Nusa Dua, Indonesia - International Conference on Family Planning
Nusa Dua, Indonesia - International Conference on Family Planning
Nusa Dua, Indonesia Bali Nusa Dua Convention Center (ICFP conference venue), Building 2, Tanjung Benoa Hall All youth and young researchers attending the 2015 ICFP are welcome to attend the pre-conference free of charge. The event is mandatory for youth selected through the ICFP Youth Video Contest. Participants must be able to attend the full two days. Questions? Contact The ICFP2015 Youth pre-conference will bring together youth delegates and young researchers from all over the word. This interactive event will tackle opportunities and challenges specific to youth and family planning, including the sexual and reproductive health and rights of young people in all of their diversity. The event features both presentations and workshops that will equip attendees with information and skills for navigating ICFP and for moving the global youth family planning agenda forward post-conference. Specifically, the pre-conference is designed to: • • • • • • Strengthen participants’ knowledge on issues of SRH/family planning Create a forum for youth to share their experiences and identify common priorities Introduce participants to ICFP 2015; how to navigate the conference, set goals and advocate Facilitate networking amongst youth themselves and with senior leaders Facilitate knowledge and skills building to equip youth beyond the conference Create a space for youth to set their own and common goals for moving the family planning agenda forward post-conference Date and time: November 8, 9:00–17:00, and November 9, 9:00–15:30 Venue: Bali Nusa Dua Convention Center (ICFP conference venue), Building 2, Tanjung Benoa Hall Participation: All youth and young researchers attending the 2015 ICFP are welcome to attend the preconference free of charge. The event is mandatory for youth selected through the ICFP Youth Video Contest. Participants must be able to attend the full two days. Collaborating organizations: Advance Family Planning, Advocates for Youth; Alliance for Reproductive, Maternal, and Newborn Health; Emerging Leaders Foundation; EngenderHealth; International HIV/AIDS Alliance; Bill and Melinda Gates Institute for Population and Reproductive Health; DSW; Engender Health; FP2020; GOAL Cameron; Global Health Strategies; Global Youth Coalition on HIV/AIDS; IntraHealth International; HACEY Health Initiative; IPPF; IFMSA; IYAFP; Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health; K4Health; MSH; Palladium; PAI; PATH; Pathfinder International; Planned Parenthood Association of Ghana; PMC; PRB; UNF; UNFPA; Women Deliver; WHO Sponsors: Alliance for Reproductive, Maternal and Newborn Health; Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation; EngenderHealth; Guttmacher Institute; International HIV/AIDS Alliance; PAI; PATH; Pathfinder International; Population Media Center; Population Reference Bureau; United Nations Foundation; UNFPA; Women Deliver; personal donation from Ms. Judith Helzner and a matching gift from the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation. Questions? Contact 2 Sunday November 8, 2015 Time 8:00 9:00 9:40 Event PRE-CONFERENCE REGISTRATION Bali Nusa Dua Convention Center (ICFP conference venue), Building 2, Tanjung Benoa Hall Note: All participants must pick up their ICFP 2015 badges at the Westin hotel prior to the preconference. WELCOME AND INTRODUCTIONS Robert Wm. Blum (Johns Hopkins School of Public Health, JHSPH) Jillian Gedeon (International Youth Alliance for Family Planning, IYAFP) and Priya Limbu, (EngenderHealth), Romaric Ouitona (IYAFP) TWITTER-THON AND BLOG-A-THON DEBRIEF Willow Gerber (K4Health) and Kate Cho (Management Sciences for Health, MSH) 9:45 PLENARY, PART 1: “WE ARE NOT PLANNING FAMILIES” In this opening session, participants will be given an introduction to ‘Family Planning’ and Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) and an opportunity to reflect on what these terms mean to them, and to others working in different locations and contexts. Featuring a panel discussion with young leaders, the plenary will highlight what family planning means to young people in different contexts all while challenging the term. Speakers: Jean Christophe Rusatira (IYAFP), Anggraini Sari Astuti, (UNFPA Indonesia), Priya Limbu (Engender health) and Sharafdzhon Boborakhimov (Y-Peer) Moderators: Arthur Erken (UNFPA) and Jillian Gedeon (IYAFP) 10:45 11:00 COFFEE/TEA BREAK PLENARY, PART 2: INTERACTIVE DISCUSSION This interactive full-group session picks up from the initial introduction and panel discussion on youth FP and SRHR. The session will provide a space for participants to share with one another their experiences and perspectives on access to FP and SRHR in their communities and countries. Topics to be discussed will be generated by young people and will address challenges, needs, barriers, and opportunities. Organized by Representatives from IYAFP, EngenderHealth, IPPF, the ICFP 2015 Indonesian youth sub-committee, Advocates for Youth, UNFPA 12:00 PLENARY, PART 3: 20 YEARS OF PROGRESS ON AYSRHR: WHERE DO WE GO FROM HERE? This session will build on the morning introductory plenary sessions to look back at a timeline of progress for youth SRHR over last 20 years, and how we’ve come to a key moment of opportunity to drive forward progress on in the next 20 years. Inputs will include policy advances from the ICPD and associated review processes and the Post-2015 process, other government commitments to youth SRHR, advances in learning and evidence on what works to reach young people with information, education and services, and key moments for youth participation and engagement. Speakers: Laura Laski (UNFPA), Sangeet Kayastha (Y-PEER), and Jamila Gacheri (Emerging youth leader, Kenya) Organized by FP2020, WHO, UNFPA and DSW 13:00 14:00 LUNCH PANEL: WHAT TO EXPECT FROM ICFP 2015 This panel will provide an overview of ICFP 2015, and introduce strategies for youth to navigate the conference program, network and contribute to discussions. Prior youth delegates and members of the ICFP Youth sub-committee will share advice and ideas for making the most of this large-scale event. Moderator: Jillian Gedeon, IYAFP Panel members: Kate Baye and Anna Kågesten (ICFP International Youth Sub-committee), Burcu Bozkurt and Romaric Ouitona (IYAFP), Andi Muhammad Yusuf Ridwan (Indonesian Youth subcommittee) and Chelsea Ricker (FP2020) 3 Sunday November 8, 2015 Time 14:45 Event SOCIAL MEDIA DURING ICFP 2015 Matt Matassa (Global Health Strategies) 15:00-17:00 ROUNDTABLE WORKSHOPS: DAY 1 All workshops will occur simultaneously at parallel roundtables in the conference hall. Participants should select one (1) workshop per day during registration to the pre-conference. Option 1 1.1: Global Commitments, Local action This workshop will provide participants with an opportunity to learn about and discuss current global initiatives and how to ensure youth voices are heard in Global Processes in a post 2015 world. Participants are encouraged to share theirs experiences and ideas for engaging locally on global commitments, and to identify potential advocacy targets. Facilitators: Allie Doody (Population Action International, PAI), Kiki Kalkstein (Pathfinder International), Sara Pellegrom (Women Deliver), M.A. Keifer (Advocates for Youth) Option 2 1.2: Games, Trivia, and Fun: new ways to teach SRHR to youth while busting harmful myths To complement the information being learned at this conference, this session aims to provide youth with hard skills to bring back to their community. By the end of the session, youth will be equipped with the skills necessary to go out into their communities and educate peers on SRHR using technology and games molded to fit age groups and subject matter appropriately. Through this session, participants will also have the chance to clear any myths or misconceptions around family planning and SRHR. Facilitators: Jillian Gedeon (IYAFP), Jennifer DeAtley (EngenderHealth), Michalina Drejza (International Federation of Medical Students ‘Associations) Option 3 1.3: Four Practices of Good Leadership: Examples from the Field* What it means to be a leader? What does leadership look like in your community or country? What traits do strong leaders have? This session will feature an overview of different leadership practices, followed by a moderated discussion between youth panelists and audience. Participants are encouraged to think about how we can increase the number and have more young people in leadership roles, and what opportunities exist for young people to be involved in leadership platforms, especially in SRHR. Facilitators: George Ouma (DSW), Isaiah Owolabi (IYAFP), Sarah Lindsay (MSH) *Note: This session is tied to workshop 2.3, “Leadership in Action: Inspiring Others and Overcoming Barriers”, on Nov 9th. Participants are encouraged to register for both workshops. Option 4 1.4: Youth faith interface The objective of this workshop is to help participants better understand the