January 2015 - St. John`s Lutheran Church
January 2015 - St. John`s Lutheran Church
42695 Washington Street Palm Desert, CA 92211 (760) 345-2122 Mission Statement: To Know Christ and To Make Christ Known The“Good News” Paper January 2015 Volume ~ 6 Issue ~ 1182 Sunday Worship Schedule Special Dates in January 9:00 AM - Traditional Service 10 To 10:45 AM Coffee Fellowship - Fellowship Hall Adult Bible Study/Discussion -101 11:00 AM - Praise & Worship 1 New Year’s Day 6 Epiphany 11 Baptism of the Lord 18-25 Week of Prayer for Christian Unit, 19 Martin Luther King Jr. Birthday Observance 11 AM - Kids Church - 105 Website: www.stjohnslutheranchurchpd.com Email addresses: Richard Rollefson, Interim Pastor : rrollefson@verizon.net Molly Farrin, Youth & Family Coordinator : mfarrin.st.johns@verizon.net Church office: st.johns@verizon.net UPCOMING EVENTS January 13 Single and Parenting begins January 18 BUDGET REVIEW FORUM between services in the Ministry Center, room # 108. January 25 ANNUAL MEETING - between services. Everyone is welcome to attend, only members of record may vote. Items to be voted on: 1. 2015 Budget 2. Elect Executive Board Members and one council position. March 1st Men's Club Annual Musical Extravaganza and Ice Cream Social Page 1 of 10 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God and the Word was God. . . . What has come into being in him was life, and the life was the light of all people. The light shines in the darkness and the darkness has not overcome it. John's gospel begins not with the birth of a baby in Bethlehem, but with the birthing of all creation. As John understands it, the Word first spoken at creation's dawning became flesh and blood in the babe born in Bethlehem. Just as at creation's start, the Word spoken there was the dawning of light, the advent of life, the overflowing of love. In this speaking of the Word, God's innermost self is revealed as the light which no darkness can overcome, as vulnerable, compassionate love which knows no bounds, as the life which conquers even death. And there is more: God's Word, incarnate in the words and deeds, life and death of Jesus not only reveals the deepest truth about who God is but also the deepest truth of who we are. It tells us that we are God's own beloved children. This is the word of light spoken into the darkness of our lives that brings light, the word of life spoken into a world of death that gives life, the word of love that bestows upon the beloved a new identity. Our words, too, can bring light and life and love. And when they do, it is the Word, God's own creative, light-bringing, life-giving, love which becomes enfleshed, embodied in us. Peace, Pastor Richard Page 2 of 10 ST. JOHN'S VOTES TO CALL REV. DAVID BEARD AS PASTOR At a Congregational Meeting was held on December 21, 2014, between worship services, the recommendation of the Call Committee and Council was overwhelmingly approved to extend a call to Rev. David Beard to serve as Pastor of St. John's. Pastor Beard was ordained in 1979 as has served churches in southern and northern California. Pastor Dave and his wife Sue will celebrate their 36th anniversary in January. They met while attending California Lutheran University. Sue served as a 1st grade teacher for over 20 years and is currently serving as a Special Education teacher. She is an active leader in women's ministries. The Beards have two daughters, Sarah and Amy. Sarah is a nurse and resides in River Falls, WI. She and her husband Ben have two boys ages 3 and 1. Amy is a teacher and resides in Auburn, WA. Amy and her husband Chris have been married 3 years. Pastor Beard believes "sermons should touch people's lives, their aspirations and their conflicts". He has a heart for leading Bible Studies, Evangelism, Sharing Leadership, Worship, Music (he plays guitar), being involved with Confirmation classes, Sunday School, Youth Activities and spreading The Good News through social media. He also states "It is important for a congregation to be involved in service opportunities where we can reach beyond the church community into the larger world community". VOLUNTEERING IS Attention one and all.............. If you are interested in serving the Lord and St. John's by being a reader, usher or Communion Assistant, please let us know. It is a rewarding job and a great opportunity to meet members of the congregation. Please call or email Millie Taylor for the opportunity to serve. (760) 296-3252 or iammillietaylor@gmail.com Would you like to be a Blessing to others? - Occasionally the need arises for a ride, a meal, or a friendly visit to be furnished to members and friends of St. John's. Please contact Diana Lang at 760-360-2479 or email her at diana@lcdinc.net if you are interested in being involved in a Caring Ministry. You will also be Blessed! THANK YOU to those who have answered this need. Please consider our facility for any possible gatherings. Spread the word within the community. Examples: * Weddings * Retirements * Graduations * Meetings * Celebrations Please contact Mitch Phillips for further information. 