Confessions of a Broken Heart
Confessions of a Broken Heart
Issue 13: April 6, 2012 Published in, by and for the Wyoming community In this issue: all the news fit for a pint +A whole lot of Carrie Elkin. +Andrew Parker makes a fart joke, laughs. (Cricket noises ensue) +Kevin Wrobetz’s demented doctor has the last laugh. +A panoply of poetry by Jon Larson, Jason Clark, and Rowdy Rod. +Our crazy editor rants about something or another. Photograph courtesy of Wiley Confessions of a Broken Heart The irst time I tried to commit suicide was on a remote Natrona County road in 1964. “The big dick” was drunk and was playing chicken with other cars and running them off the road. I cut off the blood low and dick passed out and rolled his dads 46’ ford coupe. He walked away unscathed. I did everything I could to take “the big dick” out over the years with multiple heart attacks, usually on election years, but the body was stronger than I was. He always had good tim- ing and people would save him despite my best efforts. My biggest regret in life was when “the big dick” shot his buddy, Harry Whittington, in the face. It just caught me off guard. He was having one of those Fred Sanford, god-helpme-I’m-coming-to-join-you-Elizabeth moments. I was laughing so hard I just missed the opportunity until it was too late. Oh, the humanity. After he became such a powerful Washington igure, I didn’t have much of a chance since he now had the best medical technology at his continued on page 7 Humanity: Hands-Off or Hierarchies? By Wiley Humanity is a mixed bag, and on the whole, we are neither good nor bad. Our capacity for evil, however, is rarely more pronounced than when we are given a measure of authority over others. Whatever situational justiication may exist for hierarchies, and no matter the intention, it is inevitable that any one human will fuck up when allowed to make decisions on the behalf of others. Demonstrably, we can barely make decisions on our own behalf, so it seems naïve, at best, to expect anyone (even a parent) to be capable of responsible guardianship when confronted with the very real dilemmas with which we are all too familiar. The variables involved are simply too complex for humans to handle. This is not to say that people should not have an implicit interest in the well-being of others; on the contrary, I would be loath to advocate a philosophy of supreme self-interest. However, there is a very distinct separation between voluntarily lending assistance to another for their own good, and assuming a paternalistic role in which one human is allowed to “manage” others’ affairs. This distinction is easily illustrated through a supericial examination of common parenting practices: some parents are the familial equivalent of micro-managers, and their existence is not one which I envy—the stress of attempting to control the uncontrollable must be maddening. The attitude of these people is probably not deliberate; in fact, it is most likely ingrained by constant exposure to the overwhelmingly unavoidable ideology of management. In a consciously-structured society based upon stratiication, it should not be surprising that even our most intimate relations exemplify a tacit assumption of underlying oppressive inequity of power—from the bizarre sexual practice of sado-masochism with its underlying emphasis on fetishizing domination, to classroom education which predisposes students to accept the idea of a single overwhelming authority ruling a community of approximate equals. Page: 2 This is the basic tenet of my personal philosophy: people are not entirely rational, and for that reason, cannot be trusted with any degree of responsibility beyond their own personal desires. This obviously does not preclude the possibility of cooperative ventures, but our elemental lack of reasoning should be the primary concern when making choices likely to affect even one other person. This is a very basic adaptation of the skeptical scientiic philosophy to political affairs: in most cases, making an important decision will quite regularly result in unintended negative consequences for (almost) all parties involved. The demand to “do something” in the face of adversity often ignores the very real fact that, in many instances, nothing can—or should—be done. More importantly, the assumed necessity for large-scale decisionmaking is often precipitated by previous faulty decisions, creating a vicious cycle of ever-increasing complications. It is the rough socio-political equivalent of attempting to cure a hangover with more booze. For instance, the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act and the Troubled Asset Relief Program, enacted in an environment of a ballooning and ongoing deicit-based economic recession, was “hair of the dog” for the ever-present inancial irresponsibility and corruption that the US government continues to embody (most recently, in the form of these two huge handouts to corporate Amerikkka). Read more at Are you afraid of your partner? Does your partner make you feel worthless? Has your partner shoved you, broken your belongings, or punched holes in your walls? If these experiences are part of your life, you are not alone, and help is available. Contact SAFE Project’s 24-hour hotline at 1-800-230-3556 or 745-3556. 