role of faith institutions in enhancing access of SRHR services for the youth. Participants are encouraged to share best practices and effective approaches used by faith institutions, as well as identify emerging issues and propose solutions to core challenges. Facilitator: Kennedy Chande (DSW) Option 5 1.5: Public speaking: How to give a good presentation* The objective of this session is to provide participants will skills for public speaking, with special focus on preparing those with speaking roles at ICFP. The session will focus on the key steps to be taken and to give an effective presentation including: knowing your audience, managing time, use of slides, verbal and nonverbal communication. Participants will have the opportunity to practice giving an “elevator speech” (a one minute speech on an issue of importance to you). Facilitator: Robert Blum (JHSPH) *Note: This session is mandatory for ICFP Youth Speakers 4 Sunday November 8, 2015 Time Option 6 Event ROUNDTABLE WORKSHOPS: DAY 1 (cont’d) 1.6: Family Planning Costed Implementation Plans (CIP) and Youth This workshop will introduce participants to what a CIP is, how they are created, and who is involved with the process. After participating in the session, youth will be able to confidently read a CIP and understand where to find issues relevant to their campaigns. Participants will also come away with the knowledge on how to leverage a CIP for their advocacy strategies in both development & implementation stages. Parts of this session will be led by young people who have been engaged with CIP processes in their home countries. Facilitators: Chelsea Ricker (FP2020), Katelyn Bryant-Comstock (PAI), Nichole Zlatunich (Palladium), Ishmail Selassie (Planned Parenthood Association of Ghana) Option 7 1.7: Story of Us, Story of Now, Story of Change* Personal narrative is the foundation of social change: it’s what articulates the values of an individual or organization, and what inspires individuals to support a cause. Personal narrative can power ideas and action across the engagement spectrum, from volunteers sharing their experiences in the field to young advocates advancing reproductive rights in their communities. The goal of this workshop is to empower young leaders to tell their own stories and to use the power of their own voice to create meaningful change in their countries. Facilitators: Suzanne Ehlers, President and CEO, Population Action International, and Florence Machio, Editor-in-Chief, Kenya Gazette Weekly *Note: this session will be continued by IYAFP on Nov 9th, 6-8 pm. Option 8 1.8: How can we break down the walls? Identifying and addressing barriers to pro-youth services This session will engage participants in visualizing a world in which pro-youth contraceptive services and information are widely available, identifying some of the key barriers that prevent young people from having access to pro-youth services, and in outlining potential ways in which they can engage in helping break down those barriers. The final product of the session will be the outline of a pro-youth advocacy plan that participants can use in their own work. Facilitators: Laura Hoemeke and Maureen Corbett (IntraHealth International) Option 9 1.9: Youth and the demographic dividend The objective of this workshop is to clarify the term demographic dividend (DD) for youth participants. With the DD playing such a pivotal role at ICFP, this workshop is intended to prepare participants to speak confidently on the topic, and also to show participants how adolescents and youth (ages 10-24) are key drivers for the achievement of the DD. Participants will be able to take their lived experiences and connect them to the DD, bringing the concept to life. Facilitators: Sylvia Wong (UNFPA), Stephanie Kimou (PRB) *Note: This session is tied to workshop 2.5, “Using data to develop policy messages” on Nov 9th. Participants are encouraged to register for both workshops. Option 10 1.10 Raising our voices: recognizing the diversity of young people and a rightsbased approach The objective of this session is to address the importance of an inclusive, rights-based approach to sexual and reproductive health and rights—starting with an examination of the term “family planning” and what it means to young people living with HIV, young LGBT people, and young sex workers. The session aims to strengthen participants’ knowledge on issues of SRHR for young people from key populations and of all ages, as well as provide a forum for young people from key populations to share their experiences and priorities, and set goals for how to advocate on their own behalf throughout the conference. Facilitators: Julie Mellin (Global Youth Coalition on HIV/AIDS) and Link Up Youth advocate 5 Sunday November 8, 2015 Time 17:00 Event Wrap up and reflection Jillian Gedeon (IYAFP) and Priya Limbu (EngenderHealth) 17:30 17:30 - 18:00 Adjourn Optional Q&A session about conference logistics Kate Baye and Anna Kågesten (ICFP 2015 Youth sub-committee) 17:30 – 18:30 Women and Young People: Advocacy Centered on Stories Please join Marie Stopes International for an interactive film screening and discussion about the role that storytelling plays in advocacy efforts and maintaining a client-centered approach. This past year, Marie Stopes International US gathered first-person stories from Cambodia and Tanzania, making a collection of 12 films that depict the reality for women and providers on the role contraception plays in their lives. Facilitator: Francis Oko Armah (Women Deliver Young Leaders Program) Hosted by Marie Stopes International US 6 Monday November 9, 2015 Time 9:00 Event WELCOME AND RECAP Jillian Gedeon (IYAFP) and Priya Limbu (EngenderHealth) 9:30 PLENARY: WHAT DO WE WANT TO CHANGE? A REVIEW OF EXISTING POLICIES AFFECTING YOUTH ACCESS TO QUALITY SRHR INFORMATION AND SERVICES The objective of this plenary is to provide an overview of typical policies currently in place which act as obstacles for young people’s access to quality FP information and services. The session will feature two brief presentations, followed by an group exercise where participants discuss potential areas for intervention in their own regions in order to set “SMART” objectives. Moderator: Ana Aguilera (Emerging Youth Leader, Mexico/US) Speakers: Halima Shariff (CCP and AFP/Tanzania) and V. Chandra-Mouli (WHO) Note: Participants will have the opportunity to refine their objective and advocacy strategy if they opt to attend the Building Advocacy Messages session at 12:30pm that afternoon 10:30 PLENARY: Way forward: action points post-conference This plenary-style workshop is an opportunity for participants to connect to one another and to come up with a plan to stay engaged with each other during and after ICFP. Participants will be introduced to the International Youth Alliance for Family Planning, IYAFP, which was born during ICFP 2013. The session will also highlight social media strategies and individual goal setting. Moderator: Burcu Bozkurt (IYAFP) Organized in collaboration with FP2020, Advocates for Youth and the Indonesian youth subcommittee 11:30 LUNCH NETWORKING SESSION This lunch is an opportunity for youth participants to network with senior global leaders as well as fellow pre-conference peers over an informal roundtable luncheon. Organized in collaboration between MSH, IYAFP, PAI, IntraHealth International, YHRC, Pathfinder, Women Deliver, FP2020 and Advocates for Youth. 12:30-14:30 Option 1 Option 2 ROUNDTABLE WORKSHOPS: DAY 2 All workshops will occur simultaneously at parallel roundtables in the conference hall. Participants should select one (1) workshop per day during registration to the pre-conference. 2.1: Building Advocacy Messages This workshop will provide participants with skills and resources to create their own advocacy messages. Participants will build on the content from the advocacy plenary that morning and, using the Advance Family Planning SMART advocacy tool, develop their own advocacy messages that can be used during and/or after the International Conference on Family Planning. Facilitators: Alison Bodenheimer (AFP), Allison Doody (PAI), Eva Ros (MSH), Kiki Kalkstein (Pathfinder International), M.A. Keifer (Advocates for Youth) 2.2: Social Media: The Power of Networking for Promotion Capitalizing on youth’s natural affinity for using social media, the objective of this workshop is to demonstrate the power of this tool for advocating for health and social development issues. In particular, the workshop will demonstrate how demographic and socio-economic indicators can be used to design a social media promotion campaign for a health/social development program. Participants will use existing, readily available information to design an advocacy campaign using social media (+ new media and other media) to share issues highlighted during ICFP. By the end of the session, participants will have hands-on experience in designing a promotion or advocacy campaign using social media and how best to use each media channel to reach a desired specific audience. Facilitators: Kriss Barker (Population Media Center) and Jennie Greaney (UNFPA) 7 Monday November 9, 2015 Time Option 3 Event ROUNDTABLE WORKSHOPS: DAY 2 (cont’d) 2.3: Leadership in Action: Inspiring Others and Overcoming Barriers* Who are YOU as a leader? What are the barriers/challenges to leadership? How can they be overcome? Following on the content discussed in workshop 1.3, this interactive session will focus on individual strategies for navigating power structures and how to shape spaces to participate and lead. The session will feature four interactive mini-presentations, followed by an interactive discussion. Participants will have the opportunity to reflect on their own leadership strategies, and how to apply and adapt these leadership skills to local contexts. Facilitators: Caren Wakoli (Emerging Leaders Foundation), Jillian Gedeon (IYAFP), Desmond Nji Atanga (GOAL Cameroon) *Note: This session is tied to workshop 1.3, “Four Practices of Good Leadership: Examples from the Field”, on Nov 8th. Participants are encouraged to register for both workshops. Option 4 2.4: Youth-led Research and the Research Agenda on Adolescent Access to Contraception This session will help participants to identify and develop strategies to build on what is known and what we need to know about youth access to and use of contraception through an investigation of the current state of the evidence. Participants will be introduced to the IPPF and Rutgers WPF Explore Toolkit for involving young people as researchers in SRHR programs, including discussions on how to create the necessary conditions for meaningful youth participation in research and three manuals for young people to conduct qualitative research. Current and former youth researchers will speak to their experiences while program implementers and advocates will help participants develop the case for investment in youth-led research to improve family planning programs. Facilitator: Chelsea Ricker (FP2020), Laura Hurley (IPPF), Judith F. Helzner (Alliance for Reproductive, Maternal and Newborn Health), Arushi Singh (The Pleasure Project), Faiqoh (ARI) and Miranda van Reeuwijk (Rutgers WPF) Option 5 2.5: Using data to develop policy messages* The goal of this workshop is to provide youth participants the skills and resources to find up-todate and pertinent data in order to support their policy messages or asks. During the workshop, PRB, UNFPA and PAI will share with participants the best online resources for demographic and socio-economic data. Next, the group will work together to shape a policy message, which combines the lived experiences of youth with accurate data. Opportunities for young people to organize themselves and influence country-level advocacy and policy discussions will also be discussed. Facilitators: Jonathan Rucks and Katelyn Bryant-Comstock (PAI), Stephanie Kimou (Population Reference Bureau, PRB), Sylvia Wong (UNFPA) *Note: This session is tied to workshop 1.9, “Youth and the demographic dividend” on Nov 8th. Participants are encouraged to register for both workshops. Option 6 2.6: Trending Now: #dataviz to share results Good data visualization is key in sharing results effectively. It engages viewers (the audience), improves the audience’s understanding and likelihood of recalling the information presented, respects the time and energy of the audience by relaying data directly, and promotes the work as quality and credible. After the session, participants will understand the principles of effectively visualizing data, and why it is important to do so. Participants will know how to select an appropriate visualization for a data set, and will have practiced how to design a visual that communicates key messages and results to their intended audience. Participants will also be familiar with a variety of computer-based programs that can be used for visualizing data in different ways, as well as experts in the field to follow on social media for further learning. Facilitator: Meghan Guida (MSH) 8 Monday November 9, 2015 Time Option 7 Event ROUNDTABLE WORKSHOPS: DAY 2 (cont’d) 2.7: The Art of Moderating This will be a highly interactive session that will allow participants to develop and practice core skills for moderating and leading discussions, including session preparation, appropriate tools, opening the session, managing time effectively, using effective communication techniques, managing questions/answers and group dynamics, dealing with conflict, and closing sessions in a memorable way. This is a workshop in which participants will learn from each other and have an opportunity to practice core facilitation skills. Facilitator: Laura Hoemeke (IntraHealth International) *Note: This session is mandatory for ICFP Youth moderators Option 8 2.8: Project Development and Leadership Young people have increasingly played pivotal roles in the development of many communities; they also display high level of creativity, energy and innovation in solving pressing developmental needs even in resource-limited settings. Building the capacities of young people in project development, monitoring and evaluation (M&E), community mobilization and leadership is important in preparing them to effectively lead the change irrespective of location, sex, religion or age. This workshop will feature three interactive sessions which will cover program planning, leadership and M&E. It is expected that at the end of the workshop, participants will understand the concept of program planning and M&E and also be able to innovatively design a program. Facilitators: Paul Ojajuni (HACEY Health Initiative), Shaikat SM and Ramaya Jawahar (IYAFP) Moderator: Isaiah Owolabi (HACEY Health Initiative) Option 9 2.9: User-Centered Design: Innovating to address youth needs for family planning services and information User-centered design (UCD) is a design process that empowers participants to observe behaviors and draw conclusions about what people want and need. UCD is increasingly being applied in the global health and development context to generate more impactful and innovative solutions to complex challenges. Examples of such innovations include the mSakhi, an interactive mobilephone-based job aid developed by IntraHealth for community health workers in India or the Embrace, a low-cost infant incubator developed by social entrepreneurs for use in rural areas, after carefully observing the most pressing health needs in Nepal. This session will introduce participants to the basic concepts UCD. Participants will go through a hands-on design exercise to learn the basic principles of the process. They will also have an opportunity to consider applications for in their own work as youth advocates for reproductive health. Facilitator: Rebecca Kohler (IntraHealth International) Wrap up and questions 14:30 Jillian Gedeon (IYAFP) and Priya Limbu (EngenderHealth) 14:45 15:00 15:00 – 15:30 Coffee/tea Departure for the ICFP 2015 opening session Orientation for those participating in the shadowing-mentoring program This session is specifically for those that have signed up to participate in the ICFP mentor/ mentee program. Stop by to pick up the shadow-mentor folder packet, get a quick overview of any scheduled activities during the conference, what to expect and to potentially meet your mentor. Sarah Lindsay (MSH) 9 Biosketches ICFP 2015 Youth Secretariat Dr. Robert Wm. Blum William H. Gates, Sr. Professor and Chair of the Department of Population, Family and Reproductive Health, JHSPH and Director of the Hopkins Urban Health Institute. Dr. Blum is the Co-chair of the ICFP 2015 Youth Sub-committee and internationally recognized for his expertise and advocacy related to adolescent health and well-being. He is a Past-President of the Society for Adolescent Medicine; past board chair of the Guttmacher Institute, a member of the National Academy of Sciences and a consultant to UNFPA, UNICEF and WHO. He received the Society for Adolescent Medicine’s Outstanding Achievement Award and the American Public Health Association’s Herbert Needleman Award “for scientific achievement and courageous advocacy” on behalf of children and youth. In 2014 he received the American Public Health Association’s Martha May Eliot Award honoring “extraordinary service to mothers and children [and adolescents]”. Dr. Kate Baye Youth Coordinator and Co-chair of the ICFP 2015 Youth Sub-committee Dr. Kate Baye is a family planning advocate and a physician pursuing an MSPH degree at the department of Population Family and Reproductive Health, Johns Hopkins School of Public Health. She obtained her medical degree with first class honors at the Faculty of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences (FMBS) in Cameroon. She is a public relations chair of the International Youth Alliance for Family Planning, co-chair of the youth sub-committee for ICFP2015 and interning at the Gates’ Institute. She has a strong passion for adolescent medicine, sexual and reproductive health and policy strategies. Ms. Anna Kågesten Co-chair of the ICFP 2015 Youth Sub-committee Ms. Kågesten received