Sunrise, sunset and Sunfest


Sunrise, sunset and Sunfest
July 20166, Issue 2
Volume 6, Page
Issue 21
Sunrise, sunset and Sunfest ...
… Natural beauty, the boardwalk, the beach and bargains galore all
beckon from Ocean City. And what better time to take it all in than with your Pioneer friends at our 82nd annual celebration, Sept. 21 - 23. The Maryland Pioneers invite you to join in the fun during Ocean City’s Sunfest event. For reservations and details, see pages 8 and 9.
Maryland Chapter Pioneers 9531 Hallhurst Rd., Baltimore MD 21236 Phone: 443-834-9216
Website: Facebook: New Vision Pioneers-Maryland Chapter
Page 2
President’s message
Forging ahead: No office, no problem
It’s hard to believe the year is almost half over but it
organization who donates the Easter Baskets cancelling
has been a busy time for the Maryland Chapter. Without out at the last minute. We normally provide the beeping
an office for conducting business as usual, everything
eggs and volunteers but this year, with only a week noneeded to be re-evaluated and changed, or discarded.
tice, we were able to also provide over 100 allergy-free
Our first challenge was stayEaster Egg baskets and toys and the children weren’t dising in touch with our members.
Obtaining a phone was first on
I look forward to seeing many of you in Ocean City
our list -- (443) 834-9216. Leave a this September. Once again our 82nd Annual Meeting will
voice mail and a board member
be held during Sunfest week in Ocean City. We are addwill get back to you. We also ining something special to Game Night this year. Now increased our presence on Facecluded will be a Beach Party Buffet, games of chance and
book, so check there often to see
awesome prizes. Check out the reservations details inwhat’s new.
cluded in this newsletter.
HersheyPark was our second
biggest challenge. It is our major Yours in Pioneering
fundraiser and permits us to do
the many good deeds we do yearMaryland Chapter
ly. For all those who attended
Mary Weber
Day, sent the flyer to family and friends or shared the information on Facebook, the Maryland
Chapter wants to thank you.
It was a great day with weather in the
low 70’s, not a rain cloud in sight, and
happy faces everywhere, including Maryland Pioneers who were able to meet our
ticket sales requirement.
For all those who attended HersheyPark Day and live outside of the Maryland Chapter area, we especially thank
you. You travel great distances and many
of you make a weekend of it. Thank you
and be sure to come back and see us
Maryland Pioneers provided beeping eggs, Easter baskets and toys
Our Annual Beeping Egg Easter Egg
for students at the Maryland School for the Blind on March 23. The
Hunt at the Maryland School for the Blind
beeping Easter egg hunt is an annual tradition for both the school
was almost cancelled this year due to the and the Pioneers.
Volume 6, Issue 2
Page 3
Family & Friends:
Pioneers launch membership program
Pioneers Family and Friends is
a new membership program being
offered by the New Vision Pioneers.
It is a unique opportunity to
include family and friends as
members of the largest industrybased volunteer organization in
the world. Pioneers who sponsor
these new members will be
providing them with opportunities
to form new friendships, to develop networking contacts, and to
take part in Pioneer volunteer projects.
New members will be able to
join current Pioneers to provide
support, education and advocacy
as we continue -- as Pioneers have
for more than a hundred years -- to
Answer the Call of Those in Need.
Pioneer Friends and Family
membership dues are $22 per year,
which will help to offset the cost of
activities and community service
Family and Friends members
also will receive email communications from the Pioneers, and will
have access to products and services offered by Pioneer Affinity
Sponsoring a new member is a
great way to celebrate a birthday,
anniversary, graduation or any
other special occasion, and to help
out local communities.
To sponsor a Family and Friend
member, complete the form at
right and send it to the Pioneers, as
Page 4
Life Members keep calendars full
Hello Life Member Pioneers…it’s Nouvelle again!
Our 2016 Pioneer year is already half over and Pioneer volunteers across the state continue to do
good works for those in need. Please consider reaching out to a club in your area to see where you
too can help. WE NEED YOU!
Have a child or grandchild in school? Consider getting Scholastic books from the chapter and
spending an hour reading to them and, best of all, giving each child their own book.
