THE WARRIoR - Eden Christian Academy


THE WARRIoR - Eden Christian Academy
An Official Publication of Eden Christian Academy
Winter 2013
An Official Publication of Eden Christian Academy
3 Gym Expansion
7 Silver Ring Thing
5 Way to Go Warrios!
7 Christmas Bazaar
5 Creative Corner
9 Get To Know...
8 Campus Connection
International Eden
4 Eden Gala
10 - 11 Athletics
The Warrior is published three times
annually by Eden christian Academy.
Eden Christian Academy is committed to
providing an exceptional experience by engaging the mind and heart of each student to
think and act with Christ-like character.
For the latest news, updates and photos, log
ECA Alumni: Exciting news to share?
Graduations, jobs, internships, and personal
accomplishments or milestones are
something that the Eden community would
like to celebrate with you. Send your news
and updates to Mrs. Allyson Potter,
Tom Hughes, Head of School
Todd Aiken, Principal/Academic Officer
Charles Smullin, Chief Operations
Maureen Maier, Elementary Principal, Berkeley Hills Campus
Carrie Powers, Elementary Principal,
Wexford Campus
Board of Directors
Phil Bishop, Chairman
Theresa Smith,Vice Chair
Jeff Gronbeck, Secretary
Richard Curtis, Larry Griffith,
Heather Lamparter,
Scott Mizerak, Dr. David Schutt, Greg
Allyson Potter
Rebecca Funyak
Student Editor
Emily Morgan
Contributing Writers
Todd Aiken
Carrie Powers
Maureen Maier
Stacy Sassaman
Warrior Staff
Warrior Staff
MN Yearbook
Jenna Hidinger
Extreme Makeover: Gym Addition
By Livvy Dornsife ‘15
As Mt. Nebo’s student body surpasses 200,
the need for campus expansion has become
evident. The field house is the heart of the school,
used by each campus for athletics, performing, and
chapel services. With that in mind, expansion will
provide more space for Eden students and our
guests. “It has become clear that we need more
space,” said Mr. Stephen Good, Mt. Nebo’s Athletic
Director, and
“thanks to generous donors and annual golf outings,
expansion has become a reality.” Construction will be completed this
spring and will include two new locker rooms, a classroom, and a weight room. These additions
will be enjoyed by Eden students for many years to come.
International Eden
By Emily Morgan ‘13
This year alone, over ten international students are
visiting Eden campus-wide, representing China, Taiwan, and
South Korea. Eden students are happy to meet the new
students, jumping at opportunities to make new friends and
to learn about a culture different than their own.
Ms. Joyce Neely, Eden’s Host Family and Student Coordinator, described the host family
program as an opportunity for two cultures to learn about each other. She says the program creates
a diverse student body, gives the host families an opportunity to be a good Christian example, and
provides a unique cultural experience for both the international students and their host families.
Inspired by a family friend and eager to be a Christian example, the Trout Family welcomed Phoebe,
from Chengdu, China, into their home. Phoebe, a freshman, used to attend Chengdu No. 6 High
School. On January 16th, 2013, through American Home Life International, Phoebe arrived in America
and is now enjoying her experience at Eden. Compared to China, she says that because the classes
end earlier, there is more time for extracurriculars. One of the challenges Phoebe faces within the
classroom is understanding her teachers as English is her second language. She explains, “I want to
speak better English and be more confident in the language. It is my dream to be able to speak many
other languages.”
Hosting an international student is a beneficial experience for both the family and the
international student, because it provides exposure to two different cultures and perspectives on life
in a different part of the world. Through the host family experience, many international students have
come to accept Christ as Savior and take their love for God back to their country. If your family or
someone you know is interested in becoming a host family, please contact Ms. Joyce Neely
( at the Mt. Nebo campus.
An Enchanted
By Lauren Colella (‘15)
A gym by day and an enchanted forest
by night; an amazing transformation occurred
at the upper school campus on November
4th 2012 for the biannual Eden Gala. What
may have seemed like an impossible task
became a reality as the Mt. Nebo gymnasium
and parking lot were magically changed into
an enchanted forest complete with live trees,
dazzling lights, and dramatic, starry
The event featured a silent and live
auction as well as a fantastic dinner provided
by Medure’s Catering. Some featured items
from the auction, included a Sidney Crosby
autographed jersey, a skate party with Matt
Cooke, dinner for 10 by Medure’s Catering,
amazing creations from elementary school
classes, and fun adventures, organized by
grade, with the Mt. Nebo teachers. Music was
provided by upper school students organized
by Mrs. Barbara Fair while the whole event
was photographed by Jenna Hidinger
Photography (‘11) .
Overall, the Enchanted Evening Gala
raised $160,000 for Eden projects and funds.
