April 2014 - Capital City Muskies Inc
Volume 31, Issue 4 April 2014 Prez Sez April Fundraiser Attending and participating in CCMI’s annual Intermediate and Advanced Muskie School on March 15th has me all wound up to go fishing, With the Wisconsin season still five weeks away, I am looking for opportunities to wet a line before then. I may have to make a trip or two to the state just to our south, although this very late spring may mean that the ice down there may last until the season opens up here in Wisconsin. That would be a real bummer! There are other opportunities, however. The CCMI Iowa Hawg Hunt is scheduled for April 26, 2014, or if you are really adventurous, call past guest speakers Tony Grant or Gregg Thomas or other southern guides, and make arrangements to fish in Kentucky or Tennessee. Or perhaps, fishing for panfish in local lakes and rivers will help to heal lingering “cabin fever.” In any case, it won’t be long now, so get your gear and boats ready. I am looking forward to seeing you on the water in 2014. Its April and that means its fundraiser time. It takes place on Saturday afternoon; April 12th at the 5100 Bar in McFarland on Erling Ave. (www.5100bar.com) is the place to be. The featured speaker is Chippewa Flowage guide, Ty Sennett (http://www.tysennett.com). The event starts at 1pm with the 1st raffle being at about 2pm, but many get there early to enjoy fine food and drinks at the 5100 Bar. There will be many raffles and silent auctions going throughout the afternoon. This event is our major fundraiser for the year that provides for stocking and club operations funds. If you can’t make it, send a donation to help out our efforts – every little bit helps. If you are a new member or recently rejoined and didn’t receive a member ticket packet, call or email Gerard Hellenbrand to get your ticket packet sent to you. As mentioned above, the CCMI muskie school was very motivating and a lot of fun. Congratulations to Geoff Crandall for continuing to do an outstanding job of coordinating and organizing this event. And thanks to his committee members Steve Reinstra and Duffy Kopf for all the work they did to help make the muskie school such a success and to all the volunteer instructors and club members who worked at the school. I heard nothing but positive comments from those who participated, and it makes me proud to be part of a club that offers this event. Chippewa Flowage guide, Ty Sennett ~continued next page~ Muskie Ink www.capitalcitymuskiesinc.org Page 1 3/26/2014 The Iowa Hawg Hunt on Saturday, April 26th is a little later this year than in past years, but that means the fishing should be even better. It will be a great chance to put a muskie in the net before the season opens in Wisconsin. Registration forms are in this newsletter. Be sure to take advantage of this early opportunity. Members should have received a letter from me with two tickets to our annual Fundraiser and Fishing Seminar on Saturday, April 12th. Don’t forget, this is the event that we use to raise money to help fund our fish stocking study. We really need your participation, and please bring as many friends as you can. Ty Sennett, popular Hayward area fishing guide and creator of the Pacemaker surface lure will be our featured speaker. Send your payment in early and take advantage of the “members only” special offers to receive Cap City Cash coupons for the purchase of raffle tickets. As always, we will have many prizes, raffles, and silent auctions for guided trips and more. I hope to see you at the Fundraiser and at all of our events. The annual Conservation Congress/WDNR hearings are scheduled for Monday, April 14, 2014. As most of you know, a survey is presented to participants at this event which allows you to voice your opinion on various issues affecting fishing and hunting in Wisconsin. There will be questions concerning statewide trolling again this year. Be sure to attend if you want to have your position known. See related article in this newsletter. 