muskie ink - Capital City Muskies Inc
Volume 32, Issue 9 September 2015 Prez Sez I want to thank all of those who attended the August “On the Water” meeting at Goodland Park. We had a great turnout for the meeting and really good participation in the lure swap. The CCMI activities sort of take a backseat to our hectic summer schedules but it always makes for a fun night to see all the familiar faces and get caught up on all of the fish stories and happenings of our club members from the summer months. I want to thank Karen Phillips for all of her hard work which allowed for both 2015 “On the Water” meetings to be big successes and want to thank Gary Hoffman for manning the grill and making sure the brats & burgers were done just right. As a reminder, if you did not swap out all of the lures you intended to, please set them aside for our Garage Sale at the Wisconsin Fishing EXPO in Madison this coming February. We are always looking for gear donations and we always appreciate all donations and contributions that our members make to the club. As we start turning the calendars closer to the fall and winter months, remember that we will be making our return to the 5100 Bar in September on the 14th. Our speaker will be Bill Schwartz of Southeast Wisconsin based, Slammer Tackle Company. It is no secret that I take pride in the angling skills of our CCMI members, but I also take pride and feel fortunate to live in a state that is home to so many tremendous tackle companies and lure makers. If you consider that some of the companies that call Wisconsin home: Spanky Baits, Monster Lures, Lee Lures, Pike Lake Leaders, Vibrations Tackle, Suick, Mepps, Musky Innovations, and Slammer to name a few; you could keep your tackle box homegrown and still have a large collection of lethally effective muskies lures in your arsenal. ~ continued next page ~ September Meeting Its now September and that means we head indoors for our monthly meetings. The next meeting is the 14th and starts at 7pm at the 5100 Bar in McFarland ( The featured speaker is Bill Schwartz the maker of Slammer crankbaits. His presentation will be on "Muskies Throughout the Fall" and it should be very helpful in the next few months following the meeting as fall is fast approaching. So come early and enjoy the fine food and drinks that the 5100 Bar has a reputation of dishing out and as with all our general meetings, they are free and open tio the public. Bring friends and family to enjoy the evening. Slammer Lure maker, Bill Schwartz will be the featured speaking at the September Cap City Muskies, Inc meeting. Make sure you make plans to attend today. Muskie Ink Page 1 8/28/2015 Early Fall/Fall is my favorite time of the year, I enjoy the fall bite so much I would happily trade two months earlier in the year for two Septembers and Octobers each year. It seems as fish transition into fall mode there are times when they can be caught using almost any technique, on almost any body of water. I know the big time muskie guides/personalities urge you to try new lures and patterns when the fish are really going and I’m hoping that I actually take their advice and give it a shot if I get on a good bite (but often times that’s a big “IF” for me). We also have a two notable CCMI events still left on the 2015 calendar. The 2nd Annual Lake Monona PIT Tag Challunge is on September 26th and its serves multiple purposes in that it allows for our members to spend a day on the water, having fun and meeting new people but we also have numerous lures and awards at the end of the outing. The PIT Tag Challunge also helps us harvest data from our stocked fish which we in turn use in our ongoing stocking study with the WDNR. The data helps us to better understand how each strain of stocked fish is growing and surviving in Lake Monona. The other big CCMI event left for the year is the Vilas County Outing at Fibber’s Resort on St Germain Lake on October 9-10. Please keep in mind to fill out a CCMI Liability form if you are participating in a club event for the first time. Dan Moats’ 52 Inch Muskie Dan Moats with his 52 inch muskie from the St Lawrence River casting a bait he makes called a Spanky Fireball and the color was black and gold. Dan not only caught this one, but another 52 incher just two days apart! Congrats, Dan! We have some great speakers lined up for the rest of the year so be sure to make as many