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- STL Group
Residential Legal Products Homecheck® Envirosearch® SiteSolutions Residence™ Homecheck® Flood FloodSolutions Residence™ Remediation / PI Remediation / PI £60,000 / £10M £60,000 / £10M Remediation / PI Remediation / PI £100,000 / £10M £100,000 / £10M PI cover of upto £10M Insurance Solution Insurance Solution Available Available Insurance Solution Insurance Solution Available Available £41.50+ VAT £49+ VAT SI TESOLUTI ONS Res i dence Professional Opinion RPS Consultants have passed this report in accordance with the definition of contaminated land within Part 2A of the Environmental Protection Act 1990. Please refer to the Professional Opinion page and Section 1 for further information. Flood Risk: None Identified Refer to Section 2 for further information Conveyancer Guidance While this report may have identified areas at risk of flooding on or within 250m of the subject property, the extent and frequency of these potential flood events present a low risk. Please refer to Section 2 for further information. Radon: IDENTIFIED Refer to Section 3 for further information Ground Stability: IDENTIFIED T heov e r a l l f l oodr i s kr a t i ngf ort hepr ope r t yi sa s s e s s e dt obe' L ow' . Nof ur t he ra c t i oni s c ons i de r e dne c e s s a r yhowe v e rapr ude ntpur c ha s e rma ywi s ht oc ons i de rt heme a s ur e s out l i ne donpa ge2 . L i v eT es t HCPF A Na t i ona l Gr i dRe f e r e nc e : Mast sandPowerLi nes NOT I DENTI FI ED Requested by Landmark Po Sample Account 5 - 7 Abbey Court Eagle Way Exeter Devon EX2 7HY Re que s t e dBy : Re por tReques t ee, 124Ma i nS t r e et , l a nd Home Re por tRe f e r e nc e : FURTHER ACTI ON Report Date 16 December 2013 482605E , 204635N Ov e r a l l F l oodRi s k : Cl i e ntRe f e r e nc e : Aut oma t edt es t i ng: L i v eT es t : HCPF A L OW RI S KI DE NT I F I E D Radon Ri v e r I DENTI FI ED Coa s t a l Gr ound Wa t e r Re por tDa t e : S ur f a c e Pl uv i a l Ot he r 17J a nua r y2014 Hi gh Repor ton: If you require assistance please contact your Search Provider or phone Customer Services on 0844 844 9966 or email helpdesk@homecheck.co.uk Byways,Br i ckf i el dRoad,Bar ham,CANTERBURY, Kent ,CT46LQ By purchasing this report, the report recipient may be eligible for Remediation Contribution of up to £60,000 if served with a Remediation Notice by the Local Authority. Such a notice forces the homeowner to contribute to the costs of remediating the site. For more information see Landmark's Terms and Conditions. Repor tpr epar edf or : Notpr ov i ded Repor tRef er ence: Res i dence Cl i entRef er ence: N/ A Nat i onalGr i dRef er ence: 620760, 149360 Howev er ,bui l di ngsand cont ent si ns ur ances houl d beav ai l abl eats t andar d t er ms . Apr udentpur chas er s houl das kt hev endor whet hert her ehasbeen anyhi s t or i cal f l oodi ngand conf i r mt heav ai l abi l i t yof bui l di ngandcont ent s i ns ur ance.Youmayal s o wantt ocar r youtf ur t her as s es s mentand managementoff l oodr i s k ( s eepages3&4) . Speci menSi t e,LONDON L ow Ne gl i gi bl e Repor tdat e: 13t hJ une2012 Cont a c tDet a i l s I ns ur a bi l i t y : I st hepr oper t yl i k el yt obei ns ur a bl ea ts t a nda r dt er ms ? YE S Other Influential Factors: Ar gy l l ' sOv er v i ew TheSi t ei sl ocat edwi t hi n anar eawhi chi s s us cept i bl et o gr oundwat erands ur f ace wat er( pl uv i al )f l oodi ng. Repor ton: Mode r a t e Contact Details Landmark Contribution Refer to Section 4 for further information Vi aL a ndma r kWebS e r v i c eL i v eT es t Pr of es s i ona l Opi ni on Subsi dence&Gr ound nst abi l i t y I Customer Reference Sample HCP_HCP PASSED T hi sr e por ti si s s ue df ort he pr ope r t yde s c r i be da s : PAS S E D PASSED National Grid Reference 491040 106950 Ov er al lOpi ni on F l oodRi s kAs s e s s me nt Fl oodi ng Report Reference 51811437_1_1 FLOODSOLUTI ONS Res i dence F l oodRe por t PASSED Report issued for the property at Sample Site PASSED £30+ VAT Homec hec kPr of es s i ona l ® Cont ami nat edLand Contamination Risk £20+ VAT I fy our e qui r ea nya s s i s t a nc epl e a s e c ont a c tourc us t ome rs e r v i c e st e a m on08448449966 Repor tpr epar edf or : Repor tRef er ence: Repor tdat e: Sampl e Sampl e 16Januar y2014 Cl i entRef er ence: Nat i onalGr i dRef er ence: Sampl e 545130, 178770 ore ma i l hel pdes k @l a ndma r k . c o. uk Refer to Section 5 for further information Environmental Constraints: None Identified www. l a ndma r k . c o. uk E mpowe r i ngPe opl ewi t hI nf or ma t i on See Section 5a www.landmark.co.uk Empowering People with Information Flood Check 1: Screen 2: Detailed 3: Comprehensive Delivery Time (days) Assessment 1: Part Manual 2: Full Manual Ground Stability 1: Screen 2: Detailed 3: Comprehensive For pricing, please call 0800 318611 or email info@stlgroup.co.uk For samples and other product information, please visit www.stlgroup.co.uk www.stlgroup.co.uk 0800 318611 info@stlgroup.co.uk @stlgroup Residential Legal Products Energy and Infrastructure Report Plansearch Plus Included in the report Product details Included in the report • Wind farms • HS2 • Crossrail • Fracking • Solar farms • Yorkshire and Humber CCS Cross Country Pipeline • Automated • PI cover of upto £10m • Planning applications • Local Development Plans/Local Development Framework information • Local facilities • Housing and neighbourhood • Phone masts • Education £25 Please contact STL for prices+ VAT £31 Please contact STL for prices+ VAT Discounts available when part of bundle For pricing, please call 0800 318611 or email info@stlgroup.co.uk For samples and other product information, please visit www.stlgroup.co.uk www.stlgroup.co.uk 0800 318611 info@stlgroup.co.uk @stlgroup