March 2015 - Capital City Muskies Inc
March 2015 - Capital City Muskies Inc
Volume 32, Issue 3 March 20125 Prez Sez March Meeting As we put January and February in the rearview, we can see the light at the end of the wintery tunnel. I am not an ice fisherman so winter can really seem to drag on for me at times, luckily between our membership meetings, the various Fishing Expos, and the fishing shows on TV I find ways to keep Muskie fishing fresh on my mind. We held our Annual Awards banquet on February 9th and I always enjoy seeing the pictures of the enormous fish that our members catch and sometimes the stories of the catch and the hi-jinx surrounding the catch are even more amazing than the fish itself. I would like to take a chance to yet again, congratulate all of the release contest winners as well as all of those who were recognized for other muskierelated achievements. The awards banquet always draws a great crowd and it brings in some people that do not attend many of the other membership meetings and it is always great to see all of you again. I would also like to thank John Eversoll for the beautiful award plaques that he made for all of the contest winners. Our 14th Annual Intermediate and Advanced Muskie School is quickly approaching and hopefully you were able to sign-up for your classes and get entered to win the $200 gift certificate to Dorn Bait & Tackle. If you have not signed up yet, you still have time and while you are at it bring a friend or two along with you. I think I enjoy the school more and more every year. Every single year I pick up some great info and angling tips to use once muskie season arrives. Geoff Crandall, Steve Reinstra, and all of those involved with Muskie School do a terrific job and it would not be the success that it is without their fine work and hours of dedication they put into the school. ~ Continued Next Page ~ The March meeting will be upon us shortly. After an excellent awards meeting last month, this month we return to a featured speaker in Jeff Van Remortal, of WDH Guide Service, guiding in Northern Wisconsin guide. The March meeting is March 9th and start at 7pm at the 5100 Bar in McFarland ( Jeff was one of the hottest guides last year in the north-central part of the state. His talk will be focused on those northern Wisconsin muskies. Be sure you plan to attend As with all our general meetings, they are free and open to the public so bring your friends and/or family. Come early for some fine dining and spirits and enjoy talking muskies. Jeff Van Remortal of WDH Guide Service a Northern Wisc muskie guide will be our featured speaker in March focusing on Northern Wisc Muskies. Make you plans to attend. Muskie Ink Page 1 2/24/2015 Where else can you go and get top- notch instruction in a small classroom setting from some very knowledgeable muskies anglers and also get poolside lure demonstrations from some of the best muskie guides that you will find anywhere. If you have yet to attend the Muskie School I urge you to make it a point to do so. Basketball Legend, Olympic Gold Medalist and “Muskie Life” Founder Christian Laettner will be the featured speaker at our Annual Fundraiser on April 11th. I am really excited to hear him talk about his passion for muskie fishing, the story behind Muskie Life and I am certain he’ll find time to share a few great basketball stories as well. I am certain he will be the tallest speaker that we will ever have at any meeting unless Shaquille O’Neal gets into muskie fishing and starts his own lure company or muskie fishing website. This will be a unique opportunity to hear someone with his background compare and contrast muskie fishing to being a professional athlete. On top of hearing Christian Laettner speak, our fundraiser offers an enormous amount of lures on our numerous raffles as well as our pothole raffles and numerous silent auction items. It’s a great chance to pick up some great muskies lures, rods, and other esox angling gear. Of course, the fundraiser is being held at our usual CCMI home, the 5100 Bar in McFarland. Our website contains a calendar of events and provides important information for all our upcoming events. The website also has all of our past newsletters from the past two and a half years archived by year. If you’re