August 2012 - FRV Muskies


August 2012 - FRV Muskies
Sat Aug 4th Bartlett Kids
Fishing Derby
Wed Aug 8th —
Chap Meeting Bob Taylor Cent IL Guide
From The Front Deck
Wed Sep 12th —
Chap Meet — Eric
Larsen- Northeast
WI Big Fish Guide
Sep 8th to 14th
Fall Outing —
Lake of Woods,
Morrison, ON
Sat, Oct 27th —
FRV Tournament
Challunge on
the Chain
What’s Inside
Bartlett Youth
Fishing Derby
Chap Mtgs Aug Bob Taylor
Sep Eric Larsen
FRV Cast for
Cure Recap
John Michalec
Ties Knot LOTW Summer Recap
IMA Notes LVD Youth
Membership Pics
As the incessant heat continues to pound the Midwest drying up grass, foliage and everything else in it’s path; we are all looking to the sky at this
point wondering if we will ever get any measurable rain? As the dry days
turn into dry weeks with no rain at all, many of the lakes and rivers here in
Northern Illinois are feeling the drought conditions. Many lakes have receded to dangerously low levels and the Fox River is so low in many places
you can literally walk across it! Water temps on the Fox Chain have been
in the upper 80’s and recently hit 90º! Lakes in MN, WI and even Ontario
are seeing water temps at or near 80º!! Having just returned from the FRV
club outing to Lake of the Woods, I can tell you that we had water temps in
the 79º range and the fishing was tough. Lots of follows, very few eaters
overall!! Jason & Lisa Goulet, new owners at Angle Outpost Resort did a
tremendous job taking care of all of us. They run a great camp and dates
are already set for a return club trip in 2013. Don't miss your chance to make this outing, as open spots
will fill up fast!!! This year I brought my two sons Kyle & Patrick and we had a ball! Both boys got their
personal bests with a 44.5”er and a 40”er respectively. Kyle also boated a 6 pound 9 ounce walleye!!
For those of you with young musky anglers, you should bring them along with you in 2013!! FRV member Rich Cain brought his son Ethan along this year and I have to say the kids really enjoyed their experience! We created some lifelong memories having those kids fish with their Dad!! Congrats to Lou
Principata, who had the biggest release of the week with a 48.5" muskie caught on the last day in camp
(Friday)! Dave and Amy Dilley had most fish caught during the week with a total of 8 muskies and won
the cash prize for most fish caught. Congratulations to all of those who ventured North. I hope you got a
chance to re-charge your batteries, get away from work, e-mails and cell phones!! Seems like the week
just flew right by! In case you didn’t know it, our "summer break" is now officially over. Normal monthly
meetings will resume on Aught 8th! Bob Taylor is the owner/operator of Elusive Dreams Musky Guide
Service; and Bob will be our featured speaker for the Wednesday August 8th meeting. Bob is the 2006
IMTT State Champion as well as the 2007 & 2008 IMTT Points Champion!! Bob has been musky fishing
for over 35 years on Evergreen and McMaster which he considers his home lakes! Bob will be covering
the what & where on how to fish these two lakes for some BIG Illinois muskies!! The buffet dinner begins at 6:00PM and the cost is $13.00/person. The meeting will begin promptly at 7:00 PM at the
Schaumburg Golf Club located at 401 N. Roselle Road in Schaumburg, IL. Don’t miss this meeting as it
promises to be a great one! Bring your friends, to get the skinny on these two awesome IL musky lakes!!
The 2012 Bartlett Kids Fishing Derby is set for Saturday August 4th & we still need volunteers & judges
to assist for this annual event. See the inside of this newsletter for more information, or contact FRV
Youth Directors Dave VanDoorn or Hugh Flack for more information. Kids from 2-16 years of age are
invited, and you don’t need to be a Bartlett resident to attend, everyone is welcome!! Our Fall Youth
Musky Hunt scheduled for 10-12 through 10-14 at Sunrise Resort on Lac Vieux Desert in now full. We
are still looking for a few musky guides to take the kids fishing! See Dave or Hugh if you can help out as
a guide. The Fall Challunge on the Chain is scheduled for Saturday, October 27th and we will be headquartered at Famous Freddie’s on Pistakee Lake once again. We still have openings available, so if you
or someone you know is interested in signing up for this event check out our website at Print out a registration form off the website and mail it in. You can also register on
-line via PayPal! This will be our 10th fall tourney, and I’m excited at the prospect of someone sticking a
50’er during the Fall tournament! Imagine the press clippings that would generate! Chauncey Niziol from
Chauncey’s Great Outdoors Radio Show on ESPN AM 1000 will once again be our Master of Ceremonies! Chauncey has been doing this for many many years for us and it’s always a great time and a lot of
fun! We will have tons of raffle prizes to give away along with a boatload of cash, so get those entry
forms in as soon as you can!