760-360-8571 or MP@PROLANDSCAPESERVICES.NET Page 3 of 10 ELECTRONIC FUNDS TRANSFER For your convenience there are several ways for you to make your contribution to St. John’s other than Sunday morning. 2 Virginia Bridge Larry Lang Alexandra Lewke 5 Patti Mathis Lance Yackee 8 John Barkley 10 Curt Starkweather 10 Sammie Lee Lingle 11 Eileen MacFarlane 13 Nancy Ansbro 13 Mary Richey 13 Jack Harris 15 Donita Holst 15 Megan Donnelly 16 Jim Wadleigh 17 Ardyce Hulbert 21 Phyllis Evans 25 Lou Patterson 26 Lily Kohfield 27 Hailie Hollawell 29 Karen Flahive 30 Miriam Tadewaldt 30 Bob Peper 30 Diana Lang 30 Mitch Phillips 30 Dauntee Trueblood 31 Jackie Jones 10 Cindy & John Hagar 13 Karla & Bill Wilson 14 Sally & Craig Jahries 1 2 2 3 4 5 6 13 13 13 15 16 16 18 19 19 20 21 21 23 23 25 27 27 28 28 28 7 8 9 14 19 21 Wil Vashaw Charles Tadewaldt Betty Jo Brickles Gary Heer Nydia Louis Kirsten Smith Bill Evans Charles Riggs Sara Van Patten Jennifer Campbell Marilyn Miller Sally Jahries Bronn Olson Robert Ericksen Bob Holst Don Lingle Boyd Swent Jo Larson Mark Farrin Lothar Vasholz Jeri Alacano Jessica Melcher Marian Bockman Sarah Hagar Hilda Andengaard Laraine Friend Michole Farrin GregVan Natta Jamee Brazelle Kimberly Kolls Carla & Robert Dixon Marian & Melton Bockman Miriam & Charles Tadewaldt Debbie & John Barkley Kelly & Tom Trembley Marcia & Wil Vashaw Page 4 of 10 EFT (Electronic Funds Transfers) forms are available for you in the narthex, or you can go directly to our website and schedule your contributions on-line. Thank you for your continued support. If you need assistance please call Ann in the church office. Our NEWSLETTER, “The Good News”, newspaper is delivered via email in the form of a pdf file (portable document file). Please make sure we have your email. It can be viewed with Adobe Reader, available for free at; http://www.adobe.com/downloads PRAYER CHAIN: If you would like prayer for you or someone else, please contact one of the people listed below. This group stretches far and wide via e-mail. Make sure to ask the person’s permission to be placed on the prayer chain. Requests are confidential. Call: Diana Lang ~ 360-2479 or Joan Laudig ~ 343-2093 Contact the Sorensen's: Rick @ 760-989-0456 or Karen @ 760-989-0455 or e m a i l fijordsmen@verizon.net to host a Sunday. All your efforts are truly appreciated. The St. John's Men's Club is a proactive group of men who meet the 3rd Saturday of each month. In addition to being an organization for fellowship, the club provides a financial avenue to support St. John's programs. It also serves as a personnel resource from among club members for programs such as the annual Musical Extravaganza and FIND. The next scheduled meeting will be on January 17 at 7:30 AM in the Fellowship Hall. For your information and planning --our current project is : Supporting the Tour de Palm Springs which will take place on February 14th , Valentines Day. In addition to bike distance events - a one, two, and three mile walk event through the celebrity home Palm Springs neighborhood. The Mens Club will be selling raffle tickets, and pledge sheets - as well as encouraging St John rider participation. Information (Applications, Pledge Sheets, and Raffle Tickets are available in the church office, along with the Men’s Club Point of Contact. All submissions should show the code for St. John's which is SJLC15. We will receive the total amount collected from sales and rider participation -- which will be committed toward our scholarship program. Coordinator and Point of Contact for participation is Duke Frey-- duke06@dc.rr.com / 760-345-2902. Please join us for breakfast and fellowship. Contact for the St. John's Men's Club: Duke Frey - duke06@dc.rr.com / 760-345-2902. SAVE THE DATE The Men's Club Annual Musical Extravaganza and Ice Cream Social is scheduled for March 1, 