Programme book Brussels EXPO Nov 28-30, 2012
Programme book Brussels EXPO Nov 28-30, 2012
k oo b e m am r g Pro PO X E els 12 s s 0 u 2 , r B -30 8 2 Nov TOUGH but Gentle A Clear choice in glaucoma (bimatoprost ophthalmic solution) 0,1mg/ml 1. NAAM VAN HET GENEESMIDDEL LUMIGAN 0,1 mg/ml oogdruppels, oplossing. 2. KWALITATIEVE EN KWANTITATIEVE SAMENSTELLING Eén ml oplossing bevat 0,1 mg bimatoprost. Hulpstof: Eén ml oplossing bevat 0,2 mg benzalkoniumchloride. Voor een volledige lijst van hulpstoffen, zie rubriek 6.1. 3. FARMACEUTISCHE VORM Oogdruppels, oplossing. Kleurloze tot lichtgele oplossing. 4. KLINISCHE GEGEVENS 4.1 Therapeutische indicaties: Vermindering van verhoogde intra-oculaire druk in chronisch open kamerhoek glaucoom en oculaire hypertensie bij volwassenen (als monotherapie of als aanvullende behandeling met bètablokkers). 4.2 Dosering en wijze van toediening: De aanbevolen dosis is eenmaal daags een druppel in het (de) aangetaste oog (ogen), ‘s avonds toegediend. De eenmaal daagse dosis mag niet worden overschreden aangezien frequentere toediening het effect van de intra-oculaire drukverlaging kan verminderen. Wanneer er meer dan één topicaal ophtalmisch geneesmiddel wordt gebruikt, dient tussen de verschillende toedieningen minstens 5 minuten wachttijd te zitten. Gebruik bij kinderen en adolescenten (beneden de 18 jaar): LUMIGAN wordt niet aanbevolen voor gebruik bij kinderen jonger dan 18 jaar, door een gebrek aan gegevens over veiligheid en werkzaamheid. Gebruik bij lever- en nierfunctiestoornissen: LUMIGAN is niet onderzocht bij patiënten met nier- of matige tot ernstige leverfunctiestoornissen en dient daarom met voorzichtigheid te worden gebruikt bij dergelijke patiënten. Bij patiënten met een geschiedenis van een milde leveraandoening of een abnormaal alanine aminotransferase (ALT), aspartaat aminotransferase (AST) en/of bilirubine basiswaarde had bimatoprost 0,3 mg/ml oogdruppels, oplossing gedurende 24 maanden geen nadelig effect op de leverfunctie. 4.3 Contra-indicaties: Overgevoeligheid voor het werkzame bestanddeel of voor één van de hulpstoffen. Voor LUMIGAN 0,1 mg/ml bestaat een contra-indicatie voor patiënten waarbij in het verleden een negatieve reactie op benzalkoniumchloride werd vermoed waardoor het gebruik ervan is gestopt. 4.8 Bijwerkingen: In een Fase III klinische studie van 12 maanden kreeg ongeveer 38% van de patiënten behandeld met LUMIGAN 0,1 mg/ml oogdruppels, oplossing last van bijwerkingen. De meest frequent gemelde bijwerking was conjunctivale hyperemie (meestal zeer licht tot mild en van een non-inflammatoire aard) bij 29% van de patiënten. Ongeveer 4% van de patiënten zijn gestopt met de therapie ten gevolge van bijwerkingen in de studie van 12 maanden. De volgende bijwerkingen werden gemeld tijdens klinische onderzoeken met LUMIGAN 0,1 mg/ml oogdruppels, oplossing. De meeste waren oculair, mild en geen ervan was ernstig: Zeer vaak (≥1/10); vaak (≥1/100 tot <1/10), soms (≥1/1.000 tot <1/100); zelden (≥1/10.000 tot <1/1.000); zeer zelden (<1/10.000) voorkomende bijwerkingen worden gerangschikt volgens het Systeem Orgaanklassen in tabel 1 naar afnemende ernst binnen elke frequentiegroep: Zenuwstelselaandoeningen: Soms - Hoofdpijn. Oogaandoeningen: Zeer vaak - Conjunctivale hyperemie; Vaak - Keratitis punctata, oogirritatie, oogpruritus, groei van wimpers; Soms - Asthenopie, wazig zien, conjuctivale aandoening, conjunctivaal oedeem, irishyperpigmentatie, madarose. Maagdarmstelselaandoeningen: Soms - Misselijkheid. Huid- en onderhuidaandoeningen: Vaak - Ooglid-erytheem, ooglidpruritus, hyperpigmentatie van huid, hypertrichose; Soms - Droge huid, korsten op het ooglid, ooglidoedeem, pruritus. Algemene aandoeningen en toedieningsplaatsstoornissen: Vaak - Irritatie op de plek van inbrengen. Bij klinische studies zijn meer dan 1.800 patiënten behandeld met LUMIGAN 0,3 mg/ml. Wanneer de gegevens van Fase III monotherapie en aanvullend LUMIGAN 0,3 mg/ml gebruik worden gecombineerd zijn de meest gemelde bijwerkingen: groei van wimpers bij maximaal 45% in het eerste jaar met de incidentie van nieuwe gevallen afnemend tot 7% na 2 jaar en 2% na 3 jaar, conjunctivale hyperemie (meest zeer licht tot mild en waarschijnlijk van een non-inflammatoire aard) bij maximaal 44% in het eerste jaar met de incidentie van nieuwe gevallen afnemend tot 13% na 2 jaar en 12% na 3 jaar en oculaire pruritis bij maximaal 14% van de patiënten in het eerste jaar met de incidentie van nieuwe gevallen afnemend tot 3% na 2 jaar en 0% na 3 jaar. Minder dan 9% van de patiënten zijn gestopt in verband met bijwerkingen in het eerste jaar met de incidentie van additioneel staken door de patiënt van 3% na zowel 2 en 3 jaar. Extra bijwerkingen die tijdens klinische experimenten met LUMIGAN 0,3 mg/ml werden gemeld, staan vermeld in Tabel 2. De tabel bevat eveneens de bijwerkingen die zich bij beide formules, maar met een andere frequentie hebben voorgedaan. De meeste bijwerkingen waren oculair, mild tot matig en geen ervan was ernstig: Binnen iedere frequentiegroep zijn de bijwerkingen gerangschikt naar afnemende ernst: Zenuwstelselaandoeningen: Vaak - Hoofdpijn; Soms - Duizeligheid. Oogaandoeningen: Zeer vaak - Oculaire pruritis, groei van wimpers; Vaak - Corneale erosie, oculair branden, allergische conjunctivitis, blefaritis, verslechtering van visuele scherpte, asthenopie, conjunctivaal oedeem, gevoel van vreemd lichaam, oculaire droogte, oogpijn, fotofobie, tranen, oogafscheiding, gezichtstoornis, versterkte irispigmentatie, donker worden van wimpers; Soms - Retinale bloeding, uveïtis, cystoïd maculair oedeem, iritis, blefarospasme, ooglidretractie; Onbekend - Enoftalmos. Bloedvataandoeningen: Vaak - Hypertensie. Huid- en onderhuidaandoeningen: Vaak - Pigmentatie van peri-oculaire huid; Soms - Hirsutisme. Algemene aandoeningen en toedieningsplaatsstoornissen: Soms - Asthenie. Onderzoeken: Vaak - Abnormale leverfunctietest. 6.1 LIJST VAN HULPSTOFFEN Benzalkoniumchloride, Natriumchloride, Dinatriumwaterstoffosfaat, heptahydraat, Citroenzuur, monohydraat, Zoutzuur of natriumhydroxide (om pH aan te passen), Gezuiverd water. 7. HOUDER VAN DE VERGUNNING VOOR HET IN DE HANDEL BRENGEN Allergan Pharmaceuticals Ireland, Castlebar Road, Westport, Co. Mayo, Ierland. 8. NUMMERS VAN DE VERGUNNING VOOR HET IN DE HANDEL BRENGEN EU/1/02/205/003-004. 1. DÉNOMINATION DU MÉDICAMENT LUMIGAN 0,1 mg/ml, collyre en solution. 2. COMPOSITION QUALITATIVE ET QUANTITATIVE Un ml de solution contient 0,1 mg de bimatoprost. Excipient : Un ml de solution contient 0,2 mg de chlorure de benzalkonium. Pour la liste complète des excipients, cf. section 6.1. 3. FORME PHARMACEUTIQUE Collyre en solution. Solution incolore à légèrement jaune. 4. DONNÉES CLINIQUES 4.1 Indications thérapeutiques : Réduction de la pression intraoculaire élevée chez les patients adultes atteints de glaucome chronique à angle ouvert ou d’hypertonie intraoculaire (en monothérapie ou en association aux bêta-bloquants). 4.2 Posologie et mode d’administration : La posologie recommandée est d’une goutte dans l’œil ou les yeux atteints une fois par jour, administrée le soir. La dose ne doit pas dépasser une instillation par jour, un usage plus fréquent pouvant diminuer l’efficacité sur la baisse de pression intraoculaire. En cas d’utilisation concomitante de plusieurs médicaments ophtalmiques à usage local, chacun doit être administré à un intervalle d’au moins 5 minutes. Utilisation chez les enfants et les adolescents (moins de 18 ans) : En l’absence de données de sécurité et d’efficacité, l’utilisation de LUMIGAN n’est pas recommandée chez les enfants de moins de 18 ans. Utilisation en cas d’insuffisance hépatique ou rénale : LUMIGAN n’a pas été étudié chez les malades atteints d’insuffisance rénale ou d’insuffisance hépatique modérée à sévère. En conséquence, il doit être utilisé avec précaution chez ces patients. Chez les patients ayant un antécédent de maladie hépatique bénigne ou des taux de base anormaux d’alamine aminotransférase (ALAT), d’aspartate aminotransférase (ASAT) et/ou de bilirubine, aucun effet délétère sur la fonction hépatique n’a été observé avec le collyre contenant 0,3mg/ml de bimatoprost sur 24 mois. 4.3 Contre-indications : Hypersensibilité à la substance active ou à l’un des excipients. LUMIGAN 0,1 mg/ml est contre-indiqué chez les patients ayant présenté précédemment des réactions secondaires susceptibles d’être liées au chlorure de benzalkonium ayant conduit à une interruption de traitement. 4.8 Effets indésirables : Dans l’étude clinique de Phase III menée sur douze mois, environ 38% des patients traités par LUMIGAN, 0,1 mg/ml ont eu des effets indésirables. L’effet indésirable le plus fréquent était l’hyperhémie conjonctivale survenant chez 29% des patients ; la plupart du temps, l’hyperhémie était minime à légère et de nature non-inflammatoire. Environ 4 % des patients ont interrompu le traitement en raison d’effets indésirables. Les effets indésirables décrits ci-dessous ont été rapportés pendant les essais cliniques du LUMIGAN, collyre 0,1 mg/ml. La plupart étaient oculaires, d’intensité légère et aucun n’était grave. Les effets indésirables très fréquents (≥1/10) ; fréquents (≥1/100 à <1/10) ; peu fréquents (≥1/1 000 à <1/100) ; rares (≥1/10 000 à <1/1 000) ; très rares (<1/10 000) sont classés dans le tableau 1conformément aux classes de systèmes d’organes. Au sein de chaque fréquence de groupe, les effets indésirables sont présentés par ordre décroissant de gravité : Troubles du système nerveux : peu fréquents - Céphalées. Troubles oculaires : très fréquent - Hyperhémie conjonctivale ; fréquent - kératite ponctuée superficielle, irritation oculaire, prurit oculaire, croissance des cils ; peu fréquent - Asthénopie, troubles de la vision, troubles conjonctivaux, œdème conjonctival, hyperpigmentation de l’iris, madarose. Troubles gastro-intestinaux : peu fréquents - nausées. Troubles dermatologiques et des tissus sous-cutanés : fréquents - Erythème de la paupière, prurit de la paupière, hyperpigmentation des tissus, hypertrichose ; peu fréquents - sécheresse cutanée, croûtes au bord de la paupière, prurit. Troubles généraux et anomalies au site d’administration : fréquents - Irritation du site d’instillation. Dans les études cliniques, plus de 1 800 patients ont été traités par LUMIGAN 0,3 mg/ml. En regroupant les données des études cliniques de phase III de LUMIGAN 0,3 mg/ml en monothérapie ou en association, les événements indésirables liés au traitement les plus fréquents étaient : croissance des cils jusqu’à 45 % la première année avec une incidence de nouveaux cas réduite à 7 % à 2 ans et 2 % à 3 ans, hyperhémie conjonctivale (la plupart du temps minime à légère et considérée comme étant de nature non inflammatoire) jusqu’à 44 % des patients la première année avec une incidence de nouveaux cas réduite à 13 % à 2 ans et 12 % à 3 ans et prurit oculaire jusqu’à 14 % des patients la première année avec une incidence de nouveaux cas réduite à 3 % à 2 ans et 0 % à 3 ans. Moins de 9 % des patients ont dû arrêter le traitement en raison d’un événement indésirable la première année, avec une incidence d’arrêts supplémentaires de 3 % la deuxième et la troisième année. D’autres effets indésirables rapportés pendant les essais cliniques sur LUMIGAN 0.3 mg/ml sont présentés au Tableau 2. Ce tableau comprend aussi des effets indésirables survenus avec les deux formulations mais avec des fréquences différentes. La plupart de ces effets sont oculaires, légers à modérés, et aucun n’a été grave: pour chaque fréquence, les effets indésirables sont présentés par ordre décroissant de gravité : Troubles du système nerveux : fréquent - Céphalées ; peu fréquent - Sensations de vertige. Troubles oculaires : très fréquent - prurit oculaire, croissance des cils ; fréquent - érosion de la cornée, brûlure oculaire, conjonctivite allergique, blépharite, baisse de l’acuité visuelle, asthénopie, œdème conjonctival, sensation de corps étranger, sécheresse oculaire, douleur oculaire, photophobie, larmoiements, écoulement oculaire, trouble visuel, augmentation de la pigmentation de l’iris, assombrissement des cils ; peu fréquent - Hémorragie rétinienne, uvéite, oedème maculaire cystoïde,, iritis, blépharospasme, rétraction de la paupière ; non renseignés - énophthalmie. Troubles vasculaires : fréquents - hypertension. Troubles dermatologiques et des tissus sous-cutanés : fréquents - pigmentation des tissus péri oculaires ; peu fréquents - hirsutisme. Troubles généraux et anomalies au site d’administration : peu fréquents - asthénie. Effets sur les constantes biologiques : fréquents - Anomalies des tests de l’exploration fonctionnelle hépatique. 6.1 LISTE DES EXCIPIENTS Chlorure de benzalkonium, Chlorure de sodium, Phosphate disodique heptahydraté, Acide citrique monohydraté, Acide chlorhydrique ou hydroxyde de sodium (pour ajuster le pH), Eau purifiée. 7. TITULAIRE DE L’AUTORISATION DE MISE SUR LE MARCHÉ Allergan Pharmaceuticals Ireland, Castlebar Road, Westport, Co. Mayo, Irlande. 8. NUMÉRO D’AUTORISATION DE MISE SUR LE MARCHÉ EU/1/02/205/003-004. Code BE/0162/2012 Date of preparation: Oktober 2012 Allergan N.V. Terhulpsesteenweg 6D - 1560 Hoeilaart year an ersary niv Annual Congress of the Belgian Ophthalmological Societies Ophthalmologica Belgica Brussels Expo November 28 - 30, 2012 Ta of ble ts en ont c Message from the President _______________________________________________ 4 - 5 Organizing committee_______________________________________________________ 7 Organizing societies_________________________________________________________ 8 Scientific committee ________________________________________________________ 9 General information _______________________________________________________ 10 Convention center _________________________________________________________ 11 Exhibition ________________________________________________________________ 12 Exhibitors ________________________________________________________________ 13 Guidelines for speakers __________________________________________________ 14-15 Guidelines for poster presentation____________________________________________ 16 Programme overview: 28-11-2012 ________________________________________ 17 29-11-2012 ________________________________________ 18 30-11-2012 ________________________________________ 19 Programme by day: Wednesday, November 28 OBAO _____________________________________________ 23 BSOPRS ____________________________________________ 24 FAB _______________________________________________ 25 NOC ______________________________________________ 26 Poster session ____________________________________ 27-31 BSA _______________________________________________ 32 BIO _______________________________________________ 33 AOB Free Papers ____________________________________ 35 Thursday, November 29 BGS _______________________________________________ 38 BOG and SBO _______________________________________ 39 PED & LOW ________________________________________ 41 ISC _____________________________________________ 42-43 BBO-UPBMO _______________________________________ 44 AOB - Academic session 20 years OB ___________________ 45 Eye in the sky _______________________________________ 47 Friday, November 30 BSCRS __________________________________________ 50-51 BSONT NL __________________________________________ 52 BSONT FR __________________________________________ 53 BOV-ABO __________________________________________ 55 Award ceremony _________________________________ 56-57 BVVB-OBPC ________________________________________ 58 2 | OB 2012 | PROGRAMME of e l b Ta c Interactive Clinical Courses - ICC: Wetlabs: 28-11-2012 _________________________ 60-62 29-11-2012 _________________________ 63-64 30-11-2012 _________________________ 65-67 28-11-2012 __________________________________________________ 70 29-11-2012 __________________________________________________ 71 30-11-2012 __________________________________________________ 73 Abstracts ______________________________________________________________ 76-84 Abstract poster session __________________________________________________ 86-95 Accreditation _____________________________________________________________ 97 Future OB congresses ______________________________________________________ 99 First author index _________________________________________________________112 Advertisements ALCON _________________________________________________________ Azarga (106) _______________________________________________ Acrysof Advantage (102) ___________________________________________________ Acrysof IQ Toric (48) _______________________________________________ Duotrav / Travatan (108) ALLERGAN __________________________________________________ Lumigan 0,1 (C2) BAUSCH + LOMB_____________________________________________enVistaTORIC (98) ___________________________________________ Artelac® Splash (74) DE CEUNYNCK MEDICAL __________________________________________ Gamme (68) DORC ______________________________________________________________EVA (96) HOSPITERA LENSITA _____________________________________________ Gamme (100) JOHNSON & JOHNSON MEDICAL ________________________________UV-Blocking (C3) REVOGAN __________________________________________ Visio-MAX · Visio-MEGA (6) THEA __________________________________________________________ Aprokam (20) TRUSETAL ____________________________________________ Ortolux & Ortolux Air (36) PROGRAMME | OB 2012 | 3 ts en t n o p r ef sag Mes he om t nt ide s e r Chers Confrères, Chers amis, C’est avec grand plaisir que je vous convie au congrès Ophtalmologica Belgica 2012 qui promet d’être exceptionnel ! En effet,cette année, nous fêtons le vingtième anniversaire de notre réunion ophtalmologique annuelle. A cette occasion, nous avons prévu quelques modifications dans le programme habituel. Tout d’abord, nous avons réorganisé les plages horaires des free papers. Ils ne seront plus intégrés dans les programmes des différentes sociétés. Le comité d’OB 2012 sélectionnera 10 papiers originaux qui seront présentés, tous sujets confondus, lors d’une session dédiée le mercredi après-midi. Le meilleur papier sera récompensé par un prix. Les autres papiers seront acceptés sous la forme d’un poster. En cette année anniversaire, les sociétés BOG et SBO vont se grouper pour une session commune intitulée “CONTROVERSES” à propos de différents sujets très actuels. Enfin, pour fêter dignement l’événement, nous avons réservé la fin d’après-midi du jeudi, 29 novembre, pour une SESSION SCIENTIFIQUE et ETHIQUE PLENIERE suivie d’un DINER SPECTACLE de haut vol sur le site du congrès. Cette soirée extraordinaire pour les 20 ans d'OB sera ouverte à tous les participants ainsi qu’aux représentants des firmes (la traditionnelle soirée “faculty meets industry” n’aura donc pas lieu). Une soirée dansante, animée par un D.J. de renom, sera organisée après le dîner avec l’aide du comité directeur de l’OBAO et rassemblera, nous l’espérons, un large public. Nous comptons beaucoup sur la participation enthousiaste d’un maximum d’entre vous à cette fin de journée exceptionnelle qui nous permettra de nous rencontrer plus longuement dans une atmosphère très agréable. Je me réjouis de vous voir très nombreux au Brussels EXPO, Sabine Bonnet Président OB 2012 4 | OB 2012 | PROGRAMME p r ef g a s Mes he t m o nt ide s e r Beste collega’s, Beste vrienden, Het is me een waar genoegen u uit te nodigen op het congres Ophthalmologica Belgica 2012. Het belooft dit jaar een bijzonder evenement te worden want we vieren de 20ste verjaardag van ons jaarlijks oogheelkundecongres! We hebben voor de gelegenheid enkele wijzigingen voorzien in het traditionele programma. Allereerst hebben we de tijdsblokken van de free papers gewijzigd. Ze worden niet meer opgenomen in de programma’s van de verschillende organisaties. Het OB 2012 bestuur zal de 10 beste papers selecteren en deze zullen worden voorgesteld tijdens een free paper session op woensdagnamiddag. De beste paper zal beloond worden met een prijs en de andere papers worden geaccepteerd als poster. Ook zullen de verenigingen BOG en SBO samenwerken aan een gemeenschappelijke sessie, genaamd “CONTROVERSE”. Daarin zullen verschillende actuele onderwerpen aan bod komen. Op donderdag 29 november, in de late namiddag, voorzien we een PLENAIRE WETENSCHAPPELIJKE ETHIEK SESSIE gevolgd door een uitzonderlijk SPEKTAKEL-DINER om 20 jaar OB te vieren. Deze uitzonderlijke avond zal plaats vinden in Brussels EXPO en wordt afgesloten met een dansavond georganiseerd door het OBAO bestuur. Zowel de deelnemers als de vertegenwoordigers van de firma’s worden op deze unieke en buitengewone avond uitgenodigd. (Dit jaar dus geen traditionele “faculty meets industry”- avond). We hopen dat u in groten getale en met veel enthousiasme zal deelnemen aan dit unieke evenement. Het zal voor velen de ideale gelegenheid zijn om elkaar beter te leren kennen in een aangename sfeer. Ik verheug mij erop u op Brussels EXPO te mogen verwelkomen, Sabine Bonnet Voorzitter OB 2012 PROGRAMME | OB 2012 | 5 VISIO oogveroudering vieillissement oculaire rode en branderige ogen yeux rouges et brûlants drog e e n v er m o e i d e o g e n yeux secs et fatigués AOX (Vaccinium myrtillus extr. sicc., Se, Zn, vit C, vit E) 10 mg LUTEINE + 400 µg ZEAXANTHINE VITAMINES B AOX (Vaccinium myrtillus extr. sicc., Se, Zn, vit C, vit E) 10 mg LUTEINE + 400 µg ZEAXANTHINE VITAMINES B OMEGA 3 (375 mg DHA) 1 tablet per dag bij voorkeur nuchter 1 comprimé par jour de préférence à jeun 1 tablet + 1 capsule per dag bij de maaltijd 1 comprimé + 1 capsule par jour pendant le repas - 022410 M A X MEGA ing z i n a c Org Sabine Bonnet President Bart Leroy Past / Vice-president Programme Secretary Werner Spileers Treasurer Patrick De Potter ICC Antonella Boschi Free papers / Posters Bernard Heintz Wetlab - ISC Joachim Van Calster Audio-visual Marlene Verlaeckt Organization PROGRAMME | OB 2012 | 7 ee itt m m o ing z i n a s tie ocie s Org AOB Academia Ophthalmologica Belgica BBO-UPBMO Belgische Beroepsvereniging van Oogheelkundigen Union Professionnelle Belge des Médecins Spécialistes en Ophtalmologie et Chirurgie Oculaire BGS Belgian Glaucoma Society BIO Belgian Immuno Ophthalmology Club BOG Belgisch Oftalmologisch Gezelschap BOV-ABO Belgische Orthoptische Vereniging Association Belge d’Orthoptie BSA Belgian Strabismological Association BSCRS Belgian Societies of Cataract and Refractive Surgery BSONT Belgian Society of Ophthalmic Nurses & Technicians BSOPRS Belgian Society of Oculoplastic and Reconstructive Surgery BVVB-OBPC Belgische Vereniging ter Voorkoming van Blindheid Organisation Belge pour la Prévention de la Cécité FAB Fluorescein Angiography Club Belgium NOC Neuro Ophthalmology Club OBAO Organisatie van Belgische Assistenten in Oftalmologie Organisation Belge des Assistants en Ophtalmologie PED & LOW Pediatric Ophthalmology & Low Vision Rehabilitation SBO Société Belge d’Ophtalmologie 8 | OB 2012 | PROGRAMME ee itt m m o cc fi i t ien Sc Programme secretary Bart Leroy AOB Patrick De Potter - Werner Spileers BBO-UPBMO Peter Van Bladel - Philippe Huyghe BGS Adèle Ehongo - Marc Goethals BIO Philippe Kestelyn BOG Joachim Van Calster - Bart Leroy BOV-ABO Hilde Janssens - Alain Bauwens BSA Sandrine de Temmerman - Lieve Van Eeckhoutte BSCRS Guy Sallet - Ed Tackoen BSONT Caroline Timmerman - Anne De Pryck BSOPRS Veva De Groot - Paul Jonckheere BVVB-OBPC Philippe Kestelyn - Marie-José Tassignon FAB Anne Dewachter NOC Monique Cordonnier OBAO Luc Van Os PED & LOW Hilde Deconinck - Ingele Casteels SBO Minh-Tri Hua - Sabine Bonnet OB Free papers / Posters Antonella Boschi Wetlabs Interactive Surgical Course Bernard Heintz Bernard Heintz Interactive Clinical Courses Patrick De Potter Audio-Visual Joachim Van Calster PROGRAMME | OB 2012 | 9 f l in era Gen ion at orm OB Office AOB vzw - asbl OB 2012: Werkgroep - Groupe de travail Kapucijnenvoer 33, 3000 Leuven BE 0862.155.596 Venue and dates The congress will take place from Wednesday 28 to Friday 30, November 2012 at Brussels EXPO, Pal. 10 Place de Belgique - Belgiëplein 1020 Brussels Exhibition The exhibition will be open during the congress from 09:00 to 18:00. Registration All participants will receive their congress material at the registration desk. The registration desk will be open from 08:00 to 18:00. Entitlements Payment of the registration fee entitles delegates to participate at the entire congress programme. The final programme will be sent to the preregistered participants in order of payments before November 16, 2012. The others will receive their documents at the registration desk. Badges Please remember to wear your badge throughout the congress. Audiovisual support room Will be open on Tuesday from 17:00 to 20:00 and from Wednesday to Friday from 07:30 to 17:30. Bring your presentation at least two hours prior to your session to the audiovisual support room. Internet Internet access is available at the internet corner, located in the Foyer. Accreditation The OB 2012 congress has been awarded 15CP. - Wednesday, 6 CP, - Thursday AM 3 CP - Thursday PM 3 CP (Ethics and Economics) - Friday 6 CP All accreditation certificates will be available online from December 1 on. Cancellation and refunds Refunds up to 75% of the advance registration fee will be granted for cancellation received in writing prior to November 15, 2012. Refund will not be granted for later cancellations or no-shows. Catering Coffee during the whole congress and sandwiches during lunchtime are included in the registration fee and will be served at the coffee bar in the foyer and during the poster session in the poster area. 10 | OB 2012 | PROGRAMME tio en onv C Brussels EXPO, Hall 10 Place de Belgique - Belgiëplein - 1020 Brussels 20 Years OB Eye in the Sky OB 2012 PARKING METRO Brussels Expo, located in the heart of Europe, has the major advantage of being centrally located. The site is easily reached by car, train or airplane. For more info: PROGRAMME | OB 2012 | 11 er nt e c n on iti b i h x E Entrance 51 1 50 OB2012 Vestiaire Hall B-C-D-E-F Hall A Registration 2 3 43 47 4 4 Internet AV Support Room 45 5 Hall 10 6 46 49 Foyer 7 33 32 8 31 36 35 34 30 29 10 28 Exit 27 37 11 Fire Exit 42 / 28 12 26 38 39 25 13 23 24 Fire Exit 23 40 22 14 48 41 15 16 17 18 Wetlab Eyelid surgery 12 19 Posters | OB 2012 | PROGRAMME 20 rs ito xhib E By company ALCON 42 LEICA MICROSISTEMAS 46 PHYSIOL 13 ALLERGAN 40 LENSONLINE 49 PULSION 24 BAUSCH + LOMB 36 30 45 LENS OPTICAL TECHNOLOGY REVOGAN BRAILLELIGA 27 ROCKMED 35 CARL ZEISS 20 MEDA Pharma 19 RODENSTOCK Benelux 47 CORILUS 10 MEDICAL WORKSHOP 31 SIMOVISION 41 DE CEUNYNCK & Co 6 DE CEUNYNCK Medical 37 DORC 39 ERGRA-ENGELEN 16 ESSILOR 18 FABRILENS & SONKES 4 HOSPITHERA / LENSITA 33 HOYA LENS BELGIUM 1 MERCK SHARP & DOHME 22 STORY - SCIENTIA 3 MMI Informatique Médicale 32 TECHNOP 2 MORIA 14 NOOTENS 29 NOVARTIS Pharma THEA Pharma 34 TRB CHEMEDICA 12 28 TRUSETAL VERBANDSTOFFWERK 26 5 URSAPHARM Benelux 8 7 OBOS OPHTALMO SERVICE 25 VAASSEN OPHTEC 15 23 43 48 OPS Eyewear 38 VAN HOPPLYNUS Ophtalm KRYS 17 OPTELEC 50 Z-PROJECTS LABO RX 11 PFIZER 51 JOHNSON & JOHNSON Medical By booth number 1 HOYA LENS BELGIUM 20 CARL ZEISS 36 BAUSCH + LOMB 2 TECHNOP 22 MERCK SHARP & DOHME 37 DE CEUNYNCK Medical 3 STORY - SCIENTIA 23 VAN HOPPLYNUS Ophtalm 38 OPS Eyewear 4 FABRILENS & SONKES 5 OBOS 24 PULSION 40 ALLERGAN 6 DE CEUNYNCK & Co 25 OPHTALMO SERVICE 41 SIMOVISION 7 VAASSEN 26 TRUSETAL VERBANDSTOFFWERK 42 ALCON 27 LENS OPTICAL TECHNOLOGY 45 BRAILLELIGA 8 URSAPHARM Benelux 10 CORILUS 11 LABO RX 12 TRB CHEMEDICA 13 PHYSIOL 14 MORIA 15 OPHTEC 39 DORC 43 Z-PROJECTS 46 LEICA MICROSISTEMAS 28 NOVARTIS Pharma 47 RODENSTOCK Benelux 29 NOOTENS 48 JOHNSON & JOHNSON Medical 30 REVOGAN 31 MEDICAL WORKSHOP 16 ERGRA-ENGELEN 32 MMI Informatique Médicale 17 KRYS 33 HOSPITHERA / LENSITA 18 ESSILOR 34 THEA Pharma 19 MEDA Pharma 35 ROCKMED PROGRAMME | OB 2012 | 49 LENSONLINE 50 OPTELEC 51 PFIZER 13 es lin e d i u G Guidelines for speakers Language All audiovisual material should be presented in English (slides, movies, ...). For oral presentations either one of the three Belgian national languages (French, Dutch and German) or English are acceptable. However, the Organising Committee of OB 2012 strongly recommends English for oral presentations, in order to maximize the international appeal of the meeting. Technical instructions Speakers are kindly requested to strictly respect the allocated time to guarantee smooth running of the sessions. • An integrated computerized network running both Windows and Mac operating systems will be used to manage all slide projections. All presentations will be sent to the assigned Meeting Room from the central server at the Slide Room, by the technical staff. This procedure ensures efficient management and higher quality of projection. The use of personal laptops for presentations is actively discouraged. • Speakers are invited to prepare their presentations in Microsoft PowerPoint either for Windows or Macintosh/Apple. • PowerPoint or Keynote presentations on disk, CD Rom or USB memory stick must be delivered at the Slide Room at least one hour before the start of the session. Preview facilities will be available at the Slide Room. • Presentations loaded on a personal laptop must be downloaded and copied at the Slide Room at least two hours before the beginning of the session. • Should this be the case, please inform the Meeting Administrator’s Desk about any particular requests well in advance. 