SITA Remediation is present in France, Belgium, Germany and the Netherlands. To find out more: SITA Remediation engineers all assignments to be fully compliant with existing safety, environmental and service provision standards. To achieve this, SITA Remediation is certified: • Services certification for providers operating in the area of contaminated land, namely LNE (French national metrics and testing laboratory) certification attesting to services’ compliance with the French AFNOR NFX 31-620 standard. Supporting sustainability Protecting land through remediation and protecting water resources by removing pollution from groundwater are major issues to which Suez Environnement is committed, and which place SITA Remediation at the heart of sustainability. • MASE-UIC certification (Manual for the Improvement of Safety in Businesses - Union for the Chemicals Industry) ensuring strict compliance with safety procedures during operations, and especially when working on highthreshold Seveso sites such as refineries. • ISO 9001 guaranteeing quality of service to customers and the ability to meet their requirements. SITA is present throughout Europe, and Suez Environnement in more than 110 countries worldwide. To find out more: DE LA SUITE DANS VOS DÉCHETS* France 17 rue du Périgord 69330 MEYZIEU T : +33 (0)4 72 45 02 22 F : +33 (0)4 78 04 24 30 On behalf of the earth Belgium Westvaartdijk 83 1850 GRIMBERGEN T : +32 (0)2 257 18 11 F : +32 (0)2 257 82 71 The Nederland Isotopenweg 15 NL-3542 AS UTRECHT Postbus 40221-NL-3504 AA UTRECHT T : + 31 (0)302 470 911 F : + 31 (0)302 410 111 Contaminated SOILS remediation Deutschland Südstrasse 41 44625 HERNE T : +49 (0)232 59 49 012 F : +49 (0)232 59 49 044 Inclusion of environmental impacts A local network SITA REMEDIATION la terre au sens propre ® Traitement de la zone B2 par Bioventing With seven regional branches and five offices spread across France, SITA Remediation offers a fast, local response to customer needs. Emissions de CO2 FAIBLES A B C C D E F G Emissions de CO2 ÉLEVÉES Gasoil* 320 Emission des GES Energie 864 Litres Kwh 556 T eq CO2 *Eq energies fossiles Risques de nuisances BRUIT ODEUR VISUEL POUSSIÈRES È TRANSPORT Expertise based on research and innovation Through partnerships with researchers and scientists, SITA Remediation finds and develops new treatment techniques. R&D programmes make it possible to provide customers with more effective new technologies, or methods with a reduced environmental impact. Headquarters : 17, Rue du Périgord - 69330 MEYZIEU Tél. +33 (0)4 72 45 02 22 / Fax. +33 (0)4 78 04 24 30 SITA REMEDIATION Caring for the earth * Inventing a future for your waste SITA REMEDIATION Sté SPECIMEN Site de Clermont-Ferrand Caring for the earth Environmental impacts have to be included in any cost-benefit analysis, from the planning stage of any remediation project. SITA Remediation includes such impacts in its decisions, and to this end has developed a method to calculate the carbon footprint (carbon assessment) for any type of operation. © Liber Mundi - Crédit photos : Liber Mundi et SITA Remediation - 08/2012 Quality and safety are fundamental to our services DE LA SUITE DANS VOS DÉCHETS* SITA REMEDIATION * Inventing a future for your waste Caring for the earth A certified, comprehensive, «bespoke» service for the remediation of contaminated land Project engineering Certifié Remediation projects are becoming increasingly complex, and the engineering of a bespoke solution, often involving several techniques, is essential for successful, highquality service provision both economically and environmentally (B111 – lab tests ; B112 – trials*) Domaine A - B - C Both proven and innovative techniques On the basis of our experience with contaminated land, spanning over 20 years, SITA Remediation offers a comprehensive range of remediation and recovery techniques that can be applied to polluted soil: In-situ techniques (C310*) These are used to treat soil exactly where it is, without excavation, using conventional procedures such as venting, bioventing and sparging (C311a,c,d,e*). A special, patented, ETP® procedure is used to simultaneously treat the soil, ground water and floating matter (C311b* - multi-phase extraction). Innovative techniques for in-situ oxidation, Oxidis®, or for anaerobic biodegradation, Bionappe®, can now treat chlorinated pollution previously believed to be recalcitrant (C313b, C316* - in-situ chemical oxidation/reduction). On-site and off-site techniques (C320*) SITA Remediation is your partner for special decontamination operations or the overall management of a polluted site: investigation, risk evaluation, planning and carrying out the work, and site monitoring. The services offered are fully compliant with «contaminated land services» regulations and certification as per the AFNOR NFX 61-320 standard, for both the investigation phase (work type A) and the engineering and execution phases (work types B & C). For remediation operations, SITA Remediation is able to meet your environmental, technical and financial requirements and expectations by means of its extensive, high-quality range of treatment procedures, i.e. in-situ, on-site and off-site, After excavation, soil can be treated on-site: • Biological treatment using biopiles for hydrocarbon pollution, for example (C325b,d* - biopiles/landfarming) • Volatilis® treatment using controlled volatilization • Pre-treatment on-site, e.g. screening, pulverising, Rotalis®, Mecalis®, washing, etc. (C350b*) Management of excavated soils (C321a*) includes: • Identification of excavated soil by screening and testing, • Identification of the best disposal process** and the acceptability of the soil, • Transportation management and optimisation, • Complete traceability of excavated soil using a GIS (Geographical Information System). including various soil recovery options. Also a specialist in treating complex contamination, for this SITA Remediation brings together experts from many disciplines (chemistry, geology, hydrology, biology, modelling, etc.) and makes use of the most innovative technologies necessary to protect land. The group expert SITA REMEDIATION Soil recovery platform Caring for the earth SITA Remediation is a subsidiary of SITA Spécialités combining all of the «hazardous waste» work undertaken by SITA France, in Suez Environnement’s waste management division. Suez Environnement, an international group of firms, meets basic needs – access to water, wastewater treatment, and waste collection, sorting and recovery. SITA Remediation provides a comprehensive range of services, including those available within the wider group, for contaminated soils and recovery of polluted soil. SITA Remediation designs treatment platforms including all on-site pre-treatment techniques used to deal with excavated soil, ranging from screening to thermal desorption and soil washing (C321b*). These recovery platforms are used to first treat the polluted soil and then recover it through re-use. This recovery concept is implemented either on the site to be decontaminated, or on one of SITA’s Neoter® sites (classified treatment facilities for excavated soil). SITA REMEDIATION Caring for the earth Service covered in the NFX 31-620 standard SITA Remediation offers the most comprehensive set of treatment processes possible, ranging from landfill to reclamation for cement works and including bio-centres, thermal desorption centres and soil washing units through its Geocentres database (geo-positioning of pollution soil treatment centres). * ** UXO clearance SITA Remediation runs a specialist department offering a full range of services handling UXO clearance on military or civilian sites: audit, DGPS mapping, removal and identification of munitions, destruction and dismantling. To find out more: