2016 Spring Show - Missouri Fox Trotting Horse Breed Association
2016 Spring Show - Missouri Fox Trotting Horse Breed Association
2016 Spring Show & YE AR 3 Three Year Old Futurity RI N P S & G SH O W ITY R OLD FUTU Paula Deen 2015 Three Year Old Futurity Open Champion Owned by Ricky Palmer & Jessica Revey Exhibited & Trained by Vance Vahle Sire: Jester’s Charming Legend • Dam: Silverado’s Golden Fox L. 2 Missouri Fox Trotting Horse Breed Association P.O. Box 1027, Ava, Missouri 65608 (417) 683-2468 Fax: (417) 683-6144 oxtrot m th a. om • .m th a. om Show Coordinator: Bobbie Williams Office Staff: Cathy Lansdown, Tammy McFarlin, Krissy Gasek PhotograPherS Dale Esther Arena: Morgan Lea & Dusty Dalton Photography: 417-250-0611 morganleaphotography.com morganleaphotography@gmail.com Versatility Arena: Melanie Wynn 417 533 9653(c) 417 664 6978 (h) rememberwynnphotography.net mwynn@yahoo.com Board of direCtorS President: Joyce Graening Vice President: Pamela Lynn Secretary Treasurer: Albert Cook, Jr Directors: Reg. 1 Marie Boyd, Reg. 2, Craig Dansie, Reg. 3, Heather Harrison, Reg. 4, Amber Wilson, Reg. 5, Ted Nichols, Reg. 6, Eddie Moore, Reg., 7, Chad Hindman, Reg. 8, Jennifer West, Reg. 9, Beverly Frizzell, Reg. 10, Ross Harper Show PerSonnel dale eSter arena Announcer: Tyler Watterson Organist: Kevin Grice Scoring: Terry Thomas Ringmaster: Doyle Smith VerSatility arena Announcer: Debbie Johnson Scoring: Jennifer Roberts dQPS: Randall Dennis, Kelly Case, Rose Case, Garry DeVore dQP adMiniStrator: Tammy McFarlin eMergenCy ContaCt inforMation Veterinarian: Animal Clinic of Ava, Dr. Mike Peters, 417-683-6830 Fire: 417-683-5512 Sheriff: 417-683-1020 Ambulance: 1-800-315-4911 0R 417-683-5555 3 w o h S g n i 2016 Spre Schedule Trail rid melanie ynn m 7 y, June Tuesda ne 8 sday, Ju Wedne 9 ay, June Thursd June 10 Friday, r Farm Letsinge Potter Corbitt Lake Crystal e Abby Rid t Contac (417)796-2912 r e h c a 6046 Assenm n e h 17)683p 4 ( HBA n Ste o s aw he MFT ad). L t le m a o r f D or il he ross o tra ve ac and lea ires tailering t . The trail t e e m (requ lunch r rides All othe unds at 8:30am m. Pack a sack es be shod. a s o r 0 r o Show G e will start a 1 nds that all h Trail Rid ittee recomme comm Official Versitility Arena Photographer 417-533-9653 • 417-664-6978 mwynn@yahoo.com W Morgan Lea & Dusty Dalton ILSON PHOTOGRAPHY TheABC ‘s Missouri Fox Trotti ng 417-250-0611 morganleaphotography.com morganleaphotography@gmail.com tion a r e n e g t x e n e th g in is a Breeding and r Horses Spring Show Vendors Thank You to our 2016 Chittenden Concessions D & L BBQ Fried and Frozen (Salt Ent) Hillbilly Holler Embroidery J & S Golf Cars Massage & Body Works Rockbridge Rainbow Trout Ranch The Lunch Box Trailer Country Wildwood Kettle Corn Fox Trot Store As of May 13, 2016 Bob and Colle Bonner Springs Special Sponsorship Level 913-441Fox Trot USA www.mofoxtrot.com/wilsonfarms • wilso Mike & Sara Patton Miller Ranch 26 56th Annual Show & Celebration Championship Class Sponsors Blossom Basket Florist Clinkingbeard Funeral Home Missouri Ozarks Community Health SH O W Class Sponsors SPRIN YE AR 3 & & 2016 Spring Show Three Year Old Futurity G Sponsors! Chastity Young LaTour Advisory Group Signal Stores ITY OLD FUTUR 4 Showground Policies MFTHBA Code of Conduct As the welfare of our horses and the reputation of our breed are of paramount importance to the officers, directors and general membership of the Missouri Fox Trotting Horse Breed Association, we are committed to high standards of propriety in both the promotion of this horse and of membership conduct. Whether as an exhibitor, owner, trainer, breeder, agent, employee, officer, director, show official, judge, vendor or spectator, members and non-members alike who participate in any MFTHBA activity or event governed by MFTHBA rules shall be governed by the following: • Respect and adhere to the standards of the Missouri Fox Trotting Horse Breed Association, its goals and objectives. • Support the welfare of the MFT horse, and act to ensure that every MFT horse shall be treated humanely and with dignity, respect and compassion. • Act in an ethical manner, reflecting self-discipline, sportsmanship, honesty and integrity. • Conduct business in an open and forthright manner, acting with integrity, sincerity and honesty. • Deal with each other and the public in such a way as to instill confidence in our Association and its membership. • Promote a positive image of the MFT horse industry by encouraging and supporting honorable and effective management of Association business. Policy Statement: Welfare of the Missouri Fox Trotting Horse Dog Policy Dogs will be allowed on MFTHBA showgrounds on a 6’ maximum leash. Only 2 dogs per camp, unless prior arrangements have been made with the MFTHBA. Seeing eye and service dogs are exempt. Three dog walk areas have been designated. North Dog walking area-NW of barn 13, west of road, South Dog walking area-Below hill South of camper #’s 1-20. West Dog walking area-Below hill west of versatility arena. If you choose not to use any of these designated areas, please carry a pooper scooper and clean up after your pet. No dogs allowed at any time in the spectator area at any of the five arenas located on the showgrounds. Service dogs are exempt. The following dog breeds have been determined to be dangerous by the MFTHBA Insurance carrier and will not be allowed on the MFTHBA showgrounds: Pit Bull, American Bull Terrier, Yankee Terrier, Rottweiler, Wolfe Hybrid (Tundra Shepherds), Akita, Chow Chow, Presa Canario, any trained guard dog, any dog with vicious tendencies or any dog who has bitten someone. A dog of mixed breed, which includes any prohibited breed, is still unacceptable. Owners/handlers of prohibited breeds, confrontational, aggressive or excessively barking dogs will be asked to remove such dogs from MFTHBA showgrounds. Golf Cart/Utility Vehicle Policy All golf carts and/or utility vehicles must have a current permit issued by the MFTHBA office. Current insurance is required to operate a golf cart or other utility vehicle on the MFTHBA property. Operators understand that he /she must be 16 years of age and possess a valid driver’s license. Alcohol, smoking, and dogs are prohibited from As the Missouri Fox Trotting Horse is the basis for our organization, MFTHBA is committed to the following: • The welfare of the horse is of primary consideration in all MFTHBA activities. Every Missouri Fox Trotter shall be treated with dignity, respect and compassion, and shall not be subjected to cruel or abusive actions. • Missouri Fox Trotter breeders, owners, trainers and exhibitors are continually responsible for the wellbeing and humane treatment of any horse entrusted to their care. • To enhance the humane standards under which Missouri Fox Trotters are exhibited at performance events, rules and regulations governing these events are published by the Missouri Fox Trotting Horse Breed Association and are to be observed by all taking part in these events. the stands of the Dale Esther and Versatility Arenas. OFFICE HOURS MFTHBA OFFICE HOURS Monday – Friday 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM Saturday 8:30 AM to 2:00 PM SHOW OFFICE HOURS Tuesday - Friday 10 AM to 4:30 PM Saturday 10 AM to 2:00 PM Policy Statement: MFTHBA Anti-Discrimination Policy The MFTHBA is committed to providing an inclusive and welcoming environment for all Missouri Fox Trotting Horse owners and enthusiasts. It is the policy and commitment of the MFTHBA that the Association does not discriminate on the basis of race, age, sex, sexual orientation, national origin, physical or mental disability, or religion. Furthermore the MFTHBA opposes all forms of harassment and bullying. Arena Light Policy Lights at the Dale Esther, DQP and Warm-Up arenas may not be used prior to June 6. On June 6-7, ALL lights will be turned off at 2 a.m. During the show (June 8-10), lights in the DQP and Warm-Up arenas will be turned off at 2 a.m. or 2 hours following the completion of the evening session, whichever is later. Lights in the Dale Esther Arena will be reduced to three light towers at 2 a.m. The Board requests the last rider turn off the remaining lights upon leaving the arena. On Saturday June 11, lights will be turned off following the completion of the evening session. Entries will be accepted only during show office hours, no exceptions. Note: Versatility Ranch Horse classes & Versatility classes MUST be entered the day before the show. No exceptions. Evening performance & model class entries will close at 4:30 pm and Saturday entries will close at 2:00pm. No exceptions. The Board reserves the right to combine or split classes and to revise the class schedule as needed. The MFTHBA and Show Office will be closed from 12pm to 1pm each day except for Saturday. THE FOx TROT STORE: OFFERING OFFICIAL MFTHBA MERCHANDISE The lights in the Versatility Arena will not be available for use during the Spring Show and Three Year Old Futurity. Official