Three Year Old Futurity - Missouri Fox Trotting Horse Breed
Three Year Old Futurity - Missouri Fox Trotting Horse Breed
2014 Spring Show &Three Year Old Futurity Pinky Tuscadero 2013 Three Year Old Futurity Open Champion Ridden by: Randy Williams Owned by: Therese Murray, Kansas City MO SPONSORS 2014 Spring Show Vendors’ Special patron: A Little Silver Lining Chittenden Concessions Cowtown USA Inc. D&L BBQ Fried and Frozen (Salt Ent) Hedgpeth Saddlery Hillbilly Holler Kingpin’s Smokehouse Bar-b-que Miss Judy’s Concessions Monty’s Smokehouse & Catering Saddle & Spur Sam’s Club TJ Concessions W-3 Cowgirl Trading Co Western Tack Exchange Wildwood Kettle Corn JenniJoe Stables Farmington, ar claSS SponSorS: Great Southern Bank tom Williams Stables Buffalo, Mo Wilson Farms Foxtrotters Bonner Springs, KS Joe & Jennifer Stewart Best of Luck Farmington, Arkansas • 479-601-4567 A Little Silver Lining makes custom handcrafted artisan equine jewelry! to everyone in the 3 Year Old Futurity! Looking forward to the 2014 Show Season! Featuring horse hair jewelry and Missouri Fox Trotter jewelry see me on vendor’s row Classes, Friends, Riding & Camaraderie! 859-333-0458 3 Missouri Fox Trotting Horse Breed Association PO Box 1027 • Ava, MO 65608 • (417) 683-2468 P • (417) 683-6144 Fax email: • Show Manager: Kelli Tokar Show Coordinator: Julie Cook Office Staff: Cathy Lansdown PhotograPherS Dale esther arena: Steve Mayfield Photography: 417-689-4126, Versatility arena: Royal Ridge Designs: 417-252-1601, BoarD of DireCtorS PreSiDeNt: Joyce Graening ViCe PreSiDeNt: Pamela Lynn SeCretarY/treaSUrer: Albert Cook, Jr. Directors: Reg. 1 Mickey Fournier, Reg. 2 Craig Dansie, Reg. 3, Jarrod Freeman, Reg. 4 Larry Kilroy, Reg. 5 Ted Nichols, Reg. 6 Cecil Huff, Reg. 7 Gordon Thompson, Reg. 8 Jennifer West, Reg. 9 Ronnie Davis, Reg. 10 John Brandreth. Show PerSoNNel Dale Esther Arena Announcer - Larry Moore Organist - Valerie Mason Scoring - Terry Thomas JUDgeS Larry Porter, Linda Shaddy, Donnie Daugherty, Andrew Hendrix, and Marvin Roderman VerSatilitY areNa Announcer – TBA Judge – Gary Hayes Scoring – Morgan Cook DQPs - Garry DeVore, Randall Dennis, Kelly Case DQP Administrator - Tammy McFarlin eMergeNCY CoNtaCt iNforMatioN VeteriNariaN - Animal Clinic of Ava, Dr. Mike Peters, 417-683-6830 FIRE: 417-683-5512 • SHERIFF: 417-683-1020 AMBULANCE: 1-800-315-4911 OR LOCAL 417-683-5555 4 SHOWGROUND POLICIES Chow Chow, Presa Canario, any trained guard dog, any dog with vicious tendencies or any dog who has bitten someone. a dog of mixed breed, which includes any prohibited breed, is still unacceptable. Code of ConduCt Ethical, sportsmanlike, professional conduct, and humane treatment of horses is expected of all exhibitors, coaches, agents and spectators. Intimidation and abusive conduct will not be tolerated on the show grounds. Owners/handlers of prohibited breeds, confrontational, aggressive or excessively barking dogs will be asked to remove such dogs from MFTHBA showgrounds. offiCial SHoW PHotograPHerS The MFTHBA is pleased to have Steve Mayfield Photography and Royal Ridge Designs as the official photographers for the Spring Show and Three Year Old Futurity. These professionals are the only photographers authorized by the MFTHBA to publicly sell photos. golf Cart/utility VeHiCle PoliCy All golf carts and/or utility vehicles must have a current permit issued by the MFTHBA office. Current insurance is required to operate a golf cart or other utility vehicle on MFTHBA property. Operators understand that he/she must be 16 years of age and possess a valid driver’s license. HorSeS entering SHoWgroundS All horses entering the showgrounds must have a negative Coggins test and a Certificate of Veterinary Inspection, regardless of state of origin. In addition, the MFTHBA Board of Directors highly encourages all horses to be vaccinated for influenza. Horses must enter through the equine entry gait to have paperwork checked. All horses will be charged a $10 inspection fee. alCoHol, SMoking and dogS are ProHiBited froM tHe StandS of tHe dale eStHer and VerSatility arenaS. MftHBa offiCe HourS: Monday through Friday 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. dog PoliCy Dogs will be allowed on MFTHBA Showgrounds on a 6’ maximum leash. Only 2 dogs per camp, unless prior arrangements have been made with the MFTHBA. Seeing eye and service dogs are exempt. Three dog walk areas have been designated. North Dog Walking Area-NW of barn 13, west of road. South Dog Walking Area-Below hill south of camper #’s 1-20. West Dog Walking Area-Below hill west of versatility arena. If you choose not to use one of these designated areas, please carry a pooper scooper and clean up after your pet. SHoW offiCe HourS: Tuesday: 1PM-5PM Wednesday-Friday: 9AM-5PM Saturday: 1PM-5PM Entries will be accepted only during Show Office Hours, no exceptions. No dogs allowed at any time in the spectator area at any of the five arenas located on the showgrounds. Service dogs are exempt. Offering Official MFTHBA Merchandise Be sure to stop by the Fox Trot Store! The Fox Trot Store Located in the Roy Williams Pavilion Store HourS The following dog breeds have been determined to be dangerous by the MFTHBA insurance carrier and will not be allowed on the MFTHBA showgrounds; Pit Bull, american Bull terrier, yankee terrier, rottweiler, Wolfe Hybrid (tundra Shepherds), akita, tueSday: 9aM-5PM WedneSday – Saturday: 9aM to 9PM 5 Performance & Model The MFTHBA’s Fox Trot America Program recognizes MFTHBA members for the hours they spend riding their registered Missouri Fox Trotters! Key components of the program include • Onetimenominationfeeof$30aslongasMFTHBAmembershipis maintained and an hour log is submitted yearly, even if you sell the nominated horse. As long as the new owner maintains their membership and submits an hour log, no new nomination is needed. • Hoursarepartofthehorse’spermanentrecordmaintainedat theregistryoffice • Recognitionforcumulativehoursriddenplusrecognitionofyearly hour winner in each MFTHBA region • Startingin2014,participantsmayalsosubmitmileagewiththeir annual logs. Mileage will be recorded in the horse’s permanent record but will not be used for awards. Scoring System In model and performance classes, MFTHBA utilizes the HighLow Olympic Judging System for scoring classes. Judges positions rotate with the judge in the southwest corner of the ring serving as the Call Judge. This judge determines when horses will change gaits during the performance classes. Once placings have been assigned by each judge, the highest and lowest placing for each entry is eliminated. The remaining