her MPH from JHSPH in 2012 and is now a PhD candidate with the department of Population, Family and Reproductive Health. She is a passionate youth SRHR advocate with broad experience in the development of programs and curriculums both globally and in her home country of Sweden. Her dissertation research explores early sexual trajectories and gender norms among young adolescents aged 10-14 years in Nairobi informal settlements. Ms. Kågesten is a consultant to the WHO on several projects and led the youth component during ICFP 2013 in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. ICFP 2015 Youth pre-conference Facilitators/Speakers Ms. Ana Aguilera Ipas, Women Deliver Young Leader Ana is a young public health professional and dual citizen of Mexico and the United States. She is passionate about the intersection between sexual and reproductive health, human rights, and international development. Through her work with Amigos de las Americas, she has helped build the capacity of local young leaders in rural communities, implemented over twenty community development projects, and supervised more than 70 volunteers in Ecuador, Mexico, Peru, and Guatemala. Additionally, she has worked with women’s sexual and reproductive health non-profit organizations including Grounds for Health and Ipas. Ana works on integrating youth voices, content and perspectives into providing safe abortion care access for all women around the world. Ms. Anggraini Sari Astuti National UN Youth Volunteer for ASRH, UNFPA Indonesia Ms. Anggraini Sari Astuti (Ange) graduated from Faculty of Public Health Majoring in Epidemiology from University of Indonesia. She has a passionate interest for youth SRH, maternal and child health. She has experience in research and community empowerment about how young married couple perceived family planning, and has been actively involved with UNFPA work related to youth decision-making processes. She was awarded as the most outstanding public health student in scientific category in 2012 and participated as a speaker in several national and international meetings related to ASRH. 10 Mr. Desmond Nji Atanga Founding president, DESERVE Cameroon Desmond N. Atanga has nine years of experience working on youth empowerment and sexual and reproductive health. He is a Young Leader of the Women Deliver Young Leaders Program and currently the National First Vice President of the Cameroon Youth Network, which works with UNICEF-Cameroon. Desmond is the founding president of the DESERVE Cameroon and an elected delegate to the Cameroon National Youth Council. In 2013, Desmond received an award as Cameroon’s best youth leader, awarded by the Project for the Prevention of HIV/AIDS in the Central African Sub-region (PPSAC) in collaboration with the Cameroon Association for Social Marketing/Population Services International. Desmond holds a Bachelor’s of Science in Economics from the University of Dschang and a Post graduate Technical Education Diploma in the Teaching of Economics (DIPET 2) from The University of Bamenda. He speaks English, French, and Ngemba. Ms. Kriss Baker Vice President for International Programs, Population Media Center Kriss Barker is Vice President for International Programs at Population Media Center, an international organization that works with broadcast media to produce entertainment-education programs. Kriss has assisted production teams throughout the world to develop entertainmenteducation serial dramas. She has trained numerous media and health communciation professionals in the Sabido methodology for behavior change communication using the mass media. She oversees management of PMC programs in over 20 countries worldwide. Kriss has authored several papers on the Sabido methodology, including manuscripts, journal articles and chapters in edited books. She is considered an expert on application of the Sabido methodology for behavior change. Mr. Sharafdzhon Boborakhimov International Coordinator, Y-PEER Sharafdzhon Boborakhimov is Y-PEER International Coordinator in Charge of International Organizational development who has been involved with Y-PEER Network in Tajikistan since 2011. He is a dedicated member of his national network, and has actively advocated for young people’s SRH issues at global and regional forums, most recently in the ICPD Beyond 2014 process. He is also a trainer for youth and peer educators on sexual and reproductive health including HIV issues. Ms. Alison Bodenheimer Francophone Africa Program Officer II - Advance Family Planning, Bill & Melinda Gates Institute for Population and Reproductive Health of Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health Alison works closely with in-country partners to implement the AFP advocacy approach in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Senegal, and Burkina Faso and forges strategic partnerships to diffuse the approach throughout Francophone Africa. Her background includes managing programs in reproductive health, family planning, and infectious diseases throughout SubSaharan Africa and Asia. Prior to joining AFP, Ms. Bodenheimer consulted for Columbia University in Jordan where she worked with UNICEF to improve monitoring and reporting of child rights violations in conflict in the MENA region. She has a MPH from Columbia University’s Mailman School of Public Health and a Bachelors degree in Psychology and French from College of the Holy Cross and University of Strasbourg in France. 11 Ms. Burcu Bozkurt International Youth Alliance for Family Planning Burcu Bozkurt is a public health professional with more than 3 years of experience in policy, research and advocacy. She is a co-founding member of the International Youth Alliance for Family Planning, and works on communications and advocacy within the Executive team. Her fieldwork has spanned from providing technical support to establish an M&E system for community health workers in Bangladesh to working with women’s cooperatives in Turkey. Burcu worked for Ipas as a Policy Associate to educate policymakers and other stakeholders on U.S. foreign policy as it relates to reproductive health access for women globally. Before joining Ipas, she was an public health analyst for the Women, Children and Families Program at RTI International. As a women’s rights advocate, she has worked on sustainable development issues and conducted health systems research in Turkey, Bangladesh, Vietnam, Costa Rica and Mexico. Burcu moved to the United States at age eight from her native Istanbul, Turkey and graduated with honors and distinction in public service from the UNC-Chapel Hill, where she studied global studies and health policy and management in the Gillings School of Global Public Health. Ms. Katelyn Bryant-Comstock Research Associate, PAI Katelyn Bryant-Comstock is a Research Associate at PAI where she provides research support to projects across PAI’s thematic areas. Her analysis focuses on effective AYSRH programs, the integration of young people in reproductive health policies and programs, rights and empowerment principles, and access to safe abortion. She has worked in sexual and reproductive health for over five years, previously researching family planning integration and advocacy messaging at IntraHealth International, and supporting the capacity-building and communications team at CEPDA. Katelyn holds a master’s degree in public health from the UNC Gillings School of Global Public Health, and an undergraduate degree in English and Women’s Studies from UNC-CH. Mr. Kennedy Chande International Programme Coordinator, DSW Mr. Chande is a social scientist with 11 years’ experience and practice on youth empowerment, capacity development, sexual reproductive health and rights, advocacy and HIV and AIDS. At DSW, he is currently a coordinating the Youth-to-Youth initiative in East Africa with a network of over 400 youth clubs. Prior to his position, he coordinated regional HIV and AIDS programmes in Sub Saharan Africa. He has broad experience in the development of youth SRHR programs and curriculums. Dr. V Chandra-Mouli Scientist, Department of Reproductive Health and Research World Health Organization (includes the UNDP/UNFPA/UNICEF/WHO/World Bank Human Reproductive Programme) Dr. Chandra-Mouli works on Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health, building the epidemiologic and evidence base, and supporting countries to translate this evidence into action through well-conceived and well-managed policies and programmes. In the area of research, his main project is the Global Early Adolescent Study which seeks to learn how gender socialization occurs in young adolescents in different contexts, and how this influences their sexual behaviour as they move into older adolescence and young adulthood. In the area of policies and programmes, the focus of his work is on taking comprehensive sexuality education, adolescent friendly health services and creating enabling environments (e.g. to prevent child marriage), from ‘boutique’ projects to large scale and sustained programmes. 