Show Photographers The MFTHBA is pleased to have Morgan Lea & Dusty Dalton Photography and Melanie Wynn as the official photographers for the Spring Show and Three Year Old Futurity. These professionals are the only photographers authorized by the MFTHBA to publicly sell photos. Located in the Roy Williams Pavilion StoRe HouRS Horses Entering Showgrounds All horses entering showgrounds must have a negative Coggins test and a Certificate of Veterinary Inspection, regardless of state of origin. In addition, The MFTHBA Board of Directors highly encourage all horses to be vaccinated for influenza. Horses must enter through the equine entry gate to have paperwork checked. All horses will be charged a $10 inspection fee. tuesday: 9AM-5PM Wednesday – Saturday: 9AM to 9PM 5 2016 - 37th Annual 3 Year Old Futurity Spring Show and Youth Seminar June 8-11, 2016 WEDNESDAY, June 8, 2016 - 6:30pm - Main Arena 1. Youth Model 2. Youth Leadline (Riders age 2-6, One Rider Per Horse) 3. Senior Citizens (62 & Older, No Canter) 4. Youth Novice (Rider age17 & under) 5A. Amateur Owned 3 Yrs & Older-NPT 90 Days (Top 10 will show in class 66) (No Canter) 6. Ladies Out of State, Horse & Rider (No Canter) (Top 10 will show in class 62) 7. Youth Equitation 17 and Under (No Canter) 8. Open Amateur 3 & 4 Yr Old Mares (Top 10 will show in class 63)(No Canter) 9. Men’s Out Of State, Horse & Rider (No Canter) (Top 10 will show in class 62) 10. Open Amateur 3 & 4 Year Old Stallions & Geldings (Top 10 will show in class 63) (No Canter) 11.B. Amateur Owned 3 Yrs & Older-NPT 90 Days (Top 10 will show in class 66) (No Canter) THURSDAY, June 9, 2016 - 6:30pm - Main Arena 12. Mars/Venus 13. Open Amateur Restricted Mares 3 Yrs & Older (Top 10 will show in class 59) (No Canter) AMATEUR not have won a Reserve 14. Ladies 5 APPRENTICE: Years & Older (Mares,Exhibitors Stallions &may Geldings) World Championship, a Reserve World Grand Championship, or 1st 15. Open Amateur Restricted Stallions & Geldings 3 Yrs & Older (Top 10 will place ininany MFTHBA Performance class, excluding Novice/Apprentice show class 59)(No Canter) and16.Youth Once has won an Amateur Novice or Ladiesdivisions. 3 Yrs & 4 Yrs Old an (Noindividual Canter) Amateur Apprentice they may no longer show in 17. Amateur Owned &Division Trained 3Championship Years & Older (No Canter) Amateur Apprentice classes. Youth who have(Top exhibited and won in Non 18. Three Year Old Futurity Mares-Open Amateur 10 will show in class 67) -Youth performance classesMares-Amateur may not show in this 19. Three Year Old Futurity O&T (Top division. 10 will show in class 68) 20. Three Year Old Futurity Mares - Open (Top 10 will show in class 69) OPEN AMATEUR RESTRICTED: Exhibitors not have won67) a 21. Three Year Old Futurity S & G-Open Amateur (Top may 10 will show in class Performance WGC or Reserve WGC at any and 10 will showNovice in class 68) 22. Three Year Old Futurity S & G-Amateur O &time, T (Topexcluding Youth divisions. Exhibitors may a 1st orin2nd place 23. Three Year Old Futurity S & G - not Openhave (Topwon 10 will show class 69) in any MFTHBA excluding Novice/Apprentice and Youth, FRIDAY,performance June 10, 2016–class, 10:00am - Versatility Arena in the last two calendar 29. Pony Fun Class -Ballyears. & SpoonYouth who have won Non-Youth performance WGC, or 1st/2nd place, may not show in 30. Pony FunWGC, Class -Reserve Big Ball Bump this31.division. Amateur Pony Fun No ClassLei Tossownership requirements apply to horses exhibited inJune this division FRIDAY, 10 2016 -.6:30 pm—Main Arena 32. Open Amateur Model 33. Youth 11OWNED & Under A NO (TopPROFESSIONALTRAINING 10 will show in class 60) (No Canter) 90 DAYS: AMATEUR 34.division Open Model This must meet all requirements for the Amateur Owned 35. Men’s 4 Years & Olderinto (Nothis Canter) division. Horses entered class may not receive professional 36.Youth & Under will show in class 60) (No Canter) training 90 11 days prior Bto(Top the 10 show. 37. Youth 12-14 (Top 10 will show in class 61) (No Canter) 38. Ladies Amateur Owned 5 Years & are Older (Topto10any willAmateur show in class OPEN AMATEUR: OpenSpecialty Amateur classes open 64)(No Canter) Rider. There are no restrictions on ownership of the horse except that the Current Coggins and Health Certificate required upon entering showground. Influenza vaccination recommended 39. Men’s Amateur Owned Specialty 5 Years & Older (Top 10 will show in class 64)(No Canter) 40. Youth 15-17 (Top 10 will show in class 61) (No Canter) 41(A). Open Amateur 5 Yrs & Older (Top 10 will show in class 65) (Will Canter) 42(B). Open Amateur 5 Yrs & Older (Top 10 will show in class 65) (Will Canter) 43. Classic Horse 10 Years & Older 44. Open 4 Year & Older Championship (Will Canter) SATURDAY, June 11, 20156- 9:00am - Versatility Arena 45. Open Showmanship 46. Youth Showmanship 47. Open Trail 48. Youth Trail 49. Open Western Pleasure 50. Youth Western Pleasure 51. Open Western Horsemanship 52. Youth Western Horsemanship 53. Reining 54. Open Barrel Race 55. Youth Barrel Race TO ENTER THE HORSE IN THE SHOW: 56. Open Pole Bending 1. Youth ALL horses entered in the show must be registered in the Missouri Fox Trotting 57. Pole Bending Horse Breed Assoc. or Missouri Fox Trotting Pony Registry SATURDAY, June 11, 2016- 6:30pm - Main Arena 2. You must present current negative Coggins papers with the horse pass sticker 58. Pony Performance (Pony Triathlon) Rider 7-14 at entry desk. and original registration papers (or a (No copyCanter) of front & back) 59. Restricted Yrs &grounds Older Champion (Top a 10Health from classes 13 & done 15) (No 3. Open ALL Amateur horses entering the3 show MUST have certificate Canter) within 30 days AND a current negative Coggins (EIA) test These papers must be Champion presented at the10 show recommends 60. Youth 11 and Under (Top fromgrounds classes gate. 33A &(The 36BBoard (No Canter) that all horses vaccinated 61. Youth 12-17 be Champion (Topfor10influenza.) from classes 37 & 40 ) (No Canter) 62. Out of State Champion, Horse & Rider (Top 10 from classes 6 & 9) (No Canter) EXHIBITORS: 63. Open Amateur 3 & 4 Year Old Champion (Top 10 from classes 8 & 10)(No Canter) All exhibitors will be expected to comply with the Rules, Standards & Policies book 64. Amateur Owned Specialty 5 Yrs & Older Champion (Top 10 from classes 38 & 39 of the MFTHBA. (No Canter) Any exhibitor causing undue disturbance or exhibiting poor sportsmanship will be 65. Openfrom Amateur 5 Yrsin&this Older Champion 10 from classes 41 42)show. (Will Canter) barred showing show and will(Top forfeit all winnings for&this Each 66. Amateurwill Owned 3 Yearsa&show Older –NPT exhibitor be assessed entry fee.90 Days– Champion (Top 10 from classes5 & 11) (No Canter) 67. Three Year Old Futurity Champion-Open Amateur (Top 10 from classes 18 & 21) Note: 68. Three Year Ranch Old Futurity Champion-Amateur Owned&classes Trained MUST (Top 10 from Versatility Horse classes & Versatility be classes 19 &entered 22) the day before the show. No exceptions. Evening performance 69. Year Old entries Futurity Champion– (Toppm 10 and from Saturday classes 20 &entries 23) &Three model class will close Open at 4:30 will close at 2:00pm. No exceptions. The Board reserves the right to combine or split classes and to revise the class schedule as needed. The Show Office will be closed from 12pm to 1pm each day except for Saturday. horse’s owner must be a current MFTHBA member. Exhibitors must be Highwill Point Versatility Awards will be second given in thewill Following current members, must hold a current Entered SplitMFTHBA Classes-Class 5 The second half will show inAmateur class 11. Card. Class 33-The second half show on class 36. Class 41-The half show in Divisions: class 42. A. Open Versatility horses the will age be andposted genderatrequirements of the classperformance. and be Splitmust Classmeet Sheets DQP before the nights B. Youth Versatility registered with the MFTHBA. C. Open Ranch Horse Youth Seminar Hall of Fame Room 9am Thursday, June 9th It is the responsibility of the exhibitor to read the rule book and understand the *All Classes the Main Arena arewill twobegait (walk andfollowing foxtrot) unless otherwise Youth Versatility High PointinVersatility Awards given in the three divisions: Champion, Open Versatility Champion qualifications necessary to achieve theChampion, awards of Versatility VersatilityRanch WorldHorse Grand Champion specified* and Hi Point. Out Of State: Rider must reside outside the state of Missouri, Horse must be owned by someone residing outside of the state of Missouri. *Youth 11 and under will be allowed to Exhibit only in designated youth classes. AllTO youth age 6 A &HORSE under will required to have an attendant in the arena while ENTER INbe THE SHOW: The Board of Directors & Show Committee are not responsible & reserve the right exhibiting in a class. to correct typographical errors. Fox Trotting Pony Registry. 