placings for each exhibitor will be assigned points. The entry with the most points wins. In the case of a tie, the Call Judge’s card breaks the tie. New this year! One Fox Trot America participant will win a custom made Hedgpeth Saddle, the official trail saddle of the MFTHBA. All2014participantswhosubmithourlogsbythe January31,2015deadlinewillbeentered to win. Learn more about Hedgpeth For application for Fox Trot American Award Program contact MFTHBA. Or visit: MFTBHA • PO Box 1027 • Ava, MO 65608 417-683-2468 1st- 120 2nd- 105 3rd- 91 4th- 78 5th- 66 6th- 55 7th- 45 8th- 36 9th- 28 10th- 21 Dunk a MFTHBA Board Member, Trainer or Member! Friday, June 6, 2014 • Starting at Noon Tank will be located on Vendor Row Spend your Friday afternoon dunking your favorite board member, trainer or member and help raise money for Missouri Fox Trotting Horse Promotion and Membership programs. Minimum donation of $2 per throw or 3 throws for $5 Make a splash by dunking one of the following: • Buck Thompson • Dallee Porter • David Ogle • Erin Patterson • Garrett King • Geno Middleton • Jarrod Freeman • Joyce Graening • Shawn Stangl The individual that earns the most money during their 15 minutes will receive 20% of the profits; remaining money will be used for MFTHBA promotion and membership programs. 6 2014 35th Annual 3 Year Old Futurity Spring Show and Youth Seminar June 3-7, 2014 YOUTH SEMINAR, TUESDAY, JUNE 3, 2014 - 9:00am Hall of Fame Room WEDNESDAY, June 4, 2014-10:00am -Versatility Arena 1. Open Showmanship 2. Youth Showmanship 3. Pony Fun Class—Game to Be Announced(Pony Triathalon) (No Canter) Rider 7-14 4. Pony Fun Class—Game to Be Announced(Pony Triathalon) (No Canter) Rider 7-14 5. Open Trail 6. Youth Trail 7. Open Western Pleasure 8. Youth Western Pleasure 9. Open Western Horsemanship 10. Youth Western Horsemanship 11. Open Reining 12. Youth Reining 13. Open Barrel Race 14. Youth Barrel Race 15. Open Pole Bending 16. Youth Pole Bending WEDNESDAY, June 4, 2014 - 6:30pm - Main Arena 17. Youth Model 18. Youth Leadline (Riders age 2-6, One Rider Per Horse) 19. Senior Citizens (62 & Older, No Canter) 20. Amateur Owned & Trained Stallions & Geldings 3 Yrs & Older (Top 10 will show in class 67) (No Canter) 21. Youth Novice Rider Age 17 and under (No Canter) 22. Ladies Out of State (No Canter) (Top 10 will show in class 66) 23. Open Amateur Three Year Old (No Canter) (Top 10 will show in class 68) 24. Youth Equitation 11 and Under (No Canter) 25. Open Amateur 4 Yr Old Mares (Top 10 will show in class 68)(No Canter) 26. Open 4 Years & Older Mares (Top 10 will show in class 70)(Will Canter) 27. Youth Equitation 12-17 (No Canter) 28. Open Amateur 4 Yr Old Stallions & Geldings (Top 10 will show in class 68) (No canter) 29. Open 4 Years & Older Stallions & Geldings (Top 10 will show in class 70) (Will Canter) THURSDAY, June 5, 2014 - 10:00am - Versatility Arena 30. Ranch Horse Cutting 31. Ranch Horse - Roping 32. Ranch Horse - Working Cow Horse 33. Ranch Horse - Versatility 34. Ranch Horse - Pleasure 35. Ranch Horse - Conformation THURSDAY, June 5, 2014 - 6:30pm - Main Arena 36. English Pleasure (No Canter) 37. Open Amateur Restricted Mares 3 Yrs & Older (Top 10 will show in class 65)(No Canter) 38. Men’s Out of State (No Canter) (Top 10 will show in class 66) 39. Open 3 Year Old (No Canter) 40. Open Amateur Restricted Stallions & Geldings 3 Yrs & Older (Top 10 will show in class 65)(No Canter) 41. Ladies 3 Yrs & 4 Yr Old (No Canter) 42. Classic Horse 12 Yrs & Older (No Canter) 43. Three Year Old Futurity Mares-Open Amateur (Top 10 will show in class 72) 44. Three Year Old Futurity Mares-Amateur O&T (Top 10 will show in class 73) Current Coggins and Health Certificate required upon entering showground. Influenza vaccination recommended 45. Three Year Old Futurity Mares-Open (Top 10 will show in class 74) 46. Three Year Old Futurity Stallions & Geldings-Open Amateur (Top 10 will show in class 72) 47. Three Year Old Futurity Stallions & Geldings-Amateur O&T (Top 10 will show in class 73) 48. Three Year Old Futurity Stallions & Geldings-Open (Top 10 will show in class 74) FRIDAY, June 6, 2014 - 6:30pm - Main Arena 49.Open Amateur Model 50.Open Model 51A. Youth 11 & Under A (Top 10 will show in class 63) (No Canter) 52..Ladies 4 Yrs & Older Mares 51B. Youth 11 and Under B (Top 10 will show in class 63) (No Canter) 53.Amateur Owned & Trained Mares 3 Yrs & Older (Top 10 will show in class 67) (No Canter) 54. Ladies Amateur Owned Specialty 5 Yrs & Older Mares (Top 7 will show in class 69) (No Canter) 55. Youth 12-14 (Top 10 will show in class 64) (No Canter) 56. Men’s Amateur Owned Specialty 5 Yrs & Older (Top 7 will show in class 69) (No Canter) 57. Ladies 4 Yrs & Older Stallions & Geldings 58. Youth 15-17 (Top 10 will show in class 64) (No Canter) 59. Ladies Amateur Owned Specialty 5 Yrs & Older S&G (Top 7 will show in class 69) (No Canter) 60. Open Amateur 5 Yrs & Older Mares (Top 10 will show in class 71) (Will Canter) 61. Open Amateur 5 Yrs & Older S&G (Top 10 will show in class 71) (Will Canter) SATURDAY, June 7, 2014 - 10am Foxtrot Playground Trail Obstacle Competition Youth Division Open Amateur Division Open Division SATURDAY, June 7, 2014 - 6:30pm - Main Arena 62. Pony Performance (Pony Triathalon) (No Canter) Rider 7-14 63. Youth Champion 11 and Under (Top 10 from classes 51A & 51B (No Canter) 64. Youth Champion 12-17 (Top 10 from classes 55 & 58) (No Canter) 65. Open Amateur Restricted 3 Yrs & Older Champion (Top 10 from classes 37 & 40) (No Canter) 66. Out of State Champion (Top 10 from classes 22 and 38) (No Canter) 67. Amateur Owned & Trained 3 Yrs & Older Champion (Top 10 from classes 20 and 53) 68. Open Amateur 3 & 4 Yr Old Champion (Top 10 from classes 23,25 & 28) (No Canter) 69. Amateur Owned Specialty 5 Yrs & Older Champion (Top 7 from classes 54, 56& 59) (No Canter) 70. Open 4 Years & Older Champion (Top 10 from classes 26 & 29) (Will Canter) 71. Open Amateur 5 Yrs & Older Champion (Top 10 from classes 60 & 61) (Will Canter) 72. Three Year Old Futurity Champion-Open Amateur (Top 10 from classes 43 & 46) 73. Three Year Old Futurity Champion-Amateur O&T (Top 10 from classes 44 & 47) 74. Three Year Old Futurity Champion-Open (Top 10 from classes 45 & 48) OPEN AMATEUR RESTRICTED: Exhibitor may not have won a performance WGC or Reserve WGC at any time (Novice and Youth Divisions are excluded). Exhibitors may not have won a 1st or 2nd place in any performance class at the Spring Show or Celebration, excluding Novice and Youth, in the past 2 calendar years. FOR MORE INFORMATION: High Point Awards will be given in the following three divisions: Youth Versatility Champion, Open Versatility Champion, Versatility Ranch Horse Champion Pony Tri-athalon will consist of two fun classes and performance class. It is the responsibility of the exhibitor to read the rule book and class schedule and understand the qualifications to show in any class or compete for high point awards. TO ENTER A HORSE IN THE SHOW: 1. All horses entered in the show must be registered in the Missouri Fox Trotting Horse Breed Association or the Missouri Fox Trotting Pony Registry. 