STARS to our Staff, Parents and Students
STARS to our Staff, Parents and Students
VOLUME 3, ISSUE MAY 1, 2015 TOWSON HIGH SCHOOL INSIDE THIS ISSUE: STARS - Weekly 1 Accolades for Staff, Parents, and Students Featured Articles 2-14 Have You Heard?? 1522 Active Parenting Of Teens 23 Zoo Crew 2425 Engineering Innovations 26 Upcoming Events 27 25 The Towson Pride STARS to our Staff, Parents and Students Each week, individuals will be son High School’s Spring recognized for their contribuClean Up Day. tions to the school. Staff members are encouraged to submit STARS to Ms. Della accolades that are worthy of the Santina for her efforts General’s Star. with the spring sports pro- Our staff and students strive for gram. excellence on a daily basis. The comments listed below repreSTARS to Lauryn sent some of the recognition for Imhoff for helping to creour staff and students. STARS to Ms. Surak for finding a large amount of cash in the hallway and turning it in to the office. STARS to Ms. Schneidereith and the members of the Athletic Boosters for organizing an outstanding Spring Gala. STARS to Ms. Bolster for organizing Tow- ate a positive learning environment in Latin II, and for helping Magister to support her classmates in their learning of this ancient language! front desk so that the office staff could have lunch together for Administrative Professionals Day. STARS to Linah Sedeek, Margit Maple, Atia Mohammad Gharibani, Chau Nguyen, Adam Wright, Daniel Schuck, Andrew Schuck, Monica Argveta, Caroline Miller, Juliann Burkett, Corbin Miller, Daniel Hopffer, Jabali Garrett, and Jordan Hawkins for their part in cleaning up the campus at Towson’s Clean-Up day this past Saturday. STARS to Ms. DiMino, Mr. Stevens, Ms. Mathena for celebrating Administrative ProfessionSTARS to Dr. Fraals Day with lunch and getta, Ms. Bolster, Ms. treats for the office perMiller, Ms. Parts and Ms. sonnel. Della Santina for their efforts with the annual Towson Clean-Up Day. STARS to Ms. Richmond for covering the SAVE THE DATE! TOWSON HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATION SATURDAY, MAY 30, 2015 2:30 PM PAGE 2 TECHNOLOGY EDUCATION NEWS FROM THE FAMILY AND CONSUMER SCIENCE DEPARTMENT Exciting things are happening in the Intercultural Foods classes. Recently, students engaged in the study of Chinese Cuisine and were introduced to the classic Chinese cooking method of stir frying. Stir frying in its current form ―Food dates back to the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644) and was brought to America by early Chinese immigrants. Stir frying has been recognized for its health and nuis our tritional values, appealing use of meat and vegetables, and subtle use of sauces. Stir fry dishes are typically comprised of two-thirds vegetables and one-third common meat. frying technique involves heating a wok with a small amount of oil ground, a to a highStirtemperature. Seasonings such as garlic and ginger are tossed with the universal oil followed by meat and vegetables, beginning with those taking the longest to cook. The majority of time involved in preparing a stir fry involves the cutting experience.‖ and chopping of ingredients. Actual cooking time is very brief; therefore, all ingredients must be cut and chopped prior to beginning the cooking process. ~James Beard~ The stir fry dish is finished and flavored with the addition of broth, soy sauce, salt and pepper, and then thickened with cornstarch. Each kitchen group was charged with creating a stir fry recipe to demonstrate their knowledge of Chinese Cuisine and stir frying techniques. Working together, the students selected ingredients to blend contrasting colors and textures along with tastes picked to complement one another. Meats such as chicken or beef were selected. Vegetables chosen by the students included broccoli, bok choy, bean sprouts, peppers, squash, bamboo shoots, carrots, and snow peas. Once each group selected the ingredients they wanted to include, they were directed to write a precise recipe for the preparation of the dish which included a list of ingredients with the cutting techniques identified, specific steps for preparation, and a name for the recipe. As a culminating activity, using the recipes they created, students successfully