1. All horses entered in the show must be registered in the Missouri Fox Trotting Horse Breed Association or the Missouri It is recommended that all youth age 11 & under wear an ASTM/SEI certified Classes with fewer than 5 entries will be reviewed and may be cut or combined with 2. You must present current negative Coggins test papers with horse pass sticker and original registration certificate of registration or copy of front and back at entry desk. helmet similar classes for future shows. 3. The Board reserves the right to combine or split classes as needed. The Board of Directors and Show Committee are not responsible and reserve the right to correct typographical ***Classes designated as either Ladies or Men’s classes are 18 years errors. and over*** EXHIBITORS: 1. All exhibitors will be expected to comply with the Rules, Standards and Policies book of the Missouri Fox Trotting Horse Breed Association. *** Out of State classes are both horse (recorded owner) & exhibitor 2. Any exhibitor causing undue disturbance or exhibiting poor sportsmanship will be barred from showing in this show and will forfeit all winnings for this show. must liveexhibitor outsidewill thebestate of Missouri*** 3. Each assessed a show entry fee. 4. It is recommended that all youth age 11 & under wear an ASTM/SEI certified helmet and use an electronic wireless device while riding at any time on the MFTHBA grounds. 5. Youth 11 and under will be allowed to Exhibit only in designated youth classes. 6. JUDGES DECISION IS FINAL. Stalls and Camping Available-Contact the MFTHBA office for reservations 417-683-2468 or foxtrot@mfthba.com fax: 417-683-6144 6 MFTHBA SHow BASicS Model AMATeur owned And TrAined: This division must meet all requirements for the Amateur Owned Division. In addition, entered horses may not have been professionally trained. However, it is permissible for horses to be started by a person other than the amateur owner for a period not to exceed 30 days. No additional training by a professional is permitted for horses shown in this division. During model classes horses are shown in hand. Horses are judged on how closely they match the breed standard for conformation. In addition, judges evaluate the horse on gait at the flat foot walk. PerForMAnce In the performance ring, Missouri Fox Trotters are judged against the breed standard for gaits. Horses compete in either two gait (flat walk and fox trot) or three gait (flat walk, fox trot and canter) classes. Horses three and under are only eligible to show in two-gait classes. Horses competing in the Amateur division do not canter until age five. AMATeur owned, no ProFeSSionAl TrAining 90 dAyS: This division must meet all requirements for the Amateur Owned Division. Horses entered into this class may not receive professional training 90 days prior to the show. oPen AMATeur reSTricTed: Exhibitors may not have won a Performance WGC or Reserve WGC at any time, excluding Novice and Youth divisions. Exhibitors may not have won a 1st or 2nd place in any MFTHBA performance class, excluding Novice/Apprentice and Youth, in the last two calendar years. Youth who have won Non-Youth performance WGC, Res WGC, or 1st/2nd place, may not show in this division. No Amateur ownership requirements apply to horses exhibited in this division. Fox Trotters in the performance ring typically exhibit with a standard bridle including a brow band and cavesson. Saddles should be western. Horses also wear ribbons in their forelock and mane. The ribbons help illustrate the rhythm of the horse. There are exceptions to the tack described above depending on the requirements of the specific class VerSATiliTy The versatility arena covers a variety of competition classes. These classes may include western pleasure, horsemanship, English, reining, barrel racing, pole bending, and ranch horse competitions. These classes follow the same guidelines as other breed competition for these events with one exception: In most classes, horses are asked and expected to perform a fox trot. AMATeur APPrenTice: Exhibitors may not have won a Reserve World Championship, a Reserve World Grand Championship, or 1st place in any MFTHBA Performance class, excluding Novice/Apprentice and Youth divisions. Once an individual has won an Amateur Novice or Amateur Apprentice Division Championship they may no longer show in Amateur Apprentice classes. Youth who have exhibited and won in Non-Youth performance classes may not show in this division. clASS deScriPTionS Below is a brief summary of MFTHBA Exhibitor division. For complete and official descriptions, exhibitors should refer to the latest copy of the Official Handbook: Rules, Standards & Policies. youTH: There are no restrictions on ownership of the horse except that the horse’s owners must be current MFTHBA members. Exhibitors must be current MFTHBA members and hold a Youth Card issued by the MFTHBA. Youth entering the lead line class are not required to be MFTHBA members. In addition, Youth must have a consent form signed by a parent or guardian. Entered horses much meet the age and gender requirements of the class and be registered with the MFTHBA. Youth classes do not permit the exhibition of stallions, with the exception of a weanling in weanling model classes oPen: Open classes are open to any registered Missouri Fox Trotting Horse. There are no restrictions on ownership, however the owner must be a current MFTHBA member. Each exhibitors in Open classes must be a current MFTHBA member and hold either an Amateur, Youth or Professional card. Entered horses much meet the age and gender requirements of the class and be registered with the MFTHBA. Pony clASSeS: Designated pony classes are Missouri Fox oPen AMATeur: Open Amateur classes are open to any Trotting Pony Registry classes. Only MFTPR registered ponies are eligible to participate in designated pony classes. The pony may be tentatively or permanently registered. Tentatively registered ponies may be height inspected prior to entering a class. ouT oF STATe: To be eligible for this class the owner of record for the horse exhibited as well as the exhibitor must reside outside of the state of Missouri. Amateur Rider. There are no restrictions on ownership of the horse except that the horse’s owners must be current MFTHBA members. Exhibitors must be current MFTHBA members, must hold a current Amateur Card and be age 18 or older. Entered horses much meet the age and gender requirements of the class and be registered with the MFTHBA. AMATeur owned: In Amateur Owned Classes horses must be owned by the Amateur member who is exhibiting the horse or owned by immediate family members as defined in the MFTHBA Handbook. Co-ownership with individuals outside of the exhibitor’s immediately family makes the horse ineligible for this division. The owners of the horse as well as the exhibitor must be current MFTHBA members. The exhibitor must also have a MFTHBA-issued Amateur or Youth card. Entered horses much meet the age and gender requirements of the class and be registered with the MFTHBA. 7 8 e fl f a R 0 50/5 a e i t res at the sel e booth in your Futurity hat! TickeTs are $1 each or 6 for $5 Post the pictures on Facebook & tag your picture with musT Be presenT To win ight n y a d r g Satu Drawin class 66 of the during ow & Futurity Sh Spring all money goes To The mfThBa memBership commiTTee To pay for differenT memBership evenTs like The memBership dinner #MFTFuturity2016 Pictures with the most likes will be the winner Winner announced Saturday night of the Spring Show & Futurity Purchase tickets from Membership Committee Members: Julie Bellucci, Monica Daugherty, Alan King, and Amy Stangl O D S MeMbership Dinner H G O W Friday, September 9th in the main arena Watch for other membership Committee events to be announced Sunday, September 4th at the Ava Showgrounds Free for all MFTHBA members Watch the MFTHBA website and Facebook page for information to RSVP for the event 9 2016 Three Year Old Futurity Entries as of May 6, 2016 Nominated Horse Ace's Foxy Lady Again From The Top American Made Black Crown Blues Suede Shoes Buck Naked Captain"s Pistol Annie Captain's Charming Princess Captain's Moonlight Casanova Cash's Tricks-Treat-Trax Central Standard Time Charismatic Charming Scarlet Lady Cocoa Pebbles Creepin Ebony Angel Ebony's June Edition's Country Toad Fire and Brimstone Jubilee Frisco Lineman Giuliana J Gorgeous And Grand Grand Derby Grand Ruckus Grand Sunrise Heaven is Grand Heavenly Honeysuckle Z Hollywood Edition I Lost My Sock I Miss George Jones I'm A Whiskey Girl It's Me Again Margaret Jag's Belle Of The Ball Owner(s) Stanley Heckman Therese Murray Bobbie Williams Chris & Janice Patterson Lee Hackler Jody Lynn Jokisch Joe & Jennifer Stewart Joe & Jennifer Stewart Joe & Jennifer Stewart Joe & Jennifer Stewart Wesley Worsham Brian & Autumn Larkowski Lee Hackler Amber Wilson & Bob Wilson Paul Allen Phillips Donald & Connie Stockton Glenda & Ronnie Davis Lloyd Dehner Shawn & Donna Glaser Joe & Jennifer Stewart Jacqueline Andrew Lisa & Megan Cantrell Karen