July 2016 - Capital City Muskies Inc
Volume 33, Issue 7 July 2016 Prez Sez Common sense isn’t that common anymore and too often August neither is common courtesy. If any of you spend a lot of time On – the – Water on the Madison Chain during the warm weather days, you probably understand what I am talking about. The time is upon Meeting us where everyone with a boat is looking to get out on the water Our first on the water meeting was in on the weekends (sometimes it feels like all of them, all at the June. There is no general member same time). Respect and patience will go a long way in making meeting in July (more time for fishing). your time on the water more enjoyable. You cannot control the actions of other people but if you can make an effort to show The second on the water meeting will be respect to others around you. When you are out please try to use August 8. The meeting is at Goodland the proper etiquette, leave people space, avoid cutting people Park on Lake Waubesa. The meeting begins with a cookout with food ready at off, and remember that a negative action will only bring about a 6:30 pm. negative reaction, so avoid yelling, shouting, arguing, and fighting with others. If you really feel the need to say The meeting is not exclusive to something to someone, please do so in a calm and polite members, so bring family and friends to manner. Keep in mind that not everyone is at the same share your fish stories. experience level as others and some people do not fish or understand what is rude or out of line. I have already had a handful of moments this year where I have had to bite my tongue and keep my cool. I often remind myself that fall will be here before we know it and the lakes will become more peaceful and less busy. I would like to congratulate Mike Winther on another job well done with the WI Youth Muskie Championship. I swung by to watch the Awards ceremony and was very impressed with the amount of people that participated. Mike and his staff of volunteers ran a very well organized and highly interactive luncheon and awards ceremony. It was awesome listening to the kids tell their fish stories of the day and seeing the youth participants claim their plaques and door prizes. I’m very proud to have Capital City Muskies, Inc. affiliated with such a great event. Thank you to everyone that helped out with the June On The Water meeting. Whether you brought food, cooked food, helped setup/clean up, or donated a lure to the Raffle Prizes; your actions are greatly appreciated. We had a nice turnout and a great meeting. We moved things right along which gave many of our members an opportunity to get back out on the Lake and enjoy what turned out to be a very beautiful night on Lake Waubesa. ~ continued next page ~ Muskie Ink www.capitalcitymuskiesinc.org Page 1 6/29/2016 Prez Says continued… I did mention it at the meeting and I will mention it again, if you have an interest in becoming more involved in the Chapter, we are holding Board elections this fall and will have room for new At-Large Board Members; please contact me if you are interested or have questions. I wish you safe travels on your summer fishing trips and I wish you tight lines and good luck on all of your angling adventures; I hope you catch a monster! Luke Vike Sr. Luke Vike, Sr. – President Membership Report Brandon Nontelle / fshnhnt@hotmail.com / (580) 481 – 0687 Hi members! Things are heating up and so is the fishing. Hopefully the water stays cool enough for a while so all of us can take advantage of it. Otherwise its’ to the northwoods we go. We have one new member added to our reports since last month, please welcome Sang Vang from Sun Prairie, WI when you have the chance. As always please send me any questions or concerns in regards to your memberships and I look forward to seeing you all on the lakes. Cheers. Muskie Ink www.capitalcitymuskiesinc.org Page 2 6/29/2016 2016 Capital City Muskies, Inc. Outings Outings for 2016, mark your