14 | OB 2012 | PROGRAMME es lin e d i u G Guidelines for speakers Some suggestions to make a PowerPoint presentation: • Write the title of the presentation and the speaker’s name on the first slide indicating any possible conflict of interest (please specify any consultancy relation to pharmaceutical companies, industries, etc..). • Save the presentation with the speaker’s name embedded in the file name + the date in order to avoid that all presentations are called OB 2012 or Brussels 2012. • Any video/film/image file must be in the same folder of the PowerPoint presentation and must be copied in the folder before being included in the presentation. Alternatively, use the option “Pack and go” or “Package to CD/DVD/USB” in the PowerPoint software. • It is recommended that embedded movies start automatically after slide transmission rather than by mouse click. • We suggest putting a maximum of one movie per slide. • Reduce the size of your presentation by choosing the option “Reduce File Size...” and then “Best for viewing on screen” under the “File” dropdown menu in PowerPoint. Images with either “.png” or “.jpg” extensions are recommended in order to obtain a smaller size presentation (other kinds of cross-platform extensions - recognizable by PowerPoint, such as tiff – are also acceptable). Procedure: All presenters must read the following instructions Slide Room opening hours • The Slide Room is open on November 27 between 17:00 - 20:00 and during the congress between 7:30 - 17:30. • The OB 2012 Organising Committee ensures that all presentations are erased from computers used by the audiovisual team. In addition, no one other than the presenter will be allowed to copy PowerPoint files from the AV system. Session Moderators Session moderators should ensure that speakers remain within the allocated time for their presentation, and that the session finishes within the allocated timeframe. It is actively discouraged to switch the order of talks, as meeting participants may have planned their itinerary in advance, and may move between Meeting Rooms during the Sessions to attend specific talks. PROGRAMME | OB 2012 | 15 es lin e d i u G Guidelines for poster presentation • The image area of poster boards is 190 cm wide and 100 cm high (landscape format) • Posters must be mounted on the assigned poster board on Tuesday 27 November 2012, from 16:00hrs onwards through 19:00hrs, or at the latest on Wednesday morning 28 November 2012 from 7:30hrs and before 8:30hrs. • Poster boards are located in the poster area in Hall 10 in Brussels EXPO Convention Centre and all carry a unique number. • Posters must remain on display until Friday, November 30, 15:30hrs. Posters not removed by Friday, November 30, 19:00hrs will be removed and discarded. • Material for mounting will be available at the registration desk. Poster presenters are required to stand beside their poster during the poster sessions on Wednesday 12:30 - 14:00 in poster area, sandwiches will be served. During this time the jury will be circulating for the poster award. • All posters are eligible for a Poster Award. • Best case: 300 EUR • AOB best resident’s poster prize: 500 EUR Travel grant EVER 2013 congress • An independent panel appointed by the Board of OB 2012 decides on the Poster Awards through voting. Their decision is final. The poster awards ceremony will be held on Friday 30 November 2012 at 12:30 to 13:30 in Hall A. In order to receive the prize the presence of poster presenters who are awarded a poster prize is mandatory. 16 | OB 2012 | PROGRAMME iew rv Ove Wednesday, 28 November 2012 Hall A Hall B Hall C Hall D Hall E - ICC Hall F-Wetlab Hall G-Eyelid 09:00 10:30 11:00 OBAO BSOPRS FAB ICC-W1 Wetlab-1 ICC-W2 Wetlab-2 NOC 12:30 OB Poster session > in O’Bistro 14:00 FAB AOB Free papers ICC-W3 Wetlab-3 WetlabEyelid NL BIO ICC-W5 ICC-W4 Wetlab-4 WetlabEyelid FR OBAO 15:30 BSA 16:00 17:30 PROGRAMME | OB 2012 | 17 iew rv Ove Thursday, 29 November 2012 Hall A Hall B Hall D Hall E - ICC Hall F-Wetlab ICC-T6 Wetlab-5 ICC-T7 Wetlab-6 ICC-T8 Wetlab-7 09:00 10:30 11:00 BOG SBO BGS PED & LOW 12:30 Interactive Surgical Course 14:00 BBO - UPBMO Ethiek / Ethique 15:30 16:00 Academic session 20 years OB Ethiek / Ethique 17:30 Eye in the Sky: 20 th Anniversary of OB in Brussels Expo Reception, walking dinner and music Free entrance for all registered delegates and industry partners 22:00 18 | OB 2012 | PROGRAMME iew rv Ove Friday, 30 November 2012 Hall A Hall B Hall C Hall D Hall E - ICC Hall F-Wetlab ICC-F10 Wetlab-8 ICC-F11 Wetlab-9 BVVB-OBPC ICC-F12 Wetlab-10 ICC-F14 ICC-F13 09:00 10:30 11:00 BSCRS BSONT BSONT BOV-ABO 12:30 Award Ceremony - in Hall A 13:30 14:00 BSONT 15:30 BSONT BSCRS 16:00 17:30 PROGRAMME | OB 2012 | 19 antibiotic prophylaxis of postoperative endophthalmitis after cataract surgery* easy to reconstitute in only one step high level of scientific prophyl axis l entific evidence in antibiotic antibio single use only require simplicit y Aprokam 50 mg poudre pour solution injectable. COMPOSITION QUALITATIVE ET QUANTITATIVE: Chaque flacon contient 50 mg de céfuroxime (52,6 mg sous forme de céfuroxime sodique). Après reconstitution avec 5 ml de solvant, 0,1 ml de solution contient 1 mg de céfuroxime. FORME PHARMACEUTIQUE: Poudre pour solution injectable. Poudre pour injection. Poudre blanche à presque blanche. INDICATIONS THERAPEUTIQUES: Antibioprophylaxie des endophtalmies post-opératoires après une chirurgie de la cataracte. Il convient de tenir compte des recommandations officielles concernant l’utilisation appropriée des antibactériens, incluant celles sur l’antibioprophylaxie en chirurgie oculaire. POSOLOGIE ET MODE D’ADMINISTRATION: Voie intra-camérulaire. Un flacon pour usage unique seulement. Posologie: Adultes: La posologie recommandée est de 0,1 ml de solution reconstituée, c’est-à-dire de 1 mg de céfuroxime. NE PAS INJECTER UNE DOSE SUPERIEURE A CELLE RECOMMANDEE. Population pédiatrique: La posologie optimale et la sécurité d’Aprokam n’ont pas été établies pour la population pédiatrique. Sujets âgés L’adaptation de la posologie n’est pas nécessaire. Insuffisants rénaux et hépatiques: Considérant la faible dose et le passage systémique négligeable attendu de céfuroxime après utilisation d’Aprokam, l’adaptation de la posologie n’est pas nécessaire. Mode d’administration: Aprokam doit être administré après reconstitution, par injection intra-oculaire dans la chambre antérieure de l’œil (voie intra-camérulaire), par un chirurgien ophtalmologiste, dans les conditions recommandées d’asepsie de la chirurgie de la cataracte. Après reconstitution, Aprokam doit être contrôlé visuellement afin de rechercher la présence de particules ou d’une coloration anormale avant administration. Injecter lentement 0,1 ml de solution reconstituée dans la chambre antérieure de l’œil en fin de chirurgie de la cataracte. CONTRE-INDICATIONS: Hypersensibilité à la substance active (céfuroxime) ou à l’un des antibiotiques du groupe des céphalosporines. MISES EN GARDE SPECIALES ET PRECAUTIONS D’EMPLOI : Aprokam doit être utilisé uniquement par voie intra-camérulaire. En raison d’un possible risque de réaction allergique croisée, une précaution particulière doit être prise chez les patients ayant des antécédents de réactions allergiques à la pénicilline ou aux autres bêta-lactamines. Chez les patients à risque d’infections avec des souches résistantes, par exemple les patients ayant eu une infection ou colonisation au SARM (Staphylococcus aureus résistant à la méticilline), un traitement alternatif antibioprophylactique doit être envisagé. En l’absence de données chez des groupes de patients particuliers (patients avec un risque sévère d’infection, patients avec des cataractes compliquées, patients ayant des opérations combinées à la chirurgie de la cataracte, patients avec une maladie sévère de la thyroïde, patients avec moins de 2000 cellules endothéliales cornéennes), Aprokam doit être seulement utilisé après une évaluation prudente de la balance bénéfice/risque. L’utilisation de la céfuroxime ne doit pas être considérée comme une mesure isolée ; car d’autres précautions sont tout aussi importantes comme le traitement prophylactique antiseptique. La toxicité pour l’endothélium cornéen n’a pas été signalée à la concentration recommandée de céfuroxime, néanmoins, ce risque ne peut être exclu. Dans la surveillance postopératoire, les médecins doivent garder à l’esprit ce risque potentiel. EFFETS INDESIRABLES: Aucun effet indésirable particulier n’a été rapportée dans la littérature quand la céfuroxime est administrée par injection intra-oculaire sauf le suivant : Troubles du système immunitaire: Très rare (<1/10 000): réaction anaphylactique. TITULAIRE DE L’AUTORISATION DE MISE SUR LE MARCHE: Laboratoires Théa, 12 rue Louis Blériot, 63017 ClermontFerrand Cedex 2, France. NUMERO(S) D’AUTORISATION DE MISE SUR LE MARCHE: BE422457. DATE DE PREMIERE AUTORISATION/DE RENOUVELLEMENT DE L’AUTORISATION: 15.06.2012 / 25.04.2017. DATE DE MISE A JOUR DU TEXTE: Date d’approbation du texte : 06/2012. BE/031/09/2012 Apro Aprokam prokam kam 50 mg m poeder voor opl oplossing op ossing voor injectie. KWALITATIEVE EN KWANTITATIEVE SAMENSTELLING: Elke injectieflacon bevat 50 mg cefuroxim (als 52,6 ,6 mg cefuroxim c cefu uroxi roxim m natriu natrium). na trium). Na reconstitutie recon onstit stitutie uti met 5 ml oplosmiddel bevat 0,1 ml op oplossing 1 mg cefuroxim. FARMACEUTISCHE VORM: Poeder voor oplossing voor injectie. Poederr voor injectie. Wit tot bijna wit poeder. THERAPEUTISCHE INDICATIES: Antibiotica profylaxe van postoperatieve endophthalmitis na cataractchirurgie. De officiële richtlijnen over het juiste gebruik van antibacteriële middelen moeten in acht worden genomen, inclusief de richtlijnen over antibiotica profylaxe bij oogchirurgie. DOSERING EN WIJZE VAN TOEDIENING: Intracameraal gebruik. Één injectieflacon uitsluitend voor eenmalig gebruik. Dosering: Volwassenen: De aanbevolen dosis is 0,1 ml van de gereconstitueerde oplossing, d.w.z. 1 mg cefuroxim. INJECTEER NIET MEER DAN DE AANBEVOLEN DOSIS. Pediatrische patiënten: De optimale dosis en de veiligheid van Aprokam bij kinderen zijn niet vastgesteld. Ouderen: Er is geen dosisaanpassing nodig. Patiënten met lever- en nierfunctiestoornis. Rekening houdend met de lage dosis en de verwachte verwaarloosbare systemische blootstelling aan cefuroxim bij gebruik van Aprokam, is er geen dosisaanpassing nodig. Wijze van toediening: Aprokam moet toegediend worden na reconstitutie door intra-oculaire injectie in de voorste oogkamer (intracameraal gebruik), door een oogchirurg, onder de aanbevolen aseptische omstandigheden van cataractchirurgie. Na reconstitutie moet Aprokam visueel geïnspecteerd worden op partikels en verkleuring vóór toediening. Injecteer langzaam 0,1 ml van de gereconstitueerde oplossing in de voorste oogkamer aan het einde van de cataractoperatie. CONTRA-INDICATIES: Overgevoeligheid voor het werkzame bestanddeel (cefuroxim) of voor antibiotica van de cefalosporine groep. BIJZONDERE WAARSCHUWINGEN EN VOORZORGEN BIJ GEBRUIK: De behandeling met Aprokam is uitsluitend bestemd voor intracameraal gebruik. Bijzondere voorzichtigheid is aangewezen bij patiënten die een allergische reactie vertoonden op penicillines of op andere bèta-lactam antibiotica aangezien kruisreacties kunnen optreden. Bij patiënten die een risico hebben op infecties met resistente stammen, bijv. patiënten met een bekende vroegere infectie of kolonisatie met MRSA (methicilline-resistente Staphylococcus aureus), moet een alternatief profylactisch antibioticum overwogen worden. Omdat gegevens ontbreken voor speciale patiëntengroepen (patiënten met ernstig risico op infectie, patiënten met gecompliceerd cataract, patiënten die gecombineerde operaties met cataractchirurgie ondergaan, patiënten met een ernstige schildklieraandoening, patiënten met minder dan 2000 corneale endotheelcellen), mag Aprokam alleen gebruikt worden na zorgvuldige evaluatie van de risico’s/voordelen. Het gebruik van cefuroxim mag niet beschouwd worden als een geïsoleerde maatregel maar andere condities zijn ook van belang zoals een profylactische antiseptische behandeling. Cornea-endotheel toxiciteit werd niet gemeld bij de aanbevolen concentratie van cefuroxim, toch kan dit risico niet worden uitgesloten. Bij de postchirurgische surveillance moeten artsen rekening houden met dit potentieel risico. BIJWERKINGEN: Er werden geen bijzondere bijwerkingen gemeld in de literatuur als cefuroxim wordt toegediend als intra-oculaire injectie behalve de volgende: Immuunsysteemaandoeningen: Zeer zelden (<1/10.000): anafylactische reactie. HOUDER VAN DE VERGUNNING VOOR HET IN DE HANDEL BRENGEN: Laboratoires Théa, 12 rue Louis Blériot, 63017 Clermont-Ferrand Cedex 2, Frankrijk. NUMMER(S) VAN DE VERGUNNING VOOR HET IN DE HANDEL BRENGEN: BE422457. DATUM VAN EERSTE VERLENING VAN DE VERGUNNING/HERNIEUWING VAN DE VERGUNNING: 15.06.2012 / 25.04.2017. DATUM VAN HERZIENING VAN DE TEKST: Datum van goedkeuring van de tekst: 06/2012 es n Wed o ,N day r be m e v 2 01 2 , 8 2 We lA Hal 09:00 ay sd dne :00 0 / 14 - 12:3 16:20 O OBA ORGANISATIE VAN BELGISCHE ASSISTENTEN IN OFTALMOLOGIE ORGANISATION BELGE DES ASSISTANTS EN OPHTALMOLOGIE Moderator: Luc VAN OS Trauma in ophthalmology 09:00 Ocular burns 1001 DUCHESNE B - Liège 09:20 Corneal ulcers after trauma 1002 CLAERHOUT I - Gent 09:35 Up or down? Posttraumatic intra-ocular pressure 1003 KESTELYN P - Gent 10:05 Blunt ocular trauma 1004 STALMANS P, STALMANS I - Leuven 10:35 Break 11:05 Intra-ocular foreign body 1005 STALMANS P - Leuven 11:20 Penetrating trauma to the anterior segment 1006 RAKIC JM, VAN CAUWENBERGHE F - Liège 11:40 Penetrating trauma to the posterior segment 1007 RAKIC JM, VAN CAUWENBERGHE F - Liège 12:00 Diplopia and motility disorders in ocular trauma 1008 GOMEZ DE LIANO R - Madrid 12:20 Lunch break 14:00 Post-traumatic optic neuropathy 1026 BOSCHI A - Bruxelles 14:20 The glass eye and beyond: ocular prosthesis 1027 NOUVET L - Bruxelles 14:35 Traumatic caroticocavernous fistulae 1028 DE KEIZER R - Antwerpen 14:50 Break 15:20 Orbital trauma and reconstruction 1029 DE GROOT V, DOM I - Antwerpen 15:50 Trauma to the eyelids and lacrimal drainage system 1030 DECOCK C - Gent 16:20 End of session PROGRAMME | OB 2012 | 23 ay sd dne We l Hal 09:00 S PR O S B Entropion & ectropion surgery 09:00 A good clinical examination tells you which type of surgery to choose 1009 DE GROOT V - Antwerpen 09:15 Temporary measures can be necessary 1010 LEYSEN I - Antwerpen 09:30 Temporal pentagonal wedge resection 1011 DE LEPELEIRE K - Asse 09:45 Temporal resection 1012 DECOCK C - Gent 10:00 Tarsal strip procedure 1013 XHAUFLAIRE G - Liège 10:15 Reattaching the retractors 1014 VANDELANOTTE S - Brugge 10:30 Break 11:00 Medial ectropion 1015 JONCKHEERE P - Deurne 11:15 Cicatricial ectropion 1016 RAUS P - Mol 11:30 Cicatricial entropion 1017 BEACONSFIELD M - London 12:15 Congenital entropion 1018 LEMAGNE JM - Brussels 12:30 End of session 24 | OB 2012 | PROGRAMME 0 - 12:3 BELGIAN SOCIETY OF OCULOPLASTIC AND RECONSTRUCTIVE SURGERY Moderators: Veva DE GROOT, Sylvie VANDELANOTTE, Michele BEACONSFIELD B We lC Hal 09:00 ay sd dne :00 0 / 14 - 12:3 15:30 FAB FLUORESCEIN ANGIOGRAPHY CLUB BELGIUM Moderator: Anne DEWACHTER Retinal tumoral disease 09:00 Challenging cases presented by FAB members 10:00 Ocular manifestations of radiotherapy, chemotherapy 1019 LEYS A - Leuven 10:30 Break 11:00 Case reports 11:30 Keynote Lecture: The role of imaging studies in evaluating intraocular tumors and simulating lesions 1020 DE POTTER P - Brussels 12:30 Lunch break Case reports 14:00 Case reports 15:30 End of session PROGRAMME | OB 2012 | 25 ay sd dne We l Hal 09:00 NOC NEURO OPHTHALMOLOGY CLUB Moderator: Monique CORDONNIER Genetics and optic neuropathies 09:30 Power, Sex, Suicide: Mitochondria and the meaning of life: discoveries commented by CORDONNIER M, GERARD P 1021 LANE N - London 10:00 Leber Optic Neuropathy: up to date and new therapeutic options 1022 GERARD P, CORRAL M - Bruxelles, Paris 10:40 Dominant Optic neuropathy : which work-up, why and how? 1023 DEPASSE F - Bruxelles 11:00 Break 11:30 Non syndromic recessive optic neuropathy : new findings 1024 CORDONNIER M, DESIR J - Bruxelles 12:10 Genetic influence on toxic and nutritional optic neuropathies 1025 DEPASSE F, CORDONNIER M - Bruxelles 12:30 End of session 26 | OB 2012 | PROGRAMME D 0 - 12:3 ay sd dne We o tr s O’Bi 12:30 0 - 14:0 te Pos on ssi e s r Each poster is exhibited in the poster area during the all congress. All posters should be erected before Wednesday 9:00. Poster presenters are required to stand beside their poster during the poster session on Wednesday from 12:30 to 14:00 (sandwiches will be served). During this time, the jury will be voting for the poster prizes. Poster overview on page 28-31. Poster abstracts on pages 86 - 95. Poster jury: Monique CORDONNIER, Patrick DE POTTER, Philippe KESTELYN, Jean - Marie RAKIC, Werner SPILEERS, Marie-José TASSIGNON, François WILLERMAIN ay sd dne We te Pos on ssi e s r ro t s i O’B 00 12:30 - 14: 12:30 From paediatrics to reversible presbyopia surgery to silicone oiled eyes: the wonderful world of supplemental IOL use P101 CLAOUE DE GOHR CMP - London 12:30 P102 La dégénérescence astéroïde du vitré chez les patients Congolais 12:30 P103 Syndromic Congenital Aplasia of Iris Sphincter 12:30 Additional Loop suspension over anteroposition or recession of the inferior oblique muscle to resolve vertical incomitence in V pattern strabismus. P104 SELLIER J, PUTTEMEN A, VAN DAELE O - Bruxelles 12:30 Spectral domain optical coherence tomography findings in posterior scleritis associated chorioretinal folds : report of 3 cases P105 ROSAPELLY B, WILLERMAIN F, CASPERS L, EL OUARDIGHI H, DAGUZAN M, POSTELMANS L - Bruxelles 12:30 Visual acuity and factors influencing automobile driving status in 1000 patients age 60 and older P106 MARINESCU C, LEVECQ L, DE POTTER P, JAMART J - Bruxelles, Yvoir 12:30 P107 Ophtalmological analysis of a nephropathic cystinosis with Confocal Microscopy 12:30 Clinical outcome of hypertensive uveitis: a comparaison of viral and non viral causes P108 LEWKOWICZ D, WILLERMAIN F, JUDICE L, MAKHOUL D, JANSSENS S, JANSSENS X, CASPERS L - Brussels 12:30 P109 clinical features in diabetic macular edema 12:30 P110 Long Follow Up of Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis Associated Uveitis KAIMBO WA KAIMBO D - Kinshasa ROULEZ FM, FAES F, VERHEULPEN D, WERMENBOL V, DE ZAEYTIJD J, DEPASSE F, DELBEKE P, COUCKE PJ, MEIRE FM - Brussels, Sierre, Ghent SILBERBERG D, VANDERPERREN B, KALLAY O, SCHROOYEN M - Bruxelles, La Louvière RABEUX E, GUAGNINI AP - Bruxelles, Bruxelles LEYS E, BALIKOVA I, VAN BOL L, JANSSENS X, PASTEELS B, CARION T, WILLERMAIN F, FERSTER A, LÊ PQ, CASPERS L - Brussels, Verviers 28 | OB 2012 | PROGRAMME ay sd dne We o tr s O’Bi 12:30 0 - 14:0 te Pos 12:30 Cryptic chromosomal deletions and duplications as a cause of congenital eye malformations P111 BALIKOVA I, DE RAVEL T, AYUSO C, CASTEELS I, FRYNS JP, VERMEESCH JR - Brussels, Leuven, Madrid, Spain 12:30 Reduction of macular cysts after treatment with topical Dorzolamide in X-Linked Retinoschisis: A case report P112 VAN BOL L, DEPASSE F, CORDONNIER M - Bruxelles 12:30 Retrospective study of syphilitic uveitis in a cohort of patients from CHU Saint-Pierre, Brussels P113 LHOIR S, MAKHOUL D, LIBOIS A, CASPERS L, WILLERMAIN F - Bruxelles 12:30 Monofocale centrale chorioretinopathie bij Churg-Strauss syndroom: een case report P114 OEHRENS AM, GOETHAELS S, VAN CALSTER J - Leuven 12:30 P115 Retinal oxygen metabolism in healthy subjects and glaucoma patients 12:30 P117 Flanders and The Netherlands: two different worlds 12:30 Impact of a switch to preservative free Dorzolamide-Timolol on ocular surface disease symptoms P118 STALMANS I, BERDEAUX G, BOONS S, VANDEWALLE E - Leuven, Vilvoorde 12:30 Case report: A patient with eyelid and anterior orbital Myeloproliferative hypereosinophilic syndrome P119 AL-SABAI N, DE KEIZER RJW, BAL T, DE GROOT V - Brussel, Antwerpen 12:30 P120 A new and standardised method to sample and analyse vitreous samples 12:30 P121 Distance Esotropia in the Elderly VANDEWALLE E, OLAFSDOTTIR OB, PINTO LA, STALMANS P, VAN CALSTER J, ZEYEN T, STEFáNSSON E, STALMANS I - Leuven, Reykjavik, Lisbon MISSOTTEN G, SPILEERS W, DE KEIZER RJW - Leuven, Antwerpen VAN GINDERDEUREN R, VAN CALSTER J - Leuven GODTS DJM - Edegem PROGRAMME | OB 2012 | 29 on ssi e s r ay sd dne We te Pos on ssi e s r ro t s i O’B 00 12:30 - 14: 12:30 Outcome improvement of glaucoma filtration surgery through the effect of local rock-inhibition on wound healing P122 SIJNAVE D, HOLLANDERS K, VAN BERGEN T, VAN DE VELDE S, VANDEWALLE E, MOONS L, LEYSEN D, STALMANS I - Leuven, Diepenbeek 12:30 P123 Intravitreal bevacizumab induced uveitis: report of 2 cases 12:30 Nd:YAG Laser Hyaloidotomy for Premacular Subhyaloid Haemorrhages: A Case Series P124 VANDEKERCKHOVE G, PLATTEAU E, VANWYNSBERGHE D, DE ZAEYTIJD J, LEROY BP Ghent 12:30 Hidden information about the macular anatomy in the interferrometric biometry spikes. P125 BOECKAERT J, BLANCKAERT J - Leuven, Ieper 12:30 Vitrectomy with heavy oil tamponade and peripapillary laser for serous maculopathy secondary to optic pit: a case series P126 JANSEN J, VAN CALSTER J, STALMANS P - Leuven 12:30 P127 Acute welder’s maculopathy 12:30 The effect of a local ROCK-inhibitor (AMA0076) combined with Benzalkonium chloride on the intraocular pressure P128 HOLLANDERS K, SIJNAVE D, VAN BERGEN T, VAN DE VELDE S, VANDEWALLE E, MOONS L, LEYSEN D, STALMANS I - Leuven, Diepenbeek 12:30 P129 Glaucoma from eye to brain: are matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) involved? 12:30 P130 Is it a conjunctival naevus or melanoma or is it something else? 12:30 The effect of AMA0076, a locally acting rho kinase (ROCK) inhibitor, on IOP in Dutch Belted Rabbits P131 VAN DE VELDE S, VAN BERGEN T, SIJNAVE D, HOLLANDERS K, VANDEWALLE E, MOONS L, LEYSEN D, STALMANS I - Leuven, Diepenbeek VANDEWEYER E, SMETS RME - Edegem DEWILDE J, DEWILDE E, STALMANS P - Leuven DE GROEF L, DEKEYSTER E, GAUBLOMME D, MOONS L - Leuven WEYNS M, DE GROOT V, DE KEIZER R - Antwerp, Leiden 30 | OB 2012 | PROGRAMME ay sd dne We o tr s O’Bi 12:30 0 - 14:0 te Pos 12:30 Macular scleral band for degenerative high myopia: overview of the surgical technique and short term results P132 VANDENBROUCKE S, BREEMERSCH M, WARD B, STALMANS P - Leuven, Campbell, USA 12:30 Pseudoxanthoma elasticum confirmed by genetic analysis but not by skin biopsy P133 VAN LOEY S, LEYS A - Leuven 12:30 Therapeutic potential of placental growth factor (PlGF) inhibition in scar formation after glaucoma filtration surgery P134 VAN BERGEN T, JONCKX B, HOLLANDERS K, SIJNAVE D, VAN DE VELDE S, VANDEWALLE E, MOONS L, STASSEN JM, STALMANS I - Leuven, Heverlee 12:30 Let this be lattice? Dendritiform erosion in lattice dystrophy type I, a source of confusion P135 VANLERBERGHE V, KESTELYN PH-A, CLAERHOUT I, KESTELYN P - Ghent 12:30 Lasik for myopia and astigmatism with ZEISS MEL 80 excimer and visumax femtosecond laser P136 DEBROUWERE V, JACOB J, HUYGENS M - Leuven, Drongen 12:30 P137 Visual Function after Gene Therapy for RPE65-Related LCA 12:30 P138 Definition of an absolute scotoma in the central visual field for driver license UVIJLS A, MAGUIRE AM, HIGH KA, WRIGHT JF, PIERCE EA, DE BAERE E, MARSHALL KA, CHUNG DC, SUN J, MCDONNELL J, BENNETT J, LEROY BP Ghent, Philadelphia STEVENS AM, ZEYEN T, BELGIAN GLAUCOMA SOCIETY - Gent PROGRAMME | OB 2012 | 31 on ssi e s r ay sd dne We l Hal 14:00 BSA BELGIAN STRABISMOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION Moderator: Carl GOBIN Doctor I don’t see 3D 14:00 Introduction by Carl Gobin, President 14:10 3-D neuronal networks 1031 YUKSEL D - Brussels 14:30 1032 Stereopsis tests in clinical setting 14:50 1033 3-D movies and binocularity GOMEZ DE LIANO R - Madrid 15:20 Discussion 15:30 Break 16:00 3-D videogames and binocular vision: orthoptic evaluation 1034 DECONINCK H - Brussel 16:20 3-D movie: a live-experience 1035 YUKSEL D - Brussels 17:00 Frequently asked questions 1036 DE NIJS E - Gent 17:10 End of session VAN LAMMEREN M - Leuven 32 | OB 2012 | PROGRAMME B 0 - 17:1 lC Hal 16:00 ay sd dne We 0 - 17:3 BIO BELGIAN IMMUNO OPHTHALMOLOGY CLUB Moderator: Philippe KESTELYN Case reports PROGRAMME | OB 2012 | 33 We lD Hal 14:00 ay sd dne 0 - 15:3 e Fr B O A ACADEMIA OPHTHALMOLOGICA BELGICA Moderators: Antonella BOSCHI, Bart Peter LEROY 14:00 Epiretinal membrane ( ERM ) and congenital hamartoma of the retina and retinal pigment epithelium (CHRRPE) in very young children with and without NF2 1037 ROULEZ F, POSTOLACHE L, ZIERIESEN F, CLAES K, MEIRE F - Brussels, Sierre, Ghent 14:10 Relaxing retinectomy in the management of retinal detachment complicated by proliferative vitreoretinopathy 1038 MARINESCU C, NOEL A, GRIBOMONT AC - Bruxelles 14:20 Long-term results of low-fluence photodynamic therapy in chronic central serous chorioretinopahy 1039 LEYS E, TUTTLE S, RASQUIN F, NEU F, POSTELMANS L - Brussels 14:30 1040 Long-term follow-up of “bag-in-the-lens” pediatric cataract surgery 14:40 A retrospective data collection study in patients receiving two or more OZURDEX® injections for macular edema secondary to retinal vein occlusion (RVO) 1041 VAN CALSTER J, ON BEHALF OF THE BELGIAN OZURDEX MEDICAL NEED PROGRAM INVESTIGATORS - Leuven 14:50 Recovery of visual acuity following a single ocriplasmin injection for symptomatic vitreomacular adhesion - Results of Phase 3 Trials 1042 STALMANS P - Leuven 15:00 Topical ciclosporin in the treatment of vernal keratoconjunctivitis in Rwanda, Central Africa: a randomised, double-masked, controlled clinical trial 1043 DE SMEDT SK, NKURIKIYE J, FONTEYNE Y, TUFT S, DE BACQUER D, GILBERT C, KESTELYN P - Gent, Kigali, Muhanga, London 15:10 Subretinal tissue plasminogen activator injection to treat submacular hemorrhages in age-related macular degeneration 1044 DEWILDE E, DELAERE L, VANINBROUKX I, VAN CALSTER J, STALMANS P - Leuven 15:20 1045 The EVRS Macular Edema Study 15:30 End of session VAN LOOVEREN J, BAKKER E, GODTS D, DE VEUSTER I, TASSIGNON MJ - Antwerpen PINXTEN I, VAN CALSTER J, DUCOURNAU D, STALMANS P - Leuven, Nantes PROGRAMME | OB 2012 | 35 rs pe a p e TR U SETAL VERB A N DST O FF WERK G M B H & Sterile, ergonomically contoured eye bandage with transparent, unbreakable chamber. Hypoallergenic due to very gentle adhesive (hot-melt adhesive). Especially suitable for maintaining a moisture chamber in cases of Lagophthalmus and after care for LASIK surgeries. The bandage enables a wide visual field. Available in two different sizes: Ortolux ® large Ortolux ® large Ortolux ® small Ortolux ® small Qty: 1 Stock code: 70105 Qty: 20 Stock code: 70106 Total size: approx. 96 mm x 67 mm NEW! Chamber size: approx. 47 mm x 30 mm Total size: Chamber size: Qty: 1 Stock code: 70107 Qty: 20 Stock code: 70108 approx. 113 mm x 80 mm approx. 56 mm x 37 mm Sterile, ergonomically contoured eye bandage with peripheral perforation for a comfortable aeration of the eye area, without visual field limitation. Especially suitable for post-operative use after cataract operations and for protective care of the eye. (e.g. LASIK surgery) Available in two different sizes: Ortolux ® Air small Ortolux ® Air small A70136-BE/A3/03-2012 Qty: 1 Stock code: 70135 Qty: 20 Stock code: 70136 Total size: approx. 96 mm x 67 mm NEW! Chamber size: approx. 47 mm x 30 mm Ortolux ® Air large Ortolux ® Air large Total size: Chamber size: Qty: 1 Stock code: 70137 Qty: 20 Stock code: 70138 approx. 113 mm x 80 mm approx. 56 mm x 37 mm For free samples please call: Eastb eco PG m b H Phone: Fax: 087-55 44 91 087-55 52 72 . Onlineshop: 12 mb e v o e Thu r ,N y a sd , 20 9 2 r ay sd hur T lA Hal 09:00 BGS BELGIAN GLAUCOMA SOCIETY Moderators: Philippe KESTELYN, Michèle DETRY, Veva DE GROOT Myths and misconceptions in glaucoma 09:00 Welcome P. Kestelyn 09:05 NTG is a rare disease 2001 KESTELYN P - Gent 09:20 Misconception about IOP 2002 POURJAVAN S - Brussels 09:35 Misconception about functional & structural changes 2003 STALMANS I - Leuven 09:50 Misconception about medical treatment of glaucoma 2004 EHONGO A - Brussels 10:05 Break 10:45 Misconception about risks of glaucoma surgery 2005 DE GROOT V - Antwerpen 11:00 Misconception about glaucoma blindness 2006 HONDEGHEM K - Antwerpen 11:15 Generics are identical and less expensive 2007 STEVENS A - Gent 11:30 Clinical cases: M. Goethals, A.Hoste, N.Collignon, M.Detry 12:30 End of session 38 | OB 2012 | PROGRAMME 0 - 12:3 lB Hal 09:00 ay sd hur T 0 - 12:3 O BELGISCH OFTALMOLOGISCH GEZELSCHAP SOCIÉTÉ BELGE D’OPHTALMOLOGIE BOG SB d n a Moderators: Joachim VAN CALSTER, Minh-Tri HUA Controversies in ophthalmology 09:00 Multifocal IOL’s: pro (Goes) and contra (Claerhout) 2008 GOES F JR, CLAERHOUT I - Antwerpen, Gent 09:45 Vitrectomy for floaters: pro (Stalmans) and contra (Veckeneer) 2009 STALMANS P, VECKNEEER M - Leuven, Rotterdam 10:30 Break 11:00 Non arteritic anterior ischemic neuropathy: corticosteroids or not? pro (Borruat), contra (Boschi) 2010 BORRUAT F, BOSCHI A - Lausanne, Brussels 11:45 Femtosecond laser cataract surgery: true or false progress? pro (Gerten), contra (Tassignon) 2011 GERTEN G, TASSIGNON MJ - Cologne, Antwerp 12:30 End of session PROGRAMME | OB 2012 | 39 T lD Hal 09:00 ay sd hur 0 - 12:3 w Lo & d e P PEDIATRIC OPHTHALMOLOGY & LOW VISION REHABILITATION Moderators: Ingele CASTEELS, Hilde DECONINCK Pediatric Ophthalmology and metabolic disorders 09:30 Pediatrische aspecten van metabole aandoeningen 2012 MEIRLEIR L - Brussel 09:50 Treatment of metabolic disorders in children 2013 ZEEVAERT R - Leuven 10:10 2014 Ocular manifestations in metabolic disorders 10:30 Discussion 10:50 Break 11:20 Oftalmologische en algemene aspecten van ceroid lipofuscinosis 2015 WALRAEDT S, STANDAERT L - Gent, Brugge 11:40 Contactpunt NCL 2016 MATTHEEUWS S - Mol 12:00 Discussion 12:30 End of session CASSIMAN C, MEIRE F - Leuven, Brussel PROGRAMME | OB 2012 | 41 r Inte a eS v i t c u se r u Co lA l l a a c H rgi ay 0 sd r Thu 12:30 - 14:0 T lA Hal 12:30 ay sd hur 0 - 14:0 ISC INTERACTIVE SURGICAL COURSE Moderators: Werner SPILEERS, Bernard HEINTZ Interactive Surgical Course 12:30 2023 Is ‘Relex Smile’ pushing the boundaries in refractive corneal surgery? 12:45 Case discussion 12:50 2024 Is femtosecond laser pushing the boundaries in refractive lens surgery? 13:05 Case discussion 13:10 Are new lens technologies pushing the boundaries in presbyopic surgery? 2025 BLANCKAERT J - Ieper 13:25 Case discussion 13:30 Are intracorneal rings pushing the boundaries in keratoconus treatment? 