dual immersion multicultural education (dime) parent handbook
dual immersion multicultural education (dime) parent handbook
Morgan Hill Unified School District 15600 Concord Circle Morgan Hill, CA 95037 DUAL IMMERSION MULTICULTURAL EDUCATION (DIME) PARENT HANDBOOK 1 INTRODUCTION In August of 2012, Morgan Hill Unified School District (MHUSD) established its first Dual Language Immersion Program for the parents/families of the Morgan Hill Community. During the 2010 – 2011 school year, a group of dedicated staff had approached the superintendent’s executive cabinet with the idea of bringing to Morgan Hill a better program for English Language Learners. As a result of the group’s research and deliberation, the members of the executive cabinet surveyed the community to assess their interest in a Spanish Dual Immersion program. The overwhelming response of the community was “yes.” The program was designed to provide students with high levels of language proficiency, academic achievement, and cross-cultural understanding. It uses Spanish and English as the languages of instruction for both Spanish-speaking students who need to develop English fluency and English-speaking students adding Spanish as a second language. The first cohort of students enter the 3rd grade this year at San Martin/Gwinn Elementary and the program will continue at least until the students complete their 6th grade year. This year, the district will begin to plan for the development of the program into the intermediate, middle school years and begin to prepare the secondary programs in the county for the influx of the Dual Language students that will graduate from this program. 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page INTRODUCTION 2 ABOUT DUAL LANGUAGE EDUCATION 4 WHY DIME? 5 PROGRAM GOALS 6 PROGRAM DESIGN 6-7 MEASURING STUDENT PROGRESS 8-9 CALIFORNIA SEAL OF BILITERACY 9 MHUSD DIME PROGRAM PATHWAYS 10 THE ROLE OF PARENTS 11 FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS 12-13 OTHER RESOURCES FOR PARENTS 14 CALENDAR OF EVENTS 2014-15 SCHOOL YEAR 15 DIME STAFF LIST AND EMAILS 16-17 APPENDICES TIME AND TALENT SURVEY, PARENT EXCEPTION WAIVER FOR EL STUDENTS AND DIME PARENT COMPACT 18-23 3 ABOUT DUAL IMMERSION Imagine your children becoming fluent in a second language in their early years. Imagine them not only speaking, but writing, reading, and learning in that language as comfortably as they do in their first language. Imagine them being ready to learn a third language by the time they enter high school. A gift like this will open doors throughout their lifetime. Dual Immersion, or Two Way Bilingual Immersion, teaches school subjects in both English and a target language, in this case Spanish. Language learning is immersive, occurring while students learn math, social studies, and more. Students negotiate meaning further through interaction with their peers in a class made up of native speakers of both languages More than 40 years of research consistently documents the power of “additive bilingual” programs to help students attain high levels of second-language proficiency. No other type of instruction is as successful, and young children thrive in this type of instructional environment. For English-speaking students, research shows that a second language is best developed through early and full immersion in that language (Genesee, 1985). For non-native speakers, English is best acquired when academic proficiency in their first language is firmly established (Hakuta & Gould, 1987) serving as a based to add on their English academic skills. For both types of students, Dual Immersion is a great choice! Children generally perform at or above their non-immersion peers on standardized tests administered in English. They become biliterate, meaning they can read, write, and communicate in both languages. Students learn from teachers and from each other, and share not only academics, but language, culture and friendship. Dual Immersion started in the US in 1963 with a group of Cuban citizens in Florida. What began as an English Learning program has blossomed into an enrichment program for all students, where the final outcome is bilingualism, high level of literacy in two languages or more, and improved academic achievement. Other benefits of Dual Immersion Education include the following: ● Additive bilingualism: Students gain a new language and maintain their native language. ● High academic achievement: Students in Dual Immersion programs perform at or above other seventh-grade classes on standardized tests in Math, Science and Social Studies. (1996, Collier Thomas Study) ● Students will qualify for the Seal of Biliteracy on their High School Diploma through an application process ● More job opportunities in many careers. 