monthly membership meetings as you can. As always, check out our website for all of our club events, latest news, and the everexpanding big fish photo gallery. Link - Make it a point to get out on the water as much as possible once the water temperatures start to drop, take advantage of the muskies that are getting an early jump on the fall bite and I hope you catch a monster. Luke Vike Sr. Luke Vike, Sr. - President Link - . Muskie Ink . Page 2 8/28/2015 MEMBERSHIP REPORT By Gerard Hellenbrand 822 S Gammon Rd #1, Madison, WI, 53719 608) 669 – 5046 E-mail Hi members, the cool down has started and from what I hear the fish on the Madison Chain have move shallow. Should be a great fall and don’t forget to sign up for the PIT Tag Challunge on Lake Monona where we are hoping to scan all muskies and mine for growth rate data. I’d like to also congratulate Shane Nesheim, he was on fire at the Capital City Lake of the Woods Outing, getting 7 muskies anchored by a 50 ¼ and 49 inchers. I have brought up the idea a few years ago about having a yearly Outings Champ with points for attending and catching in the official Cap City Outings. If we did, I’m sure Shane would place high or win it each year. In checking for new members this month and I have none to report. If you have any question about your membership or even about the club, shoot them to me, if I don’t know the answer, I will try to find it. Till next month…………. Email link - Link - Available at Dorn’s @ Midvale and D&S Bait Link – Muskie Ink Page 3 8/28/2015 Ray Petkovek’s 50 ½ Ray Petkovsek with his 50 ½ inch muskie from Pipestone Lake in Canada. He caught this fish trolling a perch colored Bucher DepthRaider. Congrats Ray!!! Sept 14 General Meeting @ 5100 Bar speaker is Bill Schwartz, maker of Slammer Lures Oct 12 General Meeting @ 5100 Bar speaker is Chris Wallis, an Iron County guide Nov 9 General Meeting @ 5100 Bar Dec 14 General Meeting @ 5100 Bar More complete details at Link - Muskie Ink Page 4 8/28/2015 Outings Info Note – both outings require that you sign a liability form to participate. One form good for the entire year. These outings are open to the public need not be a member to participate. 2nd Annual CCMI PIT-Tag Challenge Outing The Capital City Muskies Inc. Chapter is again hosting a "CCMI PIT-Tag Challenge" outing on Saturday September 26, 2015. This ONE day event purpose is to catch PIT-tagged muskies in Lake Monona. Details are in the July and August 2015 newsletters and on line. Forms and information will be available at the September general meeting as well. If you wish to have information mailed to you, contact Gerard Hellenbrand and he will gladly mail forms to you. PIT Tag Challunge Form link - Cap City Liability Form link - Vilas County Outing: October 9 - 10, 2015 The annual Vilas County Muskie 2 - day Outing will be held Friday, October 9th and Saturday, October 10th, 2015. This is a friendly outing for CCMI members, family, and friends. You do not have to be a CCMI member to participate. Details are in the July and August 2015 newsletters and on line. Forms and information will be available at the September general meeting as well. If you wish to have information mailed to you, contact Gerard Hellenbrand and he will gladly mail forms to you. Vilas Outing details link - Vilas Outing Banquet Sign Up Form link - Cap City Liability Form link - Like Us on Facebook - Cap City & Muskies, Inc Capital City Muskies Inc. is now on Facebook. For those who are active on Facebook you can now “like” us at the official Facebook web site. Cap City link is For Muskies, Inc on Facebook. Use this link is: Muskie Ink Page 5 8/28/2015 RELEASE REPORT By Nick Pierick- Release Chairman, – (608) 354-3822 Despite being in the ‘Dog Days’ of summer, release entry submissions are still coming in. Many folks are taking their yearly muskie vacations ‘Up North’ (or one of several if lucky enough), and they are definitely having success. Local lakes are also still producing if you can find cool enough water temps to get out. As of August 17th, 515 muskies have been registered by CCMI members! A special shout-out to Andy Schutz who leads the entire Muskies Inc. Men’s Division with 49 fish so far this year! This number is sure to be outdated at the time of publication. In addition to the sheer numbers of fish registered, we also have 55 fish in the Replica contest (45 inch plus). The two largest