12 Ms. Kate Cho Management Sciences for Health (MSH) Kate serves as Technical Advisor for Family Planning/Reproductive Health at Management Sciences for Health (MSH) and supports MSH’s projects in implementing high impact FP practices, assists with documentation and reporting of innovations, and establishes linkages among global and local projects. Kate has more than 10 years of international public health experience with a focus on family planning and reproductive health issues. Prior to joining MSH, she worked for Abt Associates, where she helped develop their FP strategy and provided technical assistance to a family planning project in Zambia. She graduated from Yale University in 2003 with a BA in history and from the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health in 2007 with a master of health science, specializing in population, family, and reproductive health. Kate is conversational in French. Ms. Jenifer DeAtley Director of US Programs & Adolescent SRH Advisor for EngenderHealth Jenifer DeAtley has 20 years of experience in public health and social development programs. With a focus on youth development strategies, SRH and teen pregnancy prevention efforts, and non-profit leadership, she has developed and implemented several programs that address health disparities among youth. She began her career as a social worker in schools and health centers and has developed two award winning youth development teen pregnancy and intimate partner violence prevention interventions. She is the co-founder and inaugural chair of Healthy Youth Partnership and currently serves on the board of Healthy Teen Network. She is a professor at the graduate school of social work at the University of Texas at Austin and holds a Sociology Degree from the University of Texas at Austin and Masters of Social Work from the University of Illinois at Chicago. Ms. Allison Doody International Advocacy Associate, PAI Allison Doody is International Advocacy Associate at PAI. She has worked for the past five years on engaging civil society around the role of reproductive health in global development processes. Her analysis focuses on access to reproductive health services and supplies in humanitarian settings and on ensuring that family planning and reproductive health are included in United Nations declarations. In her current role, Allison also works with PAI’s partner organizations in the global South on several related issues such as budget advocacy, the needs of youth and integrating reproductive health and HIV services. Before joining PAI, Allison worked for Sen. Susan Collins (R-ME). Allison is a graduate of Syracuse University with a degree in political science. Ms. Michalina Drejza International Federation of Medical Students ‘Associations (IFMSA) Ms. Drejza is a medical student at the Poznan University of Medical Sciences in Poland and the IYAFP Country Coordinator. At IFMSA, she is a Liaison Officer for SRH representing over 1 million medical students’ worldwide. She is a passionate researcher in the field of global SRH, infertility and reproductive endocrinology. In 2014, she coordinated the project "Mission Madagascar - reproductive health and medical aid" in cooperation with Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs to help with family planning in PHC facilities in Madagascar. 13 Ms. Suzanne Ehlers President and CEO, Population Action International Ms. Ehlers has worked for the last 15+ years to promote family planning and reproductive health as a basic right for women across the globe. She repeatedly serves on U.S. government delegations to United Nations’ conferences. She sits on the Boards of Directors of the Global Health Council and Ibis Reproductive Health. Ms. Ehlers is a frequent speaker on women’s empowerment and reproductive health issues and has been profiled by the New York Times, National Journal and Grist. She was honored as one of Devex’s “40 under 40” International Development Leaders for 2011 and as a Young Global Leader by the World Economic Forum in 2012. Mr. Arthur Erken Director, Division of Communications and Strategic Partnerships, UNFPA Since joining UNFPA in 1993, Mr. Erken has held a range of increasingly senior positions, both in policy (ICPD Secretariat; Technical and Evaluation Division; Office of the Executive Director), and programme (Division for Arab States and Europe; Africa Division; Asia and Pacific Division). He has served in both Headquarters and the field. Since April 2015, he is the Director of the Division of Communications and Strategic Partnerships. Prior to that, he served as UNFPA Representative in Vietnam, providing strategic leadership and direction to the country programme and office. Prior to that, he served as UNFPA Representative in Bangladesh, where he successfully positioned UNFPA as a leader in maternal health and on the prevention of violence against women. Arthur Erken, a national from the Netherlands, holds a masters degree in cultural anthropology. He is married and has two daughters. Ms. Faiqoh Aliansi Remaja Independen Faiqoh is national coordinator for Aliansi Remaja Independen, an Indonesian youth led organization working in the area of advocacy in Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rigths, Education and Employment for young people. Previously, she has worked as Indonesian Youth Expert Advisory for Formative Research on Menstrual Hygiene Management, collaboration among Burnett Institute, SurveyMeter, Water Aid and Aliansi Remaja Independen. She has a great passion to be a researcher in the future. Ms. Jamila Gacheri Emerging Youth Leader, Kenya Jamila worked for the past 3 years with NOPE under USAID Aphia plus Kamili project serving as a BCC (Behavior change communication) Associate Programme officer reaching youth in and out of school and supervising service provision in youth-friendly centers. She served as a Y-peer focal person in Meru County and rolled out digital peer education programmes in higher learning institutions and strengthened networks on ASRH. She is a passionate advocate for adolescents and youth and their SRH issues in her community, especially their access to SRH services, including family planning, HIV prevention, and sexual/gender-based violence programmes. Ms. Jillian Gedeon International Youth Alliance for Family Planning (IYAFP) Jillian Gedeon completed a Master of Science in Interdisciplinary Health Sciences from the University of Ottawa, Canada in 2014, where she researched women’s experiences with longacting reversible contraception (LARC) on the Thailand-Burma border. She has been contributing to qualitative studies on women’s reproductive health for over 3 years, on topics ranging from abortion in Canada to medical education in Jordan. Her passion for reproductive health, coupled with her ability to connect with youth, has led her to mentor, train, and educate youth locally, nationally, and internationally. She is currently working as the Program Officer for IYAFP and works on administration, communications, advocacy, project management, and public relations. 14 Ms. Jenny Greaney UNFPA Jennie Greaney works within UNFPA’s Technical Division on advocacy initiatives, external relations and on documenting best practices in family planning. She has over 20 years’ experience in advocacy and communications roles, including for the World Health Organization, the European Commission, and for public health institutes and development organizations. Jennie has a particular passion for and experience in developing skills-building courses in advocacy, communications and media, and has delivered workshops for youth, health-care providers, journalists, programme managers and policy-makers in over 40 countries. She has a Master’s in Science Communication and holds additional qualifications in marketing and public relations, public health, journalism and education. Ms. Meghan Guida Senior M&E Associate, Management Sciences for Health Meghan Guida is a Monitoring & Evaluation Specialist with the Leadership, Management & Governance Project at Management Sciences for Health. In her portfolio, Meghan supports project M&E, as well as conducts discrete research and evaluation activities. Recently, these activities have included mapping a network of HIV & AIDS support organizations, conducting a global review of effective youth leadership programs, and leading a webinar on data visualization techniques to share results. Prior to working at MSH, Meghan worked in democracy and governance with the National Democratic Institute, and refugee resettlement with the International Rescue Committee. Meghan earned her Master of Arts degree in International Affairs from the George Washington University, concentrating on international development and conflict resolution, and her Bachelor of Arts in Political Science from Wake Forest University. She speaks Spanish and is interested in learning French. Dr. Laura Hoemeke Director of Communications and Advocacy, IntraHealth International Laura Hoemeke, DrPH, MPH, is IntraHealth International’s Director of Communication and Advocacy and a global health