2026 CHAVES A - Waterloo 13:45 Case discussion 13:50 Questions & Answers 14:00 End of session GOES Fjr - Antwerp MERTENS ELJG, SCHRAEPEN PS - Antwerpen PROGRAMME | OB 2012 | 43 ay sd hur T O PBM 14:00 U BBO lA Hal 0 - 17:3 ique Eth iek / Eth BELGISCHE BEROEPSVERENIGING VAN OOGHEELKUNDIGEN UNION PROFESSIONNELLE BELGE DES MÉDECINS SPÉCIALISTES EN OPHTALMOLOGIE ET CHIRURGIE OCULAIRE Moderators: Philippe HUYGHE, Peter VAN BLADEL Medico-legale items in de Oogheelkunde Sujets medico-légaux en ophtalmologie 14:00 Les problèmes potentiels des dossiers électroniques vus d’un point de vue juridique 2017 GENICOT G 14:45 De potentiële problemen van electronische dossiers vanuit technisch standpunt 2018 SAELENS S 15:30 Break 44 | OB 2012 | PROGRAMME T lA Hal 14:00 ay sd hur 0 - 17:3 AOB Eth ACADEMIA OPHTHALMOLOGICA BELGICA Moderator: Bart Peter LEROY Academic session 20 years OB Ethiek en Economie 16:00 Introduction 16:05 What you see may not be what you get; structure and function in retinal disease 2019 HOLDER G - London 16:25 Shining the light on diabetic retinopathy 2020 ARDEN G - London 16:45 Access to new treatments will not be available anymore for all? Are there selection criteria and who will set them? 2021 CASSIMAN JJ - Leuven 17:05 Femtolaser technology from the cornea to the lens, what next 2022 PALLIKARIS I - Heraklion 17:25 20 year OB congresses 17:30 Start of the celebration evening, EYE in the SKY in Pal 6 PROGRAMME | OB 2012 | 45 e hiqu Et iek / OB Congress Dinner Belga Queen Thursday 19:30 - 23:00 y k s e of OB h t y n i sar r e e nniv a Ey 20 9 er 2 b m ove - 22:00 N , y a rsd 17:30 EXPO Thu s ssel u r B th usic m d n er a n n i d lking a red e w t , s i n g o i e all r r o Recept f ers e n c t r n a a r p t y Free en and industr tes a g e l e d CONFIDENCE Thank you. One million times over. Thank you for treating astigmatism at the time of cataract surgery with the AcrySof ® IQ Toric IOL in more than one million eyes. © 2011 Novartis 12/11 TOR11420MS / MA2012-204 o F y, N a d i r r be m e v 2 1 0 2 , 30 ay Frid S R BSC 09:00 lA Hal 4:00 :30 / 1 - 12 0 - 16:3 BELGIAN SOCIETIES OF CATARACT AND REFRACTIVE SURGERY Moderators: Carina KOPPEN, Ingrid HOUTTEQUIET, Edmond TACKOEN, Guy SALLET Management of corneal diseases in daily practice 09:00 Introduction by Jérôme Vryghem 09:05 CORNEA & CONTACTLENSES Moderators: KOPPEN C, HOUTTEQUIET I • Correction of irregular astigmatism with contactlenses 3001 KOPPEN C - Antwerpen • Therapeutic contact lenses for corneal and ocular surface disease 3002 AL-SABAI N - Brussels • Non-infectious complications of contact lenses: differential diagnosis and treatment 3003 BEIRNAERT V - Maldegem • Lens-related infectious ulcerations of the cornea 3004 CLAERHOUT I - Gent • How to avoid contact lens complications 3005 SANTOS A - Deurne 10:30 Break 11:00 HOT TOPICS IN CORNEA AND EXTERNAL DISEASE Moderators: TACKOEN E, SALLET G EXPERT PANEL: P. MAUDGAL, M. SCHROOYEN, P. KESTELYN, L. CAPSERS, C. KOPPEN Interactive discussion with university experts with regard to management and treatment of corneal and external diseases and disorders 12:30 Lunchbreak 50 | OB 2012 | PROGRAMME ay Frid lB Hal 09:00 :00 0 / 14 - 12:3 16:30 S R BSC BELGIAN SOCIETIES OF CATARACT AND REFRACTIVE SURGERY Moderators: Carina KOPPEN, Ingrid HOUTTEQUIET, Edmond TACKOEN, Guy SALLET Management of corneal diseases in daily practice 14:00 SURGICAL TREATMENT OF CORNEAL DISEASES Moderators: TACKOEN E, LEMAGNE JM • Pre-operative management of ocular surface disease: - blefaritis & dry eye 3020 LEYSEN I - Antwerpen - prevention of recurrence of herpetic disease 3021 CLAERHOUT I - Gent • Post-operative corneal healing: - persistent & recurrent erosions 3022 VAN CLEYNENBREUGEL H - Heverlee • Surgical treatment of corneal diseases: - ectasia: corneal cross linking 3023 KOPPEN C - Antwerpen - ectasia: intra-corneal ring / phakic iol / excimerlaser 3024 VRYGHEM J - Brussels 15:00 Break 15:30 SURGICAL TREATMENT OF CORNEAL DISEASES Moderators: SALLET G, VRYGHEM J - Lamellar graft techniques: - DALK vs PKP 3025 VAN CLEYNENBREUGEL H - Heverlee - DSAEK vs DMEK vs PKP 3026 BLEYEN I - Rotterdam - Pterygium surgery 3027 LEMAGNE JM - Brussels - Limbal stemm cells and amniotic membranes 3028 TASSIGNON MJ - Antwerpen - Bandkeratopathy + anterior stromal dystrophies 3029 16:30 TRAU R - Antwerpen End of session PROGRAMME | OB 2012 | 51 ay Frid T N BSO 08:30 l Hal 4:00 :30 / 1 - 12 Moderator: Peter VAN ELDEREN IV injectie / Implantlenzen Inschrijvingen 09:15 Welkom door Dr. Sabine Bonnet, voorzitter OB 2012 en Dr. Patrick Brabant, peter BSONT 2012 09:30 Werkingsmechanismen en indicaties voor torische lenzen BLANCKAERT J, KESTELYN Pjr - Ieper, Gent • • • • • • bouw van het oog en definitie brekingsafwijking en astigmatisme vooronderzoeken cataractoperatie “monofacale en multifocale torische kunstlens” refractieve chirurgie verloop chirurgie: film en toelichting resultaten 11:00 Pauze 11:30 Communicatie door C. Klint 12:30 Lunch break 14:00 Intravitreale injecties • 14:00 Pathologie: medische retina DIRVEN W - Turnhout • 14:15 Medicatie DEPLA J - Antwerpen • 14:40 Procedure intravitreale injectie VAN CALSTER J - Leuven • 15:00 Esprit: Increased patient satisfaction without big waiting times BAEYER S 15:45 Einde 52 | OB 2012 | PROGRAMME 5 - 15:4 BELGIAN SOCIETY OF OPHTHALMIC NURSES & TECHNICIANS 08:30 B ay lC Hal 08:30 Frid :15 5 / 13 - 12:1 15:45 T N BSO BELGIAN SOCIETY OF OPHTHALMIC NURSES & TECHNICIANS Moderator: Carine VERBIEST L’enfant et la vision / Strabisme 08:30 Inscriptions 09:30 Mot d’accueil par le Dr. Sabine Bonnet, Président OB 2012 et le Dr. Julie Sellier, marraine du BSONT 2012 Le strabisme: du dépistage au traitement • 09:45 Evolution de la vision et de la réfraction - défauts de réfraction et amblyopie ROULEZ F - Bruxelles • 10:30 Dépistage des troubles visuels, moyens techniques lors d’une consultation VAN DAELE O - Bruxelles 11:00 Pause café • 11:30 Pathologies fréquentes en ophtalmologie pédiatrique MEIRE F - Bruxelles 12:15 Lunch break • 13:15 DMLA pratique Q_Perior (S.Bayer) exposé satellite • 14:00 Le Strabisme; anatomie, sortes, pronostics, traitement par caches SELLIER J - Bruxelles • 14:45 La chirurgie du strabisme en ambulatoire YUKSEL D - Bruxelles • 15:15 Post-op et suivis SELLIER J - Bruxelles 15:45 Clôture PROGRAMME | OB 2012 | 53 ay Frid lD Hal 09:00 0 - 12:3 O -AB V O B BELGISCHE ORTHOPTISCHE VERENIGING ASSOCIATION BELGE D’ORTHOPTIE Visual field defects and their consequences 09:00 Welcome Moderators: Hilde DECONINCK, Daisy GODTS 09:05 3010 Methods of assessement 09:20 3011 Etiology 09:35 Visual field defects and orthoptics: Case report 3012 VERHELLE V, VAN BELLINGHEN V - Genk, Leuven 09:45 3013 Strabismus and hemianopia 10:15 3014 Visual field defects and fusion VAN LAMMEREN M - Leuven 10:30 Break BUYCK A - Antwerpen BOSCHI A - Bruxelles VAN WAVEREN - Tübingen Moderators: Inge JONIAU, Kristl DE SMEDT 11:00 3015 Rehabilitation in hemianopia 11:20 Cerebral tumor and visual field deficit; orthoptics as a tool- case report 3016 FRITZ L - Mons 11:40 Visual field defects and low vision: Case reports 3017 DIERICKX L, LAMONT L - Antwerpen 11:55 Complementarity of the neuropsychologic and the orthoptic approach to visual field defects 3018 LEPUITS G, STREEL C - Liège 12:15 Case reports 3019 STREEL C, LEPUITS G - Liège 12:30 End of session COECKELBERGH T - Edegem PROGRAMME | OB 2012 | 55 ay Frid d ce r Awa y on m e r lA Hal 12:30 0 - 13:3 Moderator: Werner SPILEERS Poster Awards All posters are eligible for a Poster Award. • Best case report: 300 EUR • AOB best resident’s poster prize: 500 EUR – Travel grant EVER 2013 An independent panel appointed by the Board of OB 2012 decides on the Poster Awards through voting. Their decision is final. FRO awards Prizes of the Société Royale de Philanthropie Stichting Brailleliga / Ligue Braille Foundation EBO Diploma MATAR Vincent Wassim PIENS Isabelle RENIER Steven TEK Arzu TERMOTE Karolien VAN GRASDORFF Sigi VERSCHOOTEN Roel BARBRY Julie CALUWAERTS Evi COULIER Julie CREVECOEUR Laurent DELAHAUT Audrey DEVRESSE Laure ELMALEH Valérie LUCAS Rajkumar 56 | OB 2012 | PROGRAMME ay lA Hal 12:30 Frid 0 - 13:3 dC r Awa ny mo e r e ay Frid C OBP 14:00 - B BVV l Hal D BELGISCHE VERENIGING TER VOORKOMING VAN BLINDHEID ORGANISATION BELGE POUR LA PRÉVENTION DE LA CÉCITÉ Moderator: Hilde DECONINCK Hopefully, people with low vision are not helpless! 14:00 3036 Depression among visually impaired older adults: an underestimated problem 14:20 Multidisciplinary reeducation : an open door on everyday life reality 3037 JOURDAN C 14:40 Therapeutic intervention on Activities of Daily Living : effects on quality of life 3038 HAMAIDE S, DEMARTIN S 15:00 3039 Apprehension of the place of life by the elderly person after a fall of vision 15:15 Questions and answers 15:30 End of session VAN NISPEN RMA HOENRAET D, GOLINVAUX D 58 | OB 2012 | PROGRAMME 0 - 15:3 al Int ct a r e iv inic l C e es rs u o C ive ct era Int al ic Clin es rs Cou WEDNESDAY, 28 NOVEMBER 2012 09:00 - 10:30 ICC - W1 | INTERMEDIATE Hall E Astigmatism correction during phaco-emulsification Benoît GOLENVAUX, Guy SALLET, Emmanuel VAN ACKER This course will provide pragmatic information on surgical correction of astigmatism for the phaco surgeon. The course will cover selection of candidates, determination of axis and surgical correction of astigmatism, either by incisional surgery or with toric IOL’s. Toric IOL’s on the market will be presented, together with their calculating method and alignement process. Finally, several clinical cases and videos on astigmatism management will be presented for discussion with the audience. This ICC is a prerequisite to the WETLAB organized on the same subject. 11:00 - 12:30 ICC - W2 | INTERMEDIATE Hall E Oogscreening van de allerjongsten door K&G Ingele CASTEELS, Mirjam van LAMMEREN, Erwin VAN KERSCHAVER Tijdens deze ICC wordt enerzijds het nieuwe screeningsprogramma van K&G toegelicht: de K&G-oogscreener, het onderzoeksprotocol, de verwijscriteria en de eerste resultaten. Na een aantal valideringsstudies en pilootprojecten is dit programma al in een aantal Vlaamse regio’s geïmplementeerd, de andere regio’s volgen binnen afzienbare tijd. Anderzijds zal stilgestaan worden bij de uitdagingen die dit project met zich meebrengt voor de oogartsen die nu frequenter jonge tot zeer jonge kinderen op consultatie zien. Aan de hand van praktische voorbeelden wordt een voorstel van standaardonderzoek en het mogelijke beleid bij deze kinderen besproken. 60 | OB 2012 | PROGRAMME ive ct a r e Int al ic n i l C es rs u o C WEDNESDAY, 28 NOVEMBER 2012 14:00 - 15:30 ICC - W3 | INTERMEDIATE Hall E La gonioscopie: un examen irremplaçable. Gonioscopie is onmisbaar Sayeh POURJAVAN, Michèle DETRY La gonioscopie représente la pièce clé du puzzle que constitue le bilan d’un suspect de glaucome ou d’un glaucome confirmé.En son absence, le clinicien s’expose à poser des diagnostics erronés et à instaurer des traitements inappropriés. Après un rappel théorique, plusieurs cas cliniques exposés en français et néerlandais seront discutés avec les particpants pour illustrer l’importance de la gonioscopie. De gonioscopie is een onmisbaar onderdeel van het globale onderzoek van mogelijke glaucoompatiënten en patiënten waarbij effectief glaucoom werd vastgesteld.Het niet uitvoeren van dit onderzoek is één van de meest voorkomende oorzaken van verkeerde diagnoses en niet geschikte behandelingen. Na een korte theoretische uiteenzetting van de gonioscopie, worden acht klinische casussen die om beurt worden uiteengezet in het Frans en in het Nederlands en die het belang van de gonioscopie onderstrepen, besproken met de deelnemers. PROGRAMME | OB 2012 | 61 ive ct era Int al ic Clin es rs Cou WEDNESDAY, 28 NOVEMBER 2012 16:00 - 17:30 ICC - W4 | BASIC Hall E Visual fields and structural measurements for glaucoma into clinical practice Ingeborg STALMANS, Tania BARLET The course is based on the educational program “Save Sight Years II” which was developed by the renown glaucoma specialists Prof Dr Fancisco Goni and Prof Dr Luca Rossetti with the support of Allergan. This program is developed to illustrate the importance of measuring both structural and functional rate of progression, in order to identify patients at risk of visual impairment as early as possible. Combining information from structure and function can significantly improve detection and assessment of glaucoma progression. The program will include a practical workshop to illustrate how function (visual fields) and structural measurements can be implemented in clinical practice. Moreover, the latest data showing that effective IOP reduction can substantially impact the rate of glaucoma progression and have an outcome on saving sight years and quality of life will be discussed. 16:00 - 17:30 ICC - W5 | INTERMEDIATE Hall D Indicatiestelling en follow-up bij vitreoretinale chirurgie Eric FERON, Jozef DEPLA Indicaties voor vitreoretinale chirurgie evolueren voortdurend.Vooral de recente verbeteringen in diagnostische methoden (zoals de OCT) hebben geleid tot een betere inschatting van de juiste indicaties voor vitreoretinale chirurgie.Evoluties in het instrumentarium hebben ook bijgedragen tot beter voorspelbare resultaten met minder complicaties. Hierdoor is er een tendens om de indicaties op te schuiven naar de eerdere stadia van de aandoeningen, met betere visuele resultaten als gevolg. 62 | OB 2012 | PROGRAMME ive ct a r e Int al ic n i l C es rs u o C THURSDAY, 29 NOVEMBER 2012 09:00 - 10:30 ICC - T6 | BASIC Hall E Les uvéites postérieures illustrées: les reconnaitre par le FO, l’angiographie et l’OCT Alexandra KOZYREFF, Dorine MAKHOUL, Nacima KISMA, Pierre LEFEBVRE L’objectif est de reconnaître les uvéites postérieures les plus fréquentes, infectieuses et non infectieuses, en faisant la distinction entre les atteintes inflammatoires rétiniennes et choroïdiennes. Les pathologies inflammatoires seront présentées, expliquées et illustrées par les clichés du fond d’oeil, l’OCT la fluoangiographie et l’ICG. 11:00 - 12:30 ICC - T7 | BASIC-INTERMEDIATE Hall E Oedèmes maculaires : a) aspects cliniques et thérapeutiques b) dans les thromboses veineuses Ann - Pascale GUAGNINI, Alexandra KOZYREFF, Fabrice KORCZEWSKI, Gwendoline LEPIECE Analysis of macular edema and adapted treatment in retinal diseases. L’oedème maculaire est observé dans un certain nombre de pathologies oculaires englobant les thromboses veineuses, les uvéites, les syndromes de traction vitréo-rétinienne, la DMLA, les dystrophies rétiniennes, les traumatismes et la chirurgie intra-oculaire. La baisse d’acuité visuelle observée est liée à la présence de l’oedème maculaire. Nous vous proposons de revoir la physiopathologie de l’oedème maculaire secondaire aux thromboses veineuses et de rappeler l’apport de l’angiographie à la fluorescéine et de l’OCT autant dans le diagnostic que dans le suivi de cette pathologie et de ses complications.Nous verrons les différents traitements disponibles ainsi que la séquence thérapeutique à suivre. Finalement, nous reprendrons en revue les différentes causes d’oedème maculaire et les pièges diagnostiques que ces situations peuvent engender. PROGRAMME | OB 2012 | 63 ive ct era Int al ic Clin es rs Cou THURSDAY, 29 NOVEMBER 2012 14:00 - 15:30 ICC - T8 | INTERMEDIATE Hall E Retinopathy of prematurity Ingele CASTEELS, Joachim VAN CALSTER, Catherine CASSIMAN Retinopathy of prematurity (ROP) is a retinal vascular disorder associated with preterm birth; it has become one of the leading causes in childhood blindness. Over the last decades, clinical characteristics, classification of ROP and treatment modalities have changed. In this ICC, classification of ROP, indications for treatment and treatment modalities will be discussed. Special attention is paid to the necessity for everyone caring for premature babies to have a well defined screening and treatment protocol, with written responsibilities. 64 | OB 2012 | PROGRAMME ive ct a r e Int al ic n i l C es rs u o C FRIDAY, 30 NOVEMBER 2012 09:00 - 10:30 ICC - F10 | ADVANCED Hall E Interpretatie van de vitreomaculaire interface Peter STALMANS SD-OCT heeft nieuwe inzichten opgeleverd in de aandoeningen van de vitreo-maculaire interface. Binnenkort komt het eerste geneesmiddel op de markt voor enzymatische vitreolyse ter behandeling van symptomatische vitreomaculaire adhesie. Hiervoor is een correcte indicatiestelling op basis van OCT-beeldvorming vereist. Tijdens deze cursus wordt een overzicht getoond van de verschillende aandoeningen van de vitreo-maculaire interface gevolgd door een interactieve quiz aan de hand van OCT-beelden. 11:00 - 12:30 ICC - F11 | INTERMEDIATE Hall E Les nouveautés dans la chirurgie du glaucome : quels impacts ont-elles en pratique ? Nathalie COLLIGNON, Géraldine DUPONT Le traitement chirurgical du glaucome a évolué ces dernières années grâce à de nouvelles techniques destinées à augmenter son profil de sécurité. Cet ICC se propose d’exposer, grâce à une importante iconographie, les nouvelles chirurgies du glaucome, d’envisager les mécanismes d’action et leurs résultats au travers de l’analyse de la littérature publiée à ce sujet. Enfin, nous discuterons de l’impact que ces nouveautés chirurgicales ont sur la prise en charge globale du glaucome. PROGRAMME | OB 2012 | 65 ive ct era Int al ic Clin es rs Cou FRIDAY, 30 NOVEMBER 2012 14:00 - 15:30 ICC - F12 | BASIC Hall E New concepts and review of retinal vein occlusion Julie DE ZAEYTIJD, Joachim VAN CALSTER, Elise PLATTEAU Retinal vein occlusions (RVOs) are the second most common type of retinal vascular disorder after diabetic retinal disease and are a major cause of vision loss. We provide an overview of the clinical features, pathophysiology, natural history, work-up for modifiable risk factors, identification of complications and establishment of a treatment and follow-up plan for both branch and central retinal vein occlusion. Management of RVOs should be directed at the underlying etiology and the resulting sequelae. Several recent multicenter randomized clinical trials have been completed which have changed the approach to this disorder. Traditional laser photocoagulation and effective new treatment options including intravitreal pharmacotherapy and sustained drug delivery devices will be discussed. 16:00 - 17:30 ICC - F13 | BASIC Hall E Les désordres inter et supranucléaires une fois pour toutes Tania BARLET Comment examiner correctement les ophtalmoplégies monoculaires et binoculaires? Au cours de cet ICC, nous passerons en revue les atteintes du III, du IV et du VI. Nous aborderons ensuite d’une manière claire et interactive les schémas des voies inter et supranucléaires afin de mieux les comprendre et les reconnaitre dans notre pratique de tous les jours. Vous en ferez des connaissances acquises une fois pour toutes. 66 | OB 2012 | PROGRAMME ive ct a r e Int al ic n i l C es rs u o C FRIDAY, 30 NOVEMBER 2012 16:00 - 17:30 ICC - F14 | BASIC Hall D Le traitement de l’amblyopie Monique CORDONNIER, Thipaine SOYER Les aspects pratiques, diagnostiques et thérapeutiques de l’amblyopie strabique et non strabique seront abordés, avec démonstration de cas cliniques reprenant les différentes étapes du traitement. PROGRAMME | OB 2012 | 67 AMO T E Preloa CNIS iTec ded S ystem We invite you to visit our booth 37 and discover our OB 2012 SUPER PROMOTIONS Action only valid from 28/11/’12 until 30/11/’12 Topc Non C on Aladdin ontac t Biom eter Topco n DRI O CT-1 DE CEUNYNCK MEDICAL nv/sa Kontichsesteenweg 36 B-2630 Aartselaar - Belgium Tel +32 (0)3 870 37 63 Fax +32 (0)3 887 27 06 bs la t e W s lab t e W WEDNESDAY, 28 NOVEMBER 2012 09:00 - 10:30 Wetlab 1 (ENG) Hall F Phakic iol’s Bernard MATHYS 11:00 - 12:30 Wetlab 2 (ENG) Hall F Astigmatism correction during phaco ICC - W1 is a prerequisite to the WETLAB 2 organized on the same subject. Registration of ICC - W1 is mandatory to register for WETLAB 2 Benoît GOLENVAUX 14:00 - 15:30 Wetlab 3 (NL) Hall F Cataractchirurgie: phaco voor beginners Ivo NIJS, Huib LODEWIJKS 16:00 - 17:30 Wetlab 4 (ENG) Hall F Small incision manual cataract surgery Piet NOË 14:00 - 15:30 Wetlab eyelid surgery (NL) Hall G Wetlab ooglidchirurgie Paul JONCKHEERE, Philippe BETZ 16:00 - 17:30 Wetlab eyelid surgery (FR) Wetlab chirurgie des paupières Paul JONCKHEERE, Philippe BETZ 70 | OB 2012 | PROGRAMME Hall G s lab t e W THURSDAY, 29 NOVEMBER 2012 09:00 - 10:30 Wetlab 5 (ENG) Hall F Small incision manual cataract surgery Piet NOË 11:00 - 12:30 Wetlab 6 (ENG) Hall F Learning phaco-chop Ann HAUSTERMANS 14:00 - 15:30 Wetlab 7 (ENG) Hall F Trabeculectomy Ingeborg STALMANS PROGRAMME | OB 2012 | 71 s lab t e W FRIDAY, 30 NOVEMBER 2012 09:00 - 10:30 Wetlab 8 (ENG) Hall F Glaucoma surgery with tubes Philippe KESTELYN 11:00 - 12:30 Wetlab 9 (FR) Hall F Sutures en ophtalmologie: (1) sutures du segment antérieur Minh HUA (2) de la conjonctive et des muscles Caroline FRESON (3) des paupières Philippe BETZ 14:00 - 15:30 Wetlab 10 (FR) Hall F Chirurgie de la cataracte: phaco pour débutants (FR) Vincent WERY, Alessandra CHAVES PROGRAMME | OB 2012 | 73 Suffering from irritated, tired, dry eyes ? provides instant relief whenever needed 0,24 % sodium hyaluronate BE(e) ART SPL DLI 2 2 2012 NEW ControlGrip™ ts Ab ac str s act r t bs BSA A 1032 Stereopsis tests in clinical setting VAN LAMMEREN M Leuven Clinicians have a wide gamma of tests at their disposal for the quantitative and qualitative assessment of stereo-acuity. In many instances, the resulting degree of stereo-acuity not only depends upon the binocular status but also on the characteristics of the test.A selection of the most useful tests will be discussed, with practical tips for the choice of the appropriate tests, for the execution of the tests and for the interpretation of the results. 76 | OB 2012 | PROGRAMME cts a r st ers Ab p e pa re OB F A 1037 1038 Epiretinal membrane ( ERM ) and congenital hamartoma of the retina and retinal pigment epithelium (CHRRPE) in very young children with and without NF2 Relaxing retinectomy in the management of retinal detachment complicated by proliferative vitreoretinopathy ROULEZ F (1), POSTOLACHE L (2), ZIERIESEN F (3), CLAES K (4), MEIRE F (1) (1) Department of pediatric ophthalmology, HUDERF, ULB, Brussels/Sierre (2) Department of pediatric ophthalmology, HUDERF, ULB, Brussels (3) Department of radiology, HUDERF, ULB, Brussels (4) Department of genetics, UZ Ghent , Ghent purpose NF2 is a tumor suppressor gene that encode for Merlin. Manifestations are explained by the loss of function of Merlin through NF2 mutation and allelic loss of heterozygosity. Absence of Merlin provides dysplastic Müller cells that proliferate as an epiretinal membrane through breaks in internal limiting membrane (ILM) of the retina. methods We report 2 unrelated very young children with ERM and CHRRPE as first manifestation of NF2. The children carry respectively a non sense mutation and a non reported deletion in NF2 gene.In a third child, with unilateral CHRRPE NF2 was excluded. results OCT of those hamartoma is pathognomonic. conclusion Therefore the recognition by paediatric ophthalmologist of those hamartoma as a hallmark of NF2 leads to an appropriate multidisciplinary follow up. Prognosis of NF2 is adversely affected by early age at onset. MARINESCU C, NOEL A, GRIBOMONT AC Université Catholique de Louvain, 1200 Bruxelles purpose To review the anatomical and functional results of relaxing retinectomies in non-traumatic retinal detachment (RD) complicated by proliferative vitreoretinopathy (PVR). methods In this retrospective study, we reviewed the outcome of 39 consecutive eyes that underwent relaxing retinectomies for RD complicated by PVR between 2002 and 2010 and with a minimum follow-up of 6 months. results The 39 patients underwent a mean number of 2,15 vitreoretinal surgeries before retinectomy was performed (range 0-4). Mean preoperative visual acuity (VA) was 0,12. One patient had LP only. Prominent features of the surgery included membrane peeling, use of perfluorocarbon liquid (76,92%), relaxing retinectomy (mean size : 141,67°) and intraocular tamponade with silicone oil (94,88%), C3F8 (2,56%) or SF6 gaz (2,56%). Complete retinal reattachment was achieved in 100% of cases at the end of the procedure. Recurrent RD was documented in 18 patients (46,15%). Retina could be reattached by one additional surgery in 5 of these patients. Final success rate was 66,67%. Mean VA at the end of follow-up was 0,088, with a mean follow-up time of 35,15 months (range 6-92). Two patients had a final VA of LP and one other underwent an enucleation. Complications included ocular hypertension (17,95%), corneal decompensation (7,69%) and epimacular membrane development (15,38%). Three patients developed neovascular glaucoma due to chronic RD, and one of them had to be enucleated. conclusion RDs complicated by PVR and in need of a relaxing retinectomy still carry a fair functional and anatomical prognosis. 1039 1040 Long-term results of low-fluence photodynamic therapy in chronic central serous chorioretinopahy Long-term follow-up of “bag-in-the-lens” pediatric cataract surgery LEYS E (1), TUTTLE S (2), RASQUIN F (3), NEU F (3), POSTELMANS L (2) (1) CHU Brugmann - CHU Saint-Pierre, Brussels (2) CHU Brugmann, Brussels (3) Erasme, Brussels purpose To evaluate long-term results of low-fluence photodynamic therapy (PDT) with verteporfin in the treatment of Chronic Central Serous Chorioretinopathy (CCSC). methods Retrospective medical record review of 42 eyes (39 patients) who received low-fluence PDT for the treatment of CCSC. Visual acuity, fundus biomicroscopy, fluorescein angiography (FA), indocyanine green angiography (ICG) and optical coherence tomography (OCT) were analysed. results Forty two eyes (39 patients) with CCSC received low fluence PDT. Mean follow-up after PDT was longer than 3 years (39,43 months; range, 12-96 months; median, 36 months). Mean logMar best corrected visual acuity (BCVA) improved significantly from 0,32 (0,48 Snellen visual acuity) to 0,1 (0,80 Snellen visual acuity) at the last follow up which corresponds to a gain of 2,2 lines in logMar scale. Complete resolution of central subretinal fluid on OCT was achieved 6 months after 1 PDT in 41 eyes and after 2 PDTs in 1 eye (treated at 3 months after first PDT). No treatment-related side effects were observed. conclusion Low fluence PDT for CCSC is efficient and safe at long term. VAN LOOVEREN J, BAKKER E, GODTS D, DE VEUSTER I, TASSIGNON MJ UZA purpose To evaluate the long-term follow-up of the bag-in-the-lens intraocular lens (BIL IOL) in pediatric cataract surgery. methods All pediatric cataract surgeries using the BIL IOL that completed a follow-up period of more than 5 years in our department were included in the study. Type of cataract, age at time of surgery, ocular and systemic pathology were recorded. Follow-up examination included best corrected visual acuity (BCVA), refraction, anterior and posterior segment evaluation, axial length measurement and orthoptic examination. results Between July 1999 and September 2007 133 eyes of 107 children were operated using the BIL IOL. Of this group 46 eyes of 33 children completed a follow-up of at least 5 years. Follow-up ranged from 60 to 157 months (mean: 78). Age at time of surgery ranged from 2 months to 14 years and 11 eyes of 7 children were below the age of 1 year at time of surgery. BCVA improved postoperatively in all cases except one. Of the bilateral cases nearly all recovered up to normal visual acuity. Of the unilateral cases none fully recovered. All patients had acceptable postoperative refraction. Spherical equivalents were distributed around emmetropia, with a tendency towards light myopia. The visual axis remained clear in nearly all cases. In 4 eyes, where proper BIL IOL implantation was not feasable, visual axis reopacification (VAR) occurred and secondary surgery was needed. conclusion The “bag-in-the-lens” implantation in babies and children gives very promising results. When properly implanted, it prevents the occurrence of VAR, allowing early intensive visual rehabilitation. However, despite this major advantage the unilateral cataracts still have the worst prognosis regarding visual recovery. PROGRAMME | OB 2012 | 77 s act r t s bs per A e pa re OB F A 1041 1042 A retrospective data collection study in patients receiving two or more OZURDEX® injections for macular edema secondary to retinal vein occlusion (RVO) Recovery of visual acuity following a single ocriplasmin injection for symptomatic vitreomacular adhesion - Results of Phase 3 Trials VAN CALSTER J, ON BEHALF OF THE BELGIAN OZURDEX MEDICAL NEED PROGRAM INVESTIGATORS University Hospitals Leuven, Leuven purpose This retrospective observational study was designed to investigate the re-injection interval, efficacy and safety of OZURDEX® in routine clinical practice in the Belgian RVO population. methods This analysis contains data from 26 patients from 7 sites in Belgium who had received at least 2 OZURDEX® injections. Data was collected from the time of the first injection until 6 months following the latest OZURDEX® injection in each patient. Analysis was performed for the full analysis set, i.e. 26 patients with RVO, and for the sub-population with central retinal vein occlusion (CRVO, n=23). results The mean time to OZURDEX® re-injection between 1st and 2nd treatments was 144 days (5.14 months). In the overall population, a mean LogMAR BCVA improvement compared to baseline from 0.65 to 0.52 was recorded 7-12 weeks following the last OZURDEX® injection. For CRVO, the mean improvement was from 0.67 to 0.52. Following the 1st injection, 50% of patients showed an improvement of 2 lines compared to baseline. 42% showed an improvement of 3 lines. Following the 2nd injection, 2 and 3 line improvements compared to baseline were shown by 38% and 35% of patients respectively. Reductions in central retinal thickness were also observed.Intraocular pressure measurements over 25mmHg were reported in 5 patients (19%). No glaucoma surgeries were reported. 4 patients underwent cataract surgery during the course of the study, all of whom presented with lens opacity prior to receiving OZURDEX®. STALMANS P Dept. Ophthalmology UZLeuven, Leuven purpose To examine the impact on visual acuity (VA) and function for 6 months after a single intravitreal ocriplasmin injection in patients with vitreomacular traction (VMT) or macular hole. methods VA testing (ETDRS) and visual function assessment (VFQ-25) at baseline and 6 months after treatment were done on patients from 2 phase 3 trials receiving intravitreal ocriplasmin 125µg, n= 464 vs placebo, n=188. results At 6 months, best corrected visual acuity improved 2 lines in 28% of all ocriplasmin-treated eyes vs 17.1% of all placebo eyes (p= 0.003) and 3 lines in 12.3% vs 6.4% (p= 0.024). Among patients with baseline 20/50, 25.1% ocriplasmin-treated eyes gained 3 lines vs 11.4% of placebo (p<0.001). In macular hole patients, 76.7% (n=33) of ocriplasmin-treated eyes with hole closure at month 6 gained 2 lines, and 51.2% (n=22) gained 3 lines. In VMT patients, 41.1% (n=23) of ocriplasmin-treated eyes gained 2 lines following resolution, and 14.3% (n=8) gained 3 lines. Ocriplasmin patients also improved on VFQ-25 composite scale by 3.4 vs 0.7 for placebo (p= 0.004) and 6/11 subscales. Median time to onset for a majority of adverse drug reactions (ADRs) occurred within the first 7 days of treatment, with ADRs Day 8 to end of study mirroring the placebo group. conclusion Patients receiving ocriplasmin reported significant improvements in VA and visual function over placebo. Ocriplasmin may provide a minimally invasive pharmacologic approach to treat patients with symptomatic vitreomacular adhesion and restore VA. conclusion In this observational study, OZURDEX® was found to be safe and effective with repeat treatments. The mean re-injection interval for RVO patients was 5.14 months. 