calendars Aug. 19 – Aug. 21: 31st Annual WI Muskie Alliance Musky Open – Eagle River, WI Aug. 20 – Aug. 27: Lake of the Woods Outing – Mylie’s Place Resort Aug. 24 – Aug. 26: Gil Hamm Challunge - Host Chapter: Star of the North @ Red Wing Lodge on LOTW Sept 24: CCMI Fall PIT-TAG Challunge – Lake Monona Oct 7 & 8: Vilas County Outing Link – http://ww.monsterlures.net Link – http://ww.spankybaits.com Muskie Ink www.capitalcitymuskiesinc.org Page 3 6/29/2016 Release Report Nick Pierick- Release Chairman / npierick@yahoo.com / (608) 354-3822 The season is barely over a month old and water temps have already creeped up in the 80’s here in Madison. Please remember to give the muskies a break when surface temps are 80 or above to help reduce the stress on the fish as well as delayed mortality. The fishing has been pretty good so far. We have 123 fish registered in the Lunge Log for Chapter 8 already, with 14 over the 45” mark! The majority of the fish registered in June were caught on Crank Baits, with Bucktails coming in 2nd. Timothy Voeck Kurt Southworth Sang Vang Jerry Georgeson Chris Eith 49.25 47.50 47.00 46.50 45.25 June Lunkers: Monona Bemidji Monona Waubesa Chippewa Flowage Travis Storch – 42.5” caught on a top water on the Madison Chain Bucher Depth Raider Mattlock Savage Magic Back Deep Raider Martin Fuduluv - 48.5” spotted musky caught on a Muskie Train MX on the Madison Chain Link - http://www.muskie.com/ Link - http://www.wildernessfishgame.com Muskie Ink www.capitalcitymuskiesinc.org Page 4 6/29/2016 Timothy Voeck Aaron Laking Travis Storch Mark McCumber Brad Nelson Mens Muskies Points Avg Len 5 80 42 6 3 5 2 90 66 45 41 41 Jeff Hanson 48 Troy Schoonover 35 47 John Franklin Jr 4 37 35 Sang Vang Jerry Georgeson 2 2 36 32 44 42 Chris Eith Brian Wienski Luke Schroder Brian Skaife Matthew Hill M. J. Johnson Gerry Frantz Leif Spilde Kurt Southworth Lee Bartolini Nick Pierick Travis Sieja Mark Mickelson Carson Axness Geoffrey Crandall Thomas Voeck Dennis Draker Brandon Rupnow Scot Junge Brian Eith Tim Connaughty Derek Dittberner Tom Penniston Craig Reukauf Steve Soma Shane Nesheim 3 3 3 2 3 2 2 4 1 3 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 36 31 30 30 30 29 27 27 22 20 20 19 18 18 15 15 14 14 12 12 11 10 10 9 9 8 Andy Schutz Matt Mc Cumber 38 36 36 Nathan Varese Mens Masters Muskies Points 33 355 3 37 5 2 Juniors Muskies 1 43 24 Points 16 Avg Len 37 35 38 38 Avg Len 42 41 36 41 40 33 48 33 46 45 35 35 34 41 40 40 38 38 37 36 36 35 35 34 Muskie Ink www.capitalcitymuskiesinc.org Page 5 6/29/2016 Capital City Muskies Merchandise Get geared up for warm weather Muskie fishing with the new CCMI Performance fishing shirt. The DriFit shirts come in both short sleeve and long sleeve styles, they have the “Hi-Def” Logo on the front, and you can choose between two colors: Leech Lake Silver or Chippewa Strain Green. The shirts are $20 each. Be sure to keep your head covered and the sun out of your eyes with a FlexFit Capital City hat. We have a good number of hats in both Blue and in Mossy Oak. We have a very select few Black hats left. You will have your choice of the Traditional CCMI logo or the “Hi-Def” CCMI Logo. Each hat comes is a couple sizes to ensure the right fit for you. The hats also sell for $20 We still have about 30 CCMI sweatshirts left in stock so we are going to do our best to sell the remaining sweatshirts by reducing the price to $30/each for all remaining sweatshirts. We are also taking orders now for Capital City Muskies Inc Jackets. The Black 3 Season Jacket has the traditional Capital City Muskies, Inc. logo embroidered on the front breast and has a large CCMI logo embroidered on the back. The jackets are available by pre-order only and cost $80. Please contact President Luke Vike, Sr. for any questions on the merchandise tomahawkdr@yahoo.com or (608) 576-0697. Link - http://madisomuskyguide.com/ Email link - fatmuzkey@yahoo.com Muskie Ink www.capitalcitymuskiesinc.org Page 6 6/29/2016 