Until next month...bulge a tail…………………..
Rich Gallagher
401 N. Roselle Road in Schaumburg, IL.
(847) 885-9009
7:00 PM. Cabelas, on Tuesday
following the General meeting.
All members are welcome to attend.
Rich Gallagher
VP of Operations
Steve Crook (IMA Delegate)
Regional VP
Dan Koniewicz
Steve Kroll
Dave Hebeda
THANK YOU CHANDLERS – Thanks goes to Chandlers for
donating the banquet room, where FRV Muskie hosts our monthly
club meetings. It is our responsibility as FRV Members to show our
appreciation to Chandler’s whenever possible, by attending the dinner @ 6 pm, held before each of our Club Meetings…
Wed Aug 8th Meeting Menu for Bob Taylor is TBD.
Cost is $13.00/Adults, $8.00/Child - does not include beverage.. BARTLETT YOUTH FISHING DERBY
Date: Saturday, August 4, 2012
Time: 8-11am
Location: Beaver Pond, 994 W. Stearns Road, Bartlett, IL
Fee: FREE (registration is on site) No preregistration required
Come get hooked on fishing!! The Bartlett Nature Center and Fox River Valley Chapter Muskies, Inc. present this free catch and release derby. This
event is sponsored by the Bartlett Parks Foundation, Cabela’s, Bass Pro ShopGurnee Mills, Taylor Street Pizza, & Comcast.
- Registration begins at 8:15am, fishing starts at 9am, ends at 11am.
- Awards and raffle prizes presented at 11:30am.
- Pre-derby clinic will be held at 8am.
- Children age 2-15 must be accompanied by guardian & should
Frank Lucido - Membership Director
Dave VanDoorn - Youth Director
Hugh Flack - Youth Director
- For further information call
- Judges are needed. To volunteer contact FRV’s Dave VanDoorn
Dan Lamkin - Show Coordinator
Mark Lamont - Media
Ken Miller - Contests
bring their own rod and gear.
or Hugh Flack.
(847) 608-3100 (or)
- FRV website thread under - “Information on FRV’s
- Youth Fishing Programs”
Todd Minor - Speakers (IMA Delegate)
John Deutinger - Website
Jim “Jimmy Z” Ziebka - Outings/
Ken Sponseller - Stocking/Research (IMA Delegate)
Mark Rue - General Meetings
Tim Crews - Merchandise
Dave Lukac - Newsletter Editor
Mel Wagner - At Large
Blake Pawlikowski - At Large
Pete Barber - IMA Delegate
FRV welcomes Bob Taylor to host our Wed, Aug 8th Club Meeting. Bob is a
Muskie Guide with Elusive Dreams Guide Service, focusing on Central IL Lakes: Evergreen, McMaster, Spring Lake North, Banner Marsh, Prairie, and Shelbyville.
. Through research and countless hours spent on the water, Bob has learned some
of the tactics and patterns that have produced many Illinois Muskies. Bob enjoys the
challenge the Muskie provides and would like the opportunity to share with you what
he’s learned in his pursuits of the top fresh water predator.
IL Licensed Musky Guide
2006 IMTT State Tournament Champ
2007 IMTT Points Champ
2008 IMTT Trail Points Champ
- Our buffet dinner runs from 6:00 PM-7:00PM.
- The meeting will start promptly at 7:00PM.
- Admission is $3.00/person at the door!
Hope to see you there. For more information check out the
Forum Page at:
Things will get Hairy at Sept. Club Meeting!
FRV welcomes Guest Speaker ERIC LARSEN , from Rubber Hairy Tackle
Our Wed Sept 12th Club Meeting will be hosted by Eric Larsen, who is best known as a “Big Fish” Trophy
Musky Guide in Central & Northern Wisconsin’s Vilas,& Onieda Counties. Larsen has been an avid musky hunter
since he was young, and has grown to help others enjoy catching a their musky of a lifetime. Over the last 3 years
Eric’s boat has held a 46" average with very few fish under 40".
In addition to being a full time guide, Eric owns his own Musky Lure Co.