4 Why DIME? The DIME (Dual Immersion Multicultural Education) program offers both English and Spanish speaking students the unique opportunity to learn and excel in both the primary and second languages, while also developing an increased understanding of different cultures and an appreciation for a diverse society. DIME provides a way to learn academic content while acquiring another language at the same time. Students receive language arts, math, science and social studies instruction in Spanish. The teaching strategies support the students in learning the concepts and skills for the subject area, as well develop the ability to read, write, speak and listen in both English and Spanish. DIME uses the 90/10 Two-Way Bilingual Immersion model. By starting with 90% of instruction in Spanish, a strong foundation in the target language is established while students continue to develop their oral and literacy skills in English. Each year the percentages of time in each language shift by about 10% so that by the time students enter the 5th grade, half the day is taught in Spanish and half the day is taught in English. DIME began in 2012 at San Martin/Gwinn Elementary. The acronym “DIME” means “Tell me” in Spanish and stands for Dual Immersion Multicultural Education. Because dual language education is designed as an early immersion model, students start their program at the Kinder/First grade levels. DIME (in its third year in 2014-15) now consists of two kindergarten and two first grade classes and one each of second and third grades. School and district officials will continue to develop the program into the intermediate and secondary levels. 5 PROGRAM GOALS The DIME Program is a Choice program that serves both English and Spanish speaking students. The program is open to students of different backgrounds and abilities. The Dual Language Immersion program is designed to meet the following goals: • Bilingualism and Biliteracy: Students develop a high level of oral and written proficiency in both Spanish and English. • Academic Excellence: Students achieve academic excellence in all subject areas, meeting or exceeding district and California state standards. • Multicultural Understanding: Students develop positive attitudes toward other languages and cultures and demonstrate their ability to appreciate the traditions and values of various cultures in our society and around the world. • Multimedia Literacy: Students demonstrate proficiency in the use of computers & applications, as well as an understanding of the concepts underlying hardware, software, and connectivity. In addition, they demonstrate the responsible use of technology and an understanding of ethics and safety issues in using electronic media at home, in school, and in society. They will also demonstrate the ability to use technology for research, critical thinking, problem solving, decision making, communication, collaboration, creativity, and innovation. PROGRAM DESIGN The Dual Immersion Multicultural Education (DIME) Program at San Martin/Gwinn Elementary School The DIME Program has a specific course of study and schedule with carefully designed separation of language instruction for both Spanish and English. The 90/10 model program model listed below is the most-researched model in Two Way Bilingual Immersion and Dual Language Education that demonstrates the highest success in the development of biliteracy for both Spanish and English dominant students. Teachers in the program must be appropriately credentialed for their grade level and possess bilingual certification. 6 Instructional Percentages of Language Delivery for Both Languages for All Students Percentages of time spent in each language by grade level Language/Grade K 1st 2nd 3rd 4th-6th Spanish 90 80 70 60 50 English 10 20 30 40 50 Instructional Percentages of Language Delivery for Both Languages for All Students The program’s policy of language separation means that teachers and students will stay in one language rather than mixing English and Spanish during a given period of instruction. Since Spanish proficiency is the target language for the program, teachers will deliver specific content in the Spanish language, focusing not only on mastery of content but also on the acquisition of language, including vocabulary and language structure and functions. Studies in second language learning indicate that a clear separation of languages for instruction helps to promote communication skills, build the students’ need to use the language, and support metalinguistic transfer. Instruction is designed carefully to integrate language and content, to address second-l anguage learner needs, and to encourage the transfer of skills, strategies, and knowledge across languages (Howard, Sugarman, Perdomo, and Adger, 2005). DLI Language of Instruction by Grade Level Subject/Grade K- -1 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th Spanish Language Arts Spanish Spanish Spanish Spanish Spanish Spanish Mathematics Spanish Spanish Spanish Spanish Spanish English Science Spanish Spanish Spanish English English English Social Studies Spanish English English Spanish English or Spanish Spanish Eng. Language Arts & Academic English Language Development (AELD) English English English English English English 7 MEASURING STUDENT PROGRESS DIME students will be assessed in both languages, English and Spanish, to determine the success of each student in meeting the goals set out by the dual language program. DIME teachers will use the State Common Core State Standards in English and Spanish, the English Language Development Standards for English Learners (students learning English as their second language) and the Next Generation Science Standards. Additional assessments will be determined by the California Department of Education and the