2. You must present current negative Coggins test papers with horse pass sticker and original registration papers at entry desk. 3. The Board reserves the right to combine or split classes as needed. The Board of Directors and Show Committee are not responsible and reserve the right to correct typographical errors. EXHIBITORS: 1. All exhibitors will be expected to comply with the Rules, Standards and Policies book of the Missouri Fox Trotting Horse Breed Association. 2. Any exhibitor causing undue disturbance or exhibiting poor sportsmanship will be barred from showing in this show and will forfeit all winnings for this show. 3. Each exhibitor will be assessed a show entry fee. 4. It is recommended that all youth age 11 & under wear an ASTM/SEI certified helmet and use an electronic wireless device while riding at any time on the MFTHBA grounds. 5. Youth 11 and under will be allowed to Exhibit only in designated youth classes. 6. JUDGES DECISION IS FINAL. 7 Southern Playboy named 2013 Stallion of the year SenSation’S Southern Gentleman: 2013 BreedinG Stallion of the Year By Josephine Cozean Styron The stallion with the most foals registered from October of 2012 and October of 2013 won the Breeding Stallion of the Year award. The winner was Sensation’s Southern Gentleman, owned by Gordon and Judy Lewis of Clarkridge, Arkansas. Sadly, the beautiful 2001 palomino stallion recently was put down due to rare complications from a bladder stone. “He was doing quite a job for the MFTHBA,” said Gordon Lewis. “People who train his colts say they have a good late Sensation’s Southern Gentleman,”Elmo,” sound mind and are easy to train. It’s a sad Thetakes good care of Gordon and Judy Lewis’ loss.” granddaughter. Photo courtesy of Gordon Lewis The big stallion, nicknamed “Elmo,” had what it took to show. But both Lewis and Elmo liked the action and maneuvers required to work cattle. The duo worked cattle at sale barns and participated in team pennings. Elmo was sired by Southern Sunrise and was out of Molly’s Sensation CLL. “The people who have Elmo’s offspring are die-hard fans,” said breeder, Lola Moberly. “Elmo stamped his looks and the way he moved onto his offspring,” she said. Lewis will continue Elmo’s bloodline by using the stallion’s sons for breeding. “Sensation’s Southern Gentleman was a super nice horse,” said Lewis. “He will be missed.” By Josephine Cozean Styron The Stallion of the Year Award honors the stallion with the most successful offspring at MFTHBA-sponsored shows. Southern Playboy, owned, bred, trained, and shown by Clyde Connelly of Ava, Missouri, is the 2013 MFTHBA Stallion of the Year. The gentle World Grand Champion palomino was the only stallion to appear in the top five on all three stallion categories: Stallion of the Year, Breeding Stallion of the Year, and the 2013 test run of a possible new Award Program category, “Top Broodmare Sire,” which acknowledges those stallions who are producing the top broodmares. “His customers have made ‘Playboy’ the top stallion,” said Connelly, noting that his stallion crosses with mares of all types of abilities. In 2006 at age 11, Southern Playboy became the oldest horse to win the Senior Open World Grand Championship (WGC). During the last four nights of the 2006 Celebration, Playboy won two Senior Stallions and Geldings World Championship classes and two Senior World Championship stakes classes, including the Senior Open WGC class. “What separates Playboy year in and year out is what his foals can do. Playboy’s foals seem to be in all of the show rings--model, performance, and versatility,” said Connelly. And, they are winning. Clyde Connelly takes a victory lap on Southern Playboy during the 2006 Celebration. Photo courtesy of Clyde Connelly Matt Keeter 2013 award Given to Ralph Smith David Ogle Honored as 2013 Trainer of The Year By Josephine Cozean Styron By Josephine Cozean Styron For the Matt Keeter Sportsmanship Award, MFTHBA members nominated other members who showed good sportsmanship. They could cast one vote online. This award was begun by Shirley and Darrell Keeter of Harrison, Arkansas, in honor of their grandson, Matthew Keeter, who loved to show Missouri Fox Trotters before his death at age 14. Ralph Smith of Berryville, Arkansas, received the 2013 Matt Keeter Sportsmanship Award. “Ralph has as much fun watching others win as winning himself,” said MFTHBA President, Dr. Joyce Graening. “Showing is not about the place you get or winning or losing,“ said Smith. “It’s about going out there and being proud of your horse. Being a good sport means that when the other person wins, you’ll be able to clap and tell him, “Good job!” But Smith is a determined competitor. He and his mare, B.J.’s Charm, won the Amateur Owned and Trained Three-Yearsand-Older Reserve Championship at the 2013 Spring Show. “It’s been wonderful just getting to compete. My granddaughters and my wife go with me,” said Smith. “People have accepted us and made us feel special. I Ralph Smith and B.J.’s Charm won a Reserve Championship in the Amateur Owned and Trained Three Years and Older class feel really honored to get this award.” at the 2013 Spring Show. Photo courtesy of the MFTHBA. The Membership Committee awards Program’s Trainer of the Year All trainers, whether for performance, trail, versatility, or model, were eligible for this award. Trainers were nominated by MFTHBA members, then each member was able to cast one vote in the online-only voting. David Ogle of Milestone Stables in Ash Grove, Missouri, is the 2013 Trainer of the Year. “David Ogle is very kind and patient with the horses. He is an absolutely wonderful trainer and a very good businessman,” said Willa Danner of Abilene, Kansas, whose mare, Frank’s Kansas Red D, is one of many champions that Ogle has trained. Barb Saxton-Turner of PBarT Ranch in Independence, Minnesota, agrees. “David is a dedicated trainer. My husband Phill and I think he brings out the true foxtrot. And, David makes the excellent care and well-being of our horses a priority. He’s smart, and he does a great job.” Ogle is as adept at working with riders as he is working with their horses. “I first showed in 1976, and I’ve been training for a long time. It’s been very gratifying, and I’ve been very honored and humbled by this award,” said Ogle. “I would like to thank the Association and the membership for their support in naming me for this award.” 