From The Front Deck
From The Front Deck
UPCOMING EVENTS MARCH 2012 Mar 14th - Chapter Meeting Ty Sennett April 11th Chapter Meeting Mike Hulbert April 28th 17th Annual “Challunge on the Chain” Tournament May 9th - Chapter Meeting IMTT Tom Rosak What’s Inside Maina Recap 2 Mar & Apr Mtgs Ty Sennett Mike Hulbert 3 FRV Decals Cabelas Booth Milwauk Show 4 Feb 2012 FRV Banquet Recap IMA Notes 5 Breast Cancer Aware Outing FRV Challunge Tournament Membership Pics 6 7 From The Front Deck As I sit at the FRV Fundraising banquet and quietly observe, I hear “when are we going fishing Daddy?” “How soon till we get to the cabin?” “Can you untangle my line Dad, something’s wrong with it!” Then in an instant I’m back and I’m looking at my two girls who are now grown young ladies and think, wow what happened? Looking back, I remember having to spend nearly an hour waking the boys up at the crack of noon to go fishing. Now, they will be going to Canada with me this year, their 1st trip to another country to fish. My little boys are now young men with high school looming on the horizon. Did I miss something? All around me this evening, are my close friends with their families & children. As we’ve all grown old with this club, our children have grown up right in front of us! I am amazed to see these kids who were once toddlers with Snoopy poles, now attending our banquets as collegiate scholars & athletes. Some of them have even married! Gone but not forgotten, are the memories of those little hands being held by us as we walked them to the boat for that 1st cast of the trip! All we have left are photos of toothless smiles hoisting up that Crappie or Bluegill, so proud, so happy….wonderful times, priceless memories. Time stands still for just a moment, then we are jolted back to the present! Our kids have indeed been instilled with something special. I watch them now at our fishing derbies, as they patiently help the other “little ones”. “Here’s how you do it” they coach. “Here’s how you set your bobber”. “This is how the worm goes on your hook so it stays on”. I listen and smile. I close my eyes and remember when. The student has now become the teacher. We have taught them well, and now without coaxing, unconsciously they pay it forward… as we have taught them. I guess they do remember those times on the boat when you thought they weren’t listening. They really were paying attention to those knot classes you taught to them and all those baitcasting 101 sessions! Somebody really was learning despite the pouting and long faces! As I look in the rearview mirror I see a legacy we all can be proud of. We’ve taught our children to love and respect the outdoors. To leave it cleaner than you found it. To hug a musky & let ‘em go. Our impact on these children of ours has been profound; to say the least. The probability of our kids passing these traits onto their children, is as close to 100% probable as I can guess. Kudos to all of you! You’ve done well! We can be proud to have instilled these great core values in our children in a day and age where core values just don’t seem to matter much anymore. Respect seems to be a lost word in many of our youths growing up in today’s environment. But we can’t rest on our laurels, as there are many more “little ones” who need our help. There are many children out there who aren’t so lucky to have parents like us. We need to continue to teach, mentor & develop these young minds to have a passion & respect for the outdoors. We need to create that fire which “burns in the belly” of every young child out there that hasn’t experienced sunsets on a quiet lake teeming with catchable fish. You cannot imagine the impact we have on these young boys & girls when we take time to teach them the “how to” and the “why” when it comes to fishing, hunting and the outdoor experience. If your kids are grown, we must continue past the torch to those less fortunate. The rewards are immeasurable. Please don’t stop mentoring and teaching! Take a kid fishing this year and teach them all you can. They will remember that day on the water forever! Thanks to all who attended the annual awards banquet & fundraiser. It was another HUGE success! We gave away well over $42,000.00 in prizes! Dan Koniewicz did a great job MC’ing the awards presentation. My personal thanks goes out to Steve Kroll and the entire FRV board who worked so hard putting this whole event together. Congrats to all of our award winners who brought home all those beautiful plaques! BTW, all the monies that were raised during the banquet will be used to finance all the things we have planned for this year which include; stocking, research, & youth activities! Finally, our 17th annual Spring Challunge on the Chain is scheduled for Saturday April 28th. We will once again be headquartered at Famous Freddie’s on Pistakee Lake. This is a great one day tournament and it’s a lot of fun to fish, so sign up now. You can pay for your tournament entry via Pay Pal by simply clicking on the tab found on the FRV website front page. Entry cost is $200.00/team after March 1st. Until next month….ladies & gentlemen…..start your engines!!! Rich Gallagher PAGE FRV MUSKIES INC. 2 GENERAL MEETINGS 7:00 PM SCHAUMBURG GOLF 401 N. Roselle Road in Schaumburg, IL. (847) 885-9009 BOARD MEETINGS 7:00 PM. Cabelas, on Tuesday following the General meeting. All members are welcome to attend. Recap of FRV “Maina Event” - Jan 12th Pete Maina Keynote Speaker OFFICERS 847-741-9771 VP of Operations Steve Crook (IMA Delegate) Regional VP Dan Koniewicz Treasurer Steve Kroll Secretary Dave Hebeda 2012 BOARD MEMBERS Frank Lucido - Membership Director 847-559-8300 Dave VanDoorn - Youth Director Hugh Flack - Youth Director Dan Lamkin - Show Coordinator Mark Lamont - Media 847-791-4766 Ken Miller - Contests Todd Minor - Speakers (IMA Delegate) John Deutinger - Website 2012 THANK YOU CHANDLERS – Thanks goes to Chandlers for helping FRV promote monthly meeting attendance and dinners. Chandlers has donated $25 Dinner for two Gift Certificates. Each person who buys dinner at the meeting will receive a chance for the gift certificates. Two certificates will be given away at each meeting… Thursday March 14th Meeting Menu for Ty Sennet Night, TBD CLUB/CHANDLER’S CHOPHOUSE President Rich Gallagher MARCH . Those who braved the snow to attend our club meeting on Jan 12th, were rewarded with a unique FRV presentation from Musky Legend Pete Maina - co-star of acclaimed fishing shows “the Next Bite” & “Wisconsin Waters & Woods” All attendees received a free DVD “Best Two Days of Musky Fishing”!! Pete also treated us to some “slob-o-sauruosly” funny Waters & Woods Outtakes. Pete ended the evening with a prolonged Question & Answer Session, custom tailored to a musky-savvy FRV Audience... Thank You Pete... What do I do Petey?? Jim “Jimmy Z” Ziebka - Outings/ Raffles Ken Sponseller - Stocking/Research (IMA Delegate) Mark Rue - General Meetings Tim Crews - Merchandise Dave Lukac - Newsletter Mel Wagner - At Large Blake Pawlikowski - At Large Pete Barber - IMA Delegate WWW.FRVMUSKIE.COM PAGE FRV MUSKIES INC. 3 MARCH 2012 Don’t Miss TY SENNET—FRV March Club Meeting… Wed, March 14th; at 7:00 p.m. Schaumburg Golf Club / Chandler’s Chop House 401 N. Roselle Road in Schaumburg, IL. (847) 885-9009 . Ty Sennett has over 25 years experience fishing on the Chippewa Flowage, with 23 years as a licensed guide. He is dedicated to finding and teaching new techniques and locations to land you the elusive Musky. The largest number of fish caught and released on the Chippewa Flowage has been by none other than Ty Sennet.... Ty is a also owner of the Sennett Tackle Co, producers of the famous “Pacemaker” Top Water Bait. For a new & informative twist -Ty’s presentation will feature bait tuning & repair tricks. There will also be a custom signed Pacemaker for our raffle off at the end of the meeting. Everyone wins with Ty!! Dinner at 6:00… See the FRV FORUM for updates & details… FRV Welcomes MIKE HULBERT as our April 11th Speaker Mike Hulbert has been musky fishing for 18 years, and his addiction has taken him to places all over the country in search of this fierce beast! Whether he’s fishing his home waters in Indiana, or tackling the Mighty Musky up in Northern Minnesota, you can be sure Mike will be on the water some place! Hope to see you, as Mike will be host a one of a kind presentation - specially formulated for FRV!! See the FRV FORUM for further updates… MONSTER MUSKIES!! MONSTER MUSKIES !! WWW.FRVMUSKIE.COM MONSTER MUSKIES!! PAGE 4 FRV MUSKIES INC. MARCH 2012 FRV Muskies 30th Anniversary Decals "30th Anniversary Decals" $3.50 each or (3) for $10 Only 80 remain!!! Please see Jim "Jimmy Z" Ziebka at the raffle table at meetings. FRV Booth at Spring Expo - Hoffman Estates Sat & Sun, March 17-18th, 2012 . Visit our booth, as Chapter 39 - FRV Muskies will represent at the 2012 Cabela’s Spring Fishing Classic, in Hoffman Estates. This will be an “Education of Anglers” & FRV Membership Drive. Stop by and say hi... Chpt 39 - ILLINOIS “Flatlanders” Invade Milwaukee Musky Show: Todd Minor spots a new MUST have Bait, at show... Tim Crews conducts Business North of the Border with familiar Resident Illinois Investors only... The Illinois Economy remains safe for the moment!! NO. SALES@ 3DPICTURESTORE.COM PO BOX 8066 BARTLETT, IL. WWW.FRVMUSKIE.COM PAGE FRV MUSKIES INC. 5 MARCH 2012 4th Annual FRV Fundraiser Banquet & Winter Awards Recap Saturday, Feb 25th, 2012 Over $45,000 in Silent Auction & Raffle Prizes $2,000 Diamond Earring Winner Men's Masters - 1 Ben Modica, 2 DVD, 3 Phil Gutmann, 4 Jim Edwards, 5 Rich Wren Women’s Div - 1 Cathy Johnson, 2 Ver Berg, 3 Carol Nixon, 4 Samantha Egbert, 5 Amy Ragano Men's Div - 1 Russ Schaller, 2 John Michalec, 3 Dan Koniewicz, 4 Mike Quinn, 5 Joe Alfe Junior’s Div1 Jeremy Hebeda, 2 Makayla