west towson elementary school


west towson elementary school
Sue Hershfeld, Principal
Dawn Hoffmaster, Assistant Principal
School Office: 410-887Health Suite: 410-887-
Go West Newsletter
February 2015
School Close 3 Hours Early/Professional Development
School Closed – Presidents Day
Wear Your Heart Healthy Red
School Spirit Day – Wear Your Spirit Wear /Blue & Gold
Volunteer Training -1:00 PM
PTA Meeting – 7:00 PM – Library
PTA Taste-Off
Cultural Event
PTA Fit Night – Rotunda & Multi-Purpose Room
Board of Education Recognition Ceremony – 5:30 PM – 6:30 PM
Kenwood High School
Westies Reading Race Kick Off Assembly
Barnes & Noble Night – 4:30 PM – 6:30 PM
11- 27
Westies Reading Race
Go West Newsletter Distributed
16 -20
Spring Book Fair
Volunteer Training -9:30 AM
Generations Day – 9:30 – AM- 11:00 AM
PTA Meeting – 7:00 PM – Library
Spring Individual & Class Pictures
The second marking period of the school year ended on January 23rd, and we are off and
running in the second half of the school year! Classroom teachers are continuing to work hard
planning engaging and meaningful lessons. Students are continuing to work hard mastering
skills and content as well as taking ownership for their learning.
This year’s state assessments are scheduled in March and May for all students in grades three,
four, and five. Our goal is to have the students feeling confident and comfortable as they
complete the PARCC. The most effective way to reach this goal is to ensure that the students
are well prepared to show all that they have learned. The following link provides a variety of
resources about the PARCC Assessment www.parcconline.org.
The mid-point of the school year is a good time to review your child’s progress in school and
to set goals for the second semester. Second quarter report cards were sent home on
February 5th. Parents are encouraged to carefully review their child’s progress and use their
grades as a guide for developing specific goals. Select one area, either content-related or
self-development related, for improvement. Help your child identify the grade that he or she
would like to earn and determine one or two key actions needed to achieve the goal. Write
the goal on paper and display it somewhere at home. Revisit the goal and actions on a regular
basis (at least once a week) to monitor your child’s progress toward reaching this goal.
Celebrate each improvement! Gently discuss each decline, focusing on what he or she could
do better next time. Your child’s confidence will increase as he or she progresses toward the
Congratulations to Dumbarton Middle School on their selection as a BCPS Lighthouse Middle
School for the 2015-2016 school year! Ms. Harris, Dumbarton’s Principal, personally shared
the news with West Towson’s fifth graders on January 29th. These students will be the
members of next year’s sixth grade, the grade which will receive the one-to–one devices.
The students were thrilled!
Mrs. Whelehan has worked hard to build such a strong art program here at West
Towson and I’m grateful for the opportunity to be the long-term substitute art teacher this
spring! I have taught art for 7 years full time and am also a parent of 2 students here at
West Towson. The students and staff have been very welcoming and it has been a great
The classes are already off to a great start.
Kindergarten has been looking at the work of Edgar Degas and have been making successful
figure drawings.
First grade began with a winter collage and are now studying line qualities in Maurice Sendakinspired “Wild Thing” drawings.
Second graders are learning about German Expressionism and how to use color to show
show emotion in Franz Marc-inspired animal paintings.
Third graders are dreaming of futuristic inventions after looking at Leonardo DaVinci’s
Fourth grade students are understanding positive and negative space by creating paper cut
outs. Fifth graders are painting watercolor abstract paintings based on cellular organelles.
Take A Leap! February is the second annual Baltimore County Dance
Celebration. Check out all of the FREE dance events around the county
at the following link:
K-2 will explore a Twist on Twister and learn about this 1960s dance craze that is
still popular today. Since February is also heart healthy month, ask your child about our
Circulation Dance.
3rd grade is in the midst of exploring the elements of dance. Then, these elements will
combine into one final assessment piece. While observing these dances, students will use a
variety of peer assessment tools to discover how one approaches choreography from a variety
of viewpoints.
4th grade will discuss and do a variety of line dances in order to recognize how they continue
to impact popular dances today.
5th graders enjoyed a week of Ballroom Dance and throughout the rest of February, along with
the 2nd graders, will delve into the Model Cornerstone Assessment Project. West Towson is a
pilot school for this initiative of the National Coalition of Core Arts Standards.