1044 1043 Topical ciclosporin in the treatment of vernal keratoconjunctivitis in Rwanda, Central Africa: a randomised, double-masked, controlled clinical trial DE SMEDT SK (1), NKURIKIYE J (2), FONTEYNE Y (3), TUFT S (4), DE BACQUER D (5), GILBERT C (6), KESTELYN P (1) (1) Ophthalmology Department, Ghent University Hospital, Gent (2) Ophthalmology Department, King Faisal Hospital, Kigali, Rwanda (3) Kabgayi Hospital, Muhanga, Rwanda (4) Moorfields Eye Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, London, UK (5) Public Health Department, Ghent University Hospital, Gent (6) International Centre for Eye Health, London, UK purpose To compare the short-term efficacy and safety of topical ciclosporin A (CsA) 2% with dexamethasone 0.1% in the treatment of predominantly limbal VKC in Rwanda. methods Consecutive patients with VKC were randomised in a prospective, double-masked, clinical trial to receive either topical CsA 2% dissolved in olive oil vehicle or dexamethasone 0.1% drops for 4 weeks. Both groups then received sodium chromoglycate 2% drops for maintenance therapy for a further 4 weeks. The primary outcome was the reduction in composite score for VKC-related symptoms and signs at 4 weeks. Secondary outcomes included side effects, comfort rating of the trial drops during 4 weeks test medication, and relapse rate thereafter. results The 366 participants recruited had the limbal (91.5%) or mixed form of VKC. At the end of the 4 week treatment period the composite score had significantly (p<0.001) reduced from baseline without a significant difference between CsA and dexamethasone (p= 0.20).There were no severe adverse reactions but CsA drops caused more stinging than the oil placebo and dexamethasone (p<0.001). The relapse rate following cessation of the trial treatments was similar (p= 0.84) in both groups. Subretinal tissue plasminogen activator injection to treat submacular hemorrhages in age-related macular degeneration. DEWILDE E, DELAERE L, VANINBROUKX I, VAN CALSTER J, STALMANS P Afdeling Oogheelkunde UZLeuven, Leuven purpose To determine the efficacy and safety of 23G transconjunctival sutureless vitrectomy (TSV), subretinal tissue plasminogen activator injection (tPA) and pneumatic displacement with air/SF6 gas to treat submacular hemorrhages secondary to AMD. methods Retrospective analysis of 74 patients (mean age 79.3 years), surgically treated for submacular hemorrhage caused by neovascular AMD between November 2008 and July 2012 at the University Hospitals Leuven. Main outcome measures: Short-term, best and final postoperative visual acuity, displacement of subretinal hemorrhage, and surgical complications. results The submacular hemorrhage was successfully displaced in 86% of the patients. After the surgery, the visual acuity improved by 0.34 logMAR unit after two months and by 0.06 logMAR unit at the final visit (mean follow up 241 days). The best postoperative visual acuity increased by 0.46 logMAR unit. Complications consisted of 9 cases of recurrent hemorrhage, 2 vitreous hemorrhages, 7 cases of retinal detachment, and 2 subchoroidal hemorrhages during the follow-up period. conclusion This study indicates that a surgical approach with 23G TSV, tPA and pneumatic displacement may be an effective procedure for submacular hemorrhage displacement in patients with AMD. The procedure induced an improved visual recovery. However, visual outcome is limited by the underlying macular pathology. Larger multicenter randomized controlled studies are warranted to determine the therapeutic effect of this surgical approach. conclusion There is no significant difference between the efficacy of topical CsA 2% and dexamethasone 0.1% for the management of acute VKC in Central Africa, but tolerance needs to be improved. 78 | OB 2012 | PROGRAMME cts a r st ers Ab A 1045 The EVRS Macular Edema Study PINXTEN I (1), VAN CALSTER J (1), DUCOURNAU D (2), STALMANS P (1) (1) UZ Leuven, Leuven (2) Clinique Sourdille, Nantes purpose To determine the efficacy of different treatment options in macular edema (ME) of numerous etiologies. methods A retrospective multicenter study including 2603 patients with ME treated between January 2008 and December 2011 with a minimal follow up of 6 months. Due to the numerous etiologies and treatment complexity only the 4 major etiologies were analyzed (2159 patients): diabetic macular edema (DME), idiopathic epiretinal membrane (ERM), branch retinal vein occlusion (BRVO) and central retinal vein occlusion (CRVO). CRVO and BRVO were combined (RVO) to obtain larger populations for the statistical analysis. The data were analyzed by presentation with trend lines based on averages containing a minimum of three cases. The visual improvement was considered according to pretreatment vision level. results In idiopathic ERM, 62.5% were treated by vitrectomy with ILM peeling, 10 times more than by anti-VEGF or triamcinolone alone. ME following all RVO was treated by anti-VEGF alone in 33.6% of cases. Combined treatment was chosen in 40% of cases. The single treatment population was large enough to justify a separate analysis. In DME the treatment distribution is more equally divided: 26.6% were treated by anti-VEGF alone, 18.5% were treated by threshold grid laser, in 25.4% combined treatment was chosen. Further treatment groups contained ILM peeling, triamcinolone alone and sub-threshold grid laser. conclusion In all ME etiologies, ILM peeling provides the most visual improvement without resulting in more complications than the other treatments. Second best results are achieved by intravitreal anti-VEGF injection, followed by ILM peeling combined with intravitreal triamcinolone injection. PROGRAMME | OB 2012 | 79 p e pa re OB F cts ra bst A & Ped Low 2014 Ocular manifestations in metabolic disorders CASSIMAN C (1), MEIRE F (2) (1) Leuven (2) Brussel conclusion Metabolic diseases are inborn errors in metabolism. The expression ‘You are what you eat’ suits perfectly to explain the clinical picture of each entity. Ophthalmologists can play an important role in diagnosis and follow up of these patients. The speakers will highlight a few disease entities with ocular manifestation and discuss on their therapeutic options and visual aids. 80 | OB 2012 | PROGRAMME ts ac str Ab ISC 2023 2024 Is ‘Relex Smile’ pushing the boundaries in refractive corneal surgery? Is femtosecond laser pushing the boundaries in refractive lens surgery? GOES Fjr Goes Eye Centre, Antwerp MERTENS ELJG, SCHRAEPEN PS Medipolis, Antwerpen purpose To report the 3-month results of the first ten patients who underwent Small Incision Lenticule Extraction (SMILE) in the correction of myopia and myopic astigmatism. purpose Evaluation of the different femtosecond procedures and clinical outcomes on a single laser platform. methods Eightteen eyes of ten patients with myopia or myopic astigmatism underwent SMILE by cutting a lenticule of intrastromal corneal tissue using the Visumax 500 kHz femtosecond laser. The lenticule was manually dissected and removed from the stroma through a 3.5 mm incision using 0.12 forceps. All patients completed 3 months of follow-up. The uncorrected visual acuity the best spectacle-corrected visual acuity after 3 months, corneal topography, objective and manifest refractions, and side effects are reported. results The patients’ mean age was 26.9 years. The preoperative mean spherical equivalent (SE) was -5.73 ±1.26 diopters (D). Three months postoperatively, the mean SE was +0.27±0.19 D. Stability was achieved within 6 weeks. No complications were noted in any of the cases, no eyes lost any lines of BSCVA. conclusion These preliminary results show that Relex SMILE, a flapless minimally invasive technique, appears to be a safe and effective new refractive procedure correcting myopia and myopic astigmatism. methods The Victus femtosecond laser (Bausch+Lomb/Technolas Perfect Vision, Munich, Germany) has been designed to perform the key steps in the cataract surgery procedure (lens emulsification, capsulotomy and corneal incision), an intrastromal procedure for presbyopia, LASIK flaps, corneal procedures penetrating keratoplasty (PKP) and lamellar keratoplasty (LKP), femtosecond-laser assisted endothelial keratoplasty (FLEK), tunnels for corneal ring implantation along with arcuate cuts for astigmatic keratotomy. The clinical outcomes of performing the different procedures with the femtosecond laser will be assessed. results Experience with this femtosecond laser system has demonstrated that it is capable of delivering a wide range of procedures including predictable LASIK flap making capabilities and the intrastromal treatment of presbyopia. Early clinical experience using the new laser refractive cataract surgery procedure indicates the laser produced more predictable, circular and reproducible capsulotomies than manual. The phaco energy may also be reduced when fragmentation is done with the femtosecond laser versus manually. conclusion This single femtosecond laser platform is able to safely perform multiple procedures, with the potential to provide more accurate and reproducible clinical outcomes. Financial Disclosure: PROGRAMME | OB 2012 | 81 s act r t bs ABO A - BOV 3010 3011 Methods of assessement Etiology BUYCK A Visuele revalidatie De Markgrave, Antwerpen BOSCHI A Cliniques Universitaires St Luc, Bruxelles The choice of visual field examination depend on the patient and the purpose of the examination. Every visual field test require the cooperation of the patient. The most primitive test is the confrontation field test. The Amsler grid is often used in daily practice and evaluates quickly the central 10° of vision. The Goldmann perimeter is an important tool in the low vision clinic. The results of the kinetic perimetry translate the quality of functional vision: V/4,V/1,III/1,II/1. Each isopter has its significance. Finally we focus on automated static, computer-assisted perimetry that allow detailed analysis of the visual field. purpose Review the different types of visual field defect and the different methods of visual field evaluation. The clinical features allowing localization of the visual field defect along the visual pathway will be described. The different etiology will be discussed. methods Presentations of clinical cases results In general, the visual abnormalities caused by lesions anterior to and including the chiasm cause acuity loss, color deficits, and visual field defects (abnormal central and peripheral vision). Unilateral retrochiasmal (posterior to the chiasm) lesions present primarily with homonymous visual field defects without visual loss. But, interpretation of visual images might also be disturbed, when extrastriate association cortex and induce object recognition, color perception, motion detection, and visual attention conclusion Visual field testing is the corner stone of the clinical evaluation in any patient with visual complains.Adequate interpretation of the visual field defects and visual complains is essential for management of patient with visual abnormalities 3013 3014 Strabismus and hemianopia Visual field defects and fusion VAN WAVEREN Department for Ophthalmology, University Clinic Tübingen, Department for Strabismus, Periocular Surg, Tuebingen VAN LAMMEREN M Leuven purpose Homonymous hemianopia leads to a severe disturbance of visual orientation under binocular conditions. In contrast patients with bitemporal hemianopia binocularity show a normal visual orientation except a hemifield-slide phenomenon is present. methods Visual field defects and strabismus can prove to be a difficult combination. In some cases binocular visual fields can possibly be enlarged or reduced by the squint.A simulation of different visual field defects will show the effects of strabismus (eso-, exotropia). The simulation will also show the effect of eye muscle surgery in these cases. results Although expecting that a visual field loss and an additional strabismus will lead to a more pronounced disturbance of vision, rarely a strabismus may even compensate the visual field defect. In these cases strabismus surgery is not recommendable. In patients with visual field defects, the defective function of specific retinal areas may compromise the fusional potential. The relative impact upon binocular functions will depend upon the presence or absence of “overlap” of the functioning retinal areas in each eye.The best known and most extreme examples are- homonymous hemianopia, with a more or less full “overlap” of the functional areas, resulting in a fairly stable binocular status; - bitemporal hemianopia, where preciously few if any corresponding retinal cells are preserved.Binocular complaints may vary and are not always easy to interpret. Permanent or intermittent diplopia may occur, but many patients have other complaints, for instance confusion, unstable vision, ...Orthoptic examination can be challenging: the presence of visual field defects - in some instances associated with diminished visual acuity in one or both eyes - and the various and sometimes atypical complaints ask for a creative approach. We present clinical examples to illustrate these problems and discuss some treatment options for these difficult to manage patients. conclusion Before a strabotomy it is necessary to know if there is a visual field defect. 82 | OB 2012 | PROGRAMME ts ac str Ab O -AB BOV 3015 3016 Rehabilitation in hemianopia Cerebral tumor and visual field deficit; orthoptics as a tool- case report COECKELBERGH T Universitair Ziekenhuis Antwerpen, i.s.m. Vlaams Oogpunt Antwerpen, Edegem purpose A saccadic compensation training program (Tant et al., 2002; Pizzamiglio et al., 1992) was developed to improve the visual scanning pattern in hemianopic patients. methods The program aims at making large and fast eye movements into the blind hemifield in order to create a quick overview of the entire visual field. They should be frequent in order to anticipate new events. The program uses a fixed stimulus presentation to allow patients to program their saccades accurately. Predictability is gradually decreased. results Four out of seven patients who completed the program subsequently passed an on-road driving test. Two patients failed the driving test and one subject was referred for a second evaluation. conclusion The program seems to be a promising tool to train compensatory viewing strategies in patients with hemianpia. Further research is needed. FRITZ L Amis des Aveugles et Malvoyants, Mons purpose To describe the functional impact of a deficit of the peripheral field of vision. 2) To demonstrate the consequences of the visual handicap which shouldn’t be underestimated. 3) To underline the importance of the rehabilitation with outcome results regarding quality of life and autonomy. methods Presentation of a clinical case, illustrating the orthoptic re-education in the Center of Functional Re-education. The orthoptic re-education is a visual training to optimize the functional visual capacities by the optimal use of the residual field of vision. results At the end of the orthoptic examination, the project of re-education which is defined together with the patient, determines the various fields of action of the orthoptic re-education. In the presented case, the objective was to be autonomous in a supermarket. We demonstrate how a programmed perceptual-motor rehabilitation restored gaze control and prepared the intervention of the other therapists (instructors in locomotion, occupational therapists...). conclusion By the objectification of the consequences of the deficit on functional vision, the orthoptist often helps in the recognition of the visual handicap which is too often underestimated. Besides, by the use of the residual potential and the optimization of the visual efficiency, he favors the autonomy and the quality of life of the visual deficient person, limits the negative impact of the severe low vision to daily life (risks of falls, disorders of equilibrium) and favors the well-being of the persons who restore selfconfidence in their visual capacity. 3018 Complementarity of the neuropsychologic and the orthoptic approach to visual field defects LEPUITS G (1), STREEL C (2) (1) Centre de la mémoire et de l’attention, Liège (2) Centre de rééducation fonctionnelle, Liège Cognitive impairements – attentionnal, executive and memory deficits – can hinder the set up of compensation strategies for visual deficits learned in the orthoptic approach. Visual perception in case of visual field defects is expensive in terms of attentionnal ressources, which are no more available for complex treatment of visual information. Executive deficits – inhibition, planning, anosognosia – reduce the awareness of deficits and hold up the spontaneous use of compensation strategies. Identifying these cognitive impairements, evaluating them through a neuropsychologic assessment and rehabilitating them with the neuropsychologic approach allow a cognitive improvement, with better learning capacities of the compensation strategies as learned in the orthoptic approach, and a shift of such strategies in everyday life. PROGRAMME | OB 2012 | 83 s act r t bs BPC A B-O BVV 3036 3037 Depression among visually impaired older adults: an underestimated problem Multidisciplinary reeducation: an open door on everyday life reality VAN NISPEN RMA Licht en Liefde JOURDAN C La Lumière purpose Depression in visually impaired older adults is still an underestimated problem which may lead to undesirable rehabilitation outcomes. The aim was to investigate prevalence, severity and associated factors for depression. The patients taking in care within our functional reeducation center aims at the autonomy and at an adapted response to the needs of the visually impaired persons. The acquisition of autonomy enables an integration in the everyday, family, social, scholastic and professionnal life. The multipluridisciplinary intervention, which is our functional rehabilitation center specialty, is adapted according to each individual particularities, his/ her own pathology, his/her age, capacities and needs.It is by the means of a clinical case that we propose to you to discover our « technicity » and professional approaches. We will enter upon the evaluation and research of optical aids, orthoptie, colored filters tests, the lighting improvements and place of residence arrangements, the technical aids, computing, mobility and orientation work, Braille, and the social and psychological support. Our goal is to bring the visually impaired person to reinvest in the world of the seeing persons, to enable him /her to live his/her handicap the most harmoniously possible, remaining nethertheless aware of all the difficulties he/she will come up against. methods In a cross-sectional design, older adults who enrolled in outpatient Belgian and Dutch rehabilitation centres (Blindenzorg Licht en Liefde, Royal Dutch Visio, Bartiméus) participated in semi-structured interviews in their own homes. Besides depression (CES-D; diagnostic interview: CIDI), other health indicators and socio-demographic variables were investigated. Results were formally discussed with psychologists and social workers to find possibilities for improvement in care and referral pathways. results Clinically significant depressive symptoms were found in 29%, and 7% was diagnosed with a depressive disorder according to DSM-IV (N=274). Women experienced more depressive symptoms. More problems with activities of daily living, mobility, adaptation to vision loss and coping resulted in a less favourable CES-D score. An integrated approach, screening, offering support groups, and monitoring were suggested as possibilities to improve care. conclusion In outpatient centres, there is a large group of visually impaired older adults with severe psychosocial problems. Since having symptoms is the most important predictor of developing a full-blown disorder, we recommend outpatient centres to increase their focus on this topic. A depression protocol may prevent clients with mild symptoms to develop a depressive disorder, and will enable adequate referral of clients with disorders. In a new international study (starting 2012) with Blindenzorg Licht en Liefde, Visio and Bartiméus we will develop and test a steppedcare protocol. 3038 3039 Therapeutic intervention on Activities of Daily Living : effects on quality of life Apprehension of the place of life by the elderly person after a fall of vision HAMAIDE S, DEMARTIN S Amis des Aveugles et Malvoyants HOENRAET D, GOLINVAUX D Oeuvre Nationale des Aveugles purpose The aim is to illustrate the actions of reeducation, in the field of the Activities of Daily Living and their impact on the quality of life of visually impaired persons for whom no improvement of the ophthalmological situation is possible from a medical point of view. The study of the life day labourer of the elderly people reached of one deficient vision is articulated on the general problems of the management of the loss of autonomy and the deconstruction/rebuilding of an identity disturbed by the appearance or the stressing of a visual deficiency.The universe of the people reached of this affection lets appear a total system of assumption of responsibility made up of the medical community, specialists in the low vision and professionals of the assumption of responsibility of the elderly people. Lived of the people reached follows a route which can be cut out in three great social processes, psychic and material.The first process describes the medical course of the people cantered on the therapeutic practices of search for recourse. The second rebuilt the psychic way according to lived more intimate of the person. The third recalls the transformation of the management of the daily newspaper on the relational and material level because of loss of vision.The talk that we propose, recalls in the broad outlines the difficulties encountered by the elderly people reached of one deficient vision, as well as the solutions which we could bring within the framework of our service of social accompaniment: that of the ONA.The testimony of our assistant to the life day labourer opens real practical solutions in order to reduce the weight of the visual handicap and to open the person with the maintenance of her autonomy in residence. methods The therapeutic interventions to improve the autonomy of the persons in diverse activities such as personal hygiene and grooming, dressing, self-feeding, housework, shopping, meal preparation, medication taking, money managing, access to leisure activities, will be illustrated through case studies. At the same time, the results of a questionnaire specifically created to estimate the quality of life in connection with the functional reeducation will be presented. results The obtained results demonstrate that the reeducation activities allow to decrease the impact of a low vision pathology on the Activities of Daily Living and to increase the level of quality of life. conclusion When a severe visual pathology settles down and when the medical profession is helpless, the functional re-education turns out to be a solution allowing to limit the functional consequences of the visual handicap and, so, to improve the autonomy and the quality of life of blind and partially-sighted persons. 84 | OB 2012 | PROGRAMME ac tr s b A te os P s t on ssi e s r s act r t bs sion A es er s t Pos P101 P102 From paediatrics to reversible presbyopia surgery to silicone oiled eyes: the wonderful world of supplemental IOL use La dégénérescence astéroïde du vitré chez les patients Congolais CLAOUE DE GOHR CMP Ophtalmology, Queen’s Hospital, London purpose To educate the audience about the scope of supplemental IOL use. methods Classification os surgery into primary vs. secondary, permanent vs. temporary allows the practitioner to understand the situations where supplemental IOLs can be used to help patients. results Modern supplemental IOLs are not just “piggy back IOLs” but a radical new platform. This safer technology opens a variety of uses that have not previously been recognised. conclusion An understanding of the IOL platform of modern supplemental IOLs together with a conceptual classification of surgery allows ophthalmologists to appreciate the wide range of situations where supplemental IOLs may help patients. KAIMBO WA KAIMBO D Université de Kinshasa, Kinshasa purpose Déterminer la fréquence relative ainsi que les caractéristiques cliniques de la dégénérescence astéroïde(DA) chez les patients Congolais. methods Une étude transversale et descriptive des patients avec le diagnostic de la DA du vitré a été réalisée dans une clinique d’ophtalmologie générale de janvier 2005 à août 2012. Tous les patients d’âge ≥ 40 ans ont été inclus et chaque patient a subi un examen ophtalmologique de routin. Le diagnostic de la DA a été basé sur l’examen biomicroscopique et l’ophtalmoscopie indirecte. results Durant la période d’étude, 7721 patients âgés de ≥ 40 ans ont été examinés et 18 patients (20 yeux) avaient un diagnostic de DA, ce qui donne une fréquence relative de 0,23%. L’âge moyen des patients a été de 61,33 ans±10. La répartition en fonction du sexe a été la suivante : 15 hommes (83%) et 3 femmes (17%). La fréquence de la DA a montré une tendance à augmenter avec l’âge passant de 0,09% dans le groupe de 40 à 49 ans à 0,45% dans celui de plus de 70 ans (P < 0.05). La fréquence de la DA a été plus élevée chez l’homme (0,35%) que chez la femme (0,09%). L’atteinte unilatérale a été la plus fréquente (80%). Le diabète sucré, l’hypertension artérielle, la goutte et le cancer de la prostate ont été retrouvés respectivement chez 33,3%, 33,3%, 5,6% et 5,6% des patients. La cataracte et le glaucome ont été retrouvés respectivement chez 44,4% et 22,2% des patients. conclusion La fréquence relative de la DA rapportée dans cette étude de 0,23% est inférieure à celle rapportée dans des études antérieures et confirme la rareté relative de cette pathologie. P103 P104 Syndromic Congenital Aplasia of Iris Sphincter Additional Loop suspension over anteroposition or recession of the inferior oblique muscle to resolve vertical incomitence in V pattern strabismus. ROULEZ FM (1), FAES F (2), VERHEULPEN D (3), WERMENBOL V (3), DE ZAEYTIJD J (4), DEPASSE F (5), DELBEKE P (4), COUCKE PJ (6), MEIRE FM (7) (1) Department of pediatric ophthalmology, HUDERF, ULB , Brussels / Sierre (2) Department of neuropediatry, Ghent University , Ghent (3) Department of neuropediatry Erasme, ULB , Brussels (4) Department of ophthalmology, Ghent University , Ghent (5) Department of ophthalmology, Erasme ULB, Brussels (6) Department of medical genetics, Ghent University, Ghent (7) Department of pediatric ophthalmology, HUDERF, ULB , Brussels purpose Congenital mydriasis, sometimes referred as fixed dilated pupils, is characterized by aplasia of the iris sphincter muscle. Iris morphology is pathognomonic, with absence of iris between collarette and pupillary border resulting in a scalloped pupillary margin. This developmental anomaly has sometimes been misdiagnosed as aniridia. methods We describe ophthalmological manifestations in 2 patients with congenital mydriasis and multisystemic smooth muscle dysfunction associated with R179H mutation in the ACTA2 gene. results Congenital mydriasis has been reported in a multisystemic smooth muscle dysfunction syndrome with congenital patent ductus arteriosus, cerebrovascular disease (Moya-moya,) coronary artery disease and thoracic aorta aneurysm and dysfunction of smooth muscle cells in organs throughout the body. All reported affected individuals carry a R179H heterozygous mutation in the ACTA2 gene. conclusion Congenital mydriasis is a rare condition whose presence should alert pediatric ophthalmologists to the possibility of the co-existence of systemic life treating disorder. 