2014 Consevation Congress Hearings On April 14th the WDNR conservation hearings take place in each county seat. The major question for us muskie anglers is trolling. Here in Dane County where a majority of our chapter resides, the hearings will take place at Middleton High School Performing Arts Center. For other places in the state, you can look up using this link and going to pages 6 & 7 for details in your county. http://dnr.wi.gov/about/wcc/Documents/spring_hearing/2 014/2014SpringQuestionnaire.pdf The question is proposed as “1. Do you favor this compromise trolling proposal, which would allow trolling with 1 “line” (i.e., hook, bait, or lure) per angler in the 17 counties listed above (except the 31 waters already open to trolling) and would allow trolling with 3 “lines” per angler in the other 55 counties?” For background about the question is stated in the above link document starting on page 8. As I read the question, a yes vote would allow an anglers to drag a sucker while casting an artificial lure moving down a piece of structure with an electric trolling motor or it would allow a person to just motor troll with a gas outboard, but only using one line. This all came about because a few anglers were in the gray area in positioning fishing. So make plans to attend and be heard on fishing, hunting, and trapping issues. Lee Lee Bartolini - President Link - http://www.dsbait.com . Spring 2014 Fishing Seminar DATE | SPEAKER | TOPIC APRIL 04/03 | Pat Klingelhoets | Ice Out Panfish 04/10 | Ron Barefield | WI River Spring Walleyes 04/17 | Lee Tauchen | Mendota Smallmouth Bass 04/24 | Austin Ragotzkie | Madison Chain Walleye . Link – www.madisonmuskyguide.com MAY 05/01 | Travis Richardson | Opening Weekend In store seminars and starts at 7 pm Muskie Ink www.capitalcitymuskiesinc.org Page 2 3/26/2014 MEMBERSHIP REPORT By Gerard Hellenbrand 822 S Gammon Rd #1, Madison, WI, 53719 608) 669 – 5046 E-mail gerardh@charter.net Hello members, is it just me or are some of you itching to get fishing again as well? We had another great muskie school a few weeks ago so that is in our rear view and looking for a great fund raiser coming up and our first outing in Iowa. I had a short column last month due time restraints as the Madison Fishing EXPO shorted up the deadline. This month we had a longer duration and with that we have a bunch of new members that signed up at the MadFishExpo, at the meetings, by mail, from the National, and the muskie school. So let’s check them out now. From Madison we have Brett & April Cook and Bernie Wendricks, from the east, Dustin Murphy from Monona, and from the south, Ted Fish and Rogers Sands of Beloit, Louie Lunn of Janesville, Michael O’Conner of Brooklyn, Tim & Charlotte Dubel of Brodhead, Jacob Stiner of Verona, and to the north, Gerry Frantz of Waunakee, Gary “the Shooter” N-Ski of Lodi, and finally Ed Carey of Portage. That’s a big class of new members and I WELCOME ALL you guys and gals!!!!!! For the new members, I had a bunch new members from many different sources as listed in the first paragraph. When this happens I’m not sure if I either gave or emailed you a new member packet or seminar tickets. If you feel I failed in getting you club information, please see me at the meeting or email me. If those two options are not available, then call me and I will gladly mail you out what you missed or requested. Membership Cards – Due to costs, the National is no longer mailing out membership cards. You can print out your own cards when you get your ID number by going into the “member login” section of www.muskiesinc.org and under “profile update” and it’s in the upper right of that page, clicking on the tab that says “Print Membership ID Card” and that is in a PDF form. You can still request a card from the National or talk to me if you need help walking through the procedure. I am hoping in the future that the chapter chairman will have the ability to print cards for members that are not able to. So we hope to see you at the seminar on the 12th. Till next month…………. Link – www.leetauchen.com Email link - fatmuzkey@yahoo.com Muskie Ink www.capitalcitymuskiesinc.org Page 3 3/26/2014 Last 2014 Muskie Show April 4 – 6 – Minnesota Muskie EXPO http://www.minnesotamuskieexpo.com/ April 12 - Headwaters Chapter of Muskies, Inc is