Bureau of Meteorology
Bureau of Meteorology
Bureau of Meteorology Investing in our older workers: our people, our story. Our history 1 January 1908 A weather chart produced by the Bureau of Meteorology and issued in Perth on the first day of operation 1945 A member of the Women's Auxiliary Air Force in World War 2 demonstrates how to prepare a hydrogen-filled weather balloon for flight instrument. Our vision To provide Australians with environmental intelligence for safety, sustainability, well-being and prosperity. ENVIRONMENTAL INTELLIGENCE Conclusions drawn from environmental observations and models to guide decisions and actions by governments, businesses and individuals. Old agency, new ways Our workforce today headcount ~1721 . Retirement and Exit Workforce Planning Talent Attraction Recruitment and Onboarding Retention People Plan 2014-2017 Succession Planning and Career Development Leadership Development Pay and Benefits Role focused Learning Performance Rewards and Recognition Our job family journey 2012 and earlier • ICT, Operational Meteorologist and Legal Workforce plans created • First iteration of the Bureau Job Family created and applied to all occupied positions 2012-13 • Second iteration of the Bureau Job Family • Organisation Leadership Job Family WFP 2013-14 • Climate Information Job WFP • Flood and Weather forecasting WFPs underway (critical roles) 2014-15 • Demographic snap shot (Job Family based) of the Bureau released Accounting and Finance Job family headcounts Separations 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Total years of service (includes all categories of separations) leaving per FY: • 2013/14 – 1,315 years (average length of service = 9 years) left BoM • 2013/12 – 1,575 years (average length of service = 10 years) left BoM • 2012/11 – 1,917 years (average length of service = 9 years) left BoM 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14 Scientific and technical Length of service Number of Employees 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 UNDER 1 1<5 5 < 10 10 < 15 15 < 20 Years 20 < 30 30 < 40 40 + Climate Information Flood Forecasting ICT Observations, Engineering and Technical Research Water Information Weather Forecasting Support job families Length of service Number of Employees 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 UNDER 1 1<5 5 < 10 10 < 15 15 < 20 Years 20 < 30 Accounting & Finance Administration Communications & Marketing People Strategic Policy, Research, Programme & Project 30 < 40 40 + Age profiling Number of Employees OET Age Profile 80 60 39% staff aged over 51 years 20% staff aged over 55 years 40 20 0 <20 21-25 26-30 31-35 36-40 41-45 46-50 51-55 56-60 61-65 66-70 >71 Years Number of Employees Weather Forecasting Age Profile 60 40 20% staff aged over 51 years 9% Staff aged over 55 years 20 0 <20 21-25 26-30 31-35 36-40 41-45 46-50 51-55 56-60 61-65 66-70 >71 Years Organisational leaders Number of Employees Organisational Leadership Length of Service Profile 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 UNDER 1 1<5 5 < 10 10 < 15 15 < 20 Years 20 < 30 30 < 40 40 + Organisational Leadership Age Profile 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 <20 21-25 26-30 31-35 36-40 41-45 46-50 51-55 56-60 61-65 66-70 >71 A job family snapshot Focus on Weather Forecasting • Headcount = 343 • Median age = 39 years Weather Forecasting Job Family • Staff aged over 55 years = 9.33% • Median Length of Service = 10 years • Avg Length of Service = 11.6 years • Female staff = 28.9 % •Staff on TADs = 31.8 % • Non ongoing staff = 4.4 % Career flexibility & weather forecasters • Severe weather season, in every regional office, many retirees return • Leave relief pool • Career paths off shift – often into Organisational Leaders, but also into Finance, ICT, Training (case study) • Part time or Job Share (case study) Enhanced, false-color image from a NOAA weather satellite of Tropical Cyclone Ingrid, east of the Cape York Peninsula, Queensland, 8 March 2005, 1:30pm A long, varied career Bob Leighton https://www.yo utube.com/ watch?v=hl nsrbt2MVA Bob Leighton and Tennis Australia CEO Craig Tiley A job share success story Michael Halfpenny class of '77 'On the Job dualling' It’s the next step for the class of 2014 Mentoring inspires! Our Director Dr Rob Vertessy 'The BoM is a good place to work' Evidence from 2013 Census • BOM employees report higher levels of engagement, except supervisor engagement, compared to the rest of the APS. • BOM employees were less likely to report experiencing or witnessing bullying • BOM has a positive agency culture and employees see a strong commitment to safety • BOM employees were more satisfied with opportunities for career progression than other APS employees and were more likely to report they intended to stay working with their agency for 3 or more years • BOM employees report working more hours than most of the APS and other large operational employees Thank you…Want more? • Interested in our history – The Weather Watchers (100 years of the Bureau of Meteorology) David Day • Our Strategic Plan – WWW • Our Calendars (best Christmas present ever) on sale in October • NY Times article on Bob Leighton (Google it!) • Mobile Website, Facebook, Seasonal Climate Outook videos (monthly) Emma Lewis E.lewis@bom.gov.au