86 SSELLIER J, PUTTEMEN A, VAN DAELE O CHU Saint-Pierre, Bruxelles purpose The current techniques to correct the V pattern strabismus remain unsatisfactory when the inferior oblique overaction (IOOA) is significant. We share a novel technique to resolve vertical incomitence by adding a loop suspension to either anteriortransposition or recession of the inferior oblique muscle, in order to correct vertical incomitnece while avoiding recession of the contralateral inferior rectus. methods We present patients with asymetrical lateral gaze incomitences .The IOOA was quantified by measuring the amount of hypertropia in lateral gaze. The surgical technique consisted of a 5 mm loop suspension to the recession or the anteriortransposition of the inferior oblique muscle on the side where the upshoot is more important, compared to the classic recession or anteriortransposition to the other eye, when necessary. results The patient satisfaction was ranked high at 6 months postoperatively. No complications were reported in this series. conclusion The additional 5 mm loop Suspension to either the anteriortransposition or recession of the inferior oblique muscle in V pattern Strabismus is a reliable technique to weaken the IOOA. It insures a satisfactory result with a considerable gain on lateral gaze, circumventing surgery to the other muscles. It has nonetheless little benefits for primary gaze with a net gain of only 0 to 2 degrees | OB 2012 | PROGRAMME cts a r st on Ab essi s ster po P105 P106 Spectral domain optical coherence tomography findings in posterior scleritis associated chorioretinal folds : report of 3 cases Visual acuity and factors influencing automobile driving status in 1000 patients age 60 and older ROSAPELLY B (1), WILLERMAIN F (1), CASPERS L (1), EL OUARDIGHI H (1), DAGUZAN M (1), POSTELMANS L (2) (1) CHU Saint Pierre, Bruxelles (2) CHU Brugmann, Bruxelles purpose To describe the Spectral Domain Optical Coherence Tomography (SD-OCT) findings in posterior scleritis associated chorioretinal folds methods Case reports of three eyes of three patients who came in emergency in University hospitals (CHU St Pierre, CHU Brugmann, Brussels Belgium). Fundus examination of the three eyes showed papillary edema, retinal folds and choroidal folds. A diagnosis of posterior scleritis was confirmed by B mode echography. A standard systemic work up was initiated and fluorescein angiography and SD-OCT were performed (Spectralis , Heidelberg in case 1) (RTVue, Optovue in cases 2 and 3). results The first case was compatible with an incomplete connectivitis, the other cases were idiopathic. SD-OCT findings were similar in the three cases and revealed the presence of 2 types of folds: one at the level of the nerve fiber layer of the retina and one at the level of the Bruch’s membrane. These folds are different because the first has a small wavelength and the second has a bigger wavelength. In the three eyes, symptoms and signs dramatically improved after oral steroids treatment and SD-OCT images returned to normal. conclusion SD-OCT has allowed us to provide details on the pathology of posterior scleritis associated chorioretinal folds. Pictures appear relatively distinct from folds of other origin, because they involve 2 structures with different wavelengths between the 2 folds. SD-OCT thus can be useful for the diagnosis and the follow up of mild posterior scleritis. MARINESCU C (1), LEVECQ L (1), DE POTTER P (2), JAMART J (1) (1) CHU Mont-Godinne, Yvoir (2) CHU St-Luc, Bruxelles purpose To evaluate the number of people driving in accordance with common legal standards, measured through far binocular visual acuity and to identify variables associated with non-legal driving habits. methods Subjects aged of 60 years and older were recruited at a tertiary referral center.We measured visual acuity on each eye and far binocular visual acuity. Driving criterias were defined as far binocular visual acuity equal or better than 20/40, according to the European legal driving requirements. Socioeconomic informations were obtained by questionnaires. results 1000 subjects were enrolled in the study during seven months (mean age: 71.3 years), of whom 810 were current drivers. Among the 810 current drivers, 732 (90.4%) had a far binocular visual acuity equal or better than 20/40, and 78 (9.6%) did not. Among the 190 non-drivers, 94 (49.5%) never drove; 47 (24.7%) had stopped driving because of their impaired vision; and 49 (25.8%) had stopped driving for other reasons. A logistic regression was performed to identify the variables statistically associated with the practice of driving without minimal visual requirements among licensed drivers, which revealed that a non-recent ophthalmological examination (p<0.001), the subject’s non-perception of impaired vision (p= 0.001) and non-access to stores without a car (p<0.001) were influencing factors. conclusion 81% of our subjects aged 60 years and older were still driving, of whom 10% did not meet the European legal driving requirements set at equal or better than 20/40. The variables associated with driving status were the time of last examination, non-perception of visual impairment and limited access to stores without a car. P107 P108 Ophtalmological analysis of a nephropathic cystinosis with Confocal Microscopy Clinical outcome of hypertensive uveitis: a comparaison of viral and non viral causes. SILBERBERG D (1), VANDERPERREN B (2), KALLAY O (1), SCHROOYEN M (1) (1) Hôpital ULB Erasme, Bruxelles (2) hôpital de Jolimont, La Louvière LEWKOWICZ D (1,2), WILLERMAIN F (2), JUDICE L (2), MAKHOUL D (2), JANSSENS S (1), JANSSENS X (1), CASPERS L (1) (1) CHU saint-Pierre (2) CHU Brugmann, Brussels purpose To document the interest of using Confocal Microscopy for the diagnosis and for the follow up of patients with nephropathic cystinosis methods Cystinosis is a genetic disorder that typically follows an autosomal recessive inheritance pattern. It is a lysosomal storage disease characterized by the abnormal accumulation of the amino acid cystin within cells, forming crystals than can damage the cells.These crystals have a negative impact on many systems in the body, especially on the kidneys and the eyes.A 15-year-old boy was referred to our department for evaluation of an asymptomatic bilateral corneal anomaly. This patient seemed to have a lateonset nephropathic cystinosis, which is a rare presentation of the disease. It was diagnosed upon observation of typical crystals in his corneas and a story of albuminuria. He didn’t have any sign of renal failure at this time.We studied the ophtalmological presentation of this disease and we analysed the corneal deposits of cystin with anterior segment pictures and the use of Confocal Microscopy results Disseminated punctuate deposits were visible bilaterally with Slitlamp examination. Confocal microscopy demonstrated randomly oriented crystals in many corneal layers which could be quantified and localised in the depth of the corneas. conclusion Late-onset nephropathic cystinosis is a rare presentation of the disease. Confocal microscopy is a very useful tool to diagnose and make the follow-up of patients with nephropathic cystinosis. purpose To review the clinical outcome of our series of patients with hypertensive uveitis. methods We performed a systematic database search of patients with uveitis who presented at least one intraocular pressure (IOP) > 25 mmHg. Each patient was classified according to clinical presentation, etiology, first IOP at presentation of uveitis, first elevated IOP, maximal IOP, IOP at 3 months, 1 year and at last visit; time before first elevated IOP, need of surgery and apparition of glaucoma. The categories of etiologies are composed as such: viral and non-viral causes. results 65 patients met the inclusion criteria. Different infectious and non infectious causes were found and were grouped in viral (N= 24/36.9%) and non viral uveitis (N= 41/63.1%). We found that patients with viral uveitis have a significant higher maximal IOP (40.63 mmHg) than patients in non viral group (34.37 mm Hg) (p= 0, 012). IOP at other times were not significantly different. Viral hypertensive uveitis were always unilateral as compared to non viral uveitis, 0(0%) vs 11(25%), and this difference was statistically significant (p= 0.005).IOP could be successfully lowered in most of the patients (95.1% & 95.8%) in both groups. The incidence of glaucoma was higher in non viral group, 13(32.5%) vs 4(16%) in the viral group. However this difference was no reaching significance (p= 0,237). conclusion We found that patients with a viral hypertensive uveitis have a higher maximal IOP and were more frequently unilateral compared to non viral causes. IOP could be lowered in most of patients in both groups. However glaucoma develops in a significant proportion in both groups. PROGRAMME | OB 2012 | 87 s act r t bs sion A es er s t Pos P109 P110 Clinical features in diabetic macular edema Long Follow Up of Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis Associated Uveitis RABEUX E, GUAGNINI AP Université Catholique de Louvain, Bruxelles purpose To evaluate the clinical signs of diabetic macular edema (DME) in patients with rapid glycemic control (RGC) compared to other patients presenting DME (no RGC). methods Retrospective non randomized study of 25 diabetic patients presenting with DME. Color photographs and fluorescein angiographies were reviewed. Spectral domein OCT (HRA) was analyzed with subanalysis of macular thickness and mearements of the inner and outer plexiform layers. results The mean age of patients was 58.4 y-o in the RGC group and 63.8 y-o in the non RGC group. The mean glycated hemoglobin’s value was significantly more important in the RGC group (p<0.00044). The mean foveolar and overall macular thickness were significantly more important in the RGC group (p<0.017 to p<0.038). The central and nasal thickness of the internal plexiform layer were significantly more important in the RGC group (p<0.26). The central thickness of the external plexiform layer was significantly more impotant in the no RGC group (p<0.02). Concerning the presence of subretinal fluid and other fundus clinical signs, there were no statistical differences between the 2 groups but there seems to be more association wtih subretinal fluid in the RGC group and more association with important hard exsudates in the no RGC group. conclusion Diabetic patients with rapid glycemic control seem to be younger. They have an increased overall macular thickness associated with a more important swelling in the central and nasal internal plexiform layer. LEYS E (1), BALIKOVA I (2), VAN BOL L (3), JANSSENS X (1), PASTEELS B (4), CARION T (5), WILLERMAIN F (1), FERSTER A (6), LÊ PQ (6), CASPERS L (1) (1) CHU Saint-Pierre, Brussels (2) CHU Saint-Pierre - HUDERF, Brussels (3) Erasme, Brussels (4) CHU Brugmann, Brussels (5) Verviers (6) HUDERF, Brussels purpose To evaluate treatment and outcome of patients with juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA)-associated uveitis. methods Retrospective chart review of 18 cases (aged between 1 and 16 years at diagnosis) of JIA associated uveitis. Collected data was: gender, age at diagnosis (uveitis and arthritis), follow up duration, arthritis subtype, ANA positivity, treatment, complications and visual acuity (initial and final). results Eighteen patients (14 F) were included, 11 with oligoarticular subtype, 12 positive for ANA. Mean age of JIA related arthritis, uveitis and at end follow up were respectively 3.13, 3.9 and 19 years. Mean follow up duration was 10.6 years. All had systemic steroids. Fifteen patients took immunomodulatory drugs, 11 took anti-TNF alpha. Eight patients had a final VA <20/40 at least in 1 eye. Cataract was noted in all but 2 patients. Elevated IOP occurred in 14 and hypotony in 7 cases. Retina detached in 4 patients. Inactivity was noted in 10 patients with ongoing immunomodulatory drugs and in 3 with only topical steroids at the last follow up. Steroid side effects were potentially reversible. conclusion JIA associated uveitis treatment remains challenging, ocular morbidity lasting well into adulthood. Drug associations were useful to decrease dosage and severe drug-related side effects. P111 P112 Cryptic chromosomal deletions and duplications as a cause of congenital eye malformations Reduction of macular cysts after treatment with topical Dorzolamide in X-Linked Retinoschisis: A case report BALIKOVA I (1), DE RAVEL T (2), AYUSO C (3), CASTEELS I (4), FRYNS JP (2), VERMEESCH JR (2) (1) Departement of Ophthalmology CHU St Pierre, Brussels (2) Centre for Human Genetics, Leuven (3) Fundación Jyménes Díaz, Madrid, Spain (4) Department of Ophthalmology, Leuven purpose Congenital ocular malformations (COM) are a frequent cause of childhood blindness. Mutations in a variety of genes known to be involved in the development of the eye can underlie COM. However, a large number of patients remains without a molecular diagnosis. Large chromosomal aberrations such as trisomies 13 and 18 are known to cause a variety of eye anomalies, such as microphtalmia, anophtalmia and coloboma. Such large aberrations are cytogenetically detectable using metaphase chromosome spreads. The purpose of the current study was to investigate the role of smaller chromosomal deletions and duplications in the etiology of COM. methods We applied Agilent 244K oligoarray copy number profiling platform for the analysis of patients with various idiopathic COM. The resolution of this platform is 100-fold higher than what can be achieved using metaphase spreads. results We analyzed 38 patients and identified causal deletions in 5 patients (13%). Most of these deletions affected known genes (OTX2, PAX6, FOXC1 and COH1) but were found in patients with atypical presentations, thus broadening the phenotypic spectrum associated with mutations in these genes. Deletions were not enriched in any class of COM. VAN BOL L, DEPASSE F, CORDONNIER M Erasme, Bruxelles purpose To document the effects of Dorzolamide treatment on a 4 year old boy with X-linked retinoschisis (XLRS) by optical coherence tomography. methods XLRS is an inherited retinal disease which affects young boys. It is characterized by bilateral cystoid macular changes and a peripheriral retinoschisis in 50% of patients. During a number of decades, the ERG was the best diagnostic tool, showing a marked decrease in amplitude of the b-wave with a normal a-wave on scotopic and photopic testings. However, the recent use of the optical coherence tomography has allowed an easier follow-up of maculopathy. Overall, molecular research of mutations provides the final confirmation. results We report a significant reduction of macular cysts after a few months of local instillation of Dorzolamide. conclusion XLRS is one of the most frequent cause of early-onset macular degeneration in males. No successful treatment has yet been reported and the ophthalmologist was for a long time limited to the prescription of low vision aids and surgical management of complications such as vitreous hemorrhage and retinal detachement. Although gene therapy in mice led to promising results by restoring retinal function, further studies are still required. Nevertheless, recent studies show a significant reduction of the macular schisis when applying carbonic anhydrase inhibitor locally. Our case report illustrates this statement. conclusion Our findings clearly demonstrate that hitherto cryptic deletions and duplications contribute to the etiology of a variety of ocular developmental defects, and that diagnostic methods allowing high resolution analysis of chromosomal copy number changes improve the diagnosis of the patients with congenital eye anomalies. 88 | OB 2012 | PROGRAMME cts a r st on Ab essi s ster po P113 P114 Retrospective study of syphilitic uveitis in a cohort of patients from CHU Saint-Pierre, Brussels Monofocale centrale chorioretinopathie bij ChurgStrauss syndroom : een case report LHOIR S (1), MAKHOUL D (2), LIBOIS A (3), CASPERS L (3), WILLERMAIN F (1) (1) CHU Saint Pierre/ Brugmann, ULB, Bruxelles (2) CHU Saint Pierre/ Brugmann, Bruxelles (3) CHU Saint Pierre, Bruxelles OEHRENS AM (1), GOETHAELS S (2), VAN CALSTER J (2) (1) Prive praktijk , Korbeek-Lo (2) UZ Leuven, Leuven purpose Description of the clinical presentation and outcome of patients with syphilitic uveitis. methods Retrospective study of 11 patients with ocular syphilis seen in our centre between 2003 and 2012. The diagnosis of syphilitic uveitis was based on clinical evidence of intraocular inflammation not attributable to other causes and positive serology for syphilis (treponemal and non treponemal tests). Following data were recorded: age, gender, HIV status, CD4 cell count in AIDS patients, ocular manifestations, serum and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) analysis, treatment and ocular sequelae. results 15 eyes of 11 patients (10 men, 1woman) were included. Mean age at diagnosis was 36 year. Risk factors were identified in 7 cases: homosexuality in 6, drug abuse in 1. 45% were seropositive for HIV-1 with a mean CD4 cell counts of 567.6 cells/mm³. We found 8 posterior uveitis, 3 papillitis, 4 panuveitis. Ten patients had CSF analysis and 7 of them had pleiocytosis. All were treated with IV antibiotics. Final ocular presentations were normalization (4/11), retinal atrophy (5/11), salt and pepper retina (3/11), epiretinal membrane (1/11), cystoid macular oedema (1/11) and diffuse capillaropathy (1/11). conclusion In our series, syphilitic uveitis was found in healthy patients and HIV homosexual men with an over all good CD4 cell count. Clinical presentation was not specific but more than 50% had posterior uveitis. CSF analysis was negative in 33% of cases, suggesting that uveitis is not always concomitant with a neurosyphilis. IV treatment is effective but sequelae can occur in some patients. purpose Case rapportering van centrale chorioretinopathie bij en patient met antecedenten van Churg-Strauss syndroom methods Onderzoek van de oogmanifestaties bij Churg-Strauss syndroom en beschrijving van de klinische bevindingen en behandeling bij deze casus. results Een vrouw van 40 jaar consulteerde wegens visus daling en metamorfopsiën aan het rechter oog. Zij was gekend met ChurgStrauss syndroom sinds meer dan 10 jaar .Op fundus was een centrale chorioretinopathie zonder tekens van lekkage bij de fluoangiografie. De patiënte werd gedurende 3 maanden opgevolgd met oogfundus onderzoek, fluoangiografie en OCT. Na 3 maanden was de visus scherpte gedaald van 0.7 tot 0.1. Op fundus en fluoangiografie was er een discrete toename van het letsel, met minimale laattijdige lekkage. De OCT toonde een verdikking van de externe retinale lagen. Na drie intravitreale injecties van bevacizumab met telkens één maand interval was er een gedeeltelijke visus recuperatie. conclusion Deze oogcomplicatie, kan een ongewone presentatie zijn in het kader van een Churg-Strauss syndroom (allergische granulomateuze angiitis). Choroïdale neovascularisatie is aangetoond met OCT. Anatomopathologisch onderzoek is hier niet mogelijk. Anti-VEGF intravitreale injecties (bevacizumab) was doeltreffend voor de behandeling. P115 P117 Retinal oxygen metabolism in healthy subjects and glaucoma patients Flanders and The Netherlands: two different worlds. VANDEWALLE E (1), OLAFSDOTTIR OB (2), PINTO LA (3), STALMANS P (1), VAN CALSTER J (1), ZEYEN T (1), STEFáNSSON E (2), STALMANS I (1) (1) UZLeuven, Leuven (2) University of Iceland, Reykjavik (3) Lisbon University, Lisbon purpose To study the role of ischemia/hypoxia in the pathophysiology of glaucoma in a prospective, clinical trial. methods This was a 2 centre study where retinal vessel oxygen saturation was measured in glaucoma patients and healthy individuals with a noninvasive spectrophotometric retinal oximeter. Visual fields were obtained in the glaucoma patients. Statistical analysis was performed using a Student’s t-test. results No statistical difference was found in retinal oxygen saturation in arterioles (p= 0.16), in venules (p= 0.12) and arteriovenous difference (AV) (p= 0.39) whenglaucoma patients (n=74) were compared to healthy individuals (n=89). However, when patients with advanced glaucoma (visual field mean defect (MD -10dB, n=21) were compared to healthy individuals, the oxygen saturation in venules was higher (58%±5% vs. 54%±6%; p= 0.005, mean ± standard deviation (SD)) and the AV difference was lower (36±5% vs. 40%±6%; p= 0.02). In glaucoma patients with mild glaucoma (MD -5dB, n=33), compared to healthy individuals, no statistical differences were found in retinal oxygen saturation (p= 0.26-0.99). MISSOTTEN G (1), SPILEERS W (1), DE KEIZER RJW (2) (1) Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Leuven (2) Universiteit Antwerpen, Antwerpen purpose To investigate the correlation between iris color and the incidence of conjunctival melanoma. In skin and uveal melanoma there are some reports on a correlation between skin type, iris color and melanoma. This study investigate the correlation between iris color and melanoma of the conjunctiva. methods The iris color of 62 conjunctival melanoma patients diagnosed at Leiden University and of 5 conjunctival melanoma patients of Antwerp University were compared with 500 control persons in Leiden and 100 control persons of Antwerp and Leuven University. results The iris color differs between the Flemish and Dutch population. There was no correlation between iris color and the incidence of conjunctival melanoma. conclusion This study started from the clinical observation in The Netherlands that conjunctival melanomas mostly occur from eyes with a blue or grey iris. In comparing with a Flemish population we can conclude that there is no significant correlation between iris color and melanoma of the conjunctiva, but there is a significant difference in iris color between Flemish and Dutch people. conclusion Glaucoma patients with severe glaucoma have higher oxygen saturation in venules and lower AV difference in oxygen saturation compared to healthy individuals. No difference is found between healthy individuals and glaucoma patients with mild visual field defects. The decreased AV difference in severe glaucoma may be related to lower oxygen consumption resulting from tissue atrophy in the retina. PROGRAMME | OB 2012 | 89 s act r t bs sion A es er s t Pos P118 P119 Impact of a switch to preservative free Dorzolamide-Timolol on ocular surface disease symptoms Case report: A patient with eyelid and anterior orbital Myeloproliferative hypereosinophilic syndrome STALMANS I (1), BERDEAUX G (2), BOONS S (1), VANDEWALLE E (1) (1) UZ Leuven, Leuven (2) IMS HEOR, Vilvoorde AL-SABAI N (1), DE KEIZER RJW (2), BAL T (2), DE GROOT V (2) (1) UZ Antwerpen/ UZ Brussel, Brussel (2) UZ Antwerpen, antwerpen purpose To study the impact of a switch from a preserved to preservative free dorzolamide-timolol fixed combination (Cosopt® unit dose) on ocular surface symptoms self-reported by patients. purpose The aim of the study is to evaluate the clinical- and histopathological discrepancy of the inflamed eyelid/anterior orbital mass features. methods An 8-week multi-centre, prospective, observational study including glaucoma patients who were switched from a preserved glaucoma eye drop drug to unpreserved dorzolamide-timolol. The Glaucoma Symptom Scale items (GSS functional, symptom and total scores; 0 to 100, the higher the better) were completed by patients at baseline, week 4 and 8. Pairwise t-tests were used for changes from baseline in this interim analysis. results The clinical picture revealed an erythemaous eyelid-skin inflamed mass without effect on local and general antibiotic treatments. The histopathological “diagnose was made as “chalazion material”. However the mass was superior located from the tarsus pre- and intraseptal with a lot of eosinophilic cell in the pathological material; where the patient already was known with a pulmonal myoblastic hypereosinophilic disease and treated with hydrea with the extra feature of a red face. results 77 patients were included (66.5 years; 36% male) and 55 reached week 8 at the time of the interim analysis. GSS total score improved from 65.1 (baseline), to 76.8 (week 4) and 79.9 (week 8; P<0.0001). Respective baseline, week 4 and 8 average scores were 60.0, 74.6 and 78.7 (P<0.0001) for the GSS symptom score and 72.9, 80.3 and 81.6 (P<0.006) for the GSS functional score. All the OSD symptoms had a decrease in prevalence: burning from 72.7% to 50.9%, tearing from 49.4% to 34.6%, dryness feeling from 63.6% to 34.6%, itching from 54.6% to 21.8%, soreness from 50.7% to 41.8% and foreign body sensation from 62.3% to 34.6%. No other adverse events were spontaneously reported. methods Case report conclusion Knowledge of the systemic disease of a patient and the precise location of a pathologic ophthalmic process is important to make the definitive diagnosis. In difficult processes it is always necessary that pathologist and ophthalmologist consulted each other and made together the end conclusion conclusion This observational survey demonstrated that, in daily practice, a switch to preservative free dorzolamide-timolol fixed combination, improves significantly patient self reported symptoms related to ocular surface disease. All GSS scores had improved at week 4 and even more at week 8. A final analysis on the total study patient population will be available and presented at the OB meeting. P120 P121 A new and standardised method to sample and analyse vitreous samples Distance Esotropia in the Elderly VAN GINDERDEUREN R, VAN CALSTER J Oogziekten, Leuven purpose To investigate and prepare a universal protocol for sampling and analysing vitreous material. Vitreous biopsies are difficult to handle because of the paucity of cells, the gelatinous formation and structure of the vitreous, the low frequency of biopsies and the burden of longduring, delicate handwork by the technician. Vitreous biopsies can be very useful in uveitis in difficult cases and can differentiate common uveitis from lymphoma, low-grade infectious diseases and rare causes of vitreal opacification methods After a standardised 23gauge vitrectomy, 50 consecutive vitreous samples were analysed with the Cellient® tissue processor (Hologic). This machine is a fully automatic processor from a specified container with PreservCyt® (fixative fluid) with cells to paraffin. Cytology was compared with fixatives Cytolyt® ( contains a mucolyticum) and Preservcyt®. results In 96% (48 of 50 cases) sufficient material was found for diagnosis. Cytolyt® wash was necessary in 15% of cases to prevent clotting of the delicate tubes in the Cellient®, this procedure causes a loss of cellular material. Immuno-histochemical stainings were equal in quality with both preservatives. Labour hours of processing by technician was diminished by 4, compared with former, not-standardised techniques. GODTS DJM Universitair Ziekenhuis Antwerpen, Afdeling OOgheelkunde, Edegem purpose To describe the clinical findings of small esodeviation with horizontal diplopia on distance fixation, seen in elderly patients and not associated with lateral rectus underaction or with any currently known neurological abnormalities. methods Eighty-five elderly patients, age 62 till 91, with permanent or intermittent horizontal diplopia at distance were prospectively evaluated from February 2008. Ocular alignment, fusion amplitudes and horizontal eye movements were measured at distance and near. results Distance esodeviation varied from 2 prism dioptres (PD) esotropia (ET) to 18 PD ET. At near fixation, the deviation ranged from 10 PD exophoria to 12 PD esophoria. Divergence fusional amplitude at distance ranged from 0 PD to 10 PD while the divergence fusional amplitude at near ranged from 2 PD to 18 PD. Horizontal ductions and versions were full in all patients. All patients were successfully treated with prisms, ranging from 2 PD base out to 16 PD base out. conclusion Our findings indicate that elderly patients with distance esotropia may have a slight increase in their distance esodeviation over time, with slow decrease of fusional divergence amplitude and with normal ocular motility, being successfully treated with prisms for many years. conclusion A standardised protocol for sampling and handling viteous biopsies by a 23G vitrectomy, fixing in PreservCyt® and processing by the Cellient® gives a superior result in morphology, number of cells, possibility of immuno-histochemical stainings and technician labour hours. The diagnosis can be established or confirmed in nearly all cases. 