Fifth grade has just finished the unit on dotted and tied rhythms. We used popsicle sticks
and strings to create our own short compositions. Most classes have been discussing and
performing syncopated rhythms. After applying rhythms to the dances we learned in
ballroom dancing this week, students returned to music to begin the study of syncopated
rhythms and ostinatos. It was great seeing so many of you at the ballroom dance event!
There is a clear link between rhythm/beat counting and dancing. If your child teaches you
any dance moves, asking them to count the steps for you will improve both their dancing
ability and musicianship skills.
Fourth grade has been learning all about sixteenth and eighth notes. We have been using
“pizza notes” to discuss note values. The more slices, the shorter the notes. A typical pizza
has eight slices. Each one represents an eighth note. A whole pizza equals
four beats! The next time you order Italian, ask your child to explain pizza
Third grade has received their recorders! We discussed the importance of
recorder techniques and basic fingerings. Students should be careful not to
blow loudly when playing. With practice and a few reminders, recorders can be played
at an appropriate volume at home. Sometimes students will leave a recorder at home. To
avoid forgetting instruments, please remind your child to place their recorder in their
case/backpack when they are not playing it. This instrument can be challenging at first, but
with some patience and persistence, third graders can have an amazing musical experience.
Please encourage your child to practice their techniques and songs. Next week we will begin a
special version of “Hot Cross Buns!”
Second grade has begun practicing some of our music for our spring concert. The date is set
for April 28th at 7:00 PM. There will be important information sent home with students later
this month with directions to access the chorus practice video. See you at the concert!
First grade and kindergarten have been performing rhythms on different instruments from
the percussion family. Students can play steady beats or rhythms and classify instruments as
shakers, drums, metals, or wood percussion. If you have a percussion instrument at home, ask
your child in which class it belongs. what kind it belongs to. I’m sure they would be happy to
Kindergarten has been distinguishing long and short sounds by applying movements to music.
Recently we used the song to “Jack be Nimble” with three different loco-motor movements
and discovered that galloping (one long sound and one short sound) best matches the rhythm.
We will soon begin a unit on bucket drumming this month. Recyclable instruments are a lot of
fun and a great way to be earth-friendly. If you have an unused bucket at home you can play
along and practice with your child. There are some great bucket drumming videos online.
Check them out when you can!
Spanish class has become so exciting here at WTES. The students are constantly improving
their Spanish acquisition and communication skills through a variety of activities like Señorita
Dice (Simon Says), Memoria (Memory), Toca Azul (Touch Blue) competiciones (competitions),
conversaciones (conversations), and canciones (songs). Also, they have been practicing and
memorizing the school’s code of conduct in Spanish. Most recently, the students have begun
to learn about the Spanish-speaking countries of the world. Did you know that there are 20
countries in the world that have Spanish as their official language? Throughout the rest of the
school year, the students will have the opportunity to learn more about these countries and
their cultures. Be sure to ask the fourth grade students what they have learned in Spanish
class! If you speak Spanish, give them the opportunity to practice their skills!
¡Muchas gracias!
Señorita Reier
Here are some emotions in Spanish that you can use at home:
¿Cómo te
Me siento
Me siento
Me siento
Me siento
Me siento
Sue Hershfeld, will be recognized at the Maryland State Advisory Council’s annual reception,
“Celebrating Gifted and Talented Education,” on Wednesday, February 25, 2015 from 5:00 –
8:00 p.m. at North County High School in Glen Burnie Maryland. Mrs. Hershfeld has been
nominated for recognition in the category of Outstanding Educator – School Administrator.
Congratulations Mrs. Hershfeld on this well-deserved honor! Your staff is very proud of you.
On Tuesday, March 3, 2015, members of the Board of Education will recognize
a WESTY staff member and two students for their contributions to Baltimore
County Public Schools. The ceremony will take place at Kenwood High School
in the auditorium, from 5:30 PM to 6:30 PM. Everyone is welcome to attend!
