Pictured - Cathedral Home for Children
Pictured - Cathedral Home for Children
Winter 2015 Volume XXXIII No. 1 Cathedral HOME for Children Restore Hope. Strengthen Relationships. Build Futures. A Letter from our President 4989 N 3rd St. Laramie, WY 82072 (307) 745•8997 1-(800) 676•1909 Fax: (307) 742•6146 www.cathedralhome.org Newsletter of the Cathedral Home for Children Winter 2015 Volume XXXIII No. 1 Cathedral Home’s Board of Directors Bishop John S. Smylie ...................... Honorary Chairman M. Gregory Weisz ................................................. President Kerry Greaser ................................................Vice President Mary Garland ........................................................Treasurer Paula Dodds .......................................................... Secretary Jeff Biegert Very Reverend Marilyn Engstrom Ray McElwee Colleen McKinnon Linda Nydahl Peggy Palm Terry Roark EmmaJo Spiegelberg Dick Van Pelt Administration Nicole Hauser................................................Executive Director Patti Thobro .....................................................Clinical Director Sharon Weber......................... Community Programs Director Pam Zamora .................................................Education Director Chad Conrad....................................................Finance Director Jacque Stonum ...............................Human Resources Director Cassidy Biggs .............. Marketing and Development Director Rod Tyson ................................................... Residential Director Julius Stinson ............................Osborne Cottage Coordinator Landria Stinson ............................ Brush Cottage Coordinator Ginger Lubbers ........................... Hunter Cottage Coordinator Michael Elliott ............. Newell Sargent Cottage Coordinator Isaiah Spigner .............................Sargent Cottage Coordinator Eric Brooks ............Laramie Youth Crisis Center Coordinator Megan Hendrickson .........................................Carbon County Youth Crisis Center Coordinator Jean Brown .................................Foster Grandparents Director Art Foster ............................................... Physical Plant Director Jennifer Donnelly, RN, BSN.................. Nursing Coordinator Kent Kleppinger, M.D. ...............................Medical Director Mary Moreno, M.D. .................................. Psychiatric Director Page 2 Happy New Year! While this greeting is something we often casually use when seeing a friend or family member at the beginning of each new year, sometimes the saying itself can offer so much more than a casual greeting: the saying can offer hope. Cathedral Home for Children is in the business of offering its residents hope. Children who may have grown up in an atmosphere of abuse are shown how love and positive peer influences can offer them hope for the future. Children who have spent time in the juvenile justice system are allowed to experience effective guidance, natural consequences and selfresponsibility to enable them to succeed. The Equine Assisted Psychotherapy Program allows children to make bonds with a horse, which often enables the child to trust adults who are involved in furthering their lives. Moreover, Cathedral Home for Children serves not only its residents, but also their families. Parents and family members who struggle with a depressed or defiant child are given tools to help them put their child on a positive path. In sum, Cathedral Home for Children offers its residents and their families a meaningful chance to experience a truly happy new year. As you peruse this issue of the Open Door, think about how something as simple as participating in the Iron Riders Bicycle Program can boost a child’s self-esteem. Think about how simple acts of community giving can offer