
Regular Members of the Mexican
Academy of Science
Dra. Cecilia Anaya Berríos
Academic Vice President
Professor of Chemical and Biological Sciences
Dr. José Ángel Raynal Villaseñor
Dean of the School of Engineering
Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Dr. Polioptro Martínez Austria
Director of Research, Graduate Studies and
Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Dr. Vicente Alarcón Aquino
Head of Academic Department
Professor of Computing, Electronics and Mechatronic
Dr. Oleg Starostenko Basarab
Full time Professor of Computing, Electronics and
Dr. Jorge Rodríguez Asomoza
Full time Professor of Computing, Electronics and
Dr. Enrique Palou García
Full time Professor of Chemical, Food and Environmental
Dr. Aurelio López Malo Vigil
Full time Professor of Chemical, Food and Environmental
Several patents were extended to the university during this
period: one for a “Caja de escape-exploración-evitación en
campo restringido” whose author is Dr. Julio César Pena­
gos Corzo; another patent for a “Convertidor de energía
hidráulica de influjo en vaivén a energía mecánica rota­
tiva para la generación de electricidad por medio de olas de
mar” whose authors are Dr. Pedro Bañuelos Sánchez and the
alumnus Alexandre Rivera Díaz.
Another patent registered for “Tracto arado solar”, was developed by Dr. Pedro Bañuelos Sánchez, with Omar Soto Salva­
dor, Daniel Reyes Morales, Manuel Ernesto Maqueo Martínez
and José Luis Rodríguez Barrera, all students from the School
of Engineering. The “Tracto arado solar” is based on a tubu­
lar structure of triangular forms that offers an optimal struc­
ture for the distribution of stress. It also offers an electrical
engine attached to a movement transmission system which
works as a locomotive system for the solar plow tractor. A
Dr. Marco Antonio Quiroz Alfaro
deep cycle battery supplies electricity to the engine and this
Full time Professor of Chemical and Biological Sciences
battery is recharged by a solar panel through a load con­
Dr. Alejandro Ruiz Argüelles
troller. The charge system for the deep cycle battery insures
Adjunct Professor of Health Sciences
independence from an electrical source external to the solar
Dr. José Guillermo Ruiz Argüelles
plow tractor.
Full time Professor of Health Sciences
This invention was developed to cover the need of low
potency machinery at low cost to prepare the soil in agricul­
tural work. The area of science that this patent serves is agri­
cultural machinery, specifically the mono axial tractor plow.
With efforts like these, the university is at the forefront of
generating alternatives to electricity.
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Research Projects
In 2015, an initial registry of 116 professors is taking part in
research projects with external funds.
With the intention to incorporate gifted students to research
and/or artistic creation projects, an Honors Program, which is
outstanding for the level of academic excellence and commit­
ment to artistic creation and research, has been implemented
to promote projects among licenciatura students who have
the highest GPAs, under the sponsorship of researchers or
artists distinguished by their careers and leadership. When
entering this program each student is assigned a professor to
act as his/her mentor.
Honors Program students take part today in 173 projects;
the number of students participating in this program has
increased as shown in the following table:
Research Projects with External
In 2014 a systematic campaign to promote the participa­
It is important to point out that during 2014 several projects
tion of faculty in research and innovations calls, as well as to
with external funding were concluded successfully:
increase the connections with industry, was launched. As a
result of this program, a total of 66 projects in collaboration
»» An ontological model to link and promote women entrepre­
with different entities are ongoing today, yielding an increase
neurs through open innovation methodologies, directed by
in research resources from 5.113 to 10.194 million pesos.
Dr. Ofelia Delfina Cervantes Villagómez, with the collabora­
tion of Dr. José Alfredo Sánchez Huitrón, Dr. Marianne Hel­
In addition, the university collaborates with other institu­
ena Marchand, Dr. Oleg Starostenko Basarab and Dr. José Luis
tions in projects managed by them, which yield results in
Zechinelli Martini, in partnership with PRONEA LAB, S.A. de
research and innovation for UDLAP. These projects amount
to a little more than 53 million pesos.
»» Defining the parameters for a dynamic and fatigue module
A relevant project is the consortium of UDLAP, the Bene­
to be tested, directed by Dr. Rosemberg Reyes Ramírez, with
mérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla (BUAP) and the
the collaboration of Dr. Felipe Cordova Lozano, in partnership
National Institute of Astrophysics, Optics and Electronics
with Concesionaria Bicentenario, S.A. de C.V.
(INAOE) to establish a National Laboratory of Supercomput­
ing, sharing what will become the most powerful supercom­
»» National Laboratory of Supercomputing of Southeastern
puter in the country, with 5,000 processors and cutting-edge
Mexico, directed by Dr. Roberto Rosas Romero, in collabora­
technology. With this laboratory, professors and graduate
tion with CONACYT, BUAP and INAOE.
students will have the opportunity to develop vanguard
models in all disciplines.
»» REAUMOBILE: Augmented mobile reality and its interaction
with knowledge networks, directed by Dr. Ofelia Delfina Cer­
vantes Villagómez, with Dr. José Alfredo Sánchez Huitrón, in
partnership with CONACYT, Sociedad AXYZ and Sociedad QOS
Labs de México, S.A. de C.V.
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And some projects to be developed during 2015 are:
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Finally, in 2014, the editorial committees of Puentes Consor­
tium, in a call for Border Health Issues, chose the work of
»» “Exclusión desde adentro: la ideología de la normalidad y
Dr. Alison Elizabeth Lee, professor and head of the Depart­
la discriminación hacia niñas y niños indígenas con disca­
ment of Anthropology, who participated in collaboration
pacidad”, by Dr. Laura Elena Romero López in cooperation
with SEP and CONACYT.
»» “Uso de hormigas como bioindicadores del cambio en
el uso del suelo”, developed by Dr. Mariana del Socorro
Cuautle Arenas, in partnership with QoS Labs and
»» “CULTURE MOBILE: desarrollo de un portafolio extendido
de servicios móviles geo-referenciados con capacidades
with Dr. Samantha Sabo del Mel and Enid Zuckerman of the
College of Public Health of the University of Arizona. With
the work entitled “Illegality, Structural vulnerability and
public health among immigrants of Mexican descent”. The
project received funds and whose results will be presented
at the Puentes Consortium’s 5th Annual Symposium on the
US-Mexico Border.
de realidad aumentada en el entorno de cultura de una
smart City”, directed by Dr. Ofelia Delfina Cervantes Villa-
The Research and Graduate Studies Department, in coordi­
gómez, collaborating with SEP and CONACYT.
nation with UDLAP Consulting, took steps in 2014 to set up a
»» “Modelos de externalización de las tecnologías de infor­
collaboration in academic matters with the University of Cali-
mación en el sector público en México”, directed by Dr.
fornia in San Diego, having as a focus a link in the doctorate
Francois Bernard Duhamel, in cooperation with SEP and
in Molecular Biomedicine, signing an exclusive agreement to
offer the dual program ”Certificate in Latin American Clinical
»» “Caracterización bioquímica, por Docking y Dinámica
Molecular del Sitio de Unión de Ligandos de la Beta-Lac­
toglobulina de Bos Taurus”, developed by Dr. Julio
Lenin Domínguez Ramírez, in cooperation with SEP and
»» “Desarrollo de un alimento funcional con bacterias lácti­
Studies Administration”.
Lastly, to propagate the research and artistic creation
achievements of the faculty a new UDLAP Research website
was designed and published.
cas microencapsuladas generadoras de compuestos bio­
activos con potencial aplicación en obesidad”, by Dr. Aure­
lio López Malo-Vigil, with CONACYT and BILATERAL 2014.
Striving to promote basic and applied research and tech­
nology transfer, the participation of the university in the
Puentes Consortium, an organization linking UDLAP, Rice
University and the University of Arizona, was reinforced,
facilitating academic exchange and increasing research at
Puentes Consortium launched a first call to fund a bi-na­
tional exchange of academics and doctoral students, so
UDLAP received Dr. Sofía Ramos, a researcher from the Uni­
versity of Arizona who is Assistant Professor of Practice
at the Department of Mexican American Studies. While at
UDLAP, Dr. Ramos investigated topics related to inclusion
leadership and gender equality. In turn, UDLAP sent Dr.
Adrián Duhalt Gómez, researcher from the Department of
International Business Administration, to the Mexico Center
at the James Baker Institute of Rice University. During his
summer stay, Dr. Duhalt conducted research on public pol­
icy regarding Energy Reform and its possible contribution to
decrease imports of basic foodstuffs.
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Incorporating excelling students is a fundamen­
tal for the development of future UDLAP alumni;
our institution has established actions to promote
diversity by admitting students from different Mex­
ican states, who are outstanding for their academic
background and their interest in sports and culture.
Following this strategy the university has improved
its presence in Veracruz, Mexico State, Distrito Fed­
eral, Tabasco, Morelos and Tlaxcala to increase the
number of new licenciatura students. Thus, Mexico
State students increased 31.5% and Distrito Fed­
eral students 9.09%, when compared with 2013.
These results mean a better positioning of the uni­
versity in the metropolitan region.
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The increase of new students is shown in this table:
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Due to a series of strategies to reach prospective students
The university is aware that it is important for young people
and their parents, it is worth mentioning that in the two edi­
to choose their profession following the things that they are
tions of ExpoUDLAP 2014 the university received approxi­
passionate about; for this reason there is an area of voca­
mately 6,000 high school students from all Mexican states
tional orientation to help the students in their selection pro­
and abroad. In a similar way, the program “ExpoUDLAP
cess through workshops and guidance, as well as personal
comes to your town” was created to attract future students
and inform them about study programs, student life, facili­
ties and administrative requirements.
Our Students
The university has established its position in the academic
It is also important to mention that in 2014 a liaison office
world through the pertinence of its study programs, its pres­
opened its doors in Veracruz to give personalized attention
ence in culture and sports, as well as the services offered
to candidates in the central area of that state.
to students. These are reasons for increments in student
enrollment, reaching a total of over 7,600, of which 83% are
enrolled in licenciatura and 17% in graduate programs.
In Fall 2014 14.2% more students
enrolled than in the same period in
2013. For the Spring of 2015 enrollment
increased 10% when compared with
Spring 2014.
ate programs offered 22 orientation
courses online to facilitate the integra­
tion of new students to the university.
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Orgullo UDLAP Students
The student community is a point of pride for the university.
For this reason, the intellectual talent, initiative, perseverance
and integrity of the students is recognized with the distinc­
tion “UDLAP Scholar”. For the sixth year this award is granted
to five licenciatura students who have the highest GPA in their
school and the graduate student with the best GPA:
UDLAP Scholar 2014-2015
Luz Elena Martínez Ibarra
Licenciatura in Theater
School of Arts and Humanities
Alejandra Quintos Lima
Licenciatura in Actuarial Science
School of Science
Montserrat Pérez Castro
Licenciatura in Cultural Anthropology
School of Social Sciences
Ulysses Lince Romero
Licenciatura in Information Technology and Systems
School of Engineering
Claudia Espíndola López
Licenciatura in Finance and Accounting
School of Business and Economics
Mtra. Noemí Soto Reyes
Doctorate in Food Science
Graduate School
UDLAP students possess abilities and knowledge acquired
and developed during their university life. The institution
acknowledges their achievements and promotes leadership
in their future alumni.
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Students with a Global
UDLAP has internationalization as a principle,
which implies developing a multicultural environ­
ment and offering a global perspective to its stu­
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dents. In 2014, one of the main objectives has been
to strengthen quality international academic coop­
eration through academic exchange programs, dual
programs, professional practices abroad and sum­
mer programs.
Additionally, international agreements of collab­
oration have been signed or renewed, linking the
university with more than 160 institutions abroad
that foster student, professor and researcher mobil­
ity. Of these institutions, 93 have been included by
QS World University Ranking in 2014, guaranteeing
14 %
74 %
the quality of the universities that collaborate with
UDLAP. During 2014 there have been proposed proj­
ects for dual programs with Lancaster University in
the UK and of the School of Business and Economics
with the AVANS University in Holland.
Academic Advising
The area of Academic Advising aims to respond to
the students’ needs in a socially responsible way,
improving competitiveness in the national and
international environments, by helping to educate
outstanding students with a creative, critical and
innovative attitude in different areas of learning.
During 2014 there were important advances
focused on personal attention to students. As an
example, a Mathematics Center was created which,
joined by the Spanish and Languages Center, has as
objective to strengthen advising with the participa­
tion of UDLAP’s faculty.