Know of a school/teacher in need of supplies to help those children in need? Contact us so we can
help out!
Do you have other needs in your community? Let us know and we will do everything in our powNouvelle
er to help. Come join us…your communities need you!
Want to catch up with fellow retirees/friends…come on down to the ocean. We are there Wednesday.
Sept 21 through Friday, Sept. 23 and it is Sunfest at the ocean! All the information is included in this newsletter. Come
have some fun with us. We’d love to see you!
If you’re not sure where to start…give me a call. My cell is 410 409-2610, home 410 274-9519, and email is Below is a list of some of the scheduled activities.
Lower Shore LMC - Peggy Hastings 410-742-5554
Aug. 25 - Dayton's, Salisbury
September. - No meeting. – Annual Convention
Oct. 27 - Sage's Diner, Salisbury
Nov.17 - Red Lobster, Salisbury
Dec.15 - Dunes Manor, Ocean City
Please rsvp at least 5 days before if possible…if you
forget---come any way!
Central Region – Diane Pazourek - 410-329-3394
Luncheons TBD
Tidewater LMC – Shirley Edwards - 410-754-5821
Oct. 6 -Seafood Luncheon at Kentmorr
Dec. 15 - Christmas Party at Fisherman’s Inn
Frederick LMC – Carroll Naik – 410 487-5887
Sept. 1 Fall picnic- Monocacy Village Park - 430pm Contact Pauline Summers - 301-663-5227
Oct. 8 and 9- Fundraiser at Colorfest Thurmont, MD
Oct. 18 - Fundraiser - Boscov's Dept Store Frederick 830am until noon
Oct. 26 - Bingo at Montevue Nursing and Rehab
Nov- Dec -Salvation Army Angel Tree - Francis Scott Key
Mall - Dates to be announced
Dec. 7 - Christmas Luncheon - Frederick Church of the
Brethren - Contact Dot DeGrange - 301-663-4657
Business Meetings, July 19, Aug. 26, Nov. 4….
10 am, Roy Rogers, Rt. 26, Frederick
Westminster LMC – Barbara Clingan 410 775-7121
Oct. 18- Boscov's Dept Store fundraiser in Westminster.
Business meetings are held monthly on the second Tuesday of the month at various restaurants in the area.
Fall picnic and Bingo at Golden Living Nursing and Rehab
-dates to be announced
Westminster Life Members Mary Parke (left) and
Nancy Barnes discuss plans for the club’s annual
Nut Sale, which raises fund for the group’s community service projects. The sale has been a major
fundraiser for the club for more than 30 years.
Volume 6, Issue 2
Page 5
Blessings. Westminster Life Member Club
President Shirley Young presents a check to
Shepherd’s Staff, in support of its Blessings
Closet program. Shepherd’s Staff provides
non-food essentials for 2,500 households each
Western clubs support area charities
Westminster Life Member Club
The WLMC recently presented a check to the Shepherd’s Staff Blessings Closet to support their ongoing services to the community. Members also donated household
paper supplies to the organization to distribute to clients.
The club held its spring luncheon at the Church of the
Brethren in Union Bridge on May 10, and will hold its annual no-bake bake sale fundraiser through the month of
Four needy children in Carroll County will be able to
attend summer 4H camp through the generosity of the
club and the chapter. On Oct. 18, the club will take part in
Boscov’s fundraiser in Westminster.
Business luncheon meetings are held the second Tuesday of the month at local restaurants.
Frederick Life Member Club
The FLMC held its Spring luncheon on May 19 at the
Mountaingate Restaurant. Members brought nonperishable food for the Community Action Food Bank in Frederick.
Guest speaker at the luncheon was Tammie Sherrard,
Community Liason at Crestwood Middle School. The
Frederick club has supported the backpack food program
at the school on an ongoing basis and presented Sherrard
with nonperishable snacks to supplement the school’s
summer backpack program.
Several FLMC members continue to meet monthly at
Frederick Memorial Hospital to assemble patient registration packages.
Business meetings are held semi-monthly and as needed at Roy Rogers Restaurant.