financial support to assist Cathedral Home in its mission. Think about how you might help us help others. Recently, in talking about Cathedral Home with a prominent business person, the person commented to me that Cathedral Home employees do “the Lord’s work.” The statement was not meant to offer casual encouragement, but was instead a heart-felt reflection on the importance of the work that Cathedral Home does. If you are receiving this issue of the Open Door, it is because you have shown your willingness to support the important work we do. For that alone, you deserve an enthusiastic “Happy New Year” from all of us at Cathedral Home for Children. I hope 2015 offers you and yours a year filled with gladness, joy and hope. Thank you for your support. Greg Weisz CHC Board President We are in the process of updating our mailing list. If you wish to be removed from this list, please contact Cassidy Biggs at (307) 745-8997 or cbiggs@cathedralhome.org Community Involvement in CHC Fundraising is an Inspiration Cathedral Home for Children is incredibly fortunate to have the support of so many wonderful businesses, and individuals, both in the Laramie community, and around the state of Wyoming. CHC held a variety of fundraisers this year, none of which would have been successful without your help. Through our fundraisers, CHC gets a chance to get information out in the community, and share our stories of hope. During the summer of 2014, CHC held our 2nd Annual Golf Tournament fundraiser where 20 teams participated and raised over $8,600.00 to help fund youth programs. The Laramie Youth Crisis Center held a 2nd Annual Garage Sale fundraiser that brought in $1,500.00. With these funds, the Laramie Youth Crisis Center can continue to keep their doors open to the community, providing the support and resources necessary to promote healthy families. LYCC Coordinator, Eric Brooks, at LYCC’s 2nd Annual Garage Sale Fundraiser. CHC is so thankful for those who support us in the work we do. As we try to inspire young lives to build better futures, please remember that it’s your involvement which inspires us to continue to give hope to the youth in our care! Page 3 T he Iron R iders Bi ke Prog r a m Inspi re s Yout h t h roug h Voc at iona l Sk i l l Bu i ld i ng It is 11:00 a.m. on a beautiful fall day and the Iron Riders are out dominating the bike track on bicycles they personally refurbished. The group rides up and down hills, around twists and turns and even under a wicker tunnel. An excited Iron Rider says, “I am thankful to know how to ride a bike because many other kids here don’t know how. When I am helping another kid learn how to ride a bike I tell them to just keep peddling.” “I am thankful to know how to ride a bike because many other kids here don’t know how.” -CHC youthCHC youth truing a bike wheel to make the bike rim straight. The bike shop is part of our Vocational Program and it is where youth learn bicycle maintenance skills such as how to conduct bicycle safety checks, flat tire repair, chain removal, sizing and installation, and pedal replacement. “I want my students to be able to work on their bikes at home so they will never have to take them to a shop again,” said Levi Jensen, bike shop instructor. However, the program goes way beyond basic skills. Levi attended the Barnet Bicycle Institute in Page 4 September 2014 when the Cathedral Home for Children asked him if he wanted to take over the Bike Program. “I had been working on motorcycles for years so I thought it was a great opportunity CHC was giving me.” Students learn advanced skills such as truing a wheel to make the bike rim straight. The classroom is also equipped with two indoor air pressure machines, part stands, and a sandblaster to remove paint from older bikes. The bike shop refurbishes about thirty bikes a school year, varying between major and