09:30 Troccoli
09:30 Troccoli
Welcome to the International Conference Energy & Meteorology 2011 Alberto Troccoli (CSIRO) International Conference Energy & Meteorology 2011 Gold Coast, Australia, 8-11 November2011 Why Energy & Meteorology? Why Energy & Meteorology? Meteorology Why Energy & Meteorology? Meteorology Weather & Climate for the Energy Industry Picture Alliance/Franz-Peter Tschauner Hydro-meteorological and climate variables of relevance to energy industry Cloudiness Humidity Temperature Rainfall Wind speed and/or direction Snowfall and ice accretion Short-wave radiation Sea level Wave height Weather/Climate and Energy interaction Effect of floods on coal mines ! Effect of hurricanes on oil platforms Effect of high temperature on nuclear reactors Weather/Climate and Energy interaction Effect on wind energy Effect on solar energy Effect of waves on oil industry NatCatSERVICE Great weather catastrophes worldwide 1950 ± 2010 Number of events with trend Number 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 1950 1955 1960 1965 1970 1975 Meteorological events (Storm) 1980 1985 1990 Hydrological events (Flood, mass movement) © 2011 Münchener Rückversicherungs-Gesellschaft, Geo Risks Research, NatCatSERVICE ± As at January 2011 1995 2000 2005 Climatological events (Extreme temperature, drought, forest fire) 2010 !"#$%&'%(#)*'*"&#+(,*"&'-.#(./#( %$*0./(&'(,#"-',(1*$(-22(13#2+( Projected changes in Energy Demand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• Fossil fuels projected to decline from 81% in 2008 to 74% in 2035 • Demand for coal & oil declines in the OECD !"##$%&'()%#&*+$,-+$,&+&.),-/+%&/"%)&$,&-0)&1/$*+/2&),)/32&*$4&$,&-0)&5)6&7"%$.$)# • Use of renewable energy triples between 2008 & 2035 8.),+/$"9&:(-&-0)$/�+/)&;).%$,)#9&'/"*&<=>&$,&?@@<&-"&AB>&$,&?@CD Source: IEA, World Energy Outlook 2010 Direct and Indirect Impacts of Weather & Climate on Energy Industry • Weather and climate can have direct effects on all aspects of the energy systems life cycle • Resource endowment, infrastructure, design and planning • Energy supply and operations • Energy transmission, distribution, and transfers • Energy demand • But also indirect effects through other economic sectors • Agriculture: use of land for biofuels or coal seams gas • Water resources: extensive use of water for electricity generation, oil refining and irrigation of energy crops Take home message Not only is the energy sector at risk from future climate changes but it is also at risk from current hydrometeorological climate variability & change. However, improvable tools to tackle these risks are available. © 2011 ICEM Main Expected Outcomes 1. The identification of key scientific issues to better support the energy industry such as improved simulation of solar radiation, cloud, wind speed, precipitation, hurricanes, etc. 2. A strengthened link between the energy industry and the weather and climate communities, for instance by establishing a network/platform for a sustained dialogue and regular exchange of information © 2011 Thank you and Enjoy ICEM 2011 Weather & Energy Research Unit Alberto Troccoli Phone: 02 6246 5759 Email: alberto.troccoli@csiro.au