view - City of Fort Collins Public Records
view - City of Fort Collins Public Records
ELB Engineering, LLC. Transportation Engineering Solutions Memorandum TO: Mr. Bob Patterson, Owner Mr. Ric Hattman, Hattman Associates Mr. Joe Olson, PE, City Traffic Engineer FROM: Eric L. Bracke, P.E., P.T.O.E DATE: September 30, 2008 SUBJECT: 3805 East Vine Drive – Mini Storage/RV Storage: Memorandum TIS This transportation impact memorandum addresses the proposed Mini-Storage, RV and Boat Storage Project located at 3805 East Vine Drive in Fort Collins, Colorado. The project will provide 467 storage units and surface storage for 798 boats and RV’s. Access to the site is via one driveway onto East Vine Drive. The roadway is under the control of the City of Fort Collins and is classified as an arterial as defined by the Master Street Plan. A vicinity map displaying the location of the site and a preliminary site plan are displayed in Figures 1 and 2, respectfully. A preliminary review of the project was conducted to determine the scope of the study as defined under the Larimer County Urban Area Street Standards. Based on the review and the low trip generation of this particular land use, it was determined that a memorandum study would suffice for this development. Attachment A, the scoping form, can be found in Appendix A. East Vine Drive is a two-lane arterial roadway with a posted speed limit of 45 mph. Adjacent to the site, the roadway has been improved with auxiliary left turn lanes. The pavement appears to be in good condition. The roadway was improved several years ago with the Waterglen development which is located directly north of the project. East Vine Drive has bike lanes on both sides of the roadway and sidewalks on the north side. Sight distance at the driveway is adequate. Surrounding land uses in the immediate area vary. The site is currently in agricultural use and an industrial use directly to the west of the property. To the north, the residential development known as Waterglen resides. Waterglen appears to be built-out. ELB Engineering, LLC 5401 Taylor Lane Fort Collins, CO 80528 Phone: 970-988-7551 | FAX: 970-225-8942 1 SITE Figure 1: Vicinity Map ELB Engineering, LLC 5401 Taylor Lane Fort Collins, CO 80528 Phone: 970-988-7551 | FAX: 970-225-8942 2 Figure 2: Site Plan ELB Engineering, LLC 5401 Taylor Lane Fort Collins, CO 80528 Phone: 970-988-7551 | FAX: 970-225-8942 3 Existing Traffic Elgin Recent peak hour turning movements at the intersection of East Vine Drive and Elgin were conducted during September 2008. The morning and afternoon peak hour traffic counts at the intersection are displayed in Figures 3. The peak hour counts were conducted in 15 minute increments for the periods of 7:30:8:30 AM and 4:30 – 5:30 PM. The raw information regarding the turning movements is provided in Appendix B. E. Vine Drive 6/17 141/199 11/5 13/21 3805 E. Vine 3/10 234/193 North Figure 3: Existing Peak Hour Traffic (AM/PM) ELB Engineering, LLC 5401 Taylor Lane Fort Collins, CO 80528 Phone: 970-988-7551 | FAX: 970-225-8942 4 Trip Generation Site generated traffic was estimated using the techniques of the Institute of Transportation Engineers Trip Generation Manual, 7th Edition. The manual presents trip generation rates from numerous land use studies from across the Country. However, the manual does not have a trip generation rate to cover RV and Boat Storage sites. Following discussions with the Fort Collins traffic engineer and the Larimer County traffic engineer as well as several other consulting traffic engineers in Northern Colorado, it was agreed that an RV and boat storage facility produces trip characteristics similar to a mini-warehouse facility (ITE Code 151). It was decided to use Code 151 for the storage units and 60% of the trip generation rates for the surface parking. It should be noted that this type of facility also has a seasonal component. During the summer months, the rates would be consistent with Code 151, while in the winter months, the use is minimal. Table 1 below, displays the trip generation estimates for the project. Table 1: Trip Generation Estimate Daily Code Use units 151 Mini-Warehouse 151 RV/Boat Storage Reduction for boat storage TOTAL TRIPS Units 467.00 798.00 rate 0.28 0.28 467.00 ENTER rate trips 131 223 -89 131 0.01 0.01 AM EXIT trips rate 5 8 -3 5 0.01 0.01 PM ENTER EXIT trips rate trips rate 5 8 -3 5 0.02 0.02 9 16 -6 9 0.01 0.01 trips 5 8 -3 5 Background and Site Generated Traffic The analysis year for the short-term horizon is the Year 2010. A growth projection of 2% per year for two years was utilized to determine background traffic. Site generated traffic was added to the background traffic to get the total traffic projection for the Year 2010. Figure 4 on the following page displays the total traffic scenario (background plus site generated) for the Year 2010. ELB Engineering, LLC 5401 Taylor Lane Fort Collins, CO 80528 Phone: 970-988-7551 | FAX: 970-225-8942 5 160/210 3/5 3/2 3/2 250/215 2/4 E. Vine Drive 3805 