RubberHairy Tackle - building musky lure since 2005. RubberHairy features hand poured rubber musky baits, & wood/rubber glide baits, (SEE AD BELOW). With Eric’s lure building in mind, it will be a hands on
presentation. See for more details...
Eric’s talk will cover “Big Fish Water & Tactics.” So be sure you
don’t miss our September FRV Club Meeting...
PO BOX 8066
FRV 2012 Spring Outing - “Cast for a Cure”
Quotes from Participants Recap Event
Our May FRV "Spring Fling" was held locally, on the Chain O’ Lakes State Park.
FRV members Nick Ellis, Brendon Newell, & Jeff Jonas put together the:
"Cast for a Cure" Breast Cancer Awareness Outing…
Here are a few quotes from Participants,
Which express gratitude for a great cause:
Brian Hansas – “Thanks for a great event guys! It was nice to relax, move
some fish and get to know fellow FRV members while supporting a good cause.”
FRV’s Preacher Todd Berg – “V and I had a blast, & your contribution to the
club and its ongoing vitality is awesome!! The clubs future is in GREAT hands.
To all of you who worked hard to pull this off, hats off for a first class time.”
Dave VanDoorn - “This is one of the best outings we had. My Nancy and I enjoyed this a lot. Kudos to the
gang that pulled this together. I hope it becomes a regular event.”
Steve Behrends - “Really a nice day. Thanks to Nick, Brendon, Jeff and any others that had a hand.
Low impact, beautiful day, and great to see the wife's and kids participate.”
Tim Crews - “Thanks Brendon, Jeff, & Nick for putting this together. We had a great time at the picnic!
Here's hoping that one day breast cancer will be no more threatening than the common cold.”
Eric Stadig - “Thank you guys so much to all of you who worked hard to put this together. It was awesome
that with my mom being happy, & having a good day on the water - made it that much more memorable.
Brendon Newell - “A huge thanks to all that helped out or attended this event. A bigger thanks to Jimmy Z
and Dan K for all the extra help getting things figured out. Jeff, Nick, and myself are super pleased with the
turnout. We had a blast all day and already can't
wait to do it again next year. I think we will
change the name to "113,764 Casts For A Cure" .
Jim “Jimmy Z” Ziebka
FRV Outings Director
Thank you to all who pitched in!!
Russ Schaller’s “Cast for a Cure” Custom Painted Crane Bait
Club Member John Michalec - Gets Married July 21!!
Congrats to FRV Member & Avid Musky
Angler, John Michalec.
Make special note of
Wedding Cake John’s portion of cake
includes a candy Musky
chasing a Sucker!!
Highlights from FRV Summer Outing (July 14-21)
on Lake of the Woods NW Angle
The FRV Summer Lake of the Woods Outing is a wrap.
Attached are the final catch stats for the 2012 LOTW Summer Outing.
Thru tough hot-water conditions, fish totals were down.
2012 = 2.4 fish caught per angler
2011 = 4.5 fish caught per angler
2010 = 5.3 fish caught per angler
Above - Ethan Cain’s 2nd Muskie 45”
Bigger than Dad’s Fish - Shown Right
Center - Zabo’s Slabbo
Everyone had a blast hanging out and talking with the group at dinner.
Nice to see the future with the youths who fished with their dad's.
Big shout out to Lou Principata who caught his personal best 48.5" on this trip.
He also won the Tim Crews award with a 19.5" Muskie.
FORUM - 2012 FRV Outings/Events - “Lake of the Woods Summer Outing, July 14-21”
July IMA Recap ‐ “Hot Weather = Musky Mortality” At the July IMA Meeting, the most important topic covered was the intense heat
& drought of the Summer across the Midwest. According to IDNR biologists, fish kills are
occurring all over the state. The same heat wave that has sent everyone running for the nearest
air conditioner has created lower oxygen levels in rivers and lakes, and has caused the death of
larger, cold water fish such as muskie and northern pike.
There were fish kills all over the state… Lakes and Rivers: LaSalle, Powerton, Sanchris, and
other Cooling Lakes were hit really hard, as well as many other lakes too. Biologists are not sure
that Central IL Lake Baldwin even has fish left in it. A lot of dead muskies were sighted on Lake
Sule, in Northwest IL. Additionally, Rivers - even the Kankakee River had fish kills. There are
many ponds and even small streams across IL that are completely dry…
It looks like Spring lake got hit Hard, too. Wayne Herndon, the IDNR fisheries biologist for
the Spring Lake district said that the high July temperatures have "super-heated" the water in the
lake. Herndon said hot water holds less oxygen than cold water, and rotting vegetation at the lake
bottoms consumes a lot of the lake's oxygen.