2013 MFTHBA Trainer of the Year rides his stallion, Patriot’s Limited Edition, in Ava. Photo courtesy of David Ogle 8 Spring Show National Trail Ride Schedule Award-winning television newscaster, Larry Moore, has anchored the number one rated 5, 6 and 10 o’clock news in KansasCityforover40years.His6and 10p.m.newscastswerethehighestrated inthenationforABCforover10straight years. Moore has received hundreds of awards, honors and citations from mediaandcivicgroupsduringhiscareer including: • • • • • • • MissouriandKansasBroadcastersAssociations TheMissouriRadio&TVNewsAssociation TheKansasCityPressClub BestTVNewsAnchorbyseveralKCMagazines onnumerousoccasions KansasCityTVPersonoftheCentury OneofKansasCity’sTop10Celebrities October,2014willbehonoredasthe 2014OutstandingKansasCitian. June 3 June 4 June 5 June 6 AsofDecember,2013,Larryassumeda“semi-retirement”position with KMBC-TV. While continuing to work at the TV station, Larry nowhasmoretimetospendwithhiswife,Ruth,their5children, 5grandchildren,hisgardenandhischarities.LarryandRuthown Celebrity Farms, home to champion Missouri Fox Trotting horses, includingAFancyFloozy. Letsinger Farm Ride Abbey Ride Crystal Lake Ranch Corbett Potter National Forest Trail Ride Note: Rides require trailering to the trail head. These rides will meet across from the main gate and leave for the trail head at 8:30am. The rides will start from the trail head at 10:00am. Riders need to bring a sack lunch. It is recommended that all horses be shod. If you have any questions please call Dale Lawson (417) 683-6046 or Stephen Assenmacher (417) 796-2912. Larryisthrilledtobeyourannouncerforboththe2014ThreeYear OldFuturity&SpringShowandthe2014Show&Celebration. Held In The MFTHBA Showgrounds Versatility Arena. Selling First 100 Horses Consigned. TERMS & CONDITIONS OF SALE: CATALOG DEADLINE IS TUESDAY, AUGUST 12, OR FIRST 100 HORSES CONSIGNED, WHICHEVER COMES FIRST. 1.) An $85 Consignment Fee to consign your horse with a reserve or a $50 Consignment Fee to consign your horse absolute with no reserve along with a copy of the Registration Papers and Digital Photographs. 2.) There is no Commission Charged to Sellers! 10% Buyer’s Premium will be assessed to buyers. 3.) Adam’s Auction Service is acting as an agent on all sales and will not be responsible for accidents or mishandling between buyer and seller. 4.) Negative Coggins test and health papers required on all horses. Mail Consignment Form, Registration Papers and Check to : Adam’s Auction, 120 W Main Street, Suite 210, Belleville, IL 62220. Email digital photos to: Horse’s Name: Breed: Color: Sex: ABSOLUTE AUCTION: Year Foaled Owners Name: Owners Address: Remarks: EMAIL: 9 Yes No Pinky Tuscadero 2013 Three-Year-Old Futurity Open Champion: By Josephine Cozean Styron Pinky Tuscadero, owned by Therese Murray of Kansas City, Missouri, and ridden by trainer Randy Williams of Buffalo, Missouri, won the 2013 Three-Year-Old Futurity Open Championship. Her breeders, Lisa and Alan King of Harrison, Arkansas, named their horse after the character Pinky Tuscadero on the television series, Happy Days. The beautiful chestnut mare “has a lot of natural snap in the show ring. She is fluid and graceful, and is a big-lick natural foxtrotting mare,” said Murray. It was that natural ability and potential that attracted Randy Williams and then Therese Murray to buy Pinky. “We knew early on that she had a lot of talent,” said Murray. Pinky is also very pretty. “When I first saw Pinky as a yearling, I was impressed with her beauty and her pedigree,” said Murray. “She is a sweet mare who has excellent fineboned conformation and big, gentle eyes. She is willing in the show ring, which is typical of Grand Central babies.” Pinky’s dam, New Dawn O, was sired by the late Prince Jester, and Grand Central, her sire, is a Prince Jester grandson. “Pinky is deeply Prince Jester-bred, and she somewhat reminds me of Prince Jester, who was a World Grand Champion,” said Therese. “He was an exciting show horse, and Pinky is exciting to watch in the show ring. We are happy that she is living up to our expectations.” Although Williams and Murray didn’t show Pinky until she was three years old, the beautiful young mare has excelled in the show ring. “Pinky got straight firsts from all the judges at the 3-Y-O Futurity in both the preliminary and championship classes, just like her sire, Grand Central. And, like Grand Central, Pinky got all firsts from the judges at the preliminary and championship classes at the Mid-America,” said Murray. “I was thrilled when Pinky won the Futurity Open Championship. I was excited for both Pinky and for Randy, because that was his first 3-Y-O Futurity Championship.” Pinky went on to take the 3-Y-O Open Reserve World Grand Championship at the 2013 Annual Fall Show and Celebration. More recently the dynamic mare won the Open Mares Four-Years-and-Older, then the Open Four-Years-and-Older Championship class at the Pinky Tuscadero and Therese Murray 2014 Arkansas Cup show in Fayetteville. Randy Williams up • Photo courtesy of MFTHBA “Randy and I appreciate all the support shown for Pinky by her many fans,” said Murray. 2013 Three Year Old Docs Surgeon General: Futurity Open Amateur Winner By Josephine Cozean Styron “ I was on cloud nine that night I won the Three-Year-Old Futurity Open Amateur class. It was a personal goal of mine since I have been showing for the past 20 years,” said Autumn Larkowski, of Strafford, Missouri. “‘Clyde” has a big heart and wants to please you. That’s why he makes such a great show horse,” said Larkowski. “Clyde takes after his parents, which I own. His sire, The Witch Doctor, has a big heart and a fancy way of going. His dam, Missouri’s Charisma, had unbelievable reach and finesse. Clyde got the best of both his parents. It is really nice when your breeding program pays off, and other people can see what you have worked so hard for.” “Clyde seems to eat up the track like he is on a mission to give you all he has to give. He is really very exciting to ride.” Larkowski thanks her trainer, Thomas Williams, and Danielle Anthony for making her look good in the show ring. “Tom did all the work the previous four months. All I had to do was get on and have fun,” she said. “I also want to send a BIG THANK YOU to my husband, Brian Larkowski, for letting me steal