holding their Annual Banquet at the Eagle River Inn. So if you are in the Northwoods on the 12th check out their banquet at this link http://www.headwatersmuskies.com/pages/banquet-info.php Apr 12 Annual Seminar with featured speaker Ty Sennett, a Chip guide @ the 5100 Bar Conservation Congress Hearings @ your county seat. Details on pg 2 General Meeting @ 5100 Bar Meeting on the water – Goodland No Meeting Meeting on the water – Goodland General Meeting @ 5100 Bar General Meeting @ 5100 Bar Apr 14 May 12 Jun 9 Jul Aug 11 Sept 8 Oct 13 Link - http://www.wildernessfishgame.com More details at the http://www.capitalcitymuskiesinc.org Link -www.lawtonandcates.com Muskie Ink www.capitalcitymuskiesinc.org Page 4 3/26/2014 Muskie Ink www.capitalcitymuskiesinc.org Page 5 3/26/2014 2014 Muskie School Wrap Up By “The Dean” Geoff Crandall Capital City Chapter of Muskies, Inc., held its 13th annual Muskie School at Waunakee High School on Saturday March 15th from 7:30am – 4 pm. This school was designed specifically to assist intermediate & advanced muskie anglers. A beginner level muskie anglers track was provided. The first time the school was held was in the middle of a big snowstorm at the gym and pool at Madison Area Technical College with 50 Students attending. The school was moved to the high school in Waunakee where it has remained (except for one year due to renovation). Waunakee High School has been accommodating and allows access to classrooms, pool and the Performing Arts Center. Cap City MI funds a "Muskie Angler Scholarship" as a thank-you to the students and the school administration. The 2014 program addressed the sights & sounds of muskies baits underwater and numerous topics such as new technological breakthroughs in electronics, high-tech scanning systems for underwater structure and fish, Mercer area lakes, Muskies in the weeds, Spring & Fall Muskie fishing, fishing the Madison Chain for muskies, Wisconsin River fishing, Northwest and Southeastern Wisconsin fishing tips and suggestions. Reel repair, lure building, leader making, sucker fishing and many other topics were covered. More than three-dozen classes and sessions were held throughout the day including a working lunch. We had a great turnout of over 250 students, instructors and staff. The 2014 faculty included many highly skilled instructors e.g., Jim Olson, John Eversoll, Greg Fitch, Matt DeVos, Leif Spilde, Duffy Kopf, Lee Bartolini, Captain Lee Tauchen, Jeff Hanson, Steve Worrall, Steve Reinstra, Dale Anderson, Mike Koepp, Adam Oberfoell, Dan Reim, Luke Vike, Gerard Hellenbrand, Jerry Georgeson, Matt Raley, Ron Schell, Don Hollatz, Gary Liegel, Geoff Crandall, Jim Stroede, Scot Stewart, Bill Buechner, and numerous others. We expect to offer the 14th annual Muskie school on March 14, 2015. Check the Cap City MI web site just after the 1st of the year for details. Name tags handed out by Gerard Hellenbrand and Mike Milia as Prez Lee Bartolini looks on. 13th Annual CCMI Muskie School starts @ Waunakee High School Like Us on Facebook - Cap City & Muskies, Inc Capital City Muskies Inc. is now on Facebook. For those who are active on Facebook you can now “like” us at the official Facebook web site. Link is https://www.facebook.com/pages/Capital-City-Chapter-of-Muskies-Inc/443352929085585?fref=ts Muskies, Inc is also on Facebook. For that link you can use this link is: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Muskies-Inc/118841754815660 Muskie Ink www.capitalcitymuskiesinc.org Page 6 3/26/2014 Madison Chain Outing: Saturday May 17th, 2014 Come join us for our Madison Chain outing on May 17th, 2014. The outing will begin at 7 am and ends at 2 pm. The $12 per person registration fee includes lunch served at the Green Lantern on Lake Waubesa at 3pm and entry into our outing raffle. There is lots of on the water parking at the Green Lantern so there is no need to trailer your boat to attend the luncheon. This outing is open to the public and you need not be a CCMI member to attend. Outing Rules Must comply with all WDNR regulations Catch and release only and no transporting of fish No live bait is allowed Only fish caught between 7am