AWARDS BANQUET We had another successful awards banquet
AWARDS BANQUET We had another successful awards banquet
Website: May 2015 A Publication of Sundancers Radio Control Club of Port Saint Lucie, FL AMA Charter Club 2375 2375Club PRESIDENT: Randy Mullins, Ph: 772-618-5220 Email: VICE PRESIDENT: Ken Frehafer, Ph: 772-287-8264 Email: AWARDS BANQUET SECRETARY: Tom Celi, Ph: 772-785-6750 Email: TREASURER: Ken Bridges, Ph: 772-201-5509 We had another successful awards banquet. There were over 62 members present. A Full House. The food was excellent and all you could eat! Email: BOARD OF DIRECTORS: John Wikoff, Ph: 772-785-6137 Tim Mullins, Ph: 772-801-8236 Ned Flanigan, Ph: 772-971-1925 Dave Rhodes, Ph: 772-446-5463 Thanks to John Wikoff, Vinnie Granuzzo and Juliet Law for making this event a memorable experience. FIELD MARSHALS: Dave Rhodes, Ph: 772-446-5463 FLIGHT INSTRUCTORS: Larry Olsen, Ph: 772-879-1827 John Wikoff, Ph: 772-785-6137 THANKS TO OUR MEMBERS FOR THEIR CONTINUED COMMITMENT AND SUPPORT !! Tim Mullins, Ph: 772-801-8236 FIELD SAFETY OFFICERS: Dave Snider, Ph: 772-985-5981 Next Meeting June 6, 2015 CORRESPONDENT: Rusty Pieper, Ph: 772-332-728 FOOD WILL BE SERVED ! MEMBERSHIP CHAIRMAN: Ken Bridges, Ph: 772-201-5509 RC CAR ADMINISTRATOR: Tim Mullins: Ph: 772-801-8236 NEWSLETTER EDITOR: Sean Pieper, Ph: 772-332-7128 Sundancer’s RC field is located in Port Saint Lucie at 7901 Germany Canal Road, 34987. GPS Coordinates: Lat: N 27 19.413 Long: W 080 33764. Driving directions can be found on the website. BIG Ryan Law What’s Up Doc? Leonardo Martinez Kerry Barber Kal Reifsnyder Tim Mullins Rocky Elson Bruce Turner John Martorano caught this CAT FISH !!! He Forced us to have a sign made “CATCH AND RELEASE” Dave Lewis commercial pilot flew this EXPERIMENTAL AIRCRAFT AND LANDED ON RUNWAY Dave is a club member who has always been on the “LEADING EDGE” SUNDANCER SPOT LIGHT Car Driver Jack Burdiss Jack is a member of Sundancers and drives cars. Jack has been driving r/c cars for 30 years and has been sponsored by Traxxas company as a professional team driver. Jack has 2- four wheel drive short course trucks and 2- modified buggies. His favorite brand is Traxxas. He would like to see Sundancers make a stock spec class on race day. Jack is a professional musician and plays bass guitar in a band. By Sean Pieper SUNDANCERS SPOT LIGHT Airplane Pilot Ron Lovelle Ron is a Sundancer member who flies all types of planes. He has giant scale, nitro and electric planes. He has a giant scale P– 51 Mustang, Edge and a Slick. He has his Sig King Kobra in this picture. Ron is back flying after taking three years off due to vision difficulties. Ron was formerly the club secretary. WELCOME BACK RON. By Sean Pieper CURRENT SUNDANCERS MEMBERS SUN DANCERS RADIO CONTROL CLUB, INC. 2015 Membership Application Name ............................................................................................................. Spouse's First Name Street ............................................................................................................................................................................ City ........................................................................................... State Zip Phone ............................................................................................. E-mail AMA Number………………………..ROAR Number ... ………………NAMBA NUMBER………………….. Occupation ........................................................ …………………….(Former occupation if retired) First name for membership badge .................................................... Family Membership (List family members names below): Spouse .............................................AMA Number ROAR Number………………………………. Child ............................................... AMA Number ROAR Number………………………………. Child .................................................AMA Number ROAR Number………………………………. List radio control transmitter frequencies (channel numbers) that you will be using on a Regular basis …………………………………………………... The 2015 calendar year membership dues are as follows: Full Member $150, Family $165 (Full member, Spouse & all Junior age children, and Junior $25 (less than nineteen years of age before July 1st). After June 30th all dues are half price for new members. Those initially joining the club after September 30th may pay dues for the full year and be entitled to membership for the balance of the year and all of the following year. Memberships expire December 31st. Members have a grace period for renewal until January 31st, after which a $25 late fee is required to renew the membership. ATTACH A COPY OF YOUR 2015 AMA or ROAR MEMBERSHIP CARD to this application along with a check payable to Sun Dancers R/C Club for the membership dues. Send or deliver to Sundancers Membership Chairman, Ken Bridges, 9639 Fairwood Court, Port St.Lucie, FL 34986 Signature _______________________________________________________ Date…………………………………………….. (561) 744-3800 Advertisements NOTICE ALL CORRESPONDENTS FOR THIS NEWS LETTER SHOULD HAVE THEIR ARTICLES IN BY THE 10TH OF THE MONTH. PLEASE ATTACH YOUR ARTICLE SAVED IN WORD FORMAT OR PUBLISHER. ANYONE WITH ANY SUGGESTIONS FOR THIS NEWSLETTER, PLEASE SUBMIT THEM. IF I HAVE MISS EDITED, OMITTED, MISSPELLED OR OFFENDED ANYONE I APOLOGIZE, I WILL DO BETTER NEXT TIME. Ads are free for member’s to buy, sell, trade model equipment, to buy something special or advertise a model service. Just call in or e-mail your ad to the editor. You must, however, notify the editor each month If you wish to continue your ad in the next month‘s newsletter, otherwise, it will be assumed that your item has been sold or located. Commercial ads will remain as a courtesy to our local area hobby vendors until they request otherwise. The local area code is 772. MDR RACING HOBBY SHOP 1856 SW BAYSHORE BLVD. PORT ST. LUCIE, FL 34984 772-380-9595 RICKY CALERO HI-TECH SERVOS, GLUE & EPOXY 772-878-4602 THANK YOU, BIG LAKE HOBBIES EDITOR 110 SW 14TH STREET LETS ALL HAVE FUN OKEECHOBEE, FL 34974 AND KEEP THE PLACE CLEAN 863-357-3592 IT’S NOT ROCKET SCIENCE LEGEND R/C HOBBIES IF YOU BRING IT, TAKE IT HOME 1695 WEST INDIANTOWN ROAD SAFETY JUPITER, FL 33458 REMEMBER: SAFETY IS EVERYONE’S RESPONSIBILITY! FOR SALE If you have something for sale, please contact me by the 10th of the month. All listings are free of charge to Members 561-744-3800 RIVERSIDE HOBBIES 250 SEBASTIAN BLVD. #7 SEBASTIAN, FL 32958 772-581-47 BT HOBBY 457 SEBASTIAN BLVD. UNIT B DRUGS OR ALCOHOL SEBASTIAN, FL 32958 772-589-9000 STRICTLY PROHIBITED SUNDANCER SHIRTS BY LAW TEE SHIRTS $20.00 AVAILABLE IN LARGE, XL AND XXL CONTACT: TIM MULLINS AT THE FIELD OR CALL 772-801-8236