Leighton & Sharon Ballowe Steve & Kim Kenney Joe & Jennifer Stewart Debra Leville Clarence & Brenda Zeigenbein Amber Wilson & Colleen Wilson Jennifer Roberts & Danielle Roberts Kent & Jan Hyde Monica Daugherty & Jim Nichols Steve & Kim Kenney Kimber A. Hill Sire Hey Ace M Again M Again M Phantom of the Ozarks Jester's Special Time M Southern Nights Royal Captain Ace Royal Captain Ace Royal Captain Ace Captain Ace's Cash R Grand Central Grand Central Hollywood Playboy Gone N Dun It Grand Central Southern Sunrise Jester's Ebony Patriot's Limited Edition Baron's Jubilee Grand Central The Noble Prince G. Grand Central Grand Central Grand Central Grand Central Grand Central Gunslingers Denial Patriot's Limited Edition Rhythm - N - Rhyme Wild West Big Whiskey Again M Prince Jester's Ridin Gold Dam Pride's Shiana Candy's Orphan Annie Shook Loose Crown's Royal Rita Pride's Twilite Princess Majorly Blonde J Jester's Charming Cora Jester's Charming Princess Princess Jester's Charm Toddy's Little Travelin' Ann LTO Traveler's Miss Merry Missouri's Charisma Ace's Lucky Charm K Fruit Loop Stroker's Black Beauty Patriot's Traveling Lady B. Bobbie Sue's Royal Queen Country Kate John's Lily Of The Valley Aint She A Lu Lu Fox's Sweet Dream Jester's Little Lulu She Rocks Southern Summer Dream Sunrise's Misty Rawhide Traveler's Lil Bit Of Heaven Image's Smoky Topaz Z. Gunsmoke Flashy Gal Sexy Socks Missouri's Red Rose M. Secret's of a Queen Chantilly's Traveling Lady Blizzard's Southern Belle Breeder(s) Stanley Heckman Donald & Carol Cunningham Alice Rowden & Bobbie Williams Chris & Janice Patterson Brian & Tara Land Jody Lynn Jokisch Larry Robbins Joe & Jennifer Stewart Joe & Jennifer Stewart Joe & Jennifer Stewart Tommy & Marni Jacobs Autumn Larkowski Kenneth & Carol Terry Susan L. Thomlinson Paul Allen Phillips Donald & Connie Stockton Glenda & Ronnie Davis Richard & Willa Danner Donna Glaser Tom & Betty Owen Jacqueline Andrew Anna Sutherland Karen Leighton & Sharon Ballowe Steve & Kim Kenney Linda Dunn Ruth Moore & Jessica Moore Clarence & Brenda Zeigenbein Colleen Wilson & Amber Wilson Jennifer Roberts & Danielle Roberts Kent & Jan Hyde Monica Daugherty & Jim Nichols Steve & Kim Kenney Jaime Whiteaker Jazz's Fancy Touch Jazz's Special Sunset J JB's Absolut Southern Pride King's Charming Empress King's Creole Queen King's Foolish Pleasure Kings Maggie J Lady Chablis-R Lady Schick Lisa Lou Again Madam Hollywood Larry and Micki Keener David Jarvis John & Samantha Brandreth Lee Hackler Becky Bailey Steve & Debbie Franklin Gary & Jane Matlock Tommy Ruff Daniel & Beverly Smith Alan King & Ben Eddings Lee Hackler Southern Jazz Playboy's Jazz Absolut Sunrise Jester's Charming King R Jester's Charming King R Jester's Charming King R Jester's Charming King R Spitfire's Bojangles Razorman Again M Hollywood Playboy Rex's Touch Of Honey Playboy's Sunset G King's Prairie Rose L. Sundust's Charming Contessa Rock-N-Tazzie - T. Sunrise's Foxy Image Missouri Maggie C A Solid Alibi H. Sully's April Sunrise Traveling Miss Rawhide Legendary Madam Robert E Williams David Jarvis & Dwight Mathews John B. Brandreth Ruth Moore & Jessica Moore Becky Bailey Sharon Ballowe & Karen Leighton Gary & Jane Matlock Tommy Ruff Daniel Smith Alan King & Ben Eddings Kenneth & Carol Terry Magnolia Lane Masterpiece's Honey Bee Miranda L Miriaha's Star Dancer Mo Jazz Mellow Yellow L.J. Noah's Lady Luck Noah's Whoa Nelly Patty's Limited Edition Phantom's Dark Velvet Playboy On Fire Playboy's Patriot B Playboy's Red Velvet TSF Playboy's Ruby Got Bling Playboy's Southern Knight Pop-Arazzi Prince Jester's Juliet Larry and Micki Keener Donald & Connie Stockton Darrell Martin Jeff Dehner Larry Schenewerk Joe & Jennifer Stewart Glenda & Ronnie Davis Bobby & Brenda Copple Jan Alford Shawn & Amy Stangl Debbie Edwards Katherine Kirkpatrick Mark Mackie Doran & Beverly Coberly Beth Tripp Tina Stumpf Sadies Ramblin Playboy Sunrise's Masterpiece Between Jazz And Jones Once Upon A Time I'm Billy the Kid Captain's Charming Noah R. Captain's Charming Noah R. Patriot's Knight Of Camelot Phantom Of The Ozarks Southern Playboy Southern Playboy Southern Playboy Southern Playboy Southern Playboy 10 Prince of Pride Prince Jester's Ridin Gold Love Ya Micki Dixie Trax Jack's Lotie Dah Miriaha's Warlock MO. Jazz Travelin Susie A. Ebony's Lucky Seven Willy's Rhythm & Blues Lad's Sassy Sensation C Alert's Red Silk Pirate's Stardust VS Patriot's Fire & Lace B Sundust's Shadow-B Mickey's Mercedes Lacey Jones C. Downtown Sassy Brown The Scarlet Lady Larry and Micki Keener Donald & Connie Stockton Mike & Angela Owens Jeff Dehner Larry Schenewerk Ronnie Davis Glenda & Ronnie Davis Bobby & Brenda Copple Don & Donna Sanders Amber Wilson Roy & Donna Brown Roy & Donna Brown Mark & Irvin Mackie Doran & Beverly Coberly Beth Tripp Jaime Whiteaker Noah's Lady Luck Noah's Whoa Nelly Patty's Limited Edition Phantom's Dark Velvet Playboy On Fire Playboy's Patriot B Playboy'sNominated Red VelvetHorse TSF Playboy's Ace's FoxyRuby LadyGot Bling Playboy's Southern Again From The TopKnight Pop-Arazzi American Made Prince Jester's Juliet Black Crown Pure BluesPoison Suede Shoes Rags Southern Rhythm Buck Naked Reno's Miss KittyAnnie Captain"s Pistol Reverend Mike-R Princess Captain's Charming Rockin' Around the Clock Captain's Moonlight Casanova Roll TheTricks-Treat-Trax Dice Cash's Ruby Marie Central Standard Time Secrets Of The Night Charismatic Sensation's PerfectLady Storm Charming Scarlet Shake For Me Girl Cocoa ItPebbles Sleek And Unque Creepin Sweet Ebony Desire Angel Talk DirtyJune To Me Ebony's That's How I Roll Toad Edition's Country That's Jest Jessie Jubilee Fire and Brimstone The Danica Tradition Frisco Lineman The NightJ Train Giuliana Tradition GorgeousAliAnd Grand Traveler's Back In Black Grand Derby Twice Hollywood Star Grandthe Ruckus What I Thinking GrandWas Sunrise Joe & Jennifer Stewart Glenda & Ronnie Davis Bobby & Brenda Copple Jan Alford Shawn & Amy Stangl Debbie Edwards Katherine Kirkpatrick Owner(s) Mark Mackie Stanley Heckman Doran & Beverly Therese Murray Coberly Beth Tripp Bobbie Williams Tina ChrisStumpf & Janice Patterson Ernie & Linda Kay Sutton Lee Hackler Darrell Ragsdale Jody Lynn Jokisch Carter Botkin Stewart Joe & Jennifer Tommy Ruff Stewart Joe & Jennifer Steve Joe & Wood Jennifer Stewart Jessie & KarenStewart Hammer Joe & Jennifer Joseph Dampier Wesley Worsham Monica Brian & Daugherty Autumn Larkowski Henry & Marsha Brewster Lee Hackler Becky AmberBailey Wilson & Bob Wilson Jerry Hendrix Paul Allen Phillips Adam DonaldJokisch & Connie Stockton Jennifer Glenda &West Ronnie Davis Steve Wood Lloyd Dehner John && Doris Anthony Shawn Donna Glaser Phil Barb Saxton-Turner Joe & Jennifer Stewart Joe & Jennifer Stewart Jacqueline Andrew Jeffery ShieldsCantrell & Maxey Dimmick Lisa & Megan Darrell Martin & Sharon Ballowe Karen Leighton Lee Hackler Steve & Kim Kenney Danielle Roberts & Darlene Roberts Joe & Jennifer Stewart Captain's Charming Noah R. Captain's Charming Noah R. Patriot's Knight Of Camelot Phantom Of The Ozarks Southern Playboy (Continued) Southern Playboy Southern Playboy Sire Southern Hey Ace MPlayboy Southern Again M Playboy Prince Again Mof Pride Prince Jester's Gold Phantom of theRidin Ozarks Top Secret Jester's Special Time M Rhythm - Rhyme Southern- N Nights Playboy's RenoAce Gold Royal Captain Jester's Charming Royal Captain Ace Legend HTR's Rock N'Ace Roller Royal Captain Let's Take A Chance Captain Ace's Cash R Ruby's Red Rocker V. Grand Central Top Secret Grand Central Sensation's Premonition Hollywood Playboy The Remedy GoneJazz N Dun It Jester's Lucky Charm Grand Central Grand Central Southern Sunrise Missouri's Final Attraction Jester's Ebony HTR's N' Roller Patriot'sRock Limited Edition Grand Baron'sCentral Jubilee Sunrise Tradition Grand Central Grand Central The Noble Prince G. Sunrise Tradition Grand Central Traveler's Black Sensation Grand Central Hollywood Playboy Grand Central Phantom of the Ozarks Grand Central Ebony's Lucky Seven Willy's Rhythm & Blues Lad's Sassy Sensation C Alert's Red Silk Pirate's Stardust VS Patriot's Fire & Lace B Sundust's Shadow-B Dam Mickey's Mercedes Pride's Shiana Lacey Jones C. Annie Candy's Orphan Downtown Sassy Brown Shook Loose The Scarlet Lady Crown's Royal Rita Missouri's Pretty Woman Pride's Twilite Princess Perfect Majorly Southern Blonde J Sunrise My Gal Callie Jester's Charming Cora Intrepid's Diva SuePrincess -R Jester's Charming My OcalaJester's Charm Princess Fancy's SugarTravelin' Babe Ann Toddy's Little Teardrops On My Guitar LTO Traveler's Miss Merry Secret's Midnight Suprise Missouri's Charisma Sunrise's Smooth Ace's Lucky CharmCotton K Sundust's Fruit Loop Midnight Shades Sable Coated Stroker's BlackLady Beauty B.G.'s Miss Kate Anne Patriot's Traveling Lady B. Dirty Little Secret Bobbie Sue's Royal Queen Eraser's Kari Ann Country Kate Jest Another John's Lily OfJessie The Valley Lily AintClare She A Lu Lu Saturday Night Waltz Fox's Sweet Dream Patriot's Miss Lulu Dottie