During 2014 and 2015 the university received stu­
The Learning Resources Department also aims to
dents from 24 countries and 5 continents. In Spring
implement programs to foster the development of
2015 their numbers increased 18% when compared
personal competencies and to ease the transition
with the same period of the previous year. In a sim­
of new students to university life. It is important
ilar way, UDLAP students have participated in spe­
to note a 29% increase in tutorials offered in 2014,
cial exchange programs in 30 countries: in Spring
with respect to 2013. Likewise, academic advising,
2015 there was 12% more than in the same period
which is the sequence to tutorials, increased 71%
of the previous year.
by number of students serviced and 62% in ses­
sions offered between 2013 and 2014.
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Student Life
Student Programs and Activities
A comprehensive education of students is one of UDLAP’s
priorities, so different programs and activities are offered
to promote the acquisition and development of abili­
ties and competencies, through academic and personal
27 %
During this year, support was given to promote events of stu­
versity activities and open spaces for students to pursue
60 %
dent organizations, which are part of the co-curricular uni­
group interests, as well as to develop leadership abilities.
2014 ended with 23 registered student organizations and a
“Week for Student Organizations” carried out for the first
time. As a whole, the student organizations offered 115 activ­
ities to the student community.
UDLAP’s Student Council (CEUDLAP) is a model of univer­
sity student representation. In 2014, CEUDLAP was formed
by 166 students: 5 members of the executive power, 5 mem­
bers of the judicial and 156 members of one of the 34 boards
that form the legislative power. CEUDLAP held 14 parliament
meetings and carried out 193 events for the student com­
munity. For the first time the school representatives were
elected by the community.
The Department of Student Counseling has as an objective
to accompany the student in developing his/her abilities and
discovering and using his/her personal resources to opti­
mize school performance and achieve personal and profes­
sional growth along his/her university years. In 2014, this
department was involved directly in the First Year Program
(PPA) activities, offering a total of 24 workshops for PPA1
with topics such as time management and adapting to uni­
versity life, reaching 408 new students. For PPA2, 45 activi­
ties were offered, with topics related to nutrition and health,
emotional wellbeing, self-care, sexuality, etc., reaching 2,621
As for psychological advising, a total of 544 students were
helped in 1,957 advising hours, while in 2013 154 students
were seen in 736 advising hours. These numbers represent
a 254% increase in students advised and 166% in advising
hours due mainly to restructuring the area and publicizing
and improving the quality of the service. It is important to
point out that the emergency psychological service covers
the cases in need of immediate attention during off hours.
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The campaign “If you are going to drink…take control”
attempts to foment responsible drinking in the UDLAP com­
munity. The workshop “Psychological First Aid” was designed
and offered to train personnel in the Student Affairs Vice
Presidency to tend to students in crisis situations.
For the fourth consecutive year, the essay contest “La evolu­
ción de la educación como parte del cambio en la era digital”
took place with 15 students participating. Vocational orien­
tation was offered to 496 individuals.
The orientation program for Fall 2014, registered 1,200 new
students; also the program for Spring 2015 was attended by
163 new students for a year total of 1,488 participants in this
program. In addition, 233 parents participated in the meet­
ings programmed during this year to make them feel part of
and adapt to university life.
In 2014 there were 838 participants in 68 workshops in the
categories of dance, artistic expression and wellbeing. There
were also 86 activities of UDLAP Workshops open to the pub­
lic with over 3000 people in attendance.
Cineclub de las Américas and Viajes UDLAP renewed their
offer in 2014. There were 38 Cineclub shows and 5 theme
cycles in combination with other areas such as Sports,
TV UDLAP, Department of Student Counseling, Academic
Department of Health Sciences, with total attendance of
3,440 persons. In recreational and social activities there
were five cultural trips, four bicycle tours and four visits to
businesses for a year’s total of 289 participants.
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Services for the Student
UDLAP is outstanding for guaranteeing a unique experience
during university life, and for giving access to services that
improve academic performance and foster a healthful envi­
ronment for the students. To this end, complementary ser­
vices to facilitate academic, research, cultural, sports and
administrative activities for internal and external users are
provided. For instance, the area of Food Services was re-ac­
credited this year by “Distintivo H” and also obtained accreditation by “Distintivo M”, a management system vouched for
by the Secretary of Tourism. Also related is the expansion of
concessions, adding “El Rincón del Chef” on the deck by the
lake offering gourmet food for the community. Concessions
on campus have increased to 22.
To offer better services to the community, two new parking
lots were built, adding 268 new spaces. In addition the service
“@UDLAP Parking” in twitter was created to inform before­
hand about the availability of parking spots in the differ­
ent lots on campus. This service reduces the time needed to
search for a place.
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UDLAP Library
Thinking about its users, more than 10 years ago the Library
It is important to point out the award received by the Library
of Universidad de las Américas Puebla modified and synchro­
during the First Inter-regional Meeting of the states of Chia-
nized its opening hours with the Registrar’s Office, which is
pas, Hidalgo, Oaxaca, Puebla, Tabasco, Tlaxcala and Veracruz,
in charge of setting the dates assigned for partial and final
bestowed by the National Institute of Geography and Sta­
exams, to offer service around the clock on those days to sup­
tistics (INEGI), for belonging for 28 years to their Network of
port the students in their activities.
External Consultants.
To respond adequately to the users demands for access to
the collections available online, a server for the Digital Collections was purchased, with ample memory and processing
capability. Likewise, derived from the continuous projects of
Digital Collections, a more compact, precise and versatile ver­
sion was acquired which will be useful to digitize books and
A program to purchase bibliographical materials, follow­
ing the current needs of the academic departments, schools
and deanships was implemented. The budget assigned for
the acquisition and renewal of printed and electronic mate­
In 2014 the Library’s Facebook and Twitter surpassed a thou­
rials for the Library was close to ten million pesos, which paid
sand followers. Thanks to the implementation of these com­
for around 5,700 books. Two million titles of subscriptions
munication channels, the Library is in contact with its users
to books, periodicals and journals in electronic version were
and has a means to announce different activities, resources
and service information.
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Residential Colleges
The reason to have Residential Colleges is to offer
UDLAP students a place to live on campus in a safe,
secure and participative environment, promot­
ing at the same time their comprehensive devel­
opment through learning and living communities,
based on values of responsibility, freedom, toler­
ance, respect and solidarity. The colleges also offer
hospitality services and use of spaces to members
of the university community.
The colleges’ capacity increased 8% in 2014, which
is equivalent to 1,408 available spaces. This year
3,051 students were received: 576 new ones, 75 inter­
national students and 2,400 returning students.
In 2014 a survey was conducted among residents
and, following its results, these improvements
were made at the colleges:
»» Updating the electrical facilities in the four
»» Placing LED screens with 20 cable channels in
lobbies and cafeterias.
»» Replacing furniture in common suite areas (liv­
ing room and dining room.)
»» Installing Smart TV’s with 85 cable channels in
common areas and Smart TV’s with 20 cable
channels in each room.
Aiming to promote participation and socializing
among the residents of the four residential col­
leges, as well as to ease their adjustment to univer­
sity life, during the Fall term several activities took
place with 40% of the total residents participating.
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Health and Wellbeing
Medical Services has carried out preventive programs and care for the
health of the members of the university community, offering quality
medical attention and comprehensive rehabilitation.
UDLAP community members have access to primary medical attention
24 hours a day year round, through trained personnel, nurses, EMTs
and doctors, who promote self-care, risk identification and preven­
tion, and healthy habits. This year, health campaigns on campus and
campaigns to benefit society were implemented: blood drives, timely
breast cancer detection through mammograms, vaccines to prevent
human papilloma and seasonal flu, as well as a campaign to publicize
MARCA, to make known emergency assistance numbers, rules to pub­
licize the campus smoke free zones and first aid workshops offered for
UDLAP personnel.
The Integral Rehabilitation Center (CIR) offers attention and injury pre­
vention related to physical activities and high yield sports, through the
design of comprehensive protocols to care for athletes, as well as physi­
cal recovery in the area of physical therapy and rehabilitation gym.
By applying this model of attention, UDLAP’s CIR has lessened the
number of injuries among members of sports and cultural represen­
tative teams, offering programs to the university community on how
to physically prepare for training in sports.
During 2014, 1,494 community members were seen, preventing inju­
ries associated with physical activity and high yield sports.
Medical files are now kept in an electronic system for their control
and to comply with the law on personal data protection. Additionally,
waiting time has been reduced at CIR with the use of an electronic
agenda to program medical appointments.
UDLAP Representative Teams
During this year, the Cultural and Sports Representative
Teams successes have added to the prestige of the university
in the country and abroad.
Aztecas Sports
Once more, Aztecas UDLAP had outstanding performances
in the championships of different sports. In 2014, the men’s
taekwondo and football teams won the championship for
the second time in a row; and the women’s volleyball, wom­
en’s soccer and men’s and women’s track and field were run­
ners up in the sports.
Saad was first in Heptathlon, both amassing points for their
teams, placed second in the women’s and men’s competi­
tion, winning a total of 9 medals.
For Aztecas Volleyball, the campaign 2013-2014 ended with
IN 2014, THE MEN’S
Deyanira López accomplishing the title of best setter player,
Karla Martínez as best opposing and Ana Victoria Ramírez as
best center; the team won second place in the National Pre­
mier Conference of CONADEIP.
Aztecas Soccer played the final game of the CONADEIP in Torreón, Coahuila against ITESM Monterrey, resulting in a second
place decided in extra time. During the 2014 opening tourna­
ment of the Women’s Mayor League (LMF), Aztecas won first
Regarding track and field, our team won nine medals in the
athletic meet “Relevos ESEF” which took place in Mexico
City. Likewise, at the national event of the National Sports
Commission of Private Institutions (CONADEIP), celebrated
in April in Puebla and organized by UDLAP, David Bissiritsas
Galván won first national place in Shot Put and Joanna Sofía
place in the central zone, being undefeated with 45 goals
scored against and only 12 accepted, going to the finals in
Cuernavaca, Morelos with only sixteen other teams.
The students Stephany Mayor and Liliana Mercado, members
of the UDLAP soccer team, made history in national wom­
en’s soccer when they earned gold medals at the XXII Central
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American and the Caribbean Games, celebrated in Veracruz.
national championship. In addition, María José Ramírez Suárez won
At the same competition, Juan Pablo Terán, a member of the
a bronze medal in individual category for those under 30 years of age
Rugby sport workshop earned silver. And last, Mónica Lorena
during the National Championship Poomsae, celebrated in Aguascalien-
Escobar Morán, captain of the Azteca basketball team, par­
tes, to pre-select athletes for the World and Pan-American champion­
ticipated in this international competition playing with the
ships in the sport.
national team of El Salvador.
Aztecas Football players were remarkable again: Norman Contla (QB),
Aztecas Taekwondo displayed the excellent job of their
José Miguel García (LB) and Jean Claude Madín (WR) were awarded
trainer Yanko Ramos López and the whole UDLAP team. Hugo
the “Golden Helmet” in the Hall of Fame of the FBA de México A.C.,
Palacios Báez and Ricardo Jácome Salinas obtained the title
for their outstanding performance in 2013. In November, the Aztecas
of national champion in the welter and bantham catego­
were the CONADEIP champions for the 2014 season, the UDLAP offen­
ries, respectively, at the Taekwondo National Championship,
sive being the one with the most points scored for the second consec­
previous to the celebration of the Central American and the
utive year, while the defense was second in terms of points allowed.
Caribbean Games of Veracruz 2014.
The Tazón de las Estrellas (Star Bowl), a selection of the best players
The siblings María José and Ernesto Ramírez obtained the
of the Premier League at CONADEIP – 22 from Aztecas UDLAP, with Eric
gold in mixed duets, and silver was won in the women’s and
Fisher as coach – won 31 to 17 against the US team Stars & Stripes.
men’s triples, integrated by María José Ramírez, Itzel Caci­
que and Lisset Morales, and Óscar Reyes, Alonso Marquina
Finally, from the men’s volleyball team, Pedro Ruiz García was called
and Ernesto Ramírez, as well as individual bronze medals for
for the sub20 selection towards the playoffs before the world cham­
the Ramírez siblings, defeating thus important teams. In this
pionship. On the other hand, Aztecas Rosaura Guardiola, Charisse Bu-
competition, Ángeles Fuentes, Carlos Herrera, Héctor García,
rruel, Fabián Jaimes, Raúl Borquez, Gabriel Vázquez and José Vargas,
Carlos Pérez, Antonio Doporto and Bruno Alois won bronze;
members of the basketball representative teams, were called to the
Patricia Almendra won silver and, in the welter category,
Mexican playoffs previous to the World Universiada to be celebrated
Hugo Palacios and Jorge Villalón obtained the first and sec­
in Gwangju, South Korea, in 2015.
ond positions. With these results, the men’s taekwondo team
obtained for the second consecutive occasion the CONADEIP
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Aztecas Culture
Reasserting the commitment to the relevance of the artistic and cul­
tural development of its students, the university presented in 2014 a
first call for Artistic Scholarships, selecting 53 students to reinforce
the Cultural Representative Teams in their more than 150 cultural and
artistic events. Many of these events took place at prestigious venues
like the Cuban Institute of Music, the National Institute of Fine Arts,
the International Cervantes Festival, Radio Altiplano of Tlaxcala, the
State Council for Culture and Arts of Puebla, the Municipal Institute of
Arts and Culture of Puebla, the San Andrés Cholula Municipality and
the Voce in Tempore A.C Society.