90 | OB 2012 | PROGRAMME cts a r st on Ab essi s ster po P122 P123 Outcome improvement of glaucoma filtration surgery through the effect of local rock-inhibition on wound healing Intravitreal bevacizumab induced uveitis: report of 2 cases SIJNAVE D (1), HOLLANDERS K (1), VAN BERGEN T (1), VAN DE VELDE S (1), VANDEWALLE E (1), MOONS L (1), LEYSEN D (2), STALMANS I (1) (1) KU Leuven, Leuven (2) Amakem NV, Diepenbeek purpose The aim of this study was to investigate the efficacy of a local ROCK-inhibitor; AMA0076 (Amakem NV) for improving surgical outcome, after glaucoma filtration surgery in a rabbit model. methods The in vivo effects of local ROCK-inhibition were investigated in a rabbit model of glaucoma filtration surgery (n=5 per histological analysis group). Topical treatment with AMA0076 (study eye) and vehicle (control eye) was administered every day 3x/day (9h/13h/17h) from day 1 after surgery. Treatment outcome was studied by clinical investigation (IOP; intraocular pressure, bleb area and bleb survival) as well as immunohistological analyses for inflammation (CD45), angiogenesis (CD31) and collagen deposition (Sirius Red) at day 3, 8 and 14 after surgery. results Bleb survival showed no difference between treated and nontreated eyes however, there a trend (p= 0,09) can be distinguished. Topical treatment of AMA0076 reduced inflammation on day 3 (p= 0.036) and day 8 (p= 0.044) as well as angiogenesis on day 8 (p= 0.04). There were no differences in collagen deposition. conclusion Targeting ROCK with a local ROCK inhibitor, AMA0076, is efficacious in reducing inflammation and angiogenesis on several time points in a rabbit model of glaucoma surgery. These results render ROCK an interesting target to increase the success rate of filtration surgery and point to potential therapeutic benefits of the local ROCK inhibitor, AMA0076. VANDEWEYER E, SMETS RME Universitair Ziekenhuis Antwerpen, Edegem purpose To report 2 cases of intravitreal bevacizumab induced uveitis and review of the literature. methods Study of medical records and literature. results The first patient treated for neovascular age-related macular degeneration (nAMD), developed anterior uveitis within 12 hours following the 5th intravitreal injection of bevacizumab (IVB). The second patient treated for nAMD developed a hypertensive anterior uveitis within 2 hours after the 9th IVB administration. In both cases the uveitis resolved within a week under topical prednisolone treatment. No recurrences were noticed after repeated intravitreal ranibizumab injections (case 2).The risk of developing uveitis after IVB is approximately 0,1%. An immunological response to the drug or a contaminant is generally believed to be its cause. Bevacizumab and ranibizumab are molecules with different chemical and biological properties, between which no immunological cross reactions have been reported yet. Uveitis after IVB occurs within 1 day, presenting with ocular pain, conjunctival injection, corneal edema, anterior chamber and vitreous cells. Topical prednisolone therapy leads to complete resolution of the inflammation within 1-2 weeks. In contrast, infectious endophthalmitis presents 1 to 6 days after intravitreal injection and has a worse prognosis even after adequate treatment. conclusion Uveitis after IVB is rare, occuring within 24 hours and responding to topical prednisolone. Relapses have not been reported after subsequent intravitreal ranibizumab administration. P124 P125 Nd:YAG Laser Hyaloidotomy for Premacular Subhyaloid Haemorrhages: A Case Series Hidden information about the macular anatomy in the interferrometric biometry spikes VANDEKERCKHOVE G (1), PLATTEAU E (2), VANWYNSBERGHE D (3), DE ZAEYTIJD J (4), LEROY BP (5) (1) Dept of Ophth, Ghent University Hospital & Ghent University, Ghent (2) Dept of Ophth, GUH and Maria Middelares Hospital, Ghent (3) Dept of Ophth, Maria Middelares Hospital, Ghent (4) Dept of Ophth, GUH and GU, Ghent (5) Dept of Ophth, GUH and GU, Ctr for Medical Genetics, Ghent purpose Premacular subhyaloid haemorrhage may occur in retinal vascular disorders, haematological disorders, Valsalva retinopathy or following LASIK. Spontaneous resorption may take months and may result in permanent visual impairment due to macular changes. Nd:YAG laser hyaloidotomy with consequent drainage of the blood into the vitreous cavity has been applied as an alternative in a small number of cases. methods Four patients with unilateral premacular subhyaloid haemorrhages due either to Valsalva retinopathy or diabetic retinopathy were treated with Nd:YAG laser hyaloidotomy (intensity 2,5 to 9,5 mJ) focused on the posterior hyaloid using a Goldmann 3-mirror lens. Patients were treated within 1 to 4 weeks after first noticing visual loss. BOECKAERT J (1), BLANCKAERT J (2) (1) UZ Leuven dep opht, Leuven (2) Jan Ypermanziekenhuis - UZ Leuven dep opht, Ieper - Leuven purpose To study the retinal spikes of the interferrometric biometric waveform in normal eyes and eyes with abnormal macular anatomy. methods 10 normal patients and 10 patients with macular pathology are studied. The Lenstar interferrometric biometer was used in all cases. The retinal spikes are magnified and studied in details to depict normal retinal spikes and abnormalities. An OCT image of the pathology will be correlated with the retinal spike form. results All retinal macular pathology was detected by carefull examining and studying the retinal spike form of the Lenstar biometer. In detail analysis will be presented. conclusion It is possible to detect retinal macular abnormalities in the waveform of the biometry by interferrometry. results Two patients experienced significant recovery of vision within minutes after the treatment. Another noticed improvement 1 week after treatment. In one case YAG laser hyaloidotomy failed but spontaneous resolution was achieved 3 months later. None of the 4 patients had any complications. conclusion Nd:YAG laser hyaloidotomy is a safe and easy alternative to either deferral of treatment or prompt vitrectomy with drainage for recent premacular subhyaloid bleeding. Performed on a simple outpatient basis, it results in rapid recovery of visual function. Risks and benefits of Nd:YAG laser treatment should be evaluated on a case by case basis. PROGRAMME | OB 2012 | 91 s act r t bs sion A es er s t Pos P126 P127 Vitrectomy with heavy oil tamponade and peripapillary laser for serous maculopathy secondary to optic pit: a case series Acute welder’s maculopathy JANSEN J, VAN CALSTER J, STALMANS P University Hospitals Leuven, Leuven purpose To describe the case of a 28-year-old welder who develops bilateral phototoxic maculopathy without photokeratitis. DEWILDE J, DEWILDE E, STALMANS P Oogheelkunde UZLeuven, Leuven purpose We present this technique used in our department for the repair of serous maculopathy, secondary to optic pits. In literature there is still no consensus regarding the best treatment of this condition. methods Vitrectomy with heavy oil tamponade and gentle lasercoagulation at the border of the pit was performed. results Nine eyes of nine patients were treated, all of which achieved anatomical success within 1 year after oil removal. Deterioration was prevented or better visual acuity achieved in 7 of 9 patients. Visual loss was seen in 2 patients; one related to macular hole formation, another due to a central artery occlusion in the perioperative period. Two cases had complications related to silicone oil emulsification;one case was medically controlled with no glaucomatous repercussion. The other case was refractory to medical treatment and needed anterior chamber rinsing for removal of emulsification bubbles and developed minor glaucomatous damage. We saw 2 late retinal detachments in the one year follow up after oil removal; these patients needed subsequent vitrectomy, none of these patients experienced visual loss. conclusion A high rate of anatomical and visual success was achieved using this technique. When used, complications of heavy oil usage should be carefully monitored in view of its high emulsification rate. We experienced one dramatic case of central artery occlusion. Prevention of intra- and postoperative pressure spikes should always remain a concern in avoiding this devastating complication. methods The patient presented with blurred vision, one day after performing conventional arc welding with protective gear. Visual acuity is 0.3 in both eyes. Fundus examination reveals central foveal changes with an oval yellowish lesion. OCT demonstrates hyperreflectivity of the centre of the fovea with disruption of the RPE and photoreceptor layers, and a central hypofluorescent foveal lesion is visible on angiography. The patient shows gradual visual improvement and gradual recovery on OCT starting at the inner layers during follow-up. Five months later, the OCT image appears normal except a small persistent RPE disruption in the right eye. Final visual acuity recovers to 1.0 in both eyes. results Solar retinopathy from exposure to arc welding is clinically rare and a review of literature reveals only few similar publications correlating clinical and OCT findings. The main components of arc welding emission are ultraviolet (UV) , visible and infrared (IR) light. UV light is absorbed by the cornea and the lens, visible and IR light penetrate to the retina. In this particular case, the patient wore a protective mask which blocks UV light and prevented corneal epithelial injury, but not the dark filter to block the visible and IR light. In most cases, retinal injuries heal spontaneously without permanent vision loss. Severe burns of the macula on the other hand may lead to permanent loss of central vision. conclusion This case illustrates the importance of wearing protective gear against a wide spectrum of light exposure during welding, ranging from IR to UV. P128 P129 The effect of a local ROCK-inhibitor (AMA0076) combined with Benzalkonium chloride on the intraocular pressure Glaucoma from eye to brain: are matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) involved? HOLLANDERS K (1), SIJNAVE D (1), VAN BERGEN T (1), VAN DE VELDE S (1), VANDEWALLE E (1), MOONS L (1), LEYSEN D (2), STALMANS I (1) (1) KULeuven, Leuven (2) Amakem NV, Diepenbeek purpose To elucidate the effect of Benzalkonium chloride (BAK) on the intraocular pressure (IOP) lowering efficacy of a local ROCK-inhibitor AMA0076 (Amakem NV) in the rabbit eye. methods Topical administration of AMA0076 (0.1%, 0.3% and 0.5%) was tested in a normotensive New Zealand White rabbit model (5 rabbits/ group). The IOP lowering efficacy of the compound was determined with or without the addition of 0.01% BAK. The contralateral eye was used as a control and was treated with vehicle (H2O PEG) in all groups. IOP was measured at baseline and at 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8h post administration. Data at individual time points were analyzed using mixed model analysis for repeated measures. P < 0.05 was considered to be statistically significant. results Single topical administration of AMA0076 significantly lowered IOP in a concentration dependent manner compared to the control eye (p<0.05). Placebo/vehicle administration did not induce significant changes in IOP. The maximal IOP lowering effect of AMA0076 0.1%, 0.3% and 0.5% containing 0.01% BAK was 38%, 45% and 53%, which was significantly stronger compared to their BAK-free equivalents: 21%, 28% and 37% (p= 0.005, p=<0.001; p= 0.008 respectively). conclusion The local ROCK inhibitor, AMA0076 was significantly more effective in lowering IOP in the presence of 0.01% BAK. 92 DE GROEF L, DEKEYSTER E, GAUBLOMME D, MOONS L KU Leuven, Leuven purpose MMPs are often linked to glaucoma, however a clear definition of their role is lacking. Moreover, glaucoma is increasingly recognized as a disorder of ‘visual neurons’ within the eye and brain. Unraveling the influence of glaucoma on the visual system circuitry, and the role of MMPs herein, will help to better understand glaucoma. Here, we report on (1) the pathological changes of the visual system; and (2) the involvement of MMPs, during glaucoma. methods As an in vivo mouse model of glaucoma, we used intravitreal NMDA injections to induce apoptosis of retinal ganglion cells (RGCs). The impact on the retina and its target areas was examined via immunohistochemical stainings (IHC). Alterations in MMP expression/ activity were assessed via IHC and zymography. results Excitotoxic RGC death induces loss of neurons and synaptic connections in the retinal target areas and is accompanied by extensive glial reactivity.In the healthy retina, MMP-2, -3, and -14 are expressed by Müller glia. Strong MMP-14 expression is also found in RGC axons in the nerve fiber layer, the optic nerve and the primary visual brain targets. Whereas MMP-9 is not detectable in de healthy retina, its expression increases in RGCs as they undergo apoptosis. However, the most upregulated MMP in excitotoxic versus healthy retinas, is MMP-3. conclusion Based on their expression patterns, we hypothesize that MMPs are involved in RGC death and glial reactivity in the retina. Therefore, we are currently investigating their in vivo role in specific MMP deficient mice subjected to the excitotoxicity model. Moreover, the glaucomatous changes observed in the brain indicate that these retinal target areas should not be overlooked in future research. | OB 2012 | PROGRAMME cts a r st on Ab essi s ster po P130 P131 Is it a conjunctival naevus or melanoma or is it something else? The effect of AMA0076, a locally acting rho kinase (ROCK) inhibitor, on IOP in Dutch Belted Rabbits WEYNS M (1), DE GROOT V (1), DE KEIZER R (2) (1) Antwerp University Hospital, Antwerp (2) Leiden University Medical Center, Leiden VAN DE VELDE S (1), VAN BERGEN T (2), SIJNAVE D (1), HOLLANDERS K (1), VANDEWALLE E (1), MOONS L (1), LEYSEN D (2), STALMANS I (1) (1) Universiteit Leuven, Leuven (2) Amakem NV, Diepenbeek purpose A 47-year old healthy man was referred by his opthalmologist to exclude malignancy of a naevus of the nasal conjunctiva present since 20 years. Patient did not notice any change in colour or size of the lesion. methods On biomicroscopy a cystic poorly pigmented non mobile lesion was seen. The clinical impression was a small hole in the sclera. In the medical history no trauma was known. To differentiate the lesion a high resolution B scan ultrasonography was performed. results Ultrasonography showed a small scleral perforation without any protrusion of a mass of the pars plana. Probably a blunt trauma on his eye, as child, had caused this small scleral opening but the patient did not remember any eye trauma. conclusion Conjunctival naevi are typically located in the juxtalimbal region and are obligatory mobile with the conjunctiva. When not mobile they need to be distinguished from protrusion in openings in the sclera after trauma or extraocular extension of a ciliairy body melanoma. Movement of the conjunctiva by hands and High resolution B scan ultrasonography have important roles in the differential diagnosis of conjunctival lesions. purpose To determine the intra ocular pressure (IOP) lowering efficacy of the local ROCK inhibitor, AMA0076, in Dutch Belted rabbits. methods Dutch Belted rabbits (5 rabbits/group) received topically a single dose of AMA0076 in one eye. A concentration range of 0.031 - 0.625% AMA0076 was tested. The contralateral eye served as control and was treated with saline. IOP was measured at baseline and 30 min, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8h post topical administration. results Single topical administration of AMA0076 significantly lowered IOP in all groups compared to the control eye (p<0.05). Mean baseline IOP during the experiments was between 20.6 and 21.5 mmHg. Thirty minutes after topical treatment, a concentration dependent reduction in IOP was demonstrated with a IOP ranging from 3.9mmHg – 7mmHg compared to the control eye. Maximal IOP reduction of each concentration following single dose administration of AMA0076 was observed ±2 hours after instillation with a IOP ranging from 4.6mmHg and 7.5mmHg. The IOP lowering effect with the highest concentrations of AMA0076 (0.625% and 0.125%) was sustained during the experiment. conclusion AMA0076 was effective in rapidly lowering IOP in a dose depended and sustained manner after a single topical dose in Dutch Belted rabbits. This new class of local ROCK inhibitors has potential therapeutic value for the IOP lowering treatment of glaucoma. P132 P133 Macular scleral band for degenerative high myopia: overview of the surgical technique and short term results Pseudoxanthoma elasticum confirmed by genetic analysis but not by skin biopsy VANDENBROUCKE S (1), BREEMERSCH M (1), WARD B (2), STALMANS P (1) (1) University Hospital of Leuven, Leuven (2) Retinal Diagnostic Center, Campbell, CA, USA purpose To describe the used surgical technique and short term results of the macular buckling procedure in degenerative myopia. methods Between 30/3/2012 and 7/9/2012, a posterior scleral reinforcement was performed in our center on 7 high myopic eyes (ranging from 28.19 to 38.46 mm). A scleral band of 1 cm wide and up to 8 cm long was prepared from an autologous donor eye and fixated to the sclera nasally from the superior rectus muscle insertion. After passing the band under the superior rectus muscle and the lateral rectus muscle, behind the insertion of the inferior oblique and between the inferior rectus muscle and the globe, the free end was secured to the sclera in the inferonasal quadrant, whereby the band was placed over the macular area. To minimize post-operative swelling and complications, oral NSAIDS, diuretics and steroid drugs were administered. The axial length of the eyeball was measured by A-scan ultrasonography or IOL-master before and after treatment, and ultrasound was performed post-operatively. results The used technique was effective to place the sclera band in the required macular position. As expected, the post-operative axial length was shortened by a variable extent. Temporary postoperative complications included choroidal effusion, limited motility and intra-ocular pressure elevation. Except for one eye, with a complex history, there were no unexpected per- or post-operative complications. conclusion The used macular buckling technique was effective to place the donor sclera band in the required macular position with post-operative shortening of the axial length. VAN LOEY SVL, LEYS AL UZ Leuven, Leuven purpose In patients diagnosed with angioid streaks additional investigations are useful to identify underlying systemic disease unless age and short peripapillary streaks are indicative of senile streaks as an isolated abnormality. In middle-aged or young adults with angioid streaks and no obvious systemic disease, -thalassemia and pseudoxanthoma elasticum (PXE) are to be searched for. Fundus changes in -thalassemia and PXE are fairly similar, but in contrast to -thalassemia, retinal vessel tortuosity is absent in PXE and comet tail lesions can be observed. This allows making a presumed clinical diagnosis of PXE based on extensive angioid streaks, peau d’orange, crystalline bodies and comet tail lesions. The hemoglobulinopathy in -thalassemia is easily diagnosed with blood screening. For confirmation of PXE the gold standard is dermatologic examination and skin biopsy, but since the last decade molecular diagnosis is also available. methods Case report of a patient with ocular lesions suggestive of PXE and PXE confirmed by genetic analysis but not by skin biopsy. results recently, we identified PXE in a 42-year-old patient who presented with angioid streaks-associated neovascularization, peau d’orange, and crystalline bodies. Hemoglobinopathy was excluded. He had no PXEassociated skin lesions and a skin biopsy was not indicative of PXE. However, genetic analysis showed a compound heterozygote mutation in the ABCC gene (a 3413G>A mutation and a 3389C>T mutation). conclusion Exceptionally, molecular diagnosis of PXE can be made in patients with apparently normal skin and negative skin biopsies, as demonstrated in this case and in another case published in 2011 (GMS Ophthalmol Cases). PROGRAMME | OB 2012 | 93 s act r t bs sion A es er s t Pos P134 P135 Therapeutic potential of placental growth factor (PlGF) inhibition in scar formation after glaucoma filtration surgery Let this be lattice? Dendritiform erosion in lattice dystrophy type I, a source of confusion VAN BERGEN T (1), JONCKX B (2), HOLLANDERS K (1), SIJNAVE D (1), VAN DE VELDE S (1), VANDEWALLE E (1), MOONS L (1), STASSEN JM (2), STALMANS I (1) (1) KUL, Leuven (2) ThromboGenics , Heverlee purpose We checked the hypothesis that placental growth factor (PlGF) may be a target for improvement of the outcome of glaucoma filtration surgery (GFS). methods The effect of the anti-murine PlGF-antibody (5D11D4) was investigated in a mouse model of GFS. Immediately after surgery 5D11D4 (5.2µg) or 1C8, an irrelevant mouse IgG antibody (4.8 µl), was injected in the anterior chamber (n=10 eyes for both groups). An anti-murine VEGF-R2 antibody (DC101) was used as a positive control (6.2 µg; n=10). Mice were killed on post-operative day 8. Treatment outcome was studied by clinical investigation of the bleb and by immunohistological stainings. All antibodies were kindly provided by ThromboGenics NV. results Treatment using the anti-PlGF antibody significantly improved surgical outcome by increasing bleb survival and bleb area with 29% compared to negative control (1C8). Postoperative inflammation and angiogenesis was reduced during the first days after surgery and collagen deposition was decreased at later stages. A single administration of antiVEGF-R2 also significantly improved bleb area with 7% as compared to 1C8, but had no effect on bleb survival. Inhibition of VEGF-R2 only reduced angiogenesis and collagen deposition, but did not influence inflammation. VANLERBERGHE V, KESTELYN PH-A, CLAERHOUT I, KESTELYN P University Hospital, Ghent purpose Lattice dystrophy type I usually presents with symptoms of recurrent erosions. As these erosions frequently follow the branching pattern of the underlying lattice network, they may often mimic dendritic herpetic keratitis. The purpose of this poster is to differentiate between a dendritiform erosion in lattice dystrophy type I and a genuine dendritic ulcer. methods Biomicroscopy/anterior segment photography results Lattice dystrophy type I appears in the first decade of life. Corneal involvement is usually bilateral and symmetric. In the early stages, the lesions can appear as irregular lines and dots in the anterior axial stroma with clear intervening stroma. These lines increase in size and number with time, extend to the periphery, and involve both the deeper and the superficial stromal tissue. Epithelial erosions occur secondary to involvement of the subepithelial area and Bowman’s layer. Therefore they follow the pattern of the lattice network. Decreased corneal sensation occurs in later stages.Herpes simplex dendrites are fine, branching epithelial defects which stain brightly with fluorescein. They typically have terminal bulbs and swollen epithelial borders. A herpetic dendritic ulcer has no predilection for the central cornea. conclusion A dendritiform erosion in lattice dystrophy type I typically follows the branching pattern of the underlying lattice network, is mostly seen in the central cornea and lacks terminal bulbs and swollen borders. conclusion Targeting PlGF with an inhibitory monoclonal antibody is efficacious in improving GFS outcome, possibly even more effectively than inhibition of VEGF-R2, due to its additional effect on inflammation. These results render PlGF an appealing target for ocular wound healing and point to the potential therapeutic benefits of PlGF-inhibition. P137 P136 Lasik for myopia and astigmatism with ZEISS MEL 80 excimer and visumax femtosecond laser DEBROUWERE V (1), JACOB J (1), HUYGENS M (2) (1) UZ Leuven, Leuven (2) BOLC laser centrum, Drongen purpose To study the efficacy of myopic excimer laser assisted in situ keratomileusis (LASIK) using the Zeiss MEL 80 excimer laser in association with the Zeiss Visumax femtosecond laser, with a follow-up up to 12 months. methods Design: Retrospective case study.Participants: Patients with different degrees of myopia and astigmatism treated with LASIK.Technique: The flap was made with the Zeiss Visumax femtosecond laser . Ablations were performed with the Zeiss MEL 80 excimer laser. Analysis: Data of 1,3, 6 and 12 months follow up were reviewed retrospectively. A questionnaire was sent to the patients to assess subjective satisfaction and side effects. Main outcome measures: uncorrected distance visual acuity (UDVA), remaining refraction error (RE) in spherical equivalent, safety of the procedure expressed in change in lines of corrected distance visual acuity (CDVA). results The preliminary results show a mean RE of -0,04 D, -0,12 D, -0,11 D and -0,1 D after a follow up of 1, 3, 6 and 12 months respectively. The UDVA was 20/16 or better in 29% of patients, 20/20 or better in 83% of patients and 20/25 or better in 100% of the cases after a follow up of 12 months. The preliminary safety results show an unchanged CDVA in 54% of patients. None of the patients had a loss of lines in CDVA after a follow-up of 1 year. 33% gained 1 line and 13% gained 2 lines of CDVA, resulting in a safety index of 1.13 after 12 months follow up. Other results of remaining astigmatism, accuracy, predictability, stability and subjective satisfaction will also be shown for the different follow up periods. Visual Function after Gene Therapy for RPE65-Related LCA UVIJLS A (1), MAGUIRE AM (2), HIGH KA (3), WRIGHT JF (3), PIERCE EA (2), DE BAERE E (4), MARSHALL KA (3), CHUNG DC (2), SUN J (3), MCDONNELL J (3), BENNETT J (2), LEROY BP (5) (1) Dept Ophth, GUH, Ghent (2) FM Kirby Center for Mol Ophth, Penn, Philadelphia (3) Ctr Cell Mol Therapeutics, CHOP, Philadelphia (4) Ctr for Med Genet, GUH, Ghent (5) Dept Ophth & Ctr Med Genet, GUH, Ghent purpose To describe changes in visual function after gene therapy for RPE65-related Leber congenital amaurosis. methods Two male Belgian patients of 9 and 10 years old at the first treatment underwent an extensive ophthalmological work-up, including psychophysical testing. Here, we focused on best-corrected visual acuity (BCVA), Goldmann visual fields (GVF) and a Low Vision Panel D-15 colour vision test. Both patients were treated with consecutive vitrectomies with a subretinal injection of AAV2-hRPE65v2 ((4,8x1010 and 1,5x1010 vector genomes in 1st and 2nd eyes respectively). results Both patients showed a significant bilateral improvement of BCVA after treatment of the first eye, but BCVA did not significantly change after treatment of the second eye. A clear improvement in GVF of both eyes was noted after treatment of the first eye, with further improvement of both GVFs, after the second eye was treated. Colour vision did not improve significantly following gene therapy. conclusion Gene therapy with subretinal injection of AAV2-hRPE65v2 is a safe procedure, but also significantly improves retinal sensitivity and consequently visual function. This is most clearly illustrated by the improved GVF. conclusion This study illustrates the accuracy of lasik for myopia and astigmatism with Zeiss MEL 80 exceimer and visumax femtosecond laser. 94 | OB 2012 | PROGRAMME cts a r st on Ab essi s ster po P138 Definition of an absolute scotoma in the central visual field for driver license STEVENS AM, ZEYEN T, BELGIAN GLAUCOMA SOCIETY Gent purpose The latest update of the criteria for driver license stipulate that the binocular central 20° (Group 1) or the binocular central 30° (Group 2) should be free of an absolute scotoma. However, no definition of an absolute scotoma is provided.To provide guidelines for the ophthalmologists for the definition of an absolute scotoma when validating a driver license. methods A literature search was conducted to look for definitions of an absolute scotoma in the central visual field in relation to driver licences. results An absolute scotoma in the central 20° or 30° of the binocular visual field should be examined with standard automated perimetry using the Esterman program or any other form of automated perimetry that allows to integrate the monoculair visual fields . The definition we propose: a minimum of 3 contiguous test locations, maximum 6° apart with a threshold of < 10 decibel (dB) in the binocular central visual field. conclusion Criteria for the definition of absolute scotomas in relation to a driver license are proposed and will be implemented in collaboration with CARA. PROGRAMME | OB 2012 | 95 meet Please visit our DORC booth #39 At the heart of EVA is a revolutionary fluid control system called VacuFlow VTi using Valve Timing intelligence technology. It just effortlessly delivers the precise flow and fast vacuum required by you, the surgeon. Put simply, EVA VacuFlow VTi technology puts you in absolute control, all of the time. on ti a t i ed r Acc N° agréation Activiteitsnr. Date Datum Type Rubriek Intitulé Titel Durée Duur CP Organisateur Organisator 12009344 28/11/12 3 OB 2012 6 h/u 6 2080 AOB 12009345 29/11/12 3 OB 2012 3 h/u 3 2080 AOB 12016558 29/11/12 6 Medico-legale items in de Oogheelkunde Sujets medico-légaux en ophtalmologie Ethical Ophthalmology over the past 20 years 3 h/u 3 2080 AOB 12009346 30/11/12 3 OB 2012 6 h/u 6 2080 AOB PROGRAMME | OB 2012 | 97 s sse e r g re u Fut n o C OB OB 2013 Brussels Expo Nov 27 - 29, 2013 OB 2014 Brussels Expo Nov 26 - 28, 2014 PROGRAMME | OB 2012 | 99 en ier l u m for l e t es CANON B UFSK 600-XLE CX-1 CANON HS100-OCT CANON TX20P LUNEAU L40P LUNEAU L80 JOHN WEISS DUCKWORTH & KENT UFSK SURGITREND CANON CR-2 Plus LENSITA, DIVISION OF HOSPITHERA 100 | OB 2012 | Rue de la Petite Ile/Klein Eilandstraat 3 1070 Bruxelles/Brussel I Belgium TEL: + 32 (0)2 535 03 23 FAX: + 32 (0)2 535 03 29 I WWW.LENSITA.COM PROGRAMME es Not PROGRAMME | OB 2012 | 101 He trained you to be the best And he chose you to perform his cataract surgery That’s success story 60 million and one CONFIDENCE © 2012 Novartis 1/12 ACR12838JAD / MA2012-205 es Not PROGRAMME | OB 2012 | 103 104 | OB 2012 | PROGRAMME es Not PROGRAMME | OB 2012 | 105 AZARGA 3x5ml: € 51,56 Strength and comfort A Novartis company Nov. 2012 AZARGA® Naam van het geneesmiddel: AZARGA 10 mg/ml + 5 mg/ml oogdruppels, suspensie Kwalitatieve en kwantitatieve samenstelling: Eén ml suspensie bevat 10 mg brinzolamide en 5 mg timolol (als timololmaleaat). Lijst van hulpstoffen: benzalkoniumchloride, mannitol (E421), carbopol 974P, tyloxapol, dinatriumedetaat, natriumchloride, zoutzuur en/of natriumhydroxide (voor het instellen van de pH), gezuiverd water. Farmaceutische vorm: Oogdruppels, suspensie (oogdruppels). Witte tot gebroken witte egale suspensie, pH 7,2 (bij benadering). Therapeutische indicaties: Verlaging van de intraoculaire druk (IOD) bij volwassenen met openkamerhoekglaucoom of oculaire hypertensie waarbij monotherapie onvoldoende daling van de intraoculaire druk geeft. Dosering en wijze van toediening: Gebruik bij volwassenen, inclusief ouderen: De dosis is één druppel AZARGA in de conjunctivale zak van het (de) aangedane oog (ogen) tweemaal daags. De systemische absorptie wordt verminderd wanneer nasolacrimale occlusie wordt toegepast of wanneer het ooglid 2 minuten wordt gesloten. Hierdoor kunnen systemische bijwerkingen verminderen en kan de lokale werkzaamheid toenemen. Indien meer dan één topisch oftalmisch geneesmiddel wordt gebruikt, moeten deze geneesmiddelen met een tussenperiode van minimaal 5 minuten worden toegediend. Als een dosis wordt vergeten, dient de behandeling volgens schema voortgezet te worden met de volgende dosis. De dosis mag niet hoger zijn dan tweemaal daags één druppel in het (de) aangedane oog (ogen). Wanneer een ander oftalmisch antiglaucoommiddel wordt vervangen door AZARGA, moet het gebruik van het andere middel worden stopgezet en de volgende dag met AZARGA worden begonnen. Pediatrische patiënten: AZARGA wordt niet aanbevolen voor gebruik bij kinderen jonger dan 18 jaar vanwege een gebrek aan gegevens over veiligheid en werkzaamheid. Gebruik bij lever- en nierfunctiestoornissen: Er is geen onderzoek verricht met AZARGA of timolol 5 mg/ml oogdruppels bij patiënten met lever of nierfunctiestoornissen. Een dosisaanpassing is niet nodig bij patiënten met leverfunctiestoornissen of bij patiënten met lichte tot matige nierfunctiestoornissen. AZARGA is niet onderzocht bij patiënten met ernstige nierfunctiestoornissen (creatinineklaring < 30 ml/min) of bij patiënten met hyperchloremische acidose. Aangezien brinzolamide en zijn belangrijkste metabolieten voornamelijk via de nieren worden uitgescheiden, is AZARGA gecontraïndiceerd bij patiënten met ernstige nierfunctiestoornissen. Wijze van toediening: Voor oculair gebruik. Instrueer patiënten het esje vóór gebruik goed te schudden. Om besmetting van de druppelteller en de suspensie te voorkomen, moet er op gelet worden dat de druppelteller niet in contact komt met de oogleden, het omringende gedeelte of andere oppervlakken. Instrueer patiënten het esje goed te sluiten wanneer het niet wordt gebruikt. Contra-indicaties: Overgevoeligheid voor de werkzame bestanddelen of voor één van de hulpstoffen. Overgevoeligheid voor andere bètablokkers. Overgevoeligheid voor sulfonamiden. Reactieve luchtwegaandoeningen waaronder astma bronchiale of een anamnese van astma bronchiale, ernstige chronische obstructieve longziekte. Sinus bradycardie, sick-sinus syndroom, sino-atriaal blok, tweede of derdegraads atrioventriculair blok niet gereguleerd door een pacemaker. Manifest hartfalen, cardiogene shock. Ernstige allergische rhinitis. Hyperchloremische acidose. Ernstige nierfunctiestoornissen. Bijwerkingen: Samenvatting van het veiligheidspro el: In twee klinische studies van 6 respectievelijk 12 maanden, waarbij 394 patiënten werden behandeld met AZARGA, was de meest gerapporteerde bijwerking voorbijgaand wazig zicht na indruppeling (3,6%), variërend van een paar seconden tot een paar minuten. Samenvatting van de bijwerkingen: De volgende bijwerkingen zijn gerangschikt volgens de volgende conventie: zeer vaak ( 1/10), vaak ( 1/100 tot <1/10), soms ( 1/1.000 tot <1/100), zelden ( 1/10.000 tot <1/1000), zeer zelden (<1/10.000), of niet bekend (kan met de beschikbare gegevens niet worden bepaald). Binnen iedere frequentiegroep worden bijwerkingen gerangschikt naar afnemende ernst. Psychische stoornissen: Soms: insomnia. Niet bekend: depressie. / Zenuwstelsaandoeningen: Vaak: dysgeusia. / Oogaandoeningen: Vaak: wazig zicht, oogpijn, oogirritatie, corpus alienum gevoel in de ogen. Soms: corneale erosie, keratitis punctate, droog oog, oogafscheiding, pruritus aan het