Jester's Little C.B.'s Blue Charm She Rocks Twice As Nice Southern Summer Dream Sexy Secret Sunrise's Misty Rawhide Ronnie Davis Glenda & Ronnie Davis Bobby & Brenda Copple Don & Donna Sanders Amber Wilson Roy & Donna Brown Roy & Donna Brown Breeder(s) Mark & Irvin Mackie Stanley Heckman Doran Coberly Donald&&Beverly Carol Cunningham Beth Alice Tripp Rowden & Bobbie Williams Jaime Chris &Whiteaker Janice Patterson Jane Brian Montgomery & Tara Land Darrel & Karen Ragsdale Jody Lynn Jokisch Danny & Jana Starnes Larry Robbins Tommy Ruff Stewart Joe & Jennifer Steve Joe & Wood Jennifer Stewart RL JoeLewis & Jennifer Stewart Joseph Tommy Dampier & Marni Jacobs Donnie AutumnDaugherty Larkowski Henry Brewster Kenneth & Carol Terry Ritchie & Thomlinson Lola Moberly Susan L. Jerry Hendrix Paul Allen Phillips Adam DonaldJokisch & Connie Stockton Jennifer & Roger Glenda &West Ronnie DavisWest Steve Wood Richard & Willa Danner Larry Laurie Luna Donna&Glaser Phil Tom&&Barb BettySaxton-Turner Owen Ruth Ellen Massey Jacqueline Andrew Phil Barb Turner Anna&Sutherland Darrell Martin & Sharon Ballowe Karen Leighton Brian Steve&&Tara Kim Land Kenney Danielle Roberts & Darlene Roberts Linda Dunn Heaven is Grand Heavenly Honeysuckle Z Hollywood Edition I Lost My Sock I Miss George Jones I'm A Whiskey Girl It's Me Again Margaret Jag's Belle Of The Ball Debra Leville Clarence & Brenda Zeigenbein Amber Wilson & Colleen Wilson Jennifer Roberts & Danielle Roberts Kent & Jan Hyde Monica Daugherty & Jim Nichols Steve & Kim Kenney Kimber A. Hill Grand Central Gunslingers Denial Patriot's Limited Edition Rhythm - N - Rhyme Wild West Big Whiskey Again M Prince Jester's Ridin Gold Traveler's Lil Bit Of Heaven Image's Smoky Topaz Z. Gunsmoke Flashy Gal Sexy Socks Missouri's Red Rose M. Secret's of a Queen Chantilly's Traveling Lady Blizzard's Southern Belle Ruth Moore & Jessica Moore Clarence & Brenda Zeigenbein Colleen Wilson & Amber Wilson Jennifer Roberts & Danielle Roberts Kent & Jan Hyde Monica Daugherty & Jim Nichols Steve & Kim Kenney Jaime Whiteaker Robert E Williams David Jarvis & Dwight Mathews John B. Brandreth Ruth Moore & Jessica Moore Becky Bailey Sharon Ballowe & Karen Leighton Gary & Jane Matlock Tommy Ruff Daniel Smith Alan King & Ben Eddings Kenneth & Carol Terry Jeff Dehner Larry Schenewerk Ronnie Davis Glenda & Ronnie Davis Bobby & Brenda Copple Don & Donna Sanders Amber Wilson Roy & Donna Brown Roy & Donna Brown Mark & Irvin Mackie Doran & Beverly Coberly Beth Tripp 2016 Three Year Old Futurity Entries as of May 6, 2016 Become a MFTHBA Carded Judge! Judges Training SeminarSouthern Jazz Larry and Micki Keener David Jarvis Playboy's Jazz MFTHBA Hall Fame John of & Samantha Brandreth Room Absolut Sunrise Lee Hackler Charming King R Friday June 10, 2016 Jester's Becky Bailey Jester's Charming King R Steve &4:30 Debbie Franklin Charming King R 9 a.m. to p.m. Jester's Gary & Jane Matlock Jester's Charming King R Flowers of Quality with Distinction Jazz's Fancy Touch Jazz's Special Sunset J JB's Absolut Southern Pride King's Charming Empress King's Creole Queen King's Foolish Pleasure Kings Maggie J Lady Chablis-R Lady Schick Lisa Lou Again Madam Hollywood Tommy Ruff Daniel & Beverly Smith Alan King & Ben Eddings Lee Hackler Spitfire's Bojangles Razorman Again M Hollywood Playboy Rex's Touch Of Honey Playboy's Sunset G King's Prairie Rose L. Sundust's Charming Contessa Rock-N-Tazzie - T. Sunrise's Foxy Image Missouri Maggie C A Solid Alibi H. Sully's April Sunrise Traveling Miss Rawhide Legendary Madam Magnolia Lane Masterpiece's Honey Bee Miranda L Miriaha's Star Dancer Mo Jazz Mellow Yellow L.J. Noah's Lady Luck Noah's Whoa Nelly Patty's Limited Edition Phantom's Dark Velvet Playboy On Fire Playboy's Patriot B Playboy's Red Velvet TSF Playboy's Ruby Got Bling Playboy's Southern Knight Pop-Arazzi Larry and Micki Keener Donald & Connie Stockton Darrell Martin Jeff Dehner Larry Schenewerk Joe & Jennifer Stewart Glenda & Ronnie Davis Bobby & Brenda Copple Jan Alford Shawn & Amy Stangl Debbie Edwards Katherine Kirkpatrick Mark Mackie Doran & Beverly Coberly Beth Tripp Sadies Ramblin Playboy Sunrise's Masterpiece Between Jazz And Jones Once Upon A Time I'm Billy the Kid Captain's Charming Noah R. Captain's Charming Noah R. Patriot's Knight Of Camelot Phantom Of The Ozarks Southern Playboy Southern Playboy Southern Playboy Southern Playboy Southern Playboy 11 Prince of Pride Love Ya Micki Dixie Trax Jack's Lotie Dah Miriaha's Warlock MO. Jazz Travelin Susie A. Ebony's Lucky Seven Willy's Rhythm & Blues Lad's Sassy Sensation C Alert's Red Silk Pirate's Stardust VS Patriot's Fire & Lace B Sundust's Shadow-B Mickey's Mercedes Lacey Jones C. Downtown Sassy Brown $25 registration fee. egister in the F o Auditors Welcome! e. “HistoricallyLarry Known” and Micki Keener Donald & Connie Stockton in Beautiful Downtown Rolla Mike & Angela Owens Blossom Basket Florist Kim & Darrell Martin 910 Cedar Street • Rolla, MO 65401 573-364-7101 or 1-800-253-0601 A 3 Year Old Futurity Is LOOk BACk… 1992 Biggest Spring Show Ever Missouri’s Casey’s Yankee Doodle A. was crowned 3-Year-Old Futurity Champion at the 1992 show of the Missouri Fox ·Trotting Horse Breed Association. Owned by Larry and Enna Anderson, of Iberia, and ridden to victory by Steve Dampier, of Eldridge, Yankee Doodle won first place on Thursday night in the qualifying 3-YearOld Futurity Mares class, then won the stake class on Saturday night. The futurity mare earned a total cash payback of $1,393.13 for the two wins. A total payback of $12,660 was available to the winners of this year’s Futurity, with the money being split between qualifying rounds on Thursday night and the stake classes on Saturday night. One-half of .the total money available is paid to the qualifying horses, with the other half paid to stake class winners. In addition to the 3-Year-Old Futurity winners, this year’s spring show was expanded to three nights of competition and an Amateur 3-Year-Old Futurity division was added. The three night of competition saw a total of 344 entries, including 57 futurity horses in the amateur and open 3-year-old futurity classes. During Saturday night’s competition, MFTHBA President Dale Esther, of Lebanon, said this year’s show was the “best ever.” Attendance, participation, and gate receipts were all well up from previous spring shows. The Amateur 3-Year-Old Futurity winner is Miss Zane’s Blue Moon, owned and ridden by Jack Van Ness, of Rogersville. Blue Moon also won first in her qualifying amateur futurity mares class on Thursday night, and earned a total payback of $1,000.24. Reserve champion of the open 3-Year Old Futurity stake class is Traveler’s Red Alert, owned by Jan and JoAnn Alford, Buffalo, and ridden by Geno Middleton, Nixa. Red Alert’s dam is Lad’s Special Promise, the 1980 Three Year Old Futurity Grand Champion and was owned and ridden by Jan Alford. Red Alert placed first in the qualifying stallions and gelding class on Thursday night. Reserve champion amateur futurity winner was Yank’s Phantasy Star, owned and shown by Susan Martin of Marshfield. Phantasy Star placed third in the qualifying class on Thursday night. Missouri’s Casey’s Yankee Doodle A. 1992 Three Year Old Futurity Grand Champion, owned by Larry and Erma Anderson, Iberia, Missouri; shown by Steve Dampier, Eldridge, Missouri Other stake class winners named Saturday night include the Amateur Stake Class, 4 years and older class won by Smooth Operator owned and shown by Lee Hackler of Alma, Ark. Reserve champion was Sun Dust Queen E., owned and shown by Ken Ragsdale, Olathe, Kans. In the Open 4 years and older stake class on Saturday night the winner was Missouri’s Lawman M., owned and shown by Jeryy Fugitt, McAlester, Okla. Reserve champion was Casey’s Shadow, owned by Jimmie D Wisdom, Arnold, MO and shown by Dearl Wisdom of Arnold. Article from the July 1992 Journal 58th World ShoW and Celebration September 5th-10th, 2016 Celebrating the miSSouri Fox trotting horSe event inCludeS: national trail rides performance, model, versatility and ranch horse World Championship trail obstacle Challenge Competition Hall of Fame Inductions • Vendors Find out more at mFthba.com/celebration 12 Darrell Martin 2015 SportSManShip awarD Grand Central Is named 2015 mFtHBa stallIon oF tHe Year By Josephine Cozean Styron For the second year in a row, Open Performance World Grand Grand Central has been named the Championship classes at ages two, MFTHBA Stallion of the Year. Us- three, four, and five, then winning ing a point system, this title honors the Open Senior Model Stallion the stallion with the most success- and Geldings World Grand Chamful offspring in pre-designated pionship. “Grand Central’s great in how Performance, Model, and Versatility classes at MFTHBA-sponsored he competed and passes that trait on to his foals,” said Joe Stewart. shows. Grand Central is owned by In the Performance Arena in 2015, Joe and Jennifer Stewart of Farm- two of Grand Central’s offspringington, Arkansas. He