prepared, served, and enjoyed eating their stir fry dishes. Many believed this was the best recipe of the year thus far and expressed an interest in repeating the lab. They enjoyed the contrast of flavors and textures and the opportunity to sample new foods. Students exhibited pride in their choices of ingredients and the accomplishment of creating and demonstrating their own recipe. THE TOWSON PRIDE PAGE TECHNOLOGY EDUCATION THE TOWSON PRIDE Continued from page 2 3 PAGE 4 WORLD LANGUAGES What’s Happening in Towson High School’s World Languages Program Here’s a look at what Towson High School’s language students have been working on since our last update. World Language National Honor Societies and the Honor Society Inductions ―A different language is a different vision of life.‖ ~ Federico Fellini~ During the evening of April 21, in Towson High School’s Auditorium, the student officers of each language’s Honor Society inducted new members into their groups. Towson’s WL teachers and the members of all the societies welcome these Generals into the department’s honor roll! Chinese Honor Society Inductees 2014-2015 Crystal Cheng Kyle del Puerto Anna Henderson French Honor Society Inductees 2014-2015 Ashley Allen Julia Batavick Nathaniel Collahuazo Ciara Donegan Kristin Donegan Emily Flickinger Hannah Harstein Anna Henderson Morgan Hilton Janynea Htchinson Aria Janello Aiden Kirby Esther Layne Katerine Lord Logan Marsh Leeannah McNew Aaron Nesbitt Maeve O’connor Liaan Rodriguez Celia Ross Isabel Rudie Linah Sedeek Caroline Spiccioli Hannah Templeton Christine White Niya Whitlock Rosemary Wonnel THE Latin Honor Society Inductees 2014 -2015 Monica Argueta Kush Bulmer Alexander Chrvala Tal Dayan Amber Donawa Delia Mercer Sarah Mc Nary Celia Parts Katherine Richardson Andrew Schuck Daniel Schuck Spanish Honor Society Inductees 2014-2015 Yahyu Abdelhamid Rhea Bhunia Djamilatou Dao Carla Estrada Isabella Felix Olivia Goodrich Grace Griffin Emma Hammer Oscar Macdonald Harris Cecelia Kastner Grace Kelly Christine Lam Genesee Lauderbaugh Merari Medrano Mason Miller-Breetz Erin Nash Paul Luther Sambuco Saraid Satterfield TOWSON PRIDE Diane Solorzano Reshmi Talwar Maddie Teter Caroline Ware Hannah Weinstein Anna Anderson John Baker Rabail Butt Cristina Cebotaru Deborah Chang Hannah Connelly Micah Herman Chloe Hundley Soni Kunwar Thomas Law Tanner Meeks Jack Morgan Fatima Sajid Michael Sassano Carly Specht Dara Thomas Lea Troutman Cecelia Yost Ellen Beaudry Caitlin Berger Zach Brady Rigil Dela Cruz Lyndsay Hamilton Ryan Lawrence Alec Pine Kevin James Wilkinson Shreeya Bhandari PAGE WORLD LANGUAGES PICTURES FROM THE HONOR SOCIETY INDUCTION April 21, 2015 6:00 p.m. French HS 1.jpg: French Honor Society Inductees recite their society’s oath of membership. THE TOWSON PRIDE Continued from page 4 5 PAGE 6 WORLD LANGUAGES Continued from page 5 Inductees of the Spanish Honor Society recite the oath of membership before a crowd of proud parents, siblings, and friends. Micah Herman reads the oath of membership of the Spanish Honor Society. THE TOWSON PRIDE PAGE WORLD LANGUAGES Continued from page 6 What’s Happening Now in: FRENCH Ms. Emilie Seck French III students are learning about identifying travel destinations within the French-speaking world and planning for a trip. Students are also practicing scenarios they are likely to encounter in an airport. French IV students are learning about the diversity of populations in francophone countries by completing research on and studying current trends in migration and immigration. Students are also discussing the advantages and challenges associated with the movement of large numbers of people from one region to another. AP French students are exploring challenges facing the populations of counties and regions where French is spoken. Topics include the environmental impact of development, health concerns at the regional and national levels, and social issues facing the people of today’s interconnected world. Students discuss the challenges involved and suggest solutions for improvement. What’s Happening Now In: SPANISH Mrs. Debbie Richmond, Ms. Mary Collette Muirhead, Mr. Nicholas Meyers, and Mr. James Chismer Spanish I students are learning about foods common in Spanish-speaking regions of the world. They