Softwood Forest Products Buyer Media Kit
Softwood Forest Products Buyer Media Kit
Your six time Ad program you receive these additional marketing benefits: (1) Free fully illustrated feature article illustrated by 6 to 8 photographs. (2) Free profile item on your sales or purchasing staff member under "Who's Who" in the Softwood Buyer. (3) 100 free gift subscriptions going to the buyer of your choice (NO duplication)...value $5,500. (4) Free use of Green Book’s On-line Softwood Marketing Directory. (Normally leases for $900.00 a year.... see brochure) (5) Free Stock listing service, 25 line limit. (See Softwood Forest Products' Stock Exchange. (6) Free small Ad all six issues of the “Wood Purchasing News” distributed to more than 50,000 buyers globally. (7) Priority on News Items under Trade Talk. PLUS SALES... The The S P.O. oftwood B B Memp ox 34908 uyer his, T N 381 84-09 08 ess S ervic e Req ueste d Addr PRSR U.S. POSTAT STD MEMPHIS, GE PAID TENN. PERMIT 270 Forest Produ cts Vol.15 No. 2 The Strong HO Softwood Industry’s only new ME BUILDI NG MARK ET Boosts spaper Dallas, tion attenTexas—The Builders’ dees to the still-booming Exactly Show ever at recent Natio housing mark nal et drov 71,276 e reco buildingthe Dallas ConvAssoc. of Hom trade profe entio e Build rd numbers ers’ large of ssionals n Center here st Inter convenattended . national the four day even t. Visito rs cam e photo s courte sy of Jon Freilich reaching 49,948 Attendance firms (20,000 per issue) March At Internat ional Build /April 2000 ers’ Show from 100 turer and countries to were held service prov stroll through tion tech giving the ider exhibits. more than a half latest infor niques, In home desig mation addition more million squa on gree than 200 re feet of n and busin n ess manbuilding, sma education manufacal rt grow agement. Additional th, new sessions construcphotos on page 16 Continued on page 23 (cente r)Don cheerleade James, Unive rs and Texas. fellow rsal Fores t Produ emplo yees durin cts, Grand g the recen Rapids, Mich. t Natio nal Assoc , poses . of Home with the Builders Dallas Cowb oy show in Dallas , NRLA Ho sts 106th Co nvention Expo Boston, vention Mass.—The builders and exposition Northeastern and cont Reta at ractors the World Trad il Lumber Asso By Terr attended e y Mill the conv Center Bost c. recently held er on. Over ention. its 106t 7,000 retai h conlers, hom e Clayto n Barns , Chris Degnan, Rick Flores Canadian Lumberm and Scott Elston , Willam ette Indus tries Inc., Ruston, La. en Hold An nual Meeti Montreal , Que.—O Assoc. annual recently gath ver 900 mem conventio ered here bers at the Que and gues n. Dele B y Way ts of the gates inclu ne Mil en Cana ler ded manElizabeth Hote ufacturer l for the dian Lumberm asso s and en’s wholesale ciation’s 92nd rs of Softw ood ng Wes Robic Searsmont, haud, McQu esten Maine; and John Co. Inc., North Brill, NRLA The three , Renss Billerica, Mass cheons, -day even elaer, N.Y. .; Jim t was jamm Robbins, informati etc. Each morn Robbins ed Lumber My Busi ve speakers ing of the packed with conv . ness,” sem and “DoThe presenta ention, brea inars, com mitte kfast You Wan tions inclu ded: “Empwas served, e meetings t A Bigg Inc., er Shar while listen , lunDavid Additional e Of My loyees Hard Kirkham, Buyer, photos Futter Business to Find? ing to Memp on page his, Tenn. Lumber Corp. Not At , Here’s s 16 & ; and Kriste , Rockv 18 What You n Fores ille Center, ter and Continued N.Y.; Jim Futter Terry Miller on