was bred -The Night Train, owned by the by Steve Maxey of Watkinsville, Stewarts; and Grand Theft Auto, Georgia. Grand Central, who was owned by Lisa King, of Harrison, AR--won World Grand Championsired by Prince Jester’s Shadowfax ships. Another Grand Central offand foaled by Madam Cassey Fox, spring, Pinky Tuscadero, owned is known as much for his gentle by the Stewarts, captured a Renature as for his show-ring prowserve World Grand Championship. ess. The chestnut stallion made “Grand Central’s get continue to MFTHBA history by winning The impress,” said Joe. Completing the Top 5 Stallions of the Year were Southern Playboy, owned by Clyde Connelly of Ava, Missouri; Jester’s Charming Legend, owned by Brian Oglesby of Perry, Missouri; Jester’s Charming King R., owned by Becky Bailey of Russellville, Arkansas; and the late Prince Jester, who was owned by Majestic Foxtrotters of Buffalo, Missouri. By Josephine Cozean Styron The MFTHBA Sportsmanship Award was designed to recognize MFTHBA members who exemplify the principles of good sportsmanship and consistently put them into practice. The 2015 Sportsmanship Award has been given to Darrell Martin of Rolla, Missouri, citing his willingness to assist anyone who needs help and his work in decorating the gazebo for shows. “We raise Fox Trotters, but we had never shown at Ava before, and it was so different from anything else anywhere. Darrell shared his knowledge, equipment, and grooming tips with us, even though we were competing against him,” said Jester’s Charming Legend 2015 Breeding sire of the Year Vance Vahle 2015 Trainer of The Year By Josephine Cozean Styron Jester’s Charming Legend was the top breeding sire in 2015. The award was designed to recognize stallions providing significant impact to the continuation of the breed and to encourage timely foal registration. “People breed their mares to ‘Legend’ because of his looks and the way he moves,” said owner Brian Oglesby of Perry, Missouri. “He is super gentle and has a presence; he’s always cool and calm, even in the show ring. He’s eat up with rhythm and passes that on,” says Oglesby, who believes that to determine if a horse will be a champion, you have to look at his family. Legend, a two-time Open World Grand Championship winner, was sired by Reserve Open World Grand Champion winner, Traveler’s Jester, and is out of the MFTHBA Equine Hall of Fame mare, Missouri’s Charming Princess M. He was bred by Larry Robbins of Farmington, Arkansas. Legend’s offspring did well in the Performance arena in 2015. Among other winners sired by Legend are Back Alley Sally and Charming Millie, both Open World Grand Champions, and Paula Deen, who won an Open Reserve World Grand Championship, as well as the Three-Year-Old Futurity. Completing the Top 5 Breeding Sires of 2015 list are Grand Central, owned by Joe and Jennifer Stewart of Farmington, Arkansas; Southern Playboy, owned by Clyde Connelly of Ava, Missouri; Sunrise’s Masterpiece, owned by Connie Stockton of Marshfield, Missouri; and Sunrise’s One-Eyed Pirate, owned by Larry Stevens of Marshfield, Missouri. Mary Frerking of Concordia, Missouri. “He spent hours in the ring with us, showing us what to do and how to show our horses. He even talked us through setting up his own stallion so we could practice. And, we were confident when we showed. We had so much fun and ended up having an amazing experience because of his kindness, sportsmanship, and generosity.” “I feel honored to receive this award. This is a great breed of horse, and it’s an honor to be associated with it. Thank you,” said Martin. By Josephine Cozean Styron The Trainer of the Year Award was designed to recognize the achievements of professional horsemen and women involved in the Missouri Fox Trotting Horse Breed Association. Vance Vahle, of Bolivar, Missouri, has won this honor for 2015. “Vance works so good with our horses, and he puts the best canter on a horse,” said Linda Scott of Ronlin Farms, whose mare She’s Smokin Hot won an Open World Championship title at the 2015 Celebration. “He 13 explains things and is easy to talk to.” 2015 proved to be a good year for Vahle. He rode the palomino mare Paula Deen to win the Three-Year-Old Futurity Championship as well as a Reserve World Grand Championship and a World Championship. He trained and rode Playboy’s Been to Hollywood to an Open World Championship, and trained California Nights, who won two World Grand Championships. Barb Palmer, co-owner of Paula Deen, likes Vahle’s ability to work with both horses and people. “Vance has a way of clicking with the rider and the horse,” she said. “I consider it an honor to have been chosen Trainer of the Year,” said Vahle. “I want to thank everybody who voted for me. This means a lot to me.” MFHTBA Gun Raffle to Support Logan’s Vision Basketball Tournament and the The Logan Middleton Memorial Scholarship Hall of Fame NOMiNATiONs Due July 1, 2016 Forms available at MFTHBA.COM MFTHBA MoBile AlerTs! To purchase tickets, please contact Splinter Middleton @ 417-818-0355 or Susan Stanifer @ 417-838-4559. Get text messages about events happening at the show! Raffle will be held at the 2016 World Show and Celebration Text: MFTFUTURITY TO 41411 MFTHBA TOP BROODMARE SIRE When the MFTHBA Membership Committee announced the Breeding Sire of the Year and Stallion of the Year awards four years ago, the Committee was approached by a couple of different members interested in acknowledging the great mares in our breed that are producing our top horses. Their idea was a valid one, but how could this be done? Broodmares have one offspring each year, while stallions have multiple offspring in a year. New research came out in May, 2015, in the publication, Reproduction, Fertility and Development. This is one of the first studies of its’ kind actually, and it looked at offspring ability based on their parentage. They divided the 675 offspring into four groups: Elite dam vs. Elite sire (EE), Elite dam vs. Poor sire (EP), Poor dam vs. Elite sire (PE), and Poor dam vs. Poor sire (PP). The results were interesting: The results indicated the best runners were from the EE group (Elite dam and sire), while the worst were from the PE group (Poor dam, Elite sire). Surprisingly, the PP group (Poor dam and sire) was not the worst, as one would expect. Here’s the interesting part: Foals with Elite dams (EE and EP) had statistically similar superior results while foals with Elite sires (EE and PE) did not demonstrate the same similarities, instead, showing an influence related more closely to the performance of their dam. The foals of Poor dams (PE and PP) were poor across the board, even those by Elite sires. The study concludes ‘that maternal heritability of athletic performance may be a stronger contributor than paternal heritability to race ability.’ (Peters) While this study focused on 675 Thoroughbreds, it is not difficult to search the web and find articles, discussions, blogs, etc. from a wide variety of breeds expressing the importance of the mare when it comes to breeding. The percentage of importance ranged from 50%-70% in the numerous articles examined. The Membership Committee did track the performance of the mares in 2014. Unfortunately, this did not prove to be an easy thing to track since the mares do not produce at the same rate as stallions. Knowing that Secretariat was named one of the leading broodmare sires in 1992 and that the Thoroughbred industry tracks this type of information, the MFTHBA Membership Committee applied the same point system used in determining the Stallion of the Year to the winning horses’ dams’ sires, and they have tracked the results for the past three years. Each mare’s sire received points based on where the offspring placed—11 points for first, 10 points, for second, 9 points for third, and so on. If a class was not full, the points were adjusted. A horse winning a championship class of 7 horses earned 8 points, for example. The Committee used the same championship classes as were used for the Stallion of the Year award. Over the three years of tracking this information, it became clear that six stallions are consistently producing mares that are going on to produce winning offspring in performance, model, and versatility. Here are the top Broodmare Sires for 2015. Additional years on the list are in parenthesis. The statistics have been gathered for 2013, 2014, and 2015. 2015 Top Broodmare Sires 1) Southern Playboy (2013) 2) Missouri Traveler E. (2014 & 2013) 3) Southern Jazz (2014 & 2013) 4) Outlaw’s Patriot (2014) 5) Missouri’s Cassey Jones (2014 & 2013) *Sensation’s Pride B. was on the list in both 2013 and 2014. Peters, Anne. “Maternal Influences Make a Difference.” Blood Horse. N.p., 1 May 2015. Web. 10 May 2016. 