network of Two-Way and Dual Language programs in California to allow MHUSD to benchmark DIME’s progress against that of similar programs. The following chart outlines the assessments that will used in the program to measure academic progress in both languages, Spanish language development, and cross cultural attitudes and proficiencies. Students who are English-Speaking Learning Spanish as their second language* Academic Achievement Language Proficiency Grades K-2 District Local Assessments School site reading assessments in English and Spanish Language Assessments Scales in Spanish Grade 3 District Local Assessments School site reading assessments in English and Spanish Language Assessment Scales in Spanish State Test: Common Core State Standards in English in English Language Arts and Mathematics (Smarter Balance) *Assessments will continue to be developed for the program participants as the California Department of Education and network of Dual Language programs determine the appropriate standards-based assessments in both English and the target language. 8 Students who are Spanish Speaking Learning English (English Learners) Grades K-2 Academic Achievement Language Proficiency District Local Assessments School site reading assessments in Spanish Language Assessments Scales in Spanish California English Language Development Test Grade 3 District Local Assessments School site reading assessments in Spanish and English Language Assessment Scales in Spanish State Test: Common Core State Standards in English in English Language Arts and Mathematics (Smarter Balance) California English Language Development Test CALIFORNIA STATE OF BILITERACY The State Seal of Biliteracy (SSB), established by Assembly Bill 815 (Brownley, Chapter 618, and Statutes of 2011), became effective January 1, 2012, and provides recognition to high school students who have attained a high level of proficiency in speaking, reading, and writing in one or more languages in addition to English. Each school district or direct-funded charter school that confers the SSB is required to maintain appropriate records in order to identify students who have met the established criteria for the award and to affix the SSB insignia to the diploma or transcript of each qualifying student. University and college credit in foreign language will be given. School districts in California offering Dual Language Immersion or Two-Way Immersion programs are encouraged to adopt a Seal of Biliteracy Board Resolution that indicates a commitment to the preparation of their Dual Language program students. As a result of 8--9 years of study in two languages, students will be able to advance into the secondary programs fully prepared to participate in either advanced placement or honors coursework in the language they have been studying during elementary and intermediate school years. Dual Language students will also be able to apply for the “Seal of Biliteracy Pathway Awards” in accordance with the State Seal of Biliteracy guidelines to motivate students to continue developing their first and second languages throughout their K-8 school years. The awards are presented after both 6th and 8th grade as students work to meet the criteria set for each award (L. Olsen 2010). 9 Morgan HIll Unified School District Seal of Biliteracy Pathway Awards Elementary School Middle School High 90/10 Two Way Bilingual Immersion Program Target Language: Spanish Dual Language Immersion program continues from 6th-8th grades. Minimum of two courses make up the Dual Immersion program core: Spanish Language Arts & Spanish Science or Spanish Social Studies. Students enter high school after completing a placement exam to be placed in either Spanish Honors courses or Advanced Placement courses in Spanish at 9th grade. First Award - 6th Grade Students are awarded the Recognition of Biliteracy Award upon completion of 6th grade. This marks 7 years of study in two languages plus redesignation to fluent status and academic achievement. Second Award - 8th Grade Students are awarded the Certificate of Biliteracy upon meeting the criteria set by the program’s master plan after 8th grade completion. Third Award - High School Diploma Students must apply for the Seal of Biliteracy Program at their respective high schools upon meeting the criteria set by the school to receive their award on their high school diplomas and transcripts. 10 THE ROLE OF PARENTS All parents who enroll their children in the DIME program are asked to fully engage in their child’s academic program by supporting school activities, attending parent/teacher meetings, participating in Parent Education evenings on topics related to second language learning, volunteering in the classroom, and supporting the activities in their child’s classroom by attending special events and performances at the school. Parents are asked to sign a multi-year commitment letter (DIME Parent Compact Letter) which outlines the components of the program and describes various ways a family might be able to support their child’s academic and linguistic development. Parents will be asked to fill out a Time and Talent Questionnaire to help parent organizers create a database of information to assist the school in drawing upon the talents of the families in the community. DIME