As a consequence of these relationships, the UDLAP chamber choir
performed at the Museo José Luis Cuevas and Sala Nezahualcóyotl
in Mexico City. The Second Course for Orchestra Conductors was
directed by Maestro Fernando Lozano and the Second Choral Meeting
took place at UDLAP, with the participation of professors María Feli­
cia Pérez and José Antonio Méndez. In addition, Radiópera celebrated
its second anniversary in Radio Altiplano de Tlaxcala with a cultural
opera season, which was also aired through Elocuencia 8080, UDLAP’s
radio station.
Having as purpose the professional growth of students in the area,
an invitation was issued to co-direct projects like Mi hijo Pinocho for
UDLAP Musical Theater and Ópera en los jardines for UDLAP Opera.
And to perfect the performances of members of UDLAP Opera and
UDLAP Musical Theater, a workshop was taught by Mr. Ragnar Conde,
an opera director renowned worldwide.
To enrich the university cultural life, the following events took place:
the Second Season of Musical Theater presented “The Wizard of Oz”;
2014 Spring Dance Shows; the 11th Chamber Musical Festival “Cam­
eralia 2014”; an Opera Gala with nationally renowned guest sing­
ers; the plays Las tremendas aventuras de la capitana Gazpacho and
Fotografía en la playa; Cultural Sundays in San Andrés Cholula; the folk
dance show “Cuadros Mexicanos»”; the Musical Theater season with
Mi hijo Pinocho; the Dance Show Fall 2014; broadcasts of the Interna­
tional Cervantes Festival; and the traditional Christmas Concert from
Puebla’s Cathedral and UDLAP Auditorium.
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Socially Responsible Students
Azteca Volunteering
This program started in Fall 2012 and is an activity through which UDLAP
students commit their time and abilities in various actions to serve others or a community; this is an opportunity to sensitize students and to
enrich abilities.
In 2014, 49 students volunteered to collaborate in the following projects:
»» Emergency housing construction in marginalized communities, in col­
laboration with the Un techo para mi país, A.C. organization.
»» Annual Collection for the Mexican Association to help Children with
Cancer, A.C.
»» Providing social assistance, education, cultural, artistic, scientific and
technological development, health and sanitation, legal and psycho­
logical assistance to children and adults with visual impairments, in
collaboration with the Educational Institute for People with Visual
»» Activities to support of basic education through the project “Apoye­
mos a una escuela” of the ¿Sabías qué…? I.B.P Foundation.
»» Organization and development of the XII Ibero-American Meeting of
Civil Societies of CEMEFI.
»» Participation in the course on Computer Sciences and Engineering,
conducted in the summer at UDLAP, with the objective to draw chil­
dren from public elementary schools to these subjects.
»» Legal advice at the Federal Agency for the Protection of the
»» Participation in the Solidarity Days of the Home for Puebla’s Children.
There was also an intervention of members of the football team in two
organizations-Hogar Canino Nueva Vida and at Hospital del Niño Poblano
(Shelter)—to do socially responsible activities. In the first one (a shelter
for stray dogs) the students did maintenance work in the animal’s living
spaces; at the second, they helped in tasks that allow them to support
their operation.
The influence of the university on the community calls for con­
tinuous outreach with public and private entities, regional,
national and international. These connections help to consoli­
date its presence in the world of sports, culture, art and business.
During 2014, derived from the many connections created by stu­
dents and by the different areas of the university, 149 agree­
ments were made, 46% more when compared to the previous
year. The number of contracts signed also increased to 222,
which is 6% more than in 2013.
There were research agreements signed with Kraft Foods de
México S. de R.L. de C.V., The Puebla Technological Institute ITP,
Pronea Lab S.A. de C.V., Promotora Orcisej, Citizens Council for
the Security of Puebla State, Arroba Ingeniería S.A. de C.V.,and
Mextrauma S.A. de C.V.
UDLAP also signed an agreement of cooperation with the
National Water Commission with the purpose to determine the
guidelines to perform professional practices and social service
to benefit both the students and the Commission. In a similar
manner, the agreement with the Company Calidra yielded aca­
demic activities done in its laboratories.
Other companies that signed cooperation agreements in 2014
for professional practices are: T-Systems México, Administra­
dora MMH, Control Gerencial de Personas, Global Consulting
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Professionals, Unilever de México, Sociedad Prefixa
On the other hand, and in cooperation with
Vision Systems, Kuehne + Nagel, PWC, Administra­
Sistema UNO Internacional, modules were taught
dora de Servicios Turísticos Tulum Resorts, Mon­
to complete a diploma and certificate for schools
itoreo Maya, Yakult de Puebla, Comisión Federal
that aspire to obtain membership in this program
de Electricidad División Centro Oriente and Innova
to improve education by using technology. The
Pavimentos de México.
university participated in the National Training
Congress of Sistema UNO Internacional that took
A relevant link with businesses, commerce cham­
place in Mexico City.
bers and councils facilitates academic collabora­
tion that benefits our students financially. Some
There were other agreements reached for specific
agreements are: Internacional de Cerámica S.A.B.
projects focused on donations, publishing, culture
de C.V. (INTERCERAMIC), Cámara de la Industria Tex­
promotion and training; among them: Primero
til (CITEX), The Mexican Association of Real Estate
Sueño A.C., Instituto Mexicano de Tecnología del
Professionals (AMPI), Mexican Chamber of Builders-
Agua, Jardín Etnobotánico Francisco Pelaez A.C.,
Tabasco Chapter, Secretary of Finance and Admin­
Museo de Arte Moderno de México, Algaba Edi­
istration of the Puebla State Government, Asocia­
ciones S.A. de C.V., Consejo Estatal para la Cultura
cion Alamos S.C., Pelikan S.A. de C.V., Adasep S.C.,
y las Artes, Radio Altiplano FM S.A. de C.V., Museo
Puebla State District Attorney’s Office, COPARMEX
de Arte Contemporáneo de Monterrey A.C, Puebla
Hidalgo, Fideicomiso Público Promexico, Honorable
Capital Universitaria de México, Hospital Puebla,
Cozumel Municipality, and Live It Out International
Colegio de Contadores Públicos del Estado de
Experience S.A. de C.V.
Puebla, Scala Supervisión Consultoría Asesoría y
Laboratorio S.A. de C.V., El Consejo de la Judicatura
Other agreements were forged to support out­
Federal, Instituto Poblano de las Mujeres, Asocia­
standing students needing financial assistance:
ción Mexicana del Asfalto A.C., and Johnson Medi­
Colegio Inglés, Colegio Centro Educativo Xcaret S.C.,
cal México S.A. de C.V.
Colegio Puerto Aventuras S.C., Mexicana de Becas
Excelencia A.C., Instituto México Americano de
Veracruz A.C., Colegio Baden Powell S.C., Prepara­
toria Federal Lázaro Cárdenas, Escuela Inglesa de
Cuernavaca S.C., Instituto Salvatierra A.C., Colegio
de Estudios Científicos y Tecnológicos del Estado de
Puebla, Colegio de Educación Profesional Técnica
del Estado de Puebla, Centro Universitario México
A.C. and Centro Educativo Monteverde A.C.
It is relevant to point out the agreement signed
with COBAEP, CONALEP and SNTE- Section 23, that
aims to benefit teachers of those institutions with a
scholarship to complete an online master’s degree
in Elementary or Secondary Education.
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University Extension
Liaising with industry is a priority for UDLAP. To cover some
In addition, several programs were offered on topics such as
professional needs in this sector, there were 266 distance
finance, sales, marketing, senior management, fiscal reform
courses offered in 20 graduate programs that received 225
and other tailored to specific needs of organizations, or pro­
new students in 2014.
grams for the general public, 700 people participated in
these programs.
UDLAP, aware of its social responsibility, joined the national
effort to improve the quality of education with actions that
Throughout the year, the links with businesses and organi­
will make a difference. In Spring 2014 it launched two mas­
zations in different environments were reinforced, generat­
ter degrees in Elementary and Secondary Education with two
ing programs like “Etiqueta y branding personal” for Seglo de
concentrations each: Teaching and Pedagogical Abilities and
México, Automotive Networks, Matlab and Simulink courses
Management and Direction of Education Institutions. Both
for Volkswagen de México, as well as training in hard and
programs, taught 100% online and focused on improving
soft skills for Volkswagen Financial Services.
the professional abilities of teachers, education technicians
and administrators had 359 students from different Mexican
For the fourth consecutive year, training was provided for the
states taking 53 courses.
Federal Judiciary Council, through Universia, which included
a great variety of courses to stress topics like basic compe­
UDLAP Consulting strengthens the university position in the
tencies for deputy directors, working environment for pro­
business and government sectors. For this reason an alliance
ductivity, quality and efficiency abilities, offered in several
was made with the Secretary of Competitiveness, Labor and
places of the country.
Economic Development (SECOTRADE), working together in
the program “Puntos para mover a Puebla”, to promote com­
As for consulting, UDLAP Consulting did diagnoses of the
petitiveness in business. Four diploma programs on topics
working environment of the company Lundomex, aimed at
like foreign trade, entrepreneurism, innovation and business
improving productivity in their organization; new formulae
management, with special scholarships granted by the Sec­
were developed for Colgate-Palmolive products in UDLAP’s
retary, achieved the participation of 230 entrepreneurs and
labs; LACOCS, JRM Sonora and AMAAC received services from
the Asphaltic Mixes Lab; and BASF and Volkswagen de México were advised on programs to treat wastewater and on
Similar programs were completed in the health sector, such
as certificates in Prevention of Obstetric Violence, Attention
to Violent Crimes from a Gender Perspective, and Focus on
Derived from the actions mentioned above, there was an
Human Rights, all done in cooperation with the Puebla Insti­
income increase of 23% compared to last year.
tute for Women, with 90 participants.
During this period, the continuous education offer included
25 programs in areas such as Business and Finance, Engineer­
ing, Arts and Humanities, Administrative Skills and Business
Solutions, in order to cater for each segment with a specific
UDLAP Cultural Spaces and Art
The promotion of art and culture is an important issue in
the UDLAP philosophy. There were collaborations with the
French Embassy in Mexico, the State Council for Art and Cul­
ture of Puebla, the National Institute of Astrophysics, Optics
and Electronics, the Autonomous University of Puebla, the
Institute of Security and Social Services for State Workers
and civil organizations of art and culture, to host meetings
and festivals in UDLAP’s cultural spaces.
Over thirty-three thousand national and foreign visitors
attended cultural seasons at Capilla del Arte UDLAP during
2014, enjoying temporary exhibits, Museum Nights, Art and
Coffee Talks, concerts, movies and literature for the whole
The 2014 cultural season began at Capilla del Arte UDLAP
with the exhibition “Cuerpo Arquitectónico”, curated by stu­
dents and collaborators, presenting works chosen from the
UDLAP Art Collection as part of the social service project
called “Formación de públicos en el Arte”. In the same venue
the exhibit “Historias de Día” of the Mexican artist Abelardo
Favela was inaugurated, who presented 30 years of work in
114 pieces, with unpublished work and a painting done espe­
cially for Puebla and donated to the UDLAP Art Collection,
called “El rapto de las chinas poblanas”.
Capilla del Arte UDLAP celebrated its fifth anniversary with a
major exhibition, in partnership with the Museum of Modern
Mexican Art, entitled “La Ruptura y sus antecedentes” with
masterpieces of artists whose works are declared a “national
artistic monument”, such as those of Diego Rivera, David
Alfaro Siqueiros and José Clemente Orozco, and many more.
To begin the festivities to celebrate the 75th anniversary of
Universidad de las Américas Puebla, the exhibit “75 años
UDLAP: memoria gráfica”, a collection of images in big format
placed on 25 structures was inaugurated on campus. These
images and photographs relate the history of the university
from its foundation. Also marking this celebration, the com­
memorative catalogue of UDLAP’s Art Collection, joined an
exhibition at Capilla del Arte UDLAP called “75 años–75 artis­
tas: selección conmemorativa”.
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The academic departments of Fine Arts, Literature, Human­
At the Casa del Caballero Águila there was the solo exhibition “Estu­
ities and Art History, Architecture and International Business
dio Ficción” of the renowned photographer Dulce Pinzón, an UDLAP
collaborated to present lectures, workshops, book presen­
alumna, gathering for the first time her three series produced in the
tations, concerts and exhibitions in UDLAP cultural spaces.
last five years.