are using culinary vocabulary to talk about what they eat for each meal of the day, as well as what foods they like and dislike. Spanish II students are learning about types of food in Spanish-speaking regions and countries. Students studying at this level are discussing what constitutes healthy and unhealthy food. They have learned how to order food at a restaurant using authentic Spanish menus and have presented restaurant scenes to their classmates. Also, students are learning how to talk about preparing food for dining at home. They are even writing short recipes using commands and food-related vocabulary. Spanish III Honors classes recently studied the Diego Velázquez masterpiece, Las Meninas, and created their own versions of this famous artwork. As a follow-up activity, they compared this painting to more contemporary portrayals of the same subject matter, like PowerPuffs and The THE TOWSON PRIDE 7 PAGE 8 WORLD LANGUAGES Continued from page 7 Simpsons. As a last step, they used these explorations to compare and contrast their artwork to the Velázquez original. An interpretation of Las Meninas by Ms. Muirhead’s Spanish III students. Las Meninas by Diego Velázquez. Spanish IV students have been reading an Aztec legend for the purpose of understanding its relevance and longevity in both spoken and written storytelling. After studying the story they created either an original scene, a dialog, or a drawing for the purposes of extending their comprehension of both the characters and the plot. AP Spanish students are busy preparing for the AP Exam in Spanish Language and Culture, which is scheduled to take place on May 7th. What’s Happening Now In: CHINESE Ms. Fen-Whey Koh Chinese I students are exploring birthdays as the central theme of their current unit of study. Students are learning words related to birthdays and are exploring the ways in which people celebrate their birthdays in China. To many in China, the zodiac year they were born in is very important, so students are also learning or revisiting the names of animals that appear in the Zodiac cycles. Chinese II students are learning about Chinese cuisine. There are at least four major regions in China and each boasts cuisine distinct from the other regions—complete with fa- THE TOWSON PRIDE PAGE WORLD LANGUAGES Continued from page 8 mous dishes known and enjoyed by people across the world. One outcome of each class session: noticeable hunger in the students! Chinese II and Chinese IV students are learning about concepts and associated vocabulary related to music and musical instruments. Some interesting exploration have percolated up from each lesson’s new learning. For example, one student noted that the word for ―piano‖ in Chinese actually means ―the music instrument made with steel.‖ Very interesting and true to the fact! Chinese V and Chinese VI students are diligently preparing for the upcoming AP Chinese test. What’s Happening NOW In: LATIN Mr. William Buick Latin Honor Society Field Trip Towson High School’s Latin Honor Society hopped on a BCPS bus on February 16, 2015 for its first field trip in more than five years. Our destination: The Walters Art Museum, home to one of the Mid-Atlantic’s most extensive collections of Greek and Roman artifacts. Our goal: make connections between BCPS’ instructional program in Latin and the museum’s extraordinary collections of Greek, Roman, Medieval, Renaissance and Baroque art. Students explored the galleries in small groups, took notes on the pieces of artwork that impressed them the most, and discussed what they learned in subsequent class sessions and Honor Society meetings. Special thanks to parent chaperones Lara Long and Anne Hutson, who helped plan and supervise the field trip. We hope it will mark the beginning of an annual event! Latin Honor Society members (from left) Kristina Anastasiades, Peyton Skeels, and Mackenzie Long imitate the poses of the subjects of a piece of artwork in the Renaissance and Baroque Gallery of The Walters Art Museum. THE TOWSON PRIDE 9 PAGE 10 WORLD LANGUAGES Continued from page 9 Honor Society Officers NAHS President Michael Williams Secretary Caroline Boyle Service Hours Coordinator CHS Co-Presidents Secretary Vice President Sarah Cai Publicity Catherine DellaSantina