Towson Town Center - Maryland Art Place
Towson Town Center - Maryland Art Place
Request for Proposals: IMPACT 2014 SITE: Towson Town Center Application Deadline: Saturday, July 19, 2014 @ 5:00PM Maryland Art Place (MAP) is now accepting applications for one of the fall 2014 IMPACT projects. IMPACT is an annual, public art program developed to extend Maryland Art Place’s reach to broader audiences. Each IMPACT project is unique and developed based on the partnering site. MAP plans to sponsor roughly three to four IMPACT projects over the course of 2014. This fall, MAP is partnering with the Towson Town Center for the second time. MAP and Towson Town Center identified a site on the fourth floor of the mall complex in a central balcony/nook off the main walkway. This spot is approximately 6 feet deep and about 15 feet in length. The balcony looks over the third floor throughway of the mall as well. (See image – bench will be removed.) Artists are strongly encouraged to visit this site prior to submission. Eligibility: This call for proposals is open to all artists residing in the state of Maryland. **Please note that work should be appropriate for viewers of all ages. The selected artist/artist team will receive a $500 stipend to cover the cost of materials and direct costs of the project. Installation is scheduled to take place on September 4 - 11 with an opening reception on Friday, September 12. Press announcements will be produced announcing the selected artist or artist team by July 25. Please note that projects must have materials that will withstand an installation for up to 5 – 6 months. *This project will remain up throughout the holiday season. Please send your proposal to by 5pm on July 19, 2014. Along with your application, you are welcome to submit up to 3 images or illustrated sketches. Past installation work samples will also be accepted. Application Deadline: Saturday, July 19, 2014 GENERAL TIMELINE: RFP: June 10 – July 19, 2014 Announce selected artist/artist team: July 25, 2014 Installation: September 4 – 11, 2014 Opening Reception: September 12, 2014 De-installation of Work: TBD About Towson Town Center ( is owned and managed by General Growth Properties, a fully integrated, self-managed and self-administered real estate investment trust focused exclusively on owning, managing, leasing, and redeveloping high-quality regional malls throughout the United States and Brazil. GGP’s portfolio is comprised of 125 regional malls in the United States and 18 malls in Brazil comprising approximately 134 million square feet. GGP is headquartered in Chicago, Illinois, and publicly traded on the NYSE under the symbol GGP. About Maryland Art Place: Maryland Art Place (MAP) inspires, supports, and encourages artistic expression through innovative programming, exhibitions, and educational opportunities while recognizing the powerful impact art can have on our community. MAP creates a dynamic environment for artists of our time to engage the public by nurturing and promoting new ideas. MAP has served as a critical resource for contemporary art in the Mid-Atlantic since 1981. REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS MARYLAND ART PLACE IMPACT PROJECT TOWSON TOWN CENTER June 10, 2014: Call for Proposals July 19, 2014: Complete Proposals Due 2014: Selections Announced APPLICANT CONTACT INFORMATION Name(s): _______________________________________________________________________ Mailing Address: __________________________________________________________________ City: _______________________________ State: _____________ ZIP: _____________________ Home Phone: __________________________ Work Phone: ______________________________ Mobile: ______________________ Email: _____________________________________________ Website(s): _____________________________________________________________________ APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS NOTE: Proposals must be received by 5PM, July 19, 2014. Only emailed applications will be accepted, please do not send CDs or hard copies of the application. 1. LETTER DESCRIBING INSTALLATION: TWO-PAGE LIMIT • Full project description: materials, concept • Projected budget needed for the installation – MAP is able to provide $500 for the project 2. ARTIST RESUMÉ 3. REPRESENTATIVE IMAGE(s) • Include an image of similar work in previous setting OR digital sketch/working model of your concept. Contact: MAP’s Program Manager, Paul Shortt at or 410.962.8565 for more information about the IMPACT project at Towson Town Center. Maryland Art Place: 218 West Saratoga Street Baltimore, Maryland 21201 |
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