and family planning advocate, overseeing the organization’s communications initiatives and leading its advocacy portfolio. She has nearly 25 years of experience in global health, including long-term field assignments in the Central African Republic, Benin, Senegal, and Rwanda, and short-term assignments throughout Africa. Hoemeke served as a Peace Corps volunteer in the Central African Republic, worked for Africare in Washington, DC, and served as a Population Leadership Program Fellow at USAID in Benin. Prior to her current role on IntraHealth’s leadership team, served as the Regional Director for West and Central Africa and the director of the Twubakane Decentralization and Health Program in Rwanda. Hoemeke earned her doctorate in public health from UNC Gillings School of Global Public Health in health policy and management and has an MPH from Johns Hopkins University. Ms. Judith Helzner The Alliance for Reproductive, Maternal and Newborn Health Judith Helzner is currently a Visiting Scientist at the Harvard School of Public Health and an independent consultant. From 2002-2014 she worked at the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation in Chicago, Illinois, serving from 2003 to 2013 as Director of Population and Reproductive Health. In that role she oversaw grantmaking of approximately $16 million annually to groups in India, Nigeria, Mexico and the global North, primarily on youth reproductive health and maternal mortality. Ms. Helzner also has worked for International Planned Parenthood Federation/Western Hemisphere Region, the International Women’s Health Coalition, Pathfinder, and other NGOs. She has master’s degrees in demography and international relations from the University of Pennsylvania, and a bachelor’s degree in French from Tufts University. 15 Ms. Laura Hurley Youth Access, Gender and Rights Officer – IPPF Laura Hurley is the Youth Access, Gender and Rights Officer at the Central Office of IPPF, the International Planned Parenthood Federation. Before joining the Adolescents, Gender and Rights team at IPPF, Laura managed ‘Education For Choice’, a UK project dedicated to providing young people with accurate and impartial information on pregnancy and abortion. She has worked directly with young people for over five years and currently volunteers with Gendered Intelligence, a UK organisation which supports young trans people. Laura has a First Class BA in Gender and Cultural Studies from the University of Warwick, and an MA (with distinction) in Gender, Sexuality, Politics and Culture from Birkbeck, University of London. Ms. Kiki Kalkstein Senior Policy Analyst, Pathfinder International Kiki Kalkstein has dedicated her career to advancing the sexual and reproductive health and rights of women and girls globally. In her current role, Kiki works to improve the U.S. and global health policy environment by influencing and informing relevant policy and appropriations decisions. She represents Pathfinder in coalitions across a spectrum of global health issues including: family planning and reproductive health; maternal, newborn, and child health; and HIV and AIDS and also co-chairs the Youth Health and Rights Coalition (YHRC). Prior to joining Pathfinder, Kiki worked at the Center for Health and Gender Equity (CHANGE) as Program Associate and Advocacy and Outreach Associate. Kiki holds a B.A. in Public Health and Global Poverty and Practice from the University of California, Berkeley. Mr. Sangeet Kayastha International Coordinator, Youth Peer Education Network (Y-PEER) Mr. Kayastha is a SRHR Youth advocate and development studies graduate from Nepal. He is working as International Coordinator for Y-PEER, which is one of the largest youth network working in issues of SRHR around the globe. Mr. Kayastha started working in issues of Sexual reproductive health and rights(SRHR) in 2006 starting as a peer educator in grassroots level & gradually started working on national and regional level. He has expertise in programs and polices related to youth issues, Migration Issues & SRHR Issues. Had has been involved in different global agendas such as post ICPD, SDGs and other issues related to young people. Ms. M.A. Keifer International Policy Manager, Advocates for Youth M.A. Keifer specializes in global adolescent and youth sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) advocacy. Keifer leads Advocates' U.S foreign policy work in Washington, D.C., advocating with Congress and the Administration to promote LGBTQ rights; young peoples' access to reproductive health care, including safe abortion and contraception; girls' empowerment; and HIV/AIDS prevention, care and treatment for young people. Managing the organization’s policy initiatives at the United Nations, Keifer coordinates youth representation at the Commission on the Status of Women, the Commission on Population and Development, and the UN General Assembly, and works closely with partner organizations and US State Department representatives to advocate for youth SRHR in resolutions and political declarations. She is leading Advocates' work on promoting youth inclusion, especially the health and rights of girls and young women, in the post-2015 development agenda. 16 Ms. Stephanie Kimou Policy Analyst, Population Reference Bureau Stephanie A. Kimou is currently a policy analyst at PRB where she works on demographic dividend projects in Francophone Africa. She is tasked with creating activities across Senegal and the DRC, which will advance the demographic dividend into national planning initiatives. She is also actively engaged in the expansion of PRB’s youth activities, focusing on the operationalization of SRHR policies, and further engaging young people in the policy process across sub-Saharan Africa. Prior to PRB, Stephanie was a program manager in Tanzania where she worked with over 300 refugee-impacted women to implement various capacity building programs. Ms. Kimou is a graduate of Georgetown University where she obtained an MA in International Affairs and Gender Studies. Ms. Rebecca Kohler Senior Vice President of Corporate Strategy and Development, IntraHealth International Rebecca Kohler works side-by-side with president and CEO Pape Gaye to guide the organization toward its vision of a healthier global population by creating stronger health systems around the world. Kohler works to expand IntraHealth’s portfolio of programs, funders, and partnerships, and leads IntraHealth’s many engagements with the community of global health and development professionals and organizations around the world that share our values and goals. As head of the corporate strategy and development division, Kohler oversees functions such as program development, communications, advocacy, knowledge management, fundraising, private-sector partnerships, and business strategy. Her experience spans more than 20 countries across several continents, including long-term assignments in Armenia, Eritrea, Kenya, and Tanzania. Ms. Laura Laski Chief of the Sexual and Reproductive Health Branch in Technical Division, UNFPA Laura Laski MD, MPH is currently Chief of the Sexual and Reproductive Health Branch in Technical Division at UNFPA in New York, and the Team Leader of the Adolescent and Youth Cluster Strategy, also at UNFPA. Laura worked for many years in evaluation and research of adolescent sexual and reproductive health programmes at the University of California in San Francisco and as an OB/GYN in her native country, Argentina, where she provided services to low income women in the metropolitan area of Buenos Aires. Ms. Sarah Lindsay Senior Technical Officer, MSH Sarah Lindsay is a Senior Technical Officer for the LMG project working on advocacy, global partnerships, gender, and youth. Prior to joining LMG, Sarah worked with the Ministerial Leadership Initiative for Global Health, a five-year project that worked with ministries of health in Ethiopia, Mali, Nepal, Senegal, and Sierra Leone to advance country ownership in health financing, donor alignment, and reproductive health. Sarah also has experience working with the Health Worker Migration Initiative in which she assisted in editing the WHO Global Code of Practice on the International Recruitment of Health Personnel. Sarah holds a MA from American University in Ethics, Peace and Global Affairs and holds a BA in English Language and Literature from North Carolina State University along with minors in Africana Studies and History. 