3 Months to Live: doctor prescribed, patient perplexed by Kevin Wrobetz A Call to Arms for Artists News From Nowhere plans to publish a directory for right-brain stuff, but we need your help! We would like this directory to be a one-stop shop for anyone wishing to book a band for a gig, a photographer for pictures of that special little poodle, or a painter for commission work. This directory will be absolutely free and gratis to any artist or musician who would like to take advantage of it. If you are a graphic artist, a sculptor, a con artist, a trick shot artist, a photographer, a performance artist; whether you work in 2-D, 3-D, 4-D or some Zen macro singularity dimension that only cats can see; if you are a musician playing any instrument from a list too long to mention here. . . Then, if you are prepared to drink the Kool-Aid with us and get your name out there, please take advantage of this offer. E-mail your contact information, a brief description of what you do (paint, take photos, sculpt, play and sing, etc.) and, if you’d like, where you have shown your work or performed in the past to We plan to update this directory periodically, so take advantage now to get maximum public exposure! Preserving your precious moments at affordable prices! Wedding, engagement, pin-up & portrait photography. Now providing wedding planning services for Jackson, Grand Teton & Yellowstone National Parks, the Snowy Range Mountains, and more! Professional 24-track audio recording in Laramie Reasonable Rates Excellent Equipment Experienced Personnel Comfortable Working Space 745-1618 Prefer snail mail? Mail any material to PO Box 103, Laramie WY 82073 Regrets Jon Larson A rainbow of markers spilled on the loor Finders Keepers I say as they become mine She stands before the teacher with an empty bag That once held her markers but now only catches her tears I smother my shame under a blanket of greed Stop Talking I yell, Stop laughing I scream as I kick the bed I have to sleep, I have to work tomorrow, You’re keeping me up Angrier words escape and ly around the room, chasing the things I have thrown Two girls huddle together, No longer laughing but crying Trying to hide from this monster they sometimes call Father Driving angry I lay on the horn, pulling alongside to yell at the idiot An old woman driving, illing the car with her tears Oh please look at me, so I can say I’m sorry But she drives on, still weeping Her tears melt my anger, leaving only shame and regret And the night draws on, too terriied to sleep, afraid of this thing I once was Afraid it will come back and consume me again The world grows heavier tonight, my shoulders ache from the weight of it And still they come Sleep is but a distant dream And still they come Upcoming Events from Studio WYO Presents: April 19th: 7PM Catch Bees @ The Gardens Pure Pigment Pastel Artists, Gail Watford & Vanda Edington Show March 24 th to April 14 th, 2012 Demonstration Saturday March 24 th, 2 to 4 PM Meet the artists and get hands on experiencewith pastel. Laramie Plains Civic Center , Suite 271 710 Garfield St. Laramie, Wyoming Phone 307.742.6574 Got questions, comments, suggestions, or tips? Email us at! WY MAP It GIS, Graphics, and Photography GIS: maps, field data collection, database design Robert Kirkwood Graphics and Photography: 307-399-8094 weddings, logos, landscapes, digital art EXERCISE YOUR RIGHTS! If a law enforcement oficer seeks to question you or search you, your home, or your vehicle, BEFORE ANSWERING OR PERMITTING A SEARCH, READ to them the following: “I will not answer any questions without an attorney.” “I will not perform any tests without an attorney.” “I will not consent to any search of me, my house or my vehicle without a warrant.” “I will not waive any of my constitutional rights.” “May I please leave now?” (Remember, there is no substitute for case-speciic professional legal advice by an attorney) Legal tips courtesy of Combs Law Ofice 318 7th St. Evanston, WY 82930 (307) 789-7003 Open 7 Days a week! Located at 119 S. 1st Street You do not have to be a member to shop here! (307) 7453586 Jailbait By Rowdy Rod Miller I hate to admit it but my ribcage isn’t up to the task every time my heart swells like this testing the limits of its incarceration the insistent pressure seems to reveal weaknesses in the ligature design laws in the bone, and the inevitable outburst leaves a tattered rictus of skin surrounding humiliated skeletal guards who blame each other for the blood on the walls, the viscera on the loor, and that poor, innocent girl. She was just bringing fresh lowers and keeping her eyes coyly down. But now we dodge from state to state one step ahead of the law and she bathes in anonymous rivers in unmapped country and adjusts to the fugitive life. Be Vocal: Keep It Local Perhaps you’re a regular reader. Perhaps this is the irst time you’ve taken a look at this publication. Regardless of your readership status, we’d like to welcome you into the fold with a short explanation of our angle. If we were a heartless bureaucracy, we might propose (in all-too-common jargon) a “mission statement.” Fortunately, we aren’t on any sort of mission, so we’ll just call this “a little bit of background.” News From Nowhere is a community publication, in every conceivable aspect. Hence why our banner says “published in, by and for the Wyoming community.” All of our writers are Wyoming natives. All of our advertisers are locally-owned businesses. Our paper is printed at Digital Blues, a local print shop. All of our distribution locations (aside from some charitable institutions like the Salvation Army) are locally-owned businesses. Not to belabor the point, but