Jim Mathis remembered for service
Jim Mathis, longtime Westminster
Life Member Pioneer, received the
Distinguished Citizen Award posthumously last month from the Maryland
Association of Nonpublic Special Education Facilities.
Mathis, who died last July, was
honored for his service as a board
member of the Methodist Board of
Child Care, which oversees the Strawbridge School. The school now pro-
vides specialized services for special
needs children.
When Mathis attended the Strawbridge School for Boys in Eldersburg
in the 1950’s, it provided schooling
and housing for students whose families could not care for them.
He went on to graduate from
Sykesville High School and Johns
Hopkins University. He later was
named to the board overseeing the
Strawbridge School and embraced the
transition of the school into a facility
supporting special needs children.
As a Pioneer, he and his wife, Lois,
were known as generous givers to numerous Pioneer projects, including
bakeless bake sales, Bingo parties for
seniors and collections for needy families.
Page 6
Pioneers to assist teachers in need
Maryland program
to begin this fall
The Maryland Chapter will be re-focusing
our school supplies program for students this
We are asking each Pioneer Region President and Life Member Club to designate a
teacher in need of one or two additional
school supplies (pencils, crayons, notepaper,
composition books, etc.).
If you have someone in mind, please contact your Life Member Club President with
that teacher’s name, school, number of students in their classroom and the school address.
If the teacher is selected, the supplies will
be sent directly by UPS to that teacher during
the school year.
Baltimore arena events
discounted for Pioneers
Pioneer discounts will be available for several features events at the
Royal Farms Arena in Baltimore later this year.
Pricing has not yet been set. But to obtain the Pioneer discount
when ticket prices are available, call 410-347-2006, or email
Upcoming discounted events are:
WWE - September
Disney on Ice, Oct. 26-30
Harlem Globetrotters - December
Maryland Men’s Basketball vs. Charlotte, Dec. 20
Like us on facebook,
love us on the web
New Vision Pioneers-Maryland Chapter
Backpacks needed by Crestwood Middle School students were provided by
the Frederick Life Member Club. Above,
Crestwood Outreach Coordinator Tammy Sherrard displays one of the 100
backpacks donated as part of the
school’s weekend backpack program.
Volume 6, Issue 2
Page 7
Thanks to Book’em readers,
program is better than ever
Thank you Book’em readers… you came through and made 6,411 children in Maryland very
happy this year that Book’em is back, and in some ways, better than ever. Including the last six
months, Book’em has provided readers and books to more than 379,360 children in Maryland since the
program’s beginning.
Book’em is closed for the summer but will start up again in September. Our readers love the
new Book’em. Books are delivered directly to the home of the reader. No more traveling to Shawan
Road to pick up books.
When school begins in the fall, Book’em readers should contact the teacher at their school and
ask to schedule a tentative reading date. In September, email us at with
the grade, number of students, school, address, county, teacher’s name, your name and home address.
Remember when scheduling reading dates, September and October are Scholastic’s busiest months
and an order can take up to 3 weeks or more for delivery.
Page 8
Volume 6, Issue 2
Page 9
Page 10
Pioneers to offer books, sneakers and support
by Mary Weber
Have you ever read an article in the newspaper or seen
a news clip on TV and been touched so much emotionally
you can’t get the story out of your head?
Last summer, I saw a news clip on local TV about a
summer camp in Baltimore for homeless children, ages
five through 12, run by St. Vincent de Paul Society.
Every night in Baltimore, more than 380 homeless children are housed in
frightening and dangerous that would be
for a child. During the
school year, school
buses make the rounds to these shelters every morning
and transport these children to the nearest school. But
during the summer these children must stay in the shelter
all day to reserve their bed for the night.
For two months during the summer, the same school
buses make the rounds to the shelters for the children.
Instead of dropping them at a local school, buses take
them to St. Vincent Summer Camp in Patterson Park.
Most children can lose up to two months of reading
and math skills during summer break. The rate is twice as
high among homeless children, which is why the staff at
Camp St. Vincent works to help prevent summer learning
loss through a structured reading and math curriculum
during the first part of the day.