14 3. August NBC 2 Year 7,Old 8, Ama &9 (Top 10 show back in Clas Ozark Empire 4. Men, Fairgrounds 18 & Over (A) NBC Manna FoxtrotPro NBC Fo Horse Show NBC Foxtrot Horse Show M (Top 10 show back in Clas 5. Limited Amateur, 5 y (Top 10 show back in Cla 6. NBC 2 Year Old Ope (Top 10 show back in Clas 7. Ladies, 18 & Over (A) (Top 10 show back August 7, 8, & in9,Clas 20 August 7,& 8, & 9, 2014 2016 Ozark Empire Fairgrounds, Springfield, August 11, 12, 13, 8. NBC 2 Year Old Ama (Top 10 show back in Clas Thursday, 9. August Ladies,7,182014 & Over (B) (TopYearling 10 show back in Clas 1. NBC Model Champ 10.2014 NBC 2 Year Old Op Saturday, August 9, 6:3 2. Limited Amateur, & 4 in year (Top 10 show3back Clas 24. Youth 12-17(Top Championship ** 10 show back in Class 34) 11. Men, 18 & Over (B) * 3. NBC 2 Year Old Amateur (A (Top 10 show back in Clas 25. NBC Senior Amateur Championship Ozark Empire Fairgrounds, MO Thursday, August 7, 2014 Springfield, 7:30 pm 1. NBC Model Yearling Championship (Top 10 show back in Class 35) 2. Limited 3 & 4 year olds ** 7:30Amateur, pm Saturday, August 13,(will2016 6:30 pm canter) (Top 10 show back in Class 34) 4. Men, 18 & Over (A) ** Friday, August 8, 2014 26. Ladies Championship ** (Top 10 show back in Class 31) 3. NBC 2 Year Old Amateur (A) 24. Youth 12-17 Championship 1. NBC Model Yearling Championship ** (Top 10 places of classes 7 & 9) Model Weanling 12. NBC 5. Limited Amateur, 5 years old (Top 10 show back in Class 35) 2. Limited Amateur, 3 & 4 year olds ** 27. Pony Championship Game (Top Competition ** 34) 25. NBC Senior Amateur 10 show back#2 4. Men, 18 & Over (A) ** 13. Amateur,in5Class years old (will canter) (Top 10 show back in Class 34) 6. NBC 2 Year Open (Top 10 show back in Class 31) (TopOld 10 may show (A) back in 28. NBC Senior Open Championship 26. Ladies ** (Top 10 show back in Class 36) 3. NBC 2 Year Old Amateur (A) (will canter) 5. Limited Amateur, 5 years old & over ** Championship 14. NBC 3 Year Old Ama (Top 10 places of classes 7 & 9) 7. Ladies, & Over **in Clas (Top 10 show back in Class 34) (Top 1055 show back (Top 10 show back in Class 35) 29. Senior Citizens **18 (rider &(A) over) (Top 10 show back in Class 26) 27. Pony Big Ball Bump ** 15. Youth, Ages 11 & Und 6. NBC 2 Year Old Open (A) 4. Men, 18 & Over (A) ** 8. Old NBC 2 Year Old Amateur (B) 30. NBC 3 Yr Amateur Championship (Top 10 show back in Class 36) 28. NBC Senior Open Championship (Top 10 show back in Class 32) (Top 1016) show in Class 35)Ama (Top 10 of classes 14 & 16. NBCback 3 Year Old (will canter) 7. Ladies, 18 & Over (A) ** (Top 10 show back 9. Ladies, 18 & Over (B) **in Clas 31. Men’s Championship ** 5. Limited Amateur, 5 years old &(Top over 10 ** show back in Class 26) 29. Senior Citizens ** (rider 55 & over) 10 show back in Class 26) 17. NBC Specialty, 4&O (Top 10 places of(Top classes 4 & 11) (Top 10 show back in Class 34) 8. NBC 2 Year Old Amateur (B) 30. August 7, 8, & 9, 2014 Ozark Empire Fairgrounds, NBC 3 Yr Old 32. Amateur (no canter) 10. NBC 2 Year Old Open (B) NBC 3 Championship Year Old Open Championship (Top 10 show back in Class 35) 6. NBC 2 Year Old Open (A) (Top 10 of classes 14 &(Top 16) 10 places(Top 10 show in Class 36)Ope NBC Year Old of 18. classes 18 back &321) Over (B) ** Saturday, August 9, 2014 (Top 10 show back in Clas 11. Men, 18 & Over (B) ** (Top 10 show back in Class 36) 9. Ladies, 18 &Thursday, 31. Men’s Championship ** 33. Pony Performance ** August 7, 2014 7:30 pm (Top 10 show back in Class 26) (Top 10 show back in Champion Class 31) 19. Pony Game Compet 24. Youth 12-17 (Top 10 places of classes 4 & 11) 7. Ladies, 18 & Over (A) ** 10. NBC 2 Year1.Old NBC Model Open (B) Yearling Championship 34.Open Amateur Championship ** (No Canter 32. NBC 3 Year Old Championship 20. YrAmateur Old Amate (Top 10 show back in Class 27) (Top 10 show back in Class 36) 25.August NBC Ch (Top 10Friday, from Classes 2, NBC 5, Senior & 8, 13)42014 2. Limited Amateur, 3(Top & 4 10 year olds ** places of classes 18 & 21) (no canter) (will canter) 11. Men, 18 & Over (B) ** 8. NBC 2 Year Old Amateur (B) 35. NBC 2 Year OldModel Amateur Championsh (Top 10 show back in Class 34) 12. NBC Weanling NBCChampionship 3 Year OldCham Ope 33. Pony Performance 26.321. Ladies (Top 10 show back in Class 31) (Top** 10 of classes & 8) 3. NBC 2 Year Old Amateur (A) (Top 10 show back in Class 35) (Top 10 show back 7 in&Clas (Top 10 places of classes 9) (No Canter) 34. Amateur Championship ** 13. Amateur, 5 years old & olde Pony Awards Ceremony (Top 10 show back in Class 35) 9. Ladies, 18 & Over (B) ** 22. English Pleasure (hors 27. Pony Game Competitio (Top 10 may show back in Class 34) ) (Top 10 from Classes 2, 5, & 13 Friday, August 8, 2014 7:30 pm 4. Men, 18 & Over (A) ** (noOld canter) 36. NBC 2 Year Old3Open Championship (Top 10 show back in Class 27) 14.Championship NBC Year (A (Top 10 Championship show back in Class 31)2 Year Old Amateur 35. NBC 28.6 &NBC Senior Amateur Open Cham 12. NBC Model Weanling (Top 10 of classes 10) 23. NBC 4 Yrin Old (Top 10 show back Class Open 30) 10. NBC 2 Year Old Open (B) (will canter) 5. Limited Amateur, 5(Top years old & over 10 of classes 3 &** 8) 15. Youth, Ages 11 &Entry Under Ch old10&show older back** in Class 34) 29.GENERAL Senior Citizens **MEETING: (rider (Top 10 show back in Class 36) 13. Amateur, 5 years(Top ** DENOTES NON-NBC CLASSES: fee for Pony Awards Ceremony MEMBERSHIP (Top 10 may show back in2Class 34)Old Open (A) 6. NBC Year al3youth Election of Officers will be heldCitiz on Classes isChampionship $25 for all classes, Senior 36. NBC 2 Year Old Open 16. NBC Year Old Amateur (B) 11. Men, 18 & Over (B) ** 30. NBC 3 Yr Old AmateurSC (Top 10 show(A) back in Class 36) 14. NBC 3 Year Old Amateur Thursday, August 11, 2016 Manna Pro NBC Foxtrot Horse Sho (Top 10 show back in Class 32) Friday, August 12, 2016 15. ADMISSION: $5.00 Thursday, $6.0 (Top 10 show inon Class classes, Pleasure, (Top 10 of classes Limited 6 & 10) Amateur (Top 10 English ofback classes 14 & 30) 16) an for Show Pass. Children 12 & under a (Top 10 show back in Class 30) 7. Ladies, 18 & Over (A) ** 10 show back in Class 26) ** Youth, Under Championship 7:30Ages pm 11 &(Top 17.& NBC Specialty, & Over5Ch nary Men’s, Ladies classes &4 Amateur &* 31. Men’s Championship (no canter) ** DENOTES NON-NBC CLASSES: (TopChampionship 10 places of classes 4 & La 11) Entry fee for Amateur and National Assoc 8. NBC 2 Year Old Amateur (B) 16. NBC 3 Year Old Amateur 12. NBC Model Weanling Championship (Top 10 show(B) back in Class 35) (Top 10 show back in Class 30) 9. Ladies, 18 & Over (B) ** 13. Amateur, 5 years old & older ** 17. NBC Specialty, 4(Top & Over Championship 10 show back in Class 26) (Top 10 may show back in Class 34) (no canter) 10. NBC 2 Year Old Open (B) 14. NBC 3 Year Old Amateur (A) (Top 10 show back in Class 36) (Top 10 show back in Class 30) 18. NBC 3 Year Old Open (A) (Top 10 show back in Class18 32)& 11. Men, 18. NBC 3 Year Old Open (A) 32. NBC 3 Year Old Open Men’s Championship Classes is $35. The topC (Top 10(Top show back in of Class 32) 18 & 10 places classes each Men’s, Ladies or Amateur 5 & over (inc 19. Pony Game Competition 33. Pony Performance **#1 preliminary class must show back in the cham class in order collect money. You m 20. toNBC 4 Yrprize Old Amateur Cham 34. Amateur Championshi (noDesk canter) (Top from Classes 2, 5, & 13c back at the Entry for10all championship 21. NBC 3 Year Old Open (B) 35. NBC 2cannot Year Old Amate Limited Amateur—Riders have won 1 (Top(Top 10 show back in Class 32) 10inof classes 3 & 8) any NBC amateur class past 2 years. At least Over (B) ** 15. Youth, Ages 11 & Under Championship** (Top 10 show#1 back 19. Pony Game Competition ** in Class 31) 16. NBC 3 Year Old Amateur (B) 22. English Pleasure 3 years Pony Awards(horses Ceremon Amateur Championship (Top 10 show back in Class 30) 20. NBC 4 Yr Old Friday, August 8, 2014 7:30 pm TIE-OUT FEE: $10 PER HORSE, PER DAY WILL BE CHARGED (no canter) (no canter) 36. NBC 2 Year Old Open C 17. NBC Two Gait, 4 & Over Championship WITHOUT STALLS. 23. NBC 4 Yr10Old Open&Champ 12. NBC Model Weanling Championship 10) (no canter) 21. NBC 3 Year Old Open (B) ENTRY DESK: Entries for all(Top classesof willclasses be taken6 on Wednesda (Top 10 show back in Class 32) 5 years old & older ** p.m.—9 p.m., and on Thursday and Friday from 1:00 p.m.—5:30 13. Amateur, GENERAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING: General Mp 18. NBC 3 Year Old Open (A) ** DENOTES NON-NBC CLASS day from 2 p.m.