During 2014, there were homages to honor several personal­
As part of the educational services in a cultural space, Casa del Caba-
ities of the Mexican cultural world, such as Octavio Paz, José
llero Águila offered free cultural activities such as film cycles, art
Emilio Pacheco and Rafael Corkidi, which included lectures,
appreciation workshops, náhuatl language, astronomical observations
readings, projections and round tables. The relationship
and science workshops for children.
with Goldsmiths University of London and the Universidad
Autónoma de Madrid was strengthened through a Doctor­
Collaborating with the Citizens Academic Council for Cholula Integrity,
ate in Culture Creation and Theories and with the lectures
Casa del Caballero Águila was the site hosting lectures about Cholula’s
“Non-Human Photography” and “Criterios para juzgar al arte
artistic heritage and traditions to raise awareness of these topics in
contemporáneo: de Van Gogh a Santiago Sierra” delivered by
the community.
Dr. Joanna Zylinska and Dr. Miguel Cereceda, respectively.
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Outreach activities and events
The institution has extensive outreach events stemming
International Association of Spanish and Hispanic Theater
from the number of academic, sports and cultural activities,
of the Golden Centuries; “La fotografía no humana: acerca
which provide the student community with a holistic vision
de la mirada tecnológica” by Dr. Joanna Zylinska of Gold­
that transcends their integral formation. This event sched­
smiths, University of London, England. Also, UDLAP colla-
ule involves the participation of society in general as well.
borated with the State Electoral Institute through the conference cycle “Candidaturas independientes, el otro lado de la
UDLAP is in constant contact with art and culture through
activities such as:
In Fall 2014, the conferences “Calidad y productividad al
The conference “What are the digital posthumanities?”, mas­
estilo japonés” by Carlos Kasuga Osaka, president of the
terfully given by Dr. Gary Hall, professor of media and per­
board of Yakult S.A. de C.V.; “La alfabetización académica dis­
forming arts and Director of the Centre for Disruptive Media
ciplinar como campo de investigación y enseñanza: avances
at Coventry University, UK.; the lecture “Las novelas de
y desafíos”; with international collaboration, the conference
Gabriel García Márquez” by Dr. José Manuel Camacho Del­
“Mindfulness puerta al sentido profundo de la vida” by Dr.
gado senior lecturer at Universidad de Sevilla.
José María Doria, special guest of the School of Transper­
sonal Development in Madrid, Spain; “Nuevos mercados,
The 4th festival “Estas no son enchiladas”, in charge of the
¿cómo abrirlos y crear públicos?”, by José Luis Correa, General
UDLAP Dance Department. The UDLAP Fall 2014 Dance cycle
Manager and owner of Leonali; “Observando el cielo desde
and the Performática 2014 “International Forum of Contem­
Puebla” by Dr. Raúl Mújica García, director of Disclosure and
porary Dance and Arts in Movement”.
Communication of INAOE; “Entropy Theory for Frequency
Analysis of Hydrometeorological Extreme” in the frame­
“Poetry in Cholula” was held in collaboration with the Liter­
work of the International Conference on Hydro-meteorolog­
ature Department of the State Council for Culture and Arts
ical Risks and Climate Change and the conference “Adapta­
in Puebla, within the framework of the “Writers Cycle”. The
tion to Climate Change” in the International Conference On
“International Festival of Contemporary Dance”, carried out
Hydro-meteorological Risks and Climate Change.
by Lilia López Gamboa, dancer, choreographer and director of
the Dance School of the Instituto Poblano Potosino de Bell-
The keynote speech “Perspectivas de la democracia en
as Artes and national coordinator of Grupos Danzarios.
América Latina” by Carlos Mesa Gisbert, former President of
Bolivia and President of the Comunidad Foundation.
For the academic area the following activities have been
carried out: the conference ”Let’s rock this place: Hip Hop,
The symposium for Anthropology 2014 was carried out: “La
post-industrial New York and the creative city”, given by Dr.
Humanidad del siglo XXI, retos en la Antropología” and the
Joseph Heathcott, associate professor of Urban Studies and
first Economics, Banking and Investment symposium was
Associate Dean at The New School, and the conference “Do
you want to be a Judge?” by Ann Walsh Bradley, Wisconsin
Supreme Court judge.
The XXV National Congress for Actuarial Sciences was held,
during the 30th Anniversary of the UDLAP Actuarial Sciences
The following lectures were also given: ”Retos y desafíos de
Licenciatura and the XX International Congress for Architec­
la ciencia y la tecnología para la seguridad pública” by Dr.
ture and Interior Architecture “Reinicio” was held.
Ciro Humberto Ortiz Estrada, head of the Scientific Police
of the Federal Police; “El cuerpo no miente” by Edurne
Also the XXIV National Law Congress “México en Marcha” was
Ochoa, director of Grupo Imanagers and strategic commu­
held, with guests from the legal and political sector: sena­
nicator; “Cómo salir de tu zona de confort: cómo pasé de
tor Manuel Bartlett Díaz, coordinator of the Parliamentary
ser empleado a empleador” by Luis Gerardo Inman Peraldi,
group of the Partido del Trabajo political party; Dr. Sergio
owner of Jumbo products; “Contaminantes emergentes” by
García Ramírez, researcher for the UNAM Legal Investiga­
Dr. Gabriela Moeller Chávez, full-time research professor at
tion Institute and Dr. Héctor Fix Fierro, director of the UNAM
the Instituto Mexicano de Tecnología del Agua (IMTA); “Los
Legal Investigation Institute.
manuscritos, autógrafos y sus vínculos con el mundo de la
imprenta” by Dr. Laurette Godinas, researcher of the UNAM
We also hosted the IV Congress for Physics and Mathematics;
Institute of Bibliographical Research and treasurer of the
the XXVI Industrial Engineering Congress; the International
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Congress for Visual Information Design: “INFO DESIGN 2014:
Manager of International Education Relations, Scholarships
de vuelta a las bases”; the Marketing Congress “I’m Market­
and Fundraising of the Secretary of Public Education of
ing 2014”. The XXIV International Congress for Electronics,
Puebla State.
Communications and Computing (CONIELECOMP 2014) was
held, as well as the VI National Education Congress: “La inno­
The UDLAP “Primer Encuentro Internacional: innovación y
vación educativa dentro y fuera de la escuela”.
emprendimiento a la luz del contexto latinoamericano” was
held. Also, the “Global Entrepreneurship Week UDLAP 2014:
The XIV International Symposium Reto Negocios UDLAP 2014
promover el poder de la innovación, la imaginación y la crea-
“Estrategias de un México competitivo”, with high-level
tividad”, as well as the IV Congress for Financial Research for
speakers such as, Esteban Moctezuma Barragán, president of
the Mexican Institute of Finance Executives (IMEF).
Fundación Azteca; Heitor Gonçalves, Vice President of Burger
King Corporation; Eduardo Cepeda Fernández, President and
The XXXI Antique Automobile Fair was held and the second
General Manager of JP Morgan Grupo Financiero; Irma Adria-
proactive meeting for sustainability: Sustenta 2014 “El arte
na Gómez Cavazos, Chief Clerk of the Secretary of the Envi­
de la sustentabilidad”.
ronment and Natural Resources (SEMARNAT); Álvaro Ptacnik
Novoa, owner of Vinos Shimul and Álvaro Rivera Vargas, Gen­
UDLAP, concerned with society’s wellbeing, held the XXIII
eral Manager of VW Rivera.
Inter-Institutional Health Research Day for Puebla State,
under the supervision of the UDLAP Academic Department
In the International Workshop of Advanced Astrophysics, we
of Health Sciences. The First National Meeting for Health
had the conference “Foro UDLAP & Friends vida extraterres­
Sciences and Chemical and Biological Sciences was held, as
tre: ilusiones y antropocentrismo” by Dr. Armando Arrellano
well as the conferences for public health ”Retos de la salud
Ferro researcher of the UNAM Astronomy Institute and the
pública”, by Juan Francisco Molina, Deputy Director of the
National Researchers System.
Academic Management of the Center for Research of Infec­
tious Diseases (CISEI). The same institute also held the con­
UDLAP was graced with the presence of two international
ferences “Tuberculosis, un reto para la salud pública” by Dr.
figures: Ambassador Shri Sujan R. Chinoy from India and Ale­
Elizabeth Ferreira Guerrero, conferences on public health
jandro Camacho Barajas, Deputy Director for Central Publi­
directed by Dr. Celso Ramos García, researcher in Medical
cations of the OECD, who presented the XXVII Latin American
Sciences, as well as the lecture ”La enfermedad de Chagas,
Model United Nations (LAMUN).
un problema persistente de salud pública”. In October, in
conjunction with the cancer awareness campaign, we had
Continuing with outreach activities, in August there was the
the conference “Detección temprana del cáncer de mama”,
XXXV Anniversary of the Fundación Taboada de Puebla “Fun­
by Dr. Álvaro Juárez Rodríguez, of the Puebla State DIF.
dación protectora de Puebla Aurora Marín de Taboada” and
in the same month, the congress “Cholula Milenaria Millonaria”, in collaboration with the UDLAP Research Center for
Family Businesses, PWC, Cholulí and Corporativo
To finish the year we had the IV Inter-Institutional Internal
Medicine Congress for Puebla State. There was also the sol­
emn reception ceremony for academic membership to the
Mexican Academy of International Law – Puebla Chapter
(AMDI) attended by special guests: Dr. Luis Ernesto Derbez
Bautista, president of Universidad de las Américas Puebla
and honorary member of the National Board of AMDI; Dr.
Manuel Reguera Rodríguez, president of AMDI Puebla Chap­
ter; Ambassador Jorge Lozoya Legorreta, president of AMDI
Puebla Chapter; Mario Riestra Piña, General Secretary of
the Puebla City Council and Martha G. Laris Patiño, General
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The UDLAP Library coordinated the following events:
»» Opening of the cloister of the San Gabriel Cholula Con­
vent. As of June 3, 2014 it is possible to visit, from Tuesday
to Sunday, the restored cloister of the San Gabriel Con­
vent through the Franciscan Gallery of Sacred Art. This
increases the ties between UDLAP and the friars of the
convent and promotes visits to the Franciscan Library.
»» Exhibit “Marcas tipográficas: las huellas de antiguos
impresores”. The Franciscan Library has as an objective to
create a link between the Cholula community and UDLAP.
One of the channels to accomplish this is through exhib­
its and lectures. The history of this book is presented in
this exhibit, as well as some samples of European fonts
of the 16th and 17th centuries. Two conferences and one
panel discussion were held: “El concepto de marca edito­
rial entre los impresores coloniales: de la evidencia mate­
rial a las fuentes textuales” by Dr. Marina Garone Gra­
vier, and “Tras la huella del león: una marca tipográfica
angelopolitana de finales del siglo XVII” by Elizabeth Cas­
tro Regla. The discussion panel ”Marcas de autor” with
UDLAP students under the coordination of Juan Mauricio
Audirac Camarena. Seventeen works were exhibited, 110
people attended the conferences and 10,277 people vis­
ited the exhibit.
»» Exhibit “Repertorio de manuscritos antiguos”. The objec­
tive of this exhibit was to illustrate, based on manuscripts
from the Franciscan Archive, the manufacturing of books
before movable types. The conferences included Isaías
Loaiza Ramírez, “Interludio caligráfico (un breve recorrido estilístico)”; Dr. Laurette Godinas, “Los manuscritos
autógrafos y sus vínculos con el mundo de la imprenta”;
Panel discussion “Libro-Objeto” with UDLAP students
coordinated by Marna Bunell. There were 199 attendees
to the conferences and 18,733 exhibit visitors.
»» Exhibit «Códices mexicanos, dos visiones en imágenes».
The Archive and Special Collection Department held tem­
porary exhibits in order to promote cultural activities in
the university community and to promote its document
and book collection. The objective of the exhibit was to
show a general vision of the Mexican codices through
photographic and documentary material of the Robert
Barlow and Wigberto Jiménez Moreno archives.
»» Exhibit “Ex libris, marca de propiedad de los libros: del
heráldico al caligráfico”. The Archive and Special Collec­
tion Department carried out exhibits in order to contrib­
ute to the interdisciplinary formation of students and
promote cultural activities within the Library. This exhibit
presented for the first time 43 facsimile reproductions of
the ex libris collection.
»» Collaboration in organizing the 1st Meeting of participat­
ing institutions of the Collective Fire Brand Catalogue.
In collaboration with the Franciscan Library, the UDLAP
Library and the BUAP José María Lafragua Library.