Herndon said muskie tend to basically camp out in cold spots near the
lake bottom where springs flow into the lake from the Mahomet Aquifer
underground. But there is not much oxygen coming into the spring and
the reluctance of the fish to leave the cool water results in their death.
Anglers are strongly advised to avoid muskie fishing at all costs
with the high fish mortality rate brought on by the high heat…
Kids head to the “Old Garden”!
2012 FRV Youth Musky Outing to be held at Lac Vieux Desert!
FRV Chapter of Muskies, Inc. has announced a terrific opportunity for ten very lucky young anglers who will attend a
fall musky camp designed specifically for kids. From October 11-14th, 2012 the select group of young musky hunters will
embark on a fabulous chaperoned trip to Sunrise Lodge on the shores of Wisconsin and Michigan’s Lac Vieux Desert to fish
for some fat autumn Muskies! Youth participants will have all of their expenses paid by the Fox River Valley Chapter of
Muskies Inc. The name “Lac Vieux Desert” was literally translated by early French fur trappers in the region who found the
native Anishanaabe language version of the name meant “Old Garden” or “Old Clearing”.
The 4260 acre lake straddles the borders of Michigan and Wisconsin and is the starting point of the Wisconsin River. The
2012 youth musky outing continues the chapter’s long-standing tradition of organizing exciting trips for young musky fishermen, with opportunities to build their own fishing and outdoor heritage. Previous successful scholarship trips have been held
at Lac Vieux Desert and Moose Lake in northern Wisconsin, and the Indian Lakes Chain in Ontario, Canada among others.
During these adventures, the developing anglers have the opportunity to learn musky fishing skills, outdoor traditions, good
sportsmanship, boating safety, weather awareness, planning, organizational skills and a host of other tools designed to help
them throughout their lives both on and off the water.
According to FRV Muskie President Rich Gallagher - “Our board works
tirelessly to promote the three main tenets of Muskies, Inc. -Youth, Fisheries
and Conservation”. Gallagher added- “In addition to our work to add more
Muskies to local waterways, and to protect those waterways for future generations, our youth programs provide a vital platform to ensure the future of
musky fishing by introducing the next generation to the magic of our sport
and educating the public on the role and importance of the King of Freshwater Fish. LVD (Lac Vieux Desert) harbors some big fish and we know the
kids are going to have a terrific time and encounter some great fishing too.
Complete details, travel requirements and outing specifics on the 2012 Fox
River Valley Chapter’s 2012“FRV Youth Musky Program” can be obtained by visiting the website at
For the past year, our membership has remained slightly over the 300 mark, which puts
the FRV chapter in 3rd place in the country. Our efforts to keep the numbers at 300 plus
is due to a lot of hard work and diligence. Our biggest challenge is reminding members
not to let their memberships expire, so if you receive a reminder letter from either FRV
or MI, please don’t procrastinate, renew promptly…
You have the option of renewing your membership at the monthly meetings, or by email to me,
at , or by going to the website…
Thank you all for your support...
Frank Lucido / FRV Membership Director
Joe Vancora & Gang boat (27) muskies
over 4th of July week, on the South end of
Eagle Lake in NW Ontario!!! WOW
FRV Stocking Director Steve Crook orders
batch of hybrid “Muskie-phants” from Broker in India, for stocking on the Fox Chain.
& Associates, Inc.
CPA & Consultants
Family & Estate
Tax Planning & Preparation
Business Accounting & Taxes
Rick Lax
Bus Phone: 715-547-3710
Interested in sponsorship for a tournament or advertising in a newsletter?
Please contact the FRV Board members via email at:
“Challunge on the Chain” Fox Chain of Lakes in Northeast IL.
 Sat Oct 27th - FRV Fall Tournament
Coming Attractions…
 Sat Aug 4th - Bartlett Youth Fishing
Derby - Stearns Pond - Bartlett, IL
 Wed Aug 8th - Club Mtg - Bob Taylor Cent IL Musky Guide.
 Wed Sep 12th - Club Mtg - Eric Larsen Northeast WI Big Fish Guide.
 Sep 8th-14th - Fall Outing Lake of the Woods - Morrison, ON.
Fox River Valley Chapter
P.O. Box 7613
Algonquin, IL 60102
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