—4 p.m. All NBC Amateur entries and all Mode al Election of Officers will be held on Sat., Aug. 9th 10 3 may show in Class (horses years oldback & over) ** 34) (Top 10 show back in Class 32) 22. English Pleasure (Top Classes is $25 for all youth cl ADMISSION: $5.00 on Thursday, $6.00 on Friday required to present original MFTHBA registration papers. (A) (no canter)14. NBC 3 Year Old Amateur 19. Pony Spoon Race ** in added money in the Limited Amateur classes, En National of Breede ShowAssociation Pass. Children 12 &have under are free.negat REQUIRED: Allforhorses entering show must a current (Top 10 show back in Class 30) 23. NBC 4 Yr Old Open Championshp (will canter) 20. NBC 4 Yr Old Amateur Championship Men’s, & Ladies test. Horses from out of nary state must have health papers.classes These p P$6,500 (no canter) 21. NBC 3 Year Old Open (B) (Top 10 show back in Class 32) 2016 Two Year Old Championship Classes 15. Youth, Ages 11 & Under Championship** Entry fee for Amateur Cham checked at time of entry. National Association GENERAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING: General Membership Meeting & AnnuARENA: The fairgrounds arena will be open for riding from 1 p.m Men’s Championship Classe 16. NBC 3 Year Old Amateur (B) al Election of Officers will be held on Sat., Aug. 9th at 1 p.m. at the main arena. Wednesday, August 6th each and fromMen’s, 8 a.m. – 5:30 p.m. on (Top 10 on show back in Class 30) $15.00 Ladies orAugust Amat7 ADMISSION: $5.00 on Thursday, $6.00 Friday, $7.00 on Saturday, will be closed on August preliminary 9th during General Membership Meeting Specialty, 4 & Over Championship class must show for Show Pass. Children17. 12 &NBC under are free. 22. Pony Lei Toss** (no canter) 23. NBC 4 Yr Old Open Championship (will canter) 18. NBC 3 Year Old Open (A) class in order to collect prize back at the Entry DeskMO for a National Association of Breeders, P.O. Box 3193, Springfield, (Top 10 show back in Class 32) Limited Amateur—Riders ca National Association of Breeders, P.O.Competition Boxwww.NABMFTH.com 3193, MO 19. Pony Game #1 ** Springfield, any NBC 65808 amateur class in p www.NABMFTH.com 20. NBC 4 Yr Old Amateur Championship TIE-OUT FEE: $10 PER HORSE, PER D (no canter) 15 Old Open (B) 21. NBC 3 Year (Top 10 show back in Class 32) WITHOUT STALLS. ENTRY DESK: Entries for all classes wil p.m.—9 p.m., and on Thursday and Frida H H SADD T E P G LE ED The Official Trail Saddle Of The MFTHBA THE LEATHER We use only English bridle leather to construct the entire saddle. English bridle leather is twice the strength of what other saddle makers use and soft so there is very little break-in time needed if any. The strength of the leather also allows us to use a lighter weight leather without sacrificing durability resulting in a strong but light weight all leather saddle we build on 9 different bar styles so we can it any horse or if you are riding many horses we can get you a tree that is the best fit for all. EASY RIDE SADDLES Designed by Clarence D. Anderson over a period of years, the EASYRIDE and EASYlite saddle is one of the most comfortable saddles ever built. A special designed cushion seat gives the rider the ability to ride for hours without feeling tired or sore. EASYRIDE and EASYlite saddle owners say their ankles and knees no longer hurt or swell after riding. Not only is this saddle easy on the rider, it is easy on the horse as well. Hedgpeth also offers a 100% satisfaction guarantee if the saddle does not fit you or the horse we can build you one that does or give a full refund no restocking fee. HEDGPETH SADDLERY THE DESIGN What Makes Our Saddles Different? THE LEATHER THE DESIGN THE SEAT THE TREE THE SEAT 4763 SOUTH 94TH RD • BOLIVAR, MO 65613 SHOP PHONE NUMBER Home Phone NUMBER Cell Phone NUMBER (760) 808-5603 (760) 808-5603 (760) 808-5603 OR harofarms@yahoo.com Foxtrot USA www.FoxtrotUSA.com Tack & Supply 941-923-5022 The world wide choice for all of your custom Fox Trotter tack & western saddle needs. Custom saddle pads & blankets, beautiful interchangeable browbands, nosebands & caveson sets, custom FTUSA bridles for Performance, Versatility, Trail & Western Dressage. Foxtrot USA is the exclusive manufacturer of the Harmony Western Saddle™ line; The unique technology that the Harmony saddles are built upon, provides total freedom of horse’s motion while still providing equal distribution of the riders weight down their back. The Harmony Western Saddle™ new concept in saddle design has won favor in all disciplines, all breeds, all across Canada and the USA and now in 7 additional countries. Dawn Toler and multiple award winning Legend’s Hail Mari, showcasing the Harmony Western Saddle™ 16 Blankenship Stables is a proud supporter of Team Legend. Their home team is made up of Southern Legend, Legend’s High Altitude and Legendary Red - National & World Champions in Performance, Western Dressage and riding Florida’s tropical trails. Jct 5 & 14 Ava, MO 881 W. Commercial Mansfield, MO 711 N. Hwy 60 Mansfield, MO Welcome back Fox Trotters! Stop by for our impeccably clean stores and friendly service, 24 hours, 7 days a week. See all of our locations at signalfoodstores.com 17 18 For the of the Breed Love Promoting The Missouri Fox Trotting Horse On The Trail And On The Rail Good Luck At The 2016 Three Year Old Futurity Wilson Farms Fox Trotters Heza Rock Star 913-441-2752 WilsonFarmsFoxTrotters.com 2015 Open Amateur Three Year Old Futurity Champion Sire: Southern Playboy • Dam: Pirate’s Stardust VS Trained by David Ogle Find us on Facebook! Good Luck Amy & Shawn! Playboy On Fire Love, Mom, Dad & Amber Sire: Southern Playboy Dam: Pirate’s Stardust VS Owned by Amy and Shawn Stangl Bred by Wilson Farms 19 Cocoa Pebbles Sire: Gone N Dun It • Dam: Fruit Loop Owned by Wilson Farms Bred by Susan Thomlinson Shown by Amy Stangl THE SHOWDOWN 12-98582 48510 - 11 ACRE EQUINE PROPERTY – 2 STORY CUSTOM LOG HOME – Smooth electric fencing, 30X50 horse barn with water & electric. Home features wall of windows, hardwood & tile floors, entertaining deck w/in-ground pool. Blacktop frontage. $229,900 Freedom2 Gait Fox Trotters Breeding quality Fox Trotters for Trail, Arena & Show Kerrie Mathews – Rigby, Idaho West Plains Office http://freedom2gait.weebly.com/ 3498 N. Hwy 63 • West Plains, MO 65775 417-256-1000 • westplains@unitedcountry.com Good Luck Participants! www.WestPlainsUnitedCountry.com The Missouri Fox Trotting Horse Returns to the Missouri State Fairgrounds Presented by the Kansas City Regional Fox Trotting Horse Association and the St. Louis Regional Fox Trotters. October 1, 2016 Missouri State Fairgrounds, Sedalia, Missouri Featuring the Missouri Fox Trotting Horse Performance and Open Gaited Breed Versatility Classes Promoting the Missouri Fox Trotting Horse and supporting Make-A-Wish-Missouri. Region4FallFestival.com 20 How can we help? How can we help? 401K rollover Annuity 401K rolloverreview Pension rollover Annuity review Social Security Pension rollover Maximization CD’s, money market Social Security College savings, Maximization Insurance needs Joe LaTour Joe LaTour Registered Representative Registered Representative Investment Investment Advisor Representative Large & Small Animals Advisor Representative Wealth manager & Retirement plan- Wealth manager & Retirement plan- Call Today! It’s Your Money! or 417.683.9553 Call Today! It’s417.886.5724 Your Money! CD’s, money market College savings, Insurance needs WWW.JOELATOUR.COM 417.886.5724 or 417.683.9553 (417) 683-6830 WWW.JOELATOUR.COM Securities offered through Center Street Securities, Inc.(CSS), a registered Broker-Dealer & member FINRA & SIPC. Investment Advisory Services offered through LaTour Asset Management, LLC A Registered Investment Advisor in the State of Missouri. Insurance products and services through LaTour Advisory Group Inc. LaTour Advisory Group, Inc and LaTour Asset Management, LLC are affiliated companies. LaTour Advisory Group Inc. and LaTour Asset Management, LLC are separate entities and independently operated from Center Street Securities, Inc. 24 Hr. Emergency services Farm & House calls www.AnimalClinicofAva.com facebook.com/AnimalClinicofAva DR. MIKE PETERS DR. KELSEY WITTE DR. BETH KEARNS DR. REBECCA BRAUN Securities offered through Center Street Securities, Inc.(CSS), a registered Broker-Dealer & member FINRA & SIPC. Investment Advisory Services offered through LaTour Asset Management, LLC A Registered Investment Advisor in the State of Missouri. Insurance products and services through LaTour Advisory Group Inc. LaTour Advisory Group, Inc and LaTour Asset Management, LLC are affiliated companies. LaTour Advisory Group Inc. and LaTour Asset Management, LLC are separate entities and independently operated from Center Street Securities, Inc. Best of luck to all competitors! Please support the MFTHBA and Versatility Arena by sponsoring and competing in these classes this Spring and at the Celebration! Smart. Friendly. Solutions. 1106 NW 12th Ave. | 417.683.4147 tcbanks.com | Member FDIC Clinkingbeard Funeral Homes, Inc. 100 Year Anniversary Ava, Missouri 417-683-4115 Gainesville, Missouri 417-679-3315 Dedicated to your needs... worthy of your trust Serving The Area Since 1915 Home Owned - A trusted and proven firm Lyle & Florence, Kirk, Toni Clinkingbeard and Staff 21 22 23 Heza Rock Star 2015 Three Year Old Futurity Open Amateur Champion Owned by Amber Wilson & Colleen Wilson Exhibited by Amber Wilson Sire: So thern la o • Dam: irate’s Stard st S Sparkling Trax 2015 Three Year Old Futurity Amateur Owned and Trained Champion Sire: ned oger and ar ara Dedmon xhi ited oger Dedmon isso ri s Final ttra tion • Dam: Lil ee
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