»» Workshop “Fotografía digital para elaborar la ficha del
catálogo de Marcas de Fuego”, which was given in the
1st Meeting of participating institutions of the Collec­
tive Fire Brand Catalogue. In collaboration with the BUAP
José María Lafragua Library. This workshop was offered in
Oaxaca to the meeting participants.
»» Participation of the Archive and Special Collection Depart­
ment and the Franciscan Library in the Guadalajara Inter­
national Book Fair. The UDLAP special collections were
invited to participate in the Palafoxiana Library stand in
the Guadalajara Book Fair.
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Outreach with Society
Aztecas Schools
Aztecas Schools has as an objective to form children and
young people to be honest as well as healthy through sports,
thus actively influencing society and creating a link with the
UDLAP colors.
This project started in October 2014 and offers, for people
aged 6 to 18, sports clinics for soccer and tennis. This pro­
gram also continues with the Ponys, Juvenil A and Juvenil AA
categories for American Football, only for boys.
The training team is made up of former members of our Sport
Representative Teams, trainers with state and national rec­
ognition who have direct experience in professional leagues
and tournaments. Likewise, we have first class sports installation on campus.
In 2014 second place was achieved in the Ponys and Juvenil
AA categories. The latter played in the Templo del Dolor, pro­
viding a unique experience to the young athletes.
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UDLAP Summer Program
The UDLAP Summer Program is becoming a national refer­
ence point with international reach by offering challenges
and learning skills for future generations. The summer pro­
gram consists of activities with young people and parents
through the summer courses, sports clinics and a specialized
program for soccer.
The sports clinics – on this occasion –focused on promoting
sports with discipline in a college environment, highlighting
the success that our institution has had in this field. There­
fore, through this diverse program, we included track and
field, swimming, baseball, volleyball, taekwondo and bas­
ketball and increased the participation to 33 young people
aged 11 to 17.
Albeni Sabino, trainer of the Aztecas soccer team led the
specialized clinic for soccer and shared his technical abilities
and skills with 22 young people aged 13 to 17, who increased
their passion for the sport.
The UDLAP 2014 Summer Program linked the institution with
149 young people, focusing on creating a unique experience
for the participants and their families.
“El Interrogatorio”
Universidad de las Américas Puebla, in conjunction with
Televisa presents “El Interrogatorio, un espacio cerrado para
preguntas abiertas”, a television interview program unique
in Mexico in which around 50 students of diverse UDLAP aca­
demic areas participate in the production. The program has
as an objective to know opinion leaders, professionals of the
artistic, cultural and sports areas who have a legacy in Mex­
ico and abroad. Silvestre López Portillo Villegas, UDLAP fac­
ulty and recognized Mexican movie critic conducts the pro­
gram. It is made up of students of different licenciaturas
such as Communications, Music, Theater, Design and Art,
among others, allowing them to acquire experience in their
respective fields of knowledge.
We have accomplished two seasons with the participa­
tion of personalities such as Carlos Loret de Mola, Benny
Ibarra, Adal Ramones, Eugenio Derbez, Alberto García Aspe,
Roberto Sosa, Diana Bracho, Rafael Inclán, José María Yazpik,
Javier Poza, Ely Guerra, Martha Higareda, Karla Iberia Sán­
chez, Ludwika Paleta, Álvaro Cueva, Ana de la Reguera, Víc­
tor Trujio and Luis Alberto Alvez (Zague), who shared their
professional experience with the UDLAP student community.
Also, since September 2014 this program has been broadcast
in the Foro TV channel.
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Socially Responsible Outreach
With the purpose of strengthening institutional outreach, as
well as to offer students and the university community an
opportunity to learn based on experience, in 2014 UDLAP had
different social and professional activities.
Children from the civil association “Surgiendo comunidad
autista” took ceramics class taught by professor Joaquín
Conde García. This activity was held because of the initiative
of Miguel Ángel Barrera Cervantes, student of the Business
Administration Licenciatura, who carried out his social ser­
vice with this organization.
In order to create synergies and use the social and professional spaces of companies, civil organizations and govern­
ments, the Outreach Fair was held in the Spring and Fall peri­
ods, visited by over 300 students and with the participation
of 40 organizations.
Personnel of the Outreach and Social Commitment Depart­
ment took part in the Children’s Day Fair, organized by the
San Pedro Cholula DIF, in which awareness activities were
held in order to include people with disabilities.
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In the summer, in order to have young people understand
working life, UDLAP opened its doors to students of the Cole­
gio Humboldt to carry out their pre-professional practices in
different areas of the institution.
UDLAP hosted the Empoder Education program, developed
in collaboration with professors of the UDLAP School of Engi­
neering. The program consisted of guiding 53 young people
aged 10 to 17 in manual projects, focused on videogame and
application design, robotics, water purification, electronic
instrumentation, sustainable living, food engineering and
The courses sought to create in them an informed and inno­
vative thinking and, especially, to make them aware of the
UDLAP also hosted the First National Forum inclusión + pro­
high social responsibility they have to actively participate in
ductiva (In favor of a more productive inclusion), which
a complex and global world that has different sociocultural
united 260 people who represented different government
contexts, which are important to recognize as part of the
and commercial entities.
roots of their communities.
In order to sensitize members of the university community
Part of the program achievements was the inclusion of
on social diversity and the different challenges that handi­
Native American students as well as students from 19 Mex­
capped people face and overcome every day, from March to
ican states. 130 applications were received. The academic
October the “Inclúyete” campaign was held, which had activi-
content of the program included conceptual and method­
ties such as ”Cine para imaginar”, “¡Vive! tu vida tu tesoro”
ological tools to contribute to solving relevant public pro­
and “Rally por la inclusión”. The latter had the participation
grams in the communities, and formulate actions in relation
of 450 people.
to public policies of each situation.
Four years ago, UDLAP became the first Microsoft accredi­
tation center for visually handicapped people. Since then,
people from various states have benefited by receiving cer­
tification that they are equally competent as any “visually
normal” person in Outlook, Word or Excel. So far, 123 peo­
ple have enrolled, 55 have been trained and over 50% have
passed the exam. The call has reached over half of Mexican
states and in the Summer 2014 exam 90% of participants
were certified.
For the fourth time, the Leadership Program for Young Indig­
enous People (PLJI) consistent with the UDLAP educational
mission, managed to unite 27 Mexican, 7 Central Ameri­
can and 3 Native American students, all indigenous people
enrolled in higher educational programs. These young peo­
ple participated in a high level academic program which
allowed them to acquire knowledge and abilities that posi­
tion them as real partners in development, that is, as agents
of change within their communities.
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During 2014, 163 interviews to alumni were made in order to
promote their work trajectories, professional development
and activities carried out in their fields through the different
social media, blogs and Visión exaUDLAP magazine.
The 14th edition of Visión exaUDLAP had 96 pages and a cir­
culation of 24,000 copies. More than 70 people collaborated
in this issue, among them 47 alumni who participated in the
different sections of the magazine such as trajectory, entre­
preneurship, professional development, social responsibil­
ity, exaUDLAP in the world, UDLAP memories, live culture,
UDLAP research, community, exaUDLAP living and health
and exercise.
Throughout the year, the Department of Alumni Affairs in
conjunction with several exaUDLAP representatives from
each licenciatura organized integration events for alumni.
There were reunions with alumni from Law, Industrial Engi­
neering, Hotel and Restaurant Administration as well as cel­
ebrations for the San Andres Hostel, a football encounter
Alumni Affairs
and basketball reunion.
By strengthening the link with UDLAP alumni we updated
Also, like every year since 2011, the “RucoEncuentro” was
13,233 records in the database during 2014, which represents
held in October, uniting alumni from the 70s, 80s and 90s.
46% of the 28,351 registered alumni and is an 8% increase
Regarding conferences, there was “La Reforma Energética
from 2013.
2013, mitos y realidades” given by Dante Yamil San Pedro
Jacobo, alumnus from the Law Licenciatura, 1997. He also
In the alumni communications, we accomplished over 1.5
talked with professors and alumni about Mexican oil and its
million direct impacts through mailing campaigns, promot­
importance in the world industry as well as the key points of
ing university activities and projects, which is 14% more
the Energy Reform. In August there were four conferences
than last year.
given by successful alumni because of the 25th anniversary
of the San Andres Hostel.
On Facebook, the number of followers of the alumni page
increased to 10,950, which represents a 22% increase. Over
Finally, in sports, for the sixth straight year there was the
1,500 publications were made, which turned into 20,845
UDLAP 5k and 10k Race, in which over 2,000 adults and 500
“Likes”, 5% greater than in 2013. Likewise, there were over a
children participated, which represents a 100% race capaci-
million direct posts and over four million total posts, achiev­
ty. In 2014 the UDLAP Race had 21 sponsors and became one
ing over 8,000 comments and 3,000 shares. The exaUDLAP
of the most recognized and prestigious sporting events of
groups had a 37% increase in membership from 2013, and
the region.
there are now over 19,000 users.
The UDLAP Benefit Plan, a program that seeks to obtain beneCurrently the exaUDLAP Twitter account has 3,447 followers,
fits and preferential treatment for the university community
which represents a 28% increase from last year. When com­
in different sectors, signed over 250 agreements with com­
pared to 2013 more than 5,000 tweets were made and con­
panies. Alumni own one third of the companies that provide
tact with following alumni increased by 16%.
benefits to the UDLAP community.
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Professional Development Center
To strengthen the inclusion of students and alumni in the
workforce, we had the 12th Professional Development Meet­
ing, a virtual job fair in which over 130 companies partici­
pated, which was an increase over last year’s meeting. In this
virtual fair, within the onsite activities at the UDLAP campus,
there was the fifth session with the Advising Committee on
Human Resources of the Professional Development Center,
which in conjunction with national and international compa­
nies, discussed topics regarding talent management and the
benefits of trainee programs, scholarships and intern stu­
dents in organizations, as well as the importance of Recluta­
miento 2.0, to attract talent.
The UDLAP Job Search Center increased the number of com­
panies interested in UDLAP talent by 31.5%. There were 100
business visits for hiring, resulting in a yearly 70% increase.
The number of attendees to the recruitment business visits
increased to 1,937 students and alumni in 2014, which is a
38% increase from 2013.
In order to speed inclusion in the job market, there were 21
professional articles and workshops on professional devel­
opment, as well as 96 counseling sessions regarding this
subject, which represents a 44.5% increase over last year.
The participation of Engineering students in the MOVE Chal­
lenge was promoted. LUK Schaeffler organizes this competi­
tion, and the UDLAP students won first place. Also, the “Día
Ford” was held and the event ”Un día con la Organización
Techint”, with activities and conferences given by experts
in the organizations and with participations from Mauricio
Hernández--named FORD ambassador for UDLAP--and direc­
tors from TenarisTamsa.
To promote business initiatives, in conjunction with
Endeavor Puebla, the Center for Professional Development
organized the “Entrepreneur Business Talks”, five monthly
talks given by entrepreneurs who shared their experience,
knowledge and concerns, open for those students or alumni
who are interested in developing their own business and
geared towards overcoming challenges.
Three events were organized for graduate students at an
international level, in which over 30 prestigious institutions
from the United Kingdom participated, as well as members
of the British Council, and of the University of California in
San Diego (UCSD) and the School of International and Public
Affairs (SIPA) of Columbia University in the US. Over 150 stu­
dents and alumni participated in this event.
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During this year, Universidad de las Américas Puebla continued to strengthen its presence in communication media
and with its university community.
In this period there were over 8,493 press notices resulting
from information bulletins, events, participation of academics and students in radio shows, press conferences and
activities with AMPEP, as well as meetings with media direc­
tors and interviews.
We continued to strengthen internal and external communi­
cations with communication tools that were already consoli­
dated, such as the Involúcrate agenda, published monthly in
Puebla’s main newspapers, Agenda Cultural, the broadcast­
ing project for academic promotion Expresiones UDLAP and
the online communication media UDLAP Informa.
Coverage was reinforced in web media, and content was spe­
cifically created for institutional social networks with infor­
mation, photographs, videos and designs adapted for online
and other media. Therefore, there were 232,522 photographs
taken and filed, 49 videos of events and activities, 5 digital
animations for courses and university promotion and 2 videos for Orgullo UDLAP.
There were 437 press bulletins, 45 media invitations for
events done inside the University, as well as 37 press con­
ferences, which publicized the accomplishments of the
UDLAP community, as well as academic, sports and cultural
In conjunction with this, attention was held for the events
attended from the three main journalistic sources: academic,
sports and cultural, in which all university activities, espe­
cially national and international congresses, signing of stra­
tegic agreements, inauguration of labs, expoUDLAP, UDLAP
Lottery, artistic presentations, sporting participations and
Orgullo UDLAP were reported.