Isabel Townsend-Last Kira Lauring Hannah Zimet Tiffany Zhang Shaina Furman Lindsey Sholander Jake Pinckes Aisling Murphy Ella Cammarato Ilona Wittenberg Secretary Vaughn Parts Emily Melia Orion Jenkins-Houk Adam Wright Jr. FHS Leadership Team ITS Co-Presidents Vice-President Historian Julia Brown LHS Consuls Senators MHS President Joao Pan Junior VP Joseph Boozer Recording Secretary Abby Robinson Senior VP Sophomore VP Digital Secretary Cameron White Vicente Iglesias Mattie Wasiak Sarah Cai Lindsey Sholander Avi Kahn Connor Wenck NHS President Caroline Boyle Co-Vice-Presidents Greg Andreou ScienceHS Leadership Team Katie Beahn SpanishHS President Joao Pan Co-Vice Presidents Marc Nagib Jason Varghese Tri-M President Secretary Henri Colombat Shaina Furman THE Vice-President Historian: TOWSON PRIDE Brian Seyler Samantha Bothwell PAGE 11 WORLD LANGUAGES Continued from page 10 National Honor Society Spanish National Honor Society Hazel Barroca Ellen Beaudry Caroline Bohnenstengel Deborah Chang Ruth Checknoff Adam Cines Hannah Connelly Sophie Darwin Catherine DellaSantina Christopher DeMallie Naomi Element Jonathan Ellis Sandra Ellis Anna Henderson Micah Herman Allison Hughes Brennan Hula Patrick Hutson Morgan Hylton Vicente Iglesias Orion Jenkins-Houk Thomas King Amelia Kline Shaeleigh LaCasse Katherine Lord Emily Melia Delia Mercer Christy Nymick Maeve O'Connor Claire Pomykala Karen Prem Hannah Reuland Isabel Rudie Michael Sassano Marcus Shaw Dara Thomas Alexandra Voss Mattie Wasiak Adam Wright Anne Zappas Yahyu Abdelhamid Anna Anderson John Baker Ellen Beaudry Caitlin Berger Shreeya Bhandari Rhea Bhunia Rabail Butt Cristina Cebotaru Deborah Chang Hannah Connelly Rigil Dela Cruz Djamilatou Dao Carla Estrada Isabella Felix Olivia Goodrich Grace Griffin Lyndsay Hamilton Emma Hammer Oscar Harris Micah Herman Chloe Hundley Cecelia Kastner Grace Kelly Soni Kunwar Christine Lam Thomas Law Genesee Lauderbaugh Ryan Lawrence Merari Medrano Tanner Meeks Mason Miller-Breetz Jack Morgan Erin Nash Alec Pine Fatima Sajid Paul Sambuco Michael Sassano Saraid Satterfield THE TOWSON Diane Solorzano Carly Specht Reshmi Talwar Maddie Teter Dara Thomas Lea Troutman Caroline Ware Hannah Weinstein Kevin Wilkinson Cecelia Yost French National Honor Society Ashley Allen Julia Batavick Taylor Blair Nathaniel Collahuazo Ciara Donegan Kristin Donegan Emily Flickinger Hannah Harstein Anna Henderson Morgan Hilton Janynea Htchinson Aria Janello Aiden Kirby Esther Layne Katerine Lord Logan Marsh Leeannah McNew Aaron Nesbitt Maeve O’connor Liaan Rodriguez Celia Ross Isabel Rudie Linah Sedeek Caroline Spiccioli Hannah Templeton Christine White Niya Whitlock PRIDE Latin National Honor Society Monica Argueta Kush Bulmer Alexander Chrvala Tal Dayan Amber Donawa Delia Mercer Sarah Mc Nary Celia Parts Katherine Richardson Andrew Schuck Daniel Schuck Chinese National Honor Society Crystal Cheng Kyle del Puerto Anna Henderson Science National Honor Society Sarah Cai Emily Eastman Margit Maple Walker Miller-Breetz Marc Nagib Joao Pan Lindsey Sholander Sarah Sulkowski Cameron White Carolyn Reuland PAGE 12 WORLD LANGUAGES Math National Honor Society Sophie Amberger Luke Bender Evan Blanpied Joe Boozer Sarah Cai Ruth Checknoff Crystal Cheng Adam Cines Sophie Darwin Christopher DeMallie Aiden Devaney Kristin Donegan Ciara Donegan Emily Eastman Michael Flickinger Evan Flickinger Ryan Foretich Rui Fu Cassie Herman Nada Ibrahim Vicente Iglesias Luke Jones Stephanie Jones Avi Kahn Ryan Lawrence Leo Lei Margit Maple Ada Marcovitz Walker Miller-Breetz Mason Miller-Breetz Yasin Mohamed Patrick Mooney Dennis Morozov Marc Nagib Hudson Paley Joao Pan Ben Paulis Mike Pelekhaty Claire Pomykala Taurjhai Purdie Divya Rawal Daniel Rivkin Abby Robinson Anne Saba Noah Schweitzer Lindsey Sholander Peyton Skeels Ben Slater Elora Strom Sarah Sulkowski Ethan Wagner Mattie Wasiak Connor Wenck Cameron White Adam Wright National Art Honor Society Ariel Barbosa Lily Bleser Caroline Bohnenstengel Sarah Burke Ian Burkhardt Crystal Cheng Victoria Collis Nicole Hutch Hannah Garner Ross Leonard Jeremy McCord Melody MacInnis Tyren McQuay Emily Melia Elliot Moreau Maya Montgomery Patrick Mooney Avy Mudvari Rehema Mwaisela Brita Ostermeier Caitlin Pattanashetti Claire Pomykala THE TOWSON Tim