2015. Tickets will go on sale in February. An event at St John's you don't want to miss. We are beginning the second half of our meetings. All women of St. John's are invited to the Women's Group the first and third Wednesday mornings of each month. The time is from 9:00 am to 12:30 pm (you may come late or leave early if needed) in the Fellowship Hall. After we gather for coffee, we have a meeting, work on a project or listen to a speaker. The Pastor provides a Bible study and then we eat our potluck lunch. Come, join us. The "Great Ladies Group" Bible study will resume in January for anyone who wants to come...We will be studying Philippians, Paul's book of Joy, and our leader will again be Sue Branson, herself an ordained minister who loves teaching her "peeps"... her lady friends. The first "GLG" Bible study will be held January 14, beginning at 3 p.m. at Marilyn Brockman's house in Bermuda Dunes. If you'd like to join us, please call Marilyn at (760) 774-0463 for directions. Our schedule will be as follows: January 14 & 28; February 11 & 25; March 11 & 25. April 11 is our End of Season Luncheon All study meetings start promptly at 3 p.m. and end at 4:30. Page 5 of 10 December was a month full of service and celebration for the youth of St. John's. We kicked off the month of December with 30-Hour Famine on the 6th . The kids fasted for 30 hours to bring awareness and raise money for world hunger. Through the generous donations of our congregation the kids were able to raise $960 for World Vision. On the 7th we were busy with the last of our rehearsals for the Christmas program. Finally, on the 13th and 14th we performed our three shows for the congregation. The kids did a fantastic job telling the Nativity story in their own unique way, and the show was a big hit! On the 19th the youth volunteered at the C.V. Christmas Store. They served as shopkeepers, runners and gift wrappers, all in efforts to provide needy children in the east valley with gifts for Christmas. On the 19th the youth took some time out for a fun night of laser tag, and on the 23rd were back at church helping with FIND distribution. Christmas Eve was a special night as the youth presented the Family service at 6pm. It was a lovely service with youth soloists, youth choir and a performance from Rock the Flock. We finished out the month with a fun, Christmas themed youth group on the 28th. HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!! Upcoming Events - Sunday Saturday Sunday Saturday January 4th January 10th January 18th January 24th "Where's Waldo" 1pm Second Saturday Worship 4pm / Ice Skating Youth Group 5 to 7pm "Bingo Night" @ Washington St. Apts. (TBA) Sunday school - After month of hard work and preparation, the Sunday school kids had three fantastic performances of their Christmas program. The kids are back to their weekly lessons which this month will include: Jesus the Word, Jesus' Baptism, God Calls Samuel & Jonah and the Big Fish. We also have some great upcoming events so mark your calendars and see Molly for more information. February 15th - Living Desert March 20th through 22nd - Elementary School Gathering at Luther Glen (3rd - 6th grade) April 4th - Children's Easter Event RESOLVE TO LISTEN Christian philosopher Paul Tillich said, “The first responsibility of love is to listen.” Yet in our fast-paced culture, truly listening to someone has become a lost art. The intricate Chinese written character for the verb to listen offers wise insight about how to listen to people so they feel heard. The symbol is actually a combination of characters for ears, eyes and an open heart. Basically it reads, “I give you my ears, my eyes and my undivided attention.” What a great image of being fully engaged during the act of communication! James 1:19 offers two wise resolutions for the year ahead: Be “quick to listen” and “slow to speak” (NRSV). Practicing the skill of active listening is a much-needed way to minister to other people, serving as Jesus’ “ears” in a hurting world. Page 6 of 10 Looking back on the holidays and all the fun of finding bargains at the FIND ware- house and then, having the opportunity to pass them along to our neighbors - that was rewarding in so many ways. Together our volunteers helped to transfer close to 6,000 lbs of product that included bread, cereal, produce, meat, dairy, and dry goods. It was a joy to see all ages working side by side. While our recipients were waiting for the food distribution