minor maintenance. Bikes are donated to the program through the Laramie Police Department. “We get all the bikes which don’t get sold after the auction the Laramie Police Department has every year,” explains Levi. “Sometimes we get a few bikes worth $400.00 to $500.00 that we can fix up. The bikes we can’t salvage we recycle, and the money goes back into the program to buy parts.” The refurbished bikes are given to cottages for youth to ride and are used for the summer Iron Riders Bike Program. The bike shop is a place where the residents learn mechanical skills, socials skills, and get an opportunity to be part of a team. The program allows the youth to converse with each other while carrying out determined tasks with people who have similar interests. This helps residents build better communication skills, become more comfortable with themselves, and build self-esteem. Youth can ride from CHC to the bike track, as pictured here with CHC in the background. Riding together as a group is why Levi thought it was so important to build an outdoor bike track for the students to ride on. Research shows that Levi isn’t wrong. According to the Department of Transport and Main Roads (2014) “cycling enables people to interact socially and feel more at home in their local community.” The outdoor bike track was finished during the summer of 2014 and the youth love it. “You can be a real boy on the bike track,” said one of the youth. Levi explained that sometimes it takes weeks for a youth to gain the confidence to move down a hill that is more challenging. However, the riders out on the track had all moved past their fear, and were able to complete the whole course. When they were done, the youth were physically worn out. The bike track gives our youth an opportunity to take the skills they learn in clinical therapy to a real life setting and practice what they have learned. Bicycles are an important part of growing up, even if you are a big kid. Albert Einstein said it best, “Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving.” Page 5 Halloween! Julius Stinson (Osborne Coordinator), Nicole Hauser (Executive Director), and Levi Jensen (MOEC Teacher), all getting pies in the face by youth! Teaching youth healthy CHC staff dressed up in ways of expressing costumes! Pictured here are themselves is one “My favorite part was getting to decorate cookies the Three Blind Mice! aspect of CHC’s and trick-or-treat on campus with my cottage!” -CHC youthclinical approach. Inspiring Youth through Celebrations! Thanksgiving! Youth worker, Seth Spurgeon, helping a resident put their leaf on the gratitude tree at Thanksgiving dinner. Page 6 Clinical Therapist, Ben Clancy, helping a youth write what he is thankful for to put on the gratitude tree. Residents and staff gathered in the Mae Olson Education Center to enjoy Thanksgiving dinner. “I like that all of the staff eat dinner with us and bring their familes to Thanksgiving!” -CHC youth- ! Pam Zamora, Education Director, awarding a youth with her high school diploma. “It’s sad when your friends leave, but graduation helps me say bye!” -CHC youth- Clinical Therapist, Stacey Kern, giving words of encouragment to a youth at her program graduation. Program graduations are tailored to the personality of each indivudual youth. Youth enjoying pizza and snacks with Cottage Coordinator, Michael Elliott at the Rotary Club and First Interstate Bank swimming party. Youth got to jump off the diving board and show off their skills at the Recreation Center! Youth workers and residents were given t-shirts to remind them of the skills they learned during anti-bullying week. Girls from Cheyenne High Schools brought presents to our youth and listened to a presentation on career opportunities at CHC. Christmas! Holiday door decorating contest by CHC staff ! Campus and cottages were decorated to get youth ready for the holidays! Page 7 One Youth Inspires CHC to take the Ice Bucket Challenge e C to tak H C f o all llenged im cope with a h c ” x a h outh “M to help taff CHC’s y cket challenge S. Around 80 s bu of AL ke the a is t s o o the ice t n g le c a cir front er’s dia his fath nts gathered in atured on the y fe da ide and res We were even rang on Satur e. me challeng e Laramie Boo th page of , 2014! 