page , The , Futter 23 Lumber Softwood Forest Corp. Produ cts Robert Rivard, Blenkhorn, CLA, Maritime Ottawa, Lumber Ont.; Jim Liverm Bureau, and hard Amherst, ore, Nicho N.S.: and lson & CLA Preswood lumber Nick Kent,Cates Ltd., from all of the foresident Jeff Butle Burlin NAWL parts A, Rollin gton, Ont.: r opened of North Ame “We have t products g Mead ows, Ill.Diana the conv rica, as indu a very well ention optimisticstry. with a year as the Unite business -end repo d Kingdom . rt on the state said. “Yea r-end trend s Conti outlook Additional Robert for 2000 photos Chuck St-Laurent, ,” Butle on page Thompson, Gilles r s 20, 40, Pacific Vaillancourt & 42 Lumber and Jean Resou rces, LakeDrolet, Bois Oswego, Omega Ltd., Ore. nued on page 23 Lac Super ieur, Que.; and “’s everywhere you need to be to get more business!” P.O. Box 34908 • Memphis, TN 38184-0908 • Phone (901) 372-8280 • EMAIL You’ll discover... MORE SALES OPPORTUNITIES THAN YOU EVER DREAMED OF! You’ll Reach More... BUYERS YOU’VE NEVER BEEN ABLE TO CONTACT BEFORE You’ll develop... NEW ACCOUNTS...REPEAT CUSTOMERS You’ll get more phone calls, emails... and MORE SALES currently distributed to over 38,226* firms in North America & Mexico *Circulation per issue 20,000 • Retail Outlets: (Home Centers, Mass Merchandisers, Independent Retail Yards) ................................17,316 • Building Material Distributors, Contractor Yards: ...................................................................................361 • Industrial Buyers: (millwork, moulding, furniture, wood treating, manufactured housing, flooring, mobile homes, log homes, wood fencing, pallets, etc.) ...............................9,768 • Wholesalers and Wholesale Distributors, Sash and Door Jobbers: .................................................5,290 • Mills: (Lumber, Panel, Wood Shingles & Shake Producers, Engineered Wood Products Manufacturers)..............3,064 • Exporters:....................................................................................................................................................268 • Veneer........................................................................................................................................................1,035 • Softwood Trade Associations .....................................................................................................................71 • To Be Classified:.......................................................................................................................................1,053 The The S P.O. oftwood B B Memp ox 34908 uyer his, T N 381 84-09 08 ess S ervic e Req ueste d Addr PRSR U.S. POSTAT STD MEMPHIS, GE PAID TENN. PERMIT 270 Forest Produ cts Vol.15 No. 2 The Strong HO Softwood Industry’s only new ME BUILDI NG MARK ET Boosts spaper Dallas, tion attenTexas—The Builders’ dees to the still-booming Exactly Show ever at recent Natio housing mark nal et drov 71,276 e reco buildingthe Dallas ConvAssoc. of Hom trade profe entio e Build rd numbers ers’ large of ssionals n Center here st Inter convenattended . national the four day even t. Visito rs cam e photo s courte sy of Jon Freilich reaching 49,948 Attendance firms (20,000 per issue) March At Internat ional Build /April 2000 ers’ Show from 100 turer and countries to were held service prov stroll through tion tech giving the ider exhibits. more than a half latest infor niques, In home desig mation addition more million squa on gree than 200 re feet of n and busin n ess manbuilding, sma education manufacal rt grow agement. Additional th, new sessions construcphotos on page 16 Continued on page 23 (cente r)Don cheerleade James, Unive rs and Texas. fellow rsal Fores t Produ emplo yees durin cts, Grand g the recen Rapids, Mich. t Natio nal Assoc , poses . of Home with the Builders Dallas Cowb oy show in Dallas , NRLA Ho sts 106th Co nvention Expo Boston, vention Mass.