17 Dr. Priya Limbu EngenderHealth Dr. Limbu graduated from school of health and related research, University of Sheffield in 2014 with a degree in Public Health. In July 2014, she joined EngenderHealth as a program officer for family Planning project and Adolescent SRH project in Bihar. In her position, she implemented an awareness campaign including group education sessions for in-school and out of school adolescents, adolescent health services at the facilities, adolescent led rallies, and creating a coordinated effort to bring the key gate -keeper like parents and community leaders engaged in the campaign. In Bihar, Priya conducted a focus group discussion for parents in Katihar to understand their perspectives on Adolescents Sexual and Reproductive Health and the facilities providing such services. Her area of focus remains on subjects related to gender inequality in health and strengthening the health system of countries with limited resources. Mr. Matt Matassa Global Health Strategies, Digital Communications Consultant Matt Matassa is a digital communications and engagement strategist with over 15 years of global health and human development experience. He specializes in designing and implementing crowdsourced strategies that rely heavily on social content, video and other interactive components. Additionally, Matt has a diverse set of skills in digital storytelling, video production, social content curation, identity management, creative direction and digital marketing. Prior to becoming an independent consultant, Matt worked for FHI 360 (formally Family Health International and AED) for almost six years. In his capacity, he transformed their digital communication and social engagement strategies to help support a global structure of more than 70 local offices around the globe. Prior to working at FHI 360, Matt has served in communication leadership roles at some of the top international NGOs and even took a short break to work at digital communications firm where he learned the ins and outs of web development. Matt has a spirit of innovation that has allowed him to push the boundaries of what is expected while creating highly effective and measurable approaches. Ms. Julie Mellin Manager, Global Youth Coalition on HIV/AIDS A long-time feminist and advocate for sexual and reproductive health and rights, Julie manages GYCA and its role in the Link Up project, which aims to improve the sexual and reproductive health and rights of young people living with and affected by HIV in five countries in Asia and Africa. Julie served as a Peace Corps Volunteer at a small community-based organization in Botswana (2008-2010), where she built organizational capacity and designed HIV/AIDS and SRH life skills programs. Julie has a Master's in international affairs, and is a volunteer advocate for survivors at of sexual assault and domestic violence at Mt. Sinai Beth Israel hospital in New York City. Mr. Oluwasibomi Paul Ojajuni Co-founder and Director of Research and Development, HACEY Health Initiative Paul is a public health and development professional with over eight years of domestic and international experience in implementation research, monitoring and evaluation, community mobilization, project design and management. He is the Co-Founder and Director of Research and Development of HACEY Health Initiative – an organization committed to helping young people and women lead healthy and productive lives through capacity development, policy advocacy, research and education with a special focus on adolescent sexual and reproductive health, maternal health and the social inclusion of vulnerable populations. He is committed to health systems strengthening in resource poor settings, health policy advocacy and improving health outcomes of women and young people. He has coordinated and led numerous grassroots and regional programs of the organization and has helped build the organization into one that has representatives in 11 states in Nigeria and focal points in 15 African countries. 18 Mr. Francis Oko Armah Young Leader, Ghana, Women Deliver Commitment to Action Oko Armah is a young leader at Women Deliver. He is currently studying communications as an undergraduate student at the African University College of Communications in Accra and is a Project Officer at Curious Minds Ghana. He has worked extensively with global organizations, including Marie Stopes International, Ipas, and DKT International, under the Reducing Maternal Mortality and Morbidity Project (R3M). He has served in various capacities as a peer educator, facilitator, communications officer, youth ambassador, and youth counselor for sexual and reproductive services. He strongly believes in using the media as a tool for development and is actively involved in radio and TV broadcasts at Curious Minds Ghana. Armah is also currently serving as the country coordinator at the International Youth Alliance on Family Planning (IYAFP). Mr. Romaric Ouitona (IYAFP) Romaric Ouitona, 22 years old is a young cultural actor from Benin. He is passionate about promoting youth and Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health Rights (ASRHR). Romaric is the president of the Alliance des Jeunes Ambassadeurs pour la Santé de Reproduction et la Planification familiale. Romaric is involved in issues related to youth employment, mental health and ASRHR. He has represented youth in his country and Africa in many national and international conferences including but not limited to the International conference on Family Planning ICFP 2013, November 2013, the 69th session of the United Nations General in New York, September 2014, advocacy reinforcement workshop by AFP SMART in Bamako, Mali in September 2015. He is motivated by the active participation of youth and adolescents in promoting sexual and reproductive health. Mr. George Ouma Program Coordinator, DSW Kenya Mr. Ouma is a trained community and public health specialist highly familiar with the health, development and management of projects with a focus on result based program development and implementation. He holds and MPH and bachelor in community and health psychology. Mr. Ouma has 11 years work experience in public health, community development and strategic project management, and monitoring and evaluation, as well as training, facilitation and capacity building. As a Program Coordinator, he serves as a program and technical manager and supports DSW’s community development, and health intervention efforts managing diversified reproductive health, leadership development, economic empowerment and other development projects. He oversees the implementation of national projects focusing on Maternal and child health, HIV and Aids, safe motherhood, Sexual Reproductive health, Young adolescent health, women and girls economic empowerment, nutrition and family planning supported by EU, Dutch - FLOW, Bayer HC among other donors. Mr. Isaiah Owolabi HACEY Health Initiative Isaiah is the co-founder of HACEY Health Initiative: A development organization implementing and consulting on programs that support a healthy and productive society for vulnerable populations in over 10 African countries. He has experience working in Brazil, South Africa, Nigeria, U.S A, and Turkey on issues related to SRH and maternal and child health. Isaiah is an alumnus of the Prestigious President Barack Obama Washington Fellowship for Young African Leaders and also an awardee of the Queen Elizabeth II Young Leaders Award. 19 Ms. Sara Pellegrom Senior Associate, Women Deliver Sara is a Senior Associate for Women Deliver’s Young Program. She manages the Speakers Bureau and consistently communicates and provides technical assistants to Young Leaders working incountry. Prior to Women Deliver, she worked at International Planned Parenthood / Western Hemisphere Region, researching and composing materials on sexual and reproductive health indicators and trends, and USAID in Nairobi, Kenya, monitoring projects that receive USAID funding. Sara graduated with an MPH from Columbia University and wrote her thesis on the importance of integrating family planning and HIV/AIDS services around the world. Before moving to New York City for graduate school, Sara worked at a Planned Parenthood clinic while majoring in International Studies at Rhodes College in Memphis, TN. Ms. Chelsea Ricker Rights and Empowerment Working Group Manager, FP2020 A lifelong rights activist, before joining FP2020 Chelsea Ricker worked with the International Planned Parenthood Federation, Amnesty International, the International Women’s Health Coalition, OneWorld UK. Her background includes counseling, training, curriculum development, advocacy, and grant and program management. Chelsea holds an MA (with distinction) in Education, Health Promotion and International Development from the Institute of Education in London, a BA in Religion and Human Rights from Columbia University in New York and studied Sexuality, Culture and Society at the University of Amsterdam. Ms. Eva Ros Global Partnerships and Advocacy Director, MSH Eva Ros is the Director for Global Advocacy and Partnerships for the USAID-funded Leadership, Management and Governance (LMG) Project at Management Sciences for Health (MSH), where she currently manages the project’s activities that build and strengthen the leadership and management skills of women and youth working in family planning/reproductive health. She is an international public health expert with 17 years of experience in public-private partnerships, capacity building and organizational development across multiple countries and regions. Previously, she directed The Kaizen Company’s health strategy and new business