Prieto Sonali Rawal Ladan Savar Linah Sedeek Caroline Spiccioli Caroline Stringfellow International Thespian Honor Society Lucas Admiraal Sophie Amberger Tyler Anderson Everest Brooks Cristen Hall Brennan Hula Jeremy McCord Jordan Hunt Jacob Lawler Eliot Moreau Leo Sarbanes Genevieve Schuh Christina Tancredi Hannah Templeton Richard Yu Tri-M National Honor Society Sophie Amberger Kristina Anastasiades Kobe Balin Julia Batavick Andrew Benavides Evan Blanpied Caroline Boyle Julie Burkett Georgia Darwin Kristin Donegan Ciara Donegan Sandra Ellis Olivia Goodrich Grace Griffin PRIDE Continued from page 11 Oscar Harris Brennan Hula Thomas King Christine Lam Genesse Lauderbaugh Devon Leslie Audra Lucas Casey Madison Sara McNary Delia Mercer Corbin Miller Mason Miller-Breetz Aaron Nesbitt Joao Pan Celia Parts Meera Rathan Hannah Reuland Celia Ross Jordan Salahuddin Rey Sasaki Synneove Schmitz Connor Schnitzer Ben Slater Jennifer Song Madeline Tindall Taylor Weng Ilona Wittenberg PAGE 13 WORLD LANGUAGES PICTURES FROM THE HONOR SOCIETY INDUCTION April 21, 2015 6:00 p.m. THE TOWSON PRIDE PAGE 14 Have You Heard the News???? Senior News SENIOR PROM Our next big event is the Senior Prom. The Prom will be held at the Scottish Rite Center from 7:00 – 11:00 p.m. on May 16th. The address is 3800 N. Charles Street, Baltimore MD. Tickets were sold the week of April 13-17th. The theme of the evening will be Masquerade. SENIOR CELEBRATION - AFTER PROM PARTY The 2015 ―Senior Celebration After-Prom‖ party is just a few weeks away. Our all-parent volunteers have planned an awesome event for the students immediately following Prom. All students and their guest are invited, whether or not they attend Prom. This event is planned for seniors to have a place to go after Prom—a safe atmosphere on an evening where high-risk behavior is tempting to some. This event is paid for with donations from our THS families, and neighboring merchants and organizations. It is also made possible by a grant from the Maryland Highway Administration, along with Baltimore County, as both organizations recognize the importance of keeping our kids off the roads after Prom. Our Senior Class of 2015 is made up of over 320 students, but we have less than 60 contributions from our senior families. If you are in the position to donate, please send a check to THS Senior Celebration, and have your student drop it in the SC mailbox in the main office. If you have already donated, please accept our sincere thanks. It is our goal to give our kids a safe, drug-free, smoke-free, alcohol-free event to attend after prom. THE TOWSON PRIDE PAGE 15 Have You Heard the News???? Continued SENIORS: THE NEXT CHAPTER Congratulations to our seniors who have already been accepted into college!! Following are the colleges our seniors have selected: University of Alabama Arcadia University Community College of Baltimore County University of Baltimore Binghamton University Bowdoin College Brown University Bucknell Calvin College Castleton State College College of Charleston University of Chicago Coastal Carolina University Cornell University (College of Engineering) University of Delaware DePaul University Drexel University Florida International University Fordham University Frostburg State University Full Sail University George Mason University The University of Georgia Hanover College High Point University Hofstra University Howard University Ithaca College Johns Hopkins Liberty University University of Louisville Lynchburg College Dartmouth College University of Maryland, Baltimore County McDaniel College Mercer University Michigan State University Mississippi State University Mount Saint Mary’s University University of New Haven University of North Carolina at Charlotte Ohio University Pennsylvania State University University of Pittsburgh Purdue University Radford University Roanoke College Salisbury University School of the Art Institute of Chicago University of South Carolina Temple University University of Tennessee, Knoxville Towson University Tulane University University of Vermont Virginia Commonwealth University Washington College Washington University in St. Louis (Arts & Sciences) West Virginia University Western Carolina University Xavier University THE TOWSON PRIDE PAGE Have