$14,200 dollars were generously donated to
provide iPad carts for both the elementary
campuses. Additionally, the funds raised went
toward wireless access for the Eden
campuses and will provide many other
classroom resources for Eden teachers and
Melissa Campbell, Shawna Haynes, Ellie
Greaser, Desiree Psilos, Jeanette Steinheiser,
Pete Medure, Stacy Sassaman, Laura Wiest,
Kristin Bovard, Arlene Gestler, Heidi Van Kirk,
and Yvonne Shick helped with the
organization of decorations, sponsorships,
catering, and coordinating. A special thanks to
all who made this event spectacular.
Way to Go,
Mr. Huggins’ class serenades students
and teachers with Christmas Carols
in Spanish
The Tillotson brothers (Ryan, Justin,
and Trey) had an opportunity to
perform with Maestro Manfred
Honeck from the Pittsburgh
Symphony Orchestra at a special
Chamber Music Concert in
February. Way to use those music
literacy skills! Congrats Tillotsons!!
Congratulations to the Scripps
Spelling Bee Champions: Trey Tillotson (WEX) and Forest Price (BH)!
In March, they head to compete in
the Local Scripps Championship in
The elementary campuses were
able to hold an assembly featuring a
Christian author, completely funded
with the money raised with box
The Secret
By: Sage Kolarik
“Meaning” means nothing; nothing has meaning.
The sparrow can’t reach the eye of the storm.
The winds are too great, and with strength weaning
It will be sucked in the abyss’ form.
Can pianos sing chords not being played?
Can infants live apart from the mother?
Still, men seek purpose from what wasn’t made,
One mirage of hope after another.
Yet the secret to strength is pure weakness,
In the hands of the Maker lies the key.
The watches must tick with His uniqueness.
In service to the Master, we’ll be free.
For the secret to true life is to stay
In the worthy hands that molded the clay.
Ashley Griffith, a 6th grader at the
Wexford Campus, completed in the
USTA National Winter Championships, a prestigious tennis competition. She ended up winning one of
the back draws is currently ranked
90th in the country for girls 12 and
under! Congratulations, Ashley!
Way to go Carter Smith (‘14) and
Lauren Gronbeck (‘16) for your
success in the PIAA State Cross
Country Championships in Hershey,
PA! Competing in the PIAA Class A
race, Lauren secured the 60th place
out of 207 with a time of 21: 26
while Carter beat his record from
last season by finishing 21st out of
227 runners with a time of 17:07.
Showcase your
creative talents
Any student in kindergarten12th grade may submit an
electronic copy of a poem,
short story, or a picture of
your artwork. All work must
be submitted to Mrs. Potter
at; please
include your name, grade,
and title of work. A 300
wordmaximum applies to all
written work.
Eden thanks these generous sponsors of
this year’s Gala for their support of ECA!
Warrior Sponsors
Automotive Systems Warehouse, Inc
Cranston IT & Cranston Materials
Geneva College
Grunden Landscaping
Dr. & Mrs. Kaniecki
KLH Engineers
Eden Goes Bazaar
By Taylor Hauskins (‘15)
This year’s annual Christmas Bazaar, held on December 21, 2012
and hosted by the freshman class of the Mt. Nebo Campus, turned out to
be a wonderful success! Fifteen booths, such as “This Old Shirt” (run by
Mimi Obley, Leah Bovard, and Lauren Gronbeck), “The Godfather” (run
by Josias O’Brien, Ethan Pflugh, and Jake Puckett), and Rudolph’s Diner”
(run by Ryan Tillotson, Ryan Irvin, and Ben Comstock), were set up throughout the fieldhouse for students
attending the upper school campus along with their families who wanted to join the festivity. The fieldhouse was
completely decorated with Christmas trees, games, and lights along with a life-size Rudolph provided by
Rudolph’s Diner.
Those who attended could buy lunch, gifts, treats, and play entertaining games. Unlike previous years,
where the money profited was divided amongst the members of the team, each booths’ profit went towards an
Eden family in need. At the end of the day, “This Old Shirt” raised the most money of all booths with over $400
dollars donated! Selling scarves, barrettes, and pens made from recycled t-shirts, these young ladies spent
countless hours to develop a booth able to raise the most money.
The outcome of this year’s Christmas Bazaar made the freshman class ecstatic, especially because they
were able to use their work to help others. Joseph Dandrea (‘16) explains,
“The fact that we donated to charity and helped
someone out was the most rewarding
part of it all!”
The Christmas Bazaar was truly a fantastic day for
Eden students and families, making the Christmas
season all the more exciting.