development efforts. As Operations Officer with IFC (World Bank Group), she worked with governments in Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Middle East to identify, design and implement public-private partnerships. Ms. Ros also served in Jordan as the Deputy Chief of Party for a USAID-funded family planning/reproductive health project. She holds an MBA and MPH from the University of California, Berkeley. Mr. Jonathan Rucks Director of Advocacy, PAI Jonathan Rucks serves as the Director of Advocacy for PAI where he works to champion policies that put women in charge of their SRHR. Jonathan is responsible for the development and management of advocacy strategies to inform and influence public policy at the federal level in the US as well as in developing countries. Jonathan has more than 10 years of experience in SRHR. Prior to joining PAI, Jonathan worked for Pathfinder International, a major U.S. governmentimplementing partner, and spent eight years working in the House of Representatives for both Representative Jan Schakowsky and Representative Jim Oberstar. Jonathan holds a master’s degree in Strategic Security Studies from the College of International Security Affairs at National Defense University in Washington, D.C. He earned his BS in Political Science and English from St. John's University in Collegeville, MN. 20 Dr. Jean Christophe Rusatira Finance Officer, IYAFP Dr. Jean Christophe is a medical doctor, member of Medical Students’ Association of Rwanda and Finance Officer of IYAFP since its inception in 2013. Dr. Rusatira has broad experience in the field of maternal and SRH, focused on youth access to health care and family planning. He is the founder of Healthy People Rwanda; a local registered NGO, focusing on the development of health and human resources in the health sector of Rwanda and has worked with different international NGOs such as Edinburgh Global Partnership, the YOU-Manity and Bristol Volunteers for Development Abroad. In 2013, he founded the medfoster group, and initiated the web-based medical education platform and has worked with the Rochester Institute of Technology and the University of Rwanda to further develop user-centered Interactive technology for Medical education. Mr. Ishmael Selassie Planned Parenthood Association of Ghana Ishmael Kwasi Selassie is an advocate of Sexual and Reproductive Health for young people. He has worked with the Planned Parenthood Association of Ghana since 2002 in various capacities including managing the Association’s youth project, Young & Wise Center. Currently, he works as the Youth Focal Person and Learning Center, implementing ASK project, facilitating LDP+ etc. Selassie holds a strong view on the importance of CSE for young people as a critical requirement for their development and informed decision making around their reproductive health. In 2010, Selassie was selected as a member of the UNFPA Global NGO Advisory Panel representing youth led and youth serving NGOs on the Panel. He is currently a member of the National Organizing Committee for the 2016 upcoming African Conference on Sexual Health and Rights to be held in Ghana. Ms. Dilly Severin Director of Communications, PAI Dilly crafts and implements PAI’s communications and media strategy and manages the communications team. She also supports PAI’s international partners, providing them with training and communications assistance as needed. Dilly is co-chair of the International Family Planning Coalition Communicators’ group along with the Guttmacher Institute and Planned Parenthood Federation of America. Before joining PAI in 2008, she served as Communications Coordinator at the Consortium on Race, Gender and Ethnicity (CRGE) and was the Program Coordinator of the YouthActionNet program at the International Youth Foundation. Dilly holds a Master’s of Public Policy in International Development from the University of Maryland and a Master’s of Communication from American University. She has a BA in English Lterature with a minor in Asian Studies. Ms. Halima Shariff Director, Advance Family Planning Tanzania Johns Hopkins University, Center for Communication Programs (JHU-CCP) Ms. Halima Shariff is an accomplished Tanzanian media specialist and communication strategist with more than 30 years’ experience in both national and international print and broadcast media and more than two decades of experience and knowledge in smart advocacy and public policy in SRHR. Having managed a number of national and international-funded programs and projects in HIV/AIDS, adolescent SRH, family planning, and gender, Ms. Shariff ’s has served in leadership positions in national and international bodies. She is the Country Director of AFP and serves in the FP2020 Country Engagement Working Group. Ms. Shariff is a gender activist in women coalitions under the Women Fund Tanzania, Tanzania Media Women’s Association and the African Women Leaders Network that promotes universal access to reproductive health services. She is also a co-chair of the Reproductive Health Supplies Coalition Advocacy and Accountability Working Group, and serves as Board of Directors’ Chairperson of three local NGOs in Tanzania. 21 Ms. Arushi Singh The Pleasure Project Arushi Singh provides technical consultancy on gender, rights and sexuality, and on youth-centred programming to several international NGOs and UN agencies. She is also a Pleasure Propagandist for The Pleasure Project, which is a volunteer-led initiative working on eroticising safer sex. Previously, she has worked with the Commonwealth Youth Programme, Amnesty International, and the International Planned Parenthood Federation. Dr. Miranda van Reeuwijk Rutgers WPF Miranda is a senior researcher for Rutgers, center of expertise on Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights, based in the Netherlands. Internationally, Rutgers supports organisations to improve SRHR and the acceptance of sexual rights and gender equality. Miranda holds a PhD in medical anthropology and her expertise include research relating to children, adolescents and young people’s sexuality, particularly in low income countries in Africa and Asia. Central to her work is the active participation of children and young people in various levels and stages of research, intervention development, implementation, and Monitoring & Evaluation. Ms. Caren Wakoli Founder and Executive Director, Emerging Leaders Foundation Ms. Caren Wakoli is a social entrepreneur who delights in mentoring young women and men to reach their greatest potential in life. She is the Founder and Executive Director of Emerging Leaders Foundation, an organization that focuses on raising young people as positive agents of change in society. She has over 14 years experience of youth empowerment work in Kenya and Africa at large. She has taken part in various policy formulation processes including Kenya Vision 2030, National Youth Policy, National Alcohol Policy and National Human Development Index 2010. Caren also serves on various boards, governmental and non-governmental – she is the Chair of The Youth Congress; Board Member at Uwezo Fund, Impact Africa Industries, Within Foundation, Ngazi Aid, and Youth employment summit-Kenya. She holds a Master’s Degree in International Studies and a Bachelor’s Degree in Communication from the University of Nairobi. Ms. Sylvia Wong Technical specialist in adolescent at youth issues, UNFPA Sylvia Wong is Technical Specialist in Adolescent and Youth issues at UNFPA, the United Nations Population Fund. She has 15 years of experience in adolescent development, SRH, and improving health services for adolescents in low and middle-income countries. At UNFPA, she manages a portfolio on adolescent SRH that has addressed adolescent pregnancy, child marriage, girls’ education and health linkages, and urbanization and adolescents. Previously, she worked on women’s health issues with Asian immigrants, youth development and culture in Southeast Asia, and adolescent reproductive health in China. She holds joint Masters in Public Health and International Affairs from Columbia University in New York. Dr. Nichole Zlatunich Senior program advisor, Palladium With over 10 years of experience in population, family planning, and SRHR programs, Dr. Zlatunich is an expert in program and policy design, advocacy, strategic planning, program management, and capacity building. Currently a senior program advisor at Palladium, she is responsible for providing technical and coordination oversight to develop government-owned costed implementation plans (CIPs) for family planning. She has managed the development of CIPs for Ethiopia, Ghana, Malawi, Nigeria, Uganda, and Zambia, and provided costing assistance for the Myanmar CIP. In addition, she has extensive experience in providing training and capacity building technical assistance for adult and youth learners with varying skill sets, in both formal and informal settings, and working with nascent organizations and governments in Africa. 22 23 Alliance for Reproductive, Maternal and Newborn Health 24