his ride,” added Larkowski. Larkowski will be showing her mare, Baby Grand, this season. “Clyde has been sold to Vic and Alice Rowden. I wish them luck in 2014,” Larkowski said. Autumn Larkowski & Docs Surgeon General 10 3 Year Old Futurity Amateur Owned & Trained: By Josephine Cozean Styron Won by Ain’t She Grand When Melody Nagel trained Ain’t She Grand, it was the first time she had ever trained a horse without a lot of assistance from her parents, Tom and Donna Struemph. But, with the support of her family, the young mother from New Bloomfield, Missouri, did such a good job that she ended up riding the victory lap as winner of the 2013 Three-Year-Old Futurity Amateur Owned & Trained class. “I was absolutely thrilled to be crowned champion. I had shown Angel’s mother in the 3-Y-O Futurity and did quite well with her, so it’s exciting to do so well with her daughter, too,” said Melody. Melody and her mother, of California, Missouri, co-own Ain’t She Grand, aka “Angel,” who was sired by Grand Central and is out of Donna’s mare, Delicious Surprise. “My mom and I both bred our mares to Grand Central,” said Melody. Because Melody prefers mares and her mother prefers geldings, the two ended up swapping colts. Angel was broke to ride by Brian Oglesby in 2012, then turned out to grow until mid-March. “For all of these years, I had driven to my parents’ place to ride,” said Melody. “My dad normally breaks our colts to ride, and then my mom and I take over.“ But in 2013 she finally got her own riding barn. When bad weather ripped off the gutters on her barn and kept the inside wet, Melody began training her filly on her long, straight driveway. “I would saddle up every night and ride up and down my driveway,” said Melody. Most of the time she would be accompanied by her young son Payden, riding his gator or bike beside her. “If he wasn’t beside us, one of my dogs or even one of the other horses in the pasture would be,” said Melody. “Our rides were not complete unless Payden got to ride when I finished.” Melody’s parents dropped by every other week to give advice and then check on her progress. “Angel has the best personality and never refuses to do what I ask. She is a little foxtrotting machine, and she has a big motor in the fact that she will never quit you,” Melody Nagel and Ain’t She Grand said Melody. “She has matured and grown a little since 2013. We’re going to show again Photo courtesy of MFTHBA at the Spring and Fall shows.” Lakey & Lakey Hay & Feed Largest Purina Dealer In a 35 Mile Radius! We Stock Strategy, Strategy Healthy Edge, Omolene 200 & 300 & Much More! Pine Shavings We Are A Dealer $5.50 Per Bag We also carry pet food by Diamond, Diamond Naturals & Taste Of The Wild We are EASY TO FIND! Just 4.5 Miles South Of The Fox Trotter Grounds On Highway 5! 1/2 Mile Past The Blinking 4-Way Light! 417-683-6781 Open Monday-Friday 8:00 AM-5:00 PM Saturday 8:00 AM- 12 Noon 11 For ChaffHaye! Full Line Of Economical Feeds By Crescent Feed! Small Bales Of Brome Prairie Bermuda Alfalfa Grassy Alfalfa 3 Year Old Futurity Open Reserve Champion: Mo Jazz Red Pride LJ By Josephine Cozean Styron Mo Jazz Red Pride LJ’s nickname “Pride” indicates how his owners, Ron and Linda Scott, feel about him. Pride, who stands stud at the Scott’s Ronlin Farms LLC in Dadeville, Missouri, won the 2013 ThreeYear-Old Futurity Open Reserve Championship, then won the Open Three-Year-Old Stallions and Geldings World Championship at the 2013 Fall Show and Celebration. “He’s a sweetheart,” said Linda, “and he’s got good lines.” Pride, out of Bay Lady’s Pride and sired by MoJazz A., was bred by Jack and Gail Vincent of Lebanon, Missouri. “His trainer and rider, Steve Dampier, does an excellent job with him. We’ve been very pleased,” said Linda. “We’ll show Pride and then maybe put him in some kind of trail versatility competition.” Pride is a favorite with Ronlin barn manager, Carly Henderson. “You can’t beat Pride’s personality. And,” she added, “he loves to play with his toys in his stall!” 2013 Three Year Old Futurity Open Amateur Reserve: Generals Golden Warrior S and Larry Kilroy By Josephine Cozean Styron The first time Larry Kilroy saw Generals Golden Warrior S, he liked him. The second time he saw “Warrior,” he bought him. “I was interested in him largely due to his sire, crossed to a Southern Sunrise mare,” said Kilroy. Warrior’s sire is Jester’s Charming General R, a full brother to the late World Grand Champion Prince Jester. Warrior was bred by Jim and Sue Standlee of Neosho, Missouri. Larry and Linda Kilroy liked his naturally nice walk and foxtrot. “He’s has a little Southern Sunrise in him, so he’s also got a very mellow disposition. After their Futurity reserve win, Kilroy and Warrior returned in September to take the Three-Year-Old Open Amateur World Grand Championship at the Fall Show and Celebration. Then the Kilroys took their World Grand Champion to the Big Piney Trail ride. Notice in any pictures of this ride that it’s Linda Kilroy riding the pretty palomino show horse. “Halfway through the summer, Linda appropriated Warrior,” laughed Kilroy. “She plans to show him in all the major 2014 shows.” Open Reserve Mo Jazz Red Pride LJ , Steve Dampier up, with Linda Scott Photo courtesy of MFTHBA Larry Kilroy and Generals Golden Warrior S • Photo courtesy of Larry Kilroy 2013 3-Year-Old-Futurity Amateur Owned and Trained Reserve Winner: Playboy’s Gypsy Rambler Sunset Ridge Foxtrotters & Hay Trail & Show Horses For Sale By Josephine Cozean Styron “You put so much into your horse, that when you have a good ride and the judges notice, it gives you satisfaction and joy,” said Cathy Landon, co-owner/ trainer with her husband Buddy of Playboy’s Gypsy Rambler, Reserve winner of the Three-Year-Old Amateur Owned & Trained class. The Landons bred their mare, Pride’s Gypsy Lady, to Southern Playboy “because we liked the combination of bloodlines. We were breeding for a natural gait and good temperament,” said Cathy. “Rambler’s a people horse.” Cathy broke him, starting with handling and round pen training. Then she graduated to “driving” him with the use of reins, teaching him to turn and stop. “Before he was ever ridden, he already knew all of that,” she said. “Buddy started him, trained him, and showed him,” said Cathy. The couple laid boards across their arena to help their stallion learn to trot by himself, then with someone on his back, before removing the boards. “We got him used to ribbons, flags, people, and other horses. We wanted to do it the right way.” Everything came together when they received the Reserve honors. “It was like a dream come true,” said Cathy. 