Silver Ring Thing
By Andrew Doyle (‘16)
What do chainsaws, dance offs, and Justin Bieber impersonations have to do with purity? On January 22nd, Silver Ring Thing held a purity seminar at Eden’s upper school campus. This event was a captivating way for high school and middle school students to commit to a constant pursuit of a pure life,
centered around a relationship with Jesus Christ. This seminar was an effective way to encourage students
toward setting the appropriate boundaries for dating relationships. Led by college students, Silver Ring
Thing began in 1995 and is committed to upholding the Biblical standard of ”the message of abstinence
until marriage, centered in a relationship with Jesus Christ.” Silver Ring Thing has been touching the lives of
teenagers across the nation as well as internationally, with an attendee count of well over 550,000 at many
sessions. In addition, more than 100,000 people have come to know Christ through their organization.
At the upper school event, parodies of well-known ads, funny skits, music, testimonies, and statistics
were all features of the Silver Ring Thing presentation. Students were encouraged to invest in a silver ring
as a visual reminder of their commitment to purity. The whole Mt. Nebo audience was not only engaged
in the dynamic presentation of light shows and popular hits, but more importantly, they were reminded of
how their relationship with Christ should influence their choices of purity.
Campus Connection:
What’s been happening
@ your campus?
By Stacy Sassaman
We are
“a work in
-Isaiah 64:8
We are excited to announce that with the help of generous donations from our Eden families, we have purchased an iPad Learning Lab of 30 iPads for each elementary campus! With the success of the iPad Learning
Lab at our upper school campus, we anticipate a very positive response from both students and teachers. The
iPad has proven to be a very versatile tool, especially with the availability of thousands of educational apps for all
content areas. Mrs. Kelly Gross, kindergarten teacher, explains, “The kindergarteners love using the iPad during
morning centers. It is a fun, educational way for them to practice their phonics skills!”
“My students love learning on the iPad. We have
used it for every subject,
from viewing enriching science videos and learning grammar songs to practicing math facts and building our
reading skills,”says Mrs. Beth Pallotta of her experience with the iPad in her second grade class.
In addition, the built-in ability to record video and connect to a multimedia
projector enables the iPad to be used as a document camera and even an
interactive whiteboard. In keeping with our Educational Technology Vision
statement: “To have every student employ technology to facilitate critical
thinking, problem solving skills and collaboration and to prepare the student
to successfully implement this knowledge in post-secondary or career
environments,” we are confident that providing our elementary students
access to this current technology is a critical component for success in
achieving our educational goals.
Some teachers at our upper school are “flipping” the traditional classroom on its head! The “Flipped
Classroom” model inverts traditional teaching methods, delivering the instruction/lecture portion outside of
class and moving the homework/application into the classroom. This can be done in a variety of ways, including: utilizing educational learning platforms, such as, to pre-record and post video lessons or utilizing interactive whiteboard iPad apps, like Educreations, to record lessons as they are being taught and then
emailing recordings to the students. This model can free up the teacher’s instructional time to allow more
one-on-one support to students. Mrs. Madelyn Berkeley utilizes the flipped model with her biology students,
“I’ve received great feedback from my students. They
say it helps to watch the videos at their own pace and if
they missed something, they can just hit the replay button.
They also like how they can print off my PowerPoints for their own use. Plus most of them like that it only
takes 10 to 15 minutes at home, leaving more class time for activities and labs.” While teaching methods
may vary, the mission of providing an exceptional educational experience to all students is at the forefront of
everything our Eden teachers do.
Get to know...
By Taylor Looney (‘15)
...Our Principals
Mrs. Maureen Maier
-Principal, Berkeley Hills Campus
Mrs. Carrie Powers
-Principal, Wexford Campus
Mr. Todd Aiken
-Principal, Mt. Nebo Campus
Q. How had Eden impacted
your life as an
A. Eden has greatly impacted my
life as an educator and administrator. I have privileged to watch
and be a part of children growing
not only academically, but spiritually. It is so exciting to have the
opportunity to see a little ones
face light up with they can read
their first word or witness a 6th
grade surrender their life to the
Lord. I treasure each day I get to
spend at Eden.
Q. How had Eden impacted
your life as an
A. I love working at Eden because it combines my love of
God with my love to teach. I
enjoy watching students grow
in their faith as well as their
academics. I love working with
parents, students, and teachers
who have a common mission to
raise up children to be soldiers
for Christ. Working in a Christian
environment challenges me to
grow in my faith as well.
Q. How had Eden impacted
your life as an
A. Eden has given me the opportunity to work with caring parents, and to work with students
and teachers in a Christ like
environment. There is a positive
atmosphere from the staff and
Q. What do you like to do in
your free time?
A. In my free time, I enjoy spending time with family and friends.
I look forward to shopping with
my close friends especially when
decorating my home is involved.
Q. What do you like to do in
your free time?
A. Bowling, Crocheting, Swimming, Movies
Q. Do you have any pets?
A. I do not have any pets in my
home, but I do have 4 grand dogs
that like to come visit with my
children! Ha!
