September 2016
September 2016
FRV NEWS CAST UPCOMING EVENTS September 14th club meetings resume September 22nd -25th. YCA outing on Moose Lake in Hayward, WI. September 29th – October 2nd.FRV BOD outing to Popp’s Resort in Crivitz, WI September Issue What’s Inside Board - General 2 September Speaker WDNR biologist Bill Huessner 3 Members Only Contest standings 4 Membership Circle YCA Youth Musky Hunt 5 Multi-Species Contest standings 6 Members photos 7-9 SEPTEMBER 2016 I don’t know about everyone else, but the summer seems to have blown by us. As you read this, the kids are all back in school and most if not all of the vacations are over. Fall will be here soon and the cool nights and beautiful fall colors on the trees will soon bring us to the winter months I hope your summer was enjoyable and you got out and caught some fish. I am headed up to Lake St. Clair this week and hope to salvage what’s been a disappointing summer fish-wise. I’ve spoken to several guides, Wisconsin DNR staff and some of our members and it seems like it’s been slow. The highlight of my year was my first fish trolling in northern Wisconsin. After running all over the lake, it hit right in front of the pier by my house. For me, fall is the best time of year to fish. In most cases, you have the lake to yourself. The solitude that comes from no skiers and jet skis, coupled with the crisp air and fall colors make these some of the most enjoyable days on the water. This combined with the chance to catch a big fish make these days memorable. There are many fall tournaments coming up. You might want to consider getting a partner and giving it a try. I hope you are able to get out and enjoy one of the best times of the year. The Club has been involved in many activities over the summer. We took the boys from One Hope United on a half day derby on Deep Lake in June. The boys had a great time and many big bluegills and perch were caught, as well as some decent size bass. In August we worked with the Bartlett Park District by providing judges and purchasing prizes for the participants. About 20 members and their families helped out. In case you haven’t heard, we put some of our treasury money to use by buying equipment for the DNR. In addition, because Illinois is broke and doesn’t pay its bills, the DNR was in jeopardy of not being able to purchase food for the Muskies in the hatchery. The club stepped up and paid the $1,800 bill and the fish got their food. Coming up in September, several club members will be headed to Hayward to act as guides for the Youth Muskie Hunt. The club also donated $1,000 to the YCA to help with the finances. The club will also be sponsoring 4 young men and their guardians to participate in this event. We resume our monthly meetings on Wednesday, September 14th at Chandlers Chop House in Schaumberg, IL. The meeting starts at 7 PM and a delicious buffet dinner is served starting at 6 PM. Our guest speaker will be Ben Huessner, a WDNR biologist, who will speak on southeastern Wisconsin lakes, like Pewaukee, Oconomowoc and Okauchee. Come on out and have a few beers and share your summer fish stories with the group. Bring some pictures. Well, I’m off to St Clair! In the meantime, get out and chase some fish before the snow arrives. See you at the meeting. Bring a friend or family member! See you in September! Steve Kroll PAGE FRV MUSKIES INC. 2 GENERAL MEETINGS 7:00 PM @ SCHAUMBURG GOLF CLUB/CHANDLER’S CHOPHOUSE 401 N. Roselle Road in Schaumburg, IL. (847) 885-9009 BOARD MEETINGS 6:00PM at Cabela’s on Wednesdays following our General club meeting. All members are welcome to attend. Our thanks goes out to Chandlers and their fantastic staff for donating their banquet rooms to us every month! We can show our appreciation by attending the buffet dinners before our meetings which begin at 6:00PM whenever possible… This helps to defray the costs for our monthly meeting charges. Please join us as often as possible for a great meal and some camaraderie! Cost is $16.00/Adults, $8.00/ Child - does not include beverage! OFFICERS President Steve Kroll (773) 724-6305 Vice President Dan Koniewicz Treasurer Pete Barber Secretary Blake Pawlikowski 2016 BOARD MEMBERS Frank Lucido - Membership Director 847-559-8300 Mark Lamont Media Director 847-791-4766 Todd Minor Speaker Director/ IMA Dave Klop PR Director Pete Barber IMA Delegate Dan Lamkin Trade Show Director Ken Miller Contest Director Hugh Flack Chapter Rep. Tim Crews Merchandise Director Rich Gallagher Newsletter Editor Mark Rue Membership Director Mike Mark Youth Director Rich Cain IMA/Youth Director Steve Crook IMA Delegate Joe Erkenswick ALD SALES @3DPICTURESTORE.COM P.O. BOX 8066 BARTLETT, IL. 60103 347-433-8577 PETER J. BARBER & Associates, Inc. CPA & Consultants Family & Estate Tax Planning & Preparation Business Accounting & Taxes (847) 726-7267 WWW.FRVMUSKIE.COM PAGE 4 FRV MUSKIES INC. SEPTEMBER 14TH SPEAKER IS WDNR’S BILL HUESSNER! On September 14th, FRV’s guest speaker will be Ben Heussner of the Wisconsin DNR. Ben’s area of focus is primarily in the Waukesha County area. With first-hand exposure and access to surveys and reports supported by netting data, Ben should