bored at work or looking for a few quick reads is to catch up on our past newsletters. The website also includes a photo gallery, and the contact information for the CCMI Executive Board. We are here to serve you so do not hesitate to drop us a line. It is more difficult for to kids to get into trouble if they are out on the water so remember to take a kid fishing. I hope you have a great month of March, sneak South for some early muskie action if you can and I hope you catch a monster, 2014 President’s Award Winner Gary Hoffman Receives President’s Award Gary Hoffman, the current Secretary of the Capital City Chapter of Muskies, Inc., was the 2014 recipient of the prestigious “President's Award” at the annual CCMI Awards Ceremony meeting on February 9, 2015. The President’s Award is given to that member of the club who has made a significant contributions. Outgoing President Lee Bartolini noted that many individuals have helped make CCMI the success that it is, and selecting a winner from so many candidates was a difficult choice. Gary was a board member and Vice President several years ago, and he wrote the Chapter News and Views column for Muskie Magazine at that time. He then stepped aside for a short while because of work and other matters, but once he retired, he came back full force. Last year he took on the difficult task of planning and coordinating CCMI’s new fall PIT TAG Challunge. He recently ran for and was elected for the position of Secretary. When Liz and Don Hollatz retired from the positions of Raffle Coordinators, he jumped right in and volunteered to do that job, as well – a very difficult and time consuming responsibility. The various contributions and reliable service provided by Gary Hoffman are extremely important and highly valued,” noted Bartolini. “Gary is very deserving of the 2014 President’s Award.” Luke Vike Sr. Luke Vike, Sr. - President Link - Muskie Ink . Page 2 2/24/2015 MEMBERSHIP REPORT By Gerard Hellenbrand 822 S Gammon Rd #1, Madison, WI, 53719 608) 669 – 5046 E-mail Hi members, in January ts felt like a normal winter, not being bitter cold, but what a difference a month makes. February has been real cold and not many want to be out in that stuff for a long time. Thank goodness we have some fishing shows and our annual school to give a a few things to do inside. The school was a great idea 14 years ago and continues to be a fantastic event due to the high quality of our instructors. We can’t do much without them as they are the ones that make this event great. I look forward to the day of talking fishing and instructing on single strand leaders. Also look forward to seeing many of you there. Looking at new members that have signed over the past month. We have two regular members and one family. From McFarland Travis Seija and Paul Stacey from Evansville. Our family membership is Josh and Heidi Behm and their kids, Aiden and Grace and they hail from Johnson Creek. Welcome All!!! If you don’t know, the National does not send out memberships cards anymore. You can however print your own. If you want me to print a card for you. I will gladly do it, but I would need your password to do so. If that is the case I want you to call me (evenings would be best) and I can print it while you are on the line with me. Then we can make arrangements to get it to you or I can mail it. I would use card stock, but they should be laminated to preserve it. Till next month…………. Email link - 2014 Hat Trick Earners Winston Hopkins Hat Trick 36.33 Tom Penniston Hat Trick 39.83 Troy Schoonover Hat Trick 40.00 Lee Bartolini Hat Trick 40.67 Matt Hill Hat Trick 40.92 Andy Schutz Hat Trick 41.33 Paul Myren Hat Trick 41.42 Bobby Dixon Jr. Silver 41.83 Brian Wienski Silver 42.00 Steve Reinstra Silver 43.17 Peter Kangas Silver 43.67 Louie Lunn Silver 46.08 Link – Champion Link - Muskie Ink Page 3 2/24/2015 2015 Muskie Shows Mar 6th – 8th - Wisconsin Muskie EXPO at Central Wisconsin Convention & Expo Center (formerly The Patriot Center) in Wausau, WI March 7th – Wilderness Fish and Game’s annual free fishing clinic at the store in Sauk City. Featured speaker is walleye pro Chris Gilman and from Lindner’s Angling Edge Jeremy Smith on river smallies and pre-spawn bass. Mar 9 General Meeting @ 5100 Bar featured speaker Jeff