214-578-3956 Pam Lynn • Tony Rash • Alexis Zastoupil 3977 CR 4040 • Whitewright, TX 75491 DEHNER STABLES Registered Missouri Foxtrotters Jeff Dehner Yvonne Dehner P.O. Box 205 Waterloo, IL 62298 Office (217) 523-5421 (618) 340-5077 • (618) 444-8952 Buddy and Cathy Landon and Playboys Gypsy Rambler Photo courtesy of MFTHBA 12 Advertise At the 2014 Missouri Fox trotting horse show And CelebrAtion Promote your products and services to the Missouri Fox trotting horse community through the Missouri Fox trotting horse show and Celebration. set in the heart of Fox trot country, this event brings in Missouri Fox trotting horse enthusiasts from around the world. August 31-september 6, 2014 show and Celebration Further maximize your exposure by combining your ad with a Class Sponsorship. World Champion Class Sponsor: $150 • • • Yourbusinesswillbementionedat least 28 times during the week. 1dailypasstotheshow Plus,BusinessCardadinthe ShowandCelebrationProgram World Grand Champion Sponsor: $250 • • • • Yourbusinesswillbementionedat east 28 times during the week. MentionedontheMFTHBSsocial media pages including your website link 1weeklypasstotheshow Plus,QuarterPageadinthe ShowandCelebrationProgram Catch the eye of Missouri Fox Trotting Horse owners,exhibitorsandenthusiastsatthe2014 Show and Celebration and beyond. Ad deadline: August 1 • Fullcolorpublication • Distributedtoattendeesandexhibitors • • Promotedviasocialmedia • Plus,theprogramwilldistributedat equineexposandotherevents throughout 2015 2014 rates FullPage:$250•HalfPage:$175 QuarterPage:$115•Businesscard:$75 InsideFront,InsideBackorBackCover:$350 Please circle ad size or class sPonsorshiP requested. MaterialsmustbesubmittedbytheadvertisingdeadlinelistedtheMFTHBAoffice. ForyourconvenienceyoumaypayviacreditcardorPayPal. AdvertiserName:(Pleaseprint) ______________________________________________________ FarmorCompanyName: ___________________________________________________________ Address: _________________________________________________________________________ Phone: Advertiser’sSignature: ______________________________ PaymentMethod:(circleone)CheckVisaMCDiscoverAmericanExpress Credit card #: ______________ - _______________- _____________ - ______________ Expirationdate:_____________Cardholder’ssignature: _________________________________ MFTBHA • PO Box 1027 • Ava, MO 65608 417-683-2468 • • 13 MFTHBA Membership Join together with others who love the Missouri Fox Trotting Horse to ensure the success of the breed registry and events that promote this wonderful horse. MFTHBA membership has its privileges. The support of Missouri Fox Trotter owners and enthusiasts from around the world allows the MFTHBA to: • • • • • • • • • • • • Attendorsponsoraffiliatestoattendequinehorsefairs to promote the breed SponsoreducationeventstoassistMissouriFoxTrotter owners with their horses Promotethebreedthroughvariouspromotionalactivities Maintainanaccurateregistryofthebreed OUR MEMBERS RECEIVE: AccesstoThe Journal,theofficialpublicationoftheMFTHBA TheAnnual Show and Celebration Catalog, the annual yearbook for the Missouri Fox Trotter YearlyaccesstotheOnlineRegistryDatabase(a$95value) DiscountedratesatMFTHBA-sponsoredseminars,clinics,andevents Theopportunitytoparticipateinprogramsdevelopedtorecognize your accomplishments, whether trail riding, showing, or just spending time with your Missouri Fox Trotter TheopportunitytoparticipateintheMFTHBA’sexclusivemarketing assistanceprogram,FoxtrotServiceNet TheopportunityforYouthMemberstoparticipateintheMFTHBA’sYouthProgram DiscountsandbenefitsfromcompaniesparticipatingintheMFTHBA MemberBenefitProgram MFTHBA Po Box 1027, AvA, Mo 65608 PHone: 417-683-2468 FAx: 417-683-6144 FoxTroT@MFTHBA.coM Missouri Fox TroTTing Horse Breed AssociATion 14 2014 MFTHBA Member Benefit Partners • • Apparel & Accessories McLaughlin’sWesternWear (660)327-4869 10%discountonWesternCollection andMcLaughlinDesignerLineshow clothes. ALittleSilverLining 859-333-0458 10%offoncustomjewelry. Equine Care • OmegaFields 5%discountwithcouponcode Riding Lessons, Clinics &/or Training • ErinPattersonPerformanceHorses (217)259-3288 20%offlessonpackages(3ormore lessons),10%offsinglelessons, &specialgrouplessonrates. • VaughtFamilyNaturalHorsemanship 417-399-4146 10%offinclinicsandlessons andhorsetraining. Services • Rick’sAutoClinic•(816)353-3777 MFTHBAMembersreceivea 10%discount. • Enterprise&NationalCarRental 1-877-881-5500• 5%offatEnterpriseand10%offat Nationalwithcouponcode. • Tack & Supplies C&LSaddlesandTack (870)847-5201• 10%discountonpurchases, excludingtrade-ins. • TheHandyCamelClip (816)651-2238 2clipsfor$20plusshipping, asavingsof$9.90. • • BigCreek Hartshorn,Missouri (877)932-4846 $10offfortheweeklongorganized trailrides. BrushyCreekLodgeandResort Black,Missouri•(573)269-4600 MFTHBAmembersreceivea10%discount. • BrushyHollowTrails Thornfield,Missouri•(417)251-2037 Membersreceivea50%discount. Mustbookaweekinadvance. • • EastFork Jamestown,Tennessee 1-800-97-TRAIL OfferingallcurrentMFTHBAmembers a10%discount. FlyingRRanch WestPlains,Missouri•(417)469-2267 OfferingallcurrentMFTHBAmembers 10%offoftheircampingfees. Trail Rides and Resorts • L-BoBendResort&CustomEmbroidery • FlyingWRanch (417)785-4350• CedarPoint,Kansas 10%discountforMFTHBAmembers. (620)274-4357 Tack & Supplies OfferingallcurrentMFTHBA • SpecTACKular membersa10%discount. (913)299-4494 • GoldenAcresRestN’Ride Ocala,Florida•(352)817-2862 OfferingallcurrentMFTHBAmembers a10%discount. • GoldenHillsTrailRides&Resort Raymondville,Missouri (417)457-6222• 10%discountonaweeklongvisit eitherontheirownoranorganizedride • JBarSTrailRidingCampground TrumanLake,Missouri (417)644-0212 IfMFTHBAmembersstaytwonights, theyget50%offthethirdnight. • MidwestTrailRide&Outpost Norman,Indiana 10%offcamping. • SlabtownTrailRides Plato,Missouri•(417)458-4938 OfferingcurrentMFTHBAmembers a10%discountoncampingfees. • TrueWestCampgroundandMercantile, BigSouthFork Jamestown,TN. 931-752-8272 OfferingMFTHBAmembers10%off camping. • VonHoltenRanch Mora,Missouri•(816)719-5988 Offeringa10%discountoffthefirst nightofcamping (electrichook-uporcabin). All discounts require the presentation of your MFTHBA membership card unless otherwise noted. Coupon codes are available on the Member’s Only Section of For all Trail Ride Facilities, members must identify themselves as MFTHBA members when making reservations and present their membership card when they arrive. MFTHBA Po Box 1027, AvA, Mo 65608 PHone: 417-683-2468 FAx: 417-683-6144 FoxTroT@MFTHBA.coM Missouri Fox TroTTing Horse Breed AssociATion 15 Congratulations David Ogle! 2013 MFTHBA Trainer of the