oog, oculaire hyperemie, blefaritis, allergische conjunctivitis, aandoening van de cornea, are in de voorste oogkamer, conjunctivale hyperemie, korstvorming op de ooglidrand, astenopie, abnormaal gevoel in het oog, pruritis van de oogleden, allergische blefaritis, erytheem aan het ooglid. / Bloedvataandoeningen: Soms: verlaagde bloeddruk. / Ademhalingsstelsel-, borstkas- en mediastinumaandoeningen: Soms: chronisch obstructieve pulmonaire aandoening, faryngolaryngale pijn, rhinorrhoea, hoesten. / Huid- en onderhuidaandoeningen: Soms: aandoening van het haar, lichen planus. Beschrijving van geselecteerde bijwerkingen: Dysgeusie (bittere of vreemde smaak in de mond na indruppeling) was een frequent gerapporteerde systemische bijwerking die in verband werd gebracht met het gebruik van AZARGA tijdens klinische studies. Het wordt waarschijnlijk veroorzaakt door de passage van de oogdruppels in de nasofarynx via het nasolacrimale kanaal en is toe te schrijven aan brinzolamide. Nasolacrimale occlusie of het zachtjes sluiten van het ooglid na indruppeling kan helpen om de incidentie van dit effect te beperken. AZARGA bevat brinzolamide, een sulfonamideremmer van koolzuuranhydrase, die systemisch wordt geabsorbeerd. Effecten op het maagdarmstelsel, op het zenuwstelsel en hematologische, renale en metabole effecten worden gewoonlijk in verband gebracht met systemische koolzuuranhydraseremmers. Gelijksoortige bijwerkingen als die worden toegeschreven aan orale koolzuuranhydraseremmers kunnen voorkomen bij topische toediening. AZARGA bevat brinzolamide en timolol (als timololmaleaat). Zoals andere topisch toegediende oftalmische geneesmiddelen wordt timolol systemisch geabsorbeerd. Hierdoor kunnen dezelfde bijwerkingen optreden als bij systemische bètablokkers. De bijwerkingen die hieronder genoemd worden, bevatten de reacties waargenomen binnen de klasse van oftalmische bètablokkers. Bijkomende bijwerkingen die in verband worden gebracht met het gebruik van de individuele bestanddelen die mogelijk kunnen voorkomen met AZARGA worden hieronder weergegeven. De incidentie van systemische bijwerkingen na topische oftalmische toediening is lager dan na systemische toediening. Infecties en parasitaire aandoeningen: Brinzolamide 10 mg/ml: nasofaryngitis, faryngitis, sinusitis, rinitis. / Bloed- en lymfestelselaandoeningen: Brinzolamide 10 mg/ml: verminderde hoeveelheid rode bloedcellen, verhoogde hoeveelheid chloride in het bloed. / Immuunsysteemaandoeningen: Timolol 5 mg/ml: systemische allergische reacties waaronder angio-oedeem, urticaria, gelokaliseerde en gegeneraliseerde uitslag, pruritus, anafylaxie. / Voedings- en stofwisselingsstoornissen: Timolol 5 mg/ml: hypoglykemie. / Psychische stoornissen: Brinzolamide 10 mg/ml: apathie, depressie, depressieve stemming, verminderd libido, nachtmerries, nervositeit. Timolol 5 mg/ml: nachtmerries, geheugenverlies. / Zenuwstelselaandoeningen: Brinzolamide 10 mg/ml: slaperigheid, motorische disfunctie, amnesie, geheugenstoornis, paresthesie, tremor, hypoesthesie, ageusie. Timolol 5 mg/ml: cerebrale ischemie, cerebrovasculair accident, syncope, verergering van de tekenen en symptomen van myasthenia gravis, paresthesie, hoofdpijn, duizeligheid. / Oogaandoeningen: Brinzolamide 10 mg/ml: keratitis, keratopathie, verhoogde cup/disc ratio van de oogzenuw, defect van het corneaepitheel, aandoening van het corneaepitheel, verhoogde intraoculaire druk, afzetting op het oog, verkleuring van de cornea, corneaoedeem, conjunctivitis, meibomianitis, diplopie, glare, fotofobie, fotopsie, verminderde gezichtsscherpte, pterygium, oculair ongemak, keratoconjunctivitis sicca, hypoesthesie van het oog, sclerale pigmentatie, subconjunctivale cyste, toegenomen lacrimatie, visuele stoornissen, zwelling van het oog, oogallergie, madarosis, ooglidstoornis, ooglidoedeem. Timolol 5 mg/ ml: tekenen en symptomen van oculaire irritatie (zoals branden, prikken, jeuken, tranen, roodheid), keratitis, choroïdloslating na ltratiechirurgie, verminderde corneagevoeligheid, ptose, diplopie. / Evenwichtsorgaanen ooraandoeningen: Brinzolamide 10 mg/ml: tinnitus, vertigo. / Hartaandoeningen: Brinzolamide 10 mg/ml: cardiorespiratoire uitputting, angina pectoris, bradycardie, onregelmatige hartslag, arrythmie, palpitaties, tachycardie, versnelde hartslag. Timolol 5 mg/ml: bradycardie, borstkaspijn, palpitaties, oedeem, arrythmie, congestief hartfalen, atrioventriculair blok, hartstilstand, hartfalen. / Bloedvataandoeningen: Brinzolamide 10 mg/ml: hypertensie. Timolol 5 mg/ml: hypotensie, fenomeen van Raynaud, koude handen en voeten. / Ademhalingsstelsel-, borstkas-, en mediastinumaandoeningen: Brinzolamide 10 mg/ml: dyspneu, astma, bronchiale hyperactiviteit, epistaxis, irritatie van de keel, nasale congestie, congestie van de bovenste luchtwegen, postnasale drip, niezen, nasale droogte. Timolol 5 mg/ml: bronchospasmen (voornamelijk bij patiënten met een bestaande bronchospastische aandoening), dyspneu. / Maagdarmstelselaandoeningen: Brinzolamide 10 mg/ml: droge mond, oesofagitis, braken, dyspepsie, abdominaal ongemak, maagklachten, frequente bewegingen van de darm, gastrointestinale aandoening, orale hypoesthesie, orale paresthesie, atulentie. Timolol 5 mg/ml: misselijkheid, dyspepsie, diarree, droge mond, abdominale pijn, braken. / Lever- en galaandoeningen: Brinzolamide 10 mg/ml: abnormale leverwaarden. / Huid- en onderhuidaandoeningen: Brinzolamide 10 mg/ml: urticaria, maculo-papulaire uitslag, algemene pruritus, alopecia, strakke huid, dermatitis, erytheem. Timolol 5 mg/ml: alopecia, psoriasisachtige huiduitslag of verergering van psoriasis, huiduitslag. / Skeletspierstelsel- en bindweefselaandoeningen: Brinzolamide 10 mg/ml: rugpijn, spierkrampen, myalgie, arthralgie, pijn in de extremiteiten. Timolol 5 mg/ml: myalgie. / Nier- en urinewegaandoeningen: Brinzolamide 10 mg/ml: nierpijn, pollakiurie. / Voortplantingsstelsel- en borstaandoeningen: Brinzolamide 10 mg/ml: erectiele disfunctie. Timolol 5 mg/ml: sexuele disfunctie, verminderd libido. / Algemene aandoeningen en toedieningsplaatsstoornissen: Brinzolamide 10 mg/ml: pijn, asthenie, ongemak ter hoogte van de borst, vermoeidheid, abnormaal gevoel, zenuwachtig gevoel, geïrriteerdheid, pijn op de borst, perifeer oedeem, malaise, medicatieresidu. Timolol 5 mg/ml: asthenie, vermoeidheid. / Letsels, intoxicaties en verrichtingscomplicaties: Brinzolamide 10 mg/ml: corpus-alienum in het oog. Pediatrische patiënten: AZARGA wordt niet aanbevolen voor gebruik bij kinderen jonger dan 18 jaar vanwege een gebrek aan gegevens over veiligheid en werkzaamheid. Publieksprijs inclusief BTW: 3 x 5 ml: 51,56 €. Registratiehouder: Alcon Laboratories (UK) Ltd., Pentagon Park, Boundary Way, Hemel Hempstead, Herts HP2 7UD, Verenigd Koninkrijk. Fabrikant: SA ALCON-COUVREUR NV, Rijksweg 14, B-2870 Puurs, België. Registratienummer: EU/1/08/482/002. A evering: Geneesmiddel op medisch voorschrift. Datum van herziening van de tekst: 17 februari 2012. Mei 2012 AZARGA® Dénomination du médicament: AZARGA 10 mg/ml + 5 mg/ml collyre en suspension Composition qualitative et quantitative: Un ml de suspension contient 10 mg de brinzolamide et 5 mg de timolol (sous forme de maléate de timolol). Liste des excipients: chlorure de benzalkonium, mannitol (E421), carbopol 974P, tyloxapol, édétate disodique, chlorure de sodium, acide chlorhydrique et/ou hydroxyde de sodium (ajustement du pH), eau puri ée. Forme pharmaceutique: Collyre en suspension (collyre). Suspension uniforme blanche à blanchâtre, pH 7,2 (environ). Indications thérapeutiques: Réduction de la pression intraoculaire (PIO) chez les patients adultes atteints de glaucome à angle ouvert ou d’hypertonie intraoculaire, pour lesquels la réduction de PIO sous monothérapie est insuf sante. Posologie et mode d’administration: Utilisation chez les adultes et les sujets âgés: La posologie est d’une goutte d’AZARGA dans le cul de sac conjonctival de l’œil ou des yeux atteint(s) deux fois par jour. Le passage systémique peut être réduit par une occlusion nasolacrymale ou la fermeture des paupières pendant 2 minutes. Cette méthode peut contribuer à diminuer les effets indésirables systémiques et à augmenter l’ef cacité locale. En cas d’utilisation de plusieurs médicaments administrés par voie oculaire, les instillations doivent être espacées d’au moins 5 minutes. Si une instillation est oubliée, le traitement doit être poursuivi avec l’instillation suivante comme prévu. La posologie ne doit pas excéder une goutte deux fois par jour dans l’œil (les yeux) atteint(s). En cas de remplacement d’un autre traitement antiglaucomateux ophtalmique par AZARGA, interrompre l’autre médicament et commencer AZARGA le jour suivant. Population pédiatrique: AZARGA n’est pas recommandé chez les enfants de moins de 18 ans en raison de l’absence de données de tolérance et d’ef cacité. Utilisation chez les insuf sants hépatiques et rénaux: Aucune étude n’a été effectuée avec AZARGA ou avec timolol 5 mg/ml collyre chez les insuf sants hépatiques ou rénaux. Aucune adaptation posologique n’est nécessaire chez les insuf sants hépatiques ou chez les insuf sants rénaux légers à modérés. AZARGA n’a pas été étudié chez les patients présentant une insuf sance rénale sévère (clairance de la créatinine < 30 ml/min) ou chez les patients présentant une acidose hyperchlorémique. Etant donné que le brinzolamide et son principal métabolite sont excrétés majoritairement par le rein, AZARGA est contreindiqué chez les insuf sants rénaux sévères. Mode d’administration: Voie oculaire. Demander aux patients de bien agiter le acon avant usage. Pour éviter la contamination de l’embout comptegouttes et de la solution, il faut faire attention de ne pas toucher les paupières, les surfaces voisines ou d’autres surfaces avec l’embout comptegouttes du acon. Indiquer aux patients de conserver le acon bien fermé quand il n’est pas utilisé. Contre-indications: Hypersensibilité aux principes actifs ou à l’un des excipients. Hypersensibilité aux autres bêta-bloquants. Hypersensibilité aux sulfonamides. Pathologies associées à une hyperréactivité bronchique notamment asthme ou antécédents d’asthme et bronchopneumopathie chronique obstructive sévère. Bradycardie sinusale, maladie du sinus, bloc sino-auriculaire, bloc auriculoventriculaire du second ou du troisième degré non contrôlé par un pacemaker, insuf sance cardiaque con rmée ou choc cardiogénique. Rhinite allergique sévère. Acidose hyperchlorémique. Insuf sance rénale sévère. Effets indésirables: Résumé du pro l de tolérance: Dans deux études cliniques de 6 et 12 mois ayant inclus 394 patients traités avec AZARGA, l’effet indésirable le plus fréquemment rapporté était une vision oue transitoire lors de l’instillation (3,6%) persistant de quelques secondes à quelques minutes. Résumé des effets indésirables: Les effets indésirables suivants ont été classés de la façon suivante: très fréquents ( 1/10), fréquents ( 1/100 à <1/10), peu fréquents ( 1/1000 à <1/100), rares ( 1/10000 à <1/1000), très rares (<1/10000) ou indéterminés (ne peuvent être estimés sur la base des données disponibles). Dans chaque groupe de fréquence, les effets indésirables sont présentés dans l’ordre décroissant de gravité. Affections psychiatriques: Peu fréquente: insomnie. Fréquence indéterminée: dépression. / Affections du système nerveux: Fréquente: dysgueusie. / Affections oculaires: Fréquentes: vision oue, douleur oculaire, irritation oculaire, sensation de corps étranger dans les yeux. Peu fréquentes: érosion cornéenne, kératite ponctuée, œil sec, écoulement oculaire, prurit oculaire, hyperhémie oculaire, blépharite, conjonctivite allergique, affection de la cornée, in ammation de la chambre antérieure de l’œil, hyperhémie conjonctivale, formation de croûtes sur le bord de la paupière, asthénopie, sensation anormale dans l’œil, prurit des paupières, blépharite allergique, érythème de la paupière. / Affections vasculaires: Peu fréquente: diminution de la pression artérielle. / Affections respiratoires, thoraciques et médiastinales: Peu fréquentes: bronchopneumopathie chronique obstructive, douleur pharyngolaryngée, rhinorrhée, toux. / Affections de la peau et du tissu sous-cutané: Peu fréquentes: troubles de la pilosité, lichen plan. Description de certains effets indésirables: Un effet indésirable systémique fréquemment rapporté au cours des études cliniques avec AZARGA a été la dysgueusie (goût amer ou inhabituel dans la bouche après instillation). Il est probablement dû au passage du collyre dans le nasopharynx par le canal nasolacrymal et il est imputable au brinzolamide. L’occlusion nasolacrymale ou la fermeture douce des paupières après l’instillation peut contribuer à réduire la fréquence de cet effet. AZARGA contient du brinzolamide qui est un sulfonamide inhibiteur de l’anhydrase carbonique absorbé par voie systémique. Les effets gastrointestinaux, affectant le système nerveux, hématologiques, rénaux et métaboliques sont généralement associés aux inhibiteurs de l’anhydrase carbonique systémiques. Les effets indésirables des inhibiteurs de l’anhydrase carbonique par voie orale peuvent être observés avec la voie locale. AZARGA contient du brinzolamide et du timolol (sous forme de maléate de timolol). Comme pour d’autres médicaments à usage ophtalmique administrés par voie locale, le timolol peut passer dans la circulation générale. Cela peut entraîner des effets indésirables semblables à ceux des bêta-bloquants pris par voie systémique. Les réactions indésirables mentionnées comprennent des réactions rencontrées dans la classe des bêta-bloquants ophtalmiques. D’autres effets indésirables liés à l’utilisation d’un des composants, qui peuvent éventuellement survenir avec AZARGA, incluent ceux détaillés ci-dessous. L’incidence des effets indésirables systémiques après une administration topique ophtalmique est inférieure à celle d’une administration systémique. Infections et infestations: Brinzolamide 10 mg/ml: rhinopharyngite, pharyngite, sinusite, rhinite. / Affections hématologiques et du système lymphatique: Brinzolamide 10 mg/ml: diminution du nombre de globules rouges, augmentation du taux de chlorure dans le sang. / Affections du système immunitaire: Timolol 5 mg/ml: réaction allergique systémique incluant angiœdème, urticaire, rash localisé et généralisé, prurit, anaphylaxie. / Troubles du métabolisme et de la nutrition: Timolol 5 mg/ml: hypoglycémie. / Affections psychiatriques: Brinzolamide 10 mg/ml: apathie, dépression, troubles de l’humeur, diminution de la libido, cauchemars, nervosité. Timolol 5 mg/ml: cauchemars, pertes de mémoire. / Affections du système nerveux: Brinzolamide 10 mg/ml: somnolence, troubles de l’appareil locomoteur, amnésie, troubles de la mémoire, paresthésie, tremblements, hypoesthésie, agueusie. Timolol 5 mg/ml: ischémie cérébrale, accident cérébrovasculaire, syncope, majoration des signes et symptômes de myasthénie gravis, parésthésie, maux de tête, étourdissement. / Affections oculaires: Brinzolamide 10 mg/ml: kératite, kératopathie, augmentation du ratio cup/disc du nerf optique, anomalie de l’épithélium cornéen, affection de l’épithélium cornéen, augmentation de la pression intraoculaire, dépôt oculaire, coloration cornéenne, œdème cornéen, conjonctivite, meibomite, diplopie, éblouissements, photophobie, photopsie, baisse d’acuité visuelle, ptérygion, gêne oculaire, kératoconjonctivite sèche, hypœsthésie oculaire, pigmentation sclérale, kyste sousconjonctival, larmoiement augmenté, trouble visuel, gon ement oculaire, allergie oculaire, madarose, troubles de la paupière, œdème de la paupière. Timolol 5 mg/ml: signes et symptômes d’irritation oculaire (par exemple: brûlure, picotements, démangeaisons, larmoiement, rougeur), kératite, décollement de la choroïde après une chirurgie ltrante, diminution de la sensibilité cornéenne, ptôsis, diplopie. / Affections de l’oreille et du labyrinthe: Brinzolamide 10 mg/ml: tinnitus, vertiges. / Affections cardiaques: Brinzolamide 10 mg/ml: détresse respiratoire, angine de poitrine, bradycardie, rythme cardiaque irrégulier, arythmie, palpitations, tachycardie, accélération du rythme cardiaque. Timolol 5 mg/ml: bradycardie, douleur thoracique, palpitations, œdème, arythmie, insuf sance cardiaque congestive, bloc auriculo-ventriculaire, arrêt cardiaque, insuf sance cardiaque. / Affections vasculaires: Brinzolamide 10 mg/ml: hypertension. Timolol 5 mg/ml: hypotension, syndrome de Raynaud, mains et pieds froids. / Affections respiratoires, thoraciques et médiastinales: Brinzolamide 10 mg/ml: dyspnée, asthme, hyperactivité bronchique, épistaxis, irritation de la gorge, congestion nasale, congestion des voies respiratoires supérieures, sécrétions rétronasales, éternuements, sécheresse nasale. Timolol 5 mg/ml: bronchospasme (principalement chez les patients ayant une maladie bronchospastique préexistante), dyspnée. / Affections gastrointestinales: Brinzolamide 10 mg/ml: bouche sèche, oesophagite, vomissement, dyspepsie, gêne abdominale, maux d’estomac, selles fréquentes, troubles gastrointestinaux, hypoesthésie orale, paresthésie orale, atulences. Timolol 5 mg/ml: nausée, dyspepsie, diarrhée, bouche sèche, douleur abdominale, vomissements. / Affections hépatobiliaires: Brinzolamide 10 mg/ml: bilan hépatique anormal. / Affections de la peau et du tissu sous-cutané: Brinzolamide 10 mg/ml: urticaire, rash maculopapuleux, prurit généralisé, alopécie, tiraillements cutanés, dermatite, érythème. Timolol 5 mg/ml: alopécie, éruption psoriasiforme ou exacerbation de psoriasis, éruption cutanée. / Affections musculo-squelettiques et systémiques: Brinzolamide 10 mg/ml: maux de dos, spasmes musculaires, myalgie, arthralgie, douleur des extrémités. Timolol 5 mg/ml: myalgies. / Affections du rein et des voies urinaires: Brinzolamide 10 mg/ml: douleurs rénales, pollakiurie. / Affections des organes de reproduction et du sein: Brinzolamide 10 mg/ml: dysfonction érectile. Timolol 5 mg/ml: dysfonction sexuelle, diminution de la libido. / Troubles généraux et anomalies au site d’administration: Brinzolamide 10 mg/ml: douleurs, asthénie, gêne thoracique, fatigue, sensation de malêtre, sensation de nervosité, irritabilité, douleur thoracique, oedème périphérique, malaise, résidu médicamenteux. Timolol 5 mg/ml: asthénie, fatigue. / Lésions, intoxications et complications liées aux procédures: Brinzolamide 10 mg/ml: corps étranger dans l’œil. Population pédiatrique: AZARGA n’est pas recommandé chez les enfants de moins de 18 ans en raison de l’absence de données de tolérance et d’ef cacité. Prix public incl. TVA: 3 x 5 ml: 51,56 €. Titulaire d’enregistrement: Alcon Laboratories (UK) Ltd., Pentagon Park, Boundary Way, Hemel Hempstead, Herts HP2 7UD, Royaume-Uni. Fabricant: SA ALCON-COUVREUR NV, Rijksweg 14, B-2870 Puurs, Belgique. Numéro d’enregistrement: EU/1/08/482/002. Délivrance: Médicament soumis à prescription médicale. Date de mise à jour du texte: 17 février 2012. Mai 2012 DuoTrav® 3x2,5 ml : 68,93 € DISCOVER THE DIFFERENCE THE ALCON® NEW WAY: WITHOUT BAK - NOW WITH POLYQUAD® Travatan® 3x2,5 ml : 52,10 € CHANGING THE WAY YOU LOWER IOP Summary of product characteristics of DuoTrav® and Travatan® are included in the current publication may 2012 es Not PROGRAMME | OB 2012 | 109 TRAVATAN® Naam van het geneesmiddel : TRAVATAN 40 microgram/ml oogdruppels, oplossing Kwalitatieve en kwantitatieve samenstelling : Iedere ml oplossing bevat 40 microgram travoprost. Lijst van hulpstoffen: polyquaternium-1, polyoxyethyleen gehydrogeneerde castorolie 40 (HCO-40), boorzuur (E284), mannitol (E421), natriumchloride, propyleenglycol (E1520), natriumhydroxide en/of zoutzuur (voor het instellen van de pH), gezuiverd water. Farmaceutische vorm : Oogdruppels, oplossing. Heldere, kleurloze oplossing. Therapeutische indicaties Verlaging van verhoogde intraoculaire druk bij patiënten met oculaire hypertensie of open kamerhoekglaucoom. Dosering en wijze van toediening Gebruik bij volwassenen, inclusief ouderen De dosis bedraagt eenmaal daags één druppel TRAVATAN in de conjunctivale zak van het (de) aangedane oog (ogen). Het beste resultaat wordt behaald wanneer de dosis ‘s avonds wordt toegediend. Nasolacrimale occlusie of het zachtjes sluiten van het ooglid na toediening wordt aanbevolen. Dit kan de systemische absorptie van oculair toegediende geneesmiddelen verminderen en leiden tot een vermindering van de systemische bijwerkingen. Indien meer dan één topisch oftalmisch geneesmiddel wordt gebruikt, moeten deze geneesmiddelen met een tussenperiode van minimaal 5 minuten worden toegediend. Als een dosis wordt vergeten, wordt de behandeling volgens schema voortgezet met de volgende dosis. De dagelijkse dosis mag niet hoger zijn dan één druppel in het (de) aangedane oog (ogen). Wanneer een ander oftalmisch antiglaucoommiddel wordt vervangen door TRAVATAN, moet het gebruik van het andere middel worden stopgezet en de volgende dag met TRAVATAN worden gestart. Pediatrische patiënten De werkzaamheid en veiligheid van TRAVATAN bij patiënten jonger dan 18 jaar werden niet vastgesteld en het gebruik wordt niet aanbevolen bij deze patiënten tot er meer gegevens beschikbaar zijn. Lever- en nierfunctiestoornissen TRAVATAN werd bestudeerd bij patiënten met matige tot ernstige leverfunctiestoornissen en bij patiënten met matige tot ernstige nierfunctiestoornissen (creatinineklaring zo laag als 14 ml/min). Een aanpassing van de dosis is niet nodig bij deze patiënten. Wijze van toediening Voor oculair gebruik. Het beschermende foliezakje moet vlak vóór het eerste gebruik worden verwijderd door de patiënt. Om besmetting van de druppelaar en de oplossing te voorkomen, mag de druppelaar van het flesje niet in contact komen met de oogleden, het omringende gedeelte of andere oppervlakken. Contra-indicaties : Overgevoeligheid voor het werkzame bestanddeel of voor één van de hulpstoffen. Bijwerkingen : In klinische studies met meer dan 4400 patiënten werd TRAVATAN (met benzalkoniumchloride als conserveermiddel) eenmaal daags toegediend als monotherapie of als aanvullende therapie bij timolol 0,5%. Er werden in geen van de klinische studies ernstige oftalmische of systemische bijwerkingen met het product gemeld. De meest gemelde bijwerking die met de behandeling van TRAVATAN (met benzalkoniumchloride als conserveermiddel) als monotherapie in verband kon worden gebracht, was hyperemie van het oog (22,0%), waaronder oculaire, conjunctiva of sclerale hyperemie. De hyperemie was mild bij 83,6% van de patiënten bij wie deze bijwerking zich voordeed. Bijna alle patiënten (98%) die hyperemie ondervonden, beëindigden de behandeling als gevolg van deze bijwerking niet. In fase III klinische studies, variërend in duur van 6 tot 12 maanden, verminderde de hyperemie na verloop van tijd. In een 5 jaar-durende post-autorisatie klinische studie waarbij bij 502 patiënten eenmaal daags TRAVATAN werd toegediend, werden geen ernstige oftalmische of systemische bijwerkingen die in verband konden worden gebracht met TRAVATAN gemeld. De meest voorkomende bijwerking die in verband kon worden gebracht met de behandeling met TRAVATAN was hyperpigmentatie van de iris (29,5%). Hyperemie van het oog dat in verband werd gebracht met het gebruik van TRAVATAN werd gemeld met een incidentie van 10,0%, waarbij 2% van de patiënten die hyperemie van het oog meldden hun deelname aan de studie stopzette als gevolg van de bijwerking. De volgende bijwerkingen konden in verband worden gebracht met de behandeling met TRAVATAN (met benzalkoniumchloride als conserveermiddel) als monotherapie. Zij zijn volgens de volgende conventie ingedeeld: zeer vaak ( 1/10), vaak (>1/100 tot <1/10), soms (>1/1.000 tot 1/100), zelden (>1/10.000 tot 1/1.000), of zeer zelden ( 1/10.000). Binnen iedere frequentiegroep worden bijwerkingen gerangschikt naar afnemende ernst. TRAVATAN (met benzalkoniumchloride als conserveermiddel) Infecties en parasitaire aandoeningen : Soms: herpes simplex, keratitis herpetisch Immuunsysteemaandoeningen : Soms: overgevoeligheid, geneesmiddelenovergevoeligheid, seizoensgebonden allergie Zenuwstelselaandoeningen : Vaak: hoofdpijn. Soms: dysgeusie, duizeligheid, gezichtsvelduitval Oogaandoeningen : Zeer vaak: oculaire hyperemie, iris hyperpigmentatie. Vaak: keratitis punctata, voorste oogkamerontsteking, oogpijn, fotofobie, oogafscheiding, ongemak in het oog, scherpzien gereduceerd, gezichtsvermogen wazig, droog oog, oog pruritis, traanproductie verhoogd, erytheem van het ooglid, ooglidoedeem, groei van de wimpers, wimperverkleuring. Soms: cornea-erosie, uveïtis, keratitis, oogontsteking, fotopsie, blefaritis, conjunctivaal oedeem, halogezicht, conjunctivitis, conjunctivale follikels, ooghypo-esthesie, meibom-ontsteking, ectropion, voorste oogkamer pigmentatie, mydriase, cataract, schilferige ooglidrand, asthenopie Hartaandoeningen : Soms: hartfrequentie onregelmatig, hartkloppingen, hartfrequentie verlaagd Bloedvataandoeningen : Soms: bloeddruk verlaagd, bloeddruk verhoogd, hypotensie, hypertensie Ademhalingsstelsel-, borstkas- en mediastinumaandoeningen : Soms: dyspnoea, astma, luchtwegaandoening, orofaryngeale pijn, hoesten, dysfonie, neusverstopping, keelirritatie Maagdarmstelselaandoeningen : Soms: peptisch ulcus gereactiveerd, maagdarmstelselaandoening, constipatie Huid- en onderhuidaandoeningen : Vaak: huidhyperpigmentatie (perioculair). Soms: dermatitis allergisch, periorbitaal oedeem, contactdermatitis, erytheem, rash, haarkleurveranderingen, haartextuur abnormaal, hypertrichose, madarose Skeletspierstelsel- en bindweefselaandoeningen : Soms: skeletspierstelselpijn Algemene aandoeningen en toedieningsplaatsstoornissen : Soms: asthenie, malaise Tijdens de ontwikkeling van TRAVATAN (met polyquaternium als conserveermiddel) werden in 2 klinische studies 201 patiënten tot 3 maanden blootgesteld. In geen van de klinische studies werden ernstige oftalmische of systemische bijwerkingen gemeld die in verband konden worden gebracht met het product. De meest gemelde bijwerking die in verband kon worden gebracht met TRAVATAN (met polyquaternium als conserveermiddel) was hyperemie van het oog (18,9%), waaronder oculaire of conjunctiva hyperemie. Eén patient (0,5%) zette de deelname aan de studie stop vanwege hyperemie van het oog. De volgende bijwerkingen konden in verband worden gebracht met de behandeling (met TRAVATAN (met polyquaternium-1 als conserveermiddel) als monotherapie) en zijn ingedeeld volgens de volgende conventie: zeer vaak ( 1/10), vaak (>1/100 tot <1/10), soms (>1/1.000 tot 1/100), zelden (>1/10.000 tot 1/1.000), of zeer zelden ( 1/10.000). Binnen iedere frequentiegroep worden bijwerkingen gerangschikt naar afnemende ernst. TRAVATAN (met polyquaternium-1 als conserveermiddel) Zenuwstelselaandoeningen: Soms: hoofdpijn. Oogaandoeningen: Zeer vaak: oculaire hyperemie. Vaak: keratitis punctata, oogpijn, fotofobie, ongemak in het oog, droog oog, oog pruritus. Soms: scherpzien gereduceerd, traanproductie verhoogd, erytheem van het ooglid, schilferige ooglidrand. Maagdarmstelselaandoeningen: Soms: droge mond. Huid- en onderhuidaandoeningen: Vaak: huidhyperpigmentatie, huidverkleuring. De volgende bijwerkingen werden vastgesteld tijdens post-marketing ervaringen en werden niet eerder in klinische studies met TRAVATAN als monotherapie gemeld : Oculair: macula-oedeem Systemisch: bradycardie, tachycardie, astma verergerd, vertigo, tinnitus, PSA verhoogd, haargroei abnormaal. Publieksprijs inclusief BTW: 3 x 2,5 ml : 52,10 . Registratiehouder: Alcon Laboratories (UK), Ltd. Boundary Way, Hemel Hempstead, Herts HP2 7UD, Verenigd Koninkrijk. Fabrikant: SA ALCON-COUVREUR NV, Rijksweg 14, 2870 Puurs, België. Registratienummer: EU/1/01/199/002. Aflevering: Geneesmiddel op medisch voorschrift. Datum van herziening van de tekst: 14 april 2011. Mei 2012 TRAVATAN® Dénomination du médicament : TRAVATAN 40 microgrammes/ml collyre en solution. Composition qualitative et quantitative : Chaque ml de solution contient 40 microgrammes de travoprost. Liste des excipients: polyquaternium-1, huile de ricin hydrogénée polyoxyéthylénée 40 (HCO-40), acide borique (E284), mannitol (E421), chlorure de sodium, propylène glycol (E1520), hydroxyde de sodium et/ou acide chlorhydrique (ajustement du pH), eau purifiée. Forme pharmaceutique : Collyre en solution. Solution incolore et limpide. Indications thérapeutiques : Réduction de la pression intraoculaire élevée chez les patients atteints d’hypertonie intraoculaire ou de glaucome à angle ouvert. Posologie et mode d’administration Utilisation chez les adultes et les sujets âgés : La posologie est de une goutte de TRAVATAN dans le cul de sac conjonctival de l’œil ou des yeux atteint(s) une fois par jour. L’effet est optimal si le traitement est administré le soir. Une occlusion nasolacrymale ou une fermeture douce des paupières après administration est recommandée. Ceci peut réduire l’absorption systémique des médicaments administrés par voie oculaire et conduire à une diminution des effets indésirables systémiques. En cas d’utilisation de plusieurs collyres, les médicaments doivent être administrés avec au moins 5 minutes d’écart. Si une instillation est oubliée, le traitement doit être poursuivi avec l'instillation suivante comme prévu. La posologie ne doit pas dépasser une goutte par jour dans l’œil ou les yeux atteint(s). En cas de remplacement d’un autre traitement antiglaucomateux ophtalmique par TRAVATAN, l’autre traitement doit être interrompu et TRAVATAN doit être commencé le jour suivant. Sujets pédiatriques L’efficacité et la tolérance de TRAVATAN chez les patients de moins de 18 ans n’ont pas été établies et son utilisation n’est pas recommandée chez ces patients jusqu’à ce que de nouvelles données soient disponibles. Insuffisants hépatiques et rénaux TRAVATAN a été étudié chez les insuffisants hépatiques modérés à sévères et chez les insuffisants rénaux modérés à sévères (clairance de la créatinine jusqu’à 14 ml/min). Aucune adaptation de la posologie n’est nécessaire chez ces patients. Mode d’administration Voie oculaire Le patient doit retirer le sachet protecteur juste avant la première utilisation. Pour éviter la contamination de l’embout compte-gouttes et de la solution, il faut faire attention de ne pas toucher les paupières, les surfaces voisines ou d’autres surfaces avec l’embout compte-gouttes du flacon. Contre-indications : Hypersensibilité au principe actif ou à l’un des excipients. Effets indésirables : Au cours des études cliniques incluant plus de 4400 patients, TRAVATAN (conservé avec du chlorure de benzalkonium) a été administré, une fois par jour, en monothérapie ou en association avec du timolol 0,5%. Aucun