parents are also asked to volunteer a minimum of 20 hours a year. Please note that all parents who volunteer in the classroom on a continuous basis will have to adhere to CA State regulations of fingerprinting and TB testing/screening. There are many levels of parent involvement at San Martin/Gwinn Elementary School, including some of the following: 1. School Governance - School Site Council and ELAC Meetings Parent representatives are elected by the general parent community to be part of the School Site Council and the English Learner Advisory Committees. Both committees consist of the principal, teachers, and parents and work to provide oversight of state and federal regulations/budgets, etc. 2. Home & School Club - Building Parent Participation All families in San Martin/Gwinn are invited and highly encouraged to be part of the school’s Home & School Club. The families work together to fundraise, participate in Family NIghts and special events, work on key school projects: Garden Club, orientations for new families, Science Camp, etc. DIME families are encouraged to fully participate in the general Home & School Club family activities. 3. The DIME Parent Community - Promoting Second Language Opportunities for all Students DIME families are also invited to attend unique activities to help families support their children in their second language learning process. The DIME Parent Leadership Committee will be a subcommittee of the Home & School Club but will assist the DIME Program in the continued development of the program: K-8th Grade. A team of DIME Parent Ambassadors will be formed to assist with new family recruitment activities and program visitations. DIME parents will help coordinate DIME Parent Meetings/ Speakers’ Series so parents can continue to educate themselves about the program elements, key language development benchmarks, and the language learning process as it affects their children. Fundraising for specific Spanish language materials for both the classroom and library will be an important function of the work of the DIME Parent Community. 11 FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS What model do you use? San Martin/Gwinn uses the 90/10 model, where 90% of the instructional day is in Spanish for Kindergarten, and 10% is in English. English instruction increases 10% each year until 4th grade when the children are taught 50% in each language. We chose this model because research has shown that students in the 90/10 model are more proficient in Spanish at the end of the program with no detriment to their English development. For more information, please check the Centers for Applied Linguistics website or this link.http://www.cal.org/twi/initialliteracy.pdf How do Spanish speakers benefit from this program? Will less exposure to English in the early grades disrupt their English learning? In the early grades, English Language Learners (ELLs) in Dual Immersion Programs may have slower English progress than their peers in traditional programs because they spend more learning time in their first language. Studies have shown, however, that eventually ELL students in traditional programs reach a plateau in their literacy, while those in Dual Immersion easily grow past this phase thanks to their strong native language literacy (Hakuta & Gould, 1987). How many students are selected each school year? To maximize language learning, each class is made up of half native English speakers and half native Spanish speakers. About 48 kindergarten spots are open, 24 for each language group. DIME enrollment is based on many factors, including total school enrollment, the number of interested pupils, and other considerations. The final number will depend on the needs of the children and requirements to maintain a quality dual immersion program. We strive to include every interested student in the Dual Immersion program. Can parents volunteer in the classroom? Yes. Parents are highly encouraged to volunteer in the classroom and DIME teachers will work with volunteers to schedule this time in their respective classrooms. Please note that there are times when only Spanish is spoken in the classrooms and therefore, Spanish-speaking parents are needed in the classrooms. There is also daily time in English when English-speaking parents can be of great assistance to the teacher. There are many other ways to volunteer to include: chaperoning field trips, speakers in the classrooms, assisting in fundraisers, coordinating classroom activities in the classroom, room parent, etc. How will students be selected for the Dual Immersion program? Currently, a first-come, first-served list of interested parents is kept at the District Office. Eventually, placement in the program will be done through a lottery process. 