and 2pm on 05/17/14 will be eligible. A witness or a photograph of the fish is required for all entries. Eligible lakes are Monona, Waubesa and Upper Mud Lake. Only muskies 30" or longer will eligible for an award. Participants must complete and submit a “release of liability form.” Participants’ boats must be marked as noted below. The spring outing is, by definition, a WDNR tournament. Therefore, each boat in the contest must be marked. Participants should mark their boats by wrapping a single layer of blue “Painter’s Tape” around the cowling of their motors. A Release of Liability form must also be signed and returned with the outing entry form. Lunch & Awards Lunch will be provided at 3pm sharp at the Green Lantern on Lake Waubesa. Relax, compare notes and enjoy a nice meal with friends. Fishing stories, awards ceremony and door prize drawings will be held right after lunch. Awards will be presented for the most combined inches of fish caught to the ¼ inch, first largest and second largest muskie. Winners may only win one award. CCMI Madison Chain Outing Registration Form Names___________________________________________ Address________________ ___________________________________ City____________________State___________Zip___________________________ Mail To: Capital City Chapter of Muskies, Inc PO Box 8862 Madison, WI 53708-8862 For more information contact Karen Phillips @mskyldy@aol.com or 608) 873 - 0599 Muskie Ink www.capitalcitymuskiesinc.org Page 7 3/26/2014 Cap City MI Apparel At a recent board meeting a Merchandise Committee was created to handle the design and sale of CCMI apparel. The primary focus of the committee at this time is the sale of the new Capital City Muskies, Inc. hooded sweatshirts. Two different brands are being offered: the first being Champion® which is available in either a “pull over hoodie” or a full-zip front style and available sizes range from small to 3XL. The Champion® sweatshirts are offered in 3 colors: Black, Navy Blue, and Gray. The full Capital City Muskies Inc logo will be screen printed on the front of the pull over and the full-zip sweatshirt will get the logo embroidered on the front left breast. The second available brand is Sport Tek, which is a Cotton-Polyester mix and are similar quality to Under Armour®. The Sport Tek sweatshirts are also “pull over hoodies” and are available in Royal Blue, Forest Green, and Black. All 3 colors come with a white stripe on the top of the shoulders that extend down the top of the sleeves and will have the large Capital City Muskies Inc. logo screen printed on the front of the sweatshirt. The Sport Tek sweatshirts have a size range of small to 4XL and they seem to run just a tad larger than other brands. The sweatshirt prices are $35 for Champion® sweatshirt options and $45 for the Sport Tek. We will be displaying samples at meeting so you can get a look at the sweatshirts and try them on for size. We will have the completed product available for sale at meetings/functions in the very near future, but we are already taking orders. The proceeds of the sweatshirts sales will help in funding our continued Lake Monona Leech Lake Stocking Study. Link – www.ballweg.com Link - www.getthenetmuskyguide.com Available at Dorn’s @ Midvale and D&S Bait For questions please contact either Luke Vike at 608) 576 - 0697 or Mike Milia at 608) 235 - 3102. Muskie Ink www.capitalcitymuskiesinc.org Page 8 3/26/2014 th 2014 Seminar April 12 For Additional Information: www.capitalcitymuskiesinc.org Muskie Ink www.capitalcitymuskiesinc.org Page 9 3/26/2014 10th Annual “Iowa Hawg Hunt” Outing Saturday April 26th, 2014 7 am – 5 pm Pleasant Creek State Recreation Area Cedar Rapids, IA Join the fun at the 10TH “Iowa Hawg Hunt” Outing at the Pleasant Creek Recreation Area which is located 15 miles Northwest of Cedar Rapids, Iowa. See: http://www.iowadnr.com/parks/state_park_list/pleasant_creek.html Urbana Inn (formerly Super 8) in Urbana, Iowa at 319) 443 - 8888 has suitable accommodations not too far away from the lake. Food and sodas will be provided for lunch - $5/per person. There will be an optional friendly noncash door prize contest - $10 per