—The builders and exposition Northeastern and cont Reta at ractors the World Trad il Lumber Asso By Terr attended e y Mill the conv Center Bost c. recently held er on. Over ention. its 106t 7,000 retai h conlers, hom e Clayto n Barns , Chris Degnan, Rick Flores Canadian Lumberm and Scott Elston , Willam ette Indus tries Inc., Ruston, La. en Hold An nual Meeti Montreal , Que.—O Assoc. annual recently gath ver 900 mem conventio ered here bers at the Que and gues n. Dele B y Way ts of the gates inclu ne Mil en Cana ler ded manElizabeth Hote ufacturer l for the dian Lumberm asso s and en’s wholesale ciation’s 92nd rs of Softw ood ng Wes Robic Searsmont, haud, McQu esten Maine; and John Co. Inc., Brill, NRLA North Biller ica, Mass , Renss The three cheons, -day even elaer, N.Y. .; Jim t was jamm Robbins, informati etc. Each morn Robbins ed Lumber My Busi ve speakers ing of the packed with conv . ness,” sem and “DoThe presenta ention, brea inars, com mitte kfast You Wan tions inclu ded: “Empwas served, e meetings t A Bigg Inc., er Shar while listen , lunDavid Additional e Of My loyees Hard Kirkham, Buyer, photos Futter Business to Find? ing to Memp on page his, Tenn. Lumber Corp. Not At , Here’s s 16 & ; and Kriste , Rockv 18 What You n Fores ille Center, ter and Continued N.Y.; Jim Futter Terry Miller on page , The , Futter 23 Lumber Softwood Forest Corp. Produ cts Robert Rivard, Blenkhorn, CLA, Maritime Ottawa, Lumber Ont.; Jim Liverm Bureau, and hard Amherst, ore, Nicho N.S.: and lson & CLA Preswood lumber Nick Kent,Cates Ltd., from all of the foresident Jeff Butle Burlin NAWL parts A, Rollin gton, Ont.: r opened of North Ame “We have t products g Mead ows, Ill.Diana the conv rica, as indu a very well ention optimisticstry. with a year as the Unite business -end repo d Kingdom . rt on the state said. “Yea r-end trend s Conti outlook Additional Robert for 2000 photos Chuck St-Laurent, ,” Butle on page Thompson, Gilles r s 20, 40, Pacific Vaillancourt & 42 Lumber and Jean Resou rces, LakeDrolet, Bois Oswego, Omega Ltd., Ore. nued on page 23 Lac Super ieur, Que.; and “’s everywhere you need to be to get more business!” P.O. Box 34908 • Memphis, TN 38184-0908 • Phone (901) 372-8280 • EMAIL THE SOFTWOOD FOREST PRODUCTS BUYER STATE COUNT Alaska 89 Massachusetts 599 Alabama 895 Maryland 377 Arkansas 526 Maine 377 Arizona 399 Michigan California 2378 Colorado Connecticut 1030 Minnesota 921 472 Missouri 899 524 Mississippi 519 269 District of Colombia 20 Montana Delaware 63 North Carolina 1251 Florida 1399 North Dakota 165 Georgia 1230 Nebraska 403 New Hampshire 266 Guam 2 Hawaii 72 New Jersey 566 Iowa 637 New Mexico 195 Idaho 421 Nevada Illinois 1234 Indiana 792 Ohio 998 Kansas 448 Oklahoma 445 Kentucky 547 Oregon 1135 Louisiana 613 Pennsylvania 1689 New York 92 1300 Puerto Rico 10 Virginia Rhode Island 92 Virgin Islands 873 2 188 South Carolina 555 Vermont South Dakota 237 Washington 1109 Tennessee 914 Wisconsin 1029 Texas Utah TOTAL 2498 271 West Virginia 262 Wyoming 109 34,406 CANADA ALBERTA BRITISH COLOMBIA 227 1189 MANITOBA 