Jubilee Verse for the Week - Towamencin Mennonite Church


Jubilee Verse for the Week - Towamencin Mennonite Church
Towamencin Mennonite Church
“Empowered by the Holy Spirit, we are called to extend
God’s healing, hope and forgiveness to all.”
July 17, 2016
Gathering: The Church as Community
Gathering Songs
Welcome & Opening Prayer
Greeting One Another
Praise and Worship: The Church Worshipping God
Sharing Time & Congregational Prayer
Children’s Time
Worship In Song
Learning: The Church Studying God’s Word
Scripture Reading: Exodus 4: 1-17 and Matthew 10:18-20
Sermon: “Moses - Not Worthy To Speak”
Responding: The Church Responds to Jesus
Songs of Response
Giving of Tithes and Offering
Sending: The Church Goes Out into the World
Song of Sending & Benediction
Worship Leader:
Song Leader:
Pastor Bill Martin
Trevor Knechel
Pastor Mike Clemmer
Lacey Knechel
We are glad you joined us today!
Child care is available during the worship service; it is provided in
our nursery, located above the foyer. The Greeters will be happy to
assist you or answer any questions you may have.
Everyone is welcome to a fellowship time in the Fellowship Hall.
Sunday School, for all ages, begins at 10:40 a.m.
Jubilee Verse for the Week
Jeremiah 7: 23
But I gave them this command: Obey Me,
and I will be your God and you will be My people.
Walk in obedience to all I command you,
that it may go well with you.
-Pray for persons who are seeking God’s touch of healing. Pray
specifically for Esther Delp, Michele Delp, Ronnie Knechel, Stacey
Knechel, Ann Landes, Hannah Metzler, Sallie Sperry, and Peter
-Continue to keep in your prayers our on-going processes of Gift
Discernment and Elder & Deaconess selections. Pray for God’s
hand of leading as we discern congregational leadership together.
-Be in prayer for the following persons who have received 3 or
more nominations as part of our Elder and Deaconess call process.
Pray for discernment, wisdom, and a call from God as they pray
and seek God’s leading in their lives. Pray specifically for John
Vasey, Curt Nice, Gerald Metzler, Ken Fell, Lowell Ehst, Aaron
Leatherman, Ruth Ann Fly, Betty Detweiler, Gina Canaviri, Mary
Metzler, and Jen Vasey.
-Praise God for a healthy baby boy, Grayson Ryan born to Jason
and Trisha DiTullio on Thursday, July 14. Grayson weighed in at 9
pounds 5 ounces. Both Mom and Grayson are doing very well.
Pray for this family as they begin their journey together.
During the Sunday School time today, all the adult classes (MYF
included) will meet in the Fellowship Hall. Pastor Mike will be
teaching on Matthew 5: 21-26.
The Gift Discernment Ballot is in your bulletin today. Please be in
prayer for wisdom as you affirm and vote on the persons listed on the
ballot. The ballots will be collected on Sunday, July 31, during the
worship service. This ballot can be used as an absentee ballot if you
have plans to be away that Sunday. Please place absentee ballots in the
church mailbox by July 31st. If you have questions or concerns, feel
free to talk to a committee member: Pastor Mike, Brent Allebach,
Harold Mellott, Diane Keeler, or Curt Stoudt.
Jerry & Ronnie Knechel, Lowell & Lois Ehst
Shayna Bergey, Janelle Knechel
SS Nursery:
Justin & Marissa Wilson
Bob Keeler
Host & Hostess:
Wendell & Jolene Weaver
THIS WEEK_____________________________________________
Today, 6:30 p.m. Guess Who’s Coming for Dessert?
Monday, 7 p.m. Leadership Team Meeting at the church
Wednesday, 7 p.m. AWAKE Prayer Meeting
If you are interested in hosting an international student from
Christopher Dock Mennonite High School for the 2016-17 school year,
please contact Doug Hackman at 215-362-2675 or dbhackman@dockhs.org for more details. There is a small stipend available,
and currently we are looking for a host for both male and female
students. These students are from Europe and South America, and
speak English very well.
NEXT SUNDAY__________________________________________
Paris & Mel Hagen Family
Jen Vasey, Eli Vasey
SS Nursery:
April Clemmer, Mary Metzler
Bob Keeler
Lowell Bergey
Host & Hostess:
John & Jen Vasey
Sermon & Text:
“Joseph & Forgiveness” Genesis 45 Pastor Mike
If you are interested in connecting with the church’s prayer chain,
please contact the church office. TMC uses a service called “One Call
Now” to keep everyone informed of important prayer needs and
LOOKING AHEAD_______________________________________
August 7 (Sun) Outdoor Baptism at Keeler home
Sept 10 (Sat) Fall Yard Sale, 8 a.m. to 2 p.m.
October 28-30 (Fri-Sun) Marriage Enrichment Weekend
July 24-30 (Sun-Sat) Group Work Camp, Rhode Island
Last Sunday’s Numbers
Regular Offering
Designated Giving
Total Giving
$ 6,217.00
$ 6,228.00
Conference & Community Events
The Mennonite Heritage Center Used Book Sale will be held July
21 and 22 (10 a.m. to 7 p.m.) and July 23 (10 a.m. to 2 p.m.) Great
books at low prices! Half-price sale on Friday, and $3 per bag on
Concert by Duane Hershberger at Plains Park, Saturday, July 23, at
7 p.m. With humor and poetry, Duane’s songs tells stories of living,
spiritual pathways, and love of family. Free popcorn and water. Bring
a blanket or camp chair.
Mennonite Church
Perkiomen Tours has a bus trip leaving from Family Worship Center
to attend the Decision America Tour with Franklin Graham in Harrisburg on September 15th. More information is at http://
Life With God Ministries
Listen on Saturdays at 8 p.m. on WBYN-FM 107.5 and
Sundays at 7:30 a.m. on WNPV-AM 1440
Website: www.life-with-god.org
Towamencin Mennonite Church
1980 Sumneytown Pike
PO Box 225
Kulpsville, PA 19443
Phone: 215-368-2450
E-mail: office@towamencinmennonite.org
Web: www.towamencinmennonite.org
Mike Clemmer, Pastor
Bill Martin, Associate Pastor
Curt Nice, Elder
Gerald Leatherman, Elder
Ernie Kolb, Deacon
Phyllis Leatherman, Deaconess
E-mail: mike@towamencinmennonite.org
E-mail: wgmartin129@gmail.com
Ron Delp, Elder
Paris Hagen, Elder
Betty Detweiler, Deaconess
Church Office Hours: Monday-Friday, 9 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
Sunday, July 17, 2016