Alfe Junior’s Multi-Species 1 Kyle Gallagher, 2 Louie Principata Most Valuable Board Member Award - Steve Kroll (Left) IMA Recap - by Simon Achenbrenner Thank You Steve . The Illinois Muskie Alliance held its 2nd meeting of 2012, at Cabela’s in Hoffman Estates on Feb 18. Debbie Bruce, head of IL Fisheries, was invited to address the crowd. She gave a small presentation, followed by a long discussion about budget shortfalls; which directly affects the Illinois DNR. This year the DNR will see a $6 million dollar deficit. In 2013 it will be $23 million! Right now, the IL DNR is looking for any & all suggestions to close this gap. Compared to other states, the state of Illinois has one of the lowest priced fishing licenses, considering the amount of water that is managed & fished. Solving the budget problem is like having a sharp knife with an edge on both sides. Right now the money for fishing licenses goes into a general fund; not all the money goes back into the fisheries. If you raise the price of the license, you may lose some sales. Here is where the other edge comes in. Every state gets federal dollars towards their respective DNR. The pie is divided up by the number of licenses sold per state. The federal $ seem to be most important to the DNR for their funding source. Basically, increase the number of licenses sold. Illinois has been losing their piece of the pie. Competing states have even resorted to having a kids fishing license, for a nominal fee, just to boost the number. So there you have it - like managing a room full of spinning plates. Hopefully this can be sorted out so nothing will be cut. Right now muskie fishing appears to be safe. However, our state parks may not be so lucky in the future. WWW.FRVMUSKIE.COM PAGE 6 FRV MUSKIES INC. MARCH 2012 FRV Spring Outing - “Cast for a Cure” B Our "Spring Fling" outing will be staying local with members: Nick Ellis, Brendon Newell, Jeff Jonas - putting together the "Cast for a Cure", Breast Cancer Awareness Outing… This will be a non-boater outing… - Saturday, May 19, 2012 - Chain O' Lakes State Park - Grove: Oak Point#2 Tournament Entry Fee is $25 per person; All proceeds go to National Breast Cancer Foundation... Details will be forthcoming here, & on the FRV Website under “Outings”... Regards, Jim 'Jimmy Z' Ziebka FRV Outings Director Fox River Valley Chapter of Muskies Inc. 17th Annual “Challunge on the Chain” Catch & Release Muskie Tournament Series Headquarters: Famous Freddies on Pistakee Lake of the Fox Chain of Lakes With an early spring in mind, its now time to sign up for our 17th Annual “Challunge on the Chain Tournament.” The first installment of this two event series will be held on Saturday, April 28th, at 7 am... The tournament will be held once again at Famous Freddie’s on Pistakee Lake. Spring Fever comes early this year. It will be nice to get out to compete on the Chain. Details about the event - ramp/launching instructions, and how to register on-line if you visit our website. The bottom of the entry form appears below if you don’t want to go on-line to sign up... Name: _______________________ Address: _____________________ City: ________ State: ___ Zip: ___ Phone: ____________Date: ______ Pre-register Entry Fee Per Team ____Tournament Series $380 (Spring/Fall) ____Spring Tournament $200 (Spring Only) ____Fall Tournament $200 (Fall Only) WWW.FRVMUSKIE.COM Mail Completed Form & Payment to: Fox River Valley Chapter of Muskies Inc. P.O. Box 7613, Algonquin IL 60102 MARCH FRV MUSKIES INC. 2012 PAGE 7 FROM THE MEMBERSHIP CORNER… For the past year, our membership has remained slightly over the 300 mark, which puts the FRV chapter in 3rd place in the country. Our efforts to keep the numbers at 300 plus is due to a lot of hard work and diligence. Our biggest challenge is reminding members not to let their memberships expire, so if you receive a reminder letter from FRV or MI, please don’t procrastinate, renew promptly… You have the option of renewing your membership at the monthly meetings, or by email to me to me at , or by going to the website… Thank you all for your support. We wish you a healthy, happy New Year… Frank Lucido / FRV Membership Director Rich entices Muskie using Irish Jig!! Robert Rogers lands this Chillin’ Sow in the Chillin Air!! PETER J. BARBER & Associates, Inc. CPA & Consultants Family & Estate Tax Planning & Preparation Business Accounting & Taxes (847) 726-7267 LAX REPRODUCTIONS Rick Lax Website: Bus Phone: 715-547-3710 WWW.FRVMUSKIE.COM Coming Attractions… Mar 14 - Club Mtg - Ty Sennet April 11th - Club Mtg - Mike Hulbert April 28th - 17th Annual - “Challunge on the Chain” Tournament May 9th - Club Mtg - Tom Rosak - IMTT Fox River Valley Chapter P.O. Box 7613 Algonquin, IL 60102 Interested in sponsorship for a tournament or advertising in a newsletter? Please contact the FRV Board members via email at:
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