to begin, special music was provided in church by Pastor Richard and Jim Allen on guitars along with our carolers. The pews were filled on both sides of the aisle and new people were in the balcony waiting to be registered. The holiday spirit of goodwill was surely present. Our FIND Room greeted the new year with another refrigerator. This month everyone received a dozen eggs. (Let's all cheer!) It's amazing how much storage that room is providing, though it's almost been pushed to the limit. We may have to call it the FIND closet. As I mentioned last month, I need to step down or at least share more of the responsibility for managing FIND. Sharon Merrill is helping every Wednesday morning and the Monday and Tuesday of distribution week. Can someone else help once a week? Pray about it. Thank you. REACHING OUT AND SERVING GLOBALLY IN RWANDA On April 6, 2014, we had a special guest, Jackie Boynton, who gave an account of the Lutheran Church in Rwanda and her personal experiences in the country. Mrs. Boynton explained how the Lutheran Church in Rwanda was founded by Rwandan refugees who had fled from Rwanda to Tanzania and then returned to Rwanda after the genocide to bring the healing power of Christ to their country. In light of last year's presentation, the following article provides an interesting update on the progress of the Church. It is written by ELCA missionary Kate Warn who is also the current coordinator for the ELCA Young Adults in Global Mission program in Rwanda. "In November, the Lutheran Church of Rwanda celebrated its 20th Anniversary. To mark the occasion, members gathered in southeast Rwanda near the border with Tanzania in the town where the first Lutheran congregation was established in 1994 by refugees returning from exile. Two trees were planted for the anniversary: one tree to commemorate 20 years of Lutheran ministry in Rwanda and one tree to symbolize the Lutheran Church of Rwanda's connection to the global Lutheran community. "When I think about planting trees in the Rwandan context, I think about a vision described in Revelation 22:1-2: Then the angel showed me the river of the water of life … flowing from the throne of God. … On either side of the river is the tree of life…and the leaves of the tree are for the healing of nations. For many years, Rwanda has been a nation in need of healing and reconciliation. But how does a nation heal from the wounds of genocide and exile? And what is the role of the church in such healing? These questions continue to frame mission and ministry here in this place. "In many ways, the stories of Rwanda's recovery from genocide and the Lutheran Church of Rwanda's growth over the past 20 years are quite remarkable. From the ashes of death and destruction in Rwanda, there has been new life. Rwanda is at peace and rapidly developing. A church founded by refugees now has more than 40 congregations, 26 pastors, and a vision for a sustainable future. Still, the wounds of genocide and exile are deep, and the need for healing remains in Rwanda. As the Lutheran Church of Rwanda planted trees this week to mark the past, this church also proclaims a commitment to God's mission of redemption and reconciliation…The leaves of the tree are for the healing of nations. May it be so in Rwanda." --Kate Warn Read more at www.elca.org/en/News-and-Events/blogs/HandInHand Page 7 of 10 REACHING OUT AND SERVING LOCALLY And loving our neighbors… Thanks to all who helped bring smiles and the love of Christ to many in the Coachella Valley during our recent Christmas celebrations. The gifts you shopped for and donated for children were distributed through the Salvation Army (and the Coachella Valley Rescue Mission if you dropped gifts in their box at St. John's) to many grateful children. As Bell Ringers for the local Red Kettle project you helped generate funds which will directly benefit people here in our desert valley. God Bless you all! And serving our veterans and active military… In the last few years there has been a ground-swell of activity in our local community and this nation with people looking for and finding ways to support our active military members and veterans. This, also, has been true of churches within the ELCA. Congregations have been searching for and implementing programs to serve the spiritual as well as other needs of current and veteran military. Within the ELCA those with a lot of experience in this area are ELCA Federal Chaplains. Knowing the