You Heard the News???? Continued THANK YOU WATSON’S for the Donation of flowers for our AP Biology students! Watson’s Garden Center donated 36 plants to our AP program so that we can do a week long lab. THE TOWSON PRIDE 16 PAGE 17 Have You Heard the News???? Continued LACROSSE CLINIC We had a great lacrosse clinic on Saturday with almost 70 Kelly Post players (ages 5-9) in attendance. Our varsity players did a wonderful job coaching and the little girls had a fantastic time playing. We had free giveaways from STX and a beautiful sunny day. THE TOWSON PRIDE PAGE Have You Heard the News???? LACROSSE CLINIC THE TOWSON PRIDE Continued 18 PAGE 19 Have You Heard the News???? Continued You won’t believe what our amazing students are up to!!! Congratulations to Shuting Cai!! She was selected as one of 565 semifinalists to advance to the final round of the 2015 U. S. Presidential Scholars competition. Abraham Kahn has been selected as the winner of a National Achievement $2500 Scholarship!! THE TOWSON PRIDE PAGE Have You Heard the News???? Continued TOWSON HIGH SCHOOL CLEAN UP DAY-APRIL 25TH FROM 9 AM TO NOON. A great big THANK YOU!! to Jennifer Bolster for all of her tireless efforts to make the campus of Towson High School so clean and beautiful. THE TOWSON PRIDE 20 PAGE 21 Have You Heard the News???? THE TOWSON PRIDE Continued PAGE Have You Heard the News???? 22 Continued Opportunities to become involved and make a difference at Towson High School! The Sports Boosters are looking for someone to run concessions next year. If you’re interested, please email Ms. Schneiderith at The PTSA is looking for a 2nd Vice President and Treasurer for next school year. Are you interested in becoming a part of a phenomenal group that provides invaluable support to Towson High School, its students and staff? If so, please contact Ms. Cheri Bond Pegues at THE TOWSON PRIDE PAGE 23 PAGE 24 JUNIOR ZOO CREW Do you know a teen who loves learning about animals and is looking for a unique summer service learning opportunity? If so, Junior Zoo Crew at the Maryland Zoo in Baltimore might be the perfect fit! The Junior Zoo Crew program is an excellent opportunity for teens ages 14-17 with a passion for wildlife and an interest in animal care to learn more about our exotic animals and the careers of those who care for them! Participants will engage in a wide variety of experiences to serve the Zoo community, to develop career skills, and to broaden their understanding of wildlife and the environment. Don’t let this opportunity slip past your students! Applications are now available and will be accepted by our office until Friday, May 1st, 2015. Interested applicants must complete an application, submit a report card, and send two reference forms (available at our website) in order to be considered for the program. To apply 2015 Junior Zoo Crew, interested students should follow the link below: If you have a student in mind who might be interested in this awesome opportunity, please encourage them to check out one of our flyers (attached) or to visit our website to learn more. We hope that you will encourage your students with an interest in education, environmental or wildlife careers to consider joining us this summer. You may post, publish, and circulate the attached flyer as you see fit in order to bring it to the attention of your students. For further information, please contact us at 443-552-5266 or THE TOWSON PRIDE PAGE 25 PAGE 26 THE TOWSON PRIDE PAGE UPCOMING EVENTS May 4-6 4-15 4-8 PARCC Testing AP Testing Teacher Appreciation Week 8 Senior Interims Distributed 8 Theatre Awards Night, 7:00 p.m., Auditorium 11-14 14 11-22 PARCC Testing Makeups PTSA Sponsored Program - Substance Abuse - Mike Gimbel, 6:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m., Auditorium Senior Final Exams 15 Underclassmen Interims Distributed 15 Colophon Reading, 7:00 p.m. Library 16 Senior Prom, 7:00 p.m., Scottish Rite, Charles Street 18-21 HSA Exams 19 Spring Athletic Awards Night, 6:30 p.m., Auditorium 21 Senior Awards 22 Last Day for Seniors 25 Memorial Day - Schools and Offices Closed 27 VOLUME 3, ISSUE 25 Towson High School 69 Cedar Ave Towson, MD 21286 PHONE: 410-887-3608 FAX: 410-583-1375 PAGE 28
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