fish so far are both 52”, and coincidentally, both caught by Dan ‘Spanky’ Moats. Some other contest fish caught in August: Thomas Voeck 47.5 Monona Homemade Crankbait Brad Nelson 50 LOTW Dadson Bullet M J Johnson 45 Eagle Gerry’s Girl Jerry Georgeson 46.75 Eagle Krusher Aaron Laking 46 Vermillion Llungen DC8 Gerry Frantz 47 Madison Chain Cowgirl Winston Hopkins 46 Vilas County Suick Winston Hopkins 46.5 Vilas County Medussa Brian Skaife 48.5 Eagle Medussa Head on over to the CCMI Facebook page to see photos of all the contest fish! Men’s Masters Division Name Jeff Hanson* Andy Schutz Peter Kangas Joe Aldworth Troy Schoonover Leif Spilde Matt Hill Muskies Points Ave 99 49 31 15 15 15 6 1291 669 335 196 195 182 70 39 39 37 39 39 38 37 *- Distinguished Master Name Seth Niday Brett Schulze Darrick Hill Nicole Varese Junior’s Division Muskies Points 3 34 2 26 39 1 1 13 13 39 39 Women’s Division Name Muskies Points Doris Dahlk 6 81 Beth McCumber 2 28 Muskie Ink Ave 37 Page 6 Ave 39 40 8/28/2015 Nesheim at LOTW Outing Dominates! Men’s Division Name Brian Wienski Bobby Dixon Jr Greg Voss Don Varese Todd Berge Trevor Hamann Dan Moats Paul Stacey Timothy Voeck Thomas Voeck Brandon Nontelle Gerry Frantz Lee Bartolini Tim Connaughty Chad Niday M J Johnson Nick Foulk Brian Skaife Geoff Crandall MattDeVos Mark McCumber Jerry Georgeson Brett Hostetler Gerard Hellenbrand Kevin Munson Winston Hopkins Dennis Draker Louie Lunn Aaron Laking Ray Petkovsek Brandon Rupnow Muskies Points Ave 23 17 12 12 9 14 5 9 8 9 5 7 8 5 7 7 6 7 7 8 7 4 5 5 4 4 6 5 4 3 3 261 194 155 144 137 133 114 113 108 102 97 92 91 91 86 83 82 80 79 77 75 70 67 66 66 66 65 57 55 52 46 37 37 39 38 41 35 49 38 39 37 45 39 37 44 38 38 40 37 37 36 37 43 39 39 43 42 37 37 40 43 41 Shane Nesheim with two of his 7 muskies caught during the Cap City Muskie Inc Outing at Mylie’s Place Resort on Lake of the Woods. Both big fish were taking on bucktails hitting in the 8 without knowing they were there. The one above is 50 ¼ and the one below is 49 incher. More on the outing on page 9. Link - Muskie Ink Page 7 8/28/2015 What’s New in Abu Garcia Reels? Editor’s note – Since we have a great friend of the club in Duffy Kopf (who’s a Rep for Pure Fishing) I asked him to give us a heads up on Abu Garcia’s new reels that was featured a ICAST in July. It is going to be an exciting product season this year. A lot has changed at Abu Garcia. Those of you, like me, have a Revo Toro Winch or NaCl and love them, Abu does not make them anymore. New reels coming out this September are the Revo Toro Beast, Revo Toro S and Ambassadeur Beast (round reel). REVO TORO BEAST The new Beast is retailing at $399.95 and has the following features: Superior cranking power 7 stainless steel HPCR bearings plus one roller bearing Carbon matrix drag – max. 25 lbs. – easy drag adjustment under load - Aircraft grade aluminum spool X-Craftic alloy frame and side plate Duragear – large and heavy duty InfiniMax breaking system Extended bent handle for increased power and includes a power handle and casting power handle Large EVA knobs Ti coated line guide Retrieve ratios of 4.9:1 (50 size 24” per turn & 60 size 27” ) and 6.2:1 (50 size 31” per turn and 60 size 34”) No need for line guide to move back and forth on cast – narrow spool Available in 50 and 60 sizes and right and left retrieve. REVO TORO S The new REVO TORO S is retailing at $249.95 and has the following features: 4 stainless steel HPCR bearing and one roller bearing Carbon Matrix drag – max. 25 lbs. Aircraft grade aluminum spool XCraftic alloy frame and sideplate Duragear – large and heavy duty MagTrax braking system Power handle (60 size) Extended bent handle (50 size) Retrive ratio – 5.3:1 - (50 size 26” per turn and 60 size 29” per turn) Available in 50 and 60 sizes and right and left retrieve. AMBASSADEUR BEAST The new Ambassadeur Beast Round is retailing at $339.95 and has the following features: Swedish made round reel Machined aluminum frame and sideplate Carbon Matrix drag – max. 15 lbs. Large EVA knobs Anti-distortion spool Precision machined Duragear brass gears 4 pin centrifugal brake Synchronized level wind Retreive ration – 5.1:1 (24” per tiurn) Right handed only Impressive side graphics Editor’s Comment – I’d like to thank Duffy for getting this to me and if you have question(s), email them to me and I will forward to Duffy and we should be able to get you some