The following individuals will be honored:
 Piper Talman – Student – Young Author Contest (Area of Recognition)
 Eloise Buchler – Student - Young Author Contest (Area of Recognition)
 Karen Kuebler – Staff – Simon McNeely Award Recipient (Area of Recognition)
Ten West Towson teachers have been nominated for the Baltimore County Chamber of
Commerce’s Award of Excellence. Congratulations to Sarah DeFelice, Lauren Kuessner,
Michele Lansinger, Alice March, Kerry McCosker, Trista Parks, Tom Pawlikowski, Ben
Rabin, Angela Robitaille, and Amber Varlack.
We applaud our teachers and recognize their commitment and dedication to our students
and our school. We are truly fortunate to have these outstanding educators at West
Towson! West Towson Elementary is hoping for another winner again this year.
We are still in cold and flu season.Please do not send your child to school if
he/she has or has had:
Fever greater than 100 degrees within the last 24 hours (fever free
without medication)
Vomiting within the last 24 hours
As many people are getting colds and the flu, we would greatly appreciate your
assistance in preventing the spread of illnesses in our school and community. Please help us
teach your children good health habits to protect themselves as well as others:
Make sure to get plenty of rest and nutritious foods.
Do not eat or drink from the same container after someone else
Keep hydrated by drinking a lot of healthy fluids.
When coughing or sneezing, cover the nose and mouth by coughing in to a tissue or
bent elbow.
Practice frequent hand washing with soap and water or hand sanitizer. This is one of
the best ways to prevent the spread of germs.
Since students need to be picked up when they become ill, please make sure that we have all
current telephone numbers/contact information for parents.
Thank you in advance for working with us to keep students and staff healthy and in school. If
you have any questions, please contact me at 410-887-8037.
West Towson Elementary has scheduled kindergarten registration for April 30, and May
1. In order to locate students who may be entering kindergarten for the 2015- 2016
school year, please share this information with friends and neighbors in your
community who may have a child entering our school in the fall. In accordance with
Baltimore County Public School Policy, incoming 2015-2016 kindergarten students must
be five years old by September 1, (born between 9/2/09 – 9/1/10). If you are
interested or know of someone who has a child ready for kindergarten who may not
receive our newsletter and lives within the West Towson boundaries, please call the
school office at 410-887-3869 to receive a registration packet, or fill out the attached
kindergarten registration form at the end of the newsletter and return it to West
Towson Elementary.
You will need the following 7 pieces of documentation to register your child.
 Child’s birth certificate
 Immunization record
 Proof of residency (copy of your lease, tax bill or mortgage coupon book)
 Your photo ID
 3 current (within the past 60 days) pieces of US mail from your listed address
As mandated by BCPS’s Guidelines for Early Admission into Kindergarten,
requests for early admission to kindergarten are currently being accepted.
Parents or guardians may request early admission into kindergarten if his/her
child turns five (5) years of age after the September 1 entrance date
established by the Maryland State Department of Education, and no later than
October 14 of the school year for which early admission is requested. All requests must be
submitted prior to June 1, 2015. Following a parent conference, testing will be conducted and
a decision made on whether the child meets the criteria for early admission.
We’ll see lots of hearts this Valentine’s Day – what better time to make sure we are taking
care of our children’s hearts! Studies show that signs of heart disease begin developing in
childhood. Children with high cholesterol levels are likely to become adults with high levels.
In recent years, there has been an increase in pediatric obesity and hypertension (high
blood pressure). These factors are known to be linked to heart disease. It is important
to establish healthy lifestyles early to keep the risk of heart disease low. Following a
low saturated fat and low cholesterol diet and staying physically active are great
habits to keep your heart healthy and in peak working order. Exercise can be fun and
educational. This February, as you celebrate love with your families, remember to be
heart smart! West Towson Elementary and all Baltimore County Public Schools will
participate in the Wear Your Heart Healthy Red Day on February 19. All students and
staff members are encouraged to wear red on this day.
The WTES Food for Thought Taste-Off will be held on Wednesday, February 25. Volunteers
will be needed for this event. Please contact Samantha Apel at Samantha.apel@comcasr.net
if you are able to assist.
Westy Wellness Night will be held on Friday, February 27, from 6:00 P.M. - 8:00 P.M.
Demo by DMS Radical Ropers jump rope team
Community tables including Merritt Athletic Club, Towson
YMCA, Joe's Bike Shop, Towson CrossFit and more!
Healthy snacks
Fitness stations including Hip Hop, Yoga, CrossFit and Karate.