Q. What do you like to do in
your free time?
A. I like to read, run, spend time
with my family, and coach basketball here at Eden.
Q. Do you have any pets?
A. I have one dog named
Q. Do you have any pets?
A. We have one dog named
Casey who has been with us for
over 8 years.
By Noah Bailey and Andreas Bailey ‘16
Varsity Boys Basketball
The Eden Warriors had another
satisfying season with 14 wins and
10 losses. Believing in the importance of hard work, smart play, and
team unity, the team experienced
many successes this season. Captain Gabe Manges (‘13) explains,
“The goal for every season is the
same: to challenge yourself in new
ways as well as to grow individually and as a team. In light of this,
this team did an excellent job at
fulfilling this goal. Younger players
worked hard, made huge improvements, gained confidence, and lots
of experience as they moved forward in their careers. The older
players lead by example, bringing a
positive attitude and a good work
ethic to daily practices.” With many
returning starters, they look forward to an even stronger season
next year.
“I believe that one of our biggest wins this year came
against Sewickley Academy, at home. It was a great win for
us because it really was a team effort. Many members of
the team contributed in big ways and the bench came up
big for us as well. We played very unselfishly and ended up
on top which was a great feeling.” - John Porter (‘13)
Varsity Girls Basketball
Our Lady Warriors had another
successful season with 12 wins and
10 losses. This record secured a
spot in the WPIAL Class A Playoffs.
Although losing in the 1st round
to Jefferson Morgan, making the
playoffs was proof of this team’s
determination and commitment.
Captain Morgan Parees (‘13) reflects, “We had one goal this year,
playoffs. Although we suffered a lot
of injuries, we worked hard enough
at the beginning of the season to
make playoffs. Being able to meet
the goal that we set was a great
accomplishment! I am so proud of
my team--for all we overcame, for
what we accomplished. ” Leading
the team in points scored was Alia
Bradford. Lydia Manges (‘14) also
led the team in assists. Good Job,
Lady Warriors!
Middle School Boys
Earning 8 wins and 8 losses, the
middle school boys had another
great year . They opened their
season by defeating Aquinas and
successfully ended their season by
defeating Trinity Christian.
Entering their second season in
“We had faith in ourselves and
the WPIAL, the team experienced
in each other at all times and
many challenges along the way,
therefore accomplished so much playing against more WPIAL teams.
this season. We were a great
However, they were able to overteam and people recognized that. come those challenges, securing 8
They were more than impressed wins through the hard work and
with the Eden Girl’s Basketball
Team this year, than in any past
year! We became one of the few
teams people had to look out
for.”- Aila Bradford (‘13)
Cheer Team
The Varsity Cheer team had a successful season by competing in the
inaugural WPIAL Competitive Spirit
Championships. The team finished
in 4th place. The girls advanced to
the PIAA Championships held in
Hershey, PA. Good job, Ladies!
our program. Coach Gross was
at the helm for the Wexford boys.
Coach Lukitsch captained the BH
team. Both teams had successful
seasons with both team finishing
with a records well above .500.
This was also the second year in a
row that a tournament team was
formed combining players from
both teams to play in two separate
competitive tournaments.
We fielded, for the 2nd consecutive year, a girls team at both the
WEX and BH campuses. A total of
19 girls represented Eden this year.
Coach Smith supplied direction for
the Wexford campus while Coach
Arnold directed the BH squad. A
tournament team was also created from girls on both teams to
compete in two tournaments at
the end of the season as well. The
Lady Warriors did an admirable job
representing the school.
Intermediate (4th-6th grade)
Boys and Girls Basketball
By Mr. Greg Foltz
For the second year in a row we
were able to field a boys team at
each respective elementary campus
for a total of 23 boys involved in
Administrative Offices
206 Siebert Road
Pittsburgh, PA 15237
Upcoming Events at Eden Christian Academy
March 20: NJHS/NHS Induction Ceremony
March 22: No School
March 29-April 5: Easter Vacation
April 19: ACSI Math Olympics
April 24-27: The Wizard of Oz -ECA Musical
April 30-May 3: Achievement Testing (7-9th grades)
May 19: ECA at Pirate’s Game
May 21: Elementary Fine Art’s Night
May 31: Graduation
Berkeley Hills Campus
3-4 year olds
PreK-6th Grade
206 Siebert Road
Pittsburgh, PA 15237
Phone: 412.364.8055
Fax: 412.364.8330
Wexford Campus
3-4 year olds
PreK-6th Grade
12121 Perry Highway
Wexford, PA 15090
Phone: 724.935.9301
Fax: 724.935.9354
Mount Nebo Campus
7th-12th Grades
318 Nicholson Road
Sewickley, PA 15142
Phone: 412.741.2825
Fax: 412.741.1101