need, retired and active chaplains created a ministry called Working Group for Congregational Liaison whose aim is to provide support to congregations so they will be better able to support veterans and current military members. Towards that end the Working Group has taken these steps: * * * * Created a website with resources for congregations (the website is currently being populated with data and is expected to be operational for access by congregations early in 2015.) Created a special Prayer Book for the Armed Forces. Published by Augsburg, the Book is part Evangelical Lutheran Worship Book and part prayers and scriptures chosen by the chaplains specifically for military members. Started a scholarship fund for future chaplains - of which there is a great need. Called the ELCA Federal Chaplaincy Scholarship program its goal is to encourage endowments to support scholarships which will mitigate the cost of education so that more people will be enabled to become chaplains. Initiated a pilot program in which a single point of contact (either an active duty or retired Federal Chaplain) will be available to provide congregational support for outreach programs. The Pacifica Synod has been designated one of the ten synods who will be part of the pilot program. When coordinated with some of the existing programs within the Coachella Valley the steps listed above have the potential to enable us to positively impact the lives of veterans or current military within our own congregation and within our desert community. During the first quarter of 2015 Lothar Vasholz and I plan to bring more information on these programs to St. John's to benefit those within our church both as recipients of support and providers of outreach to others. We hope you will join us in these vital outreach programs. As we begin this new year of possibilities and unknowns, I'd like to end with a prayer for the coming year for each of us from our Evangelical Lutheran Worship book (page 304) which I first was introduced to about 18 years ago as a prayer for the New Year. At the time I pasted it on the inside of my medicine cabinet where I could read it every day to remind me that I was in God's care and that His loving support was always with me. The prayer: "Oh God, you have called your servants to ventures of which we cannot see the ending, by paths as yet untrodden, through perils unknown. Give us faith to go out with good courage, not knowing where we go, but only that your hand is leading us and your love supporting us; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen." May you rest secure each day of 2015 in faith that you are in God's loving care and guidance. Ruth Allen, Outreach/Evangelism Page 8 of 10 ST. JOHN'S 50TH CELEBRATION St. John's Lutheran Church celebrated 50 years of Ministry on November 2, 2014! As a church family we celebrated with a "family" style meal which included fried chicken, meatloaf, potatoes, cake and, honoring our Lutheran heritage, Jell-O! Cross shaped cookies were served with various colored Jell-O. Many willing hands "pitched in" by planning, shopping, cooking, setting up and decorating tables, serving the food and, of course, the dreaded cleanup. Beautiful fresh flowers for the sanctuary and head table were donated by a member and others gave monetary gifts to offset expenses. 50th souvenirs were sold weeks before the celebration which included cookbooks, mini flashlights and tote bags. 2015 calendars were also available for free at the luncheon. As always, our wonderful musicians Bob Corwin, Danny Flahive, Patrick Karst and Ron Mercier, and vocalists Samantha Corwin and Laura Stave helped us celebrate in a grand fashion. In the background, a photo video and a wall of pictures from the past were available for viewing. We were honored to have Bishop Murray Finck preside at the blended service. The Bishop, his wife Rhoda, and the Assistant to the Bishop, Reverend Heidi Hester also joined us for the worship service and the luncheon. Pastor Beth Brashear from our sister church, Hope Lutheran in Palm Desert, also attended the luncheon. Council President Craig Jahries welcomed us and we sang "Praise God..." as the opening prayer. Larry Lang then kicked off the celebration by displaying his Lederhosen socks. He claimed he had forgotten we weren't having OKTOBERFEST this year when he dressed that morning! Bishop Finch and Pastors David Babcock, Charles Riggs, Dick Mathison and Richard Rollefson inspired us by