Crafts and interactive wellness activities
West Towson Elementary School has three parking spaces designated for handicapped
parking. Just a reminder that the Maryland Motor Vehicle Administration requires
motorists to have a state disabled registration or placard displayed in their vehicle in order
to be permitted to park or stop in a handicapped spot.
The monthly calendar may be accessed from the Parents’ page of the BCPS Web site
by clicking on Learning Calendar or by clicking on the following link,
The most current list of approved vehicles can be found on the website listed below. You
may be surprised to find that your car does or does not fit the criteria! Cars do not have
to be a hybrid to park in the reserved spaces. If your car is not on the list, please refrain
from parking in the reserved low emissions parking spaces. Your cooperation is greatly
appreciated. http://greenercars.org/index.htm
What do you know about NICHCY?
The National Dissemination Center for Children with Disabilities is an
information clearinghouse that provides information on disabilities and
disability related issues. NICHCY provides personal responses to questions
on specific disabilities, early intervention, special education and related services;
IEPS, family issues, and much more. NICHCY provides referrals to advocacy and support
groups and information centers. NICHCY provides publications such as state resource sheets,
fact sheets on disabilities, issue and briefing papers, parent guides, and bibliographies.
NICHCY IS FREE!!! To contact NICHCY with questions or requests, call 1-800-695-0285 or
check out their website at http://www.nichcy.org
Please remember, I am here in a volunteer capacity to help families at WTES find answers to
all things related to Special Education. I am here to point you in the right direction anytime!
My email address is tesstheartist@verizon.net
Would you like to volunteer at West Towson Elementary or chaperone a field
trip ? Due to new BCPS volunteer policy for the 2014-2015 school year, a BCPS
Application for Volunteer Services form must be submitted with your valid Certificate
of Competition form before you can attend a field trip or volunteer during the 20142015 school year. Both documents must be submitted at the same time to be
accepted and reviewed by the school staff.
The volunteer training session will take approximately 30 to 40 minutes. The 2014-2015
training dates are listed below. To ensure that everyone attending has availability to a
working computer, please call the office at 410-887-3869 to reserve your spot.
 February 21, 2015 at 1:00 PM
 March 18, 2015 at 9:30 AM
 April 24, 2015 at 1:00 PM
Online training can be completed at home by utilizing the www.bcps.org
website. Directions for completing online training are listed below. Please refer to these
directions prior to completing the online training.
Thank you for your interest in volunteering in Baltimore County Public Schools. Our
schools depend on volunteers and value their contributions to enhance the programs
and services provided for students. Volunteers are important members of Team BCPS
and help our professional staff sustain effective learning environments, enrich the
education and experiences of students and build critical partnerships to increase
achievement for all students. Volunteers are essential to the educational process, as
they bring knowledge and skills into our schools and strengthen classroom instruction.
All volunteers must complete the volunteer application and participate in an
orientation/training session annually.
Step 1: Complete the BCPS Application for Volunteer Services.
Community tab to dropdown menu Volunteer with BCPS
Link for Application for Volunteer Services (fill out and print)
Step 2: Complete the online volunteer orientation. You will be provided with a certificate
once you successfully complete the training.
Link for BCPS Online Volunteer Orientation
Complete Orientation, Handbook Recognition, and Quiz
Print Certificate of Completion
Step 3: Submit the application and the valid training certificate to the school in which you
intend to volunteer. Volunteers may provide hard copies. Both documents must be
submitted at the same time to be accepted and reviewed by the school staff.
Once the application is reviewed and training has been verified, volunteers may be placed by
schools and offices according to identified needs to perform tasks that support our
established goals.
For families unable to access the internet at home there will be a number of trainings at
WTES. Please refer to those dates in this newsletter and call to set up an appointment.
Please contact Erin Ruocco, School Counselor, at eruocco@bcps.org if you have any questions
or concerns.
West Towson students and parents have collected more than
10,000 chip bags, 20,000 juice pouches, 3000 fruit sauce
pouches, 1000 toothbrushes and toothpaste tubes, 1000 cereal
bags, 1000 health and beauty care products, 500 plastic lunch
kits, 200 rolls of tape cores and 21 lbs of crayons since we started
collecting upcycling at WTES in 2011. Way to go Westies!!