Communications outside the university resulted in appear­
ances in web sites such as E-Consulta, Puebla On Line,
Periódico Digital, Poblanerías, Urbeconómica, Arca De Noé,
Intolerancia, Comunícate Digital, Todo Puebla and Sobre
T. There were also 45 weekly interviews for the 5 main city
newspapers, articles in the main newspaper of the region
and magazines such as Rostros and Chic Magazine.
Financial Situation
The financial statements for the institution for 2014 (in the
process of being audited) and for 2013 (audited) reflect our
solid financial stability.
»» There are positive relationships in the ability to cover the
short-term debt with current assets; at the time there is
positive net working capital.
»» The resources in cash and equivalents represent 143% of
the short-term debt.
»» With university funding there were investments in infra­
structure, furniture and equipment for 69.3 and 38.6 mil­
lion pesos in 2014 and 2013, respectively.
The operating result for 2014 was a surplus of 47.3 million
pesos (compared with a surplus of 48.9 million pesos in
2013). The operating result for 2014 when compared to 2013
considers the following:
»» An increase in net income from tuition, our main activity.
»» An efficient operation and cost control to limit expenses
that are not necessary for the institution.
»» The effect of 36 million pesos due to the change of pay­
ment scheme in the institution.
»» The recognition of 3.5 million pesos for fees imposed
due to the State Law, which in 2013 established fees not
exceeding 50 thousand pesos.
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Fundación Universidad de las Américas, Puebla
Income Statement
For the years ending December 31, 2014 and 2013
In thousands of pesos
Income from Tuition
Auxiliary Activities
Financial Products
Received Contributions
Independent Operations
Other Income
Total Income
Residential Colleges
Public Administration
Academic Support
Student Services
Institutional Support
Independent Operations
Facility Operation and Maintenance
Other Expenses
Total Expenses
Auxiliary Businesses
Net Income
The numbers stated for the 2014 period have not been audited.
The numbers stated for the 2013 period have been audited.
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Fundación Universidad de las Américas, Puebla
Statement of Financial Position
To December 31, 2014 and 2013
Thousands of pesos
Cash and equivalents
Accumulated liabilities
Tuition prepayments
Long term loans
Other liabilities
Total liabilities
Total equity
Accounts receivable students, net
Prepayments and other accounts receivable
Inventory, net
Assets available for sale
Real Estate, furniture and equipment
Total assets
Accounts payable
Total liabilities and equity
The numbers for the 2014 period have not been audited.
The numbers for the 2013 period have been audited.
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2015 Budget
Fundraising The yearly UDLAP budget was developed – for the seventh
In 2014 the number of students who benefited from the Pro­
consecutive year – in a collegiate fashion through a Bud­
grama UNE increased 32%, thus totaling 140 students in stu­
geting Committee, coordinated by the Finance Director and
dent and corporate modalities. During this period, the num­
made up of faculty, students and administrative personnel
ber of companies that participated in the program increased
who represent all the operational areas of the university.
by 35%, now totaling 100 donor organizations in 2014. With
an income of 6.9 million pesos for scholarship support, it
After several working sessions, the committee presented a
now represents 17% of income when compared to the pre­
budget of 1,069 million pesos for 2015, which considered the
vious year.
»» Creation of cash flow from the operation to cover the
investments of at least 100 million pesos, of which 70 will
be from the university’s own funds.
»» Operation under cost control.
»» Budget with zero net result.
The budget was submitted to the Administrative Council
on November 26, 2014. Then, it was sent for approval to the
Board of Overseers on December 11, 2014 and finally to the
The validity of the maximum accreditation level for insti­
Board of Trustees for endorsement on December 12, 2014. It
tutionalism and transparency indicators were maintained,
is important to emphasize that, given the quality of the pro­
granted by the Mexican Center for Philanthropy (CEMEFI)
cess to create a university budget, both Boards gave their
which guarantees the transparency and accountability of
approval without any modifications to what was approved
the institution.
by the Administrative Council.
The relationship with Mondelēz International was strength­
ened upon reception for the third consecutive year of sup­
port to carry out research projects, in conjunction with the
Department of Chemical, Food and Environmental Engineer­
ing of the School of Engineering, for the amount of 1.5 million
pesos, now totaling 5.1 million pesos destined for research
projects in the last three years.
Also in 2014, the revolving fund of the Economic Rescue Pro­
gram to Finish University Studies (PRETEU) given as donation
by Nacional Monte de Piedad in 2010, has reached 65 stu­
dents, supported with 3.7 million pesos and allowing 54 stu­
dents to finish their university studies.
Within the university alliances, stands out in 2014 the one
established with “Enseña por México” by choosing our
installations for their Summer School program for Education
In the framework of the 50th anniversary of Volkswagen
in Mexico, the Fall Cultural Season of the UDLAP Art Chap­
el--now in its fifth anniversary—exhibited “La Ruptura y sus
antecedentes”, sponsored by Volkswagen along with BASF de
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Volkswagen Bank and Volkswagen Leasing, partic­
ipated as sponsors in the printed Commemorative
Catalogue for the UDLAP Art Collection and the 2014
Cultural Season in the Casa del Caballero Águila.
Everything mentioned above allowed a 30%
increase in 2014 of income derived from special
outreach and sponsored projects for institutional
events, reaching a sum of 8.8 million pesos.
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UDLAP Lottery
On October 18, 2014, the 29th UDLAP Lottery was
held, whose net funds are solely used for the scholarship program.
The UDLAP Lottery, duly registered and supervised
by the Secretary of the Interior, generated a gross
income of 96 million pesos and delivered 850 prizes
valued at over 38 million pesos, including three
completely furnished houses, cash prizes and cars.
The sale of tickets and promotion of the lottery was
carried out in different cities of 13 Mexican states,
especially in the Center and Southeast regions, with
the participation of over 17,930 collaborators, which
included students and employees of the university
as well as the general public.
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Transparency and Continuous
been the means used to receive comments regarding any of
The Continuous Improvement Program has as an objective
the institution’s services. This method can be used both on
to promote a culture of improvement of the academic and
paper and electronically.
administrative services through different mechanisms that
allow UDLAP to measure the result of their efforts. Conscious
In 2014, the users of UDLAP Suggestion Box received a
of its commitment to provide quality services with warmth,
response to their comments in three working days on aver­
the institution periodically conducts a services evaluation in
age, which has been the established time since 2012. The
which the members of the university community participate
surveys used to evaluate services when they are received are
by providing feedback.
added to the semester evaluation.
The Service Evaluation carried out every semester during
The results obtained from the evaluations and the com­
2014 maintained the improvement in results in relation to
ments received in the UDLAP Suggestion Box have been used
2013. Also, in Fall 2014 the results were the highest since
by areas in the institution to identify areas of opportunity
and once the improvement actions have been implemented,
they are publicized to the community to promote participa­
In 2014 the university community graded their satisfaction
tion in these evaluation exercises.
with the services received as 4.12 in Spring and 4.45 in Fall (on
a scale from 1 to 5). The overall grade was 8.2 in Spring and
The Continuous Improvement Program has contributed in
8.74 in Fall, with 10 being the highest grade in this survey.
maintaining more efficient processes, which allows UDLAP
to be an internationally recognized quality institution.
UDLAP alumni also participate in evaluating the institution,
providing their feedback upon finishing their studies, and
The results of the service evaluations for 2014 and the ten­
giving their opinion regarding different services of their aca­
dency of the indicators are presented below:
demic life: skills acquired, services, competency develop­
ment and general UDLAP aspects.
This information helps the departments involved to detect
areas of opportunity and to implement improvement plans.
The students who graduated in 2014 gave UDLAP a 4.25 score,
which was the highest score since 2009.
The UDLAP Suggestion Box is another mechanism that can be
used by the university community and by visitors. This has
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The results of the alumni satisfaction survey for 2014 and the
Universidad de las Américas Puebla won prizes in the 35th
trend of the indicators are presented below:
Telly Awards for the university promotion video. It is important to mention that the Telly Awards were created in 1979
to recognize corporate, commercial and television program
materials. Yearly, over 1,200 companies from all over the
world participate with over 12,000 productions and histor­
ically only between 7 and 18% of participants win.
The categories in which UDLAP won are:
»» Promotional Video. Videography/Cinematography Cate­
gory. Bronze Medal
»» Promotional pieces. Education Category. Bronze Medal
Another award that the university obtained was for being a
company committed to its employees by paying the contri­
butions for housing on time, which allows them to save for
their housing credit and to save for their retirement. There­
fore, the Institute for National Funds for Housing for Workers
awarded the university its “Empresa de 10” prize.
The efforts of several areas are translated into continuous
improvement plans, allowing them to reinforce the bases
In 2014 there were 45 audits and reviews of different Univer­
of the organization with a widespread quality philosophy.
sidad de las Américas Puebla areas in order to certify compli­
As an example, in September 2014, the Mexican Institute
ance with institutional regulations and the implementation
of Normalization and Certification (IMNC) and The Interna­
of the adequate internal controls to guarantee an efficient
tional Certification Network (IQNet) gave the UDLAP Library
use of material, financial and human resources.
the certification for its Quality Management System, which is
aligned with the ISO 9001:2008 standard.
The university has had significant advances in 2014 regard­
ing standardizing its regulations by updating and creating 50
During the certification process, the Library was evaluated
documents between regulations, policies and procedures.
in accordance to the specific requirements of this standard,
taking into account quality, effectiveness and efficiency in
The academic area continues to formalize regulations for the
its processes. To achieve an integral continuous improve­
laboratories, in order to offer students quality services that
ment it considered important to certify its five core pro­
are safe. This area also updated regulations regarding pro­
cesses: collection development, loans and returns, consul­
fessional practices, credit transfers, graduate awards, social
tations, instruction and promotion, through which a Quality
service and automatic graduation for specialties and profes­
management System was created to identify improvement
sional masters programs.
areas. Additionally, the library also implemented the Ki Wo
Tsukau methodology “Worry about…” in which all employ­
Work has also been carried out for regulations in student
ees can contribute and have the responsibility to identify
service areas, such as: Residential Colleges, Sports, Scholar­
ships, IT Department, among others. In this way the insti­
tution links its objectives and strategies, evidencing trans­
With these two certification agencies, the UDLAP Library is
parency in its everyday activities, resources and information.
recognized nationally and internationally in ISO 9001, prov­
ing the quality of information resources and services that
it offers. With this system, the Library will improve user satisfaction, optimize its resources and focus on continuous
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Evaluation of the President
President's Evaluation
University Community Participation
When 2014 ended, the evaluation of the president’s
term was carried out. This process was coordi­
nated by the Evaluation Committee which is made
up of members of the Board of Trustees, the Board
Academic Personnel
Administrative Personnel
Union Members
of Overseers, the Academic Council, Administrative
Council and Student Council.
A total of 1,337 surveys from full-time professors,
administrative employees, unionized employees
and students were received, which signified an
increase in participation of 7% versus last year.
The results obtained from the surveys were pro­
The president’s performance – in general terms –has been graded this
cessed and reported by an external company in
year over 3.5 on a scale from 1 to 4.
order to have a transparent evaluation mechanism.
This year the results showed an increase in satisfac­
tion from the university community.
The survey consists of questions regarding insti­
tutional objectives, professional qualities of the
president, organization and administration, finan­
cial management, academic affairs, student affairs,
fundraising, external relationships, organizational
climate, management of institutional values and
conflict resolution.
The results of the President’s evaluation for 2014 and
the tendency of the results are presented next:
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Personnel Training and
In the applicable regulatory and legal framework, always
looking for quality in meeting the institutional objectives,
the integral development of UDLAP personnel was seen
through its different processes, events and campaigns.
Through the detection of training needs, in 2014, 53 courses
were given, as well as 7,829 training hours that benefitted
1,344 people.
The most outstanding courses given were: Strategic think­
ing, Orgullo UDLAP Workshop, Workshop for Goals in Effective Strategic Planning, UDLAP Identity and Lifestyle, How to
Attract and Retain Students, Excellent Executive Assistant
and Supervision Skills.
Universidad de las Américas Puebla signed a collaboration
agreement with the Institute for National Funds for Worker
Consumption (FONACOT). With this agreement, UDLAP
became the first work center to integrate Internet access for
work centers, through which the university will be able to
process and authorize credits in its installations, thus avoid­
ing the need for employees to go the FONACOT installations,
and easing the credit granting process with the FONACOT
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UDLAP, as part of its strategic planning, continues to
work towards having modern and sustainable facili­
ties that promote optimal development of teaching,
research, cultural, sports and administrative activi­
ties. All this through the innovation and renovation
of installations and equipment, with which the daily
activities of the university are carried out.
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Information Technologies
As a private university that is leader in education in Mexico,
UDLAP seeks through different initiatives to promote the use
of technology inside and outside its classrooms in order to
strengthen the professor’s programs, but mainly to help in
student learning.