23 August CHC youth, “Max,” (right) filming the Ice Bucket Challenge with a waterproof GoPro camera. “I am grateful I came here,” said “Max” in his August interview with the Laramie Boomerang. “It saved my life.” FUTURE INDOOR HORSE ARENA: Providing Shelter to Provide Opportunities A CAPITAL CAMPAIGN for the CATHEDRAL HOME FOR CHILDREN’S EQUINE ASSISTED PSYCHOTHERAPY PROGRAM We are continuing to raise money to build an indoor horse arena that will allow the youth in our program to participate in Equine Assisted Psychotherapy (EAP) activities, year round. Laramie is known for its harsh winter months and often times it can be a deterrent for our youth to be able to work with the horses therapeutically. It can also be difficult for our older horses to endure. With an indoor horse arena, EAP groups can be facilitated in an environment that is safe for both the youth and horses Page 8 in our program. For more information on making a donation, naming opportunities, and the Ezra Nichols matching program, please contact Cassidy Biggs at cbiggs@cathedralhome.org or call (307)745-8997. Donor Recognition For gifts received June 1st, 2014 to December 31st, 2014 For opportunities to DONATE Please visit our website: www.cathedralhome.org * Equine Assisted Psychotherapy Campaign donors (contributions or pledges) In Honor of Antonio Avila's Birthday Kurt Eisenach and Juanita Smith Laurie Bonini and Walter Hammontree *Dick and Dianne Van Pelt Joe Eisenach's Birthday Kurt Eisenach and Juanita Smith Kalvin Eisenach's Birthday Kurt Eisenach and Juanita Smith Jane Goodrich John and Linda Nydahl A. Graner William and Ann Merrick James and Jean Hadeen William and Ann Merrick Are you a Federal Employee? Cathedral Home is an approved charity through the Intermountain Combined Federal Campaign. Our charity number is 50614 Donations made through the CFC contribute to our success with at risk youth! Rev. and Mrs. Tom Keith William and Ann Merrick Jim Klancnik John and Linda Nydahl Tom Klancnik John and Linda Nydahl Adrian Lara's Birthday Kurt Eisenach and Juanita Smith K. Legleu William and Ann Merrick Anthony Lolley's Birthday Kurt Eisenach and Juanita Smith William Loyer William and Ann Merrick Rev. Guy Mackey William and Ann Merrick Colleen McKinnon *Dr. Patsy McGinley Patricia Moore Roger and Sharon Moore John and Linda Nydahl Douglas and Jane Goodrich Jim Routson Eileen Routson Kitty Routson Eileen Routson Molly Routson Eileen Routson Elinor Runge William and Ann Merrick Bertie and Blanche Sanders Peggy Smith Mr. and Mrs. Don Shackelford William and Ann Merrick Silas Bishop John and Jill Smylie In Memory of Rev. Betty Andrews William and Ann Merrick Norma Atkinson Judy M. Richardson Regina M. Barrington Regina M. Barrington (via Susan Strong) Peggy Smith Dick Baumann *Rev. Marilyn Engstrom Genevieve Beaman William C. Beaman Scott Beedie Adele Beedie Beau Bradford Donald K. McColley Ellnora DeWitt Judy M. Richardson Don Falgien and Bret Prine James and Rogene Peak Edward Fiedor Phyllis and Kenneth Babbitt James D. Flanco Elaine Broderick Elaine Iverson Robert S. Flansburg Cathy Flansburg Rt. Rev. J. Wilson Hunter Nancy H. Sherwin Joseph Jacobson Elaine Broderick Kris Johnson Jamie L. Forbes Sherri Knoell Jay and Ramona Beach Mary Jo Knoell Rebekah Sunshine Lodge #20 Martha Krotz Janice Lenhard Scott Livingston Senator Alan K. and Ann Simpson Nene Maes Judy M. Richardson James McCartney Thomas F. and Celia Hermann Allen Meining