Third Annual CCMI Pit-Tag Challenge Outing The Capital City Muskies Inc Chapter is again hosting a "CCMI Pit-Tag Challenge" outing on Saturday September 24, 2016. This ONE day events purpose is to catch pit-tagged muskies in Lake Monona. The catch information will be used to further enhance the Leech lake vs Wisconsin strain fish study that has been ongoing since 2007. This outing is open to all musky fisherman. Membership in CCMI is not required. Come and join us for this important and fun activity. Date: Saturday September 24th. Place: Olbrich Boat Launch Time: 7:00am - 3:00pm Outing Rules Must comply with all WDNR regulations Catch and release only and no transporting of fish Participants are to meet at Olbrich park (across Atwood Ave from the Olbrich Boat Launch) at 6:30am to receive pit-tag scanner instructions. Casting, trolling and live bait are acceptable forms of fishing Lake Monona is the only eligible lake All muskies caught must be scanned for pit-tags to be prize eligible A witness or a photograph of the fish is required for all entries In case of a tie, the earliest muskie caught will be the tie breaker Winners may only win in one "length of fish" category Participants must complete and submit a "release of liability" form. The outing is by definition a WDNR tournament, therefore each boat in the outing must be marked by wrapping a single layer of blue "painters Tape" around the cowling of their motors. Lunch & Awards A cook out will be provided at 4:00 pm sharp at the Olbrich park with awards and door prizes after lunch. Awards will be presented for largest, second largest, and third largest muskie caught by length in inches. Special prizes will be awarded to pit-tagged fish caught regardless of length. Registration and Cost Please complete and send the attached registration form and fee to Gary Hoffman, 7104 Twin Sunset Rd, Middleton, WI 53562 no later than Monday September 12, 2016. The outing cost is $20.00 per person. For more information contact Gary Hoffman (glhoff29@gmail.com) or 608-698-5388 Muskie Ink www.capitalcitymuskiesinc.org Page 7 6/29/2016 CCMI Pit-Tag Challenge Outing Registration Form Name____________________________________________ Address__________________________________________ Phone Number____________________________________ City____________________State________________Zip___________ Mail To: Gary Hoffman 7104 Twin Sunset RD Middleton WI 53562 Link - http://www.dsbait.com Link – http://www.leetauchen.com Muskie Ink www.capitalcitymuskiesinc.org Page 8 6/29/2016 Capital City Chapter of Muskie’s Inc. Club Officers PRESIDENT Luke Vike 25 Millard Ct Evansville, WI 53536 (608) 576 – 0697 tomahawkdr@yahoo.com VICE- PRESIDENT Winston Hopkins 504 Greenwood St Madison WI 53716 (608) 577 – 3184 winstonjhopkins@gmail.com RVP Tom Penniston PO Box 985 New Glarus, WI 53574 (608) 558 – 9657 pennistn@wekz.net SECRETARY Gary Hoffman 7104 Twin Sunset Rd Middleton, WI 53562 (608) 698- 5388 glhoff29@gmail.com TREASURER April Cook 6606 Broad Creek Blvd Madison, WI 53718 (608) 279 – 5838 apes65@hotmail.com NEWSLETTER EDITOR Submissions due by the 15th Brett Cook 6606 Broad Creek Blvd Madison, WI 53718 (608) 279 - 4160 cookb@ixperts.com Available at Dorn’s @ Midvale and D&S Bait At- Large Directors Tony Alexander tony53949@yahoo.com Todd Berge boogerb2@yahoo.com Brett Cook cookb@ixperts.com Tony Enger dcsok9@charter.net – Henry Hempe ahhempe@gmail.com Rick Lane bairtrack@charter.net Mike Milia mikemilia@charter.net Nick Pierick npierick@yahoo.com Dan Reim dsreim@gmail.com Andy Schutz tutanka33@gmail.com Term Exp ‘17 ‘17 ‘17 `17 `16 `17 `16 ‘17 Past Presidents Bill Wood Don Borchert Gil Nimm Steve Budnik Kevin Wegner Gary Greene Brian Walsh Fred Bachmann Kevin Black Norm Vike Craig Eversoll Geoff Crandall Steve Reinstra Jim Olson Lee Bartolini `17 `16 Link - http://www.mercermuskiesandmore.com/ Muskie Ink www.capitalcitymuskiesinc.org Page 9 6/29/2016
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