Accomplishing that its alumni have the formation necessary
to facilitate their incorporation into the job market entails
effort, both economic as well as in human resources. How­
ever, these efforts are an investment that will be capital­
ized mainly by the students through technological tools that
allow them to have knowledge of telecommunications, as
well as to develop specialized projects in their professional
areas, making use of equipment, software, and online col­
laborative platforms, among others.
Therefore, during Fall 2014, over 740 equipment was updated
with cutting edge computers of which over 350 are work sta­
tions, located in the computer rooms and labs that service
students. This project represents an investment of over a
million dollars.
Keeping updated in the national and international envi­
ronments through digital platforms, has been one of the
strategies of this administration, whose objective is that
the public, students, academic and research community of
Mexico and the world know the development of the differ­
ent UDLAP activities in education and research. In order to
achieve a greater impact, it is important to understand the
consumption behavior with regards to the Internet. At the
end of 2014, 38% of the university traffic was carried out in
mobile devices. Therefore a web design model was created
that allows the content published on our website to be com­
patible with these devices.
The UDLAP webpage reached historic traffic numbers with
over 12 million visits in 2014, which is a 20% increase from
last year. The UDLAP social networks continued to be funda­
mental in the daily life of the university. When compared to
last year, the number of network interactions doubled and
their visibility tripled.
On the other hand, during 2014 an effort was made to
increase the license of the online educational platform
BlackBoard in order for it to be available to students and
professors for online, on campus and mixed courses, thus
promoting teaching flexibility. In 2014 the university went
from a licensing capacity of 2,000 seats for 3,500 enrolled
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students and 150 professors to a capacity of 8,000 seats to
network access, so there is a greater need for more sophisti­
service the entire student and academic community.
cated, secure and reliable protection programs.
The computer network was restructured and the bandwidth
In March, 2014 the first session of the UDLAP Technology and
increased to 800 Mbps, providing the most advanced plat­
Innovation Consulting Council was held, where representa­
form to service the digital interaction needs of the commu­
tives of information technology companies such as Adobe
nity. Also, the Information Security Plan 2014 was executed,
Systems, Apple Inc., BlackBoard Inc., HP, INTEL Corp., Micro­
which consists in the following three inter-related projects:
soft, Oracle and Telcel, among others, were tasked with shar­
ing their experience regarding innovation and knowledge
»» Restructuring the UDLAP computer network
activities, focused on the education sector, based on the
»» Renewing the perimeter protection scheme for the UDLAP
university proposals regarding vision and strategy for deve-
computer network
lopment for the following years.
»» Renewing and implementing content filtering and web
The execution of this security plan leads us to adapt to the
evolution of cyber-attacks and new security breaches that
occur due to the Internet services provided. These new ser­
vices require robust infrastructure to manage the university
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Investment in Facilities
During this period, UDLAP invested and continued to meet
its maintenance, remodeling and renovation plan for the
campus to be in the forefront.
In order to continue with the innovation and improvements
within the campus facilities, the following remodeling and
maintenance projects were carried out:
Classrooms and laboratories
»» Remodeling of the physics and electronics laboratory, the
photography laboratory, publishing area with a printing
machine and kitchen of the San Andres hostel. Over 11
million pesos were invested for these areas.
»» Renovation of the floors of classrooms CS-105, CS-117,
CS-148, NE-138 y NE-142.
Sports Facilities
»» Renovation of the multiple use courts, tennis courts, soccer
field 1, gymnasium dressing rooms and bathrooms, cons­
truction of two soccer fields and extension of gymnasium
B. The investment for these renovations was of 11.15 million
»» Soccer field number 5 received new synthetic grass, which
cost $2,454,683.81 pesos.
»» Refurbishment of the tartan field costing $1,099,882.26,
and of the indoor football field (bleachers, goals, wall
paint, goal nets, lighting and metallic lockers) which
totaled $227,092.53 pesos.
»» Replacement of rain drains for the Morris “Moe” Williams
Residential Colleges
»» New furniture in common areas of the four residential
colleges (living room and dining room), as well as new
Smart TVs, for a total investment of $20 million pesos.
»» Maintenance to 16 kitchenettes in the Ignacio Bernal College, buildings A to D.
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»» Maintenance to buildings Hacienda/Presidency, Library,
Ágora, Social Sciences and Student Center, as well as exte­
rior facades and areas of the San Andres Hostel.
»» Preventive maintenance of the Historical Archive Don
Juan de Palafox y Mendoza, Franciscan Library.
»» Upgrading of the lobby sanitary services and disinfection
lab of the Franciscan Library, which helps to maintain
books and documents that this area stores.
»» Purchase of an ex libris fumigation chamber for the fumi­
gation lab of the Franciscan Library that allows the fumi­
gation of books that have microorganisms.
»» Renovation of air conditioning in the Archive and Special
Collection Room to maintain the collection in good con­
dition, since they are old and rare books requiring specific
humidity and temperature conditions for proper care.
UDLAP Campus
»» At the end of 2014 and beginning of 2015 there was a com­
plete renovation of the UDLAP Vehicular Circuit, which
cost 23 million pesos. Not only was this circuit paved,
but also new retaining walls, road signs, neon signs were
placed to allow a better vehicular flow.
»» Parking lots 18 (where the heliport was) and 19 (next to
the Clinical Analysis Lab) were finished, which added 268
parking spaces and cost over 10 million pesos.
»» Reforestation and maintenance of 50 trees and green
Also, 15 smoking areas were installed inside
»» Around 15 tons of scrap metal that were located in the
Ecozone were sold, which freed up an area of 200 m2. The
income from this sale was of 163,000 pesos.
With the actions mentioned here, the university is still at the
vanguard, with state of the art infrastructure, and the best
facilities of any higher education institution in the country.
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Annex 1
Achievements and awards obtained by UDLAP professors in
»» Dr. Jesús Mario Lozano Alamilla, professor of the Art
Department, won the Rogelio A. González award for
“Best full-length film” and “Cine Premier Nuevo León” for
the documentary La sangre bárbara in the International
Movie Festival of Monterrey, in Monterrey Nuevo León,
»» Dr. Gabriela Uruñuela Ladrón De Guevara, professor of
the Anthropology Department, won on two occasions.
The first was the Gordon R. Willey Lecture Award from The
Peabody Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology, Harvard
University in Cambridge, Massachusetts, and the second
the Presidential Recognition Award, from the Society for
American Archaeology in Austin, Texas.
»» Dr. Patricia Plunket Nagoda, professor of the Anthropol­
ogy Department, won the Gordon R. Willey Lecture Award
from the Peabody Museum, Harvard University, in Cam­
bridge, Massachusetts.
»» Dr. Ana Cristina Aguirre Calleja, professor of the Psychol­
ogy Department won the Extraordinary Doctorate Award
from Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona, Comisión de
Estudios de Doctorado en Psicología Social, Comisión de
Doctorado, in Bellaterra, (Barcelona), Spain.
»» Marcela Corro, academic from the Law Department,
received the medal “Orden del Derecho, la Cultura y la
Paz”, thus becoming a member of the Mexican Academy
of International Law, Puebla Chapter.
»» Dr. Miguel Ángel Mendez Rojas, professor of the Chemi­
cal and Biological Sciences Department was awarded the
State Prize in Science and Technology 2013, Scientific and
Technological Revelation from the Council for Science and
Technology from Puebla State.
»» Javier Piñataro, Dr. Mauricio Javier Osorio, Dr. Reyla
»» Dr. Isis Olimpia Gutierrez Martinez, professor of the Busi­
Areli Navarro, Dr. Andrés Ramos and Dr. Guillermo Aure­
ness Administration Department, was given the Best
lio Romero, were awarded the 2014 Blackboard Catalyst
Paper Award for the 7th Equality, Diversity and Inclusion
Award for Innovative Blended Learning, given by Black­
International Conference (EDI 2014), in Munich, Germany.
board Learn for the project “Innovación en recursos tec­
»» Fernando Thompson, Director of the Information Tech­
nológicos para el aprendizaje”, implemented during the
nology Department, received the prize “CIO100” given
Quantitative Reasoning course.
yearly by the magazine CIO Inforworld México for inno­
»» Dr. Ofelia Delfina Cervantes Villagómez, professor of the
Computing, Electronics and Mechatronics Department,
was awarded the Chevalier de l’Ordre National du Mérite
by the President of France in Paris, France.
»» Dr. Rafael Cedeño, professor of the Civil Engineering
Department, received an award for Academic Merit 2014,
Area V of the National Association of Engineering Schools
and Faculties (ENFEI).
vative people who provide value to their companies in
information technology.
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Annex 2
Achievements of UDLAP Students
»» María Fernanda López Jaramillo, student of the Doctorate
»» Cristina Altair Nolasco Moreno, student of the Licencia­
in Creation and Culture Theory, published the book Arte
tura in International Relations, was chosen as Ambas­
Bastarde, in conjunction with the Arte Urbano de Ecua­
sador 2014 for the Organization for Economic Co-opera­
dor movement.
tion and Development (OECD), in order to promote and
»» José de Jesús Herrera Zamudio, student of the Doctor­
ate in Creation and Culture Theory, presented the lec­
strengthen education resources that are used by Univer­
sidad de las Américas Puebla.
ture “Canciones patrióticas y música paralitúrgica”, in the
»» Rubén Álvarez Escobar Balcázar, student of the Licenci­
“Quaderno para el uso de Doña María Guadalupe Mayner,
atura in Law, won an internship at the Inspector Gener­
al inicio de la independencia de México” in the Interna­
al’s Office of the Organization of American States (OAS) in
tional Congress “Cantos de Guerra y Paz; la música en los
procesos de independencia” in Madrid, Spain.
Washington D.C.
»» Sergio Pale González, student of the Licenciatura in
»» Juan Carlos Galán Hernández, student of the Doctorate in
Mechatronic Engineering, Adrián Yarce Román, student of
Computer Sciences obtained the CONACYT Mixed Schol­
Industrial Engineering, and David Xicohténcatl Pérez and
arship for a research fellowship at Imperial College Lon­
Blanca Charolet Becerra, students of the Licenciatura in
don, England.
Mechanical Engineering, won first place in the Move Chal­
»» Susana Solís García, student of the Licenciatura in Fine
Arts, was invited to the International Meeting of Art and
Significance to present her work Residuos.
lenge Luk, with their project “C.A.R.E. Stations reduction
in machining area”.
»» Miguel Ángel Casco, student of the Licenciatura in Fine
»» Andrea Anaya Sánchez, student of the Licenciatura in
Arts, was invited to the International Meeting of Art and
Pharmaceutical Sciences, Abel Aburto Platas, student of
Significance, which year after year has become an impor­
the Licenciatura in Nanotechnology and Molecular Sci­
tant forum for dialogue, debate and analysis of trends
ence, Sergio Pale González, student of the Licenciatura
and study of art and its significance.
in Mechatronic Engineering and Adrián Eugenio Yarce
»» Laura Leal Velázquez, Andrea de Ita Quiroz, Angélica Elena
Román, student of the Licenciatura in Industrial Engi­
Illanes Rodríguez, Michel Meza Cossio, Gerardo Solana
neering, won first place at the ExpoCiencias Puebla 2014,
Sivilla, Ángel Francisco Domínguez Espinosa, Eduardo
for their research project “Preparación y uso potencial
Iván Muñoz Díaz, Francisco Rafael Reyes Olmedo, Alejan­
de nano fármacos como agentes microbianos, una nueva
dro Giovanni Quintos Lima and Luis Javier Castillo García,
alternativa farmacéutica en beneficio de la salud”.
students of the Licenciatura in Civil Engineering, won the
»» Xiomara Gislen Fernández Garibai, Violeta Hernández
Keith McBride Spirit of the Competition Award in the con­
Solís, Fernando Vázquez Luna, Lizette Minjares Espinoza,
crete canoe contest of the American Society of Civil Engi­
Fernando Arteaga Cardona, students of the Licenciatura
neers at the University of Texas at Tyler.
in Nanotechnology and Molecular Engineering, and Astrid
»» Mónica Patricia González Ramírez and Gabriela Zamora
Espinosa Sánchez, student of the Licenciatura in Clinical
Ortiz, students of the Licenciatura in Medical Surgeon,
Biochemistry, won first place in the National Nutrition
during the 55th National Congress of the Mexican Group
Congress LINUAP, for their paper “Nanoalimentos funcio­
for Hematological Studies, received second place in the
nales de vitamina E Actividad anticancerígena in vivo”.
They also won second place in the Health Research Con­
ference in Puebla State for the same paper.
“Dr. Luis Sánchez” Medal Award.