Van Remortel, a N WI Muskie Guide Annual Cap City Seminar with featured speaker Christian Laettner, basketball great turned muskie angler. WDNR Conservation Congress Hearings @ your county seat General Meeting @ 5100 Bar featured speaker Captain Matt Firestein Lake St Clair Guide – casting and trolling Apr 11 Apr 10th – 12th - Minnesota Muskie EXPO at Ganglehoff Center in Concordia University in St Paul, MN Apr 13 May 11 More complete details at Link - Muskie Ink Page 4 2/24/2015 11th Annual “Iowa Hawg Hunt” Outing Saturday April 25, 2015 7am – 5pm Pleasant Creek State Recreation Area Cedar Rapids, Iowa Join the fun at the 11th “Iowa Hawg Hunt” Outing at the Pleasant Creek Recreation Area which is located 15 miles Northwest of Cedar Rapids, Iowa. See: Urbana Inn (Formerly Super 8) in Urbana, Iowa at (319) 443 - 8888 has suitable accommodations not too far away from the lake. Food and sodas will be provided for lunch - $5/per person. There will be an optional friendly non-cash door prize contest - $10 per person. Please contact Geoff Crandall at or call (608) 831-6020 (please pay PRIOR TO APRIL 20 for your food/pop ($5) and door prize fee ($10) prior to the outing). Contest Rules are as follow: Eligible fish: Must be caught between 7am - Noon or 1pm - 5pm. A witness is required (another outing participant is o.k.) for all entries a photograph is required of eligible fish. Fish entries including photos must be submitted to Geoff Crandall, Greg Goltz or John Eversoll before 5:30 pm. Eligible waters are waters within the Pleasant Creek State Recreation Area. Must comply with all IDNR regulations. Catch & release only, live bait is permitted, no transporting of fish, all muskies measured to the ¼ inch. Only 30” muskies or longer are eligible for an award. Please pay for your lunch by the 20th of April however, to be eligible for the non-cash prizes your fee must be must paid & received before the start of the outing. Award certificates will be given for the following categories: Longest Muskie Second Longest Winners may win only one category Lunch & Awards Lunch will be provided at a location to be determined adjacent to the lake. Fishing stories & door prizes, awards ceremony will be held at 6pm at a location to be determined. (NOTE: THERE WILL BE NO CASH AWARDS OR PAYOUTS AT THIS OUTING.). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2015 Sign Up Form: NAME ______________________________________________ NAME ______________________________________________ NAME ______________________________________________ NAME ______________________________________________ TOTAL - $_______ Contest Eligibility: Must be pre-registered and fee received prior to the event to qualify for contest non-cash awards. Fill out form and mail (make check payable to Geoff Crandall) to: Geoff Crandall 5306 Jonquil Ct Middleton, WI 53562 Muskie Ink Page 5 2/24/2015 RELEASE REPORT Michael Winther (608) 844-1382 Congratulations to the 2014 award winners! I hope everyone enjoyed the Awards Meeting in February; it was great to hear the stories about so many big muskies. The groundhog might have taken a bite out of the Sun Prairie mayor’s ear, but spring will get here eventually. As you start preparing for the 2015 season, here are some reminders about the CCMI member contests that are available for you to enjoy. Release Contests: All members who register their catches are automatically entered in our club release contests. Prizes are awarded to the champion who earned the most points in the categories of Junior’s, Women’s, Men’s, and Men’s Masters. There is also a special award category of Distinguished Master for any member who wins the Masters Division 3 times. Reproduction Contest: Any muskie 45” or longer is eligible to be entered in the reproduction contest. Along with being entered in the Lunge Log within 30 days of the catch, a picture of the fish (or a witness statement) must be submitted to the Release Coordinator. The club awards payment for an artistic reproduction (graphite replicas, custom paintings, etc.) for one fish caught in Wisconsin and one fish caught outside of Wisconsin. Hat Trick: Members are recognized each year for catching muskies from 3 different Dane County waters. There are additional prizes for a Silver Hat Trick (all 3 fish 40” or