110 NEW BRUNSWICK 121 NEWFOUNDLAND 51 NOVA SCOTIA TOTAL 147 ONTARIO PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND 451 SASKATCHEWAN 108 YUKON 3,285 535 14 QUEBEC MEXICO TOTAL 862 5 WHAT’S IN IT FOR YOU? ADVERTISERS CAN TELL YOU: “ Three years ago when we decided to expand our marketing efforts to include print Ads our first choice was to go with “The Softwood Buyer”. With photo coverage of all major industry events, along with insightful articles and profiles, it is a publication that enjoys wide readership. Later, Superior Lumber acquired Sun Studs, merged with Swanson-Superior Forest Products and formed a new marketing name “Swanson Group”. “The Softwood Buyer” was the perfect vehicle for us to get this information out as quickly as possible to the key people in the industry. From the responses we get to our Ads and the photos you run, we know that “The Softwood Buyer” is hitting our targeted markets and our name is out in front of the right people. We have been very pleased with the results and feedback weʼve received from our Ads. And let me add that you have a great staff. Weʼve enjoyed working with them over the years and theyʼve been very helpful and supportive of our efforts. ” “ having advertised in your publication for several years, we have seen the benefits and results it has provided for our company. With your knowledge of the market and wide distribution within the industry, the ʻSoftwood Buyerʼ was our first choice to expand our market exposure. Not long after an issue is published, we always receive calls from what may be new customers. I consider your publication almost ʻrequired readingʼ within the industry. As our business continues to grow and change, I look forward to a continued working relationship with you. From a cost/benefit analysis, the ʻSoftwood Buyerʼ has been a very good investment for our marketing program. ” B. Manning - General Manager Durgin & Crowell Lumber Co. New London, N.H. Chris Swanson Swanson Group Inc. Glendale, OR “ “ We have been very pleased with the phone calls and inquiries we have received as a result of our advertising in The Softwood Forest Products Buyer. As a remanufacturer producing ornamental timbers and specialty products with an extensive milling facility we were amazed by the phone calls we received from our customers regarding the feature story you did accompanied by photographs. Our company has a small sales staff and “The Softwood Buyer” provides Richardson Lumber and Manufacturing the ability to target our customers and potential customers and we definitely see the VALUE!. ” Jamie Hursh Richardson Lumber and Manufacturing Dallas, TX Tri-Pro Forest Products has been a regular advertiser with The Softwood Forest Products Buyer since May 1996, your newspaper has been our only consistent source of advertising in that length of time. With each issue, whether it be our Ads, the photos at the Inland Lumber Producers outing, the NAWLA Traderʼs Market®, or one of several WRCLA meetings, your representatives are always there to give us the exposure we need. I am confident our investment in “The Softwood Buyer” is very worthwhile. Not only do we get calls from potential new accounts, more importantly, it keeps our sales team in better contact with our existing customers. The Ads and photos give us something to talk about and your articles keep our customers informed as to changes we are making, whether it be with plant improvements, or product changes. Keep up the good work! ” Terry