Thomas F. and Celia Hermann Bruce Merrick William and Ann Merrick Carman and Donna Millikin William and Nina Walker Glen Mullins Lowell W. Hill Tamson Pomerleau *Timothy and Suzanne Sitzman *Paul Tolzmann James Price William and Ann Merrick Dana Rae Proctor Richard Proctor Gale Rutherford Thomas F. and Celia Hermann John Shuster Donald Boyd Janice Shuster Richard and Mildred Standish Peter B. and Joanne Logan Tracey Telford Toni E. Briner John Trahalis Elaine Broderick Ralph Vickrey Judy M. Richardson Vern Vivion Carl and Alice Shaffer William and Kristy Thompson Phyllis Wakkuri Thomas F. and Celia Hermann Wales Wenburg Grafton Apartments, LLC Paul Wick Judy M. Richardson Mary Jo Williams Rev. Stanley C. and Marceline Cliver Earl and Marian Wood Mary J. Wood Effie Wright Elaine Broderick Individual Gifts Anonymous Anonymous *Anonymous *Anonymous *Rollin and Carol Abernethy David Aguirres Diana Ainscough William L. Anderson Very Rev. Stephen H. and Patricia Askew Kevin and Elizabeth Bailey *Nicole Ballenger *Victoria Barch Georgeann Bastian James and Laurine Bath Vincent and Cheryl Bath Neil T. Beagle *Larry and Margo Bean *Jack and Marjorie Bedessem Adele Beedie *Jeff and Sally Biegert *Beth Biegert Mitch and Cassidy Biggs William and Linda Biles Margaret Birkholz Dr. Michael Bishop *Donna L. Bliss Ann and Richard Boelter Bob and Penny Boysen Even and Anne Brande Anita Brentlinger and Robert Kujda Brentlinger Catherine M. Bridgmon *Donald and Pearl Brosz Rep. Kermit and Margaret Brown William Burleigh Paul and Judith Cali Daniel and Angela Campbell Patricia and Douglas Campbell Donald and Linda Cantway Carolyn Carollo Jill Carow Honorable Robert and Ruth Castor Linda Cavalli Page 9 Donor Recognition For gifts received June 1st, 2014 to December 31st, 2014 Ken and Robin Chance John and Judith Chapman Christine Christensen E. Alan and Charlotte Christiansen Gregory and Joyce Coates James R. Cole Suzanne Cole-Rice Patrick and Rae Colliton Frank Cordiner Gary and Donna Crandall Bruce and Christine Crockett Arnold D. Cunningham and Barbara Bittner Ron and Norma Day Jerry and Patti Goich DeCroo Roxane Demboski Stanley and Donna DeVore E. S. and Jeanne Dietrich *Jeff and Jill Dodds *Paula and Gary Dodds John and Tracy Dooley Glenn and Allita Doughty Richard M. Dow David and Sheila Duffy *David G. Earnshaw Patrick and Evette Eastman Lisa A. Egan *Dr. Martin H. Ellbogen *Mary Engstrom *Rev. Marilyn Engstrom Elmer and Ara Erickson John M. Evans Kathleen O. Ferry Jim Forbes Jack C. Fowler John and Barbara Galeotos Rev. Joe and Ellen Galligan Robert and Nora Gallison *Rob and Mary Garland William C. Garlow Trust Pamela J. Glasser Lucy M. Goodstein Barbara B. Gosman Paul Greaser Rev. Daphne Grimes *Patricia Guthrie Jean Louise Hager Walter Hammontree and Laurie Bonini Ronald and Leatha Hansen H. Gordon Harris Jacque Harrod Dann and Mardi Harvey Nicolas and Nicole Hauser William and Susan Heiss Todd and Malea Heward Ann and Ralph Hicks John E. Hildreth Bob and Sara Hockley Page 10 Richard Hubbard Ginger Humphrey James M. Hunters Ellen Hupp Kevin Hyde Deanna Johnson and Don Gleaver *Mildred Johnson and Gail Date Leroy and Vicky Jons Margaret Jons Amanda S. Kaufmann Conrad and Lydia Kercher James and Cindy King Alan and Linda Kirkbride Larry and Roxi Knopp *Eric and Kathryn Kohler Rebecca Kosach Donald and Beverly Kurtz Henry J. Laskowsky *William and Charlotte Laycock Philip and Jennifer LeBeau *Jack and Betty Lenhart *Bob and Carmen Leonard David and Carolyn Lewis *John F. Nutter and Suzanne Lewis Jason and Linda Lillegraven *Thomas and Lynn Lockhart Carmen London Marilyn T. Loomis *John and Marna Loucks Keith and Jeanette Lowham Richard and Laura Luchsinger Jon and Virginia Madsen Charles W. Margolf R.L and Christine Pellotis Marquardt Tom and Linda Martin *Martha Del Rio Martinez Mary Kay Mason *Susan and Morris Massey Roma