larger), Gold Hat Trick (all 3 fish 45” or larger, this level requires photos or witness statements) and for the Hat Trick Champion (hat trick with highest average length). Please note that the lake must be specified for each entry – “Madison Chain” is not an eligible lake name entry. (Editor’s note – 2014 Hat Trick award winners listed on page 3) Lunker of the Month: The largest muskie released each month (minimum 45” long) is recognized as the “Lunker” for that month. Special Awards: Individual awards are also presented to the Rookie of the Year (first year entering a muskie in the Lunge Log as an adult), the Largest Muskie, the Largest Hybrid Muskie, the Largest Muskie from Dane County, and the Largest Muskie released by a junior member. Editor’s Note – Full winners are at under “CCMI Member Contests” Link - Free Fishing Clinic and Sale – March 7th Muskie Ink Link - Page 6 2/24/2015 Madison Chain Outing: Saturday May 16th, 2015 Come join us for our Madison Chain outing on May 16th, 2015. The outing will begin at 7 am and ends at 2 pm. The $12 per person registration fee includes lunch served at the Green Lantern on Lake Waubesa at 3pm and entry into our outing raffle. There is lots of on the water parking at the Green Lantern so there is no need to trailer your boat to attend the luncheon. This outing is open to the public and you need not be a CCMI member to attend. Outing Rules Must comply with all WDNR regulations Catch and release only and no transporting of fish No live bait is allowed Only fish caught between 7am and 2pm on 05/16/15 will be eligible. A witness or a photograph of the fish is required for all entries. Eligible lakes are Monona, Waubesa and Upper Mud Lake. Only muskies 30" or longer will eligible for an award. Participants must complete and submit a “release of liability form.” Participants’ boats must be marked as noted below. The spring outing is,by definition, a WDNR tournament. Therefore, each boat in the contest must be marked. Participants should mark their boats by wrapping a single layer of blue “Painter’s Tape” around the cowling of their motors. A Release of Liability form must also be signed and returned with the outing entry form. Lunch & Awards Lunch will be provided at 3pm sharp at the Green Lantern on Lake Waubesa. Relax, compare notes and enjoy a nice meal with friends. Fishing stories, awards ceremony and door prize drawings will be held right after lunch. Awards will be presented for the most combined inches of fish caught to the ¼ inch, first largest and second largest muskie. Winners may only win one award. CCMI Madison Chain Outing Registration Form Names_________________________________________________________________ Address_____________________________________________ City____________________State________ Zip ___ Mail To Capital City Chapter of Muskies, Inc PO Box 8862 Madison, WI 53708-8862 For more information contact Karen Phillips or 608) 873 - 0599 _________Zip__________ Muskie Ink Page 7 2/24/2015 2014 Reproduction Winners Link - The 2014 Reproduction Drawing was held on Awards Night and Junior member Seth Niday and longtime member, Gerard Hellenbrand won. Seth won with a fish caught from other waters, in this case Lake St Clair and Gerard won for Wisc waters with a local fish from Waubesa. Congrats guys! Available at Dorn’s @ Midvale and D&S Bait Links - or Muskie Ink Page 8 2/24/2015 Awards Night Photos 2014 Big Fish & Divisional Champs – Left to Right – Distinguish Master Jeff Hanson for largest muskie and largest Dane County muskie, Seth Niday, largest junior muskie and junior champ, Leif Spilde Men Master’s Champ and largest hybrid, Peter Kangas, Men’s Champ, and Nick Foulk is 2014 Rookie of the Year. 2014 Lunker Winners Present that night were - Left to Right MJ Johnson for October, Jerry Georgeson for May, Steve Reinstra for November, Craig Eversoll for September and Jeff Hanson for July. `14 Hat Trick L to R – Peter Kangas, Lee Bartolini, Steve Reinstra, Brian Wienski, Tom Penniston, Paul Myren, Matt Hill, and Andy Schutz Muskie Ink Page 9 2/24/2015 14th INTERMEDIATE & ADVANCED MUSKIE SCHOOL Saturday March 14, 2015 – held at Waunakee High School The Capital City Muskie School is now taking enrollees for their 14th Annual Muskie School. This event is being put on