To make it easier to upcycle, the Green Team will be placing bins
in the lobby through Earth Day (4/22) to collect cereal bags and
personal care items such as toothbrushes and toothpaste tubes,
deodorant tubes, make-up cases, lipstick tubes, plastic bar-soap wrappers, shaving cream
tubes, and shampoo, conditioner, body wash and lotion tubes. For the complete list of
everything that can be upcycled through TerraCycle see
Please Post this flyer on your refrigerator during the winter months.
West Towson Elementary School
Late Openings/Early Closings
Inclement Weather Procedures
Information about school operations is announced publicly as soon as possible on local radio and
television stations and other media including the internet. If schools are delayed or closed, the
announcement is usually made by 5:30 a.m. If schools are closing one or two hours early, the
announcement is usually made by 10:30 a.m. If schools close 3 hours early, the announcement is usually
made by 10:00 a.m. Please refer to the following for your most current weather related information:
BCPS web page http://www.bcps.org
The Education Channel, Comcast Cable Channel 73
BCPS Telephone Information 410-887-5555
Local radio and television stations
School opens 1 hour late:
School begins at 10:20 a.m.
Doors open at 10:05 a.m.
School opens 2 hour late:
School begins at 11:20 a.m.
Doors open at 11:05 a.m.
School closes 1 hour early:
School will be dismissed at 2:50 p.m.
School closes 2 hours early:
School will be dismissed at 1:50 p.m.
School closes 3 hours early:
School will be dismissed at 12:50 p.m.
If ONLY West Towson closes early due to an unexpected emergency, or the School Superintendent
rules that the system-wide closing is unexpected, the school is required to make direct contact by
speaking with or contacting by email a parent or emergency contact before sending the child
home. It is important to stay close to the phone or your computer in the event of such an
emergency to receive the call from the school or to respond to the email. If the school
representative does not speak directly with a parent or emergency contact, or receive a return
email, the child will remain at school.
6914 N. Charles Street Towson, MD 21204
2015-2016 Kindergarten Registration
If you have a child (or know of a neighborhood child) who should be registering for
kindergarten for the 2015-2016 school year, please complete and return this form to the
school office as soon as possible.
In order to be eligible to enter kindergarten for the 2015-2016 school year, the child
must have a date of birth between 9/2/2009 and 09/01/2010. The child must also reside
within the West Towson Elementary School boundaries. Once your form has been received
and processed, a registration packet will be mailed to you. Kindergarten registration will
take place on April 30, and May 1.
Kindergarten Registration
Child’s Name
Date of Birth
Parent’s Name
Home Phone Number
Work Number
Cell Phone Number
County/State/Zip Code
West Towson Office Use Only
Registration packet mailed: (date) _____________
Appointment date and time __________________
West Towson Elementary School
Akhyare, Arham
Alessi, Mia
Allston, Chase
Altemus, Braden
Children at West Towson Elementary School are recognized each quarter for excellent
Altemus, Evan
attendance. Children are eligible for this recognition if they are absent no more than two days
Aslam, Nora
and are tardy no more than two days during the quarter. The following students are being
Atkinson, Trevor
recognized for their excellent attendance record during the 2nd quarter of the 2014-2015
Atwood, Dominic
school year.