be able to provide some great insight on the quality of the musky fishery in southeastern Wisconsin lakes such as Pewaukee, Okauchee, and Oconomowoc. If that is a part of the state that you’d like to learn more about, or if you’re just interested in the science behind our great sport, this should be a great meeting to attend. The buffet dinner runs from 6:00PM-7:00PM and the cost is $16.00/person. Our meeting begins at 7:00PM. The Schaumburg Golf Club is located at 401 N. Roselle Road in Schaumburg, IL. All meetings are open to the public and guests are always welcome!!! Admission is $3.00/person at the door. New Twist to Club Raffles!!! E ach month in 2016, FRV will be raffling $50 gift cards in addition to great lures provided by many of the exhibitors at the Chicago Muskie Expo, rods, reels and other quality, muskie equipment. FRV has the biggest and best monthly club raffle of any MI club in our area. Our monthly raffle prizes now average $400-$500 in value. Come to our September 14th meeting featuring WI DNR biologist Bill Huessner who will be talking southern WI muskies! Enjoy a great Chandler's dinner and win some big prizes. Hope to see you there! WWW.FRVMUSKIE.COM MEMBERS ONLY FISHING CONTEST WWW.FRVMUSKIE.COM PAGE 5 FRV MUSKIES INC. PAGE 5 FROM THE MEMBERSHIP CIRCLE… Beginning September 14th, our Chapter resumes its monthly meetings at Chandler’s Chop House at the Schaumburg Golf Course. The guest speaker is Ben Heussner from the Wisconsin DNR. His topic will be Southeastern Muskies. As for membership we presently have 269 active members as of this writing. The Club’s high was 312 in January of 2014. Our numbers normally increase around December and into January-February during the time of the annual Fishing Shows in the area. Our most difficult challenge is maintaining interest for new members in Club activities. We try our best to make the monthly meetings interesting with a varied selection of guest speakers and probably the best raffle prizes around. Sometimes a guest speaker “bombs-out’, it happens! We do try our best to get good speakers. With that being said, you hard core members; most of whom make up the bulk of the 269 can help! And here is how. When you see a new face walkup and introduce yourself, befriend this person make him feel welcome. A new person sitting alone at the back of the room taking in all the activity is most likely to return if he feels welcome. “So do your part, it is important to the club’s well being”. Eighteen renewals are coming-up in the next 60 days. Some of the names are: Beck, Cain, Fenrich, Gabanski, Gadd, Galanti, Gottschalk, Lively, Morgenroth, Newman, Schober, Sbieski, Underwood, Van Dyck, Wren D., Zmich. We are a team and to stay strong we need active members to participate in club meetings and events. We cannot be strong with your help and support. So let’s keep the FRV Chapter the Best Chapter in the area! F rank Lucido Membership Director YCA YOUTH MUSKY HUNT YCA Youth Muskie Weekend - September 21st-24th September 22-24, 2016, FRV is sponsoring 4 young adults ages 717 and their parent or guardian, to a expense paid event at The Mystic Moose Resort in Hayward, WI. FRV sponsorship includes 3 days lodging, meals and equipment (if needed) for both the youth participant and the guardian. Fishing licenses and transportation will not be included. This event will be held in partnership with Muskies Inc. and the YCA (Youth Conservation Alliance) This event will place a major emphasis on teaching youths about environmental sciences through the sport of Muskie fishing. Student Applications can be obtained by contacting Michael Mark C815.558.6453 or Rich Cain C847.321.0080. Additional information can be obtained from…Muskies Inc. or the YCA or Fox River Valley Muskies - Michael Mark michaelmark1213@gmail or Rich Cain The YCA is looking for volunteer guides and their boats for this event. To donate your time and watercraft, please contact Kevin Bushnick of the YCA at 847.987.3622. WWW.FRVMUSKIE.COM PAGE MULIT-SPECIES CONTEST STANDINGS 6 MEN NAME REL 1. Craig Peterson 3 2. Rich Wren 3 3. Craig Thomton 3 4. Phil Gutmann 3 5. Tom Maki 1 WOMEN NAME REL BEST OF SPECIES ON LENGTH POINTS 144.73 131.95 131.83 125.19 32.82 NAME 1. Phil Gutmann 2. Tom Maki-Rich Wren 3. Craig Peterson POINTS SPE- LENGTH Walleye LMB Pike 26 19 44 LUNKER OF THE MONTH NAME FISH POINTS JAN FEB MARCH NAME YOUTH REL APRIL MAY POINTS JUNE JULY AUGUST SEPT OCT NOV DEC Phil Gutmann Walleye Tom Maki-Rich LMB Craig Peterson WWW.FRVMUSKIE.COM 37.87 32.82 59.57 PAGE 7 MEMBERS PHOTOS Website: Bus Phone: 715-547-3710 Cell Phone: 715-490-3710 Email WWW.FRVMUSKIE.COM PAGE 8 MEMBERS PHOTOS WWW.FRVMUSKIE.COM PAGE 9 MEMBERS PHOTOS WWW.FRVMUSKIE.COM Fox River Valley Chapter P.O. Box 7613 Algonquin, IL 60102 Interested in sponsorship for our tournament or advertising in our newsletter? Please contact the FRV Board members via email at: outing to Popp’s Resort in Crivitz, WI September 29th– October 2nd.FRV BOD Moose Lake in Hayward, WI. September 22nd-25th. YCA outing on WDNR biologist Ben Heussner. Coming Attractions… September 14th club meeting featuring FIRST CLASS US Postage PAID Permit No. 320 Palatine P&DC IL