speaking on the past, present and future of St. John's. We were entertained with several beautiful duets, and a lively sing-along rendition of "Oh My Lord What A Time!" by a quartet comprised of Pastor Richard, Pastor "C", Larry, Samantha and Laura. Another special number was performed by Pastor Richard and Laura, with the pastor playing guitar, and the closing song was "a rousing "When the Saints Go Marching In"! St. John's has seen changes in 50 years. Many beloved members have transitioned to the "Church Triumphant", and we will always treasure their memory and their contributions to the life of St. John's. St. John's has had a number of pastors, staff, council members, lay leaders and worship and music styles. However, we have remained the Body of Christ regardless of all the changes. We are proud of who we are and what we have accomplished! We recently journeyed through a successful Capital Appeal, which resulted in a newly renovated building, restrooms and Fellowship Hall. In today's economy, few, if any, churches can state that they are debt free, but Praise be to God, St. John's is! In addition to our worship opportunities, youth, men and women's group activities, prayer chain, choir and confirmation programs, we also support and reach out to our community actively through F.I.N.D., the Salvation Army Christmas "Angel Tree" and Bell Ringers Programs, the Coachella Valley Rescue Mission, supporting our Synod and, in addition to many other areas, serving our neighbors at the Washington Street Apartments. We began sharing in a new way this year by renting our facilities to another church, and also making the facilities available for other groups and occasions. This helps to spread the Gospel, and also helps to "pay the rent". A sincere thank you to Pastor Richard and his wife Cyndi, for all they have done to ease the pain of saying farewell to Pastor Charles and Carol Riggs. It is a bittersweet time as we wish the Rollefson's all the best that God has in store for them on their life journey. Page 9 of 10 Now, after 50 years, we begin a new chapter in the life of St. John's, and will be welcoming a new pastor to our family. A big THANK YOU to all who helped in any way with the Celebration! A special thank you to Ann Rhein. Praise Be To God! The 50th Celebration Committee: Marilyn Brockman, Sally Jahries, Diana and Larry Lang, Pastor Richard Rollefson and Pastor Ken and Jackie Severa SINGLE AND PARENTING GROUP - A new thirteen (13) week session of our Single and Parenting Class and support group will begin on Tuesday, January 13th at 6 PM in the Ministry Center. Child care is provided. If you have a single parent in your neighborhood, please invite them. HELP & HOPE FOR SINGLE PARENTS: If you’re a single parent, you’re probably tired, overwhelmed and feeling a bit underappreciated. That’s why we created Single & Parenting groups—to share tips and parenting wisdom that will help you find rest, hope and encouragement. At a Single & Parenting group, you’ll participate in video seminars that explain how to: Wisely encourage your kids to obey, help your hurting child, eliminate debt, deal with verbal onslaughts, and figure out what your emotions are telling you. Plus, you’ll develop meaningful friendships with other single parents, who, like you, are tired of hectic mornings and chaotic evenings, the kids fighting, and a never-ending to-do list. Take the guesswork out of parenting alone. The Coachella Valley Rescue Mission invites you to play in our charity golf tournament Monday, January 19 at the beautiful Classic Club in Palm Desert. This tournament is a fund-raising event with all proceeds benefitting the operations of CVRM. Individual golfers and foursomes are welcome for this exciting, fun filled day of golf in a shotgun 4-man scramble format. Included in the day are a continental breakfast, practice range, golf cart with 18 holes of golf, and a full lunch. There will be prizes for Mission Flight Net Score, “Mr. 59” Gross Score, and four Hole in One prizes are also scheduled. There will be a raffle and auction for some exciting prizes as well. Registration the day of the event begins at 7:00am with shotgun start at 8:00am. Entry fee for golfers is $175 and sponsorship packages are also available. Please call 760-347-3512 ext. 239 to register or for more information. www.CVRM.org Please verify that the church office has your current address and phone number. New directory coming in February. Page 10 of 10