by the members and friends of the Capital City Chapter of Muskies, Inc. and the event just keeps getting better. Duffy Kopf has made a promo about the school and it’s worth the few minutes to watch. Link to the promo is The enrollment form is available on the Capital City MI web site and that link is under “Calendar of Events”. If can’t or are unable to print the document out, contact Gerard Hellenbrand at or call (608) 669 – 5046 and he will gladly mail you a form. Forms will also be available for pick up at the Madison Fishing EXPO at the Alliant Energy Center, the Wisconsin Muskie EXPO in Wausau, and the general membership meeting on March 9th at the 5100 Bar in McFarland. The $35 enrollment fee not only included the classes, but coffee and rolls in the morning as well as a fine catered lunch. After March 9th the fee will increase to $45 for those enrolling after that date and walk-ins the day of the school. If you have any questions about the school please call or email Steve Reinstra at or (608) 770 – 7131. Update: Reel classes are now full as they were only limited to 6 students per session. Muskie School is ready to begin, enroll today!! Like Us on Facebook - Cap City & Muskies, Inc Capital City Muskies Inc. is now on Facebook. For those who are active on Facebook you can now “like” us at the official Facebook web site. Cap City link is For Muskies, Inc on Facebook. Use this link is: Muskie Ink Page 10 2/24/2015 April Semiar 2015 Capital City Muskies, Inc Outings Outings for 2015, mark your calendars April 25: Iowa Hawg Hunt – Pleasant Creek, IA May 16: Madison Chain Outing – Lakes Monona and Waubesa June 13: Wisconsin Youth Muskie Championship – Lake Waubesa June 20: Bill Wood Memorial Outing - Sawyer Cnty WI Aug. 15 – Aug. 22: Lake of the Woods Outing – Mylie’s Place Resort Aug. 21 – Aug. 23: WI Muskie Alliance Musky Championship – Eagle River, WI August 26 – 28: 2015 Gil Hamm Challunge Leech Lake, MN @ Horseshoe Bay Lodge hosted by Fargo-Morehead Chapter September 26: CCMI Fall PIT-TAG Challunge – Lake Monona October 9 &10: Vilas County Outing Make sure you mark for Saturday, April 11th on your calendar. It’s the day that the Capital City Chapter of Muskies, Inc. holds its annual seminar and fund raiser in 2015. The place is the 5100 Bar on Erling Ave in McFarland. This year’s featured speaker is Christian Laettner of Muskie Life. If that name sounds familiar maybe it’s because he was a basketball star at Duke University, a members of the USA 1992 gold medal Olympic basketball team, or even one of the teams like Timberwolves, Hawks, Pistons, or the Heat over his 13 year pro career. This event is always a great time with plenty of raffles, like pothole, card deck, early bird, and silent auctions items, too much to list. The funds raised mainly goes to stocking the Madison lakes with muskies. The event starts at 1pm, but you can get there early for a fine lunch and great spirits served up by the fine staff of the 5100 Bar. Don’t miss it!!!! One outing date not yet known at this time is the State MI Larry Kleeba Challunge hosted by Hayward Lakes. Details will get posted as soon as they are available. Link – Muskie Ink Page 11 2/24/2015 PRESIDENT Luke Vike 25 Millard Ct Evansville, WI 53536 608) 576 – 0697 VICE- PRESIDENT Winston Hopkins 504 Greenwood St Madison WI 53716 608) 577 – 3184 TREASURER NEWSLETTER EDITOR Matt Newman 7102 Prairie Dr Middleton, WI 53562 262) 903 – 2635 Submissions due by the 15th Gerard Hellenbrand 608) 669 - 5046 822 S Gammon Rd #1 Madison, WI 53719 Board of Directors Term Exp RVP Tom Penniston PO Box 985 New Glarus, WI 53574 608) 558 – 9657 SECRETARY Gary Hoffman 7104 Twin Sunset Rd Middleton, WI 53562 608) 698- 5388 Todd Berge 660) 441 – 0129 Tony&Dawn Enger 228 – 5594 Gerard Hellenbrand Henry Hempe 233 – 3331 Don&Liz Hollatz 222 – 5631 Rick Lane 873-5228 Mike Milia 467 – 7552 Karen Phillips 692 – 6880 Dan Reim 512 - 9561 Andy Schutz 235 – 1352 Michael Winther 844 - 1382 Muskie Ink `15 `15 `15 `16 `15 `15 `16 `15 `15 `16 `16 Past Presidents Bill Wood Don Borchert Gil Nimm Steve Budnik Kevin Wegner Gary Greene Brian Walsh Fred Bachmann Kevin Black Norm Vike Craig Eversoll Geoff Crandall Steve Reinstra PageOlson 12 Jim Lee Bartolini 2/24/2015
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