effet indésirable grave, ophtalmique ou systémique, lié au produit n’a été rapporté dans aucune des études cliniques. L’effet indésirable, lié à TRAVATAN (conservé avec du chlorure de benzalkonium) en monothérapie, le plus fréquemment rapporté était une hyperémie oculaire (22,0 %) incluant hyperémie oculaire, conjonctivale ou sclérale. L’hyperémie était légère chez 83,6 % des patients. Chez la plupart des patients (98 %), l'hyperémie n’a pas entraîné d’arrêt du traitement. Dans les études cliniques de phase III d’une durée de 6 à 12 mois, l’hyperémie a diminué avec le temps. Lors d’une étude clinique post-AMM à long terme d’une durée de 5 ans incluant 502 patients, TRAVATAN a été administré une fois par jour. Aucun effet indésirable grave, ophtalmique ou systémique, lié à TRAVATAN n’a été rapporté au cours de l’étude clinique. L’effet indésirable lié au traitement avec TRAVATAN le plus fréquemment rapporté était une hyperpigmentation de l’iris (29,5 %). L’hyperémie oculaire considérée comme liée à l’utilisation de TRAVATAN a été rapportée avec une incidence de 10,0 %, et 2 % des patients rapportant une hyperémie oculaire ont interrompu leur participation à l’étude en raison de cet effet indésirable. Les effets indésirables suivants ont été considérés comme liés au traitement avec TRAVATAN (conservé avec du chlorure de benzalkonium) en monothérapie et ont été classés de la façon suivante : très fréquents ( 1/10), fréquents (>1/100, <1/10), peu fréquents (>1/1.000, 1/100) et rares (>1/10.000, 1.000) ou très rares ( 1/10.000). Dans chaque groupe de fréquence, les effets indésirables sont présentés dans l’ordre décroissant de gravité. TRAVATAN (conservé avec du chlorure de benzalkonium) Infections et infestations: Peu fréquentes : herpès simplex, kératite herpétique Affections du système immunitaire : Peu fréquentes : hypersensibilité, hypersensibilité médicamenteuse, allergie saisonnière Affections du système nerveux: Fréquentes : céphalées. Peu fréquentes : dysgueusie, sensation vertigineuse, anomalie du champ visuel Affections oculaires : Très fréquentes : hyperémie oculaire, hyperpigmentation de l’iris. Fréquentes : kératite ponctuée, inflammation de la chambre antérieure, douleur oculaire, photophobie, sécrétions oculaires anormales, gêne oculaire, baisse d’acuité visuelle, vision trouble, sécheresse oculaire, prurit oculaire, augmentation de la sécrétion lacrymale, érythème des paupières, œdème des paupières, croissance des cils, coloration des cils. Peu fréquentes : érosion de la cornée, uvéite, kératite, inflammation oculaire, photopsie, blépharite, œdème conjonctival, effet de halo, conjonctivite, follicules conjonctivaux, hypo-esthésie oculaire, meibomite, ectropion, pigmentation de la chambre antérieure, mydriase, cataracte, bord de la paupière croûteux, asthénopie Affections cardiaques : Peu fréquentes : fréquence cardiaque irrégulière, palpitations, fréquence cardiaque diminuée Affections vasculaires : Peu fréquentes : diminution ou augmentation de la pression artérielle, hypotension, hypertension Affections respiratoires, thoraciques et médiastinales :Peu fréquentes : dyspnée, asthme, trouble respiratoire, douleur oro-pharyngée, toux, dysphonie, congestion nasale, irritation de la gorge. Affections gastro-intestinales : Peu fréquentes : réactivation d’ulcère gastro-duodénal, affection gastro-intestinale, constipation Affections de la peau et du tissus sous-cutané : Fréquentes : hyperpigmentation cutanée (péri-oculaire). Peu fréquentes : dermatite allergique, œdème péri-orbital, dermatite de contact, érythème, rash, modification de la couleur des cheveux, texture anormale des cheveux, hypertrichose, madarose Affections musculo-squelettiques et systémiques : Peu fréquentes : douleur musculo-squelettique Troubles généraux et anomalies au site d’administration : Peu fréquentes : asthénie, malaise Dans 2 études cliniques réalisées pour le développement de TRAVATAN (conservé avec du polyquaternium), 201 patients ont été traitées sur une période allant jusqu’à 3 mois. Aucun effet indésirable grave, ophtalmique ou systémique, lié au produit n’a été rapporté dans ces études cliniques. L’effet indésirable lié à TRAVATAN (conservé avec du polyquaternium) le plus fréquemment rapporté était une hyperémie oculaire (18,9 %) incluant hyperémie oculaire ou conjonctivale. Un patient (0,5%) a interrompu sa participation à l’essai pour hyperémie oculaire. Les effets indésirables suivants ont été considérés comme liés au traitement (avec TRAVATAN (conservé avec du polyquaternium-1) en monothérapie) et ont été classés de la façon suivante : très fréquents ( 1/10), fréquents (>1/100, <1/10), peu fréquents (>1/1 000, 1/100) et rares (>1/10 000, 1/1 000) ou très rares ( 1/10 000). Dans chaque groupe de fréquence, les effets indésirables sont présentés dans l’ordre décroissant de gravité. TRAVATAN (conservé avec du polyquaternium-1) Affections du système nerveux : Peu fréquentes : céphalées Affections oculaires : Très fréquentes : hyperémie oculaire. Fréquentes : kératite ponctuée, douleur oculaire, photophobie, gêne oculaire, sécheresse oculaire, prurit oculaire. Peu fréquentes : baisse d’acuité visuelle, augmentation de la sécrétion lacrymale, érythème des paupières, bord de la paupière croûteux Affections gastro-intestinales : Peu fréquentes : bouche sèche Affections de la peau et du tissu sous-cutané : Fréquentes : hyperpigmentation cutanée, dyschromie cutanée Des effets indésirables identifiés après la commercialisation et non rapportés précédemment lors des études cliniques avec TRAVATAN en monothérapie sont les suivants : oculaire : œdème maculaire ; Systémique : bradycardie, tachycardie, asthme aggravé, vertiges, bourdonnement d’oreilles, augmentation de la PSA, croissance des cheveux anormale. Prix public incl. TVA : 3 x 2,5 ml : 52,10 . Titulaire d’enregistrement : Alcon Laboratories (UK) Ltd., Boundary Way, Hemel Hempstead, Herts HP2 7UD, Royaume Uni. Fabricant : SA ALCON-COUVREUR NV, Rijksweg 14, 2870 Puurs, Belgique. Numéro d’enregistrement : EU/1/01/199/002. Délivrance : Médicament soumis à prescription médicale. Date de mise à jour du texte: 14 avril 2011. Mai 2012 Rev 05/2012 DUOTRAV® Naam van het geneesmiddel: DuoTrav 40 microgram/ml + 5 mg/ml oogdruppels, oplossing Kwalitatieve en kwantitatieve samenstelling: Iedere ml oplossing bevat 40 microgram travoprost en 5 mg timolol (als timololmaleaat). Lijst van hulpstoffen: polyquaternium-1, mannitol (E421), propyleenglycol (E1520), polyoxyethyleen gehydrogeneerde castorolie 40 (HCO-40), boorzuur, natriumchloride, natriumhydroxide en/of zoutzuur (om de pH in te stellen), gezuiverd water. Farmaceutische vorm: Oogdruppel, oplossing (oogdruppel). Heldere, kleurloze oplossing. Therapeutische indicaties: Verlaging van de intraoculaire druk (IOD) bij volwassen patiënten met openkamerhoekglaucoom of oculaire hypertensie die onvoldoende reageren op topische bètablokkers of prostaglandine-analogen. Dosering en wijze van toediening: Dosering: Gebruik bij volwassenen, inclusief ouderen: De dosis is één druppel DuoTrav eenmaal daags, ’s morgens of ’s avonds, in de conjunctivale zak van het (de) aangedane oog (ogen). Het moet iedere dag op hetzelfde tijdstip worden toegediend. Als een dosis wordt vergeten, wordt de behandeling volgens schema voortgezet met de volgende dosis. De dagelijkse dosis mag niet hoger zijn dan één druppel in het (de) aangedane oog (ogen). Bijzondere patiëntengroepen: Lever- en nierfunctiestoornissen: Er is geen onderzoek verricht met DuoTrav of met timolol 5 mg/ml oogdruppels bij patiënten met lever- of nierfunctiestoornissen. Travoprost is onderzocht bij patiënten met lichte tot ernstige leverfunctiestoornissen en bij patiënten met lichte tot ernstige nierfunctiestoornissen (creatinineklaring zo laag als 14 ml/min). Bij deze patiënten was aanpassing van de dosis niet nodig. Het is onwaarschijnlijk dat de dosis DuoTrav aangepast moet worden bij patiënten met lever- of nierfunctiestoornissen. Pediatrische patiënten: De veiligheid en werkzaamheid van DuoTrav bij kinderen en jongeren onder de 18 jaar werden niet vastgesteld. Er zijn geen gegevens beschikbaar. Wijze van toediening: Voor oculair gebruik. Het beschermende foliezakje moet vlak vóór het eerste gebruik worden verwijderd door de patiënt. Om besmetting van de druppelaar en de oplossing te voorkomen, mag de druppelaar van het flesje niet in contact komen met de oogleden, het omringende gedeelte of andere oppervlakken. De systemische absorptie wordt verminderd wanneer nasolacrimale occlusie wordt toegepast of wanneer de oogleden 2 minuten worden gesloten. Hierdoor kunnen systemische bijwerkingen verminderen en kan de lokale werkzaamheid toenemen. Indien meer dan één topisch oftalmisch geneesmiddel wordt gebruikt, moeten deze geneesmiddelen met een tussenperiode van minimaal 5 minuten worden toegediend. Wanneer een ander oftalmisch antiglaucoommiddel wordt vervangen door DuoTrav, moet het gebruik van het andere middel worden stopgezet en moet de volgende dag met DuoTrav worden begonnen. Patiënten moeten geïnstrueerd worden hun zachte contactlenzen te verwijderen vóór toediening van DuoTrav en 15 minuten te wachten na indruppeling van de dosis voordat zij hun contactlenzen weer kunnen inzetten. Contra-indicaties: Overgevoeligheid voor de werkzame bestanddelen of voor één van de hulpstoffen. Overgevoeligheid voor andere bètablokkers. Reactieve luchtwegaandoeningen, waaronder astma bronchiale of een anamnese van astma bronchiale, ernstige chronische obstructieve longziekte. Sinus bradycardie, sick-sinus syndroom inclusief sino-atriaal blok, tweede- of derdegraads atrioventriculair blok niet gereguleerd door een pacemaker. Manifest hartfalen, cardiogene shock. Ernstige allergische rhinitis en corneale dystrofie. Bijwerkingen: In klinisch onderzoek bij 938 patiënten werd DuoTrav (met benzalkoniumchloride als conserveermiddel) eenmaal daags toegediend. De meest gemelde bijwerking die met de behandeling in verband kon worden gebracht was oculaire hyperemie (15,0%). Bijna alle patiënten (96%) beëindigden de behandeling als gevolg van deze reactie niet. De volgende bijwerkingen, hieronder opgesomd, zijn waargenomen in klinische studies of zijn door postmarketing-ervaringen vastgesteld. Zij zijn gerangschikt naar systeem/orgaanklasse en ingedeeld volgens de volgende conventie: zeer vaak ( 1/10), vaak ( 1/100 tot <1/10), soms ( 1/1.000 tot < 1/100), zelden ( 1/10.000 tot < 1/1.000), zeer zelden (< 1/10.000), of niet bekend (kan met de beschikbare gegevens niet worden bepaald). Binnen iedere frequentiegroep worden bijwerkingen gerangschikt naar afnemende ernst. DuoTrav (met benzalkoniumchloride als conserveermiddel) Psychische stoornissen: Vaak: zenuwachtigheid. Niet bekend: depressie. / Zenuwstelselaandoeningen: Vaak: duizeligheid, hoofdpijn. Niet bekend: cerebrovasculair accident, syncope, paresthesie. / Oogaandoeningen: Zeer vaak: ongemak in het oog, oculaire hyperemie. Vaak: keratitis punctata, voorste oogkamerontsteking, oogpijn, fotofobie, oogzwelling, conjunctiva hemorragie, scherpzien gereduceerd, visuele stoornis, gezichtsvermogen wazig, droog oog, oogpruritus, conjunctivitis, traanproductie verhoogd, erytheem van het ooglid, blefaritis, asthenopie, groei van de wimpers. Soms: cornea-erosie, keratitis, oogallergie, conjunctivaal oedeem, ooglidoedeem. Zelden: iritis. Niet bekend: macula-oedeem, ooglidptose, cornea-aandoening. / Hartaandoeningen: Vaak: hartfrequentie onregelmatig, hartfrequentie verlaagd. Soms: aritmie. Niet bekend: hartfalen, tachycardie. / Bloedvataandoeningen: Vaak: bloeddruk verhoogd, bloeddruk verlaagd. / Ademhalingsstelsel-, borstkas- en mediastinumaandoeningen: Vaak: bronchospasme. Soms: dyspnoea, hoesten, orofaryngeale pijn, keelirritatie, neusongemak, postnasale drip. Niet bekend: astma. / Lever- en galaandoeningen: Soms: alanine-aminotransferase verhoogd, aspartaataminotransferase verhoogd. / Huid- en onderhuidaandoeningen: Vaak: urticaria, huidhyperpigmentatie (perioculair). Soms: contactdermatitis. Zelden: alopecia. Niet bekend: rash. / Skeletspierstelsel- en bindweefselaandoeningen: Vaak: pijn in extremiteit. / Nier- en urinewegaandoeningen: Soms: chromaturie. / Algemene aandoeningen en toedieningsplaatsstoornissen: Soms: dorst. Niet bekend: borstkaspijn. Tijdens de ontwikkeling van DuoTrav (met polyquaternium-1 als conserveermiddel) werden in 3 klinische studies 372 patiënten/proefpersonen tot 12 maanden blootgesteld. De meest gemelde bijwerking die in verband kon worden gebracht met de behandeling met DuoTrav (met polyquaternium-1 als conserveermiddel) was hyperemie van het oog (11,8%), waaronder oculaire of conjunctiva hyperemie. De meeste patienten (91%) die hyperemie van het oog ondervonden, stopten niet met de therapie vanwege deze reactie. De volgende bijwerkingen, hieronder opgesomd, zijn waargenomen in de klinische studies: DuoTrav (met polyquaternium-1 als conserveermiddel) Immuunsysteemaandoeningen: Soms: overgevoeligheid. / Zenuwstelselaandoeningen: Soms: hoofdpijn. / Oogaandoeningen: Vaak: oogpijn, ongemak in het oog, droog oog, oogpruritus, oculaire hyperemie. Soms: keratitis punctata, iritis, fotofobie, gezichtsvermogen wazig, conjunctivitis, meibom-ontsteking, schilferige ooglidrand, asthenopie, traanproductie verhoogd, groei van de wimpers. / Hartaandoeningen: Soms: bradycardie. / Bloedvataandoeningen: Soms: hypotensie. / Huid- en onderhuidaandoeningen: Soms: huidverkleuring, haargroei abnormaal. / Algemene aandoeningen en toedieningsplaatsstoornissen: Soms: vermoeidheid. / Onderzoeken: Soms: hartfrequentie verlaagd. Aanvullende bijwerkingen die voor één van de werkzame bestanddelen werden vastgesteld en die mogelijk kunnen voorkomen met DuoTrav: Travoprost: Oogaandoeningen: uveïtis, conjunctiva-aandoening, conjunctivale follikels, irishyperpigmentatie. / Huid- en onderhuidaandoeningen: huidexfoliatie. Timolol: Zoals andere topisch toegediende oftalmische geneesmiddelen wordt timolol systemisch geabsorbeerd. Hierdoor kunnen dezelfde bijwerkingen optreden als bij systemische bètablokkers. De aanvullende bijwerkingen die hieronder genoemd worden, bevatten de reacties waargenomen binnen de klasse van oftalmische bètablokkers. De incidentie van systemische bijwerkingen na topische oftalmische toediening is lager dan na systemische toediening. Immuunsysteemaandoeningen: systemische allergische reacties waaronder angio-oedeem, urticaria, gelokaliseerde en gegeneraliseerde uitslag, pruritus, anafylaxie. / Voedings- en stofwisselingsstoornissen: hypoglykemie. / Psychische stoornissen: insomnia, nachtmerries, geheugenverlies. / Zenuwstelselaandoeningen: cerebrale ischemie, verergering van de verschijnselen en symptomen van myasthenia gravis. / Oogaandoeningen: verschijnselen en symptomen van oculaire irritatie (zoals branden, prikken, jeuken, tranen, roodheid), choroïdloslating na filtratiechirurgie, verminderde corneagevoeligheid, diplopie. / Hartaandoeningen: borstkaspijn, hartkloppingen, oedeem, congestief hartfalen, atrioventriculair blok, hartstilstand. Bloedvataandoeningen: fenomeen van Raynaud, koude handen en voeten. / Ademhalingsstelsel-, borstkas- en mediastinumaandoeningen: bronchospasmen (voornamelijk bij patiënten met een bestaande bronchospastische aandoening). / Maagdarmstelselaandoeningen: dysgeusie, nausea, dyspepsie, diarree, droge mond, buikpijn, braken. / Huid- en onderhuidaandoeningen: psoriasisachtige uitslag of verergering van psoriasis. / Skeletspierstelsel- en bindweefselaandoeningen: myalgie. / Voortplantingsstelsel- en borstaandoeningen: seksuele disfunctie, verminderd libido. / Algemene aandoeningen en toedieningsplaatsstoornissen: asthenie. Publieksprijs inclusief BTW: 3 x 2,5 ml: 68,93 . Registratiehouder: Alcon Laboratories (UK) Ltd., Boundary Way, Hemel Hempstead, Herts HP2 7UD, Verenigd Koninkrijk. Fabrikant: SA ALCON-COUVREUR NV, Rijksweg 14, B-2870 Puurs, België. Registratienummer: EU/1/06/338/002. Aflevering: Geneesmiddel op medisch voorschrift. Datum van herziening van de tekst: 17 februari 2012. Mei 2012 DUOTRAV® Dénomination du médicament: DuoTrav 40 microgrammes/ml + 5 mg/ml collyre en solution Composition qualitative et quantitative: Chaque ml de solution contient 40 microgrammes de travoprost et 5 mg de timolol (sous forme de maléate de timolol). Liste des excipients: polyquaternium-1, mannitol (E421), propylène glycol (E1520), huile de ricin hydrogénée polyoxyéthylénée 40 (HCO-40), acide borique, chlorure de sodium, hydroxyde de sodium et/ou acide chlorhydrique (ajustement du pH), eau purifiée. Forme pharmaceutique: Collyre en solution (collyre). Solution incolore et limpide. Indications thérapeutiques: Réduction de la pression intraoculaire (PIO) chez les patients adultes atteints de glaucome à angle ouvert ou d’hypertonie intraoculaire et qui présentent une réponse insuffisante aux bêta-bloquants ou aux analogues des prostaglandines administrés localement. Posologie et mode d’administration: Posologie: Utilisation chez les adultes et les sujets âgés: La posologie est d'une goutte de DuoTrav dans le cul de sac conjonctival de l’œil ou des yeux atteint(s), une fois par jour, le matin ou le soir. Il doit être administré tous les jours à la même heure. Si une instillation est oubliée, le traitement doit être poursuivi avec l’instillation suivante. La posologie ne doit pas dépasser une goutte par jour dans l’œil ou les yeux atteint(s). Population particulières: Insuffisants hépatiques et rénaux: Aucune étude n’a été effectuée avec DuoTrav ou avec timolol 5 mg/ml collyre chez les insuffisants hépatiques ou rénaux. Travoprost a été étudié chez les insuffisants hépatiques modérés à sévères et chez les insuffisants rénaux modérés à sévères (clairance de la créatinine jusqu’à 14 ml/min). Aucune adaptation de la posologie n’est nécessaire chez ces patients. Les patients insuffisants hépatiques ou rénaux ne nécessitent pas d’adaptation de la posologie avec DuoTrav. Population pédiatrique: La sécurité et l’efficacité de DuoTrav chez les enfants et adolescents de moins de 18 ans n’ont pas été établies. Aucune donnée n’est disponible. Mode d’administration: Voie oculaire. Le patient doit retirer le sachet protecteur juste avant la première utilisation. Pour éviter la contamination de l’embout compte-gouttes et de la solution, il faut faire attention de ne pas toucher les paupières, les surfaces voisines ou d’autres surfaces avec l’embout compte-gouttes du flacon. Le passage systémique peut être réduit par une occlusion nasolacrymale ou la fermeture des paupières pendant 2 minutes. Cette méthode peut contribuer à diminuer les effets indésirables systémiques et à augmenter l’efficacité locale. En cas d’utilisation de plusieurs collyres, les instillations doivent être espacées d’au moins 5 minutes. En cas de remplacement d’un autre médicament antiglaucomateux ophtalmique par DuoTrav, interrompre l’autre médicament et commencer DuoTrav le jour suivant. Les patients doivent enlever leurs lentilles de contact avant instillation de DuoTrav et attendre 15 minutes après l’instillation avant de poser des lentilles de contact. Contre-indications: Hypersensibilité aux substances actives ou à l’un des excipients. Hypersensibilité aux autres bêta-bloquants. Pathologies associées à une hyperréactivité bronchique notamment asthme ou antécédents d'asthme et bronchopneumopathie chronique obstructive sévère. Bradycardie sinusale, maladie du sinus, bloc auriculo-ventriculaire du second ou du troisième degré non contrôlé par un pacemaker. Insuffisance cardiaque confirmée, choc cardiogénique. Rhinite allergique sévère et dystrophies cornéennes. Effets indésirables: Au cours des études cliniques incluant 938 patients, DuoTrav (conservé avec du chlorure de benzalkonium) a été administré une fois par jour. L’effet indésirable le plus fréquent lié au traitement était l’hyperhémie oculaire (15,0%). La plupart des patients atteints d’hyperhémie (96%) n’a pas arrêté le traitement pour cette raison. Les effets indésirables recensés ci-dessous ont été observés lors des essais cliniques ou après commercialisation. Ils sont présentés par classe de systèmes d’organes et listés ci-après de la façon suivante: très fréquents ( 1/10), fréquents ( 1/100 à < 1/10), peu fréquents ( 1/1.000 à 1/100), rares ( 1/10.000 à < 1/1.000), très rares (< 1/10.000) ou fréquence indéterminée (ne peut être estimée sur la base des données disponibles). Au sein de chaque fréquence de groupe, les effets indésirables sont présentés suivant un ordre décroissant de gravité. DuoTrav (conservé avec du chlorure de benzalkonium) Affections psychiatriques: Fréquente: nervosité. Indéterminée: dépression. / Affections du système nerveux: Fréquentes: étourdissement, maux de tête. Indéterminées: accident cérébrovasculaire, syncope, paresthésie. / Affections oculaires: Très fréquentes: gêne oculaire, hyperhémie oculaire. Fréquentes: kératite ponctuée, inflammation de la chambre antérieure (effet Tyndall cellulaire et protéique), douleur oculaire, photophobie, gonflement oculaire, hémorragie conjonctivale, acuité visuelle réduite, trouble visuel, vision floue, sécheresse oculaire, prurit oculaire, conjonctivite, larmoiement augmenté, érythème des paupières, blépharite, asthénopie, croissance des cils. Peu fréquentes: érosion cornéenne, kératite, allergie oculaire, œdème conjonctival, œdème des paupières. Rare: iritis. Indéterminées: œdème maculaire, ptosis des paupières, affection cornéenne. / Affections cardiaques: Fréquentes: rythme cardiaque irrégulier, diminution du rythme cardiaque. Peu fréquente: arythmie. Indéterminées: insuffisance cardiaque, tachycardie. / Affections vasculaires: Fréquentes: augmentation de la pression artérielle, diminution de la pression artérielle. / Affections respiratoires, thoraciques et médiastinales: Fréquente: bronchospasme. Peu fréquentes: dyspnée, toux, douleur oro-pharyngée, irritation de la gorge, gêne nasale, rhinopharyngite. Indéterminée: asthme. / Affections hépatobiliaires: Peu fréquentes: augmentation des alanine-aminotransférases, augmentation des aspartate-aminotransférases. / Affections de la peau et du tissu sous-cutané: Fréquentes: urticaire, hyperpigmentation de la peau (péri-oculaire). Peu fréquente: dermatite de contact. Rare: alopécie. Indéterminée: éruption cutanée. / Affections musculo-squelettiques et systémiques: Fréquente: douleurs aux extrémités. / Affections du rein et des voies urinaires: Peu fréquente: chromaturie. Troubles généraux et anomalies au site d'administration: Peu fréquente: soif. Indéterminée: douleur thoracique. Dans 3 études cliniques réalisées pour le développement de DuoTrav (conservé avec du polyquaternium-1), 372 patients/sujets ont été traités sur une période allant jusqu’à 12 mois. L’effet indésirable le plus fréquemment rapporté comme lié à DuoTrav (conservé avec du polyquaternium-1) était une hyperhémie oculaire (11,8 %) incluant hyperhémie oculaire ou conjonctivale. Chez la plupart des patients qui présentaient une hyperhémie (91%), le traitement n’a pas été arrêté pour cette raison. Les effets indésirables listés ci-dessous ont été rapportés lors des essais cliniques. DuoTrav (conservé avec du polyquaternium-1) Affections du système immunitaire: Peu fréquente: hypersensibilité. / Affections du système nerveux: Peu fréquente: maux de tête. / Affections oculaires: Fréquentes: douleur oculaire, gêne oculaire, sécheresse oculaire, prurit oculaire, hyperhémie oculaire. Peu fréquentes: kératite ponctuée, iritis, photophobie, vision floue, conjonctivite, meibomite, croûtes sur le bord de la paupière, asthénopie, larmoiement augmenté, croissance des cils. / Affections cardiaques: Peu fréquente: bradycardie. / Affections vasculaires: Peu fréquente: hypotension. / Affections de la peau et du tissu sous-cutané: Peu fréquentes: dyschromie cutanée, croissance des cheveux anormale. / Troubles généraux et anomalies au site d’administration: Peu fréquente: fatigue. / Examens: Peu fréquente: fréquence cardiaque diminuée. Effets indésirables supplémentaires qui ont été observés avec l’un des principes actifs et peuvent éventuellement survenir avec DuoTrav: Travoprost: Affections oculaires: uvéite, affection conjonctivale, follicules conjonctivaux, hyperpigmentation de l'iris. / Affections de la peau et du tissu sous-cutané: exfoliation cutanée. Timolol: Comme pour d'autres médicaments à usage ophtalmique administrés par voie locale, ce médicament peut passer dans la circulation générale. Cela peut entrainer des effets indésirables semblables à ceux des bêta-bloquants pris par voie systémique. Les effets indésirables liés à la classe des bêta-bloquants ophtalmiques sont listés ci-dessous. L'incidence des effets indésirables systémiques après une administration topique ophtalmique est inférieure à celle d’une administration systémique. Affections du système immunitaire: réactions allergiques systémiques incluant angiœdème, urticaire, rash localisé et généralisé, prurit, anaphylaxie. / Troubles du métabolisme et de la nutrition: hypoglycémie. / Troubles psychiatriques: insomnie, cauchemars, pertes de mémoire. / Affections du système nerveux: ischémie cérébrale, majoration des signes et symptômes de myasthénie gravis. / Affections oculaires: signes et symptômes d’irritation oculaire (par exemple, brûlure, picotements, démangeaisons, larmoiement, rougeur), décollement de la choroïde après une chirurgie filtrante, diminution de la sensibilité cornéenne, diplopie. / Affections cardiaques: douleur thoracique, palpitations, œdèmes, insuffisance cardiaque congestive, bloc auriculo-ventriculaire, arrêt cardiaque. Troubles vasculaires: syndrome de Raynaud, mains et pieds froids. / Affections respiratoires, thoraciques et médiastinales: bronchospasme (prinicipalement chez les patients ayant une maladie bronchospastique préexistante). / Affections gastro-intestinales: dysgueusie, nausée, dyspepsie, diarrhée, bouche sèche, douleurs abdominales, vomissements. / Affections de la peau et du tissu sous-cutané: éruption psoriasiforme ou exacerbation d’un psoriasis. / Affections musculo-squelettiques et des tissus conjonctifs: myalgies. / Troubles des organes de reproduction et des seins: troubles sexuels, diminution de la libido. / Troubles généraux et anomalie au site d'administration: asthénie. Prix public incl. TVA: 3 x 2,5 ml: 68,93 . Titulaire d’enregistrement: Alcon Laboratories (UK) Ltd., Boundary Way, Hemel Hempstead, Herts HP2 7UD, Royaume-Uni. Fabricant: SA ALCON-COUVREUR NV, Rijksweg 14, B-2870 Puurs, Belgique. Numéro d’enregistrement: EU/1/06/338/002. Délivrance: Médicament soumis à prescription médicale. Date de mise à jour du texte: 17 février 2012. Mai 2012 Rev 05/2012 x th au irst F nde i r o All first authors are listed alphabetically. If the author has submitted an abstract, the abstract number is marked pink. If there is no abstract submitted, the abstract number is marked grey italic. AL-SABAI, N: 3002, P119 ARDEN, G: 2020 BALIKOVA, I: P111 BEACONSFIELD, M: 1017 BEIRNAERT, V: 3003 BLANCKAERT, J: 2025, 3006 BLEYEN, I: 3026 BOECKAERT, J: P125 BORRUAT, F: 2010 BOSCHI, A: 1026, 3011 BUYCK, A: 3010 CASSIMAN, C: 2014 CASSIMAN, JJ: 2021 CHAVES, A: 2026 CLAERHOUT, I: 1002, 3004, 3021 CLAOUE DE GOHR, CMP: P101 COECKELBERGH, T: 3015 CORDONNIER, M: 1024 DE GROEF, L: P129 DE GROOT, V: 1009, 1029, 2005 DE KEIZER, R: 1028 DE LEPELEIRE, K: 1011 DE NIJS, E: 1036 DE POTTER, P: 1020 DE SMEDT, SK: 1043 DEBROUWERE, V: P136 DECOCK, C: 1012, 1030 DECONINCK, H: 1034 DEPASSE, F: 1023, 1025 DEPLA, J: 3031 DEWILDE, E: 1044 DEWILDE, J: P127 DIERICKX, L: 3017 DIRVEN, W: 3030 DUCHESNE, B: 1001 EHONGO, A: 2004 FRITZ, L: 3016 GENICOT, G: 2017 GERARD, P: 1022 GERTEN, G: 2011 GODTS, DJM: P121 GOES, F JR: 2008 GOES, Fjr: 2023 GOMEZ DE LIANO, R: 1008, 1033 HAMAIDE, S: 3038 HOENRAET, D: 3039 HOLDER, G: 2019 HOLLANDERS, K: P128 HONDEGHEM, K: 2006 JANSEN, J: P126 JONCKHEERE, P: 1015 JOURDAN, C: 3037 KAIMBO WA KAIMBO, D: P102 KESTELYN, P: 1003, 2001 KOPPEN, C: 3001, 3023 LANE, N: 1021 LEMAGNE, JM: 1018, 3027 LEPUITS, G: 3018 LEWKOWICZ, D: P108 LEYS, A: 1019 LEYS, E: 1039, P110 LEYSEN, I: 1010, 3020 LHOIR, S.: P113 MARINESCU, C: 1038, P106 MATTHEEUWS, S: 2016 MEIRE, F: 3009 MEIRLEIR, L: 2012 MERTENS, ELJG: 2024 MISSOTTEN, G: P117 NOUVET, L: 1027 OEHRENS, AM: P114 PALLIKARIS, I: 2022 PINXTEN, I: 1045 POURJAVAN, S: 2002 RABEUX, E: P109 RAKIC, JM: 1006, 1007 RAUS, P: 1016 ROSAPELLY, B: P105 ROULEZ, F: 1037, 3007 ROULEZ, FM: P103 SAELENS, S: 2018 SANTOS, A: 3005 SELLIER, J: 3033, 3035, P104 SIJNAVE, D: P122 112 | OB 2012 | PROGRAMME SILBERBERG, D: P107 STALMANS, I: 2003, P118 STALMANS, P: 1004, 1005, 1042, 2009 STEVENS, A: 2007 STEVENS, AM: P138 STREEL, C: 3019 TASSIGNON, MJ: 3028 TRAU, R: 3029 UVIJLS, A: P137 VAN BERGEN, T: P134 VAN BOL, L: P112 VAN CALSTER, J: 1041, 3032 VAN CLEYNENBREUGEL, H: 3022, 3025 VAN DAELE, O: 3008 VAN DE VELDE, S: P131 VAN GINDERDEUREN, R: P120 VAN LAMMEREN, M: 1032, 3014 VAN LOEY, S: P133 VAN LOOVEREN, J: 1040 VAN NISPEN, RMA: 3036 VAN WAVEREN: 3013 VANDEKERCKHOVE, G: P124 VANDELANOTTE, S: 1014 VANDENBROUCKE, S: P132 VANDEWALLE, E: P115 VANDEWEYER, E: P123 VANLERBERGHE, V: P135 VERHELLE, V: 3012 VRYGHEM, J: 3024 WALRAEDT, S: 2015 WEYNS, M: P130 XHAUFLAIRE, G: 1013 YUKSEL, D: 1031, 1035, 3034 ZEEVAERT, R: 2013 Johnson & Johnson Vision Care heet u van harte welkom op OB 2012. Ontdek op onze stand het belang van UV-bescherming voor de ogen. Johnson & Johnson Vision Care vous accueille chaleureusement à OB 2012. Découvrez sur notre stand l'importance de se protéger les yeux contre les UV. © Johnson & Johnson Vision Care 2012, een afdeling van Johnson & Johnson Medical N.V. © Johnson & Johnson Vision Care 2012, une division de Johnson & Johnson Medical S.A. OB 2012 WEDNESDAY Nov. 28, 2012 Nov. 29, 2012 THURSDAY Nov. 30, 2012 FRIDAY 17:30 15:30 16:00 14:00 12:30 10:30 11:00 09:00 22:00 17:30 15:30 16:00 14:00 12:30 10:30 11:00 09:00 17:30 15:30 16:00 14:00 12:30 10:30 11:00 09:00 BSCRS BSCRS BSCRS BSCRS ACAD. SESSION 20 Y BBO-UPBMO BGS BGS OBAO OBAO OBAO Hall A NOC NOC Hall D PED & LOW PED & LOW ICC-W5 AOB Free Papers Interactive Surgical Course in Hall A BIO FAB Poster session in O’Bistro FAB FAB Hall C ICC-T8 ICC-T6 ICC-T5 ICC-W4 ICC-W3 ICC-W2 ICC-W1 Hall E - ICC BSONT NL BSONT NL BOV-ABO BOV-ABO BSONT FR ICC-F14 BVVB-OBPC Award Ceremony in Hall A BSONT FR ICC-F13 ICC-F12 ICC-F11 ICC-F10 EYE in the SKY: celebration of 20th Anniversary of OB in Pal 6 in Brussels EXPO BOG and SBO BOG and SBO BSA BSA BSOPRS BSOPRS Hall B Wetlab - 10 Wetlab - 9 Wetlab - 8 Wetlab - 7 Wetlab - 6 Wetlab - 5 Wetlab - 4 Wetlab - 3 Wetlab - 2 Wetlab - 1 Hall F - Wetlab Wetlab - Eyelid 2 Wetlab - Eyelid 1 Hall G - Eyelid