scripture of the week - Christian Faith Assembly
scripture of the week - Christian Faith Assembly
Apostle Dr. Maurice Randolph, Sr., Prelate/ Senior Pastor Reverend Dr. Kathleen Harris, Assistant Pastor Christian Faith Assembly SCRIPTURE OF THE WEEK 9:30 AM SUNDAY SCHOOL NEW MEMBERS CLASS 11:00 AM WORSHIP LEADER PROCESSIONAL SCRIPTURE READING “And whatever things you ask in prayer, believing, you will receive” Matthew 21:22 NKJV PRAYER TIME IN THE SANCTUARY 1st Sunday Leadership Prayer Time 9:00 AM – 9:20 AM Mid-Week Prayer, Wednesdays 6:00 PM – 7:00 PM AUDIO CD’S AVAILABLE- Anyone in need of a CD of this or any service, please see Dea. Jerry Watson or Bro. Dexter Stevenson. CD’s are available of every service for a $5.00 donation. Thank you PLEASE SUPERVISE CHILDREN - Please do not allow your children to go into the bathrooms or other areas of the building and grounds unsupervised. This is of the utmost importance. OPENING PRAYER ANNOUNCEMENTS PRAISE & WORSHIP OFFERING & OFFERTORY PRAYER INTRODUCTION OF SPEAKER SELECTION SERMON ALTAR CALL ATTENTION LEADERS - All Officers and Leaders are expected to be in prayer every Wednesday at 6:00 pm and Youth Leaders from 6:00 – 6:30 pm. If you are in a leadership position such as Elder, Evang, Minister, Trustee, Deacon, Deaconess and Dept. Leaders you are expected to be in prayer. BLINDS IN THE SANCTUARY - For security purposes, please leave the blinds in the sanctuary open slightly for light. MOVEMENT – Please refrain from moving during prayer and scripture reading. You will be asked by the Ushers to remain in the back of the sanctuary and wait to be seated. Please limit use of the center aisle during the church service and while the Word is being brought forth. Directly before the Pastor begins to preach, the aisle will be roped off and you will be redirected to utilize the side aisles. REMARKS BENEDICTION LET US REVERENCE THE HOUSE OF THE LORD BY TURNING OUR CELL PHONES TO MUTE, VIBRATE OR OFF. PLEASE DO NOT BRING GUM OR CANDY INTO THE SANCTUARY Our Week At A Glance TUESDAY, NOV 17 WEDNESDAY, NOV 18 SATURDAY, NOV 21 • Voices of Victory Rehearsal –7:30-9PM • • • • Mid Week Prayer – 6PM Faith Building Service – 7PM CFA Food Drive Men’s Fellowship Breakfast (offsite) – 9AM CFA News CFA FOOD DRIVE - The Youth Department will be picking up bags this Saturday, November 21st from 9AM - 12PM and will need volunteers to collect the bags as well as drive the youth. Volunteers are also needed to help sort the groceries with the Missionaries starting at 12PM. Anyone that will be picking up the bags will need to meet at Calvin Hall at the Presbyterian Church in Willingboro by 9AM. Any questions regarding the pick up can be directed to Elders Craig & Endrieka Randolph. Any questions regarding to sorting can be directed to any Missionary. BIRTHDAYS Sister Anita Jackson – 11/16 Sis. Latricia Randolph – 11/16 Elder Damian Threadgill – 11/17 ANNIVERSARYS Bro. Darryl & Sis. Annette Whortenberry – 11/16 Faith Building Service Wednesday, November 18th 7PM Speaker: Minister Keith Townsend Subject: “Your Coming Out of This!” Text: John 11:33-44 Acts413 Ministries South Jersey Prayer Gathering – Friday, November 20th @ 7PM Scottish Rite Auditorium, 315 White Horse Pike, Collingswood, NJ 08107. Let us unite and call upon the mighty name of Jesus Christ! Do you have a loved one in bondage? Do you need a miracle from God? There is nothing too hard for God! PRAYER IS THE MOST POWERFUL FORCE KNOWN TO MANKIND! Join us..every denomination, color & background…praying for our Pastors, families, churches, cities, and nation. Pray and seek the face of God! Flyers are located on the bulletin board and in the foyer for more information. Job Vacancies at St. Paul Lutheran Church Church Secretary: Monday - Friday, eight hour day (including lunch). Typing skills and computer skills are necessary (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and others). Receptionist skills and interpersonal skills are necessary. Church Janitor (sexton): Monday - Friday, seven hour day (including lunch). Custodial and light maintenance; set up and take down of tables and chairs for events. Must be physically fit (able to lift up to 80 pounds), able to climb ladders and drive a motor vehicle. Must be available on a 24 hour a day, asneeded basis. Submit a resume and salary requirements to: St. Paul's Lutheran Church, 910 Marne Highway, Hainesport, NJ 08036 or November Dates * Daylight Savings Time Ends – 11/1 * CFA Grocery Giveaway – 11/22 * Thanksgiving – Church is Closed – 11/26 * CFA Food Drive – 11/14 & 11/21 * NO BIBLE STUDY – 11/25 * Youth Sunday – 11/29 7-8PM Apostle Dr. Maurice Randolph, Sr., Prelate/Senior Pastor Rev. Dr. Kathleen Harris, Assistant Pastor As a way of giving back to our community, we invite you to come out and receive FREE non-perishable food items. With the holidays approaching, this food could put a little more room in the budget for other things. Hosted By: Christian Faith Assembly 810 Marne Highway, Hainesport NJ 08036 609-267-4436 Tel 609-267-0377 Fax Website: Email: Apostle Dr. Maurice Randolph, Sr., Prelate/Sr. Pastor Rev. Dr. Kathleen Harris, Asst. Pastor Christian Faith Assembly’s Marriage Builders Ministry Presents….. Saturday, December 5, 2015 6:30-8:30PM Ponzio’s Diner 7 West Route 70 Cherry Hill, NJ 08003 •Private Room •Casual Dress Attire •Prizes & Games •Special Menu Contact: Elder Damian or Minister Naomi Threadgill to reserve seating by Dec. 1st at Christian Faith Assembly 810 Marne Highway, Hainesport, NJ 08036 (T)609-267-4436 (F)609-267-0037 Website: Email: SERMON NOTES SPEAKER: SCRIPTURE: TEXT: NOTES: INFORMATION FOR THE PASTOR (Please fill in, detach and place in the offering bucket) Today’s Date: Ill and should be visited Name of Person In Need: Prospective member Address: Moved to new address Phone: Desires Pastor to call Your Name: Death in family and should be contacted Additional Information:
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