Christian Faith Assembly
Christian Faith Assembly
Apostle Dr. Maurice Randolph, Sr., Prelate/ Senior Pastor Christian Faith Assembly SCRIPTURE OF THE WEEK “Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you” 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 NKJV PRAYER TIME IN THE SANCTUARY Sunday Leadership Prayer Time 9:00 AM – 9:20 AM Noon Day Prayer, Wednesdays 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM Mid-Week Prayer, Wednesdays 6:00 PM – 7:00 PM 1st 9:30 AM SUNDAY SCHOOL 11:00 AM WORSHIP LEADER PROCESSIONAL SCRIPTURE READING OPENING PRAYER ANNOUNCEMENTS AUDIO CD’S AVAILABLE- Anyone in need of a CD of this or any service, please see Bro. Phileppe Still or Deac. Jerry Watson. CD’s are available of every service for a $5.00 donation. Thank you PLEASE SUPERVISE CHILDREN - Please do not allow your children to go into the bathrooms or other areas of the building and grounds unsupervised. This is of the utmost importance. ATTENTION LEADERS - All Officers and Leaders are expected to be in prayer every Wednesday at 6:00 pm and Youth Leaders from 6:00 – 6:30 pm. If you are in a leadership position such as Elder, Evang, Minister, Trustee, Deacon, Deaconess and Dept. Leaders you are expected to be in prayer. PRAISE & WORSHIP BLINDS IN THE SANCTUARY - For security purposes, please leave the blinds in OFFERING & the sanctuary open slightly for light. OFFERTORY PRAYER INTRODUCTION OF SPEAKER SELECTION SERMON ALTAR CALL REMARKS BENEDICTION MOVEMENT – Please refrain from moving during prayer and scripture reading. You will be asked by the Ushers to remain in the back of the sanctuary and wait to be seated. Please limit use of the center aisle during the church service and while the Word is being brought forth. Directly before the Pastor begins to preach, the aisle will be roped off and you will be redirected to utilize the side aisles. LET US REVERENCE THE HOUSE OF THE LORD BY TURNING OUR CELL PHONES TO MUTE, VIBRATE OR OFF. PLEASE DO NOT BRING GUM OR CANDY INTO THE SANCTUARY Our Week At A Glance TUESDAY, MAY 31 WEDNESDAY, JUNE 1 THURSDAY, JUNE 2 • • • • • • • Sanctuary Choir Rehearsal – 6-7:30PM Voices of Victory Rehearsal – 7:30-9PM Noon Day Prayer – 12-1PM Mid Week Prayer – 6PM Adult Bible Study – 7PM Board Meeting – 6:30PM Praise & Worship Rehearsal – 6-7:30PM CFA News TOTAL WOMEN’S MINISTRY - Attention Ladies of CFA! Please join the Total Women's Ministry for "WELLNESS Saturdays " beginning this, Saturday June 4, 2016 at 9am and every OTHER Saturday there after. We will meet & get moving at the trail at the Hainesport Township Municipal Building right down the road at 1401 Marne Highway. We'll stretch and then walk or run and motivate each other to be the healthiest version of ourselves. For more information please see Sis. Kinda Stroud or Sis. Tiffany Beckley. See you Saturday! MEN’S FELLOWSHIP – There’s still time to join the CFA Father’s Day Praise Team! The two scheduled rehearsal dates are Tuesday, June 14th at 6PM and Thursday, June 16th at 6:30PM. Anyone interested in joining can contact Brother Sherman Braswell at or 609-456-8521. SCHOLARSHIPS – Attention High School Seniors – Applications are now available for CFA members who will be graduating from high school in June and attending college in September. Please contact Sister JoAnn Gales or Sister Debi Williams for scholarship information. Completed scholarship packets are to be returned no later than June 12th. If you have already received an application and have questions, please contact Sister Gales @ 609-234-5432 or SCHOLASTIC AND ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENTS - Parents, it’s that time of the year to beginning collecting Scholastic and Academic Achievements for the students of C.F.A. The Dyreon T. Gregory Scholarship Program will be recognizing our students on July 10th and it’s up to you to provide the information to us. We will recognize graduates of various grade levels, Bible School, and College. Forms are available from members of the Scholarship Committee: Sis. Debi Williams, Sis. Wendy Thomas, Sis. Jeanne Burrell, Sis. Kreshenna Clark. You may also contact Sis. JoAnn Gales @ (609) 234-5432 or From the Desk of Pastor Randolph PASTOR & FIRST LADY VACATION– Apostle Randolph will be attending the Hampton Minister's Conference from June 6th – 10th . He and First Lady will then be on vacation from June 12th until June 18th and Apostle will return to the pulpit on June 19th . Please do not contact them during their vacation. If there is an immediate need, please contact either Elder Damian Threadgill, Elder Ronda McNair or any respective church leader. Adult Bible Study Wednesday, June 1st, 8th, 15th & 22nd 7PM Instructor: Elder Michael Shine Topic: The Believer’s Blessing in Christ and The Believer’s Behavior in Christ Scripture: Book of Ephesians BIRTHDAYS Sister Natanya Braswell – 5/29 First Lady Clarissa Randolph – 5/29 Sister Brazil Yates – 5/29 Sister Samara Harris – 6/1 Minister Naomi Threadgill – 6/3 Sister Grace Nugent – 6/4 ANNIVERSARYS Minister Keith & Sister Susan Townsend – 6/2 Deacon Colandus & Deaconess Sharon Francis – 6/2 July 3rd – August 29th June Dates * Pastor & First Lady Anniversary – 6/5 * Pastor @ Hampton Conference – 6/6-6/10 * Pastor & First Lady Vacation – 6/12/6/18 * Father’s Day – 6/19 SERMON NOTES SPEAKER: SCRIPTURE: TEXT: NOTES: INFORMATION FOR THE PASTOR (Please fill in, detach and place in the offering bucket) Today’s Date: Ill and should be visited Name of Person In Need: Prospective member Address: Moved to new address Phone: Desires Pastor to call Your Name: Death in family and should be contacted Additional Information:
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Christian Faith Assembly
time, casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you.” 1 Peter 5:6-7 NKJV