After lunch, the children spend the afternoon in the
park swimming, playing games or taking trips to cultural
sites, such as an afternoon with the Baltimore Symphony
Orchestra or the zoo.
The Maryland Chapter is proud to say we are taking
part in this effort this summer. We will be providing
Scholastic Books to each child.
Most have never owned a book of their own. We will
also provide sneakers and socks to the children so they
can fully enjoy the outdoor
We are asking for volunteers
to help read to the children
on Wednesday, July 13.
If you can help us, email us at
If you aren’t able to physically come to the park that
day but still want to help us, your 501c3 donation could
provide sneakers, socks or snacks for the children. We
thank you in their name for caring.
Each night in Baltimore,
380 homeless children
stay in shelters
Make checks payable to –
TP Maryland (St. Vincent Summer Camp Project)
Please mail your checks to —
New Vision Maryland Pioneers /
c/o Mary Weber
2223 Larchmont Drive
Fallston MD. 21047
Volume 6, Issue 2
Page 11
Families find fun at HersheyPark Day
The day started out sunny and
warm. The families arrived on
the tram, towards the admissions
gate eager for a fun packed day.
I am happy to report that this
day proved a tremendous success
for all who attended and for the
Maryland Chapter Pioneers. The
profits realized from this day will
help our local communities and
families within our area with
food, clothing, school supplies
and books.
I thank all those who participated in this fundraising event,
particularly those from faraway
places like New York, New Jersey, Virginia, Washington, D.C.,
West Virginia, Pennsylvania and,
of course, our own Maryland families.
We look forward to scheduling this event each year and will
get the word out early in 2017 with the date so that you can plan
early for next year’s Pioneer Day at HersheyPark.
Yours in Pioneering,
Paul Redline
And the winner is ...
Six days before Pioneer Day at HersheyPark, the Maryland Chapter initiated a Facebook contest to help promote the event.
We asked our Facebook friends to ‘Like,’ ‘Comment’ why you
like HersheyPark and to ‘Share.’ Anyone who shared our message
could win four tickets to HersheyPark Day and four meal packages
valued at over $194.
We were overwhelmed with the response. Within 24 hours, 2,198
Facebook Friends shared our message way beyond our state’s borders. Natalie Brown of New Jersey was delighted to hear the news
that she was the winner and would be able to take her family of four
to HersheyPark that weekend.
Natalie’s husband was out on strike and she couldn’t plan on
going to Hershey this year. Her family, shown at right with a
Reese’s friend, was overjoyed with the good news and it looks like
they enjoyed themselves.
Page 12
Verizon Maryland Pioneers
9531 Hallhurst Rd
Baltimore MD 21236
Hippopotomonstrasesquippedaliophobia? No
Do you have hippopotomonstrasesquippedaliophobia?
More than 20,000 Maryland third graders don’t,
thanks to the Pioneers program of donating dictionaries to
area elementary school students.
That monstrous word is the fear of long words, and it’s
found in a section on long words in “A Student’s Dictionary.”
Maryland Pioneers have been donating dictionaries to
Maryland third graders since 2005, and have given out
more than 20,000 during that span.
In addition to word definitions, the dictionaries provide information on weights and measures, the periodic
table of the elements, and civics references.
Included are the U.S. Constitution, the Declaration of
Independence, and biographies of American Presidents.
Any Pioneer who is interested in donating dictionaries
to a third grade in a Maryland elementary school should
contact Pioneers Dictionary Coordinator Ralph Blunt, at
Those editions and two additional editions per
year are sent by email to active and Life Member
Pioneers who request copies.
The “Maryland Pioneers Volunteer” newsletter is published by the Maryland Chapter of the
New Vision Pioneers.
To be added to the Pioneer email list, please
call 443-834-9216 or email us at and provide your
email address.
The New Vision Pioneers are part of the interUpdates on Maryland Pioneer activities, pronational Pioneers, the largest industry-based
jects and discounts are also available at the
volunteer organization in the world, founded in
chapter website: www.newvision1911 as the Telephone Pioneers of America. and on facebook at New
Vision Pioneers-Maryland Chapter.
The Maryland Chapter newsletter is distributed via US mail twice a year to Life Members.