oe bao cae BO rAr NG!JYEN v A MOI TRlJONG ~N CHIEN LUQC, CHiNH SACH TAI NGUYEN VA MOI TRUONG CQNG HOA I I om da o 1 nuc hl~n xA ijQI cHp .. -HJA . mtr ~·Mt f>9c l~p - T\f do - Hanh phuc HaN9i, ngay~thimg HKH T\TNf •.. N_Gn.A.o v .A THU MOI ~TBA.co \AO TJ¥M NGHl KHOA HQC QUOCTE LAN THU ill A ------·"....,.QI DEN INi:ay~e·n..J.3.l..&1.!.t.1Jl~uAn hoan v~t ch~t va quan nv ly ch~t thai (3RINCs)" Chuyen•...•.•...•...•..........•. LU'U hi s• s6.¥-.s•••u... , l. ----=..ll'V~ll~Hglit~. . D.- r · 0 . r\..UJU1Z) .. V.q,i .. ~\... '1" ";; \,-. o 10 ndm 2015 ~In.-~·· fJ. _ _ (: 'J r , /\ .. -~ .. J:\t'.'\J...2'() 1P. tff"~ ., i .. ········································································································ Hien nay, viec thuc d~y quan ly t6ng hop ch§.tthai r~n thong qua cac giai phap giam thiSu, tai SU dung, tai chS (3Rs) dang la vfui dS moi tnrong r§.t duce quan tam. Quan ly ch§.tthai a mroc ta thoi gian qua vfin con nhieu b~t c~p trong khi cong tac nghien ciru khoa hQC,phat triSn cac cong nghe XU Iy, cac giai phap 3Rs chua d~tkSt qua nhir mong muon. Duce su d6ng y cua B9 Tai nguyen va Mei tnrong, Vien ChiSn luge, . Chinh sach tai nguyen va moi tnrong, T6ng C\lC Moi tnrong, Vu Khoa hQCva cong nghe ph6i hop voi Hiep h9i Tufin hoan v~t ch~t va Quan ly chfitthai Nhat Ban (JSMCWM), Trung tam Phat triSn vung Lien hop quoc (UNCRD), Vi~n ChiSn luge moi tnrong toan c~u (IGES) d6ng t6 chirc H9i nghi khoa hoc quoc tS vs tuan hoan v~t ch~t va quan ly ch~t thai l~n tlnr III (goi t~t la 3RINCs), cu thS nhir sau: - Thai gian: Tu ngay 09 ain ngay l l thdng S ndm 2016 - Dia aidm: Khdch san Melia, 44 Ly Thuong Kiet, Ha Noi Muc tieu cua H9i nghi la tao ra di~n dan dS cac nha khoa hoc, cac chuyen gia, cac nha quan ly, cac doanh nghiep, cac t6 chirc va ca nhan co lien quan trao dBi, chia se, ph6 bien cac kSt qua nghien CUu,cac thong tin khoa hQCva cong nghe, dang thoi rong quan h~ hop tac trong cac linh vuc vs 3Rs va quan ly ch§.tthai. ma H9i nghi 3RINCs la h9i nghi khoa hoc qucc tS c6 quy mo lon. H9i nghi 3RINCs lfui d~u tien da duce t6 chirc thanh cong tai Kyoto, Nh~t Ban vao nam 2014. H9i nghi 3RlNCs lfui thir II duce t6 chirc vao thang 5 nam 2015 tai Daejeon, Han Quoc va da thu hut SlJ tham gia cua khoang 400 d~i biSu dSn 1ir hon 30 qudc gia, Ban T6 chirc xin tran trong thong bao va kinh moi cac nha khoa hoc, cac nha quan ly, cac t6 chirc, ca nhan trong va ngoai mrcc viSt bao cao khoa hoc tham dir H9i nghi khoa hoc quoc tS Ikn thu III ve tuk hoan v~tch~tva quan ly ch§t thai (3RlNCs). (Thong tin vJ H9i nghi va yeu cdu a6i voi cac baa cao duoc gioi thieu chi tiit trong cdc tai lieu kem theo tai cac trang thong tin dien tu: http://isponre.gov.vn hodc http://www.3rincs.org. VJ CclC vdn aJ C¥ thi, xin vui long lien h? anh Nguyin Ngoc theo ai?n thoai: 04.37931629(221); mobile phone 0977.373.372; e-mail: nntu@isponre.gov.vn). va Tu Sµ tham gia cua Quy Vi se g6p phan cho su thanh cong cua H9i nghi. Xin tran trong cam an.I. NO'i nhiin: - Nhir tren; - T6ng cue Moi tnrong (a~ph6i hop ); - Vu Khoa hoc va Cong nghe (a~p,h6i hop ); - Luu VT, KHHTQT, MTPTBV. t./__ H<)I NGiq KHOA HQC QUOC TE LAN THU ill "Tuin hoan v~t ch~t va quan ly ch~t thai (3RINCs)" -------------------------------------------------- vEU cAu 1. v~llQi dung va hinh DOI vor cAc BAO cAo KHOA HQC thirc vs n{)i dung, cac bao cao ck gioi thieu cac kSt qua nghien ciru khoa hQC vs cac Iinh V\]'Cquan ly ch§t thai rfui, 3Rs theo cac chu dS chinh cua Hoi nghi, cu thS bao g6m: • Cac thach thirc vs giam thieu, tai SU dung va tai chS ch§t thai (3R) • Ca sa du lieu, thong ke vS quan ly ch§.tthai, • Quan Iy chfit thai r~.ndo th! • Quan ly ch§t thai sinh khoi ly va tai chs • Quan ch§t thai di~n tu • Quan ly va tai chS cac phirong tien giao thong hSt han SU dung (ELV) • Quan ly chat thai xay dung • Thu h6i nang hrong tu ch§t thai • Quan ly chfit thai cong nghiep • Quan ly ch§t thai do thien tai va chat thai tren biSn • Quan ly chat thai nguy hai (amiang, chfit thai y tS, v.v ....) • Ch§t thai nhiem va c6 clnra ph6ng xa • Chon I§p va tieu huy ch§t thai • KiSm soat khi nha kinh va quan ly chfi.tthai • Cac cong cu trong quan ly ch§t thai va 3Rs: phan tich h~ thong, danh gia vong doi, phan tich dong v~t chat, kiSm toan chat thai ..v.v... • ThS chS chinh sach va ca chS tai chinh Cac bao cao c6 chat hrong t6t se duce Ban t6 chirc xem xet, chinh sira (nSu c~n thiet) dS gui dang tren Tap chi Tudn hoan vdt chdt Quan ly chdt thai (Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management) duce phat hanh boi Springer. va VS hinh thirc, cac bao cao khoa hoc tai H9i nghi ck duoc chuan bi bfuig tieng Anh, font chfr Time News Roman, theo m~u kem theo. 2. vs thiri han n()p va dja chi nh~n bai Cac bao cao khoa hoc xin duce gui (bang ban cling va ban mem) ttin ngay 10thang12 niim 2015, vS dia chi: Ban T6 chuc H<)inghi khoa hoc quoc ti vi 3R (3RINCs) Vien Chiin luoc, chinh sach tai nguyen va moi truong 479, Hoang Qu6c n« Ha N<)i, E-mail: nntu@isponre.gov. vn. CALL FOR EXTENDED ABSTRACTS We welcome Extended Abstracts of presentations, with an indication of preference for oral or poster presentation. Extended Abstract Submission Deadline: 10 December 2015. Extended Abstracts must be prepared in English. Please avoid the use of other languages in figures and tables. Papers should be checked by a native English speaker before submission. Each manuscript should be no more than 4 pages long and must be edited strictly in accordance with the 'Instructions to Authors' below and with the Paper Template (abstract_model_3RINCs) . The style of the manuscript, including the font (Times New Roman), indentation, line spacing, and references must follow the instructions. The quality and content of the paper should be consistent