L. Mathson *Ray and Lisa McElwee Timothy and Debra McGary *Colleen McKinnon Michael and Ruth McNamee *John R. McPherson, D.D.S. Jay and Marion Mellies Richard and Audrey Melone V. Frank and Barbara Mendicino Lisa Mercer Joan L. Mitchell Jim Mogard Thomas and Susan Moore Sue L. Morgan *Linda L. Murdock Tom Nachtigal and Jan Standorth-Nachtigal Barbara M. Naughton Marcia Newell and Tom Wiersema Eleanor S. Noble *John and Linda Nydahl Rita O'Connell Judith E. Olson Colleen D. Osborne *Matthew and Jennifer Painter *Jerry and Peggy Palm Sally L. Palmer *Ronald and Mary Anne Pasco Michael and Carolyn Patterson Oliverand Betsy Peters Robert C. Peterson Richard and Barbara Peterson Robert C. Poch John W. Porter Herbert and Quita Pownall Mary A. Priquet Kevin and Denise Rames Mary Alice Raynolds Judy M. Richardson *Betty Ritter *Cassandra A. Rivers *Terry and Beverly Roark Sean Rooney David and Steffanie Roth Mark and Carmen Roth Eleanor Roth Micky and Robert Routson John and Virginia Vincenti Rudy and E. Ruby Sanchez Dale and Patricia Sandberg Cynthia and Eugene Schlattmann Marlene Schmidt *Jerry and Jeanetta Schmidt Troy Schwartz Joel L. Selig Mary Louise Shepard Lenwood and Karen Shore Vincent J. Siren Tony and Treece Sisneros Frank and Lorene Smedley Scott and Winifred Smith Kurt Eisenach and Juanita Smith *Thomas and Jeanne Spawn EmmaJo Spiegelberg Rebecca Stoff Jacque and Gus Stonum Steve and Nancy Stutzman Rev. Douglas and Gale Sunderland Brent and Cindy Taylor Jon and Patti Thobro Duane and Mary Trusty Craig and Carol Tullio Dr. Robert, DDS and Ginger Tyrrell Teresa Ukrainetz Amy Urban Mark E. Urban Paulette Wagner Verne and Emma Waldner William T. Ward, Trustee Gregory and Teri Weisz Courtney Welch *Marjorie Williams and Elena Romero Betty Wills James and Donna Wilson William and Dama Wimbish *Donald and Marge Winship Roger K. Withrow *John and Jane Wold Lila Worden Marian Wright Dr. Cameron Wright Organization Gifts Anadarko Petroleum Corporation *ANB Bank Aspen Valley Heating and Air Conditioning *Basic Beginnings, Inc. *BeHoCo, LLC Bird-O'Donnell Construction *BP Corporation North America Inc Carbon County Board of Realtors Christ Episcopal Church Church of our Saviour Church of the Holy Communion CIGNA CK Chuck Wagon Cloud 9 Frozen Yogurt Coffey Engineering & Surveying, LLC Community Shares of Colorado *CPA Group of Laramie *Damon Lodge #3, Knights of Pythias Deines Cabinet Shop, Inc Diocese of Wyoming *Dooley Oil, Inc. *Dowl HKM *Duane Toro Real Estate Eades Construction ECW of St. Thomas Encampment Presbyterian Church Farm Credit Services of America *First American Title Insurance First Interstate BancSystem Foundation Donor Recognition For gifts received June 1st, 2014 to December 31st, 2014 First Interstate Bank First United Methodist Church *First Western Financial, Inc. *Foundation for the Episcopal Diocese of Wyoming Fraternal Order of Eagles Auxillary Social Fund *Groathouse Construction Guthrie Family Foundation *Harmony Home and Community Club Hayden Wing and Associates Holy Communion Ministries Holy Nativity Hot Power Yoga Jack Rabbit Properties, Inc. *John P. Ellbogen Foundation *John P. Ellbogen Foundation Board Members Key Motel (Carbon County) *Kinskey Family Foundation *Kiwanis Club of Laramie Laramie GMAC Laramie Lanes *Laramie Plains Federal Credit Union Linton Financial Management Mae Olson Trust McCarty Honda Nissan Modern Printing *Mountain Valley Properties Mountain West Farm Bureau Murdoch's Ranch and Home Supply One West Real Estate Pence & MacMillan LLC PFS Insurance Group, LLC Poppys, LLC Quality IV Care Rawlins Chamber of Commerce *Rawstone Development Inc. *Rotary Club of Laramie *Ruth R. Ellbogen Foundation Sigma Alpha Epsilon Sigma-Aldrich RTC Snowy Range Vet St. Alban's Born Again Clothing St. Andrews ECW St. Francis on the Prairie St. John's Episcopal Church Powell *St. Luke's