12 Will two languages confuse my child or slow down their academic progress? There is no research to indicate that this is the case. Research has consistently demonstrated that learning in two languages enhances academic growth and develops the cognitive abilities of students. Dual immersion students generally attain academic achievement that is at or above their peers in English-only classes. Can siblings be in the program? Are siblings given priority enrollment? Yes. To promote whole-family language learning, younger siblings have priority placement in DIME. Who can enroll? Do I need to be bilingual for my child to enroll? No. Parents do not need to be bilingual for their children to enroll and succeed in a dual immersion program. Parents are encouraged to read with their children in their home language as literacy in one language transfers to the development of literacy in the second. Parents are also important in motivating and encouraging their children to enjoy, practice and study hard in both languages. How long does the program last? The Dual Immersion program that begins at San Martin/Gwinn is a K-6 program and will be further developed into a middle school so that students enter high school at an advanced level in Spanish and are able to fulfill their high school foreign language requirements by their sophomore year. Program research data indicates that students develop dual language proficiency in a minimum of five to seven years (Lindholm-Leary, 1987, 2001). Parents who enroll their children in the Dual Immersion program are strongly encouraged to make a commitment to participate through all grades, as this will result in the best outcome for your child. Is testing the same as for non-Dual Immersion students? Yes. Program assessments are the same for both standard and Dual Immersion students. Monitoring the progress of the students in both languages is a key strategy in the successful implementation of the program. Is the district responsible for transportation? As this is an optional program, bus service is not available to children outside the San Martin/Gwinn attendance area in the 2014-15 school year. High School Program Options It is the expectation of MHUSD that the students that graduate from the Dual Language Immersion program after 8th grade will be promoted into their respective high schools proficient and capable in both languages and ready to meet the requirements for the Seal of Bi literacy. Upon meeting the program standards of performance, the DLI students will be able to add a Seal of Biliteracy to their high school diplomas giving students college credit for their years of participation in a Dual Language Program. MHUSD will work with high school districts in the area to develop a pathway program that may consist of the following: 13 CoursE Freshman Sophomore Junior SenioR Pathway 1 4th Year Spanish (A-G) AP Spanish AP Spanish Literature Community College Course Pathway 2 (Adv) AP Spanish AP Spanish Literature 3rd Language (Yr 1) or Community College Course 3rd Language (Yr 2) Community College Course OTHER PARENT RESOURCES Websites: www.atdle.org - Association of Two-Way & Dual Language Education: professional resources, articles and information for families. www.cal.org - Center for Appied Linguistics: national consortium of second language resources www.SpanglishBaby.com: Website created by two parents of bilingual children full of interesting articles, studies, resources. www.lindholm-leary.com: Website with research, presentations and other scholarly articles from the leading researcher in Two-Way & Bilingual Immersion education. www.dlenm.org: Dual Language Education New Mexico: home of Fuente Press which is a great depository of articles and research on Two-Way & Dual Language education programs. www.dlp.org: Dual Language Advocates - great ideas for parents in Dual Language programs. www.babble.com: 30 best books in Spanish for young children. www.internationalchildbook.com: Online bookstore for books in Spanish and both languages. www.amazon.com: Order Spanish books and program/research books by many authors including Dr. Fred Genesee, Dr. Ester de Jong, Dr. Sonia Soltero, Dr. Jim Cummins, Helena Curtain, David Freeman, etc. Books: A Parents' and Teachers' Guide to Bilingualism: 4th edition (Parents' and Teachers' Guides) by Colin Baker (Apr 3, 2014) available in used and new copies from Amazon.com in Spanish and English. Local Bookstores: Let’s Read in Spanish in San Jose, CA - bookstore started by Two-Way parents to increase the accessibility of books for parents and classrooms in the Bay Area. (408)564-7370 Hicklebee’s Bookstore, San Jose, CA - bookstore in the Willow Glen area of San Jose, CA. 14 DIME STAFF LIST AND EMAILS NAME POSITION R ROOM EMAIL Jose Anaya Teacher, Kindergarten, DIME 5 anayaj@mhusd.org Cecilia (Fernandez) Robins Teacher, Kindergarten, DIME 18 robinsc@mhusd.org Dana Reginato Teacher 1st Grade, DIME 16 reginatod@mhusd.org Mayra Gomez Teacher, 1st Grade, DIME 14 gomezalvarezm@mhusd.org Sara Ortiz Teacher, 2nd Grade, DIME 8 ortizs@mhusd.org Ana Olagues Teacher, 3rd Grade, DIME 10 olaguesa@mhusd.org 15 SAN MARTIN/GWINN PARENT PARTICIPATION Proposed calendar of ev ents 2014-15. Subject to change. Please refer to sanmartingwinn.com or the weekly handouts to confirm dates and times. August 12- Ice Cream Social 6-7 August 13- Welcome Back Teacher’s Brunch-morning August 14- 1st day of school/Welcome Back Coffee in Plaza 7:45 August 26- Home and School Club Meeting in Library-8am September 5- Movie Night in multi (English) September 12- Fiesta Patrías-Outdoor Community Dinner/Carnival-GRAND OPENING September 18- Back to School Night September 16- HSC Meeting in Library--Pumpkin Run Planning October 3- Movie Night in multi October 14- HSC Meeting in Library October 17- Lotería