with, and conform to, that of the extended abstract originally submitted. Use of commercial names in the text must be minimized. If a commercial product must be mentioned then the supplier's name, city and state/country should be cited. Any companies with which the authors are affiliated should be mentioned only in the author byline (under the title of the paper) and, where necessary, in the acknowledgments. Leading papers selected by the Conference Organizer will be processed, and then revised and updated as necessary, for publication in special issues of the Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management, which is published by Springer. INSTRUCTIONS TO AUTHORS FOR PREPARATION OF EXTENDED ABSTRACT Authors are requested nntu@isponre.gov.vn. to provide an Extended Abstract electronically via email No revisions can be made after the submission deadline. It will subsequently undergo final evaluation by the Executive Program Committee, and the Extended Abstract of inadequate quality will be removed from the Program. Use of commercial names in the text must be avoided. Follow attached example for the format file. Document processing program Authors are requested to submit the Extended Abstract in a PDF file. The file should be named with the surname of the leading author Language Only English should be used. Please make sure that the use of other languages in figures and tables is avoided. Papers should be checked by a native English speaker before submission. Units Only units of the International System are allowed. Length of Abstract The manuscript should be prepared in no more than 4 pages and edited strictly in accordance with the Instructions to Authors and with the Paper Model. The quality and content of the paper should be consistent with and conform to the abstract originally submitted. The use of commercial names in the text must be avoided. List of Authors Do not use titles (such as Prof., Ing.,) before authors' names; The authors' company should be mentioned only in the affiliation (under the title of the paper), and where necessary, in the acknowledgements. Abbreviations Abbreviations may be used as a convenience in place of certain unwieldy chemical names. Use only well-known abbreviations or acronyms: e.g. ATP, RNA. Standard chemical symbols (Ca, NaOH) and the abbreviations listed for units of measure may be used without definition. Define other abbreviations at the point of introduction, giving the acronym in parentheses. Use acronyms sparingly to avoid impeding comprehension of the text. Spell out abbreviations and symbols that begin a sentence. Avoid using abbreviations other than those standards for international usage. Titles and abstracts are frequently translated into other languages and undefined acronyms may be confusing. Manuscript body We recommend authors to follow attached example for the font of chapter title, line spacing, embedding figure and tables within sentences, and so on. References References should be included in the text using Authors' surnames followed by the year of publication (Pivato and Ferguson, 2008). If there are more than two authors, the surnames of the first two authors could be mentioned, followed by "et al." (ex: Cossu R., Raga R. et al., 2008). Please use Normal style (not Italic). All references included within the text should be reported as a list in a chapter at the end of the text according to the style illustrated in the enclosed example. References should be listed in alphabetical order according to the first Author's surname. The manuscript should be prepared in no more than 4 pages and edited strictly in accordance with the Instructions to Authors and with the Paper Model. Microbial Methane Oxidation at Cover Soil Layer of Municipal Solid Waste Landfill in Japan Tomonori Ishigakt", Masato Yamada', Kaoru Ikeda2, Takuji Higashikawa2 1:National Institute for Environmental Studies, 16-2 Onogawa, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-8506, Japan 2: Ryukoku University, 1-5, Seta-Oe, Otsu, Shiga, Shiga 520-2194, Japan *corresponding author: tomoishi@nies.go.jp ABSTRACT Greenhouse gas emission from waste landfill had been gained public concern. Waste landfill is one of the large emission sources and . Reminder to authors: Authors should prepare this Extended Abstract within 4 page by following this format. It is allowed to include Figures and Tablesin your abstract. All submissions of Extended Abstract must be made electronically through 3RINCs online abstract submission system. No revisions can be made after the submission deadline. Authors are requested to submit the Extended Abstract in a PDF file. Organizing committee reserves the right to withdraw submissions that are in violation of our policies and guidelines, such as those that have been previously published or presented, have been deemed scientifically unsound, are intended to be a commercial advertisement, or have beenfound to include inaccurate data, etc. ············································································································································································· ············································································································································································· ············································································································································································· .......... These results revealed that the methane-oxidizing bacteria in the landfill cover will consume the oxygen that penetrated from surface and net efficiency of methane reduction must be reduced. (less than 300 words) Keywords: methane oxidizing bacteria, greenhouse gas, mitigation, landfill cover soil (3-5 keywords should be appeared) INTRODUCTION It 2000) has been well ······················· recognized that a waste landfill is major emission source (IPCC, ............................................................................................................................................................................... ··············································································································································································· ············································································································································································· ............................................................................................................................................................................. .. ············································································································································································ .............................................................................................................................................................................. .... . ............................................................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................................................... ... activity has been investigated. The relationship between these parameters was analyzed for understanding the mechanisms. MATERIALS AND METHODS Subjected landfill site A waste landfill site where municipal solid waste had been disposed of for 25 years was selected for investigation. The details of the landfill was shown in Table I. . Table 1. Details oflandfill subjected in this study Wastetype duration Capacity Others Landfill AM MSW 1980-1995 750,000m3 Mountain Landfill AN MSW 1988-2000 900,000m3 plain ---------Microbial DNA extraction Fifty grams of soil sample was suspended in 450 ml of distilled water for 30 minutes. Supernatant was applied to gene extractionkit . RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Distribution of methane emission and oxidation in the landfill surface Figure 1 shows the relationship between the methane emission from the surface of landfills and the methane oxidation . ..... ································································································································································ ··············································································································································································· ··············································································································································································· .............................................................................................................................................................................. ..... ········································································································································································· ........ ······································································································································································ ........... ··································································································································································· . ,'it ············································································································································································· 25 •landfill AM 20 ,-..., ~ '-' i:: .....0 ~ 10 "d ..... ><: 0 Q) § ~.•.... 8 • landfill AN • 15 .t. landfill SS • X landfill FS 5 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 methane emission (rnl/m2/min) Figure 1. Relationship of methane emission and oxidation Population of methane-oxidizing bacteria in the landfill cover soil Population of methane-oxidizing bacteria in the landfill surface is shown in Table 2. Relationship between the population and methane emission was also shown in . CONCLUSION This study aimed to propose a practical methodology for estimating the methane oxidation behavior of waste landfills. Precise prediction of methane emission must be achieved by investigating the historical trends of disposal of the organic . In this sense, we should continue to establish area-, region-, or at least country-specific activity and kinetic parameters on methane oxidation in landfills beyond the case study. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT This research was supported by Global Environment Research Fund (B-071) by Ministry of the Environment,Japan REFERENCES Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Good practice guidance and uncertainty management m Nationalgreenhouse gas inventories, 2000. Ishigaki,T., Yamada, M., Nagamori, M., Ono, Y., and Inoue, Y.,Estimation of methane emissionfrom whole waste landfill site using correlation between flux and ground temperature, Environmental Geology, 48, 7, 845-853,2005. United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, Kyoto Protocol to the United Nations FrameworkConvention on Climate Change, FCCC/CP/1997/L.7/Add.l, 1997. References should be included in ·the text using Authors' surnames followed by the year of publication (Pivatoand Ferguson, 2008). If there are more than two authors, the surname of the first two authors could be mentioned,followed by "et al" (ex: Cossu R., Raga R. et al., 2008). Please use Normal style (not Italic).