St. Mark's Episcopal Church St. Stephen's Episcopal Church Sweet Melissa *Terry and Beverly Roark Foundation Thaxton Insurance Agency *TriHydro Corp. U.S. Bank Foundation Union Pacific Foundation United Methodist Women United Way of Northern Utah *UniWyo Federal Credit Union UW Planetarium Vangaurd Charitable *Walter Scott Foundation *Warren Federal Credit Union Foundation West, Inc. Women of St. Albans Women of St. Peter's Wyoming State Bank Gifts in Kind Sara Alberts Jeff Becker Lara Berry Mitch and Cassidy Biggs Michael Bishop Roger Boalman Gary and Mary Brown Jim and Bev Brust Kristy Buckley Gulla Burke Susan Conger Carolyn Coolidge Kay Cowie Kathleen Cruth Jerry and Patti Goich DeCroo Karen Endsley Gary and Pennie Espeland John Espy Marlynn Frailey Stephen Franck JoAnn Fulton Ryan Fulton Randol and Sybil Gallo Robin Haas John and Shirley Hayes Emalyn G. Hermann Oliver and Joyce Hill Gail Kalco Sue Kersey Mary Jo Knoell Greg M. Lakey Lou Larsen Judy Lauer William and Charlotte Laycock Mary Kay Lewis Bruce Lockhart Leslee Logan Kenny Loudon Louise Marshall Colleen McKinnon Norman Merriam Karen Molleson Jennifer Murdock Darrelland Joanne Nicholas Rosemary Nicholls Isobel Nichols John and Linda Nydahl Brian and Melinda O'Conner Nancy Olson Jerry and Peggy Palm Brenda Peck Shawna Pena LeAnn Petty Helen Phillips Vickie Puckett Loren and Christine Richards Betty Ritter Jim and Virginia Sanchez Micah Scheed Jay and Myra Schwartz Sara Settle Mike Sheets Ashleyand Alan Shelton Ruth Shepard Jasmine Shepherd Lisa Shipley and Andrea Lewis Everett and Eunice Spackman LaRae Stibitz Don and Dennise Streeter Vanessa Summerfield Duane and Mary Trusty Amy Urbin Jim Verley Mary Vrooman Bill Walseth William Waneka Bill and Charlene Weber Katie and Phil Wille Punch Williamson Jim and Carolyn Woodward Keri Yett C.J. Young and Ben Anderson Organizational Gifts in Kind ACPE Federal Credit Union All Saints Episcopal Church All Terrain Sports All Things Possible Ministries ANB Bank Binky Patrol Bird-O'Donnell Construction Boot Barn Born in a Barn BW Insurance CASA of Laramie County Cheyenne East and Central High Schools CIGNA CK Chuck Wagon Clure Brothers Furniture Coal Creek Coffee Company Coldwell Banker and the Property Exchange West County Road and Bridge D & L Music Matching Gifts Did you know many companies will match employee donations to nonprofit agencies? Not sure about your employer? Contact your Human Resource office and double your donation! Digital Blues Enterprise Rent-a-Car Farm Credit Services of America Four Point Energy LLC GH Phipps Construction Laramie Women's Club Premier Bone & Joint PC Presbyterian Do Gooders Rocky Mountain Shirtworks Rotary Club Safeway Food and Drug St. Stephen's Episcopal Church St. Thomas Episcopal Church The Butcher Block, LLC The Cavalryman Steakhouse Townsquare Media of Laramie Trihydro Corp. United Presbyterian Church University of Wyoming Athletics Wal-Mart Supercenter Warren Federal Credit Union Windy Corner Wyoming National Guard Wyoming Territorial Prison Corp. Page 11 Non-Profit Org. US Postage PAID Permit No. 19 Laramie, WY 82070 4989 N 3rd St. Laramie, WY 82072 For more information visit: www.cathedralhome.org Sign-up for our mailing list and keep up with the Home! Visit our Contact Us page under the About Us section on our website for more information. For opportunities to donate, see our website at: www.cathedralhome.org ! e t da e h t e v a S Upcoming Fundraisers 2nd Annual Bowl for Golf Tournament 3rd Annual Fundraiser LYCC Fundraiser Saturday, April 18, 2015 Help us raise money for programs! For more information on our fundraisers and how you can get involved, please visit our website at www.cathedralhome.org Putting Youth and Families First Friday, July 17, 2015 For sponsorship opportunities, please contact Cassidy Biggs at (307) 745-8997 or cbiggs@cathedralhome.org