Christian Faith Assembly
Christian Faith Assembly
Apostle Dr. Maurice Randolph, Sr., Pastor Reverend Dr. Kathleen Harris, Assistant Pastor Christian Faith Assembly SCRIPTURE OF THE WEEK 9:30 AM “Humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt you in due time, casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you.” 1 Peter 5:6-7 NKJV SUNDAY SCHOOL NEW MEMBERS CLASS PRAYER TIME IN THE SANCTUARY 1st Sunday Leadership Prayer Time 9:00 AM – 9:25 AM Noon Day Prayer, Wednesdays 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM Mid-Week Prayer, Wednesdays 6:00 PM – 7:00 PM 11:00 AM WORSHIP LEADER PROCESSIONAL SCRIPTURE READING OPENING PRAYER ANNOUNCEMENTS PRAISE & WORSHIP OFFERING & OFFERTORY PRAYER INTRODUCTION OF SPEAKER SELECTION SERMON ALTAR CALL REMARKS BENEDICTION AUDIO CD’S AVAILABLE- Anyone in need of a CD of this or any service, please see Dea. Jerry Watson or Bro. Dexter Stevenson. CD’s are available of every service for a $5.00 donation. Thank you PLEASE SUPERVISE CHILDREN - Please do not allow your children to go into the bathrooms or other areas of the building and grounds unsupervised. This is of the utmost importance. ATTENTION LEADERS - All Officers and Leaders are expected to be in prayer every Wednesday at 6:00 pm and Youth Leaders from 6:00 – 6:30 pm. If you are in a leadership position such as Elder, Evang, Minister, Trustee, Deacon, Deaconess and Dept. Leaders you are expected to be in prayer. BLINDS IN THE SANCTUARY - For security purposes, please leave the blinds in the sanctuary open slightly for light. MOVEMENT – Please refrain from moving during prayer and scripture reading. You will be asked by the Ushers to remain in the back of the sanctuary and wait to be seated. Please limit use of the center aisle during the church service and while the Word is being brought forth. Directly before the Pastor begins to preach, the aisle will be roped off and you will be redirected to utilize the side aisles. Our Week At A Glance TUESDAY, OCT 28 WEDNESDAY, OCT 29 THURSDAY, OCT 30 FRIDAY, OCT 31 • • • • • Sanctuary Choir Rehearsal – 6-7:15PM Noon Day Prayer – 12 PM – 1 PM Midweek Prayer – 6 PM Faith Builders – 7PM Praise & Worship Rehearsal – 630 PM – 8 PM • Youth Fall Festival Bowling Party – Burlington Bowl & Recreation Center – 7PM CFA News 2015 CALENDARS – The calendars will not be printed or emailed out until January 11, 2015. We will continue to include a copy of the calendar for the month in the bulletins. The sign up sheet will be reposted in the foyer in December for those members that will need to sign up for a hard copy. CFA NURSERY - We would like to thank Deaconess Norrita McNeil for accepting the position of Director of the Nursery. The nursery is now open for ages 0-4 years old. In order for the nursery to run successfully, it will need committed volunteers who must complete the required Safe Church program in order to work with children. If you are interested in working in the nursery, please see Deaconess Norrita McNeil after service. We would also like to thank Sister Vivyan Saloka for all of her hard work and dedication to the nursery in the past. CFA MEET & GREET – November 23, 2014. If you are a member of CFA and haven’t attended a Meet & Greet, please see Deaconess Bessie Moore to sign up. The Meet & Greet will be immediately after morning service on November 23rd with refreshments and an opportunity to meet the Board of CFA. You can also email to submit your name. CFA MEMBER APPRECIATION DINNER – December 14, 2014. As a token of appreciation for your financial support this year, we will have a Member Appreciation Dinner after service on December 14, 2014. The board of CFA will be serving you so mark your calendars and sign up on the sheet in the foyer by November 30th. In an effort to prepare enough food and space, everyone that is planning to attend must sign up. Thank you CFA BUSINESS DIRECTORY – If you have a business, skill or trade and would like to publish it in CFA’s Business Directory, please email your ad to Administration before December 14, 2014. If you have any questions regarding the Business Skills Directory, please see Deacon & Deaconess Armstead. From the Desk of the Apostle Apostle & First Lady Vacation Apostle & First Lady will be on vacation from Monday, October 20th to Monday, October 27th. He will be back in the office on Tuesday, October 28th. You can contact Pastor Harris or our ministerial staff should you have an urgent matter. Please do not disturb Apostle & First Lady during their vacation. FAITH BUILDERS Wednesday, October 29, 2014 7PM INSTRUCTOR: Elder Damian Threadgill TITLE: Are You In The Know? APOSTLE DR. MAURICE RANDOLPH, SR., PASTOR REV. DR. KATHLEEN HARRIS, ASSISTANT PASTOR FACILITATOR: SIS. KRESHENNA CLARK COLLEGE CONNECTION, DIRECTOR Speaker: BCC Enrollment Advisor - Caressa Sanford This information session is open to high school junior & seniors, current BCC & college students, and adults considering going back to school who would like to learn more about BCC and the programs that are available. For more information, please contact CFA College Connection at 810 Marne Highway, Hainesport, NJ 08036 (T) 609-267-4436 ( F) 609-267-0377 Website: Email: Like Us on Facebook – Christian Faith Assembly Apostle Dr. Maurice Randolph, Sr., Pastor, Rev. Dr. Kathleen Harris, Asst. Pastor SERMON NOTES SPEAKER: SCRIPTURE: TEXT: NOTES: INFORMATION FOR THE PASTOR (Please fill in, detach and place in the offering bucket) Today’s Date: Ill and should be visited Name of Person In Need: Prospective member Address: Moved to new address Phone: Desires Pastor to call Your Name: Death in family and should be contacted Additional Information:
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