in multi October 24- Pumpkin Fun Run at North field October 31- Halloween Parade November 7- Movie Night in multi November 18- HSC Meeting in Library December 5- Movie Night in Multi December 13- Santa’s Breakfast January 13- HSC Meeting February 6- Movie Night February 11- Dad’s on Duty (Kindergarten) February 13- Dad’s on Duty (1-6) March 17- HSC Meeting April 21 - HSC Meeting May 4- May 8 Teacher Appreciation Week May 21 - Open House June 4- Last Day of School, Field Day and Promotion Ceremony *Book Fair Week-culminating with Dinner on Plaza/Science Fair displays?? Science Faire 16 DIME PARENT MEETINGS Proposed Ev ents/Meeting Dates 2014-2015 Subject to change. Please refer to sanmartingwinn.com or the weekly handouts to confirm dates and times. Cafecitos(meeting with principal and committee reports)- 8am at SMG ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ Wednesday, August 27 Wednesday, October 22 Wednesday, December 3 Wednesday, February 4 Wednesday, March 25 Speaker Presentation/K-3 Student Performance/Presentations ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ Thursday, October 16 Thursday, Jan 2 Thursday,March 5 Thursday, May 7 Other ❏ Día del Autor-during school hours-Week of May 18th ❏ Tamales for Technology-December 17 Stay in touch with San Martin/Gwinn Stay in touch and up to date with the happenings at San Martin/Gwinn. Text @sanmart to (408) 660-3142 Give us your email address and we’ll send you email updates. Email_______________________________________________________ I have "Time & Talent" and want to help at San Martin/Gwinn! Weekly Commitments: Л Classroom with Students Л Classroom Prep (home) Л Classroom Prep (school) Л Garden Л Room Parent Л Home & School Club Copies Monthly Commitments: Л Art in the Classroom Л Movie Night Л Newsletter & Event Updates Л Hospitality Coordinator Л Classroom & Events Photographer Л Box Tops Coordinator Л Science Lab & Experiments Once a Year Commitments: Л Fiesta Patrías - Dinner, Carnival & Grand Opening Celebration (September) Л Pumpkin Fun Run (October) Л Lotería (October) Л Santa’s Breakfast (December) Л Dads on Duty (February) Л Teacher Appreciation Week (May) Л Field Day (June) Л Science Fair (date TBD) I am interested in helping out in these areas; please contact me! Л Enrichment Л Technology Л Events & Fundraising Л Translation Л Gardening/Campus Improvements I speak: Л English Л español Л both Parent Name(s): _______________________________________________________________________ Phone 1: __________________________________Phone 2:____________________________________ Email: ______________________________________________________________________________ Student Name: ___________________________Teacher: __________________________Rm #_______ Student Name: ___________________________Teacher: __________________________Rm #_______ Student Name: ___________________________Teacher: __________________________Rm #_______ Student Name: ___________________________Teacher: __________________________Rm #_______ Please submit only one form per family. Please return this form for a special treat! Mantengan en contacto con San Martin/Gwinn Manténgase en contacto y al día con los eventos en San Martin / Gwinn. Text @sanmart to (408) 660-3142 Danos su dirección de correo electrónico y le enviamos actualizaciones. Email_______________________________________________________ Yo tengo “Tiempo y Talento” y me gustaría ayudar en San Martin/Gwinn!” Compromisos semanales: marque la casilla(s) Л Salón con los estudiantes Л Preparación del salón (en mi casa) Л Preparación del salón (en la escuela) Л Jardín Л Padre del salón Л Hacer copias para el club de hogar y escuela Compromisos mensuales: mensuales: marque la casilla(s) Л El arte en el salón Л Noche de película Л Boletín de noticias y eventos actualizaciones Л Coordinador de hospitalidad Л Salón y eventos fotógrafo Л Coordinador de “box tops” Л Laboratorio de ciencias y experimentos Compromisos anuales: anuales: marque la casilla(s) Л Fiesta Patrías – cena, carnaval y celebración de gran aperture (septiembre) Л Carrera divertida de calabaza (octubre) Л Lotería (octubre) Л Desayuno con Santa (diciembre) Л Padres en servicio (febrero) Л Agradecimiento a los maestros (mayo) Л Día del campo (junio) Л Feria de ciencias (por determiner) Estoy interesado en ayudar en estas áreas; ¡favor de llamarme!: llamarme!: marque la casilla(s) Л Enriquecimiento Л Tecnología Л Eventos y recaudación de fondos Л Traducción Л Jardinería y mejoras de la escuela Hablo: Л inglés Л español Л inglés y español Nombres de padres: ___________________________________________________________________________ Teléfono 1: ____________________________________ Teléfono 2:____________________________________ Email: ______________________________________________________________________________________ Nombre de estudiante : ______________________________Maestro/a: _______________________Rm #_______ Nombre de estudiante : ______________________________Maestro/a: _______________________Rm #_______ Nombre de estudiante : ______________________________Maestro/a: _______________________Rm #_______ Nombre de estudiante : ______________________________Maestro/a: _______________________Rm #_______ Por favor, envíe sólo una forma por familia. ¡Por favor envíe esta