LaCrosse Baptist Church Newsletter July 2014


LaCrosse Baptist Church Newsletter July 2014
 LaCrosse Baptist Church Newsletter July 2014 Fathers Day Smack Down! Well not really a “smack down”, it was a bake off. As most of you know, each year on Fathers Day there is a friendly competition between the men to see who can make the best dessert. It really was a tuff competition again this year, but Dan Drum won for the third straight year by just one vote! So, once again he wins the “Worlds Ugliest Trophy” and once again he will store it at the church. Funny, most people do that. From the photos you can probably see why. 1 Congratulations to Dan and Beal (who came in second). Of course the real winners were all of us who got to sample the treats that were baked. They were all fantastic! Half way through! Here we are, half way through 2014! I don’t know about you but this year seems to be going fast. Time waits for no one and it is up to us to make the most of each day. The best way to start doing that is to pray for the Lord’s direction. What would he have you do to serve his Kingdom? As I look back I can say that our church has been busy each month doing various things for our church, but what does the future hold? Pastor Joey has said that he feels our church is ready to change direction from healing to outreach. It is time for us to start thinking of how to increase the Lord’s presence in our community, and once again, the best place to start is to pray about it. We have an activity this month that will help, it’s called Vacation Bible School. This is a great way for our church to reach out to families in our neighborhood. We have also been helping the Youth United program by sponsoring events at our church. We will probably try to have a Fall Festival this year and that also in a great way to reach out to the community. Do you have any other ideas? Being a Christian is not ONLY about saving our souls, it is also doing service through Jesus Christ, to glorify his Kingdom and bring people to hear His Word. If you have any suggestions, please write them down and bring them to Pastor Joey. He will discuss these ideas with the Church Council for further consideration. The Lord’s work is everybody’s work, not just the Pastor or the church leaders. So got any idea’s? 2 Vacation Bible School this month! The theme this year for Vacation Bible School will be SonTreasure Island, Where kids discover God’s Love – based on 1 Corinthians, Chapter 13. This year we will be holding Vacation Bible School from Thursday, July 17th thru Sunday, July 20th. Thursday and Friday will be from 6:30 p.m.-­‐8:30 p.m., Saturday 10:00 am till Noon followed by "Island Fun Festival" where the kids will continue exploring SonTreasure Island with Games, Food and lots of Activities (kids-­‐bring your swimsuits and change of clothes). Sunday morning at 11:00 am will be the closing assembly with a Video presentation of VBS and Festival, Songs performed by the children and a Skit by the Adults. You don't want to miss any of the activities at this years VBS. Volunteers are still needed for the Saturday Island Fun Festival to man some booths. Please see Barbara Underwood ASAP! Skit participants should get with Carolyn Turlington regarding practice. If you can’t volunteer, please consider a contribution to the Church to help cover expenses since VBS was not a budget item. Questions? See Candy or Nicole. Fifth Sunday Service Dale Wiseman was our guest speaker on Sunday the 29th and covered for Pastor Joey who is on vacation with his family. Dale has spoken to us before and he is known for his passion for Christ and the Word of God. This time he covered “The God of Our Box”. We have a tendency to put God in our box, that is our relationship to him and how we express it. But God is so much more than our finite understanding of Him. Dale expressed God in three terms; He is omnipresent, that is he is everywhere, at all times past present and future. God doesn’t have to go place to place to see what is going on, He is everyplace right now. God is also omnipotent, that is he is all powerful. God created the entire universe and everything in it, how can we limit God from what ever He desires to do? God is omniscient, that is He is all knowing. He knows the number or hairs on your head, he knows what’s in the depths of the ocean or what is out among the stars. There is NOTHING that God does not know, including the desires of your heart. Dale’s sermon is on our web site if you missed it or if you would like to hear it again. At this time we have all the sermons from the past year, so you can go back and catch what ever you have missed. 3 Nomination Committee Please don’t forget to fill out your “Ministry Opportunity Checklist”, then return it to anyone on the Nominating Committee, Tobie or Carolyn Turlington, Ermida Loftus, Linda Hanna or Pat Stroud. You can also put them in the collection plate during the Morning Service. The Nominating Committee will be contacting people later this month in an effort to fill positions that the church needs to operate efficiently. Please be in prayer regarding how you can best help serve the Lord through your church. WHAT’S COMING UP: Packages for Troops -­‐ July 3 -­‐ 6:30 at United Methodist in Alachua. Talk to Keith Pace for details. Church Council – July 6 at 4:30 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall. VBS Decoration Work – July 12 -­‐ from 9:00 until about 1:00. There will also be setup sessions on July 14 and 15 for last minute preparaton. Business Meeting – July13 -­‐ following the Morning Worship Services Special Prayer Meeting – July 16 – We will be praying for the VBS program VBS at LaCrosse! – July17-­‐20 See the article above for a list of times and activites Ladies Meeting – July 21 in The Lighthouse at 7:00 Brotherhood Meeting – July 24 -­‐ 7:00 in the Fellowship Hall. Church Choir/Singers – Anyone interested in being a part of the Choir and or music specials is asked to attend practice following Wednesday evening prayer service. For more information contact Carolyn Turlington. Prayer Teams – We are in the process of building prayer teams within the Church body. The objective would be to have teams comprised of 2 or more persons meeting at the time and place appointed by each team with a focused prayer point. The focus of the prayers will be up to each team. My prayer is that you will have a desire to be a part of this important ministry. Please contact Pat Stroud or Brother Joey if you are willing to serve in this capacity. COLLECTION COUNTERS Editor - Don Loftus
JULY 2014 -­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐ Don Loftus & Kay Davis 386-462-1227
AUGUST 2014 -­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐ David Skelton & Pat Stroud
SEPTEMBER 2014 -­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐-­‐ Tobie Turlington & Dan Drum 4