Baier, Felix
1 Quarter Excellent Attendance
Harford Hills Elementary School
Baier, Greta
Bain, Jemma
Baker, Emma
Baker, Luke
Balin, Millie
Bassett, Violet
Bateman, Brendan
Bayer, Blake
Beal, Anya
Beck, Jordan
Beck, Sarah
Becker, Bruno
Belski, Bianca
Ben Omran, Abdalla
Ben Omran, Noor
Bennett, Safiyyah
Bickel, Bolton
Binder, Blythe
Binder, Sadie
Birkisson, Kari
Black, Addison
Bluestone, Benjamin
Bluestone, Eli
Bolan-Pyles, Molly
Broome, Owen
Brown, Henry
Brown, Honor
Buchler, Beatrice
Buchler, Eloise
Bynum, Sara
Byrne, Kelan
Callahan, Niamh
Campbell, Rowan
Caplan-Mohler, Olivia
Carrera, Brooks
Carrera, Katherine
Cheikh, Kayden
Chen, Michael
Chen, Nathaniel
Chen, Sophia
Chico, Andrew
Chico, Anthony
Christian, Avery
Christopher, John
Clifton, Alexandra
Clifton, John
Cohen, Aidan
Cohen, Mia
Connolly, Alexandra
Connolly, Julianna
Cook, Bennett
Cook, Mason
Corona, Leah
Cullum, Ava
Daas, Adam
Daas, Isabelle
Davis, Lila
Davis, Mia
Davis, Michael
Davis, Sabine
Davito, Tristan
De Felice, Sophia
Delahay, Benjamin
Dickson, Samuel
Dobrosielski, Jack
Donahue, Charles
Donovan, Keegan
Dorsch, Matthew
DuBois, Evelyn
Dubois, Janine
El-Awady, Sireen
Elakel, Meran
Elakel, Ruwan
England, Benjamin
Fassio, Joseph
Fay, Owen
Fields, John
Fisher, Greta
Fisher, Jonas
FitzGerald, Isabel
Floyd, Omiseun
Ford, Connor
Ford, Emma
Francis, Benjamin
Francis, Jack
Frey, Alexander
Friesen, Elise
Gaines, Caroline
Gaines, David
Gaines, Katherine
Gallop, Julian
Galupo, Lucia
Galupo, Maya
Garfink, Olivia
Ghafourian Rashidi,
Giordani, Andrew
Glikin, Alice
Glikin, Carson
Gordon, Margaret
Gordon, Sally
Gorkos, Rowan
Gorman, Lila
Grable, Cooper
Grace, Dominic
Grace, Ethan
Graney, Dylan
Grimm, Helena
Guy, Cameron
Ha, Joshua
Halberda, Anya
Halberda, Lilia
Harper, Alessia
Harper, Eliana
Harrison, Samuel
Hendrickson, Aubrie
Henson-Mecchi, Eva
Hepting, Ty
Herbert, Kate
Herbert, Ryan
Horevay, Caleb
Hossain, Ian
Hutchinson, Charles
Huynh, Harper
Insley, George
Insley, Isabel
Jakubiak, Anna
Jakubiak, Natalie
Jasinski, Rosemary
Joffe, Matthew
Johnson, Ava
Kammann, Andrew
Kang, Andrew
Kanzler, Jackson
Katz, Blake
Katz, Landon
Kebrich, Kaitlin
Kim, Kunhee
Knaub, Clara
Knaub, Rachel
Knott, Talbot
Knuppel, August
Knuppel, Emma
Koehler, Chase
Koehler, Evelyn
Kowitz, Lane
Krupinski, Matthew
Krupinski, Patrick
Kuehn, Everett
Kuehn, Reagan
Lansinger, Benjamin
Layden, Ian
Layden, Owen
Leary, Finn
Leary, Rowan
Ledesma, Gabriela
Ledesma, Sofia
Lee, Ju-An
Lehmann, William
Leigh, Cooper
Leigh, Richard
Leoni, Abigail
Leoni, Isabela
Leoni, Owen
Lewandowski, John
Liao, Olivia
Lindamood, Sienna
Linkinhoker, Ethan
Lipinski, Hutton
Lovas, John
Lovas, Patrick
Lovas, Riley
Lubin, Thomas
Lucas, Graham
Lucas, Liam
Luckett, Chloe
Luckett, Madison
Luckett, Timothy
Lutz, Maitland
Lysse, Ellis
MacAdam, Noah
MacAdam, Rowan
MacWilliams, Owen
Marcus, Hannah
Mathis, Isabelle
Matsushita, Runa
Mc Callion, Iona
McLaney, Keats
McLaney, Tatum
Mealey, Eliza
Meyers, Alex
Miller, Margaret
Mills, Noah
Milne, Asher
Milne, Fynn
Moag, Chase
Moag, Olivia
Wu, Renee
Yi, Aliza
Mohr, Kiera
Mohr, Molly
Moon, Colin
Morton, Brooks
Mulligan, Ava
Mulligan, Maya
Mumm, Malayna Devi
Mumm, Nalani Lalita
Naylor, Darcy
Nesspor, Logan
Nesspor, Ryan
Norris, Keegan
Oleson, Siena
Osborn, Benjamin
Osborn, Katherine
Oven, Christopher
Oven, Thomas
Panekkat, Rohit
Parlakian, Zoe
Pearce, Elaina
Peck, Mason
Peck, Sawyer
Pfeifer, Mason
Pipkin, Elliot
Poag, Collin
Porter, Elijah
Preston, Alexandra
Purcell, Macon
Rectanus, Jamison