»» Alejandro Piñones Franco, Ana Paula Martínez Garduño,
Alejandra Muñoz Cravioto, Gonzalo Figueroa Fernández,
»» Yunuen García Téllez, student of the Licenciatura in Nan­
Alfredo Ildefonso Hernández Victoria, Lluvia Ixchel Cór­
otechnology and Molecular Engineering, collaborated
doba Domínguez, Raúl Fernando Salazar Mariscal, Karla
during two years in a nanomaterial research project at
Estefanía Guadalupe Pacheco García, Zuriel Halal Vélez
Dublin City University.
Guzmán and Luis Francisco Zavala Hernández, students
»» Estefanía Montes Ramos and Artemisa Dafne Covarrubias
of the Licenciatura in Communications, were finalists for
Zamora, students of the Licenciatura in Communications,
their script Ni un solo momento, at the 6th GIFF (Guana­
won second place in the 4th National Contest for Radio
juato International Film Festival) University Rally. This is
Commercials, convened by the Guarantor Bodies for
the most important amateur cinema event in Mexico.
Rights in Public Information in Mexico, through the Mexi­
»» Alejandra Quintos Lima, student of the Licenciatura in
can Conference for Access to Public Information, COMAIP.
Actuarial Sciences, completed a summer program at
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Cornell University, where she researched and analyzed
»» Brenda Rangel Olvera and Johan Loredo Pineda, students
the levels of solvency that insurance companies have in
of the Licenciatura in Mechatronic Engineering, obtained
second place, and Karime Cruz Camacho and Carmen
»» Karen Palafox Villalobos, student of the Licenciatura in
Hernández Morales, students of the same licenciatura,
Dance, participated during four months in the Jacob’s Pil­
obtained third place in the Robotics State Tournament
low festival, a renowned international dance meeting car­
organized by the Council for Science and Technology for
ried out during the summer in Berkshires, Massachusetts.
Puebla State (CONCYTEP).
»» Andrea Díaz Gaxiola and Abraham Mauleon Amieva, stu­
»» Adriano Eduardo Romero Dueñas, student of the Licen­
dents of the Licenciatura in Nanotechnology and Molec­
ciatura in International Relations, received an invitation
ular Engineering, participated in the iGEM (International
from Radboud University Nijmegen in the Netherlands,
Genetically Engineered Machine) contest, which is an
for an internship.
international competition for synthetic biology.
»» Kevin del Ángel García Saucedo, student of the Licencia­
»» José Jaime Vélez Rocha, Gerardo Corona Guerrero, Cecilia
tura in International Business, participated in the program
Gabriela Rodríguez Martínez, Erandi Mejía Medina and
“Verano para jóvenes emprendedores”, in Silicon Valley,
Jessica Alcántara Rivera, students of the Licenciatura in
organized by the Mexican Consulate in San Jose Califor­
Architecture along with María Fernanda Tenorio Méndez,
nia, Stanford University and ANUIES (National Association
Emma Sierra Barquín and Luis Miguel Huerta Encinas, stu­
of Higher Education Universities and Institutions).
dents of the Licenciatura in Interior Architecture, partici­
»» Yunuen García Téllez, student of the Licenciatura in Nan­
pated in the 3a Repentina Horizontal Universitaria “Espa­
otechnology and Molecular Engineering, participated as
cios Públicos”.
visiting researcher at Dublin City University, performing
»» Jessica Alcántara Rivera and Erandi Mejía Medina stu­
experiments with nanoparticles of different materials to
dents of the Licenciatura in Architecture won second
make coatings that prevent bacteria and organisms to
place in the “Partners” category in the “Las Américas Vir­
adhere to surfaces.
tual Design Studio”, which is a virtual workshop.
»» Leobardo Daniel Pacheco Arias, student of the Licencia­
»» Ruth Mondragón Monroy, student of the Licenciatura in
tura in Archeology, has studied during the last years the
Environmental Engineering, had a summer program at
architectural spaces of Atzompa, Oaxaca, and published
University of California at Davis, where she did a research
the articles Urnas de Atzompa: manufactura e imagine-
project on the optimization of hydraulic resources, along­
ría zapoteca and La cerámica de Atzompa, in the maga­
side distinguished researchers.
zine Arqueología Mexicana. He has also given the confer­
»» Daniel Andrés Sánchez del Río, student of the Licencia­
ences “Contextos de la arquitectura religiosa en Atzompa,
tura in Civil Engineering, obtained a scholarship to attend
Oaxaca” and “Principales hallazgos en los espacios arqui­
the Global Forum for Engineering Students in Dubai.
tectónicos de Atzompa” in Austin, Texas.
»» Andrea Anaya Sánchez, student of the Licenciatura in
»» Ariel Molina Rueda, student of the Doctorate in Com­
Pharmaceutical Sciences and Abel Aburto Platas, stu­
puter Science, designed the largest multipoint flat screen
dent of the Licenciatura in Nanotechnology and Molecu­
in Latin America, which measures 8 meters. This project
lar Engineering, won first place in the superior category in
was sponsored by CONACYT to try to use it for a control
the Exact and Natural areas of the ExpoCiencia.
system for civil order forces, that is, “to put maps in an 8
»» Jaime Francisco Rosales Padrón, Pamela Vargas Solís,
meter screen and have the surveillance cameras, police,
Claudia Mariela Brenis Gómez, Luz del Carmen León Guin,
fire trucks and ambulances in one image so the different
Ariadna Jatzibe González Chaix, Andrea Priscila Hernán­
forces can be coordinated”.
dez Pérez and Rogelio Armando Maceda Landero, stu­
»» Andrea Díaz Gaxiola, Luis Miguel Huerta Encinas and
dents of the Licenciatura in Medical Surgeon, obtained
Diego Rosas Villalva, students of the Licenciatura in Nan­
second place in the International Contest for Medical
otechnology and Molecular Engineering, participated
Knowledge “Dr. Rafael Gutiérrez Vega”.
as speakers in the Pósteres session during the activi­
»» Alejandra Quintos Lima, Jennifer Samantha Martínez
ties of the 3rd International Symposium on Nanosci­
Li­nares, Javier Niño Aracén and Paola Duez Berra, stu­
ence and Nanomaterials, celebrated in the CNyN (Center
dents of the Licenciatura in Actuarial Sciences, obtained
of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology) at UNAM (Univer­
first place in the VII Olympics for Probability and Statistics.
sidad Nacional Autónoma de México) in Ensenada, Baja
»» José Humberto Ramírez Leyva, student of the Licencia­
tura in Chemical Engineering, obtained first place in the
Science Event in Northern Brazil, MOCINN 2014.
a m é r i c a s
»» Amanda Desireé Salas Caridad, Carmen María Saave­
dra Espinosa, José Abel Castellanos Joo, students of the
r e p o r t
o f
a c t i v i t i e s
2 0 1 4 - 2 0 1 5
Licenciatura in Electronic Engineering and Intelligent Sys­
tems, as well as Carlos Crivelli Sosa and Francisco Javier
Ramírez Moncada, students of the Licenciatura in Indus­
trial Engineering, were given the scholarship “Roberto
Rocca Education Program”.
»» Karime Adzuria Cruz Camacho, Carmen Paola Hernández
Morales and Héctor Beristain Bermúdez, students of the
Licenciatura in Mechatronic Engineering, won third place
in the State Robotics Tournament.
»» Brenda Rangel Olvera, Johan Pablo Loredo Pineda, Carlos
Alberto Reyna Concha and Edsel Huesca Azamar, students
of the Licenciatura in Mechatronic Engineering, won sec­
ond place in the State Robotics Tournament.
»» Orlando Osorio Mendoza, student of the Licenciatura in
Marketing, participated as leader of the project “Gran­
jas ecológicas Anáhuac”. With this project he was part of
the 10 finalists in the category ”Proyecto de Negocio con
Impacto Social” and presented his project to entrepre­
neurs, academics and investors.
»» Ana Laura Martínez Murillo, Joselín Arriaga Celais, Cynthia
Mijangos Gómez, Alan Gustavo Madrid Pérez, Roberto
Fernández Nava and Christian Eduardo Ramírez Barrales,
students of the Licenciatura in Financial Strategies and
Public Accounting, won first place in the 9th National Stu­
dent Marathon for Accounting and Finance, Puebla 2014.
»» Faridi Guadalupe Germán Flores, Mónica Lizbeth Cordero
Vázquez, Erick Emiliano Vargas Vázquez, Royer Trigotenco
Nequiz, Alejandro Amado Rivera Sánchez del Arenal and
Luis Fernando Gómez Hernández, students of the Licenci­
atura in Financial Strategies and Public Accounting, won
second place in the 9th National Student Marathon for
Accounting and Finance, Puebla 2014.
»» Orlando Flores Teomitzi, student of the Licenciatura in
Electronic Engineering, participated in QT Developer Days
North America 2014, a congress that unites specialists and
leaders in the most important open code toolkit, to cre­
ate user interfaces that are positioned as a central tool in
the internet.
»» Laura Sol Pérez Flores, student of the Doctorate in Water
Sciences, won first place in the contest ”VII Ensayo del
Agua”, organized by the American Water Works Associa­
tion, Mexico chapter.
»» Héctor Beristain Bermúdez, student of the Licenciatura
in Mechatronic Engineering, had a research internship at
University of Texas, El Paso, where he worked in micro­
electronics, alongside expert researchers.
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Annex 3
Accomplishments of UDLAP Alumni
»» Jessica Guadalupe Garza Montes de Oca, alumna of the
maceutical Glass in London: A Chronological Typology.
for her collaboration in the soundtrack of the movie The
»» Adriana Paulina Castro García, alumna of the Licenciatura
Fetus, from director John Chuka, as a singer and co-author
in Multicultural Relations, won the Research Prize on Civil
of the song America the Dream. This award is given to the
most important movie productions of Nollywood.
»» Rodrigo Flores López, alumnus of the Licenciatura in
»» Antonio César López Willars, alumnus of the Licencia­
Music, participated in the movie Guten Tag, Ramón de
tura in Architecture, during the Solemn Chapter Session
Beanca. He was in charge of the musical composition
received the award ”Poblano distinguido”, for collabora­
performed by the Bulgarian Symphony Orchestra (SIF309)
ting as architect of the Municipal Historic Archive.
and mixed in the AIR Studios in London.
»» Horacio Cinto Bernal, alumnus of the Licenciatura in
»» Eva Hortensia Cházaro Arellano, alumna of the Doctor­
Architecture, won first place in the MATERIALIZA 2014
ate in Education in Science, Engineering and Technology
and Master in Educational Quality was accepted into the
»» Iliana Andrea Bonilla Brunner, alumna of the Licencia­
National Researchers System (SNI) as a Level 1 Researcher.
tura in Nanotechnology and Molecular Engineering, was
»» Rolando Ortigoza Vargas, alumnus of the Licenciatura in
accepted to study a Doctorate in Nano medicine at Oxford
Mechatronic Engineering created a child electronic car,
which works with solar cell energy. Among the projects
»» José Francisco Delgado Jiménez, alumnus of the Licen­
of the alumnus, with the student association, he pro­
ciatura in Nanotechnology and Molecular Engineering,
posed placing solar cell stations to recharge cell phones
received the first place at licenciatura level in his thesis
on campus.
presentation at the IX National Congress on Toxicology.
»» Miguel Ángel García Aguilar, alumnus of the Master in
Manufacturing Management, 2012 generation and of the
Licenciatura in Mechatronics Engineering 2009 gener­
ation, is part of the work team for AUDI Mexico in Ger­
many, as part of the project for the new plant that Audi
will build in San José Chiapa, Puebla, in 2016.
»» Miguel Pérez Ramos, alumnus of the Licenciatura in Fine
Arts, presented his exhibit: “Sin Título; Retratos de Miguel
Pérez” in the Gallery of Art of the Municipal Institute of
Art and Culture.
»» José Flores Sosa, alumnus of the Licenciatura in Commu­
nication Sciences and Master in Digital Media, partici­
pated as speaker in the General Auditorium of the Escuela
Superior Politécnica del Litoral, in Ecuador, during the
conference “Uso de Wikipedia en el aula de clase”, con­
vened by Wikimedia Ecuador.
»» Jeaqueline Flores Álvarez, alumna of the Licenciatura
in Cultural Anthropology, won second place in the the­
sis contest ”Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz”, given by the Nati­
nal Women’s Institute, and the award Fray Bernardino
de Sahagún given by INAH (Institute of Anthropology
and History), for the best thesis in Ethnology and Social
Anthropology for her thesis Mi troca y yo. Masculinidades
y migración en Chalchihuites, Zacatecas.
»» Karime Castillo Cárdenas, alumna of the Master in Arche­
ology, won the prize for best graduate thesis given by
the Society for Post-Medieval Archeology, with her thesis
from University College London titled Post-Medieval Phar­
Licenciatura in Theater was awarded the African Oscar,
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2014 · 2015
universidad de l as améric as puebl a
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