Year Thank you for your commitment to our horses, your passion for the Missouri Fox Trotting Horse and your friendship! A well-deserved award for a talented trainer! Sincerely, Your Clients 16 NBC Foxtrot Horse Show August 7, 8, & 9, 2014 Ozark Empire Fairgrounds, Springfield, Manna Pro Thursday, August 7, 2014 7:30 pm 1. NBC Model Yearling Championship Limited Amateur, 3 & 4 year olds ** NBC 2.Foxtrot Horse Show Saturday, August 9, 2014 24. Youth 12-17 Championship ** 25. NBC Senior Amateur Championship (will canter) (Top 10 show back in Class 34) 26. Ladies Championship ** (Top 10 show back in Class 35) 27. Pony Game Competition #2 ** 3. August NBC 2 Year (A) 7,Old 8, Amateur & 9, 2014 Ozark Empire 4. Men, Fairgrounds, 18 & Over (A) **Springfield, MO 6:30 pm (Top 10 places of classes 7 & 9) Manna Pro (Top 10 show back in Class 31) 5. Limited Amateur, 5 years old & over ** 28. NBC Senior Open Championship (will canter) a Pro NBC Foxtrot Horse Show (Top 10 show back in Class 34) 29. Senior Citizens ** (rider 55 & over) (Top 10 show back in Class 36) 30. NBC 3 Yr Old Amateur Championship 6. NBC 2 Year Old Open (A) 7. Ladies, 18 & Over (A) ** August 7, 8, & 9, 2014 Horse Show (Top 10 show back in Class 26) 8. NBC 2 Year Old Amateur (B) (Top 10 show back in Class 35) ark Empire Fairgrounds, Springfield, Thursday, 7,182014 9. August Ladies, & Over (B) ** 7:30 pm (TopYearling 10 show back in Class 26) 1. NBC Model Championship 10.2014 NBC 2 Year Old Open (B) Saturday, August 9, 6:30 pm 2. Limited Amateur, 3back & 4 in year (Top 10 show Classolds 36) ** 24. Youth 12-17(Top Championship 10 show back in** 11. Men, 18 & Class Over34)(B) ** 3. NBC 2 Year Old Amateur (A) 31) (Top 10 show back in Class 25. NBC Senior Amateur Championship (Top 10 show back in Class 35) (Top 10 of classes 14 & 16) 31. Men’s Championship ** Ozark Empire Fairgrounds, Springfield, (Top 10 places of classes 4 & 11) 32. NBC 3 Year Old Open Championship Saturday, August 2014 (Top 109, places of classes 18 & 21) 6:30 pm 24. Youth ** 33.12-17 Pony Championship Performance ** 25. NBC34. Senior Amateur Championship Amateur Championship ** (No Canter) (will canter)(Top 10 from Classes 2, 5, & 13) 26. Ladies 35. Championship NBC 2 Year Old ** Amateur Championship (Top 10 places of classes 7 & 39)& 8) (Top 10 of classes 27. Pony Game #2 ** Pony Competition Awards Ceremony 4. Men, 18 & Over (A) ** Friday, August 8, 2014 7:30 pm 26. Ladies Championship ** (Top 10 show back in Class 31) 28. NBC36. Senior NBCOpen 2 YearChampionship Old Open Championship (Top 10 places of classes 7 & 9) Model Weanling Championship 12. NBC (will canter) 5. Limited Amateur, 5 years old & over ** (Top 10 of classes 6 & 10) 27. Pony Game (Top Competition ** 34) 10 show back#2 29. Senior Citizens ** (rider 55 & over) 13. Amateur,in5Class years old & older ** ** DENOTES NON-NBC CLASSES: Entry fee for Non-NBC 6. NBC 2 Year Open (TopOld 10 may show (A) back in Class 34) 28. NBC Senior Open Championship 30. NBC 3Classes Yr OldisAmateur $25 for all Championship youth classes, Senior Citizens class, (Top 10 show back in Class 36) (will canter) 14. NBC 3 Year Old Amateur (A) (Top 10Limited of classes 14 & 16) classes, English Pleasure, and prelimiAmateur 7. Ladies, 18 & Over (A) ** (Top 10 back in Class 30) 29. Senior Citizens ** (rider 55show & over) 31. Men’snary Championship ** classes & Amateur 5 & over class. Men’s, & Ladies (Top 10 show back in Class 26) 15. Youth, Ages 11 & Under Championship** (Top 10 places of classes 4 & 11) Entry fee for Amateur Championship and Ladies & 8. Old NBC 2 Year Old Amateur (B) 30. NBC 3 Yr Amateur Championship 32. NBC 3Men’s YearChampionship Old Open Championship (Top 1016) show in Class 35)Amateur (B) (Top 10 of classes 14 & Classes is $35. The top 5 places of 16. NBCback 3 Year Old (Top 10 places of classes 18 & 21) (Top 10 show back in Class 30) each Men’s, Ladies or Amateur 5 & over (inc Limited) 9. Ladies, 18 &** Over (B) ** 31. Men’s Championship Performance ** 10 show back in Class 26) 17. NBC Specialty, 4 & Over Championship 33. Pony preliminary (Top 10 places of(Top classes 4 & 11) class must show back in the championship Ozark Empire Fairgrounds, Springfield, (no canter) 10. NBC 2 Year Old Open (B) class Championship in order to collect**prize 34. Amateur (Nomoney. Canter) You must enter 32. NBC 3 Year Old Open Championship 10 show in Class 36)Open (A) NBC Year Old (Top back 10 fromat Classes 2, 5, &Desk 13) for all championship classes. (Top 10 places(Top of 18. classes 18 back &321) the Entry Saturday, August 6:30 pm35. NBC 2Limited (Top 10 show back in Class 32) 11. Men, 18 & (B)9, **2014 Year Old Amateur Championship Amateur—Riders cannot have won 1st place in 33. Pony **Over 7:30 pmPerformance (Top 10 show back in Championship Class 31) 19. Pony Game Competition #1 ** 24. Youth 12-17 ** (Top 10any of classes & 8) NBC 3amateur class in past 2 years. hip 34. Amateur Championship ** (No Canter) Pony Awards Ceremony 20. YrAmateur Old Amateur Championship 25.August NBC Championship from Classes 2, NBC 5, Senior & 8, 13)42014 TIE-OUT FEE: $10 PER HORSE, PER DAY WILL BE CHARGED FOR THOSE 7:30 pm ** (Top 10Friday, (no canter) (will canter) 36. NBC 2 Year Old Open Championship WITHOUT STALLS. 35. NBC 2 Year Old Amateur Championship 12. NBC Model Weanling NBCChampionship 3 Year OldChampionship Open 26.321. Ladies **(B) (Top 10ENTRY of classes 6 &Entries 10) for all classes will be taken on Wednesday evening from 5 DESK: (Top 10 of classes & 8) (Top 10 show back 7 (Top 10 of classes &Class 9) 32) p.m.—9 p.m., and on Thursday and Friday from 1:00 p.m.—5:30 p.m. and on Satur13. Amateur, 5places years old & inolder ** Pony Awards Ceremony NON-NBC CLASSES: Entry fee for Non-NBC day from 2 p.m.—4 p.m. All NBC Amateur entries and all Model entries are 22. English (horses 3#2 years 27. Pony Game Competition **old & over) ** ** DENOTES (Top 10 may show Pleasure back in Class 34) Classes is $25 for all youth classes, Senior Citizens class, required to present original MFTHBA registration papers. (noOld canter) 36. NBC 2 Year Old3Open Championship 14. NBC Year Amateur (A) 28.6 &NBC Senior Open Championship REQUIRED: classes, All horses entering show must have aand current negative Coggins (EIA) Limited Amateur English Pleasure, prelimi(Top 10 of classes 10) 23. NBCback 4 Yrin Old Championshp (will canter) (Top 10 show Class Open 30) (will canter) over ** test. Horses from out of state must have health 5papers. These papers will be nary Men’s, & Ladies classes & Amateur & over class. 15. Youth, Ages 11 & Under Championship checked at time of entry. 