we kinda like the community. More to the point, we think you should like the community, too. In a time of unprecedented centralization—in government, business, and media—we think that the counterweight to the many and multifaceted monopolies that dominate our lives is obvious: community. This is not a “liberal” or a “conservative” premise. Rather, it is an ideal that was near-universal in our country as recently as the beginning of the 20th century. In Wyoming, where we still pay homage to the 19thcentury concept of a cowboy—and no, it is not embodied in our ludicrously-legislated “Cowboy Code,” written by a Wall Street investor—it would seem the community approach should it quite aptly. We hope you will agree. Importantly, though our paper might be an “alternative” publication, we reject cliché labels such as “counterculture,” “underground,” or “radical,” unless allowing people to exercise their irst amendment rights is “radical.” Our paper is distributed above-ground in legitimate places of business, and we are no more radical than the variety of people who choose to submit their work for your consideration. We have an open submissions policy, meaning we reject nothing, and accept everything. What does this mean for you? If you don’t like what our contributors have to say, you have the power to become a contributor yourself, to change the look and feel of NFN. So please, throw your own voice in with the chorus, and help us make this paper truly relective of the community that spawned it. Our prime directive is to give voice to those who want to be heard, and we can only hope that the example of our previous community contributors will inspire others to do the same. While our paper does have a number of regular contributors (for which we are thankful), we at NFN believe that variety is the spice of life, and as such, actively encourage/harass our fellow Wyomingites to submit their work to our paper. That means you, your family, and your friends. So spread the word, and let’s see what happens with this little social experiment of ours. 307-745-800 Select Tickets available at: Turtle Rock , Sweet Melissa’s, The Pedal House, Night Heron Book Store, Grand Newsstand & Coal Creek Call or visit our websites for more upcoming shows! Page: 6 LPCC presents: The Stereofidelics Bookly Sat 4/07 7:30pm $5-$10 Because Someone Has to Do the Impossiple Jon Rotellini Thu 4/12 7:pm $9.50 LPCC presents: Screen Door Porch RatTrapper Sat 4/13 7:30pm $10 Office Hours: M-F 8am-5pm Heart, continued from page 1 ingertips. I mean really, the millions of dollars spent to keep this prick alive are hard to imagine. Before he got the external deibrillator I thought I might have one more chance, but they inally found a way to permanently bypass me. The doctors rendered me useless, circulating his blood for 15 months without a heartbeat. I sat in the jail of his ribcage, freezing cold, being punished for more than a year with the other organs mocking and torturing me. The lungs loved to waterboard me, using the kidneys and the bladder to force urine through me to try to make me admit to trying to kill the vice president. I did inally admit to these acts, but they would just giggle and force more urine through to choke me out. I will never forget when I saw the doctors for the last time, as they opened the chest cavity preparing “the big dick” for the heart transplant. As the intense light of the operating room penetrated the “dark side,” I was inally allowed to go toward the light. A warm glow washed over me as the scalpel severed the arteries and dislodged me from the death star. Angelic harp music and cherubic singing followed me into the silver receptacle that became my home for the next few hours. Having been unemployed for the past ifteen months, the doctors were labbergasted as I was resurrected and began to throb intensely. The team of surgeons all stopped and watched as I lopped happily in the bowl for the irst time in my life. The operation continued, connecting “the big dick’s” new heart while I looked on with happiness for the irst time in my tortured life. I knew that the medical incinerator would probably be my inal resting place, so I decided to make a run for it. I jumped out of the bowl and slithered my way out of the hospital and into the street, where I smelled the sweet air of freedom for the irst time. The next few days were a blur as I made my way back to Wyoming where I knew I wanted to spend rest of my existence. I found my way to a spot near Laramie where I could see for a hundred miles in any direction and where I could be close to my favorite place in the world, Vedauwoo. Here at the old Sherman cemetery is where I will spend my afterlife. The big dick will never ind me here and I will ind the happiness in death that I never knew in life. God bless Wyoming and keep her wild. Are you a starving artist? Show us why you’re so skinny! Send your work to: Join the National Academy of Doomsday Weapons and Fissile Materials for our third Symposium: The Russian Deadhand: Doomsday Weapon or Securitized Masturbatory Technique. Wednesday 10-12. Refreshments Served. Call for info 307 438 9625. *We do NOT practice Santeria Best rates around! Page: 7 Eat Your Veggies! Sweet Melissa Café 213 S. 1st Street Laramie, Wyo The Great Changes by Jason Clark How about a little praise and laughter For ire’s fact and sour hefts of smoke? A heathen, breathing. But. This is after We have given knee-bent prayers, choke, To watch the wood