E. Vine North Figure 4: Year 2010 Total Traffic (AM/PM) ELB Engineering, LLC 5401 Taylor Lane Fort Collins, CO 80528 Phone: 970-988-7551 | FAX: 970-225-8942 6 Capacity Analysis Capacity analyses were performed at the key intersection (driveways) to determine if any deficiencies would occur when the project was implemented. The analyses followed the procedures of the Highway Capacity Manual 2000. Level of Service (LOS) is a qualitative term describing operating conditions and expressed in terms of delay. Table 2 below provides the definitions of LOS for both signalized and unsignalized intersections. Table 3 displays the results of the Year 2010 total traffic scenario. The capacity worksheets from the analyses can be found in Appendix C. Table 1 Level of Service Definitions Level of Service Signalized Intersection Average Total Delay (seconds/vehicle) Unsignalized Intersection Average Total Delay (seconds/vehicle) A <10 <10 B C D E >10 and ≤20 >20 and ≤35 >35 and ≤55 >55 and≤ 80 >10 and ≤15 >15 and ≤25 >25 and ≤ 35 >35 and ≤50 F >80 >50 Table 3 Intersection Capacity Analysis Year 2010 Total Traffic Intersection E. Vine Drive/Project Driveway STOP sign Control Movement WB LEFT NB LEFT/RIGHT OVERALL AM LOS A A A Total Traffic - Year 2010 PM Delay(sec/vehicle) LOS 7.6 A 10.3 A 0.2 A Delay(sec/vehicle) 7.6 10.5 0.2 Based on the analysis above, it is concluded that the proposed project will not have a significant impact on the surrounding roadway system and the key intersection will operate within the standards set forth by the City of Fort Collins. ELB Engineering, LLC 5401 Taylor Lane Fort Collins, CO 80528 Phone: 970-988-7551 | FAX: 970-225-8942 7 Bike and Pedestrian Facilities There are currently bike lanes in place on Vine Drive which satisfies the bike LOS requirements of LUCASS. On the north side of Vine Drive, sidewalk facilities were constructed with the Waterglenn project. The project will be required to construct sidewalks along their property frontage. There are no immediate pedestrians destinations or facilities in the area. Access to Transit Routes Transfort does not currently provide transit service to the area. A review of the 2010 transit plan reveals that the City does not intend to provide transit service in this area in the near-term future. Conclusion Based on the analyses of this report, the following can be concluded regarding the proposed facility located at 3805 East Vine Drive: • The project is feasible from a traffic engineering perspective • The project will generate approximately 131 daily trip ends, 10 morning peak ends, and 14 afternoon peak ends. • Trip generation is fairly minimal and no perceived safety hazard will exist with the approval of the project. • Sight distance is adequate at the proposed driveway. • A right turn lane into the site is not required and a left turn lane is currently in place. • Intersection Level of Service standards is satisfied with the project. Please let me know if further information is required. ELB Engineering, LLC 5401 Taylor Lane Fort Collins, CO 80528 Phone: 970-988-7551 | FAX: 970-225-8942 8 APPENDIX A ELB Engineering, LLC 5401 Taylor Lane Fort Collins, CO 80528 Phone: 970-988-7551 | FAX: 970-225-8942 9 ELB Engineering, LLC 5401 Taylor Lane Fort Collins, CO 80528 Phone: 970-988-7551 | FAX: 970-225-8942 10 APPENDIX B ELB Engineering, LLC 5401 Taylor Lane Fort Collins, CO 80528 Phone: 970-988-7551 | FAX: 970-225-8942 11 Eric L. B racke, P. E., P.T.O .E ELB Engineering, LLC 5401 Taylor Lane Fort C ollins, C O 80528 (970) 988-7551 T abular S um m ary of Vechicle Counts 25-Sep-2008 Date Fort Collins City/T ow n E ast Vine Driv e/Elgin Intersection T im e Eastbound Begins L W estbound T R L T otal T otal T R T otal Southbound east/west L Northbound T R L T otal T otal T R T otal T otal north/south ALL 7:30 2 33 0 35 0 52 0 52 87 2 0 5 7 0 0 0 0 7 94 7:45 1 52 0 53 0 71 1 72 125 6 0 5 11 0 0 0 0 11 136 8:00 1 33 0 34 0 70 2 72 106 3 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 3 109 8:15 2 23 0 25 0 41 0 41 66 0 0 3 3 0 0 0 0 3 69 7:30-8:30 6 141 0 147 0 234 3 237 384 11 0 13 24 0 0 0 0 24 408 PHF 0.69 T im e Eastbound Begins L 0.82 W estbound T R T otal L 0.55 T otal T R T otal Southbound east/west L #DIV/0! Northbound T R L T otal T otal T R T otal T otal north/south ALL 4:30 2 52 0 54 0 50 1 51 105 1 0 5 6 0 0 0 0 6 111 4:45 7 49 0 56 0 57 2 59 115 1 0 9 10 0 0 0 0 10 125 5:00 5 48 0 53 0 40 3 43 96 2 0 4 6 0 0 0 0 6 102 5:15 3 50 0 53 0 46 4 50 103 1 0 3 4 0 0 0 0 4 107 17 199 0 216 0 193 10 203 419 5 0 21 26 0 0 0 0 26 445 2:45-3:45 PHF 0.96 ELB Engineering, LLC 5401 Taylor Lane Fort Collins, CO 80528 Phone: 970-988-7551 | FAX: 970-225-8942 0.86 0.65 #DIV/0! 1 APPENDIX C ELB Engineering, LLC 5401 Taylor Lane Fort Collins, CO 80528 Phone: 970-988-7551 | FAX: 970-225-8942 1 ELB Engineering, LLC 5401 Taylor Lane Fort Collins, CO 80528 Phone: 970-988-7551 | FAX: 970-225-8942 2 ELB Engineering, LLC 5401 Taylor Lane Fort Collins, CO 80528 Phone: 970-988-7551 | FAX: 970-225-8942 3