29. Senior Citizens ** (rider & over) ** ** DENOTES NON-NBC CLASSES: Entry fee for 55 Non-NBC (will canter) anna Pro trot Horse Show GENERAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING: General Membership Meeting & Entry Annu- fee for Amateur Championship and Ladies & ARENA: The fairgrounds arena will be open for riding from 1 p.m.—midnight on al3 Election of Officers will be heldCitizens on Sat., Aug. 9th at 1 p.m. at the main Men’s arena. Championship Classes is $35. The top 5 places of Classes is $25 all youth classes, Senior class, 16. for NBC Year Old Amateur (B) 30.ADMISSION: NBC 3 Yr$5.00 OldonAmateur Championship Wednesday, August 6th and from 8 a.m. – 5:30 p.m. on August 7th and 8th. Arena Thursday, $6.00 on Friday, $7.00 on Saturday, $15.00 10 show in Pleasure, Class Limited Amateur(Top classes, each Men’s, Ladies or Amateur & over (inc Limited) (Top 10 English ofback classes 14 & 30) 16) and prelimiwill be closed on August 9th during 5 General Membership Meeting. for Show Pass. Children 12 & under are free. 17. Specialty, & Over5Championship preliminary class must show back in the championship nary Men’s, & NBC Ladies classes &4 Amateur &** over class. 31. Men’s Championship (no canter) (TopChampionship 10 places of classes 4 & Ladies 11) class in orderBox to collect prizeSpringfield, money. You mustMO enter 65808 Entry fee for Amateur and & of Breeders, National Association P.O. 3193, 18. NBC 3 Year Old Open (A) back at the Entry Desk for all championship classes. 32. NBC 3 Year Old Open Championship Men’s Championship Classes is $35. The top 5 places of (Top 10(Top in of 32) 18 & 21) 10back places Limited Amateur—Riders cannot have won 1st place in each Men’s, Ladies orshow Amateur 5Class &classes over (inc Limited) 19. Pony Game Competition #1 ** 33. Pony Performance ** any NBC amateur class in past 2 years. preliminary class must show back in the championship class in order collect prize money. You must enter 20. toNBC 4 Yr Old Amateur Championship 34. Amateur Championship ** (No Canter) TIE-OUT FEE: $10 PER HORSE, PER DAY WILL BE CHARGED FOR THOSE (noDesk canter) (Top from Classes 2, 5, & 13) back at the Entry for10all championship classes. WITHOUT STALLS. 21. NBC 3 Year Old Open (B) 35. NBC 2cannot Year Old Amateur ENTRY DESK: Entries for all classes will be taken on Wednesday evening from 5 Limited Amateur—Riders have won 1st Championship place in (Top(Top 10 show back in Class 32) 10inof classes 3 & 8) p.m.—9 p.m., and on Thursday and Friday from 1:00 p.m.—5:30 p.m. and on Saturany NBC amateur class past 2 years. Ridden by: Geno Middleton, Pomona, MO Hit Me 2013 - 2 Year Old NBC Champion day from 2 p.m.—4 p.m. All NBC Amateur entries and all Model entries are 22. English Pleasure 3 years old & over) ** Pony Awards(horses Ceremony required toOwners: present original MFTHBA registration papers.Eddings, 7:30 pm TIE-OUT FEE: $10 PER HORSE, PER DAY WILL BE CHARGED FOR THOSE Alan King & Ben (no canter) 36. NBC 2 Year Old Open Championship REQUIRED: All horses entering show must have a current negative Coggins (EIA) WITHOUT STALLS. 23. NBC 4 Yr10Old Open&Championshp (will canter) nship Harrison, AR These papers will be test. Horses from out of state must have health papers. 10) ENTRY DESK: Entries for all(Top classesof willclasses be taken6 on Wednesday evening from 5 checked at time of entry. p.m.—9 p.m., and on Thursday and Friday from 1:00 p.m.—5:30 p.m. and on SaturGENERAL MEETING: General Membership Meeting Annu**MEMBERSHIP DENOTES NON-NBC CLASSES: Entry fee&for Non-NBC ARENA: The fairgrounds arena will be open for riding from 1 p.m.—midnight on day from 2 p.m.—4 p.m. All NBC Amateur entries and all Model al Election of Officers will be held on Sat., Aug. 9th atentries 1 p.m. are at the main arena. Wednesday, August 6th and from 8 a.m. – 5:30 p.m. on August 7th and 8th. Arena Classes is $25 for all youth classes, Senior Citizens ADMISSION: on Thursday, $6.00 on Friday, $7.00 on Saturday, $15.00 class, required to present original $5.00 MFTHBA registration papers. will be closed on August 9th during General Membership Meeting. Limited Amateur classes, English Pleasure, and prelimiShow entering Pass. Children 12 &have under are free.negative Coggins (EIA) REQUIRED: Allforhorses show must a current nary Men’s, & Ladies classes & Amateur 5 & over class. test. Horses ionship ** from out of state must have health papers. These papers will be Entry fee for Amateur Championship and Ladies P.O. & checked at time of entry. National Association of Breeders, Box 3193, Springfield, MO 65808 National Association of Breeders, P.O. Box 3193, 17 Springfield, MO 65808 • Quality Prospects & Finished Horses Available Producing Quality Foals With The Genetics, Conformation and Disposition To Excel In Any Activity. Fruit Loop Bob and Colleen Wilson Bonner Springs, Kansas 913-441-2752 • 18 Docs Surgeon General Aint She Grand 2013 Three Year Old Futurity Amateur Owned and Trained Champion 2013 Three Year Old Futurity Amateur Open Champion Ridden by: Melody Nagel Owned by: Melody Nagel, New Bloomfield, MO and Donna Struemph, California, MO tH S a d e p g d d l e The Official Trail Saddle Of The MFTHBA thE lEathER We use only English bridle leather to construct the entire saddle. English bridle leather is twice the strength of what other saddle makers use and soft so there is very little break-in time needed if any. the strength of the leather also allows us to use a lighter weight leather without sacrificing durability resulting in a strong but light weight all leather saddle we build on 9 different bar styles so we can it any horse or if you are riding many horses we can get you a tree that is the best fit for all. hedgpeth also offers a 100% satisfaction guarantee if the saddle does not fit you or the horse we can build you one that does or give a full refund no restocking fee. hEdgpEth saddlERy 4763 south 94th rd • Bolivar, Mo 65613 Cell Phone (417)399-2151 dONgOyEttE@CENtuRytEl.NEt Easy RidE saddlEs e H Ridden by: Autumn Larkowski Owned by: Brian and Autumn Larkowski, Strafford, MO designed by Clarence d. anderson over a period of years, the EasyRidE and Easylite saddle is one of the most comfortable saddles ever built. a special designed cushion seat gives the rider the ability to ride for hours without feeling tired or sore. EasyRidE and Easylite saddle owners say their ankles and knees no longer hurt or swell after riding. Not only is this saddle easy on the rider, it is easy on the horse as well. thE dEsigN What Makes Our saddles different? thE lEathER thE dEsigN thE sEat thE tREE thE sEat
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