forma para un regalo especial! DUAL IMMERSION PARENTAL EXCEPTION WAIVER SOLICITUD DE EXENCIÓN PARA EL PROGRAMA DE DOBLE INMERSION School ______________ Date of waiver request ________ Waiver request for school year ________ Student’s Full Name _ ______ Birth date Grade _______ I am the parent/guardian of the child named above. I have personally visited my child’s school and have been provided with a full description of the programs, the educational materials to be used in each program, and the educational opportunities available to my child. I request a waiver of the requirement that my child be placed in a Structured English Immersion program. I request, instead, that my child be placed in the Dual Immersion program in which some of the instruction, textbooks and materials are provided in Spanish. I believe that an alternative primary language program best meets my child’s educational needs. Reason for waiver request (to be confirmed by MHUSD): My child already knows English. (To be confirmed by standardized tests of English vocabulary comprehension, reading and writing at or above state average for child’s grade level, or at state average for fifth grade, whichever is lower, or is identified as fluent English proficient.) My child is at least ten years old. (District must determine that the child’s rapid acquisition of basic English language skills will be better achieved through an alternative program.) My child has special needs: ___________________________________________________________ I believe that an alternative program would better meet my child’s educational needs for the following reason(s): My child does not understand all of the classroom instruction. The program has caused confusion for my child because it conflicts with the instruction he/she received in previous years. I am not able to help my child with homework in English. My child is falling behind in schoolwork. I want my child to be bilingual. I can’t communicate with my child’s teacher. Additional information: ___________ I understand that the district must determine that my child’s physical, emotional, psychological, or educational needs will be better served through an alternative program. If the district makes this determination, a written description of the child’s “special needs” will be prepared. I further understand that I must request a waiver each year for my child to continue to participate in an alternative instructional program. _______ Signature of parent/guardian Date ______ Form received by Date I believe that an alternative course of educational study would be better suited to the above-named child’s overall educational development. _______ ___________________________ Name and Signature of MHUSD Employee _________________ Date Waiver request examined and approved. Waiver request examined and rejected. Parent has been informed in writing of the reason(s) for the rejection and has been informed of the procedure for appeal. _______ ___________________________ Name and Signature of School Principal _________________ Date DUAL IMMERSION PARENTAL EXCEPTION WAIVER SOLICITUD DE EXENCIÓN PARA EL PROGRAMA DE DOBLE INMERSION Escuela Fecha de solicitud de exención _____Exención para el año escolar de: Nombre / apellido del estudiante Nacido/a ___ ____ Grado ____ Soy el padre/madre/tutor legal del estudiante nombrado arriba. He visitado personalmente la escuela de mi hijo/a y se me ha proveído una descripción total de los programas, los materiales educativos a ser usados en cada programa, y las oportunidades educativas disponibles para mi hijo/a. Estoy solicitando una exención del requisito de colocar a mi hijo/ a en un programa estructurado de inmersión en inglés. Solicito que se le coloque en el programa de doble inmersión en el cual algo de la instrucción, los textos y materiales se proporcionan en español. Pienso que un programa alternativo en el idioma primario es el más indicado para satisfacer las necesidades educativas de mi hijo/a. Razón por la cual se solicita la exención (a ser confirmada por MHUSD): Mi hijo/a ya sabe inglés. (A sido confirmado por resultados en las pruebas estandarizadas de vocabulario, comprensión, lectura y composición de acuerdo al nivel estatal del grado del estudiante o el promedio estatal de quinto grado, o que se ha identificado como competente en inglés (FEP).) Mi hijo/a tiene por lo menos 10 años. (El distrito deberá determinar que la rapidez de adquisición de habilidades básicas de inglés del estudiante se lograría mejor por medio de un programa alternativo.) Mi hijo/a tiene necesidades especiales: _________________________________________________________ Pienso que un curso alternativo es el más adecuado para su desarrollo educativo por la(s) siguiente(s) razón(es): Mi hijo/a no comprende toda la instrucción de clase. El programa le ha causado confusión porque está en conflicto con la instrucción que ha recibido en años anteriores. No puedo ayudar a mi hijo/a con su tarea en inglés. Mi hijo/a se está atrasando en sus estudios. Quiero que mi hijo/a sea bilingüe. No puedo comunicarme con el maestro/a de mi hijo/a. Información adicional: Comprendo que el distrito debe determinar que las necesidades físicas, emocionales, psicológicas, y/o educativas de mi hijo/a se servirían mejor por medio de un programa