Rehkemper, Maisie
Rehkemper, Quinn
Rentschler, William
Reser, Kyle
Rich, Lillian
Richardson, Luke
Rine, Kadi
Rine, Sophie
Robinson, Katherine
Roche, Brian
Roche, Luke
Rockhill, Meredith
Rojas Pinzon, Laura
Rosenblum, Artemis
Rowland, Faith
Rubin, Madison
Rubin, Paige
Ruci, Dario
Rudolph, Matthew
Sabatino, Sophia
Sagastume, Maria
Sana, Eloise
Scruggs, Mason
Sevy, Olivia
Shaivitz, Taite
Shanbhag, Ruhi
Shive, Gabriel
Shive, Nora
Shubin, Daniil
Simon, Abigail
Sneeringer, Chloe
Specht, Jensen
Spurrier, Chase
Stephenson, Ava
Stevens, Colby
Stolze, Zachary
Summers, Ainsley
Summers, Caton
Sweeney, Elizabeth
Sweeney, Sarah
Talman, Piper
Talman, Violet
Taylor, Benjamin
Taylor, Lucas
Templeman, Gabriella
Thiessen, Kaya
Thomas, Charlee
Thomas, Chloe
Thomaskutty, Ella
Thomaskutty, Kieran
Thompson, Nora
Tobian, Alexandra
Tobian, Jeffrey
Tran, Griffin
Trumbauer, Jameson
Tufano, Emma
Tufano, Stone
Turner, Cameron
Vannier, Colette
Venkatesan, Ayla
Vigil Chavez, Yahir
Villet, Jolie
Walsh, Jack
Walsh, Lillian
Ware, Charles
Weetenkamp, Avery
Weetenkamp, Henry
Weir, Adeline
Welsh, Cuyler
Werner, Benjamin
Werner, Maxwell
Wetzel, Cecilia
Wetzel, Elizabeth
Wetzel, Emma
Willis, Ethan
Windisch, Stephen
Winikoff, Corin
Winikoff, Sarah
Wohltmann, Matthew
Support West Towson Elementary School
By Shopping
Help support West Towson programs simply by shopping where you usually make purchases and
designating West Towson Elementary School. Follow the links below to learn more. Thank you,
your family and your friends for your support.
Giant -- A+ Bonus Bucks Program -- Giant -- A+ Bonus Bucks program will run from October 3, 2014
to April 2, 2015. Once again, Giant will be awarding over $2 million to designated local schools.
After signing up for the Bonus card, customers can complete a School Designation for West Towson
on-line at www.giantfood.com/aplus or at any Giant or Super G store. Each year you must
re-designate West Towson. West Towson’s school number is 09016.
Target -- Take Charge of Education -- Target will donate an amount equal to one percent (1%) of your
Target Visa or Target Guest Card purchases at any Target store or online. You can sign up for the
Take Charge of Education program by calling 1-800-316-6142 or by visiting www.target.com .
West Towson’s school number is 2299735. Target makes donations to West Towson in
September and March.
Office Depot -- 5% Back to Schools Program -- Office Depot -- 5% Back to Schools Program runs all
Year long. Customers at any Office Depot retail store in North America can select a school to receive
a credit equal to 5% of qualifying. West Towson will use the credit for free supplies. West Towson’s
school number is 7743 and can be used anytime a purchase is made at Office Depot at a store, or
online a www.officedepot.com.
Box Tops for Education -- Each Box Tops coupon is worth 10¢ to West Towson. Join the Box Tops
Booster Club, designate West Towson, and shop online at the Box Tops for Education Marketplace
to give West Towson up to 8% of qualifying purchases. For more information, visit the website
www.boxtops4education.com. Please continue to collect your Box Tops and hold them.
Safeway/escrip -- Your purchases with eScrip merchants, whether large or small, all help West
Towson Elementary. A percentage of all purchases will be given back to your group. West Towson’s
school number is 500025096. For more information, visit the website www.escrip.com

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