answers. If there are some other products you’d like me to feature in these pages, let me know. Link - Muskie Ink Page 8 8/28/2015 2015 Lake of the Woods Outing Results Morson, Canada – In mid-August the Capital City Chapter Muskies, Inc took over the resort called Mylie’s Place in Sabaskong Bay of Lake of the Woods. The weather was pleasant with strong winds. We even had a northeast wind on Tuesday night that forced all the boats off the water in fear of ruining the piers at the resort. With the winds we still managed to get out and fish. Shane Nesheim was on fire with partner matt Hill as they boated 9 fish and Shane taking top honors with 7 anchored by a 50 ¼ and a 49 (see pics page 7). Luke “Baldy” Breyer caught the biggest at 50 ¾ inch muskie to earn big fish award. Travis Clark got into the big fish race, but ended up less than a 1” short at 49 inches. Other “notable” include personal best Kristen Phillips with a 46”and Mike Roosa with a 43.25”. Here are a few pictures from the outing submitted to me. We’d like to thank our host, Justin Gaudry of Mylie’s Place. - Editor Mike Roosa with his 43 ¼ inch muskie caught during the Lake of the Woods Outing. The winners of the Lake of the Woods Outing were Luke Breyer (on left) for big fish and Shane Nesheim for most points. Congrats, Guys!!! Gerard Hellenbrand with a 45 inch muskie that ate a Lake X topwater called Fat Bastard. The color was reverse loon (white over black). Kristen Phillips with her personal best at 46 inches. This fish put some muskie mojo onto her mom’s. Karen Phillips new Ranger ® boat!! That a great way to do it, Kristen!!! Muskie Ink Page 9 8/28/2015 Member’s Shots! Doris Dahlke Brian Skaife Back in June, Doris Dahlk gets her 1st muskie entered into the Muskie Inc. Lunge Log with this 47 ½ from the Madison Chain on a black Cowgirl. Here’s Brian Skaife with a 48 ½ inch muskie from the famed waters of Eagle Lake in Canada. He was fishing a perch colored Medusa when the fish decided to make it lunch. Brad Nelson Aaron Laking Aaron Laking with a pretty 46 inch muskie from Lake Vermilion in Northern Minnesota. He caught his fish using a black and silver Llunen DC8. If you would like to submit a photo for the newsletter, email a med to high res jpeg format picture to the Editor and please include as much information about the catch, so that we can read a little about the where, when, and how to make these pages interesting to view. Brad Nelson who is no stranger to big fish, gets this 50 inch muskie from Sabaskong Bay of Lake of the Woods in Canada. This biggie choose to eat Brad’s firetiger Dadson Bullet. Muskie Ink Page 10 8/28/2015 2015 Capital City Muskies, Inc Outings Two Outings left for 2015, make plans to attend today September 26: CCMI Fall PIT-TAG Challunge – Lake Monona Coordinator – Gary Hoffman October 9 & 10: Vilas County Outing – All Vilas County Waters Coordinator – Colette Anderson Sign up and liability forms are available on the web site and at all CCMI meetings. Liability forms are good for the calendar year, so if you signed one earlier this year, then you are good for the entire year of 2015. If you want forms set to you, contact Gerard Hellenbrand (contact information on the last page) and he will gladly send them to you. Link - Link – Muskie Ink Page 11 8/28/2015 PRESIDENT Luke Vike 25 Millard Ct Evansville, WI 53536 608) 576 – 0697 VICE- PRESIDENT Winston Hopkins 504 Greenwood St Madison WI 53716 608) 577 – 3184 TREASURER NEWSLETTER EDITOR April Cook 6606 Broad Creek Blvd Madison, WI 53718 608) 279 – 5838 Submissions due by the 15th Gerard Hellenbrand 608) 669 - 5046 822 S Gammon Rd #1 Madison, WI 53719 Board of Directors Term Exp RVP Tom Penniston PO Box 985 New Glarus, WI 53574 608) 558 – 9657 SECRETARY Gary Hoffman 7104 Twin Sunset Rd Middleton, WI 53562 608) 698- 5388 Todd Berge 660) 441 – 0129 Tony&Dawn Enger 228 – 5594 Gerard Hellenbrand Henry Hempe 233 – 3331 Don&Liz Hollatz 222 – 5631 Rick Lane 873-5228 Mike Milia 467 – 7552 Karen Phillips 692 – 6880 Dan Reim 512 - 9561 Andy Schutz 235 – 1352 Michael Winther 844 - 1382 Muskie Ink `15 `15 `15 `16 `15 `15 `16 `15 `15 `16 `16 Past Presidents Bill Wood Don Borchert Gil Nimm Steve Budnik Kevin Wegner Gary Greene Brian Walsh Fred Bachmann Kevin Black Norm Vike Craig Eversoll Geoff Crandall Steve Reinstra PageOlson 12 Jim Lee Bartolini 8/28/2015
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