Baker Tri-Pro Forest Products Oldtown, ID “ We have received a lot of telephone calls as a result of our Ad in The Softwood Forest Products Buyer. I believe it is a very worthwhile investment. Several of our customers have told me they enjoy reading your newspaper. ” Alden Robbins Robbins Lumber Inc. Searsmont, ME “’s everywhere you need to be to get more business!” P.O. Box 34908 • Memphis, TN 38184-0908 • Phone (901) 372-8280 • EMAIL MECHANICAL REQUIREMENTS Width Width Depth 3DJH 3DJH 3DJH,VODQG 3DJH,VODQG 3DJH+RUL]RQWDO 3DJH+RUL]RQWDO 3DJH 3DJH 3DJHLVFROXPQVHDFKFROXPQLQFKHV 3DJH LV FROXPQV HDFK FROXPQ LQFKHV ZLGH ZLGH Full Full Page 1/2 1/2 Page Island Island 1 10.125”x13.75” 0.125”x13.75” 7”x9” 7”x9” Wa Waldun ldun Group Group Hancock ELOCLEAR ELOCLLumber EAR REQUIRED UIRED MATERIAL MA AT TERIAL 'LJLWDOILOHVFDQRQO\EHDFFHSWHGDVDKLJKUHV 'LJLWDOILOHVFDQRQO\EHDFFHSWHGDVDKLJKUHV R ROXWLRQAdobe OXWLRQAdobe Ac Acrobat robat Di Distilled stilled PDF PDFILOH0$& ILOH0$& & &RPSDWLEOHHPEHGGHGIRQWVSKRWRVDQGFURS RPSDWLEOH HPEHGGHG IRQWV SKRWRV DQG FURS P PDUNV5HFRPPHQGHG6FUHHQ5HVROXWLRQ DUNV5HFRPPHQGHG 6FUHHQ 5HVROXWLRQ GSL$OOFRORUVSULQWHGLQ&0<.1RFRORU GSL$OOFRORUVSULQWHGLQ&0<.1RFRORU % %ODFN ODFN $ $GVDQGSKRWRVFDQEHVXEPLWWHGRQ&'ZLWK GVDQGSKRWRVFDQEHVXEPLWWHGRQ&'ZLWK S SULQWHGFRS\RIDGRUYLDHPDLOWR ULQWHGFRS\RIDGRUYLDHPDLOWR VVIZG#PLOOHUZRRGWUDGHSXEFRP IZG#PLOOHUZRRGWUDGHSXEFRP CLOSING ING DA DATE AT TE 3XEOLVKHGELPRQWKO\LVVXHGILUVWZHHNRISXE 3XEOLVKHGELPRQWKO\LVVXHGILUVWZHHNRISXE OLFDWLRQPRQWK/DVWIRUPVFORVHUGRISUHFHG OLFDWLRQPRQWK/DVWIRUPVFORVHUGRISUHFHG LQJPRQWK,ISURRIVDUHGHVLUHGFRS\PXVWEH LQJPRQWK,ISURRIVDUHGHVLUHGFRS\PXVWEH UHFHLYHGVL[W\GD\VSULRUWRSXEOLFDWLRQGDWH UHFHLYHGVL[W\GD\VSULRUWRSXEOLFDWLRQGDWH 1/ 1/22 Page Horizontal Horizontal 1/ 1/44 Page 1 10.125”x6.75” 0.125”x6.75” 5 5”x6.75” ”x6.75” AP Timber Timber Sawarne Sw Swarne arne Lumber LLumber umber “’s “’s e everywhere ver ywhere y you ou need to be to get mor more e business!” P.O. P .O. . Box 34908 • Memphis, TN 38184-0908 • Phone (901) 372-8280 • F FAX AX (901) 373-6180 Deadline for The Softwood Buyer - 2016 MARCH/APRIL ISSUE: AD RESERVATION DEADLINE FINISHED ADS IN OFFICE UPLOADED TO PRINTER PAPERS MAILED MAY/JUNE ISSUE: AD RESERVATION DEADLINE FINISHED ADS IN OFFICE UPLOADED TO PRINTER PAPERS MAILED JULY/AUGUST ISSUE: AD RESERVATION DEADLINE FINISHED ADS IN OFFICE UPLOADED TO PRINTER PAPERS MAILED SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER ISSUE: AD RESERVATION DEADLINE FINISHED ADS IN OFFICE UPLOADED TO PRINTER PAPERS MAILED NAWLA SPECIAL EDITION: AD RESERVATION DEADLINE FINISHED ADS IN OFFICE UPLOADED TO PRINTER PAPERS MAILED NOVEMBER/DECEMBER ISSUE: AD RESERVATION DEADLINE FINISHED ADS IN OFFICE UPLOADED TO PRINTER PAPERS MAILED JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2017 ISSUE: AD RESERVATION DEADLINE FINISHED ADS IN OFFICE UPLOADED TO PRINTER PAPERS MAILED MON. FEBRUARY FRI. FEBRUARY FRI. FEBRUARY WED. MARCH 1ST 12TH 19TH 2ND THU. MARCH THU. APRIL FRI. APRIL WED. MAY 31ST 14TH 22ND 4TH WED. WED. FRI. WED. JUNE JUNE JUNE JULY 1ST 15TH 24TH 6TH MON. MON. FRI. WED. AUGUST AUGUST AUGUST SEPTEMBER 1ST 15TH 26TH 7TH FRI. THU. FRI. WED. AUGUST SEPTEMBER SEPTEMBER SEPTEMBER 12TH 8TH 16TH 28TH MON. THU. FRI. WED. OCTOBER OCTOBER OCTOBER NOVEMBER 3RD 13TH 21ST 2ND THU. DECEMBER FRI. DECEMBER FRI. DECEMBER WED. JANUARY 1ST 9TH 16TH 4TH “’s everywhere you need to be to get more business!” P.O. Box 34908 • Memphis, TN 38184-0908 • Phone (901) 372-8280 • EMAIL