give way from tree Limb, how true a term, and seen the feed Of heat inside the hardened lesh. See This lisping crack of thought? And to read The consciousness of being real get named. The point? My dear, so hard and soft, For sometimes philosophicals are lamed: They start out as something pitched aloft 310 S. 5th St. Then fall as timber into grounded ash. And life, so leshy, leaves as quick—a dash. So if I bring back the dead in memory Will despair become no part of me? Does digging down to grip the earth, so moist, Relieve me, ind me, give a creaky hoist Of death from out the ground to which they go And lift the teeming, sprouting stuff, heave-ho, Into my smoke-drenched mouth? I gorge my face 207 S. 1st Street, Laramie WY 82070 (307)742-5533 FINE DINING IN THE SNOWY RANGE THE TRADING POST DINNER HOUSE & SALOON LIVE MUSIC SATURDAYS In soil. Breath the mold. Unfeel this place Of Life, the garden that I’ll call a longing, This trap, an in-between a birth and dying. Return my ones? My rested, wrinkled gone? Or me to them?, as though I were old Charon, The reverent river-crosser stroking slowly. For I am sad, and down, alive, and lonely. CENTENNIAL, WYOMING 2755 HWY 130 307-721-5074 Page: 8 Interested in distributing News From Nowhere? Email us at! COWBOYS & DINOSAURS by Andrew Parker Thats smelly. What? PHBBBBT! Folk singer Carrie Elkin to play beneit concert in Laramie Carrie Elkin, a critically acclaimed singer-songwriter from Austin, TX will be giving a solo concert performance on April 20th at the Laramie Plains Civic Center to beneit Laramie Montessori School. Elkin’s music blends poetic lyrics with a gritty folk/ Americana sound, delivered with a voice that is sometimes stunningly powerful and other times sweetly soulful. Elkin is gaining a signiicant following both in the United States and abroad. In addition to her steady touring schedule, she has played at festivals including Lilith Fair, South by Southwest, and Falcon Ridge. Leah Burgess of Laramie Montessori Community Organization says, “We are thrilled to be able to bring a talent like Carrie Elkin to Laramie. I have seen her perform several times and she is just outstanding. It is an honor that she is performing this show as a beneit to Laramie Montessori School.” About the making of her most recently released album, ‘Call it My Garden’, Elkin says, “My music is my family, my home, my garden…. My folk ‘family’ is what keeps me MAKING SOMEONE’S DAY, EVERY DAY! going, and there’s nothing like making music with the people you love. There was a beautiConsignments: Sat., Mon., Tues. ful mix of professionalism and ridiculousness”. Open Monday-Saturday, 10-6 concluded on SIDEWAYS Visit our facebook page! The Friendly Store and Motel The Buckhorn Bar... open mic acoustic music, drink specials, bullet holes. Nuff said Centennial, WY (307) 742-6033 114 E. Ivinson St Page: 9 Save the Date! 4th Local Food Gathering Saturday, April 14th from 12-5pm at Whiting School (24th and Sheridan). Sessions in four tracks: local food production, current issues in local food, home production, and cooking. Keynote on Farm to School.Also, drop off your soil sample and we’ll arrange for it to be tested.The LFG is $5 at the door($3 for seniors and free for students). Register now for a special soils workshop on testing soil, reading test results, and building healthy soil from 10-11am. The cost is $10 and includes entry to the Local Food Gathering. Register at Program details will be at July 27-28 ? Bear Trap Cafe and Bar ! Riverside, Wyoming continued from 9 WHATFEST 2012 Shane Milner informing you that he is a Graphic Designer for a sample of his portfolio see The Layout of this Paper contact him at shows/events/whatnot this is an advertisement for SIDEWAYS Critics have touted Carrie as an up and coming artist who delivers a unique blend of earthy poetry, exquisite vocals and striking musicianship. Maverick Magazine states: “I have never seen a performer so in love with the act of singing. That’s the gospel truth, and from what I’ve subsequently learned I’m not the only one to believe or state that. Onstage Elkin was simply a force of nature….” BBC Radio likens her sound to Patty Grifin, Nanci Grifith and Iris DeMent “....spellbinding from the opening track”. The performance will take place April 20th, 2012 at the Laramie Plains Civic Center’s Gryphon Theatre. Elkin will also play a live studio session on Wyoming Public Media’s morning music on the day of the show. The evening event will begin with a social hour at 6:30 where folks can enjoy drinks and socializing and have the opportunity to enter one of many rafle drawings to occur that evening. The show will begin at 7:30. Tickets are $14 for students, senior citizens, and military personnel, and $18 general admission. Tickets may be purchased in advance through, at Big Hollow Food Coop, Night Heron Books, and other locations where Laramie Plains Civic Center events are promoted. Proceeds will beneit Laramie Montessori School. WHATfest is free for all and offers free camping as well. The WHATfest is as grassroots as it gets! What are you bringing to the WHAT?! see you nowhere Photograph courtesy of Tim Chesnut Motley Fool, continued from 11 Locally roasted coffee All-natural bakery Impeccable tea Two stories of books! What more could you want? Located in Cheyenne. Best record store North of Denver. Open 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. every day Page: 11
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