person. Please contact Geoff Crandall at crandall@msbnrg.com or call 608) 831 - 6020 (please pay PRIOR TO APRIL 20 for your food/pop ($5) and door prize fee ($10) prior to the outing). Contest Rules are as follow: Eligible fish: Must be caught between 7:00 am - Noon or 1:00 pm - 5:00 pm A witness is required (another outing participant is o.k.) for all entries a photograph is required of eligible fish. Fish entries including photos must be submitted to Geoff Crandall or John Eversoll before 5:30pm. Eligible waters are waters within the Pleasant Creek State Recreation Area. Must comply with all IDNR regulations. Catch & release only, live bait is permitted, no transporting of fish, all muskies measured to the ¼ inch. Only 30” muskies or longer are eligible for an award. Please pay for your lunch by the 20th of April however, to be eligible for the non-cash prizes your fee must be must paid & received before the start of the outing. Award certificates will be given for the following categories: Longest Muskie Second Longest Winners may win only one category Lunch & Awards Lunch will be provided at a location to be determined adjacent to the lake. Fishing stories & door prizes, awards ceremony will be held at 6 pm at a location to be determined. (NOTE: THERE WILL BE NO CASH AWARDS OR PAYOUTS AT THIS OUTING). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2014 IA Outing Form: NAME ______________________________________________ NAME ______________________________________________ NAME ______________________________________________ NAME ______________________________________________ TOTAL - $____ Contest Eligibility:Must be pre-registered and fee received prior to the event to qualify for contest non-cash awards. Fill out form and mail (make check payable to Geoff Crandall) to: Geoff Crandall 5306 Jonquil Ct., Middleton, WI 53562 Muskie Ink www.capitalcitymuskiesinc.org Page 10 3/26/2014 2014 Outings Iowa Hawg Hunt - April 26th. 2014 Madison Chain Outing - May 17th 2014 On The Water - June 9th, 2014 Youth Tournament - June 14th, 2014 Larry Kleeba Challunge - June 14th – 15th, 2014 Host – Titletown Chapter from Green Bay Held on North & South Twin & Lac Vieux Desert Bill Wood Lake Winter Outing - June 21st, 2014 On the Water - Aug 11th, 2014 Alliance Muskie Open - Aug 15th – 17th, 2014 Lake of the Woods Outing - Aug 16 – 23rd, 2014 Gil Hamm Challunge – August 20th - 22nd. 2014 Host – Star of the North MI on Lake of the Woods and HQ is Red Wing Lodge "Capital City Monona Fall PITtag Challunge" – Sept 27th on Lake Monona Details to follow. Vilas County Outing - October 10th & 11th, 2014 Link - http://www.muskie.com/ Signed Liability Form are needed to attend any outing. Can get forms at the meetings or Cap City web site. Link – www.spankybaits.com Link – www.monsterlures.net Muskie Ink www.capitalcitymuskiesinc.org Page 11 3/26/2014 PRESIDENT Lee Bartolini 713 S 2nd St Mt Horeb, WI 53572 608) 437 - 6177 lbartolini8475@charter.net TREASURER Matt Newman 614 Bartels Unit # B Madison, WI 53716 262) 903 – 2635 matthewnewm@gmail.com VICE- PRESIDENT Dale Anderson PO Box 8862 Madison, WI 53708 608) 825 – 3080 digo51@charter.net RVP Tom Penniston PO Box 985 New Glarus, WI 53574 608) 558 – 9657 pennistn@wekz.net SECRETARY Winston Hopkins 504 Greenwood St Madison WI 53716 608) 577 –3184 winstonkarelyn@charter.net Board of Directors Term Exp Todd Berge 660) 441 – 0129 `15 Tony&Dawn Enger 228 – 5594 `15 Gerard Hellenbrand `15 Henry Hempe 233 – 3331 `14 Gary Hoffman 698- 5388 `15 Don&Liz Hollatz 222 – 5631 `15 Rick Lane 873-5228 `15 Mike Milia 467 – 7552 `14 Karen Phillips 692 – 6880 `15 Dan Reim 512 - 9561 `15 Andy Schutz 235 – 1352 `14 Luke Vike 576 - 0697 `15 Muskie Ink www.capitalcitymuskiesinc.org Michael Winther 844 - 1382 `14 NEWSLETTER EDITOR Submissions due by the 15th Gerard Hellenbrand 608) 669 - 5046 822 S Gammon Rd #1 Madison, WI 53719 gerardh@charter.net Past Presidents Bill Wood Don Borchert Gil Nimm Steve Budnik Kevin Wegner Gary Greene Brian Walsh Fred Bachmann Kevin Black Norm Vike Craig Eversoll GeoffPageCrandall 12 Steve Reinstra Jim Olson 3/26/2014
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