alternativo. Además, entiendo que no se requiere mi consentimiento. Si el distrito hace esta determinación se preparará una descripción escrita de las “necesidades especiales” del estudiante. También comprendo que debo solicitar cada año una exención para que mi hijo/a pueda continuar participando en un programa educativo alternativo. _______ Firma de padre/madre/tutor legal Fecha Recibido por Fecha Pienso que un curso alternativo de estudios sería el más indicado para el desarrollo educativo total del estudiante nombrado arriba. _______ ___________________________ Firma del empleado MHUSD _________________ Fecha Exención revisada y otorgada. Exención revisada y negada. Se ha informado por escrito a los padres de las razones por las que se ha negado la exención y del proceso de apelación. _______ ___________________________ Firma del director/a de escuela _________________ Fecha San Martin/Gwinn Environmental Science Academy 100 North Street San Martin, CA 95046 408-201-6480 Dual Immersion Multicultural Education (DIME) Program PARENT COMMITMENT FORM Please read thoroughly, mark your initials at the end of each section, and sign/date at the bottom of this form. If you do not understand any part of this form, please ask for clarification. I have viewed the Dual Immersion Multicultural Education (DIME) Language Program video and reviewed the program as part of the orientation meeting at the school. Initial_____ _ I understand that this is a Dual Immersion Multicultural Education (DIME) language enrichment program and success of this program is dependent upon continuous enrollment through fifth grade. Initial_____ _ I understand this Dual Immersion Multicultural Education (DIME) Language 90/10 model: 90% of instruction is provided in Spanish in kindergarten and first grade. 80% of instruction is provided in Spanish in second grade. The primary teacher for kindergarten through second grade students is to speak Spanish only. English literacy (reading & writing) instruction begins formally in third grade. By fifth grade, 50% of instruction is in English and 50% of instruction is in Spanish. Initial_____ _ I understand that the teachers and staff of the Dual Immersion Multicultural Education (DIME) Program are committed to supporting my child in: Mastery of grade level academic content. The ability to understand, speak, read, and write both English and Spanish at grade level by the end of fifth grade. The development of positive cross-cultural attitudes. Initial_____ _ By initialing and signing this form, I am making a multi-year commitment on behalf of my family to the Dual Immersion Multicultural Education (DIME) program at San Martin/Gwinn Elementary School in the Morgan Hill Unified School District. Initial_____ _ ______________________________ Child’s Name ____________________________________________ Parent’s Name and Signature ___________________________________________________________________ Name and Signature of DIME Staff Member Updated 2014-08-10 _____________ Date ___________ Date Page 1 of 2 San Martin/Gwinn Environmental Science Academy 100 North Street San Martin, CA 95046 408-201-6480 Doble Inmersión Educación Multicultural (DIME) FORMULARIO DE COMPROMISO DE LOS PADRES Por favor lea detenidamente, marque sus iniciales al final de cada sección, firme e indique la fecha en la parte inferior de este formulario. Por favor déjenos saber si tiene preguntas sobre este formulario. He visto el video del programa DIME (programa de lenguaje de Doble Inmersión Educación Multicultural) y revisado el programa como parte de la reunión de orientación en la escuela. Inicial_____ _ Entiendo que este es un programa de Educación Multicultural (DIME) e Inmersión Dual para el enriquecimiento del lenguaje cuyo éxito depende de la matriculación continua hasta el quinto grado. Inicial_____ _ Entiendo que en este modelo de inmersión dual de Educación Multicultural (DIME) Idioma 90/10: El 90% de la enseñanza se imparte en español en jardín de infantes y primer grado. El 80% de la enseñanza se imparte en español en el segundo grado. Los maestros de kínder a segundo grado hablan solamente español. La educación en inglés (lectura y escritura) comienza formalmente en el tercer grado. En quinto grado, el 50% de la instrucción es en inglés y el otro 50% es en español. Inicial_____ _ Entiendo que los profesores y el personal del Programa de Doble Inmersión Educación Multicultural (DIME) están comprometidos a apoyar a mi hijo en: El dominio de los contenidos académicos de nivel de grado. La capacidad de entender, hablar, leer y escribir inglés y español a nivel de grado al final del quinto grado. El desarrollo de actitudes interculturales positivas. Inicial_____ _ Al escribir mis iniciales y firmar este formulario, estoy haciendo un compromiso de varios años, en nombre de mi familia en el programa de Doble Inmersión Educación Multicultural (DIME) de la Escuela Primaria San Martin/Gwinn en el Distrito Escolar Unificado de Morgan Hill. Inicial_____ _ ______________________________ Nombre del niño ____________________________________________